Item 9 - Illegal Dumping in South Poway Bus. Park -- - DISTRIBUTED "-lf~;;?~- 9/'"'''' - - - AGENDA REPORT SUMMARY TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James 1. Bowersox, City M~ INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager James R. Williams, P.E" Director of Public Services if Annette R. Gonzalez, Sr. Management Analyst~ DATE: October 3,1995 SUBJECT: Response to Citizen's Inquiry Concerning Illegal Dumping in the South Poway Business Park ABSTRACT Staffwas directed to follow-up on Mr. Roger Willoughby's inquiries at the September 19, 1995 meeting about illegal dumping at the South Poway Business Park. City crews cleaned-up the property in question. The City is responsible for the clean-up of illegal dumping upon public property and along the public right-of-ways in the Business Park and throughout the Community. Crews will continue to visually - inspect areas for illegal dumping while in the field. Property owners are responsible for the prevention and removal of illegal dumping on private property. Code compliance staff enforce this requirement, and will also conduct periodic inspections of the Business Park. In the future, Staff may initiate public nuisance abatement procedures if a property owner fails to maintain his property and it becomes a hazard to the public health, safety, and welfare. Staff recommends that the City Council receive and file this report. E~RONMENTALRE~EW This item is not subject to CEQA review. FISCAL IMPACT There is no fiscal impact associated with this information item. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE A copy of this report will be provided to Mr. Roger Willoughby RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the City Council receive and file this report. ACTION . 1 of 3 oen 1995 nEM 9 ... --- AGENDA REPORT CITY OF POW A Y TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council James 1. Bowersox, City Man~ - FROM: INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager ~ James R. Williams, P.E., Director of Public Service Annette R. Gonzalez, Sr. Management Analyst DATE: October 3,1995 SUBJECT: Response to Citizen's Inquiry Concerning Illegal Dumping in the South Poway Business Park BACKGROUND At the September 19, 1995 City Council meeting Mr. Roger Willoughby addressed the City Council and expressed concern about illegal dumping in the South Poway Business Park. Staff was directed to investigate and report back to the City Council on this matter. FINDINGS There have been frequent incidents of illegal dumping at the South Poway Business Park. Illegal dumping is occurring on both public property and private property. It is the City's responsibility to keep all public property and public right-of-ways clear of debris and obstructions for the health, safety, and welfare of the general public. Illegal dumping at the South Poway Business Park is commonly occurring along the curbline, which is in the public right-of-way. City maintenance crews are immediately scheduled to clean up the debris in the public right-of-ways when reports are received from the Sheriff's Department volunteer patrol or a citizen, or when crew members themselves see accumulation of debris or refuse in the public right-of-ways while out in the field. The clean-up and prevention of illegal dumping occurring on private property throughout the South Poway Business Park are the responsibility of the property owners. It is incumbent upon private property owners to ensure that their property, whether it is developed or undeveloped, is free of debris or refuse. If the City observes or receives a report that dumping or accumulation ACTION: 2 of 3 OCT 3 1995 ITEM 9 ,.. - - - Response--Illegal Dumping at South Poway Business Park October 3,1995 Page 2 - of refuse and debris is occurring on a property, code compliance staff is responsible for notifying the property owner and requesting that the property be cleared. When notifying a property owner, code compliance staffwill also encourage the person(s) to take the necessary measures to prevent access to the property, particularly vacant property, so as to discourage illegal dumping. If a property owner fails to keep the property clear of refuse and debris, there is a procedure outlined in the Municipal Code whereby the City Council may declare the property a public nuisance, have the property cleaned up, and a place a lien on the property to recover the cost of the clean-up. ,. The property Mr. Willoughby expressed concern about is private property that went into foreclosure. Maintenance crews have cleaned up the site and will continue to conduct periodic inspections to ensure that no debris is accumulating on the site and other public property and public right-of-ways in the area. Code compliance staff will also conduct periodic drive-throughs of the area and inspect privately - owned properties for illegal accumulation of refuse or debris. In the future, Staff will initiate . nuisance abatement procedures to recoup the cost of clean-up of illegal dumping on privately owned properties where the property owner fails to take responsibility for prevention and clean- up, and the property is determined to be a public health and safety hazard. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Tbis item is not subject to CEQA review. FISCAL IMP ACT There is no fiscal impact associated with this information item. However, Staff wishes to point out that if nuisance abatement proceedings are initiated in the future, the City will be required to expend City funds for the clean-up (either in-house or by contract) and seek recovery of the cost of the clean-up by placing a lien on the private property involved. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE A copy of this report will be forwarded to Mr. Roger Willoughby. RECOMMENDATION - Staff recommends that the City Council receive and file this report. ITEM 9 I 3 of 3 'OCT 3 1995