Item 9 - Council Reaffirming Support for Continued Presence of US Military in S.D. Region - ro: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Mana~ \\ INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager'il Penny Riley, Senior Management Analys~ DATE: November 7, 1995 SUBJECI': Resolution of the City Council Reaffirming the Strong Support by the City of Poway for the Continued Presence of the U.S. Military in the San Diego Region ABSTRACI' At the October 31, 1995 City Council meeting, Resolution 95-118 was adopted, which states that the City of Poway opposes the transfer of El Toro and Tustin Marine Corps flight operations to NAS Miramar, based on the unmitigable noise impacts and air traffic safety concerns. Although the Council opposes the assignment of rotary wing aircraft at this military installation, the Council is steadfast in its support for a strong military presence in our region. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This action is not subject to CEQA review. FISCAL IMPACI' None. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE None. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution. ACI'ION - 1 of 2 NOV 7 1995 ITEM 'll ---" RESOLUTION NO. - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA REAFFIRMING THE STRONG SUPPORT BY THE CITY OF POWAY FOR THE CONTINUED PRESENCE OF THE U. S. MILITARY IN THE SAN DIEGO REGION WHEREAS, the City of Poway recognizes the importance of military operations to ensure the readiness of troops to preserve our national security; and WHEREAS, Naval Air Station Miramar, which has safely co-existed with surrounding communities for decades, represents an important military installation; and WHEREAS, we recognize the contributions of Naval Air Station Miramar and the military to San Diego's economy; and WHEREAS, the City of Poway extends its full appreciation of the military's contribution to San Diego County's economy, military heritage, history, and quality of life, today and in the future; and NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by. the City of Poway that it does hereby today, and throughout the base realignment process, reaffirm its strong support for continued military presence for the realignment of Naval Air Station Miramar to Marine Corps Air Station Miramar and other facilities in the region. PASSED, ADOPTED and APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Poway, California at a regular meeting this 7th day of November, 1995. Don Higginson, Mayor ATTEST: Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk 2 of 2 tlOV 7 1995 ITEM 9.1 . .. SOUTH POWAY BUSINESS PARK PROJECT REVIEW PANEL Purpose To improve communication with the community and to avoid unnecessary conflict and expenditures of time and money by City Council, City Staff, and applicants when considering sianificant projects and Use Permits for the South Poway Business Park (SPBP). Strategy In a timely manner, obtain and disseminate accurate and clear-cut information on the potential impacts of prospective projects in the SPBP. Solicit and report community input early in the process. Function 1. The Planning Department shall be responsible to notify and provide all available information to the Chairperson of the Panel as soon as an outside business, individual, or city department has assigned or is about to assign sianificant resources to the preparation of any project and/or application for a Use Permit to be located in the South Poway Business Park that could have sianificant impacts on residents and/or businesses in the community. 2. The Panel shall review the information provided by the Planning Department and decide either to monitor (through the Planning Department) progress on the project or begin a process of gathering information and soliciting community involvement. The intensity, timing, and method used in the process shall be appropriate to the magnitude, status, and type of project proposed. 3. If information gathering, research or study requires effort by City Staff, City Council, or a City-employed outside resource, the role of the committee will be to recommend that a study be performed. In addition, the Panel is free to obtain and utilize information gathered without City involvement. .. 4. All meetings of the Panel shall be open to the public and to prospective applicants. The Panel may recommend the scheduling of workshops, neighborhood meetings or other public hearings when necessary. 5. If and when the Panel reaches a conclusion regarding a proposed project or use, the Panel will make a public recommendation to the City Council. Il-l-'iS ~1.3B ._- ,,-- l COMMITTEE COMPOSITION AND ORGANIZATION The Committee shall be composed of seven members, including one member from each of the following organizations: The poway Chamber of Commerce, The Garden Road Homeowners Association, The Green Valley Civic Association, The Southwest Poway Homeowners Association, The Los Lomas Homeowners Association, and The Creek Road Homeowners Association. Each organization will choose its own representative. The City Council may veto an appointment or remove a member when, in their judgment, the best interests of the Panel will be served thereby. One additional "at large" member will be selected by the City Council from a list of applicants. It will be the goal of the City Council to choose an applicant whose area is not already served by the Panel. The Chairperson of the Panel shall be selected by a majority vote of Panel members and will serve for a period not to exceed one year. .. - - --------------