Item 16.1 - Approval of Cooperative Agreement with County of S.D. - Scripps Poway Pkwy. East AGEND~PORTSUMMARY TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Honorable Chairman and Members of the - Redevelopment Agency FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Manager/~ Executive Dire INITIATED BY: John O. Fitch, Assistant City Manage~1 ~ Mark S. Weston, Director of Engineeri g servic~ Alan F. Schuler, Project Manage~ Bud Oliveira, Construction Mana DATE: October 17, 1995 SUBJECI': Approval of Cooperative Agreement with the County of San Diego - Scripps Poway Parkway East ABSTRACI' Construction of the Scripps Poway Parkway East project is scheduled to begin within one week. Personnel needs for construction inspection and materials testing are greater than City staff can provide. The County of San Diego has agreed to supply these services, as needed. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW - This action is not subject to CEQA review. FISCAL IMPACI' Funding for the agreement has been budgeted within the overall improvement program for Scripps Poway Parkway East. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Tom Garibay, Director, County of San Diego Department of Public Works RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council/Redevelopment Agency approve the attached Cooperative Agreement between the County of San Diego and the City of Poway for construction inspection and materials testing involved in the construction of Scripps Poway Parkway East. ACTION - II 1 OF 13 OCT 1 7 1995 ITEM 16. 1 ------- - AGENDA REPOR1. CITY OF POW A Y This report is included on the Consent Calendar. There will be no separate discussion of the report prior to approval by the City Council unless members of the Council. staff or public ~u~ it to be removed fr~":l ~e ~onsent Calendar and discussed separately. If you wish to have this report pulled for diSCUSSIon. please fill out a slip Indicating the report number and give it to the City Clerk prior to the beginning of the City Council meeting. TO,: Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Honorable Chairman and Members of the Redevelopment Agency FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Manager/Executive Dir~ INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manage~~ ~ Mark S. Weston, Director of Engineering Service Alan F. Schuler, Project Manager~ Bud Oliveira, Construction Manage~ DATE: October 17, 1995 SUBJECT: Approval of Cooperative Agreement with the County of San Diego - Scripps Poway Parkway East BackGround The construction phase of the Scripps Poway Parkway East Project is scheduled to start within one week. Personnel needs for construction inspection and materials testing are .greater than City staff can provide. The County of San Diego has agreed to supply materials testing services and construction inspection assistance as needed. FindinGs The proposed agreement stipulates full reimbursement by the City of Poway to the County of San Diego of the costs for materials testing and construction inspection assistance. The City Attorney and Engineering staff have reviewed the Cooperative Agreement, prepared by the County of San Diego, and find it to be consistent with our prior discussions during project development. The Cooperative Agreement, as proposed, should assist with the completion of this project on-timeand within budget. Environmental Review This action is not subject to CEQA review. ACTION: J 2 OF 13 OCT 1 7 1995 ITEM 16. 1 .- Approv8I of Cooperative Agreement with the County of San Ciego ~ Scripps Powey Perk WilY E.st City Council Agenda - , 0'1 7195 Pogo 2 Fiscal ImDact Funds for this agreement have been budgeted within the overall improvement program for Scripps Poway Parkway East. Public Notification and CorresDondence Tom Garibay, Director, County of San Diego Department of Public Works Rec~ndation It is recommended that the City Council/Redevelopment Agency approve the attached Cooperative Agreement between the County of San Diego and the City of Poway for construction inspection and materials testing involved in the construction of Scripps Poway Parkway East. JLB:JDF:MSW:AFS:AEO:pc Attachments: A - Cooperative Agreement - 3 OF 13 DOT 1 7 1995 ITEM 16. 1 . . . <1I1lUnfu of ~a:n ~i~go COUNTY ENGINEER COUNTY AIRPORTS TOM GARIBAY COUNTY ROAD COMMISSIONER TRANSIT SERVICES DIRECTOR DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS COUNTY SURVEYOR (111) 114.2212 FLOOD CONTROL FAX: (11112U.0411 WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT LOCATION CODE S50 5555 OVERLAND AVE, SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92123.1295 SOLID WASTE October 4, 1995 Mr. Alan Schuler City of Poway Engineering Services 13325 Civic Center Drive poway, CA 92064-5755 Dear Mr. Schuler: AGREEMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION SERVICES FOR SCRIPPS POWAY PARKWAY Attached are three final agreement copies between the County of San Diego and the City of poway for County construction services for the construction of Scripps poway Parkway for your staff to process through your City Council. As outlined in the agreement, the County will perform soils laboratory testing and inspection services for roadway and concrete bridge structures according to the project plans. After the award of the construction contract of Scripps poway Parkway, County construction services billing will be deducted from funds deposited by the City to cover the costs of payment to County staff which is estimated to be $600,000. You indicated that poway would like to make an initial deposit of $150,000. For your information, the $600,000 figure is broken down as follows: Based on the projected construction time (18 months) , the estimated quantities and review of the plans, the estimated cost for soils materials testing is $320,000. The cost for one full-time assistant resident inspector and half-time civil inspector for the inspection work based on the projected construction time (18 months) is $280,000. ATTACI-MENT A OOT 1 7 1995 ITEM 16 .1 4 OF 13 .- Mr. Schuler -2- October 4, 1995 Please return the executed agreements to process through the County Board of Supervisors. Should you need further assistance, please call Dan Ramirez at (619) 694-2557. Very truly yours, j J. ./!,e~QN DAVID S. SOLOMON, Deputy Director Department of Public Works DSS:DR:gf Attachment: Agreement between County of San Diego and City of poway cc: John Cousino {090l; Joseph Goldhammer (090) ramirez\shuler.ltr ^-..- OOT 1 7 1995 ITEM 16.1 5 OF 13 ATTACf-MENT A - -----------..----- . AGREEMENT BETWEEN THB COUliTY OF SAN DIEGO AND THE CITY OF POWAY FOR CONSTRUCTION INSPBCTION SERVICBS FOR SCRIPPS POWAY PARKWAY BY THB COUliTY DEPARTKEHT OF PUBLIC WORKS THIS AGREEMENT executed this day of , 1995, by and between THE CITY OF POWAY, a municipal corporation, hereinafter called the CITY and the COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, a political subdivision of the state of California, hereinafter called the COUNTY. WITNESSETH nERDS, the CITY desires to contract with the COUNTY for the performance of construction engineering and other services, and nERBA8, the COUNTY is agreeable to rendering such services according to the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth; and nERDS, such contract is authorized and provided for by the provisions of section 1803 of the Streets and Highways Code. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS MUTUALLY AGREBD, by the CITY and COUNTY as follows: 1. The COUNTY department of Public Works shall provide the CITY with soils and material testing, and construction inspection when requested and authorized in writing by the CITY's designated and authorized representative. Such requests when approved by the County Director of Public Works shall constitute supplements to this agreement. 2. The COUNTY shall furnish and supply all necessary personnel, supervision, machinery, and equipment supplies, services, and other general functions, subject to the availability thereof. Soils laboratory testing and construction inspection, as and when requested by the CITY of POWAY shall be performed by the COUNTY Department of Public Works. 3. In order to discharge the responsibilities and carry out the functions required under this agreement the following designations are effective. A. The CITY ENGINEER is the CITY's representative authorized to request that the COUNTY Department of Public Works provide inspection services to the City in accordance with paragraphs 1 & 2. The CITY shall handle all the contract management services and handle change orders, and construction claims. B. The COUNTY Director of Public Works is designated as a 1 6 OF 13 ATTACt-MENT A OOT 17 1995 ITEM 16. 1 - DEPUTY City Engineer for services provided under this Agreement and is authorized through duly appointed representatives to exercise full authority and control of the work performed, including the right to order the temporary closing of traffic of any public street or way under the City's jurisdiction to facilitate the performance of the work or as an emergency measure. Nothing contained herein, however, shall be construed in any way as divesting the CITY of any of its power with respect to the control of streets within its boundaries. 4. The COUNTY may act as the CITY's agent in all phases of work involved with construction of the Scripps poway Parkway undertaken under this agreement; and in particular, construction inspection, soils compaction tests, pavement testing, and concrete tests for drainage structures and Bridge inspection. The COUNTY will do all daily construction inspection, quality control, inspector diaries, measure payment quantities, etc and assist the CITY's inspectors as necessary in contract administration to resolve construction claims. 5. SCOPE OF WORK -COUNTY MATERIAL LABORATORY ON SCRIPPS POWAY PARKWAY I. COUNTY PORTION a. As a minimum the COUNTY will provide quality control inspection to that portion of Scripps poway Parkway that is within the County limits for the road to be accepted for maintenance by the COUNTY of San Diego. b. All field testing for earthwork, earthwork suhgrade material, asphalt concrete (AC) and Portland Cement Concrete (PCC). Tests include; R.C., S.E, direct shear, wash and grade, "R" value and "S" value, soil resistivity, maximum soil unit weight, theoretical maximum unit weight of AC, AC compaction testing, nuclear and other testing as directed by the CITY of POWAY, provided that COUNTY staff has the expertise to perform the tests. c. Mix design approval for all AC and PCC mixes. d. Plant control for AC and PCC. e. Consultation on materials problems as needed . II. CITY OF POWAY PORTION AND STATE HIGHWAY 67 PORTION COUNTY staff will perform the following soils inspection 2 7 OF 13 ATTACI-I'1ENT A OOT 17 1995 ITEM 16. ~ and laboratory work for the CITY of POWAY. a. Perform laboratory and field tests on earthwork and construction materials for Scripps poway Parkway within the CITY limits. b. Furnish all personnel, materials, and equipment to perform the tests. c. Analyze testing data obtained and recommend acceptance or rejection of work or materials based on test results. III. WORK to be performed by the CITY OF POWAY. a. Furnish and install any other signs, cones, signal standards, or barricades necessary to control traffic during the operation. b. Direct all work through the COUNTY Resident Engineer. 6. The COUNTY Director of Public Works shall have the right to approve final plans, specifications, and estimates prior to the advertising for bids for construction of Scripps poway Parkway. 7. The CITY shall pay the entire cost. to the COUNTY for performing each and all services and functions under this Agreement, said costs to be computed on the following basis: A. For equipment as necessary, at the rates set forth in the latest issue of the document (as may be revised from time to time during the term of this agreement) on file in the office of the COUNTY Department of Public Works entitled "San Diego County Equipment Rental Rates" B. For personnel, at the rates set forth in the latest issue of the document (as may be revised from time to time during the term of the agreement) filed in the office of the COUNTY Department of Public Works, Labor Cost Rates" for Construction Engineering. C. For overhead and for material, at the actual cost thereof as determined from time to time in accordance with the existing county cost information. J DOT 1 7 1995 ITEM 16. 1 8 OF 13 A TT ACrMENT A . - _. 8. The COUNTY will maintain work records, itemized in accordance with accountinq practice, of all expenditures and costs for performinq services and functions under this Aqreement. A statement of costs will be presented to the CITY and payment as follows: A. For services rendered after the award of construction contract of Scripps poway Parkway, billinq .will be deducted from the funds deposited by the CITY to cover the costs of payments to the COUNTY staff and be made monthly which shall become due and payable by the CITY upon receipt. B. upon the completion of the project the COUNTY will make a financial accountinq to the CITY, toqether with such supportinq documentation as is necessary to comply with local, State and Federal Audit requirements. 9. The CITY will provide the funds to pay for all work and associated expenses incurred by the COUNTY undertaken under this aqreement. Such funds may consist of qasoline tax or other revenues available to the CITY. 10. Prior to the start of construction, the CITY shall make a partial deposit of $150,000 with the COUNTY. The COUNTY's . initial estimate for inspection and material testinq is $600,000 for work within the COUNTY and CITY boundaries of Scripps poway Parkway. The COUNTY will use these funds to pay for staff costs for inspection and material testinq of the project in accordance with the plans and specifications. If this fund drops below $25,000, the CITY will make additional deposits upon requests to pay for COUNTY staff costs. Any money remaininq on deposit after all the work is completed will be refunded to the CITY. For material testinq and inspection work for the CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT Of TRANSPORTATION (CALTRANS) ROUTE 67, this work, if requested by the CITY OF POWAY, will be paid separately on a time and materials based on the personnel and overhead rates per items 6a, 6b and 6c. When additional deposits have not been requested prior to the completion of the project and the final accountinq results in a balance due to the COUNTY, the CITY will pay such balance upon demand. This provision, however, shall not preclude the use of other methods of payments which are mutually acceptable to the COUNTY and the CITY. 11. The CITY shall not be required to assume any liability for direct payment of any salary, waqes, other 4 ITEM 16, 1 9 OF 13 ATTACI-t1ENT A OCT 17 1995 - -----------.--..-..--- compensation or indemnity for injury or sickness arising out of their employment, or other liability other than that provided for in this Agreement to any COUNTY personnel performing services hereunder for the CITY. 12. The CITY, its agents, officers, and employees shall not be held liable for any claims, liabilities, penalties, fines, or for damage to any goods, properties, or effects of any persons whatsoever, nor for personal injuries or deaths of them, or any of them caused by or resulting from any acts or omissions of the COUNTY, its agents, employees or representatives; COUNTY further agrees in indemnify and save free and harmless the CITY and its authorized agents, officers and employees against any of the foregoing liabilities and any cost and #!xpense including reasonable attorney's fees incurred by the CITY on account of any claim therefor, including claims by reason of alleged defects in the construction engineering inspection services, soils, concrete and pavement testing services, or any other work done or provided to CITY by COUNTY pursuant to this agreement; and in event that a court of competent jurisdiction should determine that the COUNTY has no authority to provide by agreement the performances of the hereinabove set forth services, COUNTY representatives nevertheless agree to assume the foregoing obligations and liabilities by which it is intended by both parties that COUNTY Agrees to indemnify and to save the CITY harmless from all claims arising by reason of the work to be done by, or any act or omissions of, the COUNTY, or its agents, employees, or representatives, in connection with or in performance of the agreed upon services or work provided for in this Agreement. 13. The COUNTY, its agents, officers, and employees shall not be held liable for damage to any goods, properties, or effects, of any persons whatsoever, nor for personal injuries to or deaths of them, or any of them, caused by or reSUlting from any acts or omissions of CITY, or its agents, employees or representatives; CITY further agrees to indemnify and save free and harmless the COUNTY and its authorized agents, officers and employees against any of the foregoing liabilities and any cost and expense including reasonable attorney's fees incurred by the COUNTY on account of any claim therefor, including claims by reason of alleged defects in the construction engineering inspection services, soils, concrete and pavement testing services or any other work or services done pursuant to this agreement; and in event that a court of competent jurisdiction should determine that the CITY has no authority to provide by agreement the performances of the hereinafter set forth services, CITY 5 OCT 17 1995 ITEM lb. 1 10 OF 13 ATTACHMENT A - nevertheless agrees to assume the foregoing obligations and liabilities by which it is intended by both parties that CITY agrees to indemnify and to save and hold harmless the COUNTY from all claims arising by reason of the work to be done by, or act or omission of, the CITY or its agents, employees, or representatives in connection with, or performance of the services or work provided for in this Agreement. 14. The COUNTY its officers and employees, shall not be deemed to assume any liability for any of the defective or dangerous condition of the streets or property of the CITY, except such defect or dangerous condition caused by an act or omission of the COUNTY, its officers and employees in the actual performance of services for the CITY pursuant to this agreement, and the CITY shall hold the COUNTY and its officers and employees thereof harmless against, any claim for damages resulting therefrom. No provision of this agreement shall be construed to relieve the CITY from liability imposed by law upon its arising from any such defective or dangerous condition of its street or property, defective or dangerous condition of its streets or property and the CITY shall protect, save and hold harmless the COUNTY from any claims and damages, and costs, and assumes the defense of all actions for such damages or injuries, except damage or injuries caused by an act or omission of the COUNTY, its officers and employees in the actual performance of services for the CITY pursuant to this Agreement, alleged to have arisen out of the construction of Scripps poway Parkway. 15. This agreement shall continue in accordance with section 51302 of the government code, but may be terminated by either the COUNTY or the CITY, by giving ninety (90) days written notice of intention thereof. 16. This Agreement may not be modified, amended or otherwise changed unless by an amendment in writing and executed by the both parties. - 6 11 OF 13 OCT 1 7 1995 ITEM 10.. 1 ATTACI-MENT A -.-.-- III WITlIIlSS WBDBOF, this Agreement is executed by the CITY of POWAY under and pursuant to a resolution adopted by the City Council and by the COUNTY of SAN DIEGO by resolution of the Board of Supervisors. CITY of POWAY ATTEST: By: BY: City Clerk Mayor Date Date COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY BY: BY: Clerk of the Board County Counsel DATE: DATE: 7 GOT 1 7 1995 ITEM 16.1 12 OF 13 ATTAC!-fI1ENT A - - -- ... ........;:!"'''''''n2.~l. i!; - "."'''' 1!li" I !'! i~~~~i II ~ii~~.. ~ Q" Ii ~~~~~~~ ..0 .. c::II ~CtDnn>m",m ....~-4 ::; ...;: 01 --- ~~i~i~llli~~.-! ~ !" ,E';j:i:J3E z ;;l .. en :Il:~ g nn;==:IIgI ~ ~ .. 606":.11I ... - ~~~~~IS ~~ :I!~~~i~~ 1II m : . m:i"",.. m ",_"! I~ n .. 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