Item 5 - Response to Public re: Drainage Improvements Poway Library Site AGENDA.REPORTSUMMARY - TO: "",.b1. ''Y'' ',d .....'~h. "t, ,,"," FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Man ^ ~ John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manage~)t ~ iNITIATED BY: Mark S. Weston, Director of Engineerin servic~ J. Bradley Kutzner, Senior Civil Engineer DATE: November 14, 1995 SUBJECT: Response to Public Oral Communications Regarding Drainage Improvements for Poway Library Site ABSTRACT On October 17, 1995, Ms. Susan Sheldon requested the City Council reconsider the drainage improvements for the Poway library site. On May 23, staff presented four alternatives for drainage improvements for Rattlesnake Creek Across the Poway library site. City Council selected Alternative "D" which included a concrete box culvert from Poway Road to the future extension of Tarascan Road and then a naturalized open channel from the western side of Tarascan Road extension to connect with the open channel improvements at Community Park. These improvements flood proof the library site and allow for the least costly extension of Tarascan Road. In addition, these improvements allow for the creation of more usable land for outside reading and seating around the library site. - ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Additional environmental review will be completed with the site development plans. FISCAL IMPACT Flood proofing the library site will total $910,000 as presented to Council on May 23, 1995'(Attachment 3). ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Susan Sheldon, Library Advisory Committee, Friends of the Library RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council receive and file this report. , ACTION 1 of 13 NOV 1 4 1995 ITEU5 ,- --~~- ! AGENDA REPOR'! CITY OF POW A Y TO: .".,.b1. '"'' .,d "'b"~h' Clty C",,'1 FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Ma INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant Cit Manager~\~ ~ Mark S. Weston, Director of Engineerin Service~ J. Bradley Kutzner, Senior Civil Engineer DATE: November 14, 1995 SUBJECT: Response to Public Oral Communications Regarding Drainage Improvements for Poway Library Site BACKGROUND On October 17, 1995, Ms. Susan Sheldon requested the City Council reconsider the drainage improvements for the Poway library site. On May 23, 1995, staff presented four alternatives for drainage improvements for Rattlesnake Creek across the Poway library site. City Council selected Alternative "D" which included a concrete box culvert from Poway Road to the future extension of Tarascan Road and then a naturalized open channel from the western side of Tarascan Road extension to connect with the open channel improvements at Community Park. The initial cost of the improvements for this alternative was higher than a. naturalized or grass lined channel; however, the future cost of bridging Rattlesnake Creek demonstrated that constructing a box culvert initially would result in a lower total construction cost. The design of the drainage improvements at the Poway library site include diverting overland flood waters that could cross Poway Road back to Rattlesnake Creek at the library site. To accomplish this diversion, the City's consultant engineers and library architects have developed a conceptual -plan as shown in Attachments 1 and 2. This concept includes constructing a runoff swale with the landscaping of the library which collects overland flow north of the library buildings. The runoff swale would collect the water and direct it to a low point in which the architect envisions a low lying seating area. Hidden grates would allow the water to be discharged back to the concrete channel. Staff is working with the engineer and architect to complete the design of the channel improvements. This alternative creates more usable space on the library site for outside reading and seating areas. ACTION: 2 of 13 ,-" ,- _. Agendll Report - D rl; Mge I ~rovements for PowIY Librlry Site Nov_r 14, 1995 Plge 2 The extension of a covered concrete box culvert provides more usable space in the vicinity of the library and allows for the future extension of Tarascan Road at the least costly alternative. The intersection of Poway Road and Tarascan Road is a signalized intersection. The extension of Tarascan Road to Civic Center Drive will allow much improved traffic circulation to Community Park, Valley School, and the Civic Center complex as well as the library. Currently northbound traffic on Bowron Road is prohibited from making a left turn onto Poway Road. This restriction requires vehicles to make a U-turn on Poway Road to travel westbound or to travel to Community Road on Civic Center Drive and make a left turn at Poway Road for travel westbound. The future extension of Tarascan Road will enhance traffic circulation in this area. The engineer and architect will be designing the creek channel improvements west of Tarascan Road to compliment the grass lined area in Community Park. The architect envisions a combination of natural area and turfed area to provide an attractive, safe, and usable pedestrian link from Community Park to the library complex. FINDINGS - The combination of a covered concrete box culvert and an open channel are the City Council adopted drainage improvements for Rattlesnake Creek across the library site. These improvements flood proof the library site and allow for the least costly extension of Tarascan Road while maintaining a more open and natural linkage from the library site to Community Park. In addition, these improvements allow for the creation of more usable land for outside reading and seating around the library site. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Additional environmental review will be completed with the site development plans. FISCAL IMPACT Flood proofing the library site will total $910,000 as adopted by City Council on Hay 23, 1995 (Attachment 3). ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Susan Sheldon, Library Advisory Committee, Friends of the Library. - ITEM 5 . 3 of 13 NOV 1 4 1995 Agel'1dli Report .. Drlinage I~rov.."ts for PowlY Library Stte November 14, 1995 Pl1il8 3 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council receive and file this report. JLB:JDF:HSW:JBK:mh Attachments: 1. Library site plan 2. Landscaped swale area 3. Agenda Report from May 23, 1995 e:\ctty\ag.ftda\11071tbr.... 4 of 13 NOV 1 4 1995 ITEM 5 - ~ ) . -- + -+. II ,., - - -" - . '--- -~ 1 lEt) j I i 'J i i I . ;;.. I =: I ~ !l I = S I E _ :;: II : II ..:l ~ ,I I U ;t I _ m - I I ..:l .. I I = (!) I 'I j;)" \ ! =- ~ .'>...... I '- ~ ' ~ .' I ~ ~ . "'0. Q;.. - I < .. ' - I ~ (J -. -, ',-. = I 0 " - I '" II" "" = I =- '-0- 'v = I '- I " '- J -' ........ ", ":':'-'- " '-._c.- II ' " ""-':.... "J , . ~ . ______n_______________ ' ~ ~ -~-~ ---.--- -- ----- - - --- ""," '" --~ -+- .. , , tt--------~ -----'> ------------------------..-------" /----- " '. \:'~\~ ~ " \~.S~-t \\", t'.. 'i~~" s -.. " ~ .. ,,:!~\I ,-<:-~~"" ~::t..~\. '..."''''''....~"''+ ATTACHMENT 1 5 of 13 NOV 1 4 1995 ITEM 5 OCT 2S '95 Q3: 35PM CARDWELL THO~IAS P, 2/2 ~. ~ .. "l . <.: -, ~.; :I.... 1 I ".- \(::\j ___ ___0 '_. 0 _ _...CC ~ ._. "__ -.,....... .._.~. " . '............--It-.-. _. --_. ...... .,., ", , . -'.~ .. , ,. I ."..., .... ,I "f I ~', .. .- ....1. ", ...\\"'"".." ""..'\\ (~ '-'<...""""..............~ "',~.\..\. ".. .........,.,... .....'"'lo.... ""...\,,1.. ,........, ....."'.....".. \.~,,\\'''.. ~_.""...."\,...."'.........."C'..........."<..c~ /' --. ~"'.. -,....-... ~...~.. ,.,--- -:=.0:: /I~I/ ~ ...-...." - -- - ....,......---' ~-"'> ...1" ~t-l~.. '6~.I-l..e_ ____ _ ~ ~ 1 -1 - 1" -. -----.- .. '__'--0---' ... --_. -. --- - -..l,- .. )... . #. ... II '--- . I D'S" - ,. , ...~ - " - "-. .. .' ./ .to ;. '. ~ ..... o __ ", ..f' 4---' -.. ....... " L . .-..... .-._... '" I .LA .'- -..1<.,,-.....-----.- --.. ..-.. .. .....~l '. l ....1._ .~ .. ... .- ~ . '''---~ '''-~' .-. .~ .. . - . ~ ..,.... =..-G.lJwerz.:r . : : " I""------l " .. '.- : . . ': --0::2.=>~~ ':SG"c..11aN(!. '5T'EPS - . " '. _., n ......... A TT ACHMENT 2 6 of 13 NOV 14 1995 ITEM 5 AGEND......nr-')RT SUMMARY ~ TO: ..,."bl. '"'' "d .....,.~ Clt, C.",11 _ FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Mana INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City anager~Pr ., Mark S. Weston, Director of Engineerin ~s J. Bradley Kutzner, Senior Civil Engineer I DATE: May 23, 1995 SUBJECT: Drainage Improvements for the Poway Library Site ABSTRACT On February 16, 1995, the City Council selected a location for the Poway City Library to be positioned along Poway Road on the library site property (Attachment 1). The entire site is within the 100-year floodplain and a portion is within the 100 year floodway of Rattlesnake Creek. To build on the site, the property has to be flood proofed by elevating the building pads above the 100-year floodplain elevation and constructing drainage improvements such that there is no additional flood impact to the adjoining properties. Staff and the City's consultants have analyzed four alternative channel improvements for Rattlesnake Creek to flood proof the library site for development on both the north and south portions of the property. Staff recommends Alternate D - Combination Concrete Channel and Naturalized Channel improvements. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Additional environmental review will be completed with site development plans. FISCAL IMPACT Flood proofing the library site will total $910,000 with Alternative D. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Standard distribution. ~ copy of this report is being mailed to the Library Advisory Commi ttee. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council adopt Alternative D as the preferred method to flood proof the library site and direct staff to complete the environmental review and site development process to implement this alternative creating a building site which would allow building development on both north and south portions of the library site. ACTION Approved staff recommendation, 3-0. Councilmembers Callery and Rexford absent (YJtL..;1..., t< / \J~ t... MarJorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk J" I -,.. ~ +T /'1t:';L-c;L- 7 of 13 A TT ACH lENT 3 NaV 1 4 1995 ITEM .! MAY 2 3 1995 ITEM 12 ^_._"---,~ -.-- -.GENDA REPORT CITY OF POW A Y TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FRO"': James L. Bowersox, City Manager INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager Mark S. Weston, Director of Engineering Services J. Bradley Kutzner, Senior Civil Engineer DATE: May 23, 1995 SUBJECT: Drainage Improvements for the Poway Library Site I BACKGROUND On February 16, 1995, the City Council selected a location for the Poway City I Library to be positioned along Poway Road on the library site property (Attachment 1). The entire site is within the 100-year floodplain and a portion is within the 100 year floodway of Rattlesnake Creek. To build on the site, the property has to be flood proofed by elevating the building pads above the 100-year floodplain elevation and constructing drainage improvements such that there is no additional flood impact to the adjoining properties. The main channel of Rattlesnake Creek borders the northwest edge of the 1 ibrary site. The existing channel does not have the capacity to pass the flood waters that can be delivered to the property by the existing storm drainage facilities crossing Poway Road. Staff has completed three studies relative to stream flood flows at the library site based on various site development plans. The characteristics of the upstream 100-year flood condition impacts proposed development on the 1 ibrary site. The existing flood control channel which originates at the south edge of Hilleary Park and is located between Arikara and Wan est a has a capacity of 2900 cfs. The 100-year flood flow at Hilleary Park is approximately 3900 cfs. The difference, or 1000 cfs, would flow south of Hilleary Park east of Wanesta across vacant land and commercial property north of Poway Road in the vicinity of the Lively Center. The flows then travel south along Bowron Road, and west along Civic Center Drive to rejoin the main creek at Community Park. This side-channel flow which would occur during maximum flood events was analyzed by staff and our consultants to determine buildable areas on the site. The floodway of this eastern flow encroaches on the southeast corner of the library site. The Council has selected the south portion of the library as a potential commercial site. Staff has further analyzed this development alternative as it relates to flood proofing the site. ACTION: . J .. 8 of 13 NOV 1 4 1995 - Agenda FWpoIt . Drainage _ inti for !he I'oway UbraIy SIte May 23. 1995 PoGe 2 Any site development of the library site will require constructing significant -- drainage improvements on the west edge of the property along the existing alignment of Rattlesnake Creek. The existing channel will not handle the flood flows of Rattlesnake Creek delivered through the existing storm drain system under Poway Road. Previous development plans have studied locating both the library and the commercial site on the north half of the property near Poway Road maintaining the existing floodway of the overflow channel along Bowron Road to the east and Civic Center Drive to the south. By locating a commercial site on the south half of the property, additional analysis was made to assure that the property could be flood proofed. The analysis studied four alternative channels for the main channel of Rattlesnake Creek: Naturalized channel, grass-lined channel, concrete box and channel, and a combination concrete channel with a concrete box and natural channel. Our consultants developed both cost estimates for the four alternatives and a qualitative evaluation for channel configurations. The results of the analysis will be presented below. Developing the south portion of the library site with a building is possible with no additional cost provided the set backs from Bowron Road and Civic Center Drive used in the analysis are observed. FINDINGS Staff and the City's consultants have analyzed four alternative channel improvements for Rattlesnake Creek to flood proof the library site for development on both the north and south portions of the property. Their report presents the four channel configurations which are described as follows: Alternative A - Naturalized Channel: The naturalized channel would include an open channel for Rattlesnake Creek approximately 50 feet wide at the bottom and be revegetated with native species to create a riparian habitat similar to Poway Creek behind Creekside Plaza. The channel would extend from Poway Road to the connection in Community Park. The cost of the channel improvements with property is about $565,000; however, should Tarascan be extended in the future, the cost of a bridge crossing would increase the cost of the 'naturalized channel to $1,263,000. The bridge cost is approximately $700,000. Alternative B - Grass-Lined Channel: This creek would result in a grass-lined channel similar to the channel through Community Park extending from Poway Road to the connection at Community Park. Channel improvements initially would cost $590,000. However, if Tarascan is to be extended, the crossing of the channel would cost approximately $700,000 with a total project cost of $I, 293,000. Alternative C - Concrete Box and Channel; This channel improvement would include the construction of an enclosed reinforced concrete box across the library site transitioning to an open concrete trapezoidal channel west of the proposed Tarascan alignment to the connection at Community Park. The box culvert would be covered and the land could be used over the concrete channel. The cost of this alternative is $750,000 with the box serving as the bridge structure should Tarascan be extended to the south. No additional costs would be assigned for the bridge crossing. In addition, more land is usable by the . library with this alternative. ~ NOV 14 1995 ITEM 5 9 of 13 .IG- Roport . er.inag, lfD'0 onto for tile -V Ub'"'Y SIte May 23, 1995 PIg. 3 Alternative D - Combination Concrete Box and Natural Channel: This alternative is a combination of constructing a reinforced concrete box from Poway road to west of the Tarascan extension. From Tarascan to the community Park the channel would be constructed as a naturalized channel similar to Alternative A. The cost of this alternative is $910,000 with no future cost for bridge construction at Tarascan road. The qualitative matrix of the alternatives was also prepared rating usable area, flood protection aesthetics, wetland impacts, future roadway extension, and O&M costs. This analysis suggests that the naturalized channel or the combination reinforced concrete box and naturalized channel are equal qualitatively. Attachment 2 presents both the quantitative and qualitative matrix developed in the Library Site Flood Protection Alternatives Report. Staff recommends Alternate D - Combination Concrete Channel and Naturalized Channel improvements (see Attachment 3). ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Additional environmental review will be completed with site development plans. FISCAL IMPACT Flood proofing the library site will total $910,000 with Alternative D. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Standard distribution. RECOMMENDATION , It is recommended that the City Council adopt Alternative D as the preferred method to flood proof the library site and direct staff to complete the environmental review and site development process to implement this alternative creating a building site which would allow building development on both north and south portions of the library site. JLB:JDF:MSW:JBK:mh Attachments: 1. Vicinity Hap 2. Rattlesnake Creek Flood Protection Matrices 3. Alternative D 10 of 13 NOV 14 1995 ITEM 5 ... - ~, 1111 I - I,' m ' I , \ r i '" \ I I:' 1 . '- ! " (, (--,. E 6318000 I ---rl I, \, ir -4 \ ..-. -', " \ ; , i f \ " - 'm_' -''-.'-- ._/ II .- \ 'I I~; \! ,-, ,---'-/ ~ II ~ i . " '--. / .. 6 f \ . , . , I" \ ! j ,"'-.. r'----:-\);J' ',.' "'-A' - ! ) ,'_ l '\ l' i ,I . (.J ! 1 "I' \, ,- -- -' : ' . , \ I"~ I i/'. :: ~ _ I, I , J _ __ ;- ~ ...:: ___ _ __ _ "_iF, . - ---- - ,.1 \. I , ') """,., _ \ - ---, --'Ie ',1: '- ': ': .~ ~.......:.... __:.. .__,_ : r I -..;,- ,-, - ! (': .~~ ., , (, / '\ : . I --.. !/---_ . '-." , I / ': --___ j \ :' I .' "~,\ i ! I " - '<-;' I i 1-, .. .,\, . i " , --\ -- I I , , _ _ i, /-- \ a:. : "" '\~ C) I ' I ,II: r I :! - I ' ' 'I III ' , / 'ji'" _' i' j , I! ,.I I i. ">, I !. . ! I a \ -: I'. '-. -t ,I '( i &&I: \\ Iii: ''.\< __ ! I, __0---=.-l-1I" '~I t,rr ' II ~ . 'I :! ' ,/;-..... ,It- - . \..: .~ "0 ''--/.' i."':,i.,.' d /" .'::, \ )~ " 1,/'- ,,) , :" )<) :, i J_. I ;, i .. 1rIt'ODW.I. \ i,t . .... i '~... " .J . i r- --.------ ...... I ( / i! I , 'J~ \: l ;i (! r .... - \ I ! .t!.; \ I --',- "\' c, . ) ~ I. I .....-.\ ; _: H \' =: '.... i-\' ( -' , ,l -::::. . 2 '-:;. . ,. __ .. \ '_ J ,_ ----... L ."' ..r \ I ~:-'.__ \ , I ( \ .1 __ I ;i .. J I.' ,'-- /\ i I , / \ '-- ,; 'I, ,- ',i _! \) ~;: I i-~j .:; ----,. \ - , '! .' \ "1'-'" . ,-- - -, - - ( i " ' (I' "\' . ~1 ,ii, I. -,... " -----'~. I \ , -..! . ___ ----, 1-:-- ; . ' W i' (r I ~! '-- ~. 11 of 13 AT T A C H MEN T 1 NOV 1 4 1995 ITEM 5 , RA TTLESNAKE ...h_cK FLOOD PROTECT10l'. ,vi.., RICES - LIBRARY SITE. POW A Y QUANT1T A TIVE MA TRIX I CC<AW,ELI T ARASCAN ~ LAND J TOT AL uSE ABLE VALUE OF , I AL TERN'; 7 I VE i COS T CROSS I NO OST( OFFS I iE cas i ACRES EXCESS LANO! A (NAiURALlZED) I $516.000 I $700.000 I $ 51. 000 Is 1.263. 000: 4_ 5 0 i , I $542. 000 I $700. 000 Is 1. 293. 000 I I I I a :, GRASS) S 51. 000 4_ 5 0 I C 'CONC?EiE \ I $709,000 I - $ 42,000 Is 751. 000 5_ 3 15400:col I I o : :OMBINAiION)1 $858.000 I - $ S1. 000 1$ 909, 000 4. 8 S: 50. ceol QUALlT A TIVE MATRIX r~,- ~~~~ir T [IE I U;~~~LElp~~~~~T IWEiLANDS!ROADWAY o & u iOHL AESiHEi [CS! [UPICiS DiENSiON COSiS . SCCR:: I A \ NA rURAL I ZED) 1 ! I I , - i i 1 I j 2 j I I! .;) i I = I ('RA~~\ i I I I , , I 1 ? I 3 I 2 4 I 1 :: - - - , .' . "'~I I I I I I C (CONCRETE) I , I I 12 1 I 1 4 " 1 1 , , , , I 1 I i o (COMB I NA T! ON) I ~ I j 2 2 1 1 I 1 1 I I - , DEF] N] T I 0~IS USoABLE AREA - LAND AVAILABLE ON LIBRARY SITE FOR RANKING ~CQRE OVERFLOW PARKING FOR LIBRARY OR COMMUNITY PARK_ l=MOST DESIRABL:: 2=LEAST DESIRA2L:: FLOOD PROTECTION - EXTENT TO MOICH FLOOD PROTECTION PROVIDED. AESTHETICS - VISUAL !MPACT OF PROPOSED CHANNEL IMPROVMENTS. 'NE-LANDS iMPACTS - EXTENT TO WHICH wE'LAND ARE\ IN CREE~ IS LIKELY TO BE DEGRADED( l=LE,\ST, 4 = MOST). ROADWAY EXTENSION COSTS - COST IWPACTS & FEASIBILITY OF CONTRUCTING THE TARASCAN ExTENSION_ O&M :OSTS - RANKING OF MAINTENANCE COSTS OF EACH ALTERNATIVE (I=LEAST COSTLY, 4=NOSi COSTLY). UNO VALUE - S1.S0/S0UARE FOOT FOR FLOODWAY lAND 'MliH ~OST OF THE LAND BEING EX:STINC:FEE, : ;c.TE: COS7 OF TARASCAN ROAD iMF~ovEMENiS WOULD BE ::aUAL ~ap ALL AL7~~NATlvES i~:S COST IS NOT INCL~DEC !N "IAL!S:o. 12 of 13 ATTACHMENT NOV 14 1995 ITEM 5 , 2 I ----- ~ , i!;! I ]'1' . all! - , I m'l , I . , I / J., \ I I 1 " ! II "' \. ; I I \ __. I \ '" ,- \ I! ' \ ,_ I I \ I \-----"_ CrJ ! \ ; - /) I- .~ '\ ! I ---. " Z I 'I I ; /. J \ SI.I I \. ! I ' -. I ._..-- fi .' I I \ ' , , ' /,-, -,.' .-.- \ ~ ! \: I 1 -', '- I" '..~ ; \ > < \ " \ , ' \ , ,OQ. , ' I \ 1 - 'I \ I -. I ' ; 1-> .', \' .~ ',/" ~ '- - ., - - ,. "----.--- ; ,. , " " \ ..... ! /' 'GO _ \ '-::,':'-- I ' --. , , 0 ___ ' , 0 . \ zi ~'-' \ g< ~~~ ~Q llU- << I /6'3'-' \ ;"a! ' .- a."" ! 1- " I li- I \ I I 0> 'I~, I; 0< " " _ 1/ w...~o I \/ .. :ll:< ,-- ,II <jQ. ri II il-irj / \ j . JI ~11ll / ,i ~ I , ' 'Ii \.' ' I < ., " a:o '.' iJ ! / W N'tSYWl I ;. i " ( \ '! ~ i I .' , 'l._ I : \,/J "-' " ':,'\ /// '\ --.-\ ~ ' ,.~ \) ~' , I . \ \. '. ~:":''t._" ( -', I '';11 \- \' \.\\\ 1,\ /.,' . \ \ '.... ,j --.., 11 ' ) ,\\' ,/! \.. - " ' 1 / , ,- c'. ,\ _, 1, I .-......:---:.:::- , ; " tA' :~-'\' K . \.. \- \ \\ .' I \ \\ \ I!i _.' \ \ \\' ( \, . ~ ' 13 of 13 . AT T A C H MEN T 3 HOV 14 1995 ITEM 5 - DiSTR~ BUTED ijT7o_ ~A' /,4 /Y7~ CITY OF POWAYLIBRARY ADVISORYCOb-f1UITTEE November 14, 1995 RECEIVED NOV 1 4 1995 CITY OF POWAY CITY CLERK'S OFFICE Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, The Library Advisory Committee met on November 2, 1995, and Sue Sheldon's request for revisiting the issue of Rattlesnake Creek was discussed. Our committee agreed that the recommendation made in December of 1994 was still our opinion. That recommendation read in part: "that the library be situated alone on the site in a park-like setting with a natural channel". Sincerely, ~~ Joye Davisson, Chair NaV 14 1995 ITEM 5 - DiSTRIBUTED ~'~,. ;. If-}>~ TO: MAYOR DON HIGGINSON AND CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS FROM: JOYE DAVISSON, PRESIDENT ~ FRIENDS OF THE POW A Y LIBRARY DATE: November 14, 1995 RECEIVED \ RE: Ri\ TTLESNAKE CREEK NOV 1 4 1995 CITY OF POWAY CITY CLERK'S OFFICE On December 8, 1994, the Friends of the Poway Library Board of Directors passed a motion regarding the new Poway Library site, Our recommendations were presented to City Council on December 13th. In part that recommendation read: "TR<\. T RATTLESNAKE CREEK BE MAI~T AINED AS A NATUR<\.L RIPARIAN HABITAT." At the Friends' Board meeting on November 9, 1995, the City Council report for the November 14, 1995, Council meeting regarding Rattlesnake Creek was discussed. The Board agreed that the motion passed on December 8, 1994, was still the recommendation of our group_ - NOV 14 1995 ITEM 5 ~"_' '.~"""L-' /J'1;n, / :#~ ~':*?'~~f?f':-;;.t}' ~ ;'~:P:._~.." '-/w~~V?/~ U l"". li . ,- ,-- " - ~---'-~=. November 14, 1994 RECEIVED Members of the Poway City Council Poway City Hall NOV 1 .11995 13325 Civic Center Drive CITY OF POWAY Poway, CA 92064 CITY CLERK'S OFFiCe Atten: All Poway City Council Members RE: Rattlesnake Creek construction project near library Dear Council Members: My wife and I have been residents of Poway for about 7 years. We are extremely concerned about the proposed action to cover a portion of Rattlesnake Creek near the new library site. We live in an age when environmental concerns seem to often lose out to the price of progress. A creek is a very special thing and is not only habitat but a necessity to many life forms. The erection of any type of enclosure of this stream would not only create irreparable loss to wildlife but we would also lose the aesthetics of this natural feature that many citizens of Poway now and could enjoy in the future. Once enclosed it will probably be many decades before some other council recognizes its value and spends the necessary money to undo this proposed act. With the establishment of the new library, what better way to promote environmental understanding than to have a beautiful wild creek nearby in lieu of additional black topping and concrete? We oppose the construction and hope that you will reconsider the decision to move forward to "burying" this creek. We are not members of any group but felt our concerns needed to be voiced. Very trUlY) yours, . ~ ., /21/ :/ JJ{lft I U !!L~'. lRJ / arudf'k[ Carol alh(gher 13992 Arbolit, s Dr. Poway, CA 486-3724 NOV 14 1995 ITEM .5, J~I ~ . .__ I