Item 8 - SPA 84-01BB Outside Storage Parkway Bus. Centre by CUP - - AGENDA REPORT SUMMARY TO: Honorable Mayor and Me.bers ~ City Council - FROII: J...s L. Bowersox, City Mana INITIATm BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City IIanager'r)t ~ Reba Wright-Quastler, Director of Planning~ Services DATE: October 17, 1995 SUBJECT: Initiation of $Decific Plan Amendment 84-01BB to allow outside storage on Lots 36, 40, 52, 53 and 54 within Parkway Business Centre by conditional use penlit. ABSTRACT This report proposes the initiation of an ...ndMent to the South Poway Specific Plan 'to allow outside storage on Lots 36, 40, 52, 53 and 54 within Parkway Business Centre by conditional use penlit. ENYIROIIIENTAL REVIEW The initiation of specific plan ...ndments is not subject to the California Environmental Quality Act. - FISCAL IMPACT None. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Notice was sent to George Codling of ADI Properties, Cary and Nancy Shultz of Anytime Towing, and to Don Mechling, representative for Anytime Towing, RECOIIIENDATION It is recORmended that the City Council adopt the resolution initiating Specific Plan Amendment 84-01BB. ACTION o:\c, tY\P.....,"'\__t. .... OCT 1 7 1995 ITEM 8J. . , 1 of 7 - CITY OF POWAY AGENDA REPORT TO: Honorable Mayor and Members ~e City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Mana INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager9r~ ~~ Reba Wright-Quastler, Director of Plann~ Services Stephen A. Streeter, Principal Planner DATE: October 17, 1995 SUBJECT: Initiation of SD8Cific Plan ABendlent 84-0188 to allow outside storage on Lots 36, 40, 52, 53 and 54 within Parkway Business Centre by conditional use permit. APN: 317-810-13, 17, 25, 26 and 27 BACKGROUND This report proposes the initiation of an amendlent to the South Poway Specific Plan to allow outside storage on Lots 36, 40, 52, 53 and 54 within Parkway Business Centre by conditional use permit. FINDINGS The City Council adopted Specific Plan ABend~nt 84-01Y on June 27, 1995 that designated Lots 37, 38, 41 and 42 of the same block for outside storage uses. Designation of the five lots proposed would cOlplete the block and focus outside storage activities within Parkway Business Centre to two general locations, the other one being along the north side of Crosthwaite Circle. Anytime Towing has a tellporary use perlli t on the October 17, 1995 agenda to request a towi ng operation, t.-porary storage of vehicles, recreational vehicles and contractors storage yard on Lots 52, 53 and 54. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The initiation of speCific plan amendments is not subject to the California Environlental Quality Act. FISCAL IMPACT None. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Notice Was sent to George Codling of ADI Properties, Cary and Nancy Shultz of AnytiMe Towing, and to Don Mechling, representative for AnytiMe Towing. OCT 1 7 1995 ITEM 8l 2 of 7 Agenda Report .-- October 17, 1995 Page 2 RECOIIlOOATlON It is rec~nded that the City Council adopt the resolution initiating Specific Plan A.en~nt 84-01BB. JLB:RWQ:JDF:SAS:kls Attachllents : A. Resolution B. Location Exhibit C. Outside Storage/Heavy Industrial Uses Exhibit, South Poway Specific Plan D. Letter fro. George Codling, ADI Properties .. \c f ty\pl....I"'\........t\opoI401bb."'" OCT 1 7 1995 Ilal 8J. 3 of 7 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA INITIATING AN AMENDMENT TO THE SOUTH POWAY SPECIFIC PLAN, SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT (SPA 84-01BB) WHEREAS, Chapter 17.47 (Specific Plan Regulations) of Title 17 (Zoning DevelopMent Code) of the Poway Municipal Code provides the requireMents for the initiation, preparation and adoption of specific plans in accordance with Section 65450, et seq. of the California Government Code (Article 8, Specific Plan); and WHEREAS, Section 17.47.020.C (Initiation) of the Zoning Development Code provides that the City Council .ay initiate the preparation of, or amendment to, a specific plan on property by resolution; and WHEREAS, the City has received a planning application from Anytime Towing to designate three lots within Parkway Business Centre for outside storage uses and two additional lots on the same block are proposed for outside storage uses to be located within the South Poway Specific Plan area; and WHEREAS, the planning application includes a request to amend the South Poway Specific Plan to add five lots for potential outside storage uses by conditional use permit on lots currently designated as Light Industrial; and WHEREAS, the sites of the specific plan amendment for outside storage lots are Assessor's Parcel Numbers (APN) 317-810-13, 17, 25, 26 and 27 situated within the block bounded by Danielson Street on the south, Blaisdell Place on the north and east, and Crosthwaite Circle on the west, in the South Poway Business Park. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Poway hereby initiates proposed Specific Plan Amendment (SPA 84-01BB) in accordance with the provisions of the Poway Zoning Development Code as identified above. APPROVED and ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Poway, State of California, this 17th day of October, 1995. Don Higginson, Mayor ATTEST: Marjorie K, Wahlsten, City Clerk ATTACHMENT A OCT 1 7 1995 ITEM B.1 4 of 7 o - . -. ~. . ..-..,.. ~ ~ . ~ .. ..., ~ '8 . 41r ~ ~ ~ ~ ',..~. $ "~ as ..... t, , r- <'l ~.:' t~~ 1 A . . , .~ ...!::-- - ~ , : r-f'C\"i. ~. . l ~\!;~~ '.f: Ct ~ . ~ o i.l.Z; .I~ ;, - ~ ! \- J.. ~ r<"l . . .. l/l :1;. ;:: ~ 1. ~ - tfm ~ '11.51 ':i. J ~ 0. .. UHf , . :l C :. -...-- ~ ;. ~'" . @: ~.-,", ' ~ W~ .. ..J t 0 r-(;"\.... v\V1 'II , It. lL\:.Z"',,"1 U :4, <0- \:Jill" 0 . 'II I ~ -Cl..... 0......>#1 , lI'l 0 >#I '" . CD.!,. O'lfi\..,!: 'lll Z I ZII57 t C]J-:" I ~a::!N~N"';'.{ . ^.t-'.- t ~ .J ~ ~ ' '. r' I Ill.. 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"___ :I 'Cl _ _N,' -- '"" I ~ ~ - ."Y::" , ~ ~, ~ J~ ~ I ,... ~ ..~ /7--.!_-_ ~ 1 ~ ,.;; - \ ~ 1;;;-1 ~ ' . I I IJ . ~ ' ~ ' ' .. /,C:f- If ~ i:t ~ s . ..1.~ ~ '--; " i : ~ ;; ~ .; ~ 'L 'Ii '~-....;1'1-' · · I, · '<} . \ ~ ~~ It 'I:. ~ l! 1l':.~.J..i::- ~ '- li ' --f . ~ ,0.J...!::.z.:-,,J ~ J7 I; ...2 1 ~ ,. . t ~ in It: '- - S 1-;:- p'4..A,-X::t ".'. I- . ~ 1 ~ · ~ ~ ,J .. - . .R\ n ' .\1 '~ :l , !. I . R gt~\--:, .~ ~! fJ 1< " ;~ ~ : ~ ; , ~ ., - ':1 ~~ " . lll. ~ (}) · ,@~ ..~ -I"; :'"\. '~ ~ ~::,.l!. .,,) 1~-\Q .' 1! , '<l io \ r::::., , It ~ I'Q h tl. ~ ~ 0[: ;:: . . _~f . .. ~.. , \I ~.. ):::!...'l. . . ~ i.a '\ <I ~r,: _ ,. . "Co ~'" " !. · ~T' ". '.l', 171l!15 al I - . ~ \1 ~ ~ 'u.j-Lt r 6 of 7 \ 1, ,rri\\ _r---I ~ 1. - ,.. - ADI P.O....TII. October 2, 199.5 .- Via F......rnlle 619/6~7438 Dr. Reba Wright Quastler Director of Planning City of Poway P.O. Box 789 IfAl.f""TE Poway, CA 92074-0789 OfVftOf'MfNf ANO RE: Parkway Business Centre MANAOEMfNt Dear Reba: As you may Irnow, BurUch is in the process of selling Parcel's #.52, 53, and ., I (.I W[51 ....~Cl 54 to Anytime Towing. As I understand it, their intended use includes !ul'{ 501 outside storage of vehicles. - SA.... 01(00 This letter will confirm the fact that, provided the stored vehicles are properly screened, Burlich bas no objection to changing the zoning to permit the CA:tOlNlA tll1'tl intended use. ol'3J1t199(i ~"1I. '31"<19 . OHC/jc cc: Cary Schultz < . ATTACHMENT 0 OCT 1 7 1995 rTEII 8.1 7 of 7 --