Item 7 - Status Report on Pac Bell Fiber-Optic Network Upgrade AGENDA REPORT SUM~RIBUTE!a _1/_ 3- 95 TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council - FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Mana~ INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Managej" . Robert L. Thomas, Director of commu~services~ Stephen A. Streeter, Principal Planner , DATE: November 7, 1995 SUBJECT: Status Report on Pacific Bell Fiber-Optic Network Upgrade ABSTRACT Pacific Bell intends to install a fiber-optic network upgrade within the city. Before issuing the requested permits, Pacific 8ell must comply with the Minor Development Review Application process. In addition, a Video Dialtone Authorization Agreement will be negotiated with Pacific Bell before the initiation of video dialtone service. The following is a status report of the process that will be followed with Pacific Bell. It is recommended that the City Council receive and file this report. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The status report is not subject to CEQA review. FISCAL IMPACT None. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Additional notification sent to Sharon Terrill and Lori Ortenstone, Pacific Bell; William Marticorena, Rutan & Tucker; the cities of Del Mar and Solana Beach. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council receive and file this report. ACTION - II NOV 7 1995 ITEM 7 1 of 4 , - AGENDA REPORl CITY OF POW A Y TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Man~ ~ INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager~ Robert L. Thomas, Director of Community Services~~ Stephen A. Streeter, Principal Planner DATE: November 7, 1995 SU8JECT: Status Report on Pacific Bell Fiber-Optic Network Upgrade BACKGROUND Pacific 8ell wants to construct an advanced integrated broadband telecommunications network within the City of Poway. This will involve the installation of facilities in the public rights-of-way. These facilities will be used to provide telecommunications services, including video dialtone services. On August 23, 1994, the City Council adopted the League of California Cities Telecommunications Policy. This policy addressed such issues as universal access, the role of the city in the regulatory process, compensation for use of public rights-of-way, and the city as users/providers of telecommunication services. On May 18, 1995, the City Council authorized the City Manager to negotiate a contract with William Marticorena of Rutan and Tucker to help staff in developing an agreement with Pacific Bell for the installation of fiber-optic facilities within Poway's public rights-of-way. The cities of Del Mar and Solana Beach are also parties to the contract with Mr. Marticorena and in the development of the Video Dialtone Authorization Agreement. FINDINGS Pacific 8ell's system upgrade consists of converting the existing copper wire system that carries telephone service to a hybrid communications system of fiber-optic and coaxial cables. Fiber-optic feeder cable will lead to a utility cabinet that will serve as a distribution center for approximately 480 living units, known as a neighborhood node. A coaxial distribution system provides connections from the utility cabinet to individual living units within the node area. ACTION: 2 of 4 NOV 7 1995 Agenda Report November 7, 1995 Page 2 The proposed utility cabinet is 5' 2" high x 2' 2" deep x 6' 3" wide. The cabinets include battery power supplies and a natural power gas generator. During prolonged commercial power outages, the generator provides power so communications are uninterrupted. Noise generated by the utility cabinets is at different levels, depending on the mode of operation. Pacific Bell has identified 39 neighborhood nodes within the central and south portions of the city for the initial fiber-optic installation in the city. A total of 39 Minor Development Review Applications (MDRA) will be processed by the Planning Services Department. The MDRAs will be processed in three phases with notices posted at the 39 node locations. Due to the size of the utility cabinets and the potential noise, it is recommended that an extensive public awareness process be conducted. Property owners next to the proposed 39 utility cabinet locations will be notified. Pacific Bell will also install signs at the proposed sites alerting the publ ic. On Wednesday, November 29, 1995, at 7 p.m., in the Community Center auditorium, Pacific Bell will host a public information session. The session will be open to the public to learn more about Pacific Bell's plans. Planning Services is preparing a draft environmental initial study recommending a negative declaration with mitigation measures. In addition, Planning Services is prepared to mail the notices for the first 16 nodes after the Council meeting on November 7, 1995. 8esides the public review process, the cities of Poway, Del Mar, and Solana Beach have been working with William Marticorena to prepare a Video Dialtone Authorization Agreement with Pacific Bell. The agreement will include such provisions as conditions for construction of the fiber-optic network, compensation for use of the public rights-of-way, universal service requirements, customer service standards, and additional services to be provided to the community by Pacific Bell. It is anticipated that the agreement will be sent to Pacific Bell for review during the week of November 6, 1995. Pacific Bell has indicated that video dialtone service could be initiated in Poway during the second quarter of 1996. It is the expectation of the staff that the environmental review process and the approval of the agreement can be completed to meet the time table. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The status report is not subject to CEQA review. FISCAL IMPACT None. NOV 7 1995 ITEM 7 3 of 4 .- ---.--- Agenda Report November 7, 1995 Page 3 ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Additional notification sent to Sharon Terrill and Lori Ortenstone, Pacific 8ell; William Marticorena, Rutan & Tucker; the cities of Del Mar and Solana 8each. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council receive and file this report. JLB:JDF:RLT:SAS (C,\OATA\AGENDAd IO~FlBR COM) NaV 7 1995 ITEM 7 4 of 4 v~~........, - - DISTRiBUT~ ///7~r~ ~w$:Z: Noveaber 6, 1995 Q.Jl.J? iY 00'-- HAYOR DON HIGGINSON and Poway City CouncilMeMbers City of Pony 13325 Civic Center Drive ~ Poway, CA. 92064 ~~~~ Dear Hayor Higginson and Counci1MeMbers: - You have received a letter fro II the Poway Chaaber of Coallerce personally signed by each lIember of their Board of Directors in support of Pacific Bell and their proposed Fiber Optic network upgrade. I all wr i ting as a individual nine year resident of Poway adding ay personal support for this illportant project. It is MY understanding that this project is on the City Council agenda for this Tuesday. Please do whatever is necessary to approve this project in order that it aay proceed with dispatch. This 'Flber Optic' network will establish Poway as one of the first cities to have such a treaendous prograll which is at the cutting edge of communication technology. POWAY DESERVES THIS 'FIRST'. I My wife Joyce and I and our entire fallily urge your positive vote , I I of approval Tuesday evening. This is an 'URGENCY' that shouldn't I I be delayed. We are counting on you. Sincerely Fred &. Joyce Day 13929 Olive Mesa Ct. Poway, CA. 92064 cc: Councilllember Susan Callery Councilaember Mickey Cafagna Councilllember Bob Emery Council_ember Betty Rexford ..- NOV 7 1995 ITEM 7,. , . ------,._------~~~- ~JpH:lun:u //~7 -1-r . e C!-1cfl/f'/t9./).1 /67 jP ~ Oetobe:26,1995 RECEIVLf The Honorable Don : nulmon It C\ NOV - 7 1995 Membcrl of the 1 'OWly (~ty (~tIIlCJ1 CITY CITY OF POWAY City ofPoway 13325 Civic: Cemer llrive MANAGERS O1:PICF POWII)'. CA ~2.064 --=-.'L---':;:'- -~ Dear Mayor Hl&~ m lIDd ,:cnm ~11""-berl: I am writing to \lfgt: '0\1. to nzppctt Pacifll: B;l'~ eft'orta to Clontinue dcp1oymeD1 oflti broadband network E ) that F o.......~ will ~ It thl . :Core&ont of1blt new technolol)'. lbc soonn Pacific Bell ~ .ble tc I com plete its upgr ~:Ie. the 101)1111: poway residlnts will have acc;ss to the m ICh puUicw d teleco:wnu lheadOllS lupabiBhway. Althoush fax, 1eleco: d'creDc'JlIIl iii 1elecommt ~ toc!mlllca/.el haw Ilrealiy changed the way we live mel wo: l:, even l:reatl r l1rldu wiU be made ~ teleeommunica1ioll$ :echDOl:1l)' t l:Il elect~nie LUy llilkJ everyone topther. A$ a micle:lt of Po \Ii 1)'. it is my 1 ope that the ( Ii)' council ru:o.. the adVlntqa of this new tec:hnolo,:y aDd is enc~~i Pac fi.c Be1110 m)V; forward with its plan to make ow eity one of the lUst c ilea in tbe 5U b:: to have IC<lCI.1O tbil tocImology of the Nture. Sincaely. -. pdat- "Nb Ac1d:ea /.5to8 ;g",,,"y,dolo;Zc/ ,? . Phone NIID1ber7 If j' ~ tJ 3 ": City Clerk - - - - - . -- - NOV 7 1995 ITEM 7 .. I