Item 5 - High Accident Location and Analysis Program AGENDA --~PORT SUMMARY TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council -,- FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Manager INITIATED BY: John D, Fitch, Assistant City Manager~ ~ Mark S. Weston, Director of Engineering Service Michae] H. Robinson, Traffic Engineer /ltw",- DATE: October 17, 1995 SUBJEcr: High Accident Location and Analysis Program - Final Report ABSTRAcr In 1993, City Council reviewed the Hughes Heiss Management and Efficiency Study and approved a number of actions which were recommended to improve safety within the City. Since that time, the City has undertaken numerous actions including traffic safety studies by outside agencies, and completed grant projects to provide additional facilities and equipment. The latest project to be completed was the High Accident Location and Analysis Program, The program combined a Geographic Information System (GIS) with an accident database to create a state-of-the-art system capable of recording accidents, traffic volumes, answering queries, and printing accident diagrams, In minutes, the system can analyze conditions normally requiring numerous manhours, and will allow the City to be more proactive in its approach to improving an a 1 ready excell ent traffi csafety record. - ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This action is not subject to CEQA review. FISCAL IMPACf It is expected that significant, but indeterminable savings will result from the enhanced traffic safety provided by the High Accident Location and Analysis Project, ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE None RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that City Council receive and file this report, ACTION " 1 OF 16 DCT 1 7 1995 ITEM 5 -- ---~ ~ AG ENDA REPOR'! CITY OF POW A Y TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council FROM: James L, Bowersox, City Manager INITIATED BY: John D, Fitch, Assistant City Manager1'\ ~ -"Mark S. Weston, Director of Engineering Service~ Michael H, Robinson, Traffic Engineer~~ DATE: October 17, 1995 SUBJECT: High Accident Location and Analysis Program - Final Report BackGround Early in 1993, City Council reviewed the Hughes Heiss Management and Efficiency Study and approved a number of actions which were recommended to improve operations within the City. One of the recommendations was that the City should enhance our traffic safety program in several areas, Since that time, the Engineering Services Department has initiated a number of actions intended to achieve that goal. It should be noted that nearly 100% of the projects described below were completed with grant funding. Findinas In mid 1993, a Traffic Safety Evaluation was prepared for Poway, The evaluation was funded by the State and conducted through the University of California Institute of Transportation Studies. It concluded that almost all City operations affecting traffic safety met State standards, or was superior to other similar sized cities. In late 1993 and early 1994, Engineering . Services, in concert with the Safety Services Department, applied for and received California Office of Traffic Safety grant funding for several traffic safety projects, The first project involved acquisition of a Roadside Sobriety Checkpoint Trailer and implementation of a Sobriety Checkpoint program, Next, a Radar Speed Trailer was purchased for deployment in areas of the City suspected of having speeding problems, Both programs were highly visible, receive positive feedback from the community, and help improve traffic safety, As a result of these and other programs, the City of Poway became the first in the state to receive recognition as a Traffic Safety City. Along with the above noted projects, the City applied for grant funding to replace its aging and labor intensive manual accident records system with a computerized accident database and analysis package, The High Accident Location and Analysis Program was approved by the California Office of Traffic Safety at approximately the same time as the other grants, The goals of the project were: I) to develop an easy to use and maintain accident database and ACTION: I J 2 OF 16 High Accident Location and An8iysis Program - Fin" Report City Council Agenda. October 17. , 995 Pago 2 analysis system; 2} to identify at least ten intersections or mid-block segments with correctable accident patterns; and, 3) to develop improvement recommendations to enhance traffic safety at each location, The database and analysis system was developed on a Pentium run PC by combining electronlc mapping software with a database system capable of storing and retrieving accident records, The combination of the two programs created a powerful traffic safety analysis tool that few other cities in the country have, Detailed accident reviews which once could take days to perform can now be completed in minutes, The mapping software is a state-of-the-art 'ArcView' Geographic Information System (GIS) package containing a color map of Poway and portions of the surrounding area. The map can be modified to include many forms of data, such as parcels, utility lines, streets, and even zoning, It can be manipulated in a number of ways to increase or decrease the area being viewed, The GIS package is also capable of storing information relative to each item on the map, such as area of each parcel, length of street segments, and size of util ity 1 ines, The accident database software is the most comprehensive accident database program available. The software provides many types of queries and reports, Several examples follow: "High incidence locations" allow for the identification of any number of locations, both intersection and mid-block segments, ranked by accident frequency or rate, "Intersection Historical Queries" provides a collision history report for any selected intersection. "Mid block Historical Queries" generate a report of collisions for any selected mid block segment, Finally, "General Queries" provide accident history reports based on anyone or combination of factors. As an example, ~sing this query, one can isolate all nighttime accidents, all rainy weather accidents, all accidents involving drunk drivers, all accidents occurring within speCific times, all accidents involving pedestrians or bicycles, or any combination of the above, In addition to its reporting capabilities, the software is capable of printing accident diagrams and keeps a record of traffic volumes on most streets, As part of the grant project, the system was queried for the ten intersections and segments having the highest rates for the years 1993 and 1994, Summaries of the intersections with the highest total number of accidents and those with the highest accident rates for the years 1993 and 1994 are provided in Attachment A, The highest total number of accidents was 12 during 1993 at the intersection of Pomerado Road and Twin Peaks Road, The highest accident rate for the same two year period was ,72 accidents per million vehicles at the intersection of Pomerado Road and Oak Knoll Road, This intersection was found to be only slightly above the state average rate of ,63 accidents per million vehicles. All other intersections are below the state average. This indicates Poway has a superior safety record at intersections, Summaries of the mid-block segments with the highest total number of accidents and those with the highest accident rates for the years 1993 and 1994 are provided in Attachment B, The highest total number of accidents during 1993 was 12 on Poway Road between Bowron Road and Community Road, In general, the types of accidents found in the review were minor and not the kind that are correctable by the more common safety measures such as higher levels of traffic control, changes in intersection geometry, or improved 3 OF 16 VeT 1 7 1995 ITEM .5 .' ----- High Accident Location end A".v-ie Progrem . Final Report City Council Agenda - October 17. 1995 Pogo 3 signing. Simple changes in signing and signal timing were proposed to be implemented, Accident diagrams for the top two intersections are included as Attachment C, When compared to typical rates for roadways statewide with similar traffic conditions, Poway's accident record is excellent, last year, for the third straight year, Poway's safety record was better than 90% of similar sized cities, and better than 85% of all cities in California, However, with increasing traffic volumes and changing roadway conditions, new problems can develop, It is anticipated that the Accident location and Analysis Program will assist in Quickly identifying accident trends so that solutions can be found before unsafe conditions develop. Environmental Review The actions covered in this report are not subject to CEQA review, Fisca 1 I_Dact It is expected that significant, but indeterminable, savings will result from the enhanced traffic safety provided by the High Accident location and Analysis Project. Public Notification and CorresDondence None RecOlllllendation -It is recommended that City Council receive and file this report, JlB:JDF:MSW:MHR:pc Attachments: A - High Incidence Intersection Report B - High Incidence Midblock Report C - Accident diagrams 4 OF 16 I)CT 17 1995 ITEM .5 " - High Incidence Intersection Report 1/30/95 Number of collisions for the top 10 locations From 1/1/93To 12131/93 Rank Intel'Hction Total Collisions 1 CAmino Del Nolte I ~8do RcHld- Twin Pea'" Road 12 2 Community RcHld I POW8)' Road a 3 Midland RcHld I Pow8)' RcHld a 4 Pomer8do RcHld I Pow8)' RcHld a 5 Carriage RcHld I POW8)' RcHld 5 a Ninth Street I ~8do Road 5 7 Oak Knoll Road I PomenIdo RcHld 5 a Pomer8do Road I T8d Williams Parkway 5 II POW8)' Road I Tarucan Drive 5 10 Bowron RcHld I POW8)' RcHld 4 10 Civic Center Drive I Community Road 4 10 POW8)' RcHld I Sr.e7 4 Settings Used For Query Parameter Settin, St8l1iDg Date 1/1193 Eading Date 12/31193 DiItaace from Iate..-tioa - !lO' for aoa rur-ead coUlsioas - 1!lO' for rur-ead coUiJioas neT 1 7 1995 ITEM.5 ~. 5 OF 16 ATTACI-I'1ENT A ---- - High Incidence Intersection Report 11301tS Accident Rates for the top 10 locations From 1/1/93To 12/31/93 Rank Intersection Ac:c:ident Rate Total Collisions 1 o. Knoll Road I PomerIIdo ROM! 0.718 5 2 Ninth StNet I Pomerlldo Road 0,832 5 3 Camino Del Norte I Pomerlldo ROM!-Twln Pulls Road 0.545 12 4 Civic Center DrlWl I Community Road 0.5011 4 5 Pomerlldo ROM! I Ted Williams Parkw~ 0.434 5 8 ContInue I Espola Road-Valle Verde ROM! 0,414 3 7 Community Road I Pow~ Road 0.314 8 8 Midland Road I Pow~ Road 0.383 8 e T!erra Bonita Road I Twin ....Ils Road 0.371 3 10 Pow~ Road I Tar_n Drtve 0.35lI 5 Settings Used For Query Parameter Settinll Startiag Date 1/1193 EDdlng Date 12/31193 DIJtuce from IDtenectioD <- !lO' for DOD relII'-cnd collillou <- 1!lO' for relII'_d collillou MlDbnUID NUlDber of Collillou 3 6 OF 16 ATTACHMENT A oeT 1 7 1995 ITEM .5 " High Incidence Intersection Report 9/301M Number of collisions for the top 10 locations From 1/1/94 To 12/31/94 Rank Intersection Total Collisions 1 C.mlno Del Norta / Pomerllllo RMd- Twin ....ks RoIId a 2 Community RoIId / P_., RoIId . 3 P_., RMd / Silver uk. Drive 7 4 C.rr1ege RoIId / P_., RoIId . 5 Pomerllllo RoIId / Pow., RoIId 6 6 E.poI. RoIId / P_., RoIId 5 7 Midland RMd / P_., RoIId 5 a Pomerado RoIId / Scrippe P_.y P.rkw.y 5 9 Pomerllllo RoIId / Tad WIIII.me P.rkw., 5 10 Community RoIId / HI.llelIry PI_ 4 10 Pow., RoIId / T.r.....n Drive 4 .settings Used For Query Parameter SettiD' Stu1iDg D.te 1/1194 Ending D.te 12131194 Distance from Intenectlon <- 50' for DOn rear-end collilioDJ <- 150' for rear-end collisioDJ ITEM 5 .. 7 OF 16 ATTACK'1ENT A tlCT 1 7 1995 High Incidence Intersection Report 8/30/95 Accident Rates for the top 10 loc8t1ons From 1/1194 To 12131194 Rank Intersection Accident Rate TotllI Collisions 1 Community RlHId I Hilleary PI_ 0.507 4 2 Pomerlldo RlHId I Scripp. P_ay Parkway 0.418 5 3 P_ay RlHId I Sliver Lake Drive 0.481 7 4 Eapola RlHId I Poway RlHId 0.487 5 5 Pomerlldo RlHId I Ted WIIII.me Parkway 0.434 5 6 Continue I Eapola RlHId-Valle Verde RlHId 0.414 3 7 Carriage RlHId I Poway RlHId 0.4011 6 8 Community RlHId I P_.y RlHId O,3a4 8 9 TIerre Bonita RlHId I Twin Peake RlHId 0.371 3 10 Camino Del Notte I Pomerlldo RlHId- Twin Peaka RlHId 0.383 8 Settings Used For Query Parameter Settinl Starting Date 1/1/94 EDdiDg Date 12/31194 DiJtuce from IDteneetioD <a SO' for BOD rear-ead colliJiou <- ISO' for rear-ead colllsiou MiDimum Number or ColliJiou 3 8 OF 16 ATTACI-I'1ENT A OCT 17 m5 ITEM .5 . , High Incidence Midblock Report 1/30"11 Number of collisions for the top 10 locations From 1/1/93 To 12131/93 Rank Seament Total Collisions 1 Pow8Y Road - Bowron RO*! to Community Road 12 2 Pow8Y RO*! - Mlna De Oro RO*! to 5r-87 7 3 Poway Road - Carrlllll4l RO*! to Carrlllll4l Helglrta W8Y II 4 Community Road - Pow8Y Road to Private Road 4 5 Midland RO*! - Pow8Y Road to Private Road 4 II Pomeraclo Road - Pow8Y Road to Robl8Oll Boulevard 4 7 Pow8Y RO*! - Mlllarda RO*! to Eapola Road 4 8 Pow8Y Road - Pomerado Road to Oak Knoll RO*! 4 II Blue Crystal Trail - Pow8Y Road to Mural Trail 3 10 Community Road - Civic Center Drive to Dana Vista 3 10 Community Road - Metate Lane to Stowe Drive 3 10 POW8Y Road - Community Road to Midland Road 3 10 TwlR Peaka Road - 511Vt11'Ht 5tnlet to Wooda'eek RO*! 3 Settings Used For Query Parameter SettiDI Starting Date 1/1/93 EDdiDg Date 12/31/93 DiItanee from InteneetioD > SO' for DOD rear-end COIlilioDl > 1!iO' for rear-end COIlilioDI 9 OF 16 ATTACI-MENT B 'OCTl 7 J995 ITEII ,5 High Incidence Midblock Report 912819S Accident rates for ~ top 20 locations From 1/1/93 To 12131/93 RInl! Seament Accident Rate Total Collisions 1 Midland Road - Hllle8ry P1-..Prlv.. Road to poway Road 7.n 5 2 Poway Road . Bowron Road to Community Road 3.79 12 3 Pomerado Road - Poway Road to Roblaon Boulevard 2.77 4 4 Community Road . Poway Road to Hille8ry P1_ 2.31 4 5 Poway Road - CarrllllI4l Road to Carrtllll4l Heights Way 2.1 5 8 Community Road . MetMa Lane to stowe Drive 1.25 3 7 Poway Ro8d. Mlna De Oro Road to Sr.e7 1.12 7 8 Poway Road - Community Road to Midland Road 1,04 3 1I Poway Road - PomerIICIo Road to Oak Knoll Road 1 4 10 Twin ....... Road - SIIverMt Street to Woodcreek Road 0.96 3 11 poway Road - Mlllarda Road to Eapola Road 0,83 4 12 poway Road - Blue Crysbll Trail to Prlv.. Road 0.41 3 Settings Used For Query Parameter SettiDl! Startin2 Date 1/1/93 EDdiD2 Date 11/31/93 DistaDce from IDtenectioll > SO' for _ rear-atd collisioDs > 250' for rear-eod coIIisioDs MinimDm NDJIlber 01 CoIIUioDs 3 ATTACHMENT B OCT 1 7 1995 ITEM .5 , 10 OF 16 - - High Incidence Midblock Report 912ll19S Accident rates for the top 20 locations From 1/1194 To 12131194 ~ Seament Accident Rate Total Collisions 1 TItan W~ - Rlpllrlan RoM! to Eden Grove-Eapola RoM! t.23 3 2 Community RoM! - Civic Center Drive to PowlIy RoM! 4,23 3 3 EspoIa Road - Range Pari< RoM! to P_~ RoM! 2.45 5 4 P_~ RoM! - Pomerado RoM! to Rldgedllle DrIw 2.28 7 5 PowlIy Road - Carriage Road to Silver Lake Drive 1.8 3 8 P_~ RoM! - Carriage HeIghts W~ to Qullle Court 1.52 3 7 Poway RoM! - Community RoM! to Midland RoM! 1.311 4 8 Pow~ Road - Pomeuldo RoM! to Oak Knoll RoM! 1 4 II P-.y RoM! - Bowron RoM! to Community RoM! Us 3 Settings Used For Query Parameter SettiD2 StartiDl Dale 1/1/94 EDdhtl Date 12/31/94 DiJtaDce from IlltenectiOD > !l4)' for DOB rear-ead coI1iJioDs > 2!lO' for rear-aad coIIUiou l\fini_m NDlDber fII CoIIisiODs 3 DCT 1 7 '995 ITEM S . , 11 OF 16 A TT ACI-MENT B High Incidence Midblock Report 9/30/95 Number of collisions for the top 10 locations From 1/1194 To 12131194 Rank Seament Total Collisions 1 Pow~ ROIId - P_8do Road to Rldgedale Drive 7 2 E.poIa ROIId - Range Park Road to P_~ Road 5 3 P_ay Road - Community Road to Midland Road .. .. P_~ Road - Pomerado Road to Oak Knoll Road .. 5 Community ROIId - Civic Center Drive to P_~ Road 3 6 Community ROIId - Metate Lane to Stowe Drive 3 7 Old P_8do Road - PoIMrIIdo ROIId to Paaeo Colina 3 8 Pow~ ROIId - Bowron Road to Community Road 3 9 P_~ ROIId - Carriage Road to Silver Lake Drive 3 10 Pow~ Road - Ta~ Drive to Quate Court 3 10 Sroe7 - Poway Road to Ellie Lane 3 10 Titan W~ - R1parlllll Road to Eden Grove.&poIa Road 3 Settings Used For Query Parameter SettiDI StartiDg Date 1/1/94 EDdiIlg Date 12131/94 Diltuce from IDtenectloD > SO' for DOD rear-end COIUlloDl > ZSO' for rear-end COIUlloDl 12 OF 16 ATTACHMENT B OeTl 7 1995 ITEMS ...... Collision Diagram Street: CAMINO DEL NORTE From: 1/1/93 To: 12/31/93 Cross Street: POMERADO ROAD-lWIN PE Date Prepared: 1 0/3/95 8/25J93 L1 ~j C <J----<Thim93 r;:: rIb L rIb .L : 6/16/93 ~ ~ ;;;;;;f>" "l>- ......, 711 :J 1/4/93 : ii12i9f>.' ..I>- 5/27193 I I Number of Collisions Leaend L Right Turn !j; Pedestrian ~ Moving Vehicle t Left Turn OJ Fixed Object 10 Properly Damage Only -----.j Stopped Vehicle ~ Injury Collisions ~ Backing Vehicle :=: Sideswipe 0b Bicycle Q Fatal Collisions ....-..... Ran Off Road '( DUI 12 Total Collisions ~..... Movement <I-- Day 0 Injury Unknown -- Night C Fatal 13 OF 16 ATTACHMENT C OCT 1 7 1995 ITEM 5 - - Collision Diagram Street: CAMINO DEL NORTE From: 1/1/94 To: 12/31/94 Cross Street: POMERADO ROAD-TWIN PE Date Prepared: 10/3/95 ~ L1 6/6/9, J:: ~ ~ 1017"" t:,,~, ~1~ J -:J j) I I Number of Collisions Leaend L Right Turn 7:; Pedestrian ~ Moving Vehicle ,.- Left Turn ~ Fixed Object ~ Property Damage Only ------.j Stopped Vehicle ~ Injury Collisions ~ Backing Vehicle ::::= Sideswipe c3'o Bicycle !l Fatal Collisions ..........,. Ran Off Road "( DUI !! T olal Collisions ~ ----- Movement <r- Day 0 Injury Unknown -- Night ell Fatal 14 OF 16 ATTACHMENT C OCT 1 7 1995 HeM 5 .--- - Collision Diagram Street: COMMUNITY ROAD From: 1/1/93 To: 12/31/93 Cross Street: POWAY ROAD Date Prepared: 1 0/3/95 """'" Li ~l <]-----<1-- 3f7193 <l-- ~ <]-- ---<I-- 7/17/93 <]----~ 1 3 21319~ ~ 412119~ 3i26i9f>.... C> I I NumberofCo"~ions LeQend L Right Turn * Pedestrian .-- Moving Vehicle , Left: Turn OJ Fixed Object Z Property Damage Only ---.j Stopped Vehicle 1 Injury Collisions ~ Backing Vehicle := Sideswipe 0b Bicycle !! Fatal Collisions ~ Ran Off Road )' DUI l! Total Collisions .... on __ Movement <l-- Day 0 Injury Unknown --- Night ell Fatal 15 of 16 ATTACHMENT C OCT 1 7 1995 ncM 5 ---- ---"-- Collision Diagram Street: COMMUNITY ROAD From: 1/1/94 To: 12/31/94 Cross Street: POWAY ROAD Date Prepared: 10/3/95 ~ II ~ ......-- 2/5/94 1212OJ94 7;,d <)m'<I-- 4/23/94 =1 1 ! 8/9/94' 4112/94 1ii21'~ I r- Number of Collisions Leaend L Right Turn 7; Pedestrian ~ Moving Vehicle , Left Turn LiJ Fixed Objecl l! Properly Damage Only ~ Slopped Vehicle ~ Injury Collisions ~ Backing Vehicle ~ Sideswipe 0b Bicycle () F alai Collisions ..-v- Ran Off Road y DUI l! Total Collisions ....... Movemenl <:I-- Day 0 Injury Unknown ___ Nighl @ Falal 16 OF 16 ATTACHMENT C ocr 1 7 1995 nEM 5 --