Item 7 - Poway-Midland Railroad Volunteers Revenue Report AGENDA -;PORT SUMMARY TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council - FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Manager .- INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager~-t Robert L. Thomas, Director of Communi Services DATE: October 3, 1995 SUBJECT: Poway-Midland Railroad Volunteers Revenue Report ABSTRACT At the September 13, 1994 City Council meeting, the Council pledged to reimburse the Poway Midland Railroad Volunteers (PMRRV) for lost revenue due to reduced operating hours if the budget were negatively impacted. The FY 94-95 budget for PMRRV shows a surplus of $8,869. At the August 1, 1995 City Council meeting, Mayor Higginson requested that staff evaluate the potential revenue that PMRRV could have earned if the Council had approved an additional 96 hours of operation for the year. The potential revenue for 96 hours of operation is $6,378. - ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This item is not subject to CEQA review. FISCAL IMPACT None. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Additional notification sent to John Ohler and Mary Cross. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council receive and file this report. ACTION - II 1 of 7 OCT 3 1995 ITEM 7 I AGENDA REPOR'l' CITY OF POWAY TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Manager ~ INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manage~~ Robert L. Thomas, Director of Communit Services '12~ DATE: October 3, 1995 SUBJECT: Poway-Midland Railroad Volunteers Revenue Report BACKGROUND Poway-Midland Railroad Volunteers (PMRRV) currently operates a speeder and a steam locomotive at Old Poway Park. The approved operating hours are on Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Sunday from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., with no operation on the second Sunday of each month. PMRRV has requested that the City Council approve the rolling stock to operate on Sunday from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. This request has not been approved in order to achieve a proper balance between the desires of PMRRV and the adjacent neighborhood. PMRRV has requested reimbursement from the City due to lost revenue from the reduced operating hours on Sunday (Attachment 1). FINDINGS On September 13, 1994, the City Council approved operating hours for PMRRV for operation at Old Poway Park. PMRRV requested that they be reimbursed for potential lost revenue due to reduced operating hours. The Council decided that PMRRV would be entitled to reimbursement if their budget were negatively impacted and in a deficit mode. PMRRV has recently submitted the year-end budget for FY 1994-95 (Attachment 2) . The budget reflects a gross profit of $23,204, expenses of $14,334, and a net profit of $8,869.94. This budget surplus would therefore not warrant a City reimbursement for lost revenue. ACTION: 2 of 7 CT 3 1995 ITEM 7 .- .-. Agenda Report - PMRRV Revenue Report October 3, 1995 Page 2 At the August 1, 1995 City Council meeting, the City Council voted to retain the existing operating hours for the rolling stock at Old Poway Park. In response to the request from PMRRV for additional operating hours, Mayor Higgi.nson requested that the staff evaluate the additional revenue that could be earned if an additional two hours per Sunday or 96 hours annually had been approved. The average hourly revenue for operating the steam locomotive as calculated by PMRRV is $66.44. A total of 96 hours of operation would equate to $6,378.24 in revenue. The City values the partnership with PMRRV in order to provide the community with a pleasant experience at Old poway Park. The FY 95-96 budget has earmarked in excess of $70,000 in City funds for the rehabilitation and restoration of the rolling stock. A total of $10,000 in the FY 94-95 budget was approved for the installation of a pit in the train barn. Design on this project is now proceeding. The City has also budgeted in excess of $10,000 to retain rail maintenance consultants to provide a maintenance and operations audit of the track and train PMRRV in the concepts of track/wheel/train dynamics and inspection procedures. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This item is not subject to CEQA review. FISCAL IMPACT None. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Additional notification sent to John Ohler and Mary Cross. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council receive and file this report. JLB:JDF:RLT Attachments: 1 - PMRRV Request for Reimbursement of Lost Revenue 2 - PMRRV Year-End Budget (C:\OATA\AGENOA\AOOREVUE,PMR) OCT 3 1995 fi~ 7 I 3 of 7 --- ------------------ ------ ---------- ----------------- ______00___- ___________ ------ --- ---------------- ------- Poway Midland Railroad Volunteers, Inc. August 11, 1995 Bob Thomas Director Community ScMcca city ofPoway P.O. Box 789 Poway CA 92074-0789 Dear Bob: I have compiIcd 1bc avmIF hourly rnalllC 0WI'1bc IalIt 611lODlha, by clay and cquipmcmt. I have 11Io included the 10lIt rnalUC amount based on 1biI aoalysiI. The down lime is based on. norma1 runniIJs lime of 6 houn per clay (wc are eIigibIc to nm 7 houn on Sit but 1IIUaIIy nm 6). Sundays we caD oaly nm 3 houn 1ea\IiDg a down lime of 3 boun per normal Sunday. One Sunday a month is a down clay for a total 6 boun. I based 1bc total houn of down lime on 1bc foDowing formula: 13 weeb in Quarter 3 weeb of 6 houn ( dark SID1 ) 18 houn 10 weeb of 3 hours 30 boun Total 48 boun I hope 1hia informalion win be of hcJp to you, if you have any quesIiona pIeue can me: @ 679-12S2. Sincerely, ~ Mary CI'08lI secret.vyrrreasurer c run Bentz Ladonna Green 101m Ohler Doug S1I'Itton OCT 3 1995 ITEM 7 Attachment 1 4 of 7 - .- POW.4Y MlDUND R.4ILRO..w RIDERSHIP ANALYSIS INCLUDES DOWN TIME FED 1995 1BROUGH JULY 1995 FEBRUARY. MARCH 01 APRU ~m.-.-mm-.-.-'<;~"'1$i.;",'i??:-'~.,;1€iiiji1f;';i%<<c.'.'.',""w.,.cc.""w.",.;.;g_ " %f. >>'P.....~...; ',:.,:!:. ::.:...;::::-~: ~... :~~ ::::t-:.<:: ~"~'''''-''':''' ......."'t".."...,......,.":~. .v...,.......................... ....:.;........A...-............ .""...........'...........x ......................~.. . ';l' ';. ~ ~_ '" ''; ~': ,~& ~S:. : " . '. . ..:::;: ;:-::'. t:' .;. 't::' ~:~"'" ..; :'. #:. ti:. : " : .... . SATUlWAY alBOlIn 72 IIIeWOBlIe 2,552.00 MAY. JUNE 01 JlJL Y 1i;l>.".:::;<~*',,:......""....:.'*'.;"'3'%.~:1.:;~:;-~4r.-:.7-;.~ _ . ~ ..x..~x....... .. ....:<:.~H{...""..':i,.. ..~..."..~. ," iit"w_"-,,.'ltj; .",.,..-.......;.....,;.; :i?m...-_-.-.c',*' ..-.;c.........':.~:I: <lS~.,t.'iI....".".-~~JI ':'u:::+':, .v.' :$:', J',.::' .':X:t.......:. ':'" -:,' +u: **::' u:.....: ~...~~...~_~_ m).':;x.~ SATUlWAY ActuI BOlIn 1Ie_.. 0IIl1M OCT 3 1995 rTE1I 7 5 of 7 -- - -- ~-----, --' POW A Y MIDLAND RAILROAD YOLUNTI._..s - Balance Sheet J1me 30,1995. ASSETS Curnnt ~ Checkins Account. W.u. FllIJO S 2,273.45 Savinp Account. Weo. F1UllO 6,796.17 Cub Oift Shop 0.._ 100.00 Petty Cub 50.00 Libraty I Boob I Manuebo 123.14 lnventOly - Store MercIumdiIe I.2SB3 lnventOly - Fund Raioina M_h 1,770.95 Educational MaIAIria1 291.96 TotlllCl1mnt~ 12,661.20 Property IIIId Equipment Toola 2,040.81 Building Improvem- 946.21 MacIDneIy &; E.t~ 211.17 Locomotive 134.63 Speeder 21.'1 F ........h.u. IIIId F"1XtDne 593.83 On c.n 167.74 Trolley 12,000.00 Totlll Property end E.t";""""t 16,l1HO Other ~ TotIIl Other ~ 0.00 Totlll~ S 28,m.lO LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL Clment J ;.h,nti- Salee Tax Payable S 116.00 Totlll Clment J ..lwno;_ 116.00 Lons- Term Liabilitiee Totlll Lons- Term Liabilitiee 0.00 Totlll LiabiIitiee 116.00 Capital Retained E8miDp 19,791.46 Net iDcome 8,869.64 TotIIl Capital 28,661.1 0 Totlll LiabiIitiee &; Capital S 28,777.10 OCT 3 1995 ITEM 7 Attachment 2 6 of 7 - - p..: lorl I' 'A Y MIDLAND RAILROAD VOLUNTEERS Income Statement For the ,....". MontIuo Endina June 30. I99S CwTent Month % of Rev Year to Date % of Rev .....l') evenun id,ot Sel.. - Speeder S 830.00 44.39 S 1I,70S.00 SO.18 nokot SaIeo . Slnm 47.00 2.S1 4,420.S0 18.9S Gift Shop <22.40> <1.20> 1,336.89 '.73 Fund Railing 2.00 0.11 322." 1.38 Sol.. - Other 13.22 0.71 20.86 0.09 ReimburMment - city ofPoway 0.00 0.00 1,321.17 S.66 Contributiono - 1.Jmeotricted 200.00 10.70 3SI.94 Ul Contrib11tion - MIIl'1I Expeue 6.00 0.32 6.00 0.03 Operation Lif_ 343.00 18.34 842.00 3.61 Spike PIaqueo 0.00 0.00 210.00 0.90 Intereot In<:ome 10.92 0.'8 111.27 0.48 Momberohip Dueo 190.00 10.16 1,86S.oo 7.99 MiJc:eIhmeoUllncome 0.00 0.00 20.00 0.09 Contnbutiono . Reotricted 250.00 13.37 793.91 3.40 Tolal Rev_ 1,869.74 100.00 23,327.29 100.00 Coot of Sel.. Gift Shop IlemI 38.61 2.06 <182.16> <0.18> Fund R.aiIing IlemI 0.81 0.04 17.05 0.07 Spike PI8queo 0.00 0.00 278.28 1.19 Freight 0.00 0.00 10.00 0.04 Tolal Coot ofSaleo 39.42 2.11 123.17 0.53 ClroII Profit 1,830.32 97.89 23,204.12 99.47 - lCpeIIMf . -ulvertioing 188.32 10.07 188.32 0.81 0fIic:e ~ 6.73 0.36 460.46 1.97 Fund R.aiIing 0.00 0.00 29.41 0.13 Bank Chqeo 10.00 0.53 120.00 0.51 Cub Over/Short 0.00 0.00 257.57 1.10 Speeder Retlor8tion 0.00 0.00 345.00 1.48 Loc:omotive ~ <117.51> <6.28> 2,231.48 9.57 Trolley Retlor8tion 0.00 0.00 795.65 3.41 Cabooee Reotontion 0.00 0.00 152.62 0.65 Freight 0.00 0.00 798.77 3.42 Fuel . Loc:omotive 239.89 12.83 1,301.67 5.58 Fuel . 1'Po1Iey 0.00 0.00 26.61 0.11 Fuel - Speeder 6.00 0.32 121.29 0.52 HIIflhnre &; Paiat 276.59 14.79 1,139.50 4.88 Suboc:riptiono I Dueo I Seminar 14.00 0.75 219.00 0.94 U- &; Filing F_ 0.00 0.00 5.00 0.02 Photognphy 0.00 0.00 53.65 0.23 Operation J...ife.ver 124.07 6.64 331.92 1.42 Pool8ge 64.00 3.42 742.30 3.18 Printing &; ProcIuction 0.00 0.00 462.74 1.98 Rep8in &; Maint. BIda 0.00 0.00 136.59 0.59 Rep8in &; MIint. Mach &; Equip 86.09 4.60 1,733.33 7.43 Shop Supplia S1.86 2.77 62.01 0.27 Shop Toow 0.00 0.00 87.91 0.38 Telephone &; Equipment 24.95 1.33 404.3' 1.73 Mombonhip Activiti.. 277.39 14.84 1,265.74 5.43 Donatio"" 50.00 2.67 86U9 3.69 fatal ~ 1,302.38 69.66 14,334.48 61.4' Not Inoome S 527.94 28.24 S 8,869.64 38.02 For Manaaomont PurJ><-o Only OCT 3 1995 ITEM 7 7 Of 7 --^-