Item 6 - Public Oral Request from Garden Rd. Residents .- JJ J:a;(.-,~ I tJ-I '3 -905- ~~ TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Honorable Chairman and Members of the Redevelopment Agency FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Manager/Exec~ Director INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manage~~ Mark S. Weston, Director of Engineering Services ~ Alan F. Schuler, Senior Civil Engineer! DATE: October 17, 1995 SUBJECT: Public Oral Communications Request from Garden Road Residents Regarding Construction of Scripps Poway Parkway extension ABSTRACT At the Council meeting of October 3, 1995, residents frpm the Garden Road area presented a request to the Council to hold a neighborhopd meeting at Garden Road to discuss the construction scheduling of the Scripps Poway Parkway project. Council directed staff to provide this report summarizing the public input regarding the Scripps Poway Parkway project. NVIRONMENTAL REVIEW No additional environmental findings are necessary. FISCAL IMPACT Sufficient funds have been appropriated for this project, ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Gail Trunnell, Peter Stein, Randy Wilkins, Kathy Muela RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council/Redevelopment Agency direct staff to conduct a neighborhood meeting to advise the Garden Road residents of the construction schedule and activities anticipated for the Scripps Poway Parkway. ACTION '- ~ 1 of 9 OCT 1 7 1995 ITEM .6 " AGENDA REPORT CITY OF POW A Y TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Honorable Chairman and Members of the Redevelopment FROM: James L, Bowersox, City Manager/Executive Dir~ INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager "..: Mark S, Weston, Director of Engineering Service$f?1 Alan F, Schuler, Senior Civil Engineer DATE: October 17, 1995 SUBJECT: Public Oral Communications Request from Garden Road Residents Regarding Construction of Scripps Poway Parkway Extension BACKGROUND At the Council meeting of October 3, 1995, residents from the Garden Road area presented a request to the Council to hold a neighborhood meeting at Garden Road to discuss the construction scheduling of the Scripps Poway Parkway project. Staff also received a letter from Randy Wilkins requesting similar information for the project (Attachment 1), Council directed staff to provide this report summarizing the public input regarding the Scripps Poway Parkway project, In addition, at the October 3, 1995 meeting, Council awarded the contract for construction of the Parkway to Signs & Pinnick of El Cajon. 'Archaeologica1 and biological recovery operations have been underway for several weeks and surveyors are delineating the boundaries of the construction project. Signs & Pinnick will begin clearing brush from the alignment during the week of October 16 in preparation for grading of the roadway and construction of the bridge crossing, Chronology of publicly held meetings to discuss the status of the Scripps Poway Parkway: 1988 Parkway Business Centre Tentative Map was approved by the City Council at a public hearing which established the alignment of the Scripps Poway Parkway south of the Garden Road area east of the new water tank to Sycamore Canyon Road. 1990-1991 The City Council received quarterly status reports of all major transportation projects throughout the City. The status reports were presented to the Transportation Task Force who held numerous public meetings to discuss the Scripps Poway Parkway and then forwarded their reports to the City Council. Each report included a stat s ACTION: )) 2 of 9 neT 17 1995 ITEM h , I , Agenda Report - Public Oral comu1icationa R~t frCllll Garden lad R..idents Reg.rding Construction of Scripps pow.y Parkway Extension October 17, 1995 Page 2 9/3/91 Preliminary design of Scripps Poway Parkway began with the approval and signing of a contract with Boyle Engineering by the City Council at a public meeting. 12/8/92 Updated status report on the Scripps Poway Parkway which addressed the timing of the construction of the Scripps Poway Parkway from the east boundary of Parkway Business Centre to Sycamore Canyon Road was received by the City Council at a public meeting, 1/26/93 After receiving public input and testimony from the President of the Garden Road Homeowners Association regarding the visibility of the Scripps Poway Parkway south of the Garden Road neighborhood, the City Council approved the inclusion of a 4-foot high earthen berm to screen vehicles on the Parkway. The Parkway is 300 feet higher and 2,000 feet horizontally south of the nearest home in the Garden Road area (Attachment 2). At the public meeting the plotted lines of sight from three locations in Garden Road, i.e., Dehia Street, Garden Road, and Grimsley at High Pine were presented to the City Council and the public. From all three locations, the berm would screen a 7-foot high vehicle from view, 2/4/93 At a public meeting the City Council received a report on the Scripps Poway Parkway listing estimated construction costs and schedule along with initial scoping hearing for the EIR. 3/16/93 At a public meeting the City Council received a report on landscape screening of the Scripps Poway Parkway to be included with the construction of the earthen berm. Council approved a conceptual landscaping plan to be included in the project. 2/8/94 Council held a public hearing and certified the EIR for the Parkway. 5/10/94 & Public reports were presented to the Council regarding the 5/17/94 connection of Sycamore Canyon Road to Scripps Poway Parkway in the southeast corner of the Garden Road neighborhood. In addition, staff conducted a public meeting at Garden Road School to discuss this connection, At that time, the project included a signalized at-grade intersection between the Scripps Poway Parkway and Sycamore Canyon Road. Based on resident input and redesign alternatives, Council approved the construction of an undercrossing of Sycamore Canyon Road at the Scripps Poway Parkway and reducing the width of the Parkway east of Sycamore Canyon Road from 6 lanes to 4 lanes. No connection from Sycamore Canyon Road to Scripps Poway Parkway would be included in the project. An emergency access from the Parkway to Sycamore Canyon Road would be included with the design. The alignment for the Parkway was shown at these meetings including the necessary cut and fill slopes both east and west of the intersection with Sycamore Canyon Road. 3 of 9 OCT 1 7 1995 ITEM .6 ^----.-.--.---.... ---'~_._~~ ----~-- Agenda Report - Public Oral conIlU'lications Req.JeSt from Garden Road Residents Regarding Construction of Scripps Poway Park.way Extension October 17, 1995 Page 3 1/17 /95 A status report for the funding of the Scripps Poway Parkway was presented to City Council at a public meeting to discuss the current project budget and available funding, Counc il approved additional funding for the project including several design changes to reduce construction costs. Based on the current construction costs and available funding, the Parkway could not be constructed within the approved budget. With the combination of cost reductions and additional funding the budget for the Parkway project was balanced, One of the items eliminated was the ornamental landscaping and irrigation system on the large fill slopes south of Garden Road. The City's geotechnical consultants recommended a non-irrigated landscaping in the fill area because of the extent of the landslide remediation and the concern for the stability of the hillside, 7/21/95 City Engineer signed plans for final design of the Parkway including a berm along the fill slope south of Garden Road (Attachment 3) which staff increased in height from 4 feet to 5 feet and widened the top of the berm from 4 feet to 7 feet. The additional height of the berm will provide additional screening to cars. The decision to heighten the berm was based on having available fill material from the project. The additional height mitigated the elimination of landscaping in the design. In addition, final design reduced the slope from 2:1 to 2:25:1 and incorporated slope rounding where possible, 8/1/95 At a public meeting the City Council received a status report on available funding for the Parkway and was advised that State funding had been reduced by approximately $3 million in the current State budget, Council was advised that the available funding may not be sufficient to build the project depending on the bids received. 9/21/95 Bids opened for the Parkway were $3.6 million less than the engineer's estimate. This reduction in construction cost bid was offset by a loss of $3.5 million in funding from the State Local Partnership Program administered by Caltrans. 10/3/95 At a public meeting the City Council awarded the construction contract to Signs & Pinnick for $20,962,000. Construction expected to begin the week of October 16, 1995. 4 of 9 OCT 1 7 1995 ITEM b .. Agenda R_rt - Public Oral clllIIU'llcations Request fr... Garden Rood Residents Regarding Construction of Scripps P_y Parkway Extension October 17, 1995 Page 4 FINDINGS The Scripps Poway Parkway was incorporated into the South Poway Community Plan in the mid 1980s. The precise alignment south of Garden Road was approved in 1988 with the Parkway Business Centre tentative map, The design of the roadway includes the construction of a large fill slope east of the new water tank and south of High Pine Street in the southern part of the Garden Road neighborhood, The roadway is located 2,000 feet from the nearest homes and at an elevation 300 feet above the homes. Approximately one quarter of a mile of roadway is constructed on the fill slope. In 1993 the City Council approved the installation of a 4-foot high earthen berm to screen vehicles traveling on the Parkway. The fill slope will be approximately 100-150 feet high and will be revegetated with the native plant materials growing in the area. The slopes will be temporarily irrigated to establish the native plant materials. During final design, in order to keep the project within budget. the irrigation system and landscaping anticipated at the top of the berm were removed from the project at the recommendation of the geotechnical consultant. However, the berm was increased in height to 5 feet and widened to 7 feet to provide additional screening of vehicles along the Parkway. Staff's line of sight analysis demonstrates that vehicles less than 8 feet tall will be screened from view by the Garden Road neighborhood. During construction the contractor is required'to work only within the limited space of the fill slope and within normal working hours minimizing impact to residents during construction. The contractor is anticipating having the construction of the fill slope south of Garden Road completed within six months. Although the alignment and grading for the Parkway has been discussed at numerous public meetings, it is recommended that a neighborhood meeting be held at Garden Road School to advise the neighborhood of the start of construction and that additional meetings be held, as necessary, to discuss the construction activities. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW No additional environmental findings are necessary. FISCAL IMPACT Sufficient funds have been appropriated for this project. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Gail Trunnell, Peter Stein, Randy Wilkins, Kathy Muela 5 of 9 OCT 1 7 1995 ITEM 6 ," Agende Report - Public Orll COIIIIU'ticltions Request from Glrden Road Residents Regarding Construction of Scripps poway Parkway Extension October 17, 1995 PIge 5 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council/Redevelopment Agency direct staff to conduct a neighborhood meeting to advise the Garden Road residents of the construction schedule and activities anticipated for the Scripps Poway Parkway, JLB:JDF:MSW:AFS:mh Attachments: Attachment 1 - Letter from Community Association Attachment 2 - Map of Scripps Poway Parkway Road Alignment Attachment 3 - Schematic of Berm e:\c;ty\ogendo\1017gord.c;p 6 of 9 DCr 1 7 1995 ITEM 6 ," . - - GARDEN R\..AD COMMUNITY ASSO lATION P.O, BOX 1327, POW A Y . CA. 92074 "WORKING FOR A BETIER NEIGHBORHOOD" - October 5, 1995 RECEIVED Mr. Mark Weston OCT 0 6 1995 City of Po way, Engineering :UGINF.F."lING SE '.- '. .--.. . ~VICE:; P.o. Poway, CA. 92074 Dear Mark: In the past couple of weeks, I have had numerous residents of the Garden Road Area have asked me these questions? What is happening on the ScrippsIPoway Expressway project? When will construction start? Can we have another meeting at the school to see the final design? Who should they contact at the City if they have a concern about the construction and its impacts on them? ( High Pine area) What does the final design look like at Sycamore Canyon Road? .- Based on the continued interest in the impacts of this project, I would propose to have your staff come out to Garden School in late October and do a small presentation and question and answer program. I will work with the Garden Road PT A to get flyers to the entire community as well as the Sycamore Canyon residents. Please call and confirm that this presentation is possible in the requested time frame. Please note, that I am going to work with the Sheriffs Department to get a Halloween Safety program and to talk about the problem with speeding on Garden Road just East of the school, at the same meeting. Sincerely, ~lL~ Randy Wilkins President Garden Road Community Association 486-4061 -- ATTACHMENT 1 7 of 9 DeT 17 1995 ITEM.6 ," ; - - . :-{0'0- ~. c, ,\>-'0- o~<v - - ~ ~ ,c,'r w -"'\ ~ = :> ., 1. ~ ~ , @L:::7 .: .., ~ _ f5 l'. 4) .. >- 3: 5'; ;;. :s '- ~ o ~ ~ .. , ., a g UJ I --- , ?; IS f 'v, I . .~. I . > is ~. " I , H_ .~ ~ ,.- I ~ " , H- Z . 0 -. ,. , "J ,..:::( , < S -T- ':3; , gj -.- \ , , ~ u. '-' 0 , " t- v, ~ :E ) ::; , " v, e w :, J -< z '-'.. e ~l ::; :...J-. l- e:: t- ~ --~ :E , :z: >-t , n' ::; \': w <~ ,~ . , :L \\ .'-' ~I~ . - :z: "-' .. \ . C) ~g 1~ . .- ~ '-~ ....J c::::;: '/ -< <{ <~ { c.. 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