Item 5 - Format Revision for the City's Newsletter Poway Today - AGENDA REPORT SUMMARY - - TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Ma~ .~ INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager~ Penny Riley, Senior Management Analys DATE: October 31, 1995 SUBJECf: Format Revision for the City's Newsletter, Poway Today ABSTRACf The quarterly municipal newsletter has remained relatively unchanged since its introduction in March 1983. This report details cosmetic changes to the general artwork format and layout of the newsletter. Staff is requesting an appropriation of $1,400 to cover design costs. This report also recommends that staff prepare the soecifications to bid the contract for araohic layout and oublication of Powav Today. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW ,- Environmental review is not required for this informational report according to California Environmental Quality Act guidelines. FISCAL IMPACf ., This report recommends the appropriation of $1,400 from the unappropriated General Fund balance to complete the redesign of the newsletter. Newsletter production costs are projected to remain within the budgeted amounts. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE A copy of this report was mailed to Steve Dreyer of Pomerado Publishing, and Melissa B. Tambera, Editor of Poway Today. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve the design elements for the Poway Today format revision; appropriate $1,400 from the unappropriated General Fund balance; and direct staff to prepare the new specifications to competitively bid the production and layout for Poway Today. ACI'lON c:\reports\powtod.sum 1 of 8 OCT 3 1 1995 ITEM 5 CITY OF POWAY AGENDA REPORT TO: Honorable Mayor and Members~ City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Man ~ INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager~ Penny Riley, Senior Management Analys j? DATE: October 31, 1995 SUBJECT: Format Revision for the City's Newsletter, Poway Today BACKGROUND The City of Poway publishes Poway Today, a quarterly municipal newsletter, through a nonprofit organization called Poway Today Incorporated. The first edition of 8 pages was published in March 1983, with a circulation of 13,000. The current newsletter varies between 12 and 16 pages (depending on the number of recreation programs offered by the City). Traditionally, the Summer issue is the largest edition in size and circulation. The average number of newsletters mailed each quarter is 17,605 delivered to all residences, business€s and postal box customers in Poway. Additional copies are made available at City offices for walk-in registration for a total circulation of 19,000 (20,000 for the Summer issue) . The per newsletter production costs (including editing, paper, and press costs) have increased only lIe in the last twelve years, while the circulation has expanded 28,000 newsletters per year and the number of pages per edition has doubled. Poway Today provides residents news of park development, highlights new staff members or programs, announcements of upcoming events, such as Earth Day and 4th of July, and other stories of general interest. Poway Today is also the vehicle used to distribute the City's recreation schedule and registration form. The City provides a "Tell Us How It Is" citizen feedback program in the Summer and Winter editions of Poway Today. The forms are clipped from the newsletter and then mailed to the City with the customer's water bill or with the recreation registration. FINDINGS The municipal newsletter has remained relatively unchanged since its introduction in March 1983. In November 1991, the City expanded from a single ink color (brown) to four seasonal colors: purple (spring); aqua (summer); brown (fall); winter (green); and special editions are printed in blue. 2 of 8 OCT 31 1995 ITEM 5 - Agenda Report - Poway Today October 31, 1995 Page 2 Staff contracted with Mediadimensions, a graphic design and public relations firm, to update the format of Poway Today. The consultant was asked to provide a new masthead, recreation activity icons, and update the fonts. Additionally, the general layout of Poway Today was to be revised. The contract was amended to include a new format for the Community Services masthead, regular features such as P.S. At Your Service (a Public Services Department article) and Tell Us How It Is, and the generation of five distinct color separated computer files. This amendment has increased the original contract amount by approximately $1,400. Attached is a concept for the front page (Attachment A); Community Services masthead (Attachment B); seasonal icons for the recreation section (Attachment C); features P.S. At Your Service and Tell Us How It Is (Attachment D). The colors selected by staff are similar to the existing colors but have warmer hues (Attachment E). A notable exception is that with the revision, the Summer edition will be blue and the special edition color is purple. The paper quality and content of Poway Today will not be altered by these cosmetic changes. Staff has worked with Pomerado Publishing to ensure that the computer file produced by Mediadimensions is compatible with the software used by the publishing industry in general and Pomerado Publishing. The format change to Poway Today will not require additional charges for layout or typesetting beyond a small hourly charge for the first edition. The City has historically contracted for the editing, typesetting, and printing of Poway Today. On March 7, 1995, the contract for editorial services was awarded to Melissa B. Tamberg. Bids for the publication and typesetting of Poway Today have not been solicited for several years. To conclude the format revision process, staff is recommending that the City solicit proposals for the production of the quarterly newsletter. FISCAL IMPACT This report recommends the appropriation of $1,400 from the unappropriated General Fund balance to complete the redesign of the newsletter. Newsletter production costs are projected to remain within the budgeted amounts. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Environmental review is not required for this informational report according to California Environmental Quality Act guidelines. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE A copy of this report was mailed to Steve Dreyer of Pomerado Publishing, and- Melissa B. Tamberg, Editor of Poway Today. 3 of 8 OCT 3 1 1995 ITEMS . ' Agenda Report - Poway Today October 31, 1995 Page 3 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council take the following actions: . Approve the design elements for the Poway Today format revision; . Appropriate $1,400 from the unappropriated General Fund balance; and . Direct staff to prepare the new specifications to competitively bid the production and layout for Poway Today. Attachments: A - Front page - Poway Today B - Community Services page mockup C - Seasonal icons D - Headings for P.S. At Your Service and Tell Us How It Is E - Proposed color palette for publication (limited distribution) JLB:JDF:PAR:eb c:\reports\powtodey.rev 4 of 8 OCT 3 1 1995 ITEM ,5 - '".:, INSIDE i ~, . I lIIi................ Utwili Lah quam I ...ad......__._noMnuI ..a. __.u-CIlI'pW...aptt ....._at......_~ I CIllIIMIpUt.OIIiI__wa-imIn daIcr......m~vaiit .......a:lMIqIUt. vtI ilNm cIokn_ tNpt.u.f.u.<<_ ..__tt"-,odio ~qaibl-.dt..-wt .......iri lWII:it..-_ddcn tDf..pt....faGIiIi. u.-.- dokrlit.... .... ~............~ -,............tIlcidImtllt ~dllllft.....aiI~_ Lali quam YObIlpIIt.Utwili........1IIirIi1ml "....qiU NlIII'Iad:...a. tIIlj_ ~CXIrpIr...apit~r:i.IIUl: ~ apaipCl(_~ClIWIqWIL , I o.u __ vo&.m... dDbifl ~i:D~""'t_ /'" lId__ ~"'-ihBl dalcn "'; _-......w-...__..r _.iI&aooclo....qw. ~ j ...dr~~iril.CWc;r c ..".~. I ..... dIU dalcn tD fftcit DIlIJa , f.... lIIi............UtWii l .l..Iti.qaa........UtwUi _____.......tldcbrl ~.iptamdDbllit... ..1dIliIIiIm....... -..-wi - __.-..m--'qailrand ~ritIh...mrllld~ut .. -.a ~ WmlClll'pWtudpit '--.we......._..-_ ~~"'_cilIn IIDcirti.rill.u.t_cpp_..~ ~Ut1lNi__1IIIIiIINn -rNlll........ tbadanrllt ~.o.u.....v~._ ...a-_~~"'w.n lC"Mtcklknlllllfa_qQII:l_ dalar"~in~volit CIlI'pW....apit~,.lItlbqoaip vd1ltJ*.Ut__eniIIl.llllminiCl _ mciIIIi. mnMqUt v\II. iDa.IIl. "_~~.Dui. v.-n..........d-a... daicn.'....n..fCIIU...vwo _vdND.....dmarin..ckwtt w.aClllpll' .....1IbllrMnal1lt etII.~tl'i_odio itl vuiputIR vdit.. ....... ~....CXlIZlIftOdo~ ~qgi~~1upcam ~Y4II.iIhurldoiln_Nup DIu __ vat.m imn doIorm iril...;t......_dIllcnlXl....t nuIIa___<<__.~ t-*-'till. V1IIpu.bIIR volit_ l...IIbqu.n_vcluqNLUtwui ncaIlata:iWi. _ llfillllloOllkl",--q.bledl: maleIlit~wl.i11lUftdalcn --__v-..nquiaDClllrlld LaNnlp_doIor.t...... p...r~1riIcW.ntapt IU....JlI.IIama-.<<VWO__1lf e-o:.a tmCll\ u1mI CXlIpe' Ia..:ipit 0llNIClIlU.-:....... tIit... diam .. dokn 1D........t.u.. _lfialroOllolipWm\qui ltbarutnalutlliiqwpCllN.caIllIl'Odo ~Iibh.w.nodlbaduntut Lor.lq.aa....... hlmdr pI'.-rt hqqhIm. iriJ M1tnt ~.DwI_qmym-inun L.netdalcnGlllpW;aIiqa.-._ ~"""""""Md"- ....daiadalc:nlXllwqrtrwlla dai.<rD\hmGnntirlvW.pu.anvalit vd~UtWUl___ _ritlh.-..l~qt faaIUj. ~malMIM~qilhun _".~.-Q....ulml 1-.....-..........._ ~i.p-...doklrli.tCWt. dalcn.......n.ulJafllCilaewtv.-o <D1"I' ~1*nItiII.tatiqaip ~Ut......ad._ ~~...act.t --.~<<I\IICOodio :va&.Dm:::-~:..m ~cw-"""''''''1IlIicrl'''' z-,riIlb....... dladIult\lt ~lpblmdt~1upCINm lJIY1Upu..VGIit_.....1I s.DXm.,.,,~.. ~dulcnlllllp'l...~_ II'i.I cWlftt wp diu daten to hN&Jt ca\IIIqIIIt. vW iBum dol_.... fapt nulla'.... raaliama-..tv__<<_ l.-.lp_ckMcrllitllMt, . iIum odio dipI-. CIIII bl.uIt ~~IIIit._m.n P'..-t~lI:iI.lW... ..... ncnIINl\ylibb-...od1haodun.t.t dIlia.... to Nqit n.Wa l.alia. I.,.. daiIn...... qa.-_ ~lpIIIIIldolorli.t..... valutpat.UtWl.Ii._"~ ~~"_m- _cpuftallnacl..~....,-,-, I'ICIlIIImlyribtl___~.. cmper....aptt~"'" lit *qaip la:n<<dalcn-..aIi~_ valutpM-Utwia_MDliJlNm D1..oaINnOdo~ 0.... ..........lIOIlNd-o.'-lialw.n """v-.nIll1ftdr*rIlD~ <ap<<....t!abl:nl1ill.t ..., lJIvWpv."vaijt_~. CII_CGIIlIIlOdo~.o.. ~ ..i.D-.dai_llit.lpt __.......... GaMr" '-cIIwir rmIIa~.v.-o_<<_ iZlY1dplllaavdit_1MMIIiII etllllCOodio__qsa~dt ~"'iD""dakn_f"" p~ l...-..mll:il. dII.ft...... maII__.~_._ diu ckakn to ilNpt n.Wa f.... .r"odio~qaitM..m ~",,"Iit .... JJI'-' lapatIaR iril cWtrit ..... 5 of 8 Attachment A ITEM .5 OCT 31 1995 ---- ~~.__.- -- ~ - . . . . .~ ~ ' - - -... ':::...~ . ' '. ~-, , , " , ~COMMUNlTYSElMCESPEPAKI'MENT , , '...,'''c,,'''-"''''.;.~ ~.o<~~,~_..._.,~'''_"..,'',.._,..,'"_,~_"''..~. '. ......,.....,..,.,'c._,. ~~, ' Tap and BaIlet J~lJ_ eo.tJ'llUl'dlldbc. ....Cl'IRmI...._1LcthD -':::'-4.:;... ;Jr- r rr _ ~. _ .,.-:: Gl'terClJlCfi*ttclllrillDdm:iball<i1cniD&1biI ~;;;l.2rJ;Jrzt........... ___......."'....t.... Beginn. I SL.. ..-..---"""......'" mg ce utmg J~lJ_ Beginnm' gIceSkating '~lJ_ IJI,..__._.....,"""'.... ~ 6cSillDlepIcr.vaa.lJOO1I1DNCIlMIIDIaId. CouId..dddbl:llI~sbliIl&_ILct_ ..._.... .......'" ___ ,..... Gl'IIrrClpUieDcelbf1ldl_miCMDIoflaailJllIiI \NIIIIIJ'lllll'<:- . _.~. ... .. _ btallful FaDdIlIaltlllli:l1b.wklll/llUiaclw orllerapaaclllK6dlltcI~of~dit ..... _llllb~poClictonaoptll_.._3:1s. ~~f~_M:III~~':~ 21>>1.100 TItJ 3:OO-3:30PN Jl.tl29-JU.20 ~J5pl1,SUtmna.illcWedil.kt,Claiailddll lD~ opl:I . 5401145 ltJ(Sall"'-J ......I1ODls.ctMGU81IiaIuld. S:15J11,Skatraaalllillcladtdilllbtlte.CalaIlddIl 2':$1101 Tit; 3:OO-3.30PW JLl21.,f,l,G1T ....... IX 6es.DqoICtAn::ll,I1001B11d:"~"" ~ UII. 11'II __ ___ 7.SI~ ''II'''''' .., ." - ---- 2'D!I1 00 TItJ 3:0IH30PM Jl-'I29-JLIl20 . 11I'~ .1 2ll9,100 THlJ 3:OO-3.30fIM Jl.tl29-Jll20 2091100 HI) HXl.HClI'tol Jl.tl2NU.2C S4M45 ~OrS(5 ~ - 2O!Il101 TItJ 3:OO-HOPld Jll2T..,fJJ017 2(191101 THU 3OQ.330fItol JIA. 2T.,wo 11 2091101 TIfJ 3:ro.3 3O~ JLl 21..w; 11 S4M45 SlO""~ 540.445 ,....... ,...... J D I 2O!l11oo TIt) 3-00.3301'1,I JlIl2'9-Jll20 2'D!Il100 TlfJ 300.nOf't.! JlJIl3J\1.20 azz mee JilDUr.rs ~~ CoIId,..dIIclbc.IlIdiIaMftd.....!ktllil. ' 'il III- LakePoway ....._........_,.._.. ~ balIlIIaIpr.&malwKlbwtllklllllhta. ~~- '\!JnvrrJ:::~j" SummerDayCamp J~1J_ .._oa___"""......l" t:~.r ,._ ',..... c.,.' S.1Spa.Sbletallll.iDdHkdmlbelrc,a.aalldda . - ,. -. .. -. - '" -, c.o.kI,,*dlidbr.~.....ntt.. .SlDDirIolcd'aII,lJOOJBIKt;M..1OICI. Intro t C. .....-........-..-... o anoemg JilDUr.n beautIflaIspon.F-...:awdwllb<<.ptilldul ... .. _ _~ , .......c-.pcICitt......___HS. 11I1~ ~=':c...~~~: S:~JlII.btalllll.ilciadedilltllcler.c..allddlf 2'091100 Ttt.I 3.00;330"'" Jlfl29-JI.l2{l bcanlul sport F.....1It IlIiIbwlll br"""l i:a dill .SilDirIoletMal, lJODl a.:tNu.IIIiIltad. ~M45 .hllldt:lllll2llpal.1iccdwmcGpall__fna3:ISo ... .. _ _ S;ISID,Sbltreaalililc:lllOrGintbfler.Caaabailf 11I1~ IbcSaOiqclcrArala.1JOOlBlld:MGUllIIIaIold. 2lW1100 Ttt.I 3:00-330"'" ~29-JUt:2{l ..., .... _ ....__ StME . . \.-, _ ,.' .' .'~ '''lfIIII 2091101 Ti'lJ 300-330PM J1l2T.,t,lG17 r '~,""'~"";":'-. 200' lOC TH~ 3lJO.-33(1Pt,l Jlfl29-JU.20 r~":~ '" ......~.... '- ."... ~~5 Beginn' BaIl 209110! T'l(J 3'00-3,30"'" JI.l27-AUO17 mg et JilDU"- ~OM5 ~ uim1B1 1'1I1IY.- <' . CoIIicI,.dlldbr.~"'MU!Lnbil 2001100 lltJ 3:OO-330PM Jlfl29-Jll211 . ,~:. <<ierapcri:lcr.6dI_~orlamll&tIis __ '.' ", ..dIliIapon.FIIlIduImuI_wtIlbc_tllldali . -....' ,.... .r , "r,l~.o~-'_' .hlllOtDllOlpaclict....(fm...n..frln3:1SO ~. ~~.DJ.\J~,-=,."__... I.M"',.....................,"'""""'. - ^ . Dan t Child .....Dqol.._"..'...._..... ~~' ,~,_ ,rl~.~rJl~J\lr.~ celor ren '~1J_ ~.-:... ..:.J....J... ,.........:= .., 11II _ ...__ - ~~ .,...... --."""'.... CouIdlQUl'Cbidbe..~.......nnllill '11'~ Kids dDo <<llftaperialcrtbttbtllMadlalaltallalUlltlis 2091100 Tttl 3:OO-3.3OPU Jlfl29-JlJ..2{l an gs JilDUr.... bc:atiWlpM.FUDdItIcawUllaWlnbc:1IllIhtilldala StQ,C45 .dAlllkDllllllpac:licrdwi!&GpaI___lJSo 2091101 Ttt.I 300.330PU JI.l 27-ALG 11 CouIdJOlltcUdbclll~"".1lc1.1liII S:ISj:II.5kaHranliililltWrdtlthtlrc,a..abaill ~ <<berClpCftalrttbr:...._adclIaIlfl...tbiI _SaOielolcrArau.l1001~N....bd 1'1111.... br.llflll$pOtlF~lltiIlwllbe.ptilldala 2001100 TItJ 3:OO-330Pt.l Jlfl29-JlJ..211 _hD.ItkDI~paaicrdlrqDpall_ilIf:"'Us.. .., 11II _ ____ ~~ S:lSpaI.SGlcraltllilillt:Wediltllek.Qaaalldda '11'~ 2091101 TltJ 3:OO-330Pt.l JLl21..w.i17 _SIllDqalcrmu,UODlBIlcUltIIIHlIiBlCIId. 2091.100 THU 3:00-330"'" JIJrI29-Jl.l211 StM45 ~- Beginnin" CI . .., Mil _ ml101 TtIJ 3:OO-330PM JI.l 27-A1.1> 17 g noomg JilDUr-s n'.~ StM45 "'e-e-" 2001100 THU 3:OO-3,30PU JI.tl29-Jl.liO 1'1111,.... ColIId,.cUdbe.~IbiaI_~LetUl ~0~5 21>>1100 THU 3OJ-3,30PM J"'29-Jtl20 <<.UllpaDldlttbtllmdm:ialallalaDlc*' 2091101 Tttl 3OJ-3,30PM Jl127-Atx;17 MQ,C45 bc:aIlIaIlplIl~_willbelltllhliltcba "'0~5 2091101 TftJ 300-330"'" J1127..w.i17 ......ClDJlldcr...opall__...3:ISO "1I"~ $IM45 S:1Sj:II.Skacraallillc:ludedbldttler.Qalabailf 2091100 THU 3:OJ-33OPU Jlfl29-JU.2{l '11'~ _SaDicaolcrmu,1I001BllctNollllaiDlaId. "'O~ 2091100 THU 3OJ-3301't.l Jlfl2P-Jl120 201)1101 TItJ 3:OO-3.30PM J1127.,t,lGl1 MM45 .., .. _ ___ "'0~5 2091101 Tt<<! 3:00-330"'" JI.l U..w.i 11 .11..... '''..... $otII,M 20'1"00 TMU 3:OO-33OPM Jlfl29-Jll20 ~ 6 of 8 Attachment B OCT 31 1995 ITEM 5 COMMUNITY MASTHEADS ~-'m@~ WINTER i.fi{C" -~: -, " ~.I' ... .,~"",t~~~~.fJ,"~.i ~I'~@~ SPRING ~ h , , t<::oMMUhmiE~DFZA~ , ~m..@r~ SUMMER ;.;,~~ f'.._/ ~ :~~D~jlq~," FALL 7 of 8 Attachment C OCT 31 1995 ITEM 5 -_._- ~ ----- --, ':'<"";'0 ,. ".ocx'L,,', ", ,;- .,." . '" " ,d'~""'" "'"tM "n," '. ')>'f';W:"""'; , ,...._....,.,,",.._ .-.'_ .., '. ..,_......., -"ltw ----. .....',. ". .'.,'''.....;(!. ,. '. "',l. 1'\.~ ,........ -,' ~" ' l'~'~l-~j.::, . ,~. ' .....,.-::,:(:... .~ :;')iP';;/li';/:~~" 1':18 " 'L) ,J.;'~:;; 0 ". '.: ~._;."",~~:''';:'''~'?'~~' ' ' :. 'Of,:- '. .: , ",.' -p'" t' :,.'-.,: ....', ,-:" ;.~,:;: -. ,';, .<~~~'~~i~' 8 of 8 Attachment 0 OCT 3 1 1995 ITEM .5 ' , - - INSIDE -.---.- .' ~ - Lal' ....,.quameratvo!utpat.Utwisi 1 quam enim.adminiwnvl'riamquisnostrud exeratationulamcorperSUlcipit laborti. rit! ut a1iquip ex ea a:mmodo oonsequat.Duisautemvoleuminure dcl.orinhendreritinvulputatevolit esaemale.tieconaequat,.velillum dolorelufeugatnullafadlsiaetvero eroe et accumsan etiusto odio digrissimqui blandtpraeiett luptatumirildel.eritallgUeduisdolon. tofeugitnullafaciWi. Loremipsum dulorsitamet,.. /Xlt'\5ectetuer adlpi.dng elit sed diam noo.ummyribh ensiumodlhdduntut lacreet doI.on magra all quam erat volutpat. Utwisienim adminhun veriamqui"nolltrudex~tation u1amootpersuscipttlabortilrislut aliquip ex ea commodo cunsequat. Duis autern voleum inure <!olerin hendreritinvulputatevalitUIH! - moleatiecoosequ.at.velillumdolore IU leugat nulla fadhia et veto eras et accumsan et iusto odio digriasim qui blandt praeaert luptatum iril del<.nt augue duilJdoloretofeugitnulla .. Laliquameratvolutpat.Utwiai cmsec:tetueradlpisdnge6t,aeddiam. facilisi.. .tali ~ lr.C:volutpal UtWlSl enim adminium veriam quia nostrud ~UIlUJlyribh ensiumod thdduntut Loremipswn ~lor ait.an\\!t,.. . EIlIlIIadmrnunvenamqwal\OlllNd exerti tation u1am corpel' suadpit Iacreet dolOft! magra all quam erat COI'IRctetueradspi~ elit,.. ~d diam labortisrilllutaliquip&ucommodo volutpat. Utwisienim.admini\llT\ nonummyribhensaumod thQduntut COlIsequat. Duia 'lutein vole\llT\ inure vtiiamquillnostrudexerri tation wam lacreet dol.ore magra. aIi quam erat ^ . dol.orin hendrerit in vulputate voUt carper &IlScipitlabortia rial ut aliquip volutpat. Utwiai enim ad minium 1IIIIlIII:8,~ ellSemolealieconsequatveJillum exearommodooonsequat.Duis verilUlquianostrudexen:itatloo _.,..,-' '.'.':'" " .",." dolen!, ,SUfeUgatn~afacilai.aetv~,o autemVal._in"UNdolOCinhendrerit ~.corpersuacipltlaNrtisrisJut . . erosetaoo.unaanetlustoodio invulputatevolitellSemol~tie a1iqUlpexeacommodoconsequat. ,. . digrissunquiblandtpIll!!sertluptatum coosequatvelillumdoloresufeugat Duisautemvoleuminuredolorin irildeleritaugueduU:doIoreto!eugit nullafacilsisetveroerosetaccumaan hmdrerltinvulp1ltatevolitesse Lali quam erat volutpat._ Ut wiai nullafacilisi. _ et iusW odio digriasim qui blmldt molestie COClSeq...t.- vel ilIum dol.ore enimadauniumveriamqwsn05lTud Lormupsumdolorlltamet, _ pl'aoo!lertluptlllumlrildeleritaugue aufeugatnullalaci.laisetveroeroset exerci tation u1amcorper lUacipit COOsectl!tu~adsplscing flit, ~d diam duia dolore to feugitlluUa facills.. accumaan etiustoodio digrissim qui labort:ia ris! ut a1iquip ex ea commodo nonummy nbh en8lum~ thQdU1'lt ut Locem ipsum dolor sit am~ blmldt praesert luptatum iril de.lerit COlIsequat.Duiaautemvol.euminlln! lacrei!tdolotll~~aliqu~.erat conaectelUf!I'~eHtsedciam augueduiadol.cretofeugitnul1a dolOTinh~dreritinvulputatevolit ~,:at.~~::"=:U:::am nonummyribhel\li~dthd.duntut facilis.. . . essemolestieconsequat.-vel.illum qu1lI- . .. .. lacreetdolOl'\!mag:rn.aIiquamerat LOI'l!mlpsumdolorSltamet.- dolen! IU feugat nwlafacilais etvero lXII'per SUllQp~t1abortiS nsl ~qlJlp volutpat. Ut wisi enim admlnium ca\llectetueradspiscingelit, sed diam ems et accumaan et iusto odio :~ c:;m~:::~:'~hen~t veriaInquis~df!)CerdIlltiMu1am nMUIlUnyritnmliumod thdduntut digrisaimqui blandtpraesertluptatum. in vulputatevolitesse molealie See DO[Olt,~j ... laaeet dol.ore maua a1i quam erat iril del.nt augue duis dolore to feugit <:a\8equm-.. vel ilium doIore au leugat nulIafacilisi. nullafadlsisetvel'Oerosetaccumsan Lorem ipaum dolor sit amet, etiu8to odio digrissim qui blandt C'Onsectetuer adspiacing e1it.- sed diam praesert luptlltwn iril delerit &ugue nOf'lummy ribl.lensiumod thdduntut dUll dolm:e tofeugitn~a faci!i9l. lacreet dolore magra aIi quam erat Lorem Ipsum doLor Sit arnet, volutpat.Utwilienimadntinium con&ectetu~adsp~eIit.-seddiam veriamquisnostrude><erri tation warn nonummy nbhl!l\8lum~ thndU1'lt ut . . .. _. lacreet dolotll magra ali quam erat carper S\UlCllllt labor1is nslllt ~qlJlp vol.utpat. Utwisi enim adminium ex ea oommodo COlIsequat. Dws veriamquillnostrudexercitalion u1am autem voleum 1lI1J1'e doloc in hendrmt corper sllscipit labortis rill ut aliquip invulputatevolitessemol~lie ex ea<:OlI\modoconsequat.Dui8 conaequat, vel ilium dol.ore au feugat autun voleum inure doIocin hendrw'it nulla facilsis et vera eros et accumaan in V\I]putate volit eNe molealie etiusto odio digriuim qui blandt l:'OflSeqUat, vel ilium doIore au leugat praesertluptalumiril delerit augue nulla fadlsis etvEro f!I'OB et accumsan duis dolore to feugit nullafacilisi. etN8to odio digria..~ qw ~landt Lorem ipsum dolor lit amet, praesertluptatumiril delerit augue ATTACHMENT E OCT 31 1995 ITEM .5 - MASTHEADS - WINTER PMS #234 II PANTONE@ ..' ,. 234U SPRING PMS #568 II ,'.. PANTONE@ ---, -,,,,-,-- '-.-,--- .- 568U . SUMMER PMS #314 - II .----- . . -- -----"..' PANTONE@ - 3~ FALL PMS #159 II ' ',., PANTONE@ -- ~ SPECIAL PMS #259 II - ' ," , . . PANTONE@ 259U .__.,------~ tier 31 1995 ITEM 5 . 0 , . . . 0 . .. 0 . .0 .. . . 0 0 . 0 . . . . 0 . . 0 . . . . 0 0 I ..