Item 6 - Citizen Survey Draft -- AGENDA REPORT SUMMARY - TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Mana~ . INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager~)t ~ Reba Wright-Quastler, Director of Plan '"g Services ~ Pam Gravel, Management Analyst DATE: October 31, 1995 SUBJECT: Citizen Survey Draft ABSTRACT This report presents the draft Citizen Survey which contains 50 questions concerning citizens' attitudes and concerns as well as a demographic description of the population. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This survey is Statutorily Exempt under Section 15061 b (3), General Rule of the CEOA Guidelines. - FISCAL IMPACT Will not exceed the appropriated budget of $30,000. .' ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE A copy of this report was sent to the Poway Chamber of Commerce. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve the draft survey, direct staff to enter into a final contract with SANDAG through their Local Technical Assistance program and distribute the survey to all Poway households. ACTION ,- E:\CITY\PLANNING\REPORT\CITSURDR.SUM 1 of 14 OCT 31 1995 ITEM b ~-----_.- CITY OF POW A Y AGENDA REPORT TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Man~ " INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager~~ c.Q Reba Wright-Quastler, Director of Planning Services ~ Pam Gravel, Management Analyst DATE: October 31,1995 SUBJECT: Citizen Survey Draft BACKGROUND On January 19, 1995 staff was directed to initiate the process for conducting a citizen's . survey. SANDAG was contacted and provided a preliminary estimate to survey approximately 15,000 households in Poway. On March 28,1995, staff was directed to identify topics and proceed with the development of a draft questionnaire. FINDINGS , In order to identify current issues for the survey, all departments were asked to submit questions or general issues that could be incorporated into the survey. An earlier version of the draft survey was then given to a small sample group and some modifications were made. Additionally, staff was approached by the Wellness Task Force (which includes a City Council member, a representative from the Chamber of Commerce, a representative from the School District and a representative from the community) about the possibility of adding several questions to the survey. Data derived from these questions will aid the Wellness Task Force and School District in requesting grants and funding in the future. Two quastions were added to the body on behalf of the Task Force. The length of this survey is of some concern. While it is the same number of pages as the previous survey, it contains more complex questions. As a result, our response rate may be lower than for past surveys. It is requested that the Council review the draft survey and indicate any changes that are desired. If the questionnaire is approved at this meeting, it will be mailed out towards the end of November. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This survey is Statutorily Exempt under Section 15061 b (3), General Rule of the CEOA Guidelines. 2 of 14 OCT 3 1 1995 ITEM .6 ., Agenda Report October 31, 1995 Page 2 FISCAL IMPACT The cost of the survey will not exceed the appropriated budget of $30,000.00. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE A copy of this report was sent to the Poway Chamber of Commerce. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve the draft survey, direct staff to enter into a final contract with SANDAG through their Local Technical Assistance program and distribute the survey to all Poway households. JLB:JDF:RWQ:PGG:kls Attachments: A. Letter from Sandra Nichols B. Draft of City of poway Citizen's Survey E:\CITV\PLANN ING\REPORncitsurdr.agn 3 of 14 OCT 3 1 1995 ITEMb .. - ---- ~ San Diego ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS Suite 800, First Interstate Plaza 401 B Street September 13, 1995 San Diego, California 92101 (619)595-5300 Fax (619)595-5305 Pam Gravel City of Poway 13325 Civic Center Drive Poway, CA 92064 Dear Pam: Attached is the final draft of the Poway Public Opinion Survey that is ready for review by the City Council. I have some concerns about the length of this survey. Typical public opinion surveys with roughly 25 questions average a 30 to 35 percent response rate. This survey has over 50 questions. Typically, when respondents fill out a long survey, some respondents become tired or lack the time to complete all of the questions. Those respondents tend to skip the last sections of the survey. When this five page, double-sided survey is folded and stuffed, it will be necessary to use non-standard, special envelopes for the mail-out and the mail-back. This will result in an increase in the cost for envelopes as well as an increase in the postage due to the weight increase. After the survey has been reviewed by the City Council and we receive your final revisions to the survey, we will know the exact length, postage costs and envelope requirements. I will send you a revised cost estimate at that time. If you have any questions, please call me at 595-5344. Sincerely, ~"7l~/. SANDRA NICHOLS Associate Research Analyst SN/cd Attachments cc: Karen Lamphere, SANDAG MEMBER AGENCIES: Cities of Car1sbad, Chula Vista, Coronado, Del Mar, EI Caton. Encinitas. Escondida. Imperial Beadl, La Mesa, lemon Grove. NationaJ City, Oceanside, Poway, San Diego, San Marcos, Santee, Sotana Beach, Vista, and County of San Dtego. \JAISON MEMBERS: California ~ 01 Tronoponalion. U.S. ~ 01 OoIons.. S.D, Unified Port District. and TijuenalBaje Califomi., 4 of 14 ATTACHMENT A OCT 3 1 1995 ITEM .6 - ,- 199~ PUBLIC OPINION Sl..tlVEY CITY OF POW A Y )ear Poway Resident, The following survey is being sent to you to help the City of Poway plan for the future needs of Poway residents. Your response is very important because the results will be used to improve current services as well as plan for future services. All answers will remain confidential. You may notice that the surveys are being returned to the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG). SANDAG is the regional planning agency for the San Diego region, made up of all incorporated cities and the County of San Diego. SANDAG has been asked to assist us in conducting and tabulating the survey to ensure that the results are valid and impartial. Thank you for providing us with your opinions and comments on this detailed survey. By letting us know your opinions about issues in Poway, it will help us better meet your needs. Sincerely, Don Higginson Mayor 1. BELOW IS A MAP OF POWA Y. DIVIDED INTO 10 NUMBERED AREAS. PLEASE FIND THE AREA IN WHICH YOU LIVE AND ENTER THAT NUMBER IN THE BOX BELOW. ~ D 2 3 ~ . , ~< ~. ..onl -, 5 of 14 ATTACHMENT B OCT 3 1 1995 ITEM b _.~--,..- ----------- 2. HOW LONG HAVE YOU LIVED ..~ POWAY? 1. Less than 1 year 5. 10 to 14 years 2. 1 to 2 years 6. 1 5 to 1 9 years 3. 3 to 4 yeers 7. 20 years or more 4. 5 to 9 years 3. HOW SATISFIED ARE YOU WITH THE QUALITY OF LIFE IN POWAY? 1. Very satisfied 2. Somewhat satisfied 3. Not too satisfied (WHY NOn) 4. Not at all satisfied (WHY NOn) 5. No opinion 4. THE FOLLOWING ARE SOME SERVICES THAT ARE PROVIDED BY THE CITY OF POWAY. PLEASE RATE THE FOLLOWING SERVICES AND FACILITIES. Don't Knowl Excellent ~ Fair f22! Haven't Used A. Street and sidewalk repair 1 2 3 4 5 B. Sheriff protection 1 2 3 4 5 C. Fire protection 1 2 3 4 5 D. Paramedic services 1 2 3 4 5 E. Library facilities 1 2 3 4 5 F. Recreational programs 1 2 3 4 5 G. Park and park maintenance 1 2 3 4 5 H. Street cleaning 1 2 3 4 5 1. Activities for youths 1 2 3 4 5 J. Traffic movement/flow 1 2 3 4 5 K. Animal control 1 2 3 4 5 L. Graffiti cleanup 1 2 3 4 5 5. POWAY RESIDENTS ARE BILLED EVERY TWO MONTHS FOR THE WATER THEY USE. THE BILLING SYSTEM COULD BE CHANGED FROM BILLING RESIDENTS ONCE EVERY TWO MONTHS TO BILLING ONCE A MONTH. THIS SYSTEM WOULD RESULT IN A SLIGHT INCREASE IN ADMINISTRATION FEES. WHICH BILLING SCHEDULE WOULD YOU PREFER? 1. I prefer to be billed once a month, even if it means a slight increase in administration fees. 2. I prefer to be billed for once everv two months with no increase in administration fees. 3. The water bill is included in my rent. 4. No opinion 6. THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO AND THE CITY OF POWAY SPONSOR SPECIAL EVENTS FOR THE COLLECTION OF HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS MATERIALS AS WELL AS ANTIFREEZE, BATTERIES, MOTOR OIL, AND PAINT. WHICH STATEMENT BEST EXPRESSES YOUR USE OF THIS SERVICE? 1. Never heard of it before today 2. Heard of it, but never used it 3. Used once or twice 4. Use it regularly RECREATION/PARKS 7. THE CITY PROVIDES RECREATION SERVICES TO POWAY RESIDENTS. SOME SERVICES INCLUDE RECREATION CLASSES, THE POWAY SWIM CENTER AND ORGANIZED PARK ACTIVITIES. HAVE YOU OR OTHER HOUSEHOLD MEMBERS PARTICIPATED IN CITY SPONSORED RECREATION CLASSES, PROGRAMS OR SPECIAL EVENTS DURING THE PAST YEAR? 1. Yes (PLEASE ANSWER QUESTION SA.) 2. No (PLEASE ANSWER QUESTION SB.) 2 ITEM .6 6 of 14 OCT 3 1 1995 - 8A. IF YES. HOW DID YOU FIND OUT ABOUT THE 8B. IF YOU Ok MEMBERS OF YOUR HOUSEHOLD PROGRAM(SI YOU PARTICIPATED IN? HAVE NOT PARTICIPATED IN THE (PLEASE CIRCLE ALL THAT APPLY.) RECREATIONAL PROGRAMS THAT THE CITY 1. Powey Todey-Recreation Section OFFERS. WHY NOT? (PLEASE CIRCLE ALL 2. Powey News Chiehein THAT APPLY.) 3. Flyer handed out at school 1. The classes are not interesting to me 4. From a friend/relative 2. The classes are not scheduled when I can 5. K,iosk signs at the entrance to Poway attend 6. Bulletin boards 3. The classes are too expensive 7. Other (WHERE?) 4. I participate in similar activities elsewhere 5. I have never heard about the programs (PLEASE CONTINUE WITH QUESTION 9.) 6. The teaching facilities are not adequate 7. Other (PLEASE EXPLAIN) (PLEASE CONTINUE WITH QUESTION 9.) 9. THE COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT OFFERS A VARIETY OF INSTRUCTIONAL CLASSES FOR THE COMMUNITY FOR A FEE. WHAT PROGRAMS WOULD YOU OR MEMBERS OF YOUR HOUSEHOLD BE INTERESTED IN TAKING SOMETIME IN THE NEXT YEAR? (PLEASE CIRCLE ALL THAT APPLY.) 1. Adult dance 9. Special needs population (bowling. etc.) 2. Youth dance 10. Swimming 3. Fitness 11. Sports 4. Arts 12. Tennis 5. Crafts 13. Volleyball 6. Adult programs (computers. aerobics. etc.) 14. Specialty (baking. ethnic cooking. etc.) 7. Youth programs (water park trips. gymnastics. etc,) 15. Other (PLEASE LIST) 8. Senior programs (golf for seniors. etc.) 16. Not interested in any recreation classes 10. HOW MANY TIMES A YEAR DO YOU OR MEMBERS OF YOUR HOUSEHOLD VISIT THE POWAY SWIM CENTER? 1. Once a week or more 2. Two to four times a month 3. About once a month 4. A few times a year 5. Rarely use the Poway Swim Center 6. Never use the Poway Swim Center (PLEASE SKIP TO QUESTION 13,) 11. WHICH THREE POOL RELATED ACTIVITIES ARE MOST IMPORTANT TO YOU? PLEASE RANK THE TOP THREE ACTIVITIES IN ORDER OF IMPORTANCE. (PLEASE INDICATE YOUR TOP THREE CHOICES BELOW. PUTTING "1. BY YOUR FIRST CHOICE. "2. BY YOUR SECOND CHOICE. AND "3" BY YOUR THIRD CHOICE.) _ Swimming lessons _ Swim team practice _ Open swimming _ Diving _ Lap swimming _ Water polo _ Family events _ Sun bathing - Other (PLEASE SPECIFY) 7 of 14 3 ITEM b ., OCT 3 1 1995 _._-_.~- 12. OLD POWAY PARK IS A HISTO,dCAL SITE LOCATED ON MIDLAND ROAD. WHAT ACTIVITIES HAVE YOU PARTICIPATED IN AT OLD POWAY PARK WITHIN THE LAST TWO YEARS? (CIRCLE ALL THAT APPLY.) 1. Picnic 8. Dine at Hamburger Factory 2. Attend recreation classes 9. Listen to concert 3. Tour historic buildings 10. Attend art show 4. Ride the train 11. Special event (i.e., Fourth of July) 5. Farmers market 12. I have never been to Old Poway park 6. Museum 13. Other (WHAT ACTIVITY?) 7. Private party 13. WHAT ACTIVITIES HAVE YOU PARTICIPATED IN AT POWAY LAKE? (CIRCLE ALL THAT APPLY.) 1. Fishing 6. Hiking/Biking 2. Boating (sail, paddle, row, motor) 7. Horseback riding 3. Picnic 8. Softball/volleyball/horseshoes 4. Group party 9. Listen to concert - HOW MANY DID YOU ATTEND? - 5. Bought items at concession stand 10. Other (WHAT ACTIVITY?) 14. DUE TO LIMITED FUNDS, SOME SERVICES MAY BE CUT BACK IN THE FUTURE. WOULD YOU BE WILLING TO PAY A SPECIAL TAX ASSESSMENT TO MAINTAIN PARKS? 1. Yes'" 14A. IF YES, HOW MUCH WOULD YOUR HOUSEHOLD BE WILLING TO PAY EACH YEAR? 2. No 1. Less than $1 0 4. $50 to $74 3. Don't know 2. $10 to $24 5. $75 or more 3. $25 to $49 15. THE POWAY RECREATION DEPARTMENT OPERATES TWO GYM FACILITIES: TWIN PEAKS GYM (LOCATED AT TWIN PEAKS ROAD AND T1ERRA BONITA) AND MEADOWBROOK GYM (LOCATED AT MEADOWBROOK AND POMERADOI. IF YOU HAVE BEEN TO TWIN PEAKS OR MEADOWBROOK GYMS, IN WHICH ACTIVITIES DID YOU PARTICIPATE? (CIRCLE ALL THAT APPLY.) . 1. Adult recreation program/class 2. Open play sports 3. Organized youth activity 4'. Private rental 5. Other (WHAT ACTIVITY?) 6. Have not been to Twin Peaks or Meadowbrook Gym(s) or participated in any activities 16. DO YOU HAVE ANY SUGGESTIONS FOR IMPROVING THE POWAY RECREATION PROGRAM? LIBRARY FACILITIES THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO CURRENTLY OPERATES A BRANCH LIBRARY IN LIVELY CENTER ON POWAY ROAD. THE CITY OF POWAY WILL BE BUILDING A NEW LIBRARY AT BOWRON AND POWAY ROAD. 17. HOW OFTEN DO YOU OR OTHER MEMBERS OF YOUR FAMILY VISIT THE POWAY LIBRARY? 1. Once a week or more 2. Two to four times a month 3. About once II month 4. Rarely use the Poway Library 5. Never use the Poway Library 8 of 14 4 OCT 31 1995 ITEM .6 - lB. WOULD YOU AND/OR OTHER MEMBERS OF YOUR FAMILY USE THE POWAY LIBRARY MORE OFTEN IF THERE WERE: rn .t:!2 Don't Know MORE BOOKS AND PERIODICALS? 1 2 3 LONGER LIBRARY HOURS? 1 2 3 MORE LIBRARY PROGRAMS/SPECIAL ACTIVITIES? 1 2 3 19. WHICH THREE OF THE FOLLOWING LIBRARY SERVICES ARE MOST IMPORTANT TO YOU? PLEASE RANK THE TOP THREE FEATURES IN THEIR ORDER OF IMPORTANCE. (PLEASE INDICATE YOUR TOP THREE CHOICES, PUTTING "1" BY YOUR FIRST CHOICE, -2" BY YOUR SECOND CHOICE, AND "3" BY YOUR THIRD CHOICE.) _ Collection of books and periodicals - Research material Children's books Children's programs (storytelling, reading) _ Computers with software for participant use Internet access _ Meeting space _ Evening hours - Other (PLEASE EXPLAIN) 20. THE OPERATING BUDGET FOR THE PROPOSED NEW 20.000 SQUARE FOOT LIBRARY WILL INCREASE FROM THE PRESENT $400.000 TO $750.000 OR MORE. WOULD YOU BE WILLING TO PAY A SPECIAL TAX ASSESSMENT TO FUND THE INCREASED COST OF LIBRARY RESOURCES AND SERVICES? 1, Yes -.. 20A. IF YES. HOW MUCH WOULD YOUR HOUSEHOLD BE WILLING TO PAY EACH YEAR? 2. No 1. Less than $10 4, $50 to $74 3. Don't know 2, $10 to $24 5. $75 or more 3. $25 to $49 CENTER FOR THE PERFORMING ARTS 21. I1AVE YOU OR A MEMBER OF YOUR HOUSEHOLD PURCHASED A TICKET TO ATTEND ANY CULTURAL EVENT IN ANY THEATER OR CONCERT LOCATION IN THE SAN DIEGO REGION WITHIN THE LAST 12 MONTHS? 1. Yes 2. No 22. HAVE YOU OR A MEMBER OF YOUR HOUSEHOLD PURCHASED A TICKET TO ATTEND AN EVENT AT THE POWAY CENTER FOR THE PERFORMING ARTS WITHIN THE LAST 12 MONTHS? 1. Yes 2, No 23. WHICH THREE KINDS OF ENTERTAINMENT WOULD YOU LIKE TO SEE AT THE POWAY CENTER FOR THE PERFORMING ARTS? PLEASE RANK THE TOP THREE IN ORDER OF IMPORTANCE. (PLEASE INDICATE YOUR TOP THREE CHOICES, PUTTING "'" BY YOUR FIRST CHOICE, -2" BY YOUR SECOND CHOICE, AND "3" BY YOUR THIRD CHOICE.) _ Plays - Musicals - Lectures - Classical music Rock music _ Country Western music _ Popular music - Dance - Other (PLEASE LIST! 9 of 14 5 OCT 31 ms ITEM .6 ---------- SHOPPING/RETAIL 24. EXCLUDING PURCHASES OF GROCERIES OR GASOLINE, HOW FREQUENTLY DO YOU AND OTHER MEMBERS OF YOUR HOUSEHOLD SHOP IN POWAY7 (PLEASE CIRCLE ONE.) 1. At least once each day 4. Less than once each week 2. 2 to 3 times each week 5. Seldom 3. At least once each week 6. Never 25. PLEASE RATE THE FOLLOWING ITEMS RELATING TO SHOPS AND STORES IN POWAY. Excellent ~ Fair Poor No aoinion A. Choice of merchandise 1 2 3 4 5 B. Price of merchandise 1 2 3 4 5 C. Roadway accessibility to stores in Poway 1 2 3 4 5 D. Quality of merchandise in Poway 1 2 3 4 5 E. The hours that stores are open 1 2 3 4 5 F. Quality of overall shopping environment 1 2 3 4 5 TRANSPORT A TION 26. WOULD YOU USE PUBLIC TRANSIT ON 1-15 IF SERVICE WERE AVAILABLE ALL DAY, NOT JUST DURING PEAK COMMUTE PERIODS7 1. Yes 2. No SEVERAL TRANSIT OPTIONS ARE AVAILABLE TO POWAY RESIDENTS THROUGH THE POWAY TRANSIT SYSTEM, SUCH AS: (1) LOCAL BUS SERVICE THAT FOLLOWS A REGULAR SCHEDULE, (2) AN EXPRESS BUS FOR COMMUTERS THAT WORK IN DOWNTOWN SAN DIEGO, (3) THE AIRPORTER (A SERVICE TO AND FROW. THE AIRPORT). (4) DIAL-A-RIDE (A TRANSIT SERVICE FOR THE ELDERLY). AND (5) CALL-A-RIDE (A TRANSIT SERVICE FOR THE HANDICAPPED). 27. HOW OFTEN DO YOU OR YOUR FAMILY MEMBERS USE THE FOLLOWING SERVICES OF THE POWAY TRANSIT SYSTEM7 Never He.rd He.rd of Use Less Us. Us. USI 6 or of Bofor. But Don't Thin Once '-4 Tim.s 2-4 Time. Mar. Times !2W !.!l!.1! A Month A Month A W..k A W..k A. Local bus service 1 2 3 4 5 6 B Commuter Express to Downtown 1 2 3 4 5 6 C. Airporter 1 2 3 4 5 6 D. Dial-A-Ride (for the elderly) 1 2 3 4 5 6 E. Call-A-Ride (for the handicapped) 1 2 3 4 5 6 28. PLEASE RATE THE FOLLOWING TRANSIT SERVICES THAT YOU OR MEMBERS OF YOUR HOUSEHOLD HAVE USED OVER THE PAST YEAR. Hlv.n't Us.dl Excellent ~ Fair Poor No QDinion A. Local bus service 1 2 3 4 5 B. Commuter Express to Downtown 1 2 3 4 5 C. Airporter 1 2 3 4 5 D. Dial-A-Ride (for the elderly) 1 2 3 4 5 E. Call-A-Ride (for the handicapped) 1 2 3 4 5 10 of 14 6 OCT 3 1 1995 rrEM .6 29. IN 1988. CALTRANS OPENb.. A CARPOOUBUS LANE ON 1-15 (THE: "HIGH OCCUPANCY YEHICLE" OR -HOY" LANE). THIS IS A SEPARATE LANE STRETCHING FROM CARMEL MOUNTAIN ROAD TO THE 1_ 16/HIGHWAY 163 SPLIT. CARRYING TRAFFIC SOUTHBOUND IN THE MORNING AND NORTHBOUND IN THE AFTERNOON. HOW OFTEN DO YOU USE THE "HOY" LANE? 1. Every day or nearly every day 4. A few times a month 2. A few times a week 5. Once a month or less 3. Once a week 6. I never use the "HOY" lane 30. ARE YOU EMPLOYED OUTSIDE THE HOME? 1. Yes 2. No (PLEASE SKIP TO QUESTION 34.) 31. HOW DO YOU USUALLY GET TO WORK? 1. Drive alone 2, Carpool ... HOW MANY ARE IN THE CAR? 3. Transit. such as the bus 4. Other (PLEASE DESCRIBE) 32. WHAT IS THE LOCATION OF YOUR PLACE OF EMPLOYMENT? 1. Poway 7. Downtown San Diego/Hillcrest Area 2. Escondido/Rancho BernardoNista/San Marcos 8. Southbay/Coronado 3. North County Beach Cities 9. La Mesa/East County 4. Mission Yalley/Sports Arena/Point Loma 10. Outside of the San Diego region 5. Mira Mesa/Kearny Mesa/Clairemont 11. Travel to different job sites within the region 6. La Jolla/Del Mar 12. Other (PLEASE SPECIFY) 33. TELECOMMUTING IS A WAY FOR EMPLOYEES TO WORK AWAY FROM THE OFFICE. A TELECENTER IS A FULLY EQUIPPED OFFICE FACILITY WITH TELEPHONE LINES. MODEMS. COMPUTERS. FAX. COPIER. AND PRINTERS FOR TELECOMMUTERS TO USE. IF A TELECENTER WERE LOCATED IN THE NEW POWAY LIBRARY FOR A REASONABLE FEE, HOW OFTEN WOULD YOU WORK AT THE TELECENTER INSTEAD OF COMMUTING TO YOUR PLACE OF WORK? 1. Never 2. Once a month 3. Once every two weeks 4. Once a week 5. More often than once a week 6. Don't know GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT 34. DO YOU THINK POW A Y SHOULD ENCOURAGE THE FOLLOWING KINDS OF BUILDING AND DEVELOPMENT WITHIN THE CITY? Strongly Somewhat Sam.whlt Strongly No SHOULD PDWAY ENCOURAGE... Am!! Am!! Disaaree Disaaree Ooinion A. More single-family housing 1 2 3 4 5 B. More apartments 1 2 3 4 5 C. More condominiums 1 2 3 4 5 D. More low or moderate income housing 1 2 3 4 5 E. More shopping 1 2 3 4 5 F. More industrial/commercial development 1 2 3 4 5 G. Other (PLEASE SPECIFY) 1 2 3 4 5 OCT 3 1 1995 ITEM /) . , 7 11 of 14 - --~--~-~._._-----------_._-----_._._._---- -- ------------ 35. POWAY BUSINESS PARK IS CURRENTLY LIMITED TO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT USES. IF THE BUSINESS PARK WERE OPENED TO OTHER TYPES OF DEVELOPMENT. WHAT KINDS OF DEVELOPMENT WOULD YOU MOST LIKE TO HA VE7 PLEASE RANK THE TOP THREE TYPES OF DEVELOPMENT IN ORDER OF IMPORTANCE. (PLEASE RANK YOUR TOP THREE CHOICES. PUTTING "1" BY YOUR FIRST CHOICf "2" BY YOUR SECOND CHOICE. AND "3" BY YOUR THIRD CHOICE.) _ Water park _ Theme park Hotel/resort _ Family Fun Center Restaurant row _ Retail shopping Outlet center _ Other suggestions (PLEASE SPECIFY) _ Keep it as an industrial business park _ No opinion SOCIAL ISSUES 36. HOW CONCERNED ARE YOU ABOUT THE FOLLOWING ISSUES WITHIN THE CITY OF POWAY7 Very Somewhat Not Too Not At All Don't Concerned Concerned Concerned Concerned Know A. Tobacco use in general 1 2 3 4 5 B. Tobacco advertising and promotion 1 2 3 4 5 C. Health problems due to tobacco 1 2 3 4 5 D. Tobacco sales to youth 1 2 3 4 5 E. Tobacco use by pregnant women 1 2 3 4 5 F. Alcohol advertising and promotion 1 2 3 4 5 G. Health problems due to alcohol 1 2 3 4 5 H. Problems with alcohol at community events 1 2 3 4 5 I. Alcohol sales to youth 1 2 3 4 5 J. Alcohol use by youth 1 2 3 4 5 K. Alcohol/drug use during pregnancy 1 2 3 4 5 L. Illicit drug sales and use 1 2 3 4 5 M. Vandalism due to drinking/drug use 1 2 3 4 5 N. Driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol 1 2 3 4 5 37. HOW INVOLVED SHOULD EACH OF THESE GROUPS BE IN DEALING WITH ALCOHOL/DRUG PROBLEMS IN THE CITY OF POWAY7 Very Somewhat Not Too Not At All No Involved Involved Involved Involved QDinion A. Churches 1 2 3 4 5 B. Businesses 1 2 3 4 5 C. Schools 1 2 3 4 5 D. City government 1 2 3 4 5 E. Families 1 2 3 4 5 F. Law enforcement 1 2 3 4 5 G. Emergency and health services 1 2 3 4 5 H. Community groups 1 2 3 4 5 8 OCT 3 1 1995 ITEM .6 " 12 of 14 - - COMPUTER COMMUNICA TluN 38. DO YOU HAVE A COMPUTER IN YOUR HOME? 1. No 2. Yes -+ 38A. IF YES. CAN YOU RECEIVE E-MAIL (ELECTRONIC MAIL) AT HOME? 1. Yes 2. No 39. IN EARLY 1996 THE CITY WILL GO "ON-LINE" WITH A WORLD WIDE WEB HOME PAGE ON THE INTERNET. (THE ADDRESS WILL BE www.ci.poway.ca.u8.com). INFORMATION WHICH WILL BE AVAILABLE INCLUDES: CITY COUNCIL AGENDAS; PARKS AND RECREATION INFORMATION; A DIRECTORY OF CITY SERVICES; AND A COMMUNITY CALENDAR. HOW LIKELY ARE YOU TO USE THIS "ON-LINE" SERVICE? 1. Very likely 2. Somewhat likely 3. Somewhat unlikely -+ (PLEASE SKIP TO QUESTION 40.) 4. Very unlikely -+ (PLEASE SKIP TO QUESTION 40.) 5. No opinion -+ (PLEASE SKIP TO QUESTION 40.) 39A. IF YOU ARE LIKELY TO USE THIS SERVICE. WHAT OTHER TYPES OF CITY INFORMATION WOULD YOU LIKE TO HAVE INCLUDED? (CIRCLE ALL THAT APPLY.) 1. Budget 2. Job openings 3. Building permit regulations 4. Library information 5. Historical information 6. Other (PLEASE SPECIFY) DEMOGRAPHIC INFORMATION 40. QO YOU OWN OR RENT YOUR HOME? 1. Own 2. Rent 41. WHAT TYPE OF HOME DO YOU LIVE IN? 1. Single family. detached house 2. Apartment 3. Condo/townhome 4. Mobile home 5. Other (PLEASE SPECIFY) 42. INCLUDING YOURSELF. HOW MANY PEOPLE LIVE IN YOUR HOUSEHOLD? _ people (PLEASE WRITE NUMBER) 43. HOW MANY CHILDREN UNDER 18 LIVE IN YOUR HOUSEHOLD? _ children under age 18 (PLEASE WRITE NUMBER) 44. WHICH CATEGORY BEST DESCRIBES YOUR HOUSEHOLD'S TOTAL INCOME DURING 1994? 1. Less than $22.700 5. $54.501 to $75.000 2. $22.701 to $36.300 6. $75,001 to $100,000 3. $36,301 to $45,400 7. $100.101 or more 4. $45,401 to $54.500 ITEM b .. 9 OCT 3 1 1995 13 of 14 -------.--- 45. WHAT IS YOUR AGE? 1. 18 to 24 4. 45 to 54 2. 25 to 34 5. 55 to 64 3. 35 to 44 6. 65 or older 46. WHAT IS YOUR OCCUPATION? 1. Professional/technical 6. Military 2. Manager/administrator/owner/proprietor 7. Retired 3. Clerical 8. Not working 4. Sales 9. Other (PLEASE SPECIFY) 5. Craftsman/foreman/operative/laborer 47. WHAT IS YOUR ETHNICITY? 1. Hispanic 4. Asian 2. White non-Hispanic 5. American Indian 3. Black 6. Other (PLEASE SPECIFY) 48. ARE YOU: 1. Male 2. Female 49. WHAT NEWSPAPER DO YOU READ MOST OFTEN FOR NEWS ABOUT POWAY? 1. Poway Chiaftain 2. San Diego Union- Tribune 3. Times-Advocate 4. Other (PLEASE SPECIFY) 50. THINKING OF YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD AS WELL AS THE CITY OF POWAY IN GENERAL. WHAT DO YOU PERSONALLY FEEL ARE THE MOST IMPORTANT LOCAL ISSUES OR PROBLEMS FACING RESIDENTS OF THIS CITY? THANK YOU FOR PARTICIPA TING IN THIS SURVEY. IF YOU HA VE ANY QUESTIONS REGARDING SERVICES OFFERED BY THE CITY OF POWA Y, PLEASE CONTACT THE CITY AT 748-6600. 10 OCT 3 1 1995 ITEllb . . 14 of 14