Item 8 - Discussion of Lighted Tennis Court Standards .-- AGENDA REPOR.T SUMMARY - TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Manager INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manage~~ ~ Reba Wright-Quastler, Director of Plan ng Services DATE: October 3, 1995 SUBJECT: A discussion of Lighted Tennis Court Standards within Single Family Residential and Rural Residential Zones ABSTRACT The City Council instructed staff to analyze the present lighted tennis court standards within Single Family Residential and Rural Residential Zones and recommend improvements. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW None. FISCAL IMPACT - None. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE In response to a position letter submitted by the Green Valley Civic Association regarding this issue, staff has contacted the GVCA Community Protection Chairman in order to solicit the association's comments on the proposed ordinance changes. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council instruct Staff to bring back a proposed zoning ordinance amendment specifying the design options for the installation of tennis court lights. ACTION :\CIIY\PLANNI \ \IEN SlI . sUM - OCT 3 1995 ITEM 8 1 of 6 ~ AGENDA REPORT CITY OF POW A Y TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Manager INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manage~~ ,~ Reba Wright-Quastler, Director of Plan ng Services ~ Marijo Van Dyke, Associate Planner DATE: October 3, 1995 SUBJECT: A Discussion of Lighted Tennis Court Standards Within Single Family Residential and Rural Residential Zones. BACKGROUND On May 23, 1995, the City Council denied an application for a lighted tennis court in the Green Valley Estates neighborhood because of the objections of nearby neighbors concerning the effectiveness of the City's present lighting standards. The Council instructed staff to return with an analysis of the present standards and recommendations for improvements. FINDINGS Chapter 17.30 of the poway Municipal Code governs the development of recreational courts within the City. Present standards permit the installation of a maximum of eight lights, with a maximum height of 22 feet. The lights are required to be certified by a qualified lighting engineer to meet the following test: 1. They must be designed, constructed, mounted and maintained such that the light source is cut off when viewed from any point above five (5) feet measured outside of the lot at the lot line. 2. They must be designed, constructed, mounted and maintained such that the maximum illumination intensity measured at the wall of any residential building on abutting property shall not exceed .5 foot candles above ambient levels. 3. The lights may be used only between 7:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. Chapter 17 .30.020.E. states that "Landscaping shall be installed between the fence and property line as required by the City Council ACTION: 2 of 6 ; OCT 3 1995 ITEM 8 - - - Agenda Report October 3, 1995 Page 2 or Planning Director. The chapter further states that the Council or Director may require more stringent standards than the above in cases where extraordinary site conditions necessitate. The process of obtaining lights for tennis courts has raised some issues not thoroughly addressed in the present ordinance. The first being that in practice the findings of a lighting engineer are difficult to obtain, leaving the installing contractor to rely on standard specifications prepared by the lighting manufacturer. . The preponderance of complaints received after the installation of lights concern the ineffectiveness of the screening plan to eliminate the view of the light poles and fixtures from adjoining neighbors, and the general increase in ambient light levels in the neighborhood as a result of their installation. In reviewing applications, staff has noted an increase in both the number of lights and the intensity of wattage requested by applicants. Attachment B gives a manufacturer's description of both the .Home Play. and .Tournament Pl ay. layouts. The tournament layout has been the preferred design in at least one recent application. This design calls for eight 1,000 watt or 1,500 watt lights on twenty-foot-high poles, spaced at 24 foot intervals along the long sides of the court. The "home play. design calls for six lights, at either 1,000 or 1,500 watts on 20 foot poles spaced 38 feet on center. An analysis of the types of lighting fixtures available and their beam spread has been completed, resulting in a recommendation that the ordinance be amended to provide specific standards as to the number, wattage and maximum beam spreads of the lights based on standard manufacturer specifications. Attachment A illustrates a recommended layout with a six light array, maximum pole height of 20 feet and maximum 1,000 watt metal halide light fixture, with approved light cut-off shields. With these specifications, the beam spread produced would amply light the court for backyard nighttime play, while restricting the light to maximum of .5 foot candles at the property line. Given this array design as a standard, it will be possible for a landscape screening plan to be developed which will more effectively meet the needs of adjoining neighbors. A proposed ordi nance requi rement is that fast growi ng evergreen trees (such as Eucalyptus or Evergreen Ash) be placed immediately behind each light pole on lighted Courts which are within 25' feet of an adjacent residential property. The tree placement would augment the usual landscape screening design for the court and its fencing. It is also recommended that the court fencing, poles and light poles be required to be a dark color to further reduce the overall visual impact. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW None. OCT 3 1995 ITEM 8 3 of 6 - -.... Agenda Report October 3, 1995 Page 3 FISCAL IMPACT None. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE In response to a position letter submitted by the Green Valley Civic Association regarding this issue, staff has contacted the GVCA Community Protection Chairman in order to solicit the association's comments on the proposed ordinance changes. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council instruct Staff to bring back a proposed zoning ordinance amendment specifying the design options for the installation of tennis court lights. JLB:JDF:RWQ:MVD:kls Attachments: A. Tennis Court Lighting Illustration B. Court Lighting Layouts E:\CITY\PLANNING\REPORT\TENNISLT.RPT OCT 3 1995 ITEM 8 4 of 6 - LAMP: One 1,000 Watt Metal Halide. Rated 107,700 initial lumens. Values based on 20 ft. mounting height. .- ~ 12 ' 5 .- , 10' . ~ 60' Tennis Court Layout Home Play - Attachment A 1"- 20' OCT 3 1995 ITEM 8 5 of 6 ' The total intensity of two or more overlapping light patterns equals the sum ~ the individual intensities. ----..--" --- . /. i po 1 "0 Q)p _"OlD ::leU) OQ).... ->o.ElD ~asEZ O~ 0-0 % >.. ~ tij i e.!!a:u ia......ffi .~.... ILE....~ OlDen O%Z::> ..'-:>, ill-l-AJ o ~ co :J~ U) ~-+-;r ../ . - lD ..... c: (1) E .c u m ..... I · i ..... <C po % r- , I - ::I ~C5 ~-- . >..~ ~ ..as.... - lD.... i ::I a.. Z lD 1(_ Z -c:u... 1L1(ij~ CD "E:J E&5U) C~-+- i:-+i:-I-~-I-1l'J ::1- ~ OCT 3 1995 ITEM 8 6 of 6 -'.- ...........-',,,, ,.,." v _, .......... GREEN- VALLEY CIVIC ASS~IATION Serving All North Poway NelKhborhoods Oct. 2, 1995 Reba Wright-Quastler Director ofP1anning Services P.O. Box 789 Poway, CA 92074-0789 SENT VIA FAX Dear Ms. Wright-Quast1er, On August 7 oflhis year I wrote you a letter (see attached) in which I addressed certain issues which the Green Valley Civic Association thought should be ~nsidered when your staffwas proposing ordinance changes regarding the installation ofteMis court lights. In addition, I have had a number of conversations with Marijo Van Dyke and she has provided me with a copy of the Agenda Report dated Oct. 3, I99S, which is a discussion of this same issue. As far as they go we find the suggestions regarding the number of lights allowable, the maximum wattage, the ambient light allowable at the property line, and the screening of the lights to be appropriate. However, there were a number of points raised in my previous letter which we believe your staff and the City Council should consider when drafting any new ordinance. Some of the following points may in fact be under consideration by your staff; how~ they were not mentioned in the Agenda Report and we would therefore like to take this opportunity to restate them: 1. Notification of the application and staff recommendation shall be mailed no less than 30 days before the hearing date to all neighbors 1iving within 500 feet, the homeowners association, and for North Poway residents, the OYCA. 2. Before writing their report, city staff shall inspect the proposed site and shall note conditions which bear on the impacts of the proposed instalIation such as proximity to neighboring homes, elevations of proposed lights relative to neighboring homes, and any other factors which would impact the neighborhood. Noise impacts should be considered and addressed in addition to light impacts. 3. Staff shall recommend against the applicant in cases where the site conditions arc such that neighbors' quality of life will be adversely impacted by the use ofa lighted tennis court. h. Ib -~-~ S :#S -~ .OCT 02 '95 11:14AM P.3 . - . , 4. U' Itaft' concludes that the use ofa lighted tennis court will not have unacceptable impacts upon. the neighbors, and a recommendation to approve is made, the following conditions shal1 be eatablished; A Unless a smaller distance is agreed to by the immediate affected neighbors, the court and its lights shall be located no closer than 1 50 feet .from the nearest residence. B. The elevation, number, and candlepower of the lights shall be no greater than standards established by staff to minimize light impacts. C. Light screening of height and location(s) satisfactory to all impacted neighbol'$ shall be required and in place before the lighting is used, and shall be maintained. D. The owner shall not use the court lights at any time when screening conforming to the established specifications is not in place. E. The lights will be turned offno later than 10:00 P.M. 5. Upon approval ofa lighted tennis court. all neighbors located within 500 feet of the lighted court shall be notified of the approval and shall be provided with a copy of all conditions of the permit. 6. The Planning Department shall investigate all complaints against the owners and shall maintain a record of complaints and of any violations of the conditions applicable to the installation. 7. Any two violations of the conditions of approval occurring within a 12-month period will result in immediate revocation of the permit. Thank you for the opportunity to conunent on this matter. Please feel free to contact me at any 'time regarding this or any other issue. Robert Header Community Protection Chairman (619) 557-7169 work (619) 679-9271 home (619) 557-7381 FAX ...