Item 16 - Denial of Claim for Damages __ A_ ENDA �pORT. 4LTMnMaRV — . '�, �� ��. . a, nm TOE Horiorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROI41: James L. B�wersox, City Man� INITIATED BY: John D. Fi.tch, Assistant City Manager�� Peggy A. Stewart, Director of Adm9ni:strative erv.ice � Douglas A. Mil'ton, Ge�erel Services Managec DATE': October 31, 1995 SUBJECT: Denial of Claim for Damages -- bonald farney A� $STRACI' Mr. Donald Farney af � Poway, has presented a claim for damages to the City for flood damage his property incurred in January,, Fetiruary, and March T995. Mr. Farney all poor�Gity engineering as the cause of the flooding. If is recommended that the City Council Aeny this claim. ENVIRONMENT,4L REVIEW Environmental review is not required for this agenda item according to CEqA guidelines FISCAL iMPAGT Unknown ADDITIONAL PUBLIC`NOTIFICATION 'AND ORRESPONDEN E None RECOMMENDAI'ION It i,s recommended that the,City Council deny th9s ctaim. ACTION � lof5 OCT 31 1995 ITEAII 16 - `�� ' AGEI�IDA REP'�RT G� f �'S r . CITY OF POWAY - � This report is included�on the Consent Calendar. There wil��be.no xparate discusson of io approvM by the � ...' l Ciry Council unless members oLNe Counal,�slaR or pubVic �request M1�.ro'be removedrfrom Ne�Conserrt�Calendauand y. . discussed separatNy.�lf you vnsh to hme this repoit pulled for �xus3ion. pledse FlII art a slip indicating the report number �� i» ,` ""' �^�� .and grve R to Nc Ciry Clerk pnor to�thobeginning:of��the City Councilmeetirg. yE `� T0: , Honoratile qayor and Members of .tAe City Council FROM: James L. Boaersox, City ManaY�'i C� � INITIATED BY; John D. Fitch„ Assistant City Manager� Reggy A.'Stewart, Director of Administ t°ive Servi`ces Oougl;as A.'l4ilton, 6eneral Servicer,Manager DATE: October 31, 1995 SUBJECT; Deniai of C7aim for Damages -- Donaid'Farney BACK6ROUHD On September 29, 1995; a claim for damages was received feom Mr. Donald Farney of Poway for flood damages 'incurred to his property in January, February, and Manch 1995. It is recommendeA that this claim be denied. FINDIH63 Mr. Farney.alleges that fl;ood aater seriously damaged his� — property. Mr. � Farney cites paor drainage engineering on the part of the City as Lhe cause. ENYIROHMENTAL REV.IEH Environmental review is not required for this agenda item according CEQA guidelines. FISCAt IMPACT Unknown ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIfIGATION aNn cnRRESPONDENCE None RECOMPIENDATION It is recommended tNat the City Council deny this claim. Attachmentc C1'aim f.or Dam59es - Donald Farney ACTIQN 2 of 5 OCT a i 1995 ITEM 16. Caty CD , � . — � �,� P ° .'. D � 29 31 e�eivee.by �` J �!1 � � � � � . ,S. afa,1 "�� �� � QiY 0F POYYAY RISK MANAGEMENT, t�r-OKp;MaA �� ' v�r"the CounErr � ��: ��) ��l�-002 c1alm�RU�at b� fll�d with ris, G4y Cleric ar.Risk M�na ar of the � p�pe antlty. d0ent or ev�nt oeamed �o�sure p C�Y'of F+ow wtl�lmi rnonths afs�r whioh th� . youi daim �°aQainatlh� � yo�'pow�y Pi► C � : ���( et� �ae�'b Irs�uftietent, piease u�e additionsl paper �nd �en�fy Inioema�o� by IfEed �lms mutt be rt�iteQtordetivereQ to Thi Clfy of Powty.13�Z5 C(vtc Cant�r Drfw.P P.O. �x 789 ): Atin: Rtak Mariape� ) 7}iE FIONORABLE.MAYCR AND CtTY COUNCIL TH� CtTY OF`PG{AIAY CALt�pRNtA i� un8trsigned. �sA+cttul�y aubmiffi fns fatlowlnp dalm ancf'infortn�!!on e�1�SIw ta dansa a to � d/o� personal P►cPenY: 6 P�raons Name of da3mant.�c�Ja1�� lN.: �iZ�Ge4 � ' . a. Addreu ot etaimar+t . �. . PhOn@ No. e. Dat� Cf birtFi� ' d Social SearritY�No e. �Iv�rs`i,te. Plo ^ .Jame, ttiephont and post otfice addre�s to.whiM Wimgnt deaitQt nOtlets to b� s�nt It othor pl7irt above: Oeecrrrencs or ov�nt trom arhiC► fb� dalms�ttaes: , t . Dale,__ b. Timo �_` a�e� (;�et+� spee�ie loeation). -�-�---� 3 a—==y e 3f, ��� i3 m m�►2 lo � 1 � 9`Is a�.. .�'C�lY ar;rvl L'.^. r�P�.a! �r��nataness dd d3rr.ap� or lnjury '9G�l� �QC�I'�1f`Alf�CL�af oeturrersce; evsnt, act or omisaioe you daim �ussd Y�o Injury or dama�s (use :adif�tiona! ptp�c if rucsssary'J, 0�.l�Ltit� �A�owE c�dT' 1`�n c� w+4 �1J -� 1��' Q����.. c�L__ �—�Q..,��e s ���c a �des�-�an�1F� �a:� Ex�r a t� vN �2a 5, ,i; ; . ' bY � ty. mp y�a, aussd fhe �ltsged' dgmape or o. Vy�t par',talar atUon. _ tha G or � Q to injury4 , - ��;� a;� �Na ; a �e.�e. � ,� a o.� 4t,, � �y o t' `-�,c c,`f � � � �M ��� ��'- �H�.c �oo �;r� , �1eT ��`ed Zc.�e� �c! hws eau <e 1_,n�� v':n �b� �L` oaded_ 3 of 5 �c �� (nA�� �Y ��Rc��i.Ab�E �►�1flCT 31 1995 ITE�A 16 ��. G�vs t 6esCriptlon e! t�t injur�, ,.ePerty damape a b�s. so � as �.. �am st-t�o tirn� oi m;s • 6lSitrl. if th@r wer! f10 il'ijufl�i. itgi8 'fd0 (t�Utfli • . j � rr � . . � `� �� 2 , E� � . : s. dvt; n�rrie(:) at pa 6�ty �mp�oyo�(s} �sing t�+r;danupe or lnju7 , . � . � _ _ i�. Oram. and addras'ot any ott�r poesa�,lr�urmd: , i � ' 7. Nom� and addrv�a of'tA� owntr, Ot`enr �D�Q P�9��Y•' . �. D�rnapea da imsd: U n! K �( bw �G 5� E 74 TrActi1�E:0 ��}GE � � Amouni rtaimtdr�s o7 tl�Is date f b. EsGmafed,�mouni of°iuture eosss: i t ' Tosail,an�ount:'ci�imed: 8 d. tasis"for computaDOn ol:emounts dalmsd ( hCiude CCpiog Oi �li bIDS,invoiC�a etc) : 9. Natt�ss �nd 8ddrsssss ot ell wIlnsSSO,6, hospittts, 8oetor8, �tCs a. Q . t ' d :. 10, My=�dditional infortnanon inht;migM be Aelptul In eonaidtrinp�tAl� Wim: . WaRNING: R iS A CRiMtNI�L 'OFFENffiE 7A FIL.� l► fAL�� 6WM! (P�nai Code $72; Insuraneo Code �; 056.t ). _rnavo : eead v+o m�is.R a�d.tatQn+��u n+.ae �+ a+a aeov� aa�m.ne r,�ow nr s�n,o b eo +n�e a n+y o�ve, xro�vwa�.: ��sCpCa`s to�V+oile'niattBrt�Yiatsd.upon U4o'm�ation�or Deliet<�s�to e�l+'mnasra 1'�8se�we�lM:�s+r+� to W. Wa: I�CertifYr�n+d�� OieiaRY et p��jury'tAst' Ne lorroMp is'Ti1�JE and;CORR�CT. • s�rne Z'� aar m fYifl'�c , 90 9 �s:s�+4n,� . 045�Eor ths C]ti C!�'k . Paa�y. G�fomia . DOCUalEN7 NO. f'p�p , 4 of 5 • . UCj 31 tJ95 �� 16 – September 26, '1995 Donaltl °W: Farney, Jr. Douglas ;4. Niilton General Services Manager City of Poway 1.3325 Civic Center Drive Poway, California 9Z06'4 Subject: Dollar amount for cl�riti #P95-96-002 Dear Mr, Milton: Pucsuant to your letter dated Augusi 8, 1995', 1 am presenting a dollar ' amount for my �iati'ia. I do so; I have taken inta account the fact that -- --- - _ my property at,- ; Poway, Califomia, :is flooded during any- appceciable rainfall. As, a result of engineering ,Haws on the part of the City of Poway, i am cla'iming as follows: ' *Reduction ot Property Value .................:$75,000:00 *Fenang:::::..:..� :.:....:............................................$,1:;200.00 "Top'Soil & Erosion .......................................:$3,000.00 Please note that health, sanitation and safety ate not listed among the dolla� amounts but are genuine obstacles to my family during each fiooding episode. Sincerely 'Y:ours, . �� �—� Dona d W. Far,ney, . s of s UCT 31 1995 �E� 16