Item 15 - Award of Bid Drainage Improvements Avenida Florencia & Willow Run Rd. . AGENDA r:'ORT SUM~lSTRIBU ~ cD J 0- " TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council - James L. Bowersox, City Ma~ ' ~ .tOM: INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manage~1r ~ Mark S. Weston, Director of Engineerin Service~ Kipp R. Hefner, Associate Civil Engineer I<:~ DATE: October 17, 1995 SUBJECI': Award of Bid for Drainage Improvements for Avenida Florencia and Willow Run Road (#1418/1420) ABSTRACI': This proposal would award the Drainage Improvements for Avenida Florencia and Willow Run Road contract to Carolyn E. Scheidel-Contractor in the amount of $206,195.00 and accept the bid withdrawal of Interwest Pacific, Ltd. The contract time for the project is 45 working days. FISCAL IMPACT There are not sufficient funds to complete the project. Staff recommends transferring ~29,000 from the Buckskin Storm Drain project (#1419) to cover the difference. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This project is a Class 1 categorical exemption of the CEQA. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE None. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council accept the bid withdrawal of Interwest Pacific, Ltd. and award the Drainage Improvements for Avenida Florencia and Willow Run Road contract to Carolyn E. Scheidel-Contractor in the amount of $206,195.00. Furthermore, it is recommended that City Council authorize transferring $29,000 from the Buckskin Drainage project (#1419). ALTlON OCT 17 1995 ITEM 15 1 of 5 --- ------ ------- ------------- - -------------- ~ AGENDA REPORT CITY OF POW A Y This report is included on the Consent Calendar. There will be no separate discussion of the report prior to approval by the City Council unless members of the Council, staff or public request it to be removed fr?~ ~e ~onsent Calendar and discussed separately. If you wish to have this report pulled for discussion, please fill out a shp indIcating the report number and give it to the City Clerk prior to the beginning of the City Council meeting. TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Man~ INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager~")\ ~ Mark S. Weston, Director of Engineering ~ice Kipp R. Hefner, Associate Civil Engineer DATE: October 17, 1995 SUBJECI': Award of Bid for Drainage Improvements for Avenida Florencia and Willow Run Road (#1418/1420) BACKGROUND On October 10, 1995 bids were opened for the Drainage Improvements for Avenida Florencia and Willow Run Road project. The Engineer's Estimate was $155,000 to $165,000. The contract time for this project is 45 working days. FINDINGS The following four (4) bids were received: 1. Interwest Pacific Ltd. $164,371.00 2. Carolyn E. Scheidel-Contractor $206,195.00 3. Basile Construction $226,945.61 4. KEC Engineering $265,550.00 The apparent low bidder, Interwest Pacific, Ltd., sent a letter (Exhibit A) to the City on October 13, 1995 requesting that they be formally withdrawn from the bidding process and be relieved of their bid on the grounds that their clerk made an inadvertent error in the Bid Schedule. Their bid was lower than they intended due to this clerical error. Since it was an inadvertent clerical error, the City should accept Interwest Pacific, Ltd.'s withdrawal request and release their Bid Bond. The second low bidder is Carolyn E. Scheidel-Contractor. ACTION: 2 of 5 OCT 1 7 1995 ITEM 15 . - _. . - Agenda Report - Award of Bid for Drainage Improvements for Avenlda Florencla and WIllow Run Road October 17, 1995 Page 2 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This project is a Class 1 categorical exemption of the CEQA. FISCAL IMPACI' There are not sufficient funds to complete the project. Staff recommends transferring $29,000 from the Buckskin Storm Drain project (#1419) to cover the difference. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE None. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council: -- I. Accept the bid withdrawal of Interwest Pacific, Ltd. 2. Award the Drainage Improvements for Avenida Florencia and Willow Run Road contract to Carolyn E. Scheidel-Contractor in the amount of $206,195.00. 3. The City Council authorize transferring $29,000 from the Buckskin Drainage project (#1419). Attachment - Exhibit A JDF /MSW/KRH:mhl e:\city\agenda\1017flor.cip - OCT 1 7 1995 ITEM 15 3 of 5 .DCT-13-95 FRI 03"';.16 PM PC , 32973013 p..el btterwest PaciJic, Ltd. .- .- 619-199-1500 3010 Fifth Avenue 619.197-3013 (Fal) San Diego, CA 91103 10.13-95 City of Poway Engineering Services 13325 Civic Center Dr. Poway. California 92064 Alln: Omar Dayani Fax 11619-679-7438 Ite: VariOUS Drainage Improvements #001-95-96 Gentlemen, On October 10, 1995, we submined the apparent low bid on the above referenced project. A mathematical addition error QCCUl'I'Cd on bid item #4, flo.< culvert. (Copy of item sheet attached). As you can see. the total should have been $90,000, not $60,000 as written in the bid. I ha,-e spent the last two clays reviewing each and every item 10 see if we oould a.xomplish the project as submitted and at least break even. If we perform this project as submitted. we wiU lose 81 least $18.000. We therefore request that we be allowed to withdraw our bid per the Standard Specification seeton, "Relief of bidders due to mathematical error", It is with great reluctance that we: make this request and 1 ,an ar.sure you that it will ne.>er happen again. Please contact me should you have any questions. 72~ t: lackNickolaisen President Encl. Exhibit A OCT 1 7 1995 ITEM 15. 4 of 5 u~I--13-9~ FRI 03:17 PM -?C - ( '2973013 P.02 j ;. , !. ......0. , '.. .. . .... .... '.'~"":,"""':".-.."'..": : ......" -... . . j . . .. 0 '. '.' .. . .- , , , .' , 4:4. - . (1..8G , ."., . . .. ....... n.. . . I ) .. .. . . 7tZ..<9-M", ~,.J~/, 50 c:J 0 ..- " . . , .q c.teA<I~. 8~J(. I ~"f. ~f ;.:~ 3S-o C - , ., ,. j . . .... ... WFJ.relt. .4,,;~1 o. S; 000.-:" ..- . 6 . b e/.-t' 3.. '>~o. - . ~ v.-c.e.. ~ "-r>6 .' 0... . no.. ....- r~~ f7:4nU<:- S;o.o .- ~~~ .6~)<' 0..?~ SOD ~ S",-l:. /<. e... bAA- 9, ()" ~..... S.rc..6 B~.f//I 3,SO 0 .q Bn'$~.1- .Mv,c: ?" S" 0 0 - . ~~!-.;2;';l'l"$ h ~- ~ - ~~~ JJ'~ - 7S0 , - . . ,. , (JIll? - -.v cI 48, 7 S-o . l'ON, . - 11,2.S'O .' ............. .. .. ~ .' ... .... - 7Or;4c... /$,::/ - ~o C=>O~. ..... ... - . . . .. .... . 'n . .'-;1 CIon. 00 ,~ ...., " ..,...... . . ........--. . o. 3,SOU.OO -/ .. ." s. 000. 00 .f . . ~ 3. SOD. no ~. ,..-....- .. -, e' .. ............ 500.00 .f 5. 000. (10/ . .... 'Y. ~()O' 00 -/ ~ ?OD ' .. . .. .~. ,.00 t 9. MO. on 1 5.G:1().OO oj 8. 'jOtl. Ol\ + ~ '3. !>OU: IN + .. S~ ':.{I0.. 00 ., 50.0.00 .1 7!50.00.t . 3!). ~;OO. QO. t :10.';''50.00 x 9. OOU: Oll ! OCT 171995 ITEM 15. . ....~mm........... ! :i. Sop. DU -/ . ~ ~ UJfWn~O 8. sou:. f'(l -/ . 7~;i). :)0 t 5 of 5 . . ."1' nflli.':l! . .... '... .., . " IQ, , I ... ) _.!L___m_ -- ~ /t/'.-/7-7"r AGENDA REPORT CITY OF POWAY This report is included on the Consent Calendar. There will be no separate discussion of the report prior to approvllll by the City Council unless members of the Council, staff or public request it to be removed fr?":I ~e ~onsent Calendar and discussed separately. If you wish to have this report pulled for discussion, pl,ease fill out a slip mdlcating the report number and give it to the City Clerk prior to the beginning of the City Council meeting. TO: Honorable Mayor and Members~ City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Man INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manage~1r ~ Mark S. Weston, Director of Engineerin Service Javid Siminou, Senior Civil Engineer DATE: October 17, 1995 SUBJECT: Award of Bid for Construction of the Del Poniente Sewer Line - Phase I (#1803) BACKGROUND On July 6, 1995, bids were opened for the Del Poniente Sewer Line Phase I project. The City anticipated receiving all permits prior to awarding the contract. The City has not yet been issued a permit from the Corps of Engineers. Staff expects the permit to be issued within the next week. FINDINGS Staff recommends continuing the award of the contract for the Del Poniente Sewer Line to October 31, 1995. The contractor agrees to extend his bid until that date. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW On June 6, 1995, the City Council issued a Mitigated Negative Declaration for thi s project. Approved mitigation measures are completed and all environmental permits were to be issued last week; however, the issuance of permits is delayed. FISCAL IMPACT There are sufficient funds to complete the project. ~ ~ '/ " ACTION: ~ ./ OCT 1 7 1995 ITEM 16: ;( 1 of 2 .- '--~_.."-~--~-------'--- Award of Bid for Construction of Del Poniente Sewer Phase I (#1803) October 17, 1995 Page 2 ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE None. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council continue the award of the contract for the Del Poniente Sewer Line to October 31, 1995. JLB:JDF:MSW:JS:mh 2 of 2 OCT 1 7 1995 ITEM 16: ~ - . . . . &[Q)&(P1J THE ALCOHOL'" DRUC ABUSE PREVENTION TASK FORCE COALITION, INC. September 19, 1995 RECEIVEr: SEP 2 I 1995 The Honorable Betty Rexford CfTYOFPOWAY City of Po way P.O. Box 789 GITY MANAGERS Ol;l;/CE' Poway, CA 92064 Dear Betty: At the urging of ADAPT, Senator Lucy KiI1ea, Thirty-Nmth District, California State Senate, has as one of her top priori1ies, the introduction oflegislation for "Alcohol Server Intervention Training" for aD persons serving alcohol to the public for the January 1996 lcgisla1ive session. I am writing to ask that you bring this to your Council for a letter of support to Senator KiI1ea. Obviously, Senator KiI1ea, will need overwhelming support from San Diego County as well as throughout the State. It is expected that the alcohol industry, and alcohol related businesses will \<igorously fight such legislation. Their position for years has been that it is over regulation and costly to the business community. This resistance, to responsibly, dispensing alcohol to the public is without merit for the fonowing reasons: A. Fifteen states have adopted alcohol server intervention training to save Jives and reduce youth access to alcohol This movement toward responsibility has not crippled the hospitality industry nor is it intended to such a thing. The main pwpose is to save Jives and reduce underage drinking. B. The State of Oregon passed alcohol server intervention training at the urging of the hospitality industry. With only half of the servers trained, nighttime crashes involWlg alcohol dropped 23%. The study was done by Harold Holder, Ph.D., UC-Berkeley. C. The State of Utah passed alcohol server intervention training and within two years, with less than half of the servers trained, nighttime crashed invoMng alcohol went down 14%, and the death rate dccrcascd by 18% (Highway Patrol, Utah). D. In the State ofVcrmont, the ABC reported a 20010 decrease in alcohol violations by licensees, thcRby, uWlg the department time and money (Vcnnont ABC). 1~874 Midland Road. Pow.Yo CA 92064 · (619) 748-iat 17 1995 ITEM 22.tt,. '. ". Page 2 ADAPT/Server Training E. This legislation will not be burdensome to the California alcohol industry nor to implement by the California Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC). 1. California's ABC already has a comparable training program, manuals, and supplies developed. Therefore, this program needn't be started from scratch. The problem is that the program is voluntary with very few servers attending the training. 2. In Oregon as wen as the other states, the ABC's have certified the hospitality industry, coneges, counties, and profit-making and nonprofit groups to provide the training. 3. The cost of the four-hour training ranges from S20 to S35 for a fivc-year license per person in the other states. The minimal cost for training to dispense alcohol responsibly can hardly be called burdensome. The program has proven to save lives. 4. The alcohol server intervention program also trains servers to recognize false I.D.'s that our youth use to obtain alcohol WIlh uniformity throughout the State, we just might cut down on youth access to alcohol--onc of the biggest causes of death for youth is the use of alcohol Particularly, what ADAPT is asking for is a letter of support from the Council to Senator Lucy Killea for the introduction of "Alcohol Server Intervention Training" for the January 1996 legislative session. If the Council supports this effort of ADAPT, please send the letter to: Senator Lucy Kille&, 2550 Fifth Avmue, #152, San Diego, CA 92103-6691. I have enclosed information on Oregon's Bill. If you need additional information, please ~ me a call at 748-7197. Sincerely, t~ LINDAL. ORAVEC Executive Director OCT 1 7 1995 lTiII 22;1 - '8c: ii' "8 ~. e ~g 88 ..va ~ E c:L&;i ~== i~ iQ)D (Sit "!!iio ... i~ ~.a : . i~ . if !I~tip g ,8 } 1- . . '.S . I" HH}ai 11 I~ ~ ~ Jj~ : ~I ~HHln ,~ ~i ~ ~ i ~ jt~ . r-- ~t'ilt c: ~ 0= U~ j HJi f U ~~~ i ~ b - : ~ jJ , ; Q. .. .. u;;. (J Hat ~~, i8)'~ ~ ~~~ I) HI ~ a{1t! \ C\I ~ ah~h !i) ~E Ii.u m c-: ip,.., j 02 flip t h hi" Ja ~ ~ . f . al II'> ._. ~ ~ ill~ilil ....j 0 la~ -- to- .... o .;!: .,'. 13, ~~ ~fjp;i .- .'U ~ ~JlfltJ ~I ~ 6- ~.ii.~J\ j . g , . d a:2E ~ EllS iotla:ee 56, pz ,113.:I ---- . . OIl .Ef i 8 ~ - oS I:l ~ .~ ~ ~ 00;: ~ :il .- ~ - "'0 .~ .- C'o o;;;j .! ~ i i ~ !a cJJ := c: E ~ 8 J "0 C :~ a ~ ] i.g'B ~ [ !'@ .92 'iI - j e ~ >. >... os .g ~ - ::; .. :8 ~J ~ . .~ e is.~.... '0 8 .~ c.. . ::r 1 s ~ II> 0 Q 0.... .~ .. Cl (J J- fi oS o .. Jl '0 .... !E ~; ~ .0 U 0 jf ! ~~ o.s ~ . . . . ., g b ~ ... -I eO ... .,; > 0 ::r.51 0 C'o. 1 s ~ 1 ~ ] .~:= ~ ~ ~ '= u.....J '.~ . g,C .... j ~ I u .t i ~ i'- :5 ~ ~ 1 ~ :) 88. '~~::r~=i ~~io .$2 u"''O~..rl~8 ...'o-s "'~la=Sh i!c.. lUeS c: ! . 12 ~ .;; ; ~ ~ ~ . ~'I t; ~ Q)~ . 8~u~ -g 2:!' 8'" ;:0 8 g'e fi 1 u.; .5 1 ~"a:{ t .: .~ E DO~ g,~ ~ .g i ~ g ! ~~ a g ~ 1 ~ ~ l ~ .- ~.8 .Ii; =r:.s ~.e'i o~ ti ~~. ~~ f .s .~ .r I.) ~ t c 0 ~ '0 ti:.:l s,"-E . .DO i : 'iI l! 1 .r ! 1) :s 8 r~ e.$ g ~& 'HUh!! i c.- ..5 s f 8 ~ 0 .!l ... !5 c. reo '- '0 1::1 :s ~ a J~ ~~ t IH fJjJl h Jj oS 1 M ii~ .s] .. il= ! J r Ii j i I~ J5'i ~ls i~~ !lfUh ~H. ~ i:; i 1Il.s . . . OCT 1 7 1995 ITEM 2A - j;'d lE2E. E69 ros 1~:60 !OS, ~z, lD.:I _. .-. " F'Ell' 24 . 95 P.2 09: 26A'I S03 J 3Z3'i' Urd ORllOOtI UlOlSl.ATlVl ASSIMaLY-I9IS !ltpIotSeulOA Enrolled Senate Bill 726 ponS0R4 by JOINT COMMrTTEE ON St./NSET IlEVlEW (alllle!'equal olOrqoll R.estaUlIIllaad Bevena= Auoclalion) 658 OIAPTD ___.__ AN ACT elaUnlla a1cobalJc Iiqucn. II EAaclad by tIIa People of till Slalt of Onaon: SECTION 1. The 011I011 Uquor Celllnll Comml..IOII abaII alablilll aa Alcobol Server EducaliOIl visory Commluee consill!al OCpenolll r.pRSeDWl& tho ClllIUIilaloJl, the OreaoD Slale PoIloe, lIle AlIOnIIY aal. Ibl 0lIIce oC A1coho1lJ1d DnII Problems, lb&TtafI\e Safety Commiulon. lbe UIOCiatioDl ~Wl& lIiI Ucensea ud Ibe usoclalioDsltPRICIlWls las_ compula lO uaillln: (I) Tbe developmenl oC lIle IWIdanlI, c:urriculwn IIld materials tor \be educalioD pnlIlIID: (2) The examinallon Illd IWIIill&llon procedures: (3) Tbe cmif1calion procedures. enfOn:lmel1l pollcllsalld penalties toreducatiOD lInllBDllnsuueton aad rovidfts: IIld . . (4) Tbe developmenl or lime requirements ror COIIlpleliOD oha approved alcobol education propam aad ncIJtiollJ ror probatlonuy IXlellsioa. SECTION 2. (1) After JlIAuary I. 1917. Ibe commllllollsball rwquln appllCll1l1 for CIua "Ai" CIua"Il." s "e.-retail mall bevmse and resllllrUll Umua IIlcI servica pemUlI and all !Wllewllll CIua ".... "CIua "ll. - "e. " retail mall beverace alld rnla1lnll1 Uceascn Illd pemUl1atS lO complcle III approYlll alc0hoi server e ucarion prOtnlm Ind euminaaon ill onler la qllllll't or requa1l~ fbr a licen.. or permit ulllas a probatlOll&ry . ItJlsioo is &ranted for hard,hip reason (2) Th. nandards ami curriculum of alcohol ICrver edllcatiOIl p\'OpaIlIIsball iIl.Jude bill DOl be Umlted lO I followini: II) Alcohol u a druc and iU ell'ects 00 llIe body and behavior, apccially drivilll abilitY. r::.:."......._-~._....- -. ,,-....... (c) Recolniliollhe problun clrinktt and community lrealmenl proll1lml and Ilencia. . (d) Stale alcohol be""'aelawslllCb U prohibition oflale la minon and u1llO illlOllicated penolll. saIc for o .premises or oIT-premises conlllmption, houn of operation and penallies ror violation of lbe laws. leI Drunk drivinc laws and Uquor lIabililY Slllllles. ~ en In"tvenlion wilb Ihe problem cUJlomerlacllldlna ways 10 CIlI oll'lIrvic:e, ways ladcal with Ihe beUiacrenl C lamer and aJlmlllliv. meana oflrlDsponauonlo let \he CIlIlOlI\er .rely bome. (Il Ad'VCl'IisinC and marieetinc ror sar. and rnpooslbl. drinkinl palleml and SWIdanl Opominl procedures ~ r dealinl wilh CIlS1omen. - : DCT i? 1995 II~ a,4 i : . F'E!l' 24 '95 09:27FM ' 693 3237 P.::! . . (3) TIle cOmmlulon slIIlIlmpote rea ldequalllO mYel' bul 1101 10 acecd III Idmlnblnllvc COlli of Ibe p oa IIIIU'VCUIII ud pravldclllnd, Ir necmaty Oil licensees. pemUlIca 1114 appUcanIl ror U_ Dd ilL lift SECTION 3. TIle COlIllllblion shaD pro1llcl. lb. propm \Iuouab JDdeptadenl COllInCIO" or IbroUIh Vile penons cmUIed br 11II CDlIImlsIlon. I SECTION 4. TIle cammlalon mlY IUowcamplellOD orin applOved Ilcobollll'vcl'ldllClllon PfOII'Im IDe! :;lI1lnlllon on I vollllllUy bull prior 10 11nuary I, 19'7, 10 IIIItt lIle qlllllficallon or nqualilicadoD ulrcmulI ol'lhJa 1915 Ac. . I SECTION 5. s.c&10lII11O oC or Ihls AcIl,ucIdecI \0 and mldu pan or OM chapter oC7!. ~s.-J_.7,lJIS RIal.. ~ ao.- ... ..................o.K...... ......... ... ...... 19.j ...................................... ""1'0*1 SocntartorltuM . ... ............ .:... .Mo......... ............ ... I'., ........................................... '1OIldut or_II ............................................ ao..n.. .....Y H_J_.I..tu n.I .. 0IIIce olSoaotarr 01 S_ ..................... w........................ 191$ ....................................... S.....orHouoo ....................................... Soawtory "'Slall En lied Senal. Bill 716 1'1.. 2 OCT 1 7 1995 ITEM 22;)' , - &[Q)&[?lJ ... THE ALCOHOL. DRUG ABUSE PREVENTION TASK FORCE COALITION, INC. September 29, 1995 RECEIVE~ , The Honorable Betty Rexford OCT - 2 1995 City of Poway CITYOFPOWAY P.O. Box 789 CITY MANAGERS OFFICE Poway, CA 92064 Dear Betty: It's time to seek support for Assembly Bill 1954. As you recaD, Assemblyman Steve Baldwin has introduced this bill for ADAPT. You might introduce AB 1952 to the ColU1cil as an effort to reduce drug usage by our youth during Red Ribbon Week. It certainly ties in with the message. AB 1952 would provide for a potential custody penalty for juveniles who possess, transport or give away marijuana on public school campuses, K-12. The need for the increased penalty is clear. At present, first-time possession, transporting or giving away of not more than an olU1ce of marijuana is punishable "only" by a fine, for both juvmiles and adults. As a result, students in public schools who are caught possessing marijuana are usually handled infonna11y by school administrators. If. they are referred to the police, or to Juvenile Court, it is by report only, and again the handling is infonnal, usually with a simple written warning. Juvenile Court Judges have no power to enforce conditions of probation since the maximum penalty is only a sma11fine. The message our students receive from this informal and lax treatment of marijuana possession is, unfortunately, clear to youth: "Forget what you learned in the DARE program or school sponsored substance abuse reduction programs-nobody cares if you possess marijuana. There are no significant consequences. " Meanwhile, in California. a recent survey by State Attorney General Dan LlU1dgren shows that one in five ninth graders and slightly less than one in three 11 th graders use marijuana or hash. This is an increase over previous years. A recent national slII'WY released by White House drug policy director Lee P. Brown, shows that neady twice as many teenagen reported using marijuana in 1994 as in 1992. The jump in marijuana use by children and teenagen signals that 820,000 more of them wiI1lry cocaine in their lifetime. Research shows that adults who started using marijuana before age 15 are 55 times more - likely to become regular cocaine users than adults who have never used marijuana. 13874 Midland Road . Pow.y, CA 92064 . (619) 748-7197 OCT 17 1995 ITEM 22/3 ' . , --- -- Page 2 ADAPT/ABI952 No one undcntands why the highly popular DARE program, school sponsored programs, and community based substance abuse pre'IImlion programs arc failing to reduce drug use among California's youth. ADAPT beliCMS the failing is because the educalional programs arc not followed up by vistble consequences for possession of <irug$ on school campuses. Under AB 1952 this would change. First-time possession of marijuana on a school campus would cany a potential for custody in a juvmile camp or juvenile home up to 90 days. This potential for custody would make it posslble for school security police to arrest and transport juvmiles possessing marijuana from campuses directly to Juvenile Court. At Juvenile Court, experienced probalion officers would then detennine whether to: 1) treat the case infonnally, through counseling and release, and a wake-up caIl to parents and! or guardians; 2) refer the case to Juvenile Traffic Court upon a citalion to appear (Juvenile Traffic Courts cannot impose custody); or 3) file the matter in Juvenile Court for formal handling. The more serious and immediate: consequences of marijuana possession on campus would undoubtedly have a deterrent effect on other potential drug users among the student populalion. Studems do not want to be transported to Juvenile Hall, even for case review. It is time to become "realistic" about the growing drug problem among our students in California. Back in the carIy 70's, when the California LcgisJaturc voted to assess a small fine for possession of marijuana for youth and adults, they had no idea how insidious and deslructive the drug problem would become twenty years later. We urge your support for AB 1952, by adopting a resolution for the community, and a support letter or copy of the resolulion sent to Assemblyman Steve Baldwin, 9584 Murray Drive, La Mesa, CA 91942 or FAX to 465-7765. Sincerely, ~ LINDAL. ORAVEC Executive Director Enclosed: UDion- Tnbune article 9/13/95 ADAPT proposed changes to Health and Safety Code, in1roduced by Assemblyman Steve Baldwin OCT 1 7 1995 ITEM 22-13 . - - : ~ j =- ~ ~ ! ~ ~ J l' 1'. $ . ! <3.) J.!l tjUS l: i j UIU ~ 11 i ~ J i ~ i: i ~ ! !/! , ~ I iJl:J'fi n.,J ~., . ",...!- .=!lo~ ~ ~!;o ~ ~.-= i i 1 ! a ~ ;~;2'" ""lJ-.. ; ~ 3 -J s II. 1 j 1 S ~ i -lIJJ"t~J~llt"l !Jsu.: lb.ll ~ = ~ 8 . 'cl . ::: "I j- I I .lJU 1:11 I =: j. 1 il ~ i. i'" l.a ~ .:u iii . J" :l i . &11 l! ~ 8 1 ~ ~ j ~ : I ! ~ 1 ~ !o. iJ1-fji!fJ! II~tl~( S! _ 8. ~ ~] ~.. ~ 1 I j ~ ~ ~ lil"HI"~I. lfi-CIU" h ,.. '" ll' ll' -3.. ~.:- I I 1 J n e ~ ~ ~ i l ~ ! , ! ~ ~ I a-il~j IJifG 11Ifl.fllll} 5 ~ ~ l1. ~ : i = II 'cl j ~ . ~ ~'..lltl.!1111'lh.!llJ~11hi* o .. ... .... -i;1,.... ~ ... is' ..... t_ T T n::&. h. I .'.:1 i j i ~ I ~ i I ; ! i i ~ ~. ~".! 4~' IJlf'Ji~ JiUf JH ~. .8 g : : j i 1-: s s ~ ~ .s.-e-.I ..11 t:t II ,h III ~ i ~..i ~ i: ~ ] ~ 'i! 51 '<3.)'I.,r"lflfi~I" JU';iJ :: i i : ': i ..: '" ! I ~ . ~,-;a., I iJUI1J~11JjJj I t i; i i ~ ~ t f :. j 1 ~ )!t i!~ I... ut~ f'll! il u ,.. . o IW -. ). '" lot CI '" W m . '0 )0. 0 .J: O::Js:oo.... a.c. NOlo -....0"""'_. :. .a. ""'.a.h~""k ..., ).k~k,""".cO..Q · c .....0.. "'... .a Ii ... .. !l.......c: .....'Os:.... :. .. 8'g).u.-..., ... :: S! .s 1:: I ~ 0 ~ U: ..., j t r:: · ..., .: ..., _ II..Q g t: 8 .... 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