Item 7 - Approval of Minutes - AGENDA REPORT SUMMARY - TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Mana~ INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk-i~ DATE: October 10, 1995 .~ SUBJEcr: Approval of Minutes ABSTRAcr The Minutes of the September 12 and 19, 1995 regular meetings have been prepared and are attached for your approval. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW - Environmental review is not required according to CEQA guidelines. FISCAL IMPAcr None ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE None RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Council approve the minutes of the Poway City Council meetings of September 12 and 19, 1995 ACTION .- II .:,c,ty\ .gl,.t,c,tyc.....'.'.n...\""nut...."'m OCT 1 0 1995 ITEM 7 -.-- -"_. CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 12, 1995 The September 12, 1995, regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Poway, was called to order at 7:02 p.m., by Mayor Higginson at the Poway Center for the Performing Arts, 15498 Espola Road, Poway, California. COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT AT ROLL CALL Mickey Cafagna, Susan Callery, Bob Emery, Betty Rexford, Don Higginson STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT James Bowersox City Manager Marjorie Wahlsten City Clerk Steve Eckis City Attorney Peggy Stewart Director of Administrative Services Bob Thomas Director of Community Services Mark Weston Director of Engineering Services Reba Wright-Quastler Director of Planning Services Randy Wi 11 i ams Director of Public Services Steve Streeter Principal Pl anner Steve Blackwood Sheriff's Lieutenant Penny Ril ey Senior Management Analyst PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Deputy Mayor Callery led the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Mayor Higginson stated Public Oral Communications would be trailed until later in the meeting. CONSENT CALENDAR Mot i on by Council member Call ery, seconded by Mayor Higgi nson to approve the Consent Calendar, as follows: 6. Approval of Minutes - City Council August 8, 1995, Regular Meeting 8. Ratification of Warrant Register for period of August 21-25, 1995 (401-10) 5623 OCT 1 0 1995 ITEM 7 ,. -- -- Page 2 - CITY OF POWAY - September 12, 1995 8.1 Adoption of Resolution No. 95-102, entitled, "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Poway, Cal ifornia Amending the Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Poway and the Poway Firefighters' Association Representing the Safety Employees and Rescinding Resolution Nos. 92-003 and 93-169." (Confi rmi ng act i on taken in closed ses s i on September 5, 1995, Item 26B) (901-02) 8.2 First Amendment to agreement between the City of Poway and the County of San Diego for Management and Implementation of CDBG funded housing rehabilitation program. The amendment will enable the County to reimburse the City an additional total of $154,250 in Twenty-First-Year CDBG funding for the completion of housing rehabilitation projects for low and very-low income Poway residents. (Originally approved on September 5, 1995, Item 21. Revisions were requested by County of San Diego.) (602-01 #979) Motion carried unanimously. ITEM 4 (203-21) SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT 84-01AA PROHIBITING OUTDOOR AMPHITHEATERS - Council member Callery announced she has a potent i a 1 confl i ct of interest and 1 eft the meeting. Mayor Higginson opened the publ ic hearing. Staff report by City Manager Bowersox. As the City Council knows, Bill Silva has withdrawn his applications for an amphitheater in South Poway, however, staff is recommending an amendment to the South Poway Specific Plan that would prohibit outdoor amphitheaters. This recommendation comes as a result of staff's research in connection with the Bill Silva Presents application. Some Councilmembers visited other amphitheaters in Cal ifornia; members of the public submitted information; and consultants conducted studies which showed there would be sound problems. In addition, other property owners in the South Poway Business Park expressed concerns about the impact of an amphitheater on the marketabil ity of the business park. As a result, staff is recommending that the South Poway Specific Plan be amended to prohibit outdoor amphitheaters. Speaking in opposition to staff recommendation: Teresa Clark, President of the Poway Chamber of Commerce, stated projects should be considered on their merits and not be prohibited up front. Fred Day, Executive Director of the Chamber of Commerce, stated the City Council should not change the master plan of the business park. Gaylene Keiper, 13314 Buena Vista Doris Lewis, 13441 St. Andrews Place, Commissioner of Activities, Poway High School 5624 OCT 1 0 1995 ITEM 7 ------- Page 3 - CITY OF POWAY - September 12, 1995 Speaking in favor of staff recommendation: Joyce Romero, 13614 Fairgate Bea Reuel, 13710 Paseo Bonita Dan Parks, 13688 Comuna Drive, President of Country View Condo Association and a business operator in the South Poway Business Park Carl Bair, business address of 12625 Danielson Court in the South Poway Business Park, and resident of Scripps Ranch John Monsees, 12525 Birch Bluff Court, San Diego, co-founder of Citizens Against the Poway Amphitheater Wes Danski n, 11706 Lake Grove Court, San Di ego, Mi ramar Ranch North Planning Group Gil Olson, 13409 Midland Road Constance Griffin, 12655 Gate Drive Randy Wilkins, 14617 Acton Court Mark Sorenson, 10785 Loire Avenue, San Diego, Scripps Ranch Civic Association Peggy Collette, 13969 Bernadotte Lane, asked when Bill Silva's proposal had first come forward Hugh Largey, 11721 Pickford Road, San Diego Sonia Wilson, 11029 Caminito Alegra, San Diego Bill Fay, 14464 Pebble Canyon, gave a report on sound impacts Kay Rickles, 13725 Utopia Bill Rickles, 13725 Utopia, President of Southwest Poway Homeowners Association Eve Pearce, 14625 Fairburn Street Roger Willoughby, 13732 Fairgate Drive Kathie Muela, 13333 Racquet Court Dorothea Hover, 15373 Skyridge Road Ellen Bernee, P.O. Box 823 Gail Trunnell, 13314 Neddick Avenue, asked what Councilmember Callery's conflict of interest is Jan Selberg, 12545 Swan Canyon Court, San Diego, suggested all amphitheaters should be eliminated Fred Piersen, Community Planning Liaison, Miramar Naval Air Station Jim Seifert, 16344 Martincoit Road, read a statement from Jerry Hargarten, President of the Green Valley Civic Association Motion by Councilmember Emery, seconded by Councilmember Cafagna to close the public hearing. Motion carried 4-0 with Councilmember Callery out of the room. RECESS AND CALL TO ORDER Mayor Higginson called for a recess at 8:45 p.m. and called the meeting back to order at 8:55 p.m. with all Councilmembers present except Councilmember Callery. Mayor Higginson stated he has received more correspondence on this issue than any other since he's been on the Council. The one common denominator stated in all the public input is that this is a great and unique community. 5625 OCT 1 0 1995 ITEM 7 -~- - -- Page 4 - CITY OF PWOAY - September 12, 1995 In response to query from Mayor Higginson, City Manager Bowersox stated that if the Bill Silva Presents application had been completed and brought to the City Council, he would have recommended denial. Councilmember Emery stated that, like a lot of people, when he first heard about the amphitheater he was intrigued, but it was the research that was done that showed it probably wouldn't be a good thing for the community. He rebutted a statement made by one of the speakers that Poway is having an identity crisis and stated that Poway's identity is very clear and has been since incorporation. Councilmember Rexford stated she had done her homework regarding amphitheaters by visiting the ones in Mountain View and Costa Mesa and learned the problems they had that could not be eliminated. She cited the need for a healing in the community. Councilmember Cafagna stated he spends 20-30 hours a week on City business and a good deal of that time is spent selling the community and meeting with people who want to propose a project in the City. He stated he had first met Bill Silva in September, 1994 when he met with his consultants and staff to discuss his proposal and the process that needed to be followed. This same type of meeting is held with many developers and they are all told the same thing, "You have to get certain things approved and here are the risks." The proper process was followed in bringing this forward. He poi nted out that the "City in the Country" does not apply when you go up the hill into the Business Park. That is big business and its viability is important to the economic health of the City. Mot i on by Counc il member Emery, seconded by Council member Rexford to issue a Negative Declaration and adopt Resolution No. 95-103, entitled, "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Poway, California Approving South Poway Specific Pl an Amendment (SPA 84-01AA)." Motion carried 4-0 with Councilmember Callery abstaining. ITEM 5 (402-05) GRADING AND SUBDIVISION FEES Mayor Higginson opened the public hearing. Staff report by City Manager Bowersox. The fees charged by the Engineering Services Department for engineering, plan check, and inspection costs associated with land development have been revised and staff recommends adoption. There was no one present wishing to speak. Motion by Councilmember Emery, seconded by Councilmember Cafagna to close the public hearing and adopt Resolution No. 95-104, entitled, "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Poway Amending the Fee Schedule for Grading and Subdivision Activities of the Engineering Services Department and Rescinding Resolution No. 95-006." Motion carried 4-0 with Councilmember Callery absent. 5626 OCT 1 0 1995 ITEM 7 o. ----._--_._--~-~-~ Page 5 - CITY OF POWAY - September 12, 1995 PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Mayor Higginson explained the procedure for Public Oral Communications. The following persons were present wishing to speak: Vicki Campbell, 12307 Oak Knoll Road, aide to Assemblyman Goldsmith, gave the City Council a legislative update. Gil Olson, 13409 Midland Road, stated he is in support of a community college in Poway. Timothy Kennedy, 13667 Powers Road, stated he had attended a community meeting where the Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA) discussed their proposed mapping of the Pomerado Creek that will place many of their homes in a floodplain and require them to have flood insurance. Although FEMA stated they had started the study in 1992, he purchased his home in 1993 and there was not disclosure that this was being done. He asked the City Council for some help. City Manager Bowersox stated that another meeting with the residents will be held on Wednesday, September 20 at Pomerado School. Staff will give the City Council a status report on September 26. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Higginson adjourned the meeting at 10:10 p.m. on motion by Councilmember Cafagna, seconded by Councilmember Emery. Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk City of Poway 5627 OCT 1 0 1995 ITEM 7 . CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 19, 1995 The September 19, 1995, regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Poway, was called to order at 7:00 p.m., by Mayor Higginson at the City Council Chambers, 13325 Civic Center Drive, Poway, California. COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT AT ROLL CALL Mickey Cafagna, Betty Rexford, Don Higginson COUNCILMEMBERS ABSENT AT ROLL CALL Susan Callery, Bob Emery STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT John Fitch Assistant City Manager Marjorie Wahlsten City Clerk Steve Eckis City Attorney Peggy Stewart Director of Administrative Services Bob Thomas Director of Community Services Mark Weston Director of Engineering Services Reba Wright-Quastler Director of Planning Services Randy Williams Director of Public Services Mark Sanchez Director of Safety Services David Narevsky Redevelopment Services Manager Steve Blackwood Sheriff's Lieutenant Penny Riley Senior Management Analyst PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Councilmember Cafagna led the Pledge of Allegiance. EMPLOYEE SERVICE AWARDS Mayor Higginson presented employee service awards to Mike Lessig, Publ ic Services, 30 years; Barbara Warren, Engineering Services, 15 years; Bob Stein, Public Services, 10 years; Kathy Cerini and Alan Schuler, Engineering Services, 10 years. PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Mayor Higginson explained the procedure for Public Oral Communications. The following persons were present wishing to speak: Constance Griffin, 12655 Gate Drive, stated the additional library hours are beneficial for her son and asked why each Councilmember does not have their own office space and staff member. Mayor Higginson stated that their jobs are part time and they collectively have two office spaces in City Hall. 5628 OCT 1 0 1995 ITEM 7 .. Page 2 - CITY OF POWAY - September 19, 1995 Roger Willoughby, 13732 Fairgate Drive, stated there is illegal dumping occurring in the open space in the South Poway Business Park. Assi stant City Manager Fitch stated staff will report back on this in two weeks. Gil Olson, 13409 Midland Road, stated Poway will be having competition for 1 ight industrial uses if the City of San Diego develops the General Dynamics site on Kearny Mesa as planned. He and some others will be proposing the City of San Diego use the General Dynamics site for a new sports arena rather than a downtown site. City Council asked to be kept informed of their progress. CONSENT CALENDAR Motion by Council member Rexford, seconded by Council member Cafagna to approve the Consent Calendar as follows: 10. Approval of Minutes - City Council August 15, 1995, Regular Meeting 12. Rat i fi cat i on of Warrant Regi ster for peri od of August 28-September I, 1995 (401-10) 13. Authorization to issue a Request for Proposal for public recreation use on City-owned property adjacent to the Poway SportsPark. (601-03) 14. Receive and file report of administrative action taken on City Council Initiated and Public Inquiry Items from June 8, 1995, through September 1, 1995. (701-10) 15. Acceptance of public improvements and waiver of warranty bond requirement for Old Espola Road, Phase I, St. John of Damascus Church, developer. (602-01 #1004) 16. Adoption of Resolution No. P-95-52, entitled, "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Poway, California Approving Temporary Use Permit 95-69," Al i Ganji, Guard i an T owi ng, applicant, to allow a six month extension for the temporary stationing of three tow trucks, parked and dispatched from the back parking lot of the Shell Service Station located at 12365 Poway Road. ( 203-07) 17. Receive and file status report of City Council Goals and Objectives and direct staff to include in the 1995-96 budget document. (202-01) 17 .1 Appropriation of an additional $25,000 in Redevelopment Agency funds to complete the expansion of the Weingart Center. (602-01 #224R) 17.2 Appropriation of funds to establish accounts for the Used Oil Recycling and Household Hazardous Waste Collections Programs which will be reimbursed through California Integrated Waste Management Board Grants. Motion carried 3-0 with Councilmembers Callery and Emery absent. 5629 OCT 1 0 1995 ITEM 7 - Page 3 - CITY OF POWAY - September 19, 1995 ITEM 5A (704-04 ) ORDINANCE NO. 4s3/SECOND READING INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY ITEM 5B (405-00) BOARD OF DIRECTORS INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Mayor Higginson read the title of Ordinance No. 453, "An Ordinance of the City of Poway, California, Declaring a Need for the Industrial Development Authority of the City of Poway." Staff report by Assistant City Manager Fitch. This is second reading and staff recommends adoption. It is also necessary for the City Council to adopt a resolution declaring itself to be the Board of Directors of the Industrial Development Authority of the City of Poway. Speaking in opposition to staff recommendation: Roger Willoughby, 13732 Fairgate Drive Motion by Council member Cafagna, seconded by Council member Rexford to waive further reading, close the public hearing and adopt Ordinance No. 453. Motion carried 3-0 on a roll call vote with Councilmembers Callery and Emery absent. Motion by Council member Cafagna, seconded by Council member Rexford to adopt Resolution No. 95-105, entitled, "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Poway, Ca 1 iforni a Declari ng Itself to be the Board of Di rectors of the Industrial Development Authority of the City of Poway." Motion carried 3-0 with Councilmembers Callery and Emery absent. ITEM 6 (203-18) PRE-DEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE AIRTOUCH CELLULAR City Attorney Eckis explained the process of a pre-development conference. It is an opportunity for a developer to informally present a proposed project to the City Council before spending money on architects and engineers to get their feedback. City Council members can make no binding indication of support or opposition. Staff does not prepare a report on these items. Susan Lay, SB&O, Inc., 3645 Kearny Villa Road, San Diego, representing Airtouch Cellular, gave a brief presentation on cellular technology and how they site their facilities. They are proposing to construct a small building and install antennas on the City's Boca Raton Reservoir site on Cloudcroft Drive. Council asked about their future plans for sites in Poway. Ms. Lay stated they haven't projected past 1996 but will try to get more information for the Council. - 5630 OCT 1 0 1995 ITEM 7 Page 4 - CITY OF POWAY - September 19, 1995 ITEM 7 (203-14) DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 95-11 APPLICANT: DON & WILLIAM OLHAUSEN Staff report by Assistant City Manager Fitch. This is a request to construct a 39,470 square foot tilt-up building at 12420 Kirkham Court adjacent to the existing Olhausen pool table manufacturing building. 01 hausen is currently number one in volume and quality in the world for pool and billiard tables. Motion by Mayor Higginson, seconded by Councilmember Cafagna to adopt Planning Resolution No. P-95-53, entitled, "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Poway, California, Approving Development Review 95-11, Assessor's Parcel Number 317-225-01." Motion carried 3-0 with Councilmembers Callery and Emery absent. ITEM 8 (209-00R) BUSINESS INCUBATOR PROGRAM Staff report by Assistant City Manager Fitch. At the June 13, 1995 City Council meeting, staff was requested to review the potential of working with the San Diego Incubator Corporation to create a business incubator program in Poway. Staff has learned that the San Diego Center is supported primarily by grants from the City of San Diego and the private sector. They have no plans to expand at the current time and it appears the timing is not good for Poway to start their own program. Staff will continue to monitor the situation and bring back more information if the situation changes. Council concurred to receive and file the report. ITEM 9 (1208-00) PUBLIC INFORMATION ON THE INTERNET Staff report by City Clerk Wahlsten. At the August 3, 1995 City Council workshop on Goals & Objectives, Council requested staff proceed with making agendas and staff reports available to the public via on-line computer access. Staff is recommending a City of Poway web site on the Internet's World Wide Web to be created by an Internet host provider. A computer will be purchaed for the City Clerk's office to enable staff to view the information they are providing. It will be independent of the City's computer system. Initially, information will be available on the City's park and recreation activities, the agenda and staff reports and a directory of Who Does What in the City. Funds are available from the Public, Education, Government (PEG) fund provided by Cox and Southwestern Cable. Speaking in favor of staff recommendation: Larry Cruse, 13734 Utopia Motion by Mayor Higginson, seconded by Councilmember Rexford to authorize a City 5631 OCT 1 0 1995 ITEM 7 Page 5 - CITY OF POWAY - September 19, 1995 of Poway web site be established on the Internet's World Wide Web and appropriate $10,000 from the PEG fund to contract with an Internet host and an Internet access service for one year and purchase computer equipment. Motion carried 3-0 with Councilmembers Callery and Emery absent. CITY ATTORNEY ITEMS A. City Attorney Eckis requested the City Council hold a closed session to discuss price and terms of payment for property owned by Poway Land, Inc., identified as APN 317-481-01 through 74 & 76. B. City Attorney Eckis announced he is joining the City to two amicus briefs for cases on appeal: BIA of Northern California vs City of Livermore and Warran vs City of Carlsbad. MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL-INITIATED ITEMS 20. Council member Cafagna requested that the Goals & Objectives that were approved under Item 17 include a statement under Community Relations regarding getting information to the public and the Council earlier on projects staff is working on. 23. Councilmember Rexford asked about getting potholes fixed on Pomerado Road. She had seen Assemblyman Goldsmith at Community Day and he had asked her. Director of Engineering Services Weston stated staff is working on three different approaches, i nc 1 ud i ng a grant app 1 i cat i on- for federal fund i ng. Di rector of Publ i c Servi ces Wi 11 i ams stated that the street crew 1 ays twelve to fifteen tons of asphalt each week to patch streets. 24. Mayor Higginson announced the City has received an opportunity to have a member of staff or Council participate in the Sacramento delta water education trip sponsored by Metropolitan Water Di stri ct of Southern California. Councilmember Rexford will attend. CLOSED SESSION Mayor Higginson called for a closed session at 8:10 p.m. as requested by the City Attorney. CALL TO ORDER AND ADJOURNMENT Mayor Higginson called the meeting back to order at 8:35 p.m. with all Councilmembers present except Councilmembers Callery and Emery who were absent from the meeting. He adjourned the meeting on motion by Councilmember Cafagna and seconded by Councilmember Rexford. Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk City of Poway 5632 OCT 1 0 1995 ITEM 7 --. --.----- ----..-