Item 5 - CUP 95-04 DR 95-07 VAR 95-04 Richard Darr ~. -. AGENDA REPORT SUMMARY TO: Honorable Mayor and Meabers of the City Council ~ J...s L. Bowersox, City "a~ FROM: INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager ~ Reba Wright-Quastler, Director of Planning Service DATE: October 10, 1995 SUBJECT: Conditional Use Pe~it 9s-04/Developlent Review 95- 07/Yariance 95-04, Richard Darr, Applicant ABSTRACT A request to continue and expand a tire sales and service within a 2,389 square foot building (1204 square foot building, 210 square foot canopy, 975 square foot addition) along with brakes, automotive detail, and related services; recreational vehicle rental, storage and minor repairs; equipment rental yard, truck and/or car rental/leasing (possible uses); including a variance to side yard setback on the west side near Poway Road, 1.25 acre site at 12957 Poway Road (just east of Winston Tire) within the CG zone. APN: 317-490-57 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW - The issuance of a Negative Declaration with Mitigation Measures (indicating no significant adverse environmental impacts anticipated due to the addition of special requirements to the project) is recommended. FISCAL IMPACT None. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Public notice was published in the Poway News Chieftain and mailed to 76 property owner$ in the project area. RECOMMENDATION It is reCOMmended that the City Council issue a Negative Declaration with Mitigation Measures, approve Conditional Use Permit 95-04 for tire installation, brake service, auto detailing, and recreational vehicle rental and storage only, and approve Development Review 95-07 subject to the conditions contained in the attached proposed resolution. It is recommended that Variance 95-04 be removed from calendar since it is not needed for the application before Council. ACTION - .:\city\plonn.ng\'OPO't\cup9504.IUI 1 of 25 OCT 1 0 1995 ITEM 5 ----- ~ ~--_..- - AGENDA REPORtl CITY OF POW A Y TO: """.b1. ..", .,d .....,.~ Ctt, C""" FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Man INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager ~~ Reba Wright-Quastler, Director of Planning Service Stephen A. Streeter, Principal Planner ~ DATE: October 10, 1995 SUBJECT: Conditional Use Permit 95-04/Develooment Review 95- 07/Variance 95-04. Richard Darr. ADDlicant: A request to continue and expand tire sales and service with the addition of brakes, aut~tive detail, and related services; recreational vehicle rental, storage and minor repairs; equipllN!nt rental yard, truck and/or car rental/leasing (possible uses); including a variance to side yard setback on the west side near Poway Road, 1.25 acre site at 12957 Poway Road (just east of Winston Tire) within the CG zone. APN: 317-490-57 BACKGROUND AS and T Tires has been operating on the site since August 1993 with a business certificate obtained in February 1994. The bus i ness was started wi th the understanding that sales only of new and used wheels and tires would occur. Installation was not to occur on-site unless a CUP was obtained. Staff has beCOMe aware that AB and T is conducting tire installation on a regular basis and has contacted the property owner to correct that situation. Approval of this CUP would legalize the installation portion of the tire business. The applicant also wishes to put a 975 square foot addition onto the rear of the existing building in order to expand tire sales and service. He proposes to add brake service, autOMOtive detail, and related services and to establish additional businesses including recreational vehicle rental, storage and minor repairs, an equi pMnt rental yard, and a truck and/or car rental/leasing business. Mr. Darr proposes to initially use the existing office in the north part of the tire store to operate MUltiple businesses that he hopes to establish. ACTION: j 2 of 25 OCT 1 0 1995 ITEM 5 -. Agenda Report October 10, 1995 Page 2 Revisions to the original application made by the applicant between April and September 1995 include: deletion of western barbecue restaurant with outside barbecue and seating, liquor license and dancing; deletion of recreational uses such as miniature golf; addition and later deletion of motorcycle sales and repairs; addition of car rental and leasing business; addition and later deletion of jet ski sales and service; and addition of recreational vehicle rental, storage and Minor repairs. A recent prospective use for most of the site is for recreational vehicle (RV) rental and storage along with minor repairs to the RVs. Motor ho.es and boats on trailers are the primary type of RVs that would be expected to be on the site. Since that specific use was not envisioned at the time of the application or subsequent alllendments pri or to publication and mailing of the notices to surrounding property owners for the September 26, 1995 pub li c heari ng, the applicant agreed to continue that public hearing to seek City Council approval for the RV rental and storage use. RV sales is another phase of the business that ..y occur at a later time. Mr. Darr has submitted two prior applications on the site in 1988-1990 and in 1993. The first application was approved by the City Council on August 28, 1990 for a barbecue restaurant that would have served alcohol, and the operation of a wood storage lot. The project was never completed. The 1993 proposal was for a mini grand-prix racing track with small gas-powered formula midget race cars. That proposal was denied by the City Council on April 20, 1993 based primarily on concerns with noise and COMpatibility with nearby residential and commercial land uses. The Poway Road Specific Plan proposes this area as a Mixed Use District with all of the currently proposed uses being prohibited. Restaurants and recreational uses would be allowable with a conditional use perMit/development review or a minor conditional use permit respectively. Future expansion of any building on the site by over 25 percent would trigger architectural compl iance with the specific plan once it is in effect. FINDINGS Conditional Use Penlit The applicant has proposed a range of uses that are allowed by conditional use permit under the CG zone although they would not be consistent with the Poway Road Specific Plan if it is adopted as drafted. A discussion of the individual uses follows. Tire/wheel sales and service The tire/wheel sales operation was legally established in 1993. It has since been illegally expanded to include installation. It is, however, compatible with other uses that currently exist in the area including Winston Tire which has occupied an adjacent site for several years. The applicant proposes to expand the business to also provide brake "and other related" services and to do OCT 1 0 1995 ITEM 5 . 3 of 25 - - .~----,~-- -- Agenda Report October 10, 1995 Page 3 automobile detailing. These uses seem to be consistent with the operation of the tire business as long as adequate hazardous waste facilities are installed. RV Rental. Storaae and Minor ReDairs Recreational vehicle (RV) rental and storage along with minor repairs to the RVs would be a relatively quiet use. Intermittent rental and parking of motor homes and boats on trailers would have a nominal effect on surrounding residential and commercial uses. The applicant proposes to extend the RV storage area to within 15 feet of the rear property line. This would retain a 25' separation from the residential property line to the south due to a ten foot easement adjacent to the southern end of the property (a 1300 foot long by ten foot easement extending from Carriage Road to the southeast corner of the Darr property). Section 17.10.140 of the Poway Municipal Code requires a 25 foot setback where a lot in a commercial zone abuts a lot in any residential zone but allows this area to be used for required open off-street parking areas. Since this property is about ten feet higher in elevation than the residential lots to the south, parking of RVs wi thin the IS foot setback coul d be all owed wi thout di sturbance to the neighbors. A .inimum five foot setback for parking of vehicles will be observed with landscaping added to that setback area. EauiDment Rental Yard Equ i plIM!nt rental is a business that generally requires substantial outdoor storage and a large area. CORbining a use which uses this IUch land with another large land user, such as RV Storage would overburden the site. Conclusions Because only the tire sales and service and the RV rental and storage are compatible with the area and can be reasonably accolll1lOdated on the site, it is recOMended that the conditional use permit approval be solely for those uses. The possible uses of an equipment rental yard, truck and/or car rental/leasing are too intense for this 1.25 acre site given the known use of a tire business and the proposed RV rental and storage use. DeveloDment Review The building expansion is for 975 square feet to the existing 1204 square foot building and 210 square foot canopy for a total of 2389 square feet. The 14 foot tall building would be of similar construction to the existing with stucco finish. The existing building has brick wainscot and an aluminum/glass storefront. Two Detal roll up doors would face toward the west and require some landscape or architectural screening. . The existing building and the expansion are rather stark in appearance. A condition is included within the resolution to incorporate architectural enhancements into the final building design for the building expansion and to upgrade the existing building. Examples of possible revisions include: brick wainscot for the building expansion to match the current building, and extending the roof over the storefront walkway. OCT 1 0 1995 ITEM 5 4 of 25 . .- Agenda Report October 10, 1995 Page 4 There is a ten foot wide easement for an eight inch water main located within this property along the east line. No structures may be constructed on this easement which would obstruct access to maintain or repair this water main. Public Services proposes that posts with a chain be installed across the easterly driveway; Mr. Darr proposes to close the driveway, install curb and gutter and allow access to the water line easement via his Main driveway. A condition is proposed to allow further resolution of this Matter between the applicant and the Public Services Department. Variance The applicant originally proposed to put an office building for the new uses adjacent to the western property line, however, this proposal has been withdrawn. Since pel'llanent structures are not proposed within the side yard setback a variance is no longer required and withdrawal of the request is recommended. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The issuance of a Negative Declaration with Mitigation Measures (indicating no significant adverse environmental impacts anticipated due to the addition of special requir8lents to the project) is recommended. Noise, hours of operation and hazardous Materials handling are the areas of primary concern. FISCAL IMPACT None. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Public notice was published in the Pow.y News Chieft.in and mailed to 76 property owners in the project area. RECllfIIENDA TI ON It is recllllllended that the City Council issue a Negative Declaration with Mitigation Measures, approve Conditional Use PerMit 95-04 for tire installation, brake service, auto detailing, and recreational vehicle rental and storage only, and approve Developlent Review 95-07 subject to the conditions contained in the attached proposed resolution. It is recommended that Variance 95-04 be removed frOl calendar since it is not needed for the application before Council. JLB:JDF:RWQ:SAS:kls Attachllents: A - Resolution B - Surrounding Zoning C - Negative Declaration D - EnviroRlental Initial StUdy E - Site Plan - F - Floor Plan G - Building Elevations .: \0 t ty\pl.."i I1IV_t\Cl4I9504._ OCT 1 0 1995 ITEM 5 5 of 25 --- RESOLUTION NO. P- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 95-04 AND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 95-07, AND REMOVING VARIANCE 95-04 FROM CALENDAR ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER 317-490-57 WHEREAS, Conditional Use Permit (CUP) 95-04/ Development Review (DR) 95- 07/ Variance (VAR) 95-04, were submitted by Richard Darr, applicant, for the continuation and expansion of tire sales and service within a 2,389 square foot building (1204 square foot building, 210 square foot canopy, 975 square foot addition) along with brakes, automotive detail, and related services; recreational vehicle rental, storage and minor repairs; equipment rental yard, truck and/or car rental/leasing (possible uses); including a variance to side yard setback on the west side near Poway Road, 1.25 acre site at 12957 Poway Road (just east of Winston Tire) within the CG zone. WHEREAS, the City Council has read and considered the staff report and has considered other evidence presented at the public hearing. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council does hereby resolve as follows: Section I: Environmental Findincs: The issuance of a Negative Declaration with Mitigation Measures (indicating no significant adverse environmental impacts anticipated due to the addition of special requirements to the project) is recommended. Section 2: Conditional Use Permit Findincs 1. The approved project is consistent with the general plan in that tire sales and service, brakes, automotive detail, recreational vehicle rental 1 storage are approved uses within the existing CG zone. 2. That the location, size, design, and operating characteristics of the use will be coapatible with and will not adversely affect or be materially detriMental to adjacent cOlll1lercial uses, residents, buildings, structures, or natural resources in that the uses were anticipated within the CG zone and the building addition has been designed to be compatible with the existing building with architectural enhancements required. 3. That the scale, bulk, coverage, and density is consistent with the adj aClnt uses, in that the enlarged building meets the development standards for the cOIIlM!rcia 1 zone and zoning ordinance requirel1lents, including height, setbacks, coverage, materials and parking. 4. That there are available public facilities, services, and utilities to . serve the uses. 5. That there will not be harmful effects upon desirable neighborhood characteristics, in that the physical design of the building is suitable for the site and the proposed uses and the auto service uses will be confined to the front portion of the lot. ATTACHMENT A 6 of 25 OCT 1 0 1995 ITEM 5 .'; I' . - Resolution No. P- Page 2 6. That the generation of traffic will not adversely impact the surrounding streets and/or the City's Transportation Element in that Poway Road traffic generated will be consistent with that anticipated in the CG zone. 7. That the site is suitable for the type and intensity of use as this project aiMS to attract some of the several commercial uses listed for this 1.25 acre site. 8. That there will not be significant hanlful effects upon the environmental quality and natural resources in that the site has been previously used for co...rcial purposes and may be COMpletely developed as a result of this conditional use permit and development review. 9. That there are no other relevant negative i~acts of the use that cannot be Mitigated. Section 3: Develooment Review Findinas 1. The approved project is consistent with the general plan in that the various cOMlM!rc 1a 1 uses are penlitted land uses within the existing COIRercial General (CG) zone. 2. That the approved project will not have an adverse aesthetic, health, safety, or architecturally related i~act upon adjoining properties in that the design of the building addition for the intended purpose will be COMpatible with current and future buildings in the vicinity. 3. That the proposed deve 1 opllent encourages the orderly and harmonious appearance of structures and property within the City in that the architecture incorporates features provided for in the cOlll1lunity design guidelines. Section 4: Variance Findinas The proposed variance is not necessary due to no penlanent structures or overheight fencing proposed within the side yard setback. Section 5: City Council Decision: The City Council hereby approves CUP 95-04 and DR 95-07 to allow tire sales and service, brakes installation and repair, automotive detailing, and recreational vehicle rental I storage, and minor repair/subject to the following conditions and mitigation ..asures (indicated with an "*"): 1. Within 30 days of approval (1) the applicant shall submit in writing that all conditions of approval have been read and understood; and (2) the property owner shall execute a Covenant on Real Property. 2. The use conditionally granted by this perMit shall not be conducted in such a Manner as to interfere with the reasonable use and enjoYMent of surrounding residential and COMmercial uses. 7 of 25 DCT 1 0 1995 ITEM 5 --------- Resolution No. P- Page 3 3. This conditional use permit shall be subject to annual review by the Director of Planning Services for compliance with the conditions of approval and to address concerns that may have occurred during the past year. If the permit is not in compliance with the conditions of approval, or the Planning Services Department has received cOlllplaints, the required annual review shall be set for a public hearing before the City Counc 11 , to consider modification or revocation of the use permit. COIIPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS IS REQUIRED. COMPLIANCE SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF PlANNING SERVICES. SITE DEVELOPMENT 1. Site shall be developed in accordance with the approved site plans on file in the Planning Services DepartMent and the conditions contained herein. 2. Revised site plans and building elevations incorporating all conditions of approval shall be submitted to the Planning Services Department prior to issuance of building permits. 3. Approval of this request shall not waive compliance with all sections of the Zoning Ordinance and all other applicable City Ordinances in effect at the ti.. of building permit issuance. 4. Trash and recycl ing receptacles shall be enclosed by a six foot high masonry wall wi th view-obstructing gates pursuant to Ci ty standards. Location and dimensions shall be subject to approval by the Planning Services Department. 5. All roof appurtenances, including air conditioners, shall be architecturally integrated, screened from view and sound buffered from adjacent properties and streets as required by the Planning Services Depart..nt. 6. Prior to any use of the project site or business activity being commenced thereof, all conditions of approval contained herein shall be completed to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning Services. 7. The applicant shall comply with the latest adopted Uniform Building Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, National Electric Code, Uniform Fire Code, and all other applicable codes and ordinances in effect at the ti.. of building permit issuance. 8. For a new commercial development, or addition to an existing development, the applicant shall pay development fees at the established rate. Such fees may include, but not be limited to: Permit and Plan Checking Fees, School, Water and Sewer Service Fees. 9. Provide landscape or architectural screening for the two Metal roll up doors facing toward the west. 10.* The hours of operation for all uses shall be between the hours of 7:00 a... and 8:00 p.lII. Monday to Saturday and 8:00 a.lII. and 6:00 p.lII. on Sundays. 8 of 25 OCT 1 0 1995 ITEM 5 - Resolution No. P- Page 4 - 11.* Operation of the tire business or any other business generating noise shall be conducted in such a way to minimize the noise frORl iRlpact wrenches and other noise associated with those activities. Tire installation and other work to motor vehicles is to be conducted within the service bays only. 12. The masonry wall (13 feet tall with four feet above grade) along the south property line shall be raised to six feet. Fencing along the east and west property lines shall be 6' masonry or wood. The wood fence to the south of the building shall be relocated, as necessary, to accolll1lOdate the revised site plan. 13. RV storage may extend to within IS' of rear property line. The rear 15' of the property shall be landscaped with materials to provide a screen for properties to the south. 14. Incorporate architectural enhancements into the final building design for the building expansion and upgrade of the existing building. 15. This approval shall beCOllN! null and void if building pel'lllits are not issued for this project within two years from the date of project approval. PARKINS AND VEHICULAR ACCESS 1. All parking lot landscaping shall include a minimum of one IS gallon size tree for every three spaces. For parking lot islands, a minimum 12 inch wide walk adjacent to parking stalls shall be provided and be separated from vehicular areas by a six inch high, six inch wide portland concrete CeMnt curb. 2. Parking lot lights shall be low pressure sodium and have a maximum height of 18 feet from the finished grade of the parking surface and be directed away frllll all property lines, adjacent streets and residences. Any security lights shall be motion-activated or shielded low pressure sodium, directed downward and have zero cutoff. 3. All two-way traffic aisles shall be a minimum of 25 feet wide. A minimuRl of 24 feet wide emergency access shall be provided, maintained free and clear at all tileS during construction in accordance with Safety Services Department requirements. 4. All parking spaces shall be double striped. LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS 1. Compl ete landscape construction documents shall be submitted to and approved by the Planning Services Departlllent prior to the issuance of bu il ding pel'lllits. Plans shall be prepared in accordance with City of Poway Guide to Landscape Requir_nts (latest edition). 2. Existing on-site trees shall be retained wherever possible and shall be maintained in a horticulturally acceptable manner. Dead, decaying, or potentially dangerous trees sha 11 be approved for rl!tllOval at the discretion of the Planning Services Department during the review of the Master Plan of existing on-site trees. Living trees which are approved 9 of 25 OCT 1 0 1995 ITEM 5 t ---_._--,--~-_.._-_.. --."-- _.._--~-~---_._~_._---,-- Resolution No. P- Page 5 for relOval shall be replaced on a tree-for-tree basis as required by the Planning Services Department. 3. Street trees, a ~inimum of IS gallon size or larger, shall be installed in accordance with the City of Poway Guide to Landscape Requirettents and shall be planted at an average of 30 feet on center spacing along all streets. 4. Landscaped areas within the adj acent public right-of-way shall be permanently and fully maintained by the owner. 5. All 1 andscaped areas shall be maintained in a healthy and thriving condition, free from weeds, trash, and debri s . The trees shall be encouraged and allowed to reta i n a natural fol'lll. Pruning should be restricted to maintain the health of the trees and to protect the public safety. Unnatural or excessive pruning, including topping, is not pel'llitted. ~ 1. Any signs proposed for this development shall be designed and approved in confonRince with the Sign Ordinance. 2. A COMprehensive Sign Program for this development shall be submitted to the Planning Services Department for review prior to issuance of building per.its for IIOre than two businesses. Approval shall be by the City Council. EXISTING STRUCTURES Existing bullding(s) shall be mde to comply with current building and zoning regulations for the intended use. ADDITIONAL APPROVALS REOUIRED The applicant shall provide verification of State Board of Equalization not ificat ion and that appropriate revi ews and/or approval s have been accOllp li shed to the satisfaction of the Director of Ad~inistrative Services. COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS IS REQUIRm. COMPLIANCE SHALL BE APPRovm BY THE DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING SERVICES. 1. A grading plan for the development of the property shall be submitted to the City's Engineering Services DepartMent for review and approval prior to issuance of a grading permit and start of grading operation. Rough grading of the site MUst be cOlllpleted and shall meet the City's Engineering Services inspector's approval prior to issuance of a building per.it. Pave the areas to be used for parking or storage of vehicles, install a surface drainage system to handle all surface water runoff. 2. A right-of-way pennit shall be obtained frOll the City's Engineering Services DepartMent for any work to be done within the public street right-of-way or any City-held eaSeMent. Said work s~ll include, but is not 11.ited to, construction of driveway approach, sewer lateral installation, water service line installation, and street construction. 10 of 25 OCT 1 0 1995 ITEM 5 - - Resolution No. P- Page 6 3. The following fees shall be paid or a security bond posted prior to issuance of a building permit. If a security bond is posted, payment of the fees shall be lllide pri or to the issuance of a Cert i fi cate of Occupancy. Once payment is received in full said security bond could be released to the applicant. Traffic Mitigation. $643.00 4.* An interceptor system shall be designed and installed to recover all liquid waste spilled within the service bays and parking areas. Waste aaterial recovered in this process IRust be disposed of in accordance with State law. An Industrial Waste Discharge Pel"llit is required to be processed through the Engineering Services DepartJRent and Building Division of the Planning Services Department. COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS IS REQUIRm. COMPLIANCE SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF SAFETY SERVICES. 1. Roof covering shall be fire retardant as per UBC Section 3203(e) and City of Poway Ordinance No. 64. 2. The building shall display their nUlleric address in a manner visible from the access street. MinimUM size of the building numbers shall be six inches on the front facade of the building. Building address shall also be displayed on the roof in a manner satisfactory to the Director of Safety Services and lIeeting Sheriff's Departllent - ASTREA criteria. 3. Every building hereafter constructed shall be accessible to Fire Departllent apparatus by way of access roadways with all-weather driving surface of not less than 20 feet of unobstructed width, with adequate roadway turning radius capable of supporting the ilRposed loads of fire apparatus having a IRinillUllI of 13'6" of vertical clearance. The road surface type shall be approved by the City Engineer, pursuant to the City of Poway Municipal Code. 4. A "Knox" Security Key box shall be required for the building at a location deterIRined by the City Fire Marshal. A "Knox" padlock shall be required for the fire sprinkler system Post Indicator Valve. 5. Fire Departllent access for use of fire fighting equipment shall be provided to the illlllediate job construction site at the start of construction and aaintained at all tilles until construction is completed. 6. PerlRinent access roadways for fire apparatus shall be designated as 'Fire Lanes' with appropriate signs and curb IRarkings. 7. Fire extinguisher type and quantity to be determined by Fire Marshal when occupancy type is determined. 8. Material Safety Data Sheets shall be required for all hazardous and/or toxic substances used in each building. 9. An Elergency Contingency Plan and Hazardous Materials Disclosure shall be filed with the County of San Diego Department of Health and copies provided to the Fire Department. DCT 1 0 1995 ITEM 5 I 11 of 25 ~--------~-~~._.-.._._.,---------_._--_.. Resolution No. P- Page 7 10. Prior to del ivery of combustible building material on site, water and sewer systems shall satisfactorily pass all required tests and be connected to the public water and sewer systems. In addition, the first lift of asphalt paving shall be in place to provide adequate, permanent access for eMergency vehicles. The final lift of asphalt shall not be installed until all other construction activity has been substantially completed to the satisfaction of the City. 11. N.F.P.A. Standard 704, Hazardous Materials Labeling, shall be provided as necessary throughout the building. 12. Any building or addition to an existing building exceeding 2,500 square feet (individual or aggregate) will be required to install a commercial fire sprinkler system, with an approved set of plans. 13. Occupancy separation wall between B-1 and B-2 occupancies shall be one hour rated. Openings in this wall shall be fire-rated at one hour. 14. Any building erected further than 150 feet from the public right-of-way will require an approved fire departMent turnaround. APPLICANT SHAlL CONTACT THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SERVICES REGARDING COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: Observe the ten foot setback from the existing eight inch water line easeMent along the east property line. The easterly driveway shall be ..intained and chained off near Poway Road unless closure of the driveway by installing curb and gutter is approved by the Director of Public Services. APPROVED and ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Poway, State of California, this 10th day of October, 1995. Don Higginson, Mayor ATTEST: Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk OCT 1 0 1995 ITEM 5 . 12 of 25 , - - - -LI:,- UWll . >"v>.' '/.';?;'::::~'':Z. if/; t 3..'IS:-;.g: ... -If .\ \~ ~ : m ~ 7J 'F ~e ~ 1 ~ l; ~ RR-A , ~ ~. ~ W Ii.! PF'., _ I "" f~~~[ I~ rA ~ . ~ -;tq:r .~ ~ - ,~- m - (\\ ' PF R . A ~; ... ~ . ~ A)> RFI-C ~ I. ,..~. 'b<> !o' '!ll r~ M"., "TI I 1~~ ~ ~ RR ~!I co . PF I!~I I -\~J . JEl. c I [~.4J ~"""J3. ~ f91 ~ · '{;G ..tI,,- i-> cc II I'~, " ~ II \L RA 1:1 /// I RA P ~~~Co RR-A/r ~ m ~ Pf RC LJ ~ M~ -. ~JL ~ ,. Ir C~ ~A ~ .6 MHP ;'11 . ~~ =--. ~ ~~' -~~~1 , ) ~ //*-,r os L ,.~..... I , ~.,/ $'1.: / -............. ff sUM;;'r I I ~'iiJ. ~7~ \ ~~[Ir . f _ CITY OF POW A Y ITEM: CUP 95~ ~ SCALE, TITLE: SURIlOURDDIG ZORING .. ROllE ATTACHMENT: _ B 13 of 25 DCT 1 0 1995 ITEM 5 ------.-..... CITY OF Po WAY DON HIGGINSON. Mayor SUSAN CALLERY, Deputy Mayor BOB EMERY, Councilmember MICKEY CAFAGNA, Councilmember BErrY REXFORD, Councilmember CITY OF POWAY NEGATIVE DECLARATION 1. Name and Address of Applicant: Richard Darr. 4322 Adams Avenue. San Dieao. CA 92116 2. Brief Description of project: Conditional Use Panni! 95-041Develaoment Review 95- 07 Nariance 95-04 - A reauest to continue and eXDand tire sales and service within a 2.389 sauare foot buildina alona with brakes. automotive detail and related services: recreational vehicle rental. storaae and minor reDairs: eauiDment rental vard. truck and/or car rentallleasina (oossible uses): includina a variance to side vard setback on the west side near Powav Road. 1.25 acre site at 12957 Powav Road (iust east of Winston Tire) within the CG zone. 3. In accordance with Resolution 83-084 of the City of Poway, implementing the California Environmental Quality Ad. of 1970, the City of Poway has determined that the above project will not have a significant effect upon the environment. An Environmental Impact Report will not be required. 4. Minutes of such decision and the Initial Study prepared by the City of Poway are on file in the Department of Planning Services of the City of Poway. 5. This decision of the City Council of the City of poway is final. Contact Person: Steve Streeter Phone: (619) 679-4293 Approved by: Date: Reba Wright-Quastler, Ph.D., AICP ATT ACHMENT C OCT 1 0 1995 ITEM -5,1;1<< City Hall Located at 13325 Civic Center Drive 14 of 25 Iiling Address: P.O. Box 789, Poway, California 92074-0789 . (619) 748-6600, 695-1400 H@C~CIeO ~aoe' - CITY OF POWAY INITIAL STUDY ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST DATE: AUQust 23. 1995 APPLICANT: Richard Darr FILING DATE: 4-17-95 LOG NUMBER: CUP 95..()4. DR 95-07. VAR 95..()4 PROJECT: Tire sales and service. RV rental, storage. equipment rental. truck and} or car rental PROJECT LOCATION: 12957 poway Rd. I. I ENVIRONMENTAl IMPACTS (Fact-based explanations of all answers are required on attached sheets.) YES MAYBE NO 1. SoIls and Geology. WIll the proposal have SIgnIfIcant Impacts In: a. Unstable ground conditions or In changes in V geologic relationshIps? - b. DisrUPtions. displacements, compaction, or V burial of the soil? - c. Change In topography or ground surface ,,/ contour Intervals? - d. The destruction. covering, or modIficatIon of any unIque geologic or physical V features? - e. .Any potential Increase in wind or water . erosion of soils. affecting either on- or V off-sIte conditions? - 1. Changes In erosion. siltation, or L deposition? - g. Exposure of people or property to geologic hazards such as earthqUakes. landslides, mudSlides, ground failure, or similar / hazards? - - 2. HYdrOlog~. Will the proposal have significant Impacts In: - a. Changes In currents. or the course In direction of flowing streams. rivers, or ,/ ephemeral stream channels? - - b. Changes In absorption rates, drainage patterns. or the rate and amount of V surface water runoff? - c. Alterations to the course or flow of L flOOd waters? - d. Change In the amount of surface water in v'" any body of water? - - - e. Discharge Into surface waters. or any alter- ,/" action of surface water quality? - ATTACHMENT D ITEII 5 rl;.' 5 of 25 OCT 1 0 1995 .~-- ---------- - . I Env i ronmen t a I Study CI.~ck list Page 2 YES UAYBE NO f. - Alteration of groundwater L characteristics? - - g. Change In the quantity of groundwaters. either through direct additions, or with- drawals, or through Interference with an aQu I fer? -? Quality? - Quant I ty? - h. The reduction In the amount of water otherwise ,/ available for public water supplies? - 7 i. Exposure of people or property to water related hazards such as flooding or seiches? - - 3. Air Quality. Will the proposal have significant Impacts In: a. Constant or periodic air emissions from ,/ mobile or Indirect sources? Stationary sources? - -;7 - b. Deterioration of ambient air QUality and/or Interference with the attainment of appll- ,/ cable air quality standards? - c. Alteration of local or regional climatic conditions, affecting air movement moisture / or temperature? . - - 4. Flora. Will the proposal have significant reSUlts In: a. Change In the characteristics of speCies. Including diversity. distribution, or number ,/ of endangered speCies of plants? - - b. Reduction of the numbers of any uniqUe. .L rare, or endangered speCies of plants? - c. Introduction of new or disruptive speCies ./' of plants into an area? - d. Reduction In the potential for agricultural L production? - 5. Fauna. Will the proposal have significant results In: a. Change In the characteristics of species. Including diversity, distribution, or L numbers of any speCies of animals? - b. Reduction of the numbers of any unique, V rare. or endangered speCies of animals? - c. Introduction of new or disruptive species of animals" Into an area. or result In a barrier to the mitigation or movement of V" animals? - - d. Deterioration or removal of existing fish V or wi Idllfe habitat? ITEM 5 .1; ~.; OCT 1 0 1995 16 of 25 - - . ' ,-" . Environmental Study Checklist Page 3 YES MAYBE NO - 6. Population. [Will the proposal] have significant results_ in: a. [Will the proposal] alter the location, distri- bution, density, diversity, or growth rate of V the human POPulation of an area? - b. Will the proposal affect existing housing, V or create a demand for additional ~ouslng? - 7. Socia-Economic Factors. Will the proposal have signIfIcant reSUlts 'n: a. Change In local or regional soclo-economlc characteristics, Including economic or commercial diversity. tax rate. and prop- L erty values? - b. Will prOject costs be eqUitably distri- buted among project beneficiaries. I ;e., / bUyers, taxpayers, or project users? - 8. Land Use and Plannlny Considerations. Will the proposal have slgnlf cant reSUlts In: a. A substantial" alteration of the present or V - planned land use of an area? - - b. A conflict with any designations, objectives, POlicies, or adopted plans of any govern- L mental entities? - c. An Impact upon the qUality or quantity of existing consumptive or non-consumptive V recreational opportunities? " - 9. Transportation. Will the proposal have significant reSUlts In: a. Generation of substantial additional vehicular L movement? - b. Effects on existing streets. or demand for ..,/" new street construction? - - c. Effects on existing parking faCilities, or V demand for new parking? - d. Substantial Impact upon existing 1ranspor- tat Ion systems? - L e. Alterations to present patterns Of circu- lation or movement of people and/or L goods? - 1. Alteration to or effects on present and - potential water-borne, rail, mass transit, or air traffic? - V g. IncreaSeS"ln traffic hazards to motor L vehicles. biCYClists. or pedestrians? - 17 of 25 OCT 1 0 1995 ITEM 5 'It. . --.-.- --~- . . - . . Environmental Study Checklist Page 4 YES MAYBE NO 10. CUlturaf Resources. Will the proposal have Significant Impacts In: a. A disturbance to the Integrity of archaeo- logical. paleontologIcal. and/or historical ,,/ resources? - 11. Health, Safety, and Nuisance Factors. Will the proposal have significant results In: a. CreatIon of any health hazard or potential .; health hazard? - - b. Exposure of people to potential health -L hazards? - - c. A risk of explosion or release of hazardous ,/ substances In the event of an accident? - - d. An Increase In the number of Individuals or species of vector or parthenogenic organisms / or the exposure of people to such organisms? - e. Increase In exIsting noise levels? ,/ - - 1. Exposure of people to potentiallY dangerous ./ noise levels? - g. The creatIon of objectIonable odors? - L h. An Increase In light or glare? L - 12. Aesthetics. Will the proposal hav~ significant results In: a. The obstruction or degradation of any scenic /' vista or view? - b. The creation of an aesthetically offensive ,/ site? . - c. A conflict with the objective of designated ,/ or potentIal scenic corridors? - 13. Utilities and Public Services. Will the proposal have significant need for new systems, or alter- ations to the following: . - a. Electric power? L - Ll"\ b. Natural or packaged gas? ,,/ - - iB c. Communications systems? V - - t: d. Water supply? ./ - ,,/ , e. Wastewater facilities? .. - S!! 1. Flood con~rol structures? ./" Q - .-4 g. Solid waste facilities? ./ S - "7 18 of 25 g h. Fire protection? - - -----------.---- .---- ----. ---------- - '. - . Environmental Study Checklist Page 5 m MAYBE NO i. Pollee protection? - - L j. Schools? ...L - k. Parks or other recreational facilities? L - I. Maintenance of public facilities, Including ./ roads and flood control facilities? - m. Other governmental services? V - - 14. Energy and Scarce Resources. Will the proposal have significant Impacts 'n: a. Use of substantial or excessive fuel or energy? - L b. Substantial Increase In demand upon existing -L sources of energy? - c. An Increase In the demand for dev~lopment of new sources of energy? - L d. An Increase or perpetuation of the consump- tion of non-renewable forms of energy. when feasible renewable sources of energy are V available? - e. Substantial depletion of any nonrenewable .L or scarce natural resources? - - 15. Mandatory Findings of Significance. a. Does the prOject have the potential to degrade the quality of the environment, sUbstantially reduce the habitat of fish or wildlife species. cause a fish or wild- life POpulation to drop below self- sustaining levels. threaten to eliminate a plant or animal community. reduce the number of restrict the range of a rare or endangered plant or animal. or eliminate Important examples of the major periods V- of the California history or prehistory? - b. Does the project have the potential to achieve Short-term, to the disadvantage of long-term. environmental goals? (A short- term Impact on the environment Is one which occurs In a relatively brief, definitive periOd of time whl Ie long-term Impacts will v' endure we II Into the future.) - - c. Does the project have Impacts which are Individually limited. but cumulatively considerable? (Cumulatively considerable means that the Incremental effects of an Individual project are considerable when viewed In"COnnectlon with the effect of past projects. and probable future ~ projects.) - .9 of 25 OCT 1 0 1995 ITEM 5 .1'" - Environmental Study Checklist Page 6 d. Does the project have environmental effects which wHI cause substantial adverse effects on human beings, either -_/ directly or Indirectly? II. DISCUSSION OF ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION (I.e., 01 affirmative answers to the above questions plus a discussion 01 proposed mitigation measures.) SEE ATTACHED PAGES Ill. DETERMINATION D On the basis 01 this Initial evaluation: D 1 find the proposed project COULD NOT have a significant effect on the environment. and a NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. EJ I find that although th8 proposed project could have a signiflcant effect on the environmant, there will not be a signiflcant effect in this case because the mitigation measures described on an attached sheet have been added to the project. A DECLARATION WILL BE PREPARED. 0 I find the proposed project MAY have a signiflcant effect on the environment, and an ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT Is required. DATE: 8-23-95 SIGNATURE: ~- 4~~ Stephen A. Str er TITLE: PRINCIPAL PLANNER o:\city\planning\roport\cup9504.oil 20 of 25 .. OCT 1 0 1995 ITEM ,S,.,I-' - - ENVIRONMENTAL STUDY CHECKLIST .- Page 7 II. DISCUSSION OF ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION 7. Socio-Economic Factors b. The project costs will be covered by the applicant through the conditions of approval. 11. Health. Safetv. and Nuisance Factors a, b. The use could potentially create or expose people to hazardous substances from unanticipated spillage of fuels, motor oil, engine coolant, battery acid and other hazardous vehicle fluids that could enter the storm drain system. An on-site containment system to catch auto, truck or recreational vehicle fluids is necessary to intercept the fluids. Mitiaation measures: 1. Pave the areas to be used for rental and storage of recreational vehicles and for customers of the tire sales and service business. Applicant shall install a surface drainage system to handle all surface water runoff. 2. An interceptor system shall be designed and installed to recover all liquid waste spilled within the service bays and parking areas. Waste material recovered in this process must be disposed of in accordance with State law. An Industrial Waste Discharge Permit is required to be processed through the Engineering Services Department and Building Division of the Planning Services Department. e. Intermittent noise from mechanical equipment will increase noise levels to residential neighborhoods to the south and to the north. Vehicular traffic from poway Road represents a significant noise source at present. Hours of operation will be limited to daylight hours to mitigate the impacts of night time noise impacts to nearby residential areas. MitiQation measures: 1. The hours of operation for all uses shall be between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. Monday to Saturday and 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on Sundays. - 2. Operation of the tire business or any other business generating noise shall be conducted in such a way to minimize the noise from impact wrenches and other noise associated with those activities. OCT 1 0 1995 ITEM 5 ..,. 21 of 25 --~-~- ENVIRONMENTAL STUDY CHECKUST Page 8 TI/'e installation and other work to motor vehicles is to be conducted within the service bays only. 12. Aesthetics b. Screening of the site with a combination of masonry walls, vinyl-coated chain link fencing and wood fencing and landscaping will be required to improve its appearance from poway Road and from surrounding commercial and residential properties. e: \city\planning\report\cup9504.eis tlCT 1 0 1995 ITEM 5 ..1 p" 22 of 25 ...,~..- . ," ::':'1::1:. I_~"-= II H .--1 ,- J ~'IVMOl - I OWOW IWMCW tHE' ......... .' ~) : _~I UlYfJOllV . ,.J.~"'.~": ZNOISNYcfll'l"'U01I . AYM04 .Ln.,;, I "U,I. I J II. J " f J.!J.! 111111 I . i 1 " g' '~. I Ii' 'I I II ~ I ,I r. .1' I I : I ,It , I I "I! .. II ~ Uii!! !I! II I . t I~ I ~r- ! .. , I I !I. I l' I ~ ,I,,, ~I I '~ :I P,ll I.~ I &1 Ii 'I 'I Ii , 11m I ' ~ ill:: I" 'I~I: ~ F,' .:1: i :11 f' rI hi , Ii: ~i,h~~ ~~ fi~l~ ~ I hi ~ ! IIIII:!'. a WI'" '~ ' i!' Iii II I I t t 'I.: 'I I. ~jlihll I I Uififtli't-ri II: i r !j'! I ,',If: ~b'l III I 1'1 I I ~ ~" I l' I' m I I r,o ..t s.. 1'1 ' I" ' ~! ~ !ll rGftn~~ !1~JhJ!1 ~ ~ I~ 'il ,_I. ~ 0 ~p: I !!:I~,n:J3~j i... -- . alii ~'lf. ~ ~ .. . . .. . . f:: . f ~ f fl' , . i It 11 ... . . ,!.,!.,!. .IoU .l. Iii I I L .: p-~~: I u .. --, .s ~- ) I -- - - t i' ~/ Ii ! fl, " ~ ' J!l ~ ': I 1 t; :!j' I ~ ' z w s"' " I 2 I :~' m: ill!i I~ i II II I . I' i, f . I l ~ . . . . ~ . r ~ I ~ '. ., t I it of . i . E . . l 'j 1.- s i . I EB r I z S ,,-, wi t:. '"' '. . ", ., _. '- I : a '0"0,:-:.1 ).:..'INood I I . 23 of 25 A'ITACHKBNT B llCT 101995 ITEM 5 " .- , ~-'-'--'-'-_._~-~-~ , =-==:... ,-",=-:".'":: .~ ..,1 I ~'A.YMCN GWOII AY~ LHZl ........." ' . < 1lSJ....Ii..IUW.... rHJ.tr..s31Z Z NOl5N'I'clXjI UU 111 A'f'MOcI I I, I , .. : ~ " u I ~......^ .....-:1... <1'._ 'I'" " 'I' I: , . . . ;; ." ,.. " " ) ~:; > u - , -. I l ! I '. ,. I' d , , .. , . , . I . \ :: ! ; ~ 3 , .j , . 1 Il ~ ~ ; . , . . ~ ~! l : > . o : E ~ : . >" . :: "I:.. . , , ~i .) ! ~ ~ ! . , . , < ~ .: j ;: 110 "\ \':~ ! H~ III " ,>,"" ..~:.., ., l ~ " I . -~. -~ ..~.. N. .....~.~. . . -. .. <if . t 1 . ! I I . ~ I , I I , , . . I 0' I '" ""'" "J . i ~ I j ""I ....-.................... . ~ I . ~ I -= 11 . ! I . I % : I . . . I . I I .1 . ~ . \.1 I 0- I c .' l~ , I - -, i~t 1 " I' il .~~ I L I; .= illS L !!i~ . i: . rl > L !b'E i I , - t~~. , i "11 I 0 !~;!!l DeT 1 0 1995 " 24 of 25 ATTACHM.NT ., , I :::0:=:'1 '.......11 ~...- ~.A.MOol II Clll S~"'h.A.RWlI" FHLtfY1I3.lz Z NUI~N"d::- ~-::w LHZ' AV'MQd ..uuyAri."~ ~ I 1 I I 1'<, .w......." l -'-'-". , l.. ) E th I, ~ 8 . I ~~ EB m i . ~ i ~; ~ I : i!~ i Ii . . ! ~' " -t . . ~i" I L~ , - t I ~t.. I ii f I fit , "-! i .. H~ .., i -.1. r I I. , ,I , ;it ! . . , I' . . I ! . ; ~ . , ; ." . . i .ilj! , . If " ~ q ~ , 'III .. :, I It ~ ,. ~ > . ! .. . ,. .. . c ( c < . i ! : c n .. ~ : ~ .. . ,. > . . ~ - .l I ~ > .. n ~ .. . . ~ .. , .. .. ~ \... > .. ~. .. ....Ii< or '''.,' - - ~ .~ ., .. 0 ~. ti , , : ~; ~ I. ~ ~ IJ ~,: - 5" .. I ~ : ~ I H I , , .Q~;tl I 25 of 25 ATTACHMENT G OCT 1 0 1995 rTElI 5 "". ----- CITY /)~ #-/(7- ?s- OF POWAY- DON HIGGINSON. Mayor SUSAN CALLERY. Deputy Mayor BOB EMERY. Councilmember - MICKEY CAFAGNA, Councilmember BErrY REXFORD, Councilmember October 9, 1995 Richard Darr 4322 Adams Ave. San Diego, CA 92116 Re: CUP 9s-04, DR 95-07, VAR 95-04: October 10, 1995 City Council agenda, Item 5 Dear Mr. Darr: Your letter of October 6, 1995 has been reviewed and responses are provided as follows: 1. We have discussed the parking of recreational vehicles (RV's) along your street frontage at length. Though we recognize that the Winston Tire trash and storage enclosure has affected visibility of your site for eastbound vehicular traffic, businesses should be identified via signs and not through parked vehicles. 2. Masonry walls or wood fences are the standard for screening in areas visible to the public. Chain link is allowed for rolling gates to secure outside areas after hours and in side and rear yard setback areas not visible to the general public. Your rear wall is presently thirteen feet above the grade of the adjoining ten foot easement with four feet of the height above the grade of your site. The wall was installed to retain stockpiled dirt that was the subject of a retroactive grading plan and court settlement five or more years ago. Your rear property line abuts a residential zone beyond the ten foot easement for which an eight foot high masonry wall is the standard. In this case, a six foot high masonry wall offset five feet from the rear property line is recommended due to the estimated twelve foot lower grade of the adjacent residential properties. Section 17.10.170(B) of the Poway Municipal Code states that "in any required rear of interior side yard area, a wall or fence shall not exceed six feet in height except as required by subsection B of Section 17.10.150". That section states in part "where the adjacent grade of the abutting residential property is four feet or more lower or higher than the project site, the masonry wall shall be a minimum of six feet in height. In addition, fifteen-gallon trees, twenty feet on-center, and shrubbery shall be installed and maintained along the inside of the wall in a five-foot wide, raised planter to provide a dense landscape screen". A variance would be required to construct the masonry wall any higher than the nine foot high retaining wall. We believe the east and west property lines with fencing should also be wood or masonry construction rather than chain link due to the visibility from the Poway Fund Bowl/Winston Tire vantage point from the west and from Poway Road and the adjoining property to the east. Wheel stops near the wall or fence on ~ . OCT 1 0 1995 ITEM 5 1.1 City Hall Located at 13325 Civic Center Drive @ c,.,,~~r~::~:d~~"~ress: P.O. Box 789, Poway, California 92074-0789 . (619) 748-6600, 695-1400 I . Richard Oarr October 9, 1995 Page 2 the south, east and west sides will be necessary to avoid inadvertent backing of RV's ioto the wall or fence. 3. The condition to pave the areas to be used for parking or storage of vehicles is standard for this type of use. Enclosed is an excerpt from the Poway Municipal Code specifying the number of inches of asphaltic concrete and aggregate base for commercial parking lots. 4. We support adding the truck rental business as part of the application so long as that option is exercised within the initial two year period after City Council approval or it will become null and void. The truck rental would be a comparable use to RV rental for those rental trucks that are similar in size to a motor home. Copies of this letter will be forwarded to the Mayor and City Council for their consideration at the October 10, 1995 City Council meeting. Any changes that are proposed that receive their agreement will be included in the final resolution of approval. Please telephone me at 679-4293 or stop by the office to discuss this letter further. Sincerely, ~k Stephen A. Streeter, AICP Principal Planner - encl. cc: James L. Bowersox, City Manager Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk Reba Wright-Quastler, Director of Planning Services e:\city\Plonnfng\sos\darr2.ltr . -' ".-. -.' '. OCT 1 0 1995 ITEM 5 . . ! I . ". '},.,' : \. ' . " \"'f..\~-' j 1---' '----,- --. il - -. HECEIVE:D ' , ' , . I~ /" ~ :. ,."'1 ... ~rI-P~ OCT Ii! 6 1995 10- 6 - t15' ":1 :"NNiNG DEPT. ';'~: 2hve. ~ ,::P~~~ CUp':#: Q5-c;c../ .. t I J~-V\ ~ bw-Ld ~ ~ Jo.u:t CN'-- ~ 1~J-( -q <;. I,J ~~ ~~ ~ h>,Uo::t ~.:) /2. t/.f~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~w~~ ~ ! ~ ..hL ~ ~o/~ ~r~ '~~~-k ~:&-L--I ~~J 0~ ~ Zo v< .<0 ~ . w-d/ ~ ~~~kJ~ YLU-e-J ~ j) ~ cJo-i ~ ~ ~v~~.~~( ~ ~\~ ~ ,6~<'7-'~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ C>{/4 wa-tt. ~~~ ~ fNr~ "' '. A fk- ~~a :IE . ,Jo-M~~~~ ~ ! ~,;/- ok ~ ~..h ~,~~ .i i ~ ~"'- ~ ~ 2~:t ;; j ~.~~};d...__~~ ~ g I ~~ R.f1~~~u2-+'l ~~ c.f. -;; p~ :tk ~ 6~ ~ ., -~ d OY\.-- . i . ( . , ~ II ~.. ,', ..'13:' ,., ": , ..~ :J V . .i1-. ;., ,\ ,.' : ~ '.\ ~'.. .' " , l~rl ;:. ii: ~:J:. <C ,'. ....~.s::....~:-r ~.. ..' f'-I "/'. ''''." , , ,) I '-- q~:i ;-j",:> . ., : '. - - " ,.. '. '., ~ " , . - ,', ~ . -~' .' .,:--'...,) ~~"'... ,--'- ' - ... ." . - ~.':-' \:\ "<" '::' ,.'- . . \, . ',':' . ,. ,~ .< , \ '\ , n{}ri 011995 '.ITEM ....~.::..:. ,~.:.; .' ' ~~_....,~':...S... .... 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