Item 12 - Acceptance of Public Improvements St. Michael's Church ~ AGENDA REPORT SUMMARY - TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Man~ INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager ~ Mark S. Weston, Director of Engineeri~ Services Javid Siminou, Senior Civil Engineer Jesse Q. Tano, Assistant Civil Engineer I~ DATE: October 10, 1995 SUBJECT: Acceptance of Public Improvements and Release of Securities for St. Michael's Church, Improvement Plan Number 801-01-303 ABSTRACT The public improvements required for this project have been completed. Staff recommends acceptance of the improvements and release of the securities. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW - This action is not subject.to C.E.Q.A. review. FISCAL IMPACT None. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE None. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council accept the public improvements and release the performance bond, reduce the payment bond after 90 days of acceptance if no claims have been filed, and release the warranty bond after a period of one year of acceptance of the improvements if no claims are filed. ACTION - OCT 1 0 1995 ITEM 12 1 of 4 - AGENDA REPOR'l CITY OF POW A Y This report is included on the Consent Calendar. There will be no separate discussion of the report prior to approval by the City Council unless members of the Council. staff or public request it to be removed from the Consent Calendar and discussed separately. If you wish to have this report pulled for discussion, ptease fill out a slip indicating the report. number and give it to the City Clerk prior to the beginning of the City Couodl meeting. TO: Honorable Mayor and Members~e City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Man INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager ~ Mark S. Weston, Director of Engineer~ Services Javid Siminou, Senior Civil Engineer Jesse Q. Tano, Assistant Civil Engineer ~ DATE: October 10, 1995 SUBJECT: Acceptance of Public Improvements and Release of Securities for St. Michael's Church. Imorovement Plan Number 801-01-303 BACKGROUND: This project is located at 15546 Pomerado Road (Attachment 1). As a condition of constructing a new sanctuary, the public improvements required included the installation of a water main and appurtenances and a fire hydrant. The improvement plan was approved by the City Engineer on November 26, 1991. The developer posted a "Standard Agreement for Construction of Public Improvements," guaranteed with the required securities. The performance bond was reduced to $5,900.00 on July 16, 1992. FINDINGS: The Engineering Services Department has reviewed the public improvements and found them to be complete and ready for acceptance. FISCAL IMPACT: None. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: This action is not subject to C.E.Q.A. review. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION & CORRESPONDENCE: None. ACTION: 2 nf 4 OCT 1 0 1995 ITEM 12 Acceptance of Public Improvements and Release of Securities for St. Michael's Church, Improvement Plan Number 801-01-303 October 10, 1995 - Page 2 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council: 1. Accept the public improvements and direct the City Clerk to release performance bond number FS 702 86 69 in the amount of $5,900.00. 2. Direct the City Clerk to reduce payment bond number FS 702 86 69 in the amount of $29,500.00 to an amount not less than the total claimed by all claimants for whom claims of lien have been recorded and notice thereof given in writing to the City Clerk, and if no such claims have been recorded within 90 days of acceptance, the security may be released in full. 3. Direct the City Clerk to release warranty bond number FS 702 86 69 in the amount of $5,900.00 if no claims have been filed within one year of the acceptance of the improvements. JLB:JDF:MSW:JS:JQT:bw ATTACHMENTS: - 1. Vicinity Map - 3 of 4 OCT 1 0 1995 ITEM 12 - ~..._-...~.W/~",..#::~~~ .~':~~f'<4~'":~'~~~A~{:;~.l\:,.'."x~.. 1lI~:':} ))U t-. - ~ c. , y.....".~~ '--' , ~ ar ^<-. . '"-.~. 'NO ",'1' tfJ' l. ~'. I.., :..:1" ~ 23 ,,,. "' """'" . '"..WCl ~ ~. ., " ., . " ~ 'I!j' 'S, 1..... '" . aumw. '\;,'.~. 0' , .oilm. ~ ...,I ~'. ~; - ~~ e~ l!i ~~~1dJ for:: ~.:'i . am - 1Wt~': 1 I:'tO-ar=I./ ~A~' j)~..~ ,& 'Fw~" ~ d I : €. a ""ill / -- ,-----. ~.,. - ;I,,~\,= T ~1 ~ ~ /" ~ b r lH" "'" s! "~,/ / / _ - e~ \, "\ ~. "'~IlIC1"'" ~c '\ I!! : "~',,-~" ~.~~~ ,~,.5 ~~~ · .... 'if. ,.1..7 l~.'."''>'' UJ.t[~ ~ ~,' ~ ~ . f'<..... ESPOlrT ' ,..' 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