Item 6 - Authorization to Negotiate Agreement with SDCWA for Treated Water Deliveries - AGENt. TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council ~- James L. Bowersox, City Man~ FROM: INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manage~ James R. Williams, Director of Public S ice~d Douglas R. Hilliker, Water Utilities Manager DATE: November 14 , 1995 SUBJECT: Authorization to Negotiate Infrastructure and Mntual Aid Agreement with SDCW A for Treated Water Deliveries During Emergency Conditions. ABSTRACT The Lester J. Berglund Water Treatment Plant treats and delivers potable water to the City of Poway: Ifan interruption of operation at the Water Treatment Plant occurred due to an emergency or disaster situation, Poway has no alternate source of treated water to supply its customers beyond the maximum 23.5 million gallons of storage in treated water reservoirs. This report suggests that the City of Poway pursue a two-way flow connection to the San Diego County Water Authority treated water pipeline for use in the event catastrophe prevents operation of the Berglund Plant. ~ ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This item is not subject to CEQA review. FISCAL IMPACT Unknown at this time. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE None. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council authorize staff to continue discussions with the San Diego County Water Authority; to defmitize project scope, design and cost of a treated water connection; and to direct staff to bring back details of the needed project and mutual aid agreement for approval and funds appropriation. - ACTION i 1 of 5 ITEM NOV 1 4 1995 6 !AGENDA REPOR1 CITY OF POW A Y TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James R. Bowersox, City Man~ INITIATED BY: John D. Fi"" "''''''''' Ci" "-~'f\ ~ James R. Williams, Director of Public Services . Douglas R. Hilliker, Water Utilities Manager ~ DATE: November 14, 1995 SUBJECT: Authorization to Negotiate Infrastructure and Mutual Aid Agreement with SDCW A for Treated Water Deliveries During Emergency Conditions. BACKGROUND The City of Po way's Lester J. Berglund Water Treatment Plant (WTP) treats and delivers potable water for the City. The Ramona Municipal Water District, on an as-needed mutual aid basis, occasionally requests deliveries of water treated at Poway's plant. Currently, this connection is a one-way flow from Poway to Ramona MWD. Ramona's primary source of treated water is the San Diego County Water Authority's treated water pipeline connection from the Second Aqueduct. In the event of a longer-term, catastrophic interruption of operation at the Poway water treatment facility, we have no alternate source of treated water to supply Poway customers. Staff has been evaluating alternatives to ensure a reliable supply of treated water to Poway customers under all 'scenarios. FINDINGS At present, the Lester J. Berglund Water Treatment Plant is the sole source of potable water to the City of Po way. Should a long-term, catastrophic interruption of treatment operations at the Plant occur during an emergency or disaster situation, the City of Poway has no alternate potable water source from which to supply its citizens. Our 23.5 million gallons of treated water storage capacity ACTION: 2 of 5 ; NOV 1 4 1995 ITEM 6 - Authorization to Negotiate Infrastructure and Mutual Aid Agreement with SDCW A November 14,1995 Page 2 will carry the City through approximately ten days of service - albeit severely constrained service. Lake Poway provides up to three months of raw water supply that could pass through the treatment plant. Should a catastrophe shut down the Berglund treatment plant for longer than ten days, we would be unable to serve our citizens. It would therefore be advisable to arrange for treated water deliveries - purely on an emergency need basis - through another source of supply. The metering connection through which Poway delivers treated water to the Ramona MWD is a one. way flow assembly. Water delivered through this meter then enters the SDCW A "Ramona Pipeline" to convey the water eastward through the Blue Sky Reserve to Ramona's pumping station. Preliminary discussions with the San Diego County Water Authority (SDCW A) have confirmed that it would be possible and desirable for Poway to receive water through a reconstructed connection~ The new assembly would include two-way flow meters. In addition to an emergency supply source, a new structure would also allow the delivery and sale of treated water westward through the "Ramona Pipeline" to other agencies. A letter from Mr. Ergun Bakall, Chief Engineer/Assistant General Manager of the San Diego County Water Authority, confirms the feasibility and importance of this proposed connection; a copy is provided as Attachment A. Specifics of the design and cost implications are insufficient to bring before the Council at this time. However, a total project cost, shared among the beneficiaries, has been estimated at $225,000. Concurrence from the Council that we should pursue an alternate treated water supply source to safeguard against catastrophe at the Berglund Treatment Plant will demonstrate the support needed for SDCW A engineering staff to definitize project objectives, scope, design and cost. -ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This item is not subject to CEQA review. FISCAL IMPACT Unknown at this time. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE None. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council authorize staff to continue discussions with San Diego County Water Authority; definitize project scope, design and cost of a treated water connection to 3 of 5 NOV 1 4 1995 ITEM b --, Authorization to Negotiate Infrastructure and Mutual Aid Agreement with SDCW A November 14, 1995 Page 3 be used for emergency conditions; and direct staff to bring back details of the needed project and mutual aid agreement for approval and funds appropriation. JLB:JDF:JRW:DRH Attachments: (I) Attachment A: SDCWA Letter dated August 7,1995 re: Request for Treated Water Connection A:\CCl 1 95\1l 14CWAA02 4 of 5 NOV 1 4 1995 ITEM 6 @ San Diego Co~~.~",~oter Authority 3211 Fifth Avenue' San Diego, California 92103.5718 (619) 682.4100 FAX (619) 297.0511 , ^r';~!VED August 7, 1995 ! ~-""~, ~ I\--"~ I~ ~ , ! \ AUG~ Mr. James R. Williams Director of Public Services 1--------------- City of Poway P. O. Box 789 Poway, CA 92074-0789 Re: Request for Treated Water Connection Dear Mr. Williams: The San Diego County Water Authority has conducted an in-house evaluation of a new treated water connection providing emergency service to the City of Poway. Based on this evaluation, it may be feasible to provide the City with a new service connection delivering treated water, via the Ramona Pipeline, at a rate equal to approximately 8 cfs. To continue our work, we will need from the City of Poway a written request to proceed with the design and construction of this new service connection. Upon receipt of this written request from the City, the Authority will contact your office and schedule a meeting to discuss the following pertinent issues: location of a new metering station; possible use of the existing Ramona No_ 2 metering station; connection to Poway's distribution system; terms of an agreement to design, operate and maintain the metering station; available capacity in the Ramona Pipeline; budgets amounts and reimbursable costs. Pending resolution of these issues and approval from our Board of Directors, Authority staff will proceed with the design and construction of this new service . connection. The Authority looks forward to working with the City on this important project. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me at 682-4165, or Mr. David Chamberlain at 682-4170. kall ngineer/Assistant General Manager EB:DPC:ljd 1:ICHAMBERLI95\POWAY_OOC Augusl7. 1995\3:35 PM File No_ 5-16200.00 MEMBER AGENCIES clTln JltltlGAnON DISTlICTS WAnl DlSJ'IICJt MUNIClftJU WARI D,MICTS .0.1 Mar. EKondido. No,""nal C,... os.,ntaF..oSout+>8ay . H".!i.. Otoy o Corl,bad 0101'1\0"" . Oc..,n"d.. . POWl:l~ . Soan 0'-00 . Vi,lo o Son Ooeguilo .Q1'.....na." . I,....onclel Oiablo . Vollec~ot . PodreO"... . \laII8yC.nler COUNTY oR";"*",,,, . Yuimo x,nC),,,,,,. PIlIUC UTIUTY DI~fCT ffDlltAL AGENCY ",ofhe,,, -l'aIIbroo>. J, .P.ndletonMili.......Il_...'_ ITEM 5 of 5 PRINTED ON RECYClED "'PER ATTACHMENT A NaV 14 1995 6