Item 13 - Status of Pending Legislation r- '. · AGENDA REPORT CITY OF POW A Y This report is included on the Consent Calendar. There will be no se~rate discussion of the report prior to approval by the City Council unless members of the Council, st2lff or public ~eques.t it to be removed f,"?~ ~e ~onsent Calendar and discussed separately. If you wish to have this report pulled fOf discussion, please fill out a slip IndIcating the report number and Q!ve it to the City Clerk prior to the beginning of the City Council meeting. TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Mana~ "~ INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager~ Penny Riley, Senior Management An~ Scott A. Nespor, Management Inter . DATE: November 14, 1995 SUBJECT: Status of Pending Legislation: 1995 Summary of Legislative Activities BACKGROUND During the 1995 Legislative session, the City Council formally adopted positions on 74 pieces of proposed legislation. Staff continuously monitored the progress of the measures that had the potential to impact cities statewide and/or the San Diego region. On behalf of the City, the Mayor and staff lobbied State representatives with letters and phone calls throughout the legislative session. . Additionally, Bob Wilson remains active in his lobbying functions on behalf of the City of Poway. The last day for the Assembly and Senate to pass bills during the 1995 session was September 16, 1995. At that time, the Legislature adjourned into its final recess. Governor Wilson had until October 15, 1995 to sign or veto bills passed by the legislature. FINDINGS Provided in Exhibit A is a summary of the 74 positions taken by the City during the 1995 Legislative session. The summary indicates that approximately 23 percent of the State Legislature's actions were in agreement with positions taken by the City during the 1995 Legislative session. Of the 74 Council positions, 17 were successful, 8 were contrary to the Legislature's actions, and no action was taken on 49 of the measures during the current session. During the 1994 Legislative session, the League of California Cities Bulletins, Citylink, City Lobbyist Bob Wilson, and the San Diego Legislative Coalition continued to be the City's primary resource for obtaining information about State legislative issues. Staff has found that Citylink continues to be an invaluable tool for monitoring State and Federal ACTION: 2 of 41 .."-~,._-~------~ ~-""." DISTRIBl :eD jj- ~-f?S- AGENDA REPORT SUMMARY TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Man~ . INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager~ Penny Riley, Senior Management Analys Scott A. Nespor, Management Inter~ DATE: November 14, 1995 SUBJECT: Status Report on Pending Legislation: 1995 Summary of Legislative Activities ABSTRACT The last day for the legislature to pass bills was September 16, 1995. The City of Poway took 74 positions on legislation during the 1995 session. This report contains a summary of the measures and the position of the Poway City Council on each bi 11 . ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This informational report is not subject to CEQA review. FISCAL IMPACT The City is presently reviewing the fiscal impact from the enactment of 1995 legislation as it relates to both current and future year projections for inclusion in the budget. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE None. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council receive and file this report. ACTION 1 of 41 NOV 1 4 1995 ITEM 13 -".- Agenda Report ~ 1995 Legislative Summary ( November 14, 1995 Page 2 legislation, retrieving complete bill text and committee analyses, as well as for communicating directly with the League of California Cities and all Citylink subscribers. Legislation of significance for the City of Poway included issues in housing, unfunded mandates, local control for land use, municipal investments, and telecommunications. Housing Reform issues included passage of AB 1715, which was authored by Assemblyman Jan Goldsmith. This measure calls for the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) to oversee a pilot program which allows the cities and County to self-certify that they have met Housing Element performance standards and fair share requirements. This enables the cities and County to bypass a Housing Element review by the State Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD), which often is a long and difficult process. Of additional note is that Governor Wilson signed into law a measure favorably affecting the City of Poway--SB 602. Assemblywoman Cathie Wright authored SB 602, which partly restores relinquished taxes from fewer automobile sales. This revenue loss is due to a shift in consumer preferences to leasing cars rather than purchasing them. In the past, the use tax was pooled for all cities in the county. The new legislation returns a use tax on leased - vehicles to the city where the car dealership is located, thus treating auto sales and auto leasing equitably. For the City of Poway this translates into approximately $150,000 in new revenue. Citylink summaries for all of the 74 bills are included in Exhibit A. The State Legislature is scheduled to reconvene into Regular Session on January 3, 1996. Adjournment of the 1996 session is scheduled for September 13, 1996. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This informational report is not subject to CEQA review. FISCAL IMPACT The City is presently reviewing.the fiscal impact from the enactment of 1995 State legislation as it relates to both current and future year projections for inclusion in the budget. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE None. RECOMMENDATION - It is recommended that the City Council receive and file this report. f Attachment: Exhibit A- 1995 Summary of Legislative Action 3 of 41 NOV 14 1995 ITEM 13 COUNCIL POSITION ON PENDING LEGISLATION FOR 1995 DATE BILL AUTHOR SUBJECT POSITION 3-10-95 SB 11 AVALA UNFUNDED MANDATES - signed by SUPPORT Governor AB 82 PRINGLE BOOKING FEE REFORM - signed by SUPPORT Governor SB 178 BEVERLY INDUSTRIAL BONDS - signed by SUPPORT Governor SB 51 HAYNES INVERSE CONDEMNATION - signed OPPOSE bv Governor 4-5-95 SB 150 JOHANNESSEN VEHICLE LICENSE FEE OPPOSE AB 208 CANNELLA AGRIC. EQUIP TAX EXEMPT OPPOSE SB 1266 DILLS EMINENT DOMAIN PROHIBITION OPPOSE SB 850 HAYDEN PUBLIC AGENCY IMMUNITY OPPOSE SB 602 WRIGHT USE TAX ON LEASED VEHICLE - SUPPORT sianed bv Governor .- AB 307 THOMPSON MANDATE RELIEF - vetoed by SUPPORT Governor ACA 7 PRINGLE MANDATE RELIEF SUPPORT ACA 8 GOLDSMITH MANDATE RELIEF SUPPORT SB 805 MONTE ITH MANDATE RELIEF SUPPORT 4-19-95 AB 1715 GOLDSMITH HOUSING ELEMENTS - signed by SUPPORT Governor AB 135 RAINEY VEHICLES - sianed by Governor SUPPORT AB 138 GOLDSMITH PREVAILING WAGES SUPPORT AB 563 HARVEY WASTE DISCHARGE SUPPORT AB 1436 BURTON HEALTH COVERAGE: EMERGENCY SUPPORT SERVICES AB 1731 GOLDSMITH LAND USE - sianed by Governor SUPPORT AB 309 ALPERT PUBLIC LIBRARY LEARNING ACT SUPPORT AB 142 BOWEN PUBLIC RECORDS OPPOSE AB 282 HAUSER PROPERTY TAXATION SUPPORT 4 of 41 EXHIBIT "A" NOV 1 4 1995 ITEM 13 0 - -- SB 1122 MOUNTJOY ENVIRONMENT REGULATIONS OPPOSE SB 623 PEACE THEFT OF CABLE TV SIGNALS SUPPORT 5-2-95 AB 1865 BALDWIN EXPENDITURE OF PUBLIC MONIES OPPOSE ACA 24 BALDWIN EXPENDITURE OF PUBLIC MONIES OPPOSE AB 1392 CONROY PUBLIC WORKS OPPOSE SB 1073 COSTA HOUSING ELEMENTS OPPOSE SB 27 CAP PROHIBITING INVESTMENT OPPOSE SECURITIES SB 14XX CAP PROHIBITING INVESTMENT OPPOSE SECURITI ES SB 44 CAP PROHIBITION TO DELEGATE OPPOSE INVESTMENT AUTHORITY SB 13XX CAP PROHIBITION TO DELEGATE OPPOSE INVESTMENT AUTHORITY SB 117 LEWIS REPORTING REQUIREMENTS SUPPORT SB 564 JOHNSTON REPORTING REQUIREMENTS - SUPPORT signed by Governor - SB 861 CRAVEN DELEGATION OF POWERS - signed SUPPORT by Governor SB 864 CRAVEN COUNTY TREASURY OVERSIGHT SUPPORT COMMITTEE SB 866 CRAVEN TERMS OF NOTES - signed by SUPPORT Governor SB 867 CRAVEN REPURCHASE & REVERSE SUPPORT REPURCHASE AGREEMENTS SB 868 CRAVEN ZERO INTEREST ACCRUAL PERIODS SUPPORT 5-9-95 SB 1122 MOUNTJOY SMALL BUSINESS: ENVIRONMENTAL OPPOSE REGS. AB 1436 BURTON FIRST RESPONDER REIMBURSEMENT SUPPORT ACA 13 JOHNSON VOTER REOUIR. FOR TAXES,ASSES. OPPOSE SB IX O'CONNELL DISASTER ASSISTANCE - signed SUPPORT by Governor SB 149 JOHANNESSEN VEHICLE LICENSE FEES - vetoed OPPOSE by Governor SB 1225 JOHANNESSEN PRIVATIZATION OF PUBLIC WORKS SUPPORT , - SB 238 HAYNES DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLANS OPPOSE SB 1167 CRAVEN PROPERTY TAX REVENUE SUPPORT 5 of 41 NOV 14 1995 ITEM 13 - 5-9-95 AS 915 CUNNEEN PROPERTY TAX EXEMPTION OPPOSE (cont) SB 610 LEONARD CABLE TELEVISION OPPOSE SB 936 CAMPBELL HOUSING ELEMENTS - vetoed by SUPPORT Governor AB 771 AOUIAR SUBDIVISIONS OPPOSE SB 657 MADDY PROPERTY TAX REFORM BILL - OPPOSE sioned bv Governor AB 1907 SHER ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY SUPPORT AB 318 KATZ WATER AND MUNICIPAL UTILITIES OPPOSE AB 349 ESCUTIA HAZARDOUS LIQUID PIPELINES SUPPORT 5-16-95 SB 621 PEACE UTILITIES ACCESS FEES - signed OPPOSE bv Governor SB 652 HUTCHISON TELECOMM. COMPo DEREGULATON OPPOSE HR 1555 BLlLEY TELECOMMUNICATION REFORM OPPOSE 5-18-95 BALLOT MOBILE HOME RENT CONTROL OPPOSE INITIATIVE RESTRICTIONS 6-6-95 SB 176 ALOUIST HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS MATERIALS OPPOSE - AB 1947 BATTIN HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS MATERIALS OPPOSE ORDINANCE AS 686 TUCKER TOBACCO VENDING MACHINES - SUPPORT sioned bv Governor AB 31XX SWEENEY ERAF SHIFT SUPPORT 6-13-95 SB 96 GREENE SCHOOL BONDS SUPPORT AB 331 ALPERT SCHOOL BONDS SUPPORT SB 1066 CAMPBELL DEVELOPMENT FEES OPPOSE AB 1544 HANNIGAN MELLO RooS TAXES DELINQUENCY OPPOSE 7-11-95 SB 647 KELLEY FEES - PALADIN GROUP - signed OPPOSE bv Governor AB 182 GRANLUND SHOPPING CART RETRIEVAL - OPPOSE vetoed bv Governor SB 903 LESLIE ADULT ENTERTAINMENT - signed SUPPORT bv oovernor 7-18-95 SB 28 LESLIE MOUNTAIN LION PROTECTION - OPPOSE sianed bv Governor 8-1-95 AB 1949 CONROY RETENTION-PUB. WORKS CONTRACTS OPPOSE 6 of 41 NOV 14 1995 ITEM 13 . - - SB 646 KELLEY ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE LICENSES, OPPOSE BANKRUPTCY TRANSFERS - signed by Governor SB 561 IIlUHTJOY NOTIFICATION, VIOLENT FELON SUPPORT RELEASE - sianed bv Governor 8-15-95 SB 31 LESLIE CIVIL JUSTICE-TORT REFORM SUPPORT 8-22-95 NIlS Bill SHUSTER HIGHWAY FUNDING - LOCAL OPPOSE CONTROL 9-5-95 AB 700 CUNNEEN TORT HAZARDOUS RECREATION - SUPPORT signed bv Governor AB 49XX GRANLUND LAFCO FUNDING OPPOSE AB 1671/AB 285 PVEA GRANT FOR COGENERATION SUPPORT 10-17-95 AB 1952 BALDWIN JUVENILE DRUG POSSESSION SUPPORT KILLEA ALCOHOL SERVER TRAINING SUPPORT Revised Novelllber 1,19911 ,,, NOV 14 1995 ITEM 13 .. 7 of 41 CA AB 82 AUTHOR: Pringle TITLE: Booking fees INTRODUCED: 12/22/94 ENACTED: 10/13/95 CHAPTER: 910 SUMMARY: Provides that any increase in a booking fee charged by a county sha1l be adopted prior to the beginning of the county's fiscal year and may be adopted only after a noticed, public meeting has been held, as specified. Also requires any county that imposes a booking fee to negotiate a reduced fee with any city, special district, school district, community college district, college or university within the county for any services that are performed by the arresting agency, as specified. STATUS: 10113/95 Signed by GOVERNOR. POSmON: Support 03/10/95 CA AB 135 AUTHOR: Rainey TITLE: Vehicles: registration fees INTRODUCED: 01113/95 ENACTED: 10/12/95 CHAPTER: 819 SUMMARY: Extends the repeal date for certain fees imposed for the registration of a vehicle, thereby extending the period for which these fees can be collected. Requires guidelines to include provisions requiring each service authority to provide the department with a quarterly report regarding the disbursement of funds received by the service authority and the number of vehicles abated pursuant to the abandoned vehicle abatement program. STATUS: 10/12/95 Signed by GOVERNOR. POSmON: Support 04/19/95 8 of 41 NOV 14 1995 ITEM 13 .. CA AS 138 AUTHOR: Goldsmith TITLE: Public works: prevailing wages INTRODUCED: 01113/95 LAST AMEND: 04/17/95 LOCATION: Assembly Labor and Employment Committee SUMMARY: Authorizes a local agency, as defined, by a majority vote of its governing body, to adopt a resolution or ordinance that exempts public works projects undertaken by that agency from prevailing wage requirements, except in those cases where the payment of prevailing wages is required as a condition of a state or federal grant of funding for the project. STATUS: 04/19/95 In ASSEMBLY Committee on LABOR AND EMPLOYMENT: Failed passage. Reconsideration granted. POSmON: Support 04/19/95 CA AS 142 AUTHOR: Bowen TITLE: Public records INTRODUCED: 01113/95 LAST AMEND: 04/03/95 LOCATION: Assembly Governmental Organization Committee SUMMARY: Expressly provides that any agency that has information that constitutes an identifiable public record that is in an electronic format shall, unless otherwise prohibited by law, make that information available in an electronic format, when requested by any person. Specifies that direct costs of duplication shal1 include the costs associated with duplicating electronic records. STATUS: 04/17/95 In ASSEMBLY Committee on GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATION: Heard, remains in Committee. POSmON: Oppose 04/19/95 9 of 41 NOV 14 1995 ITEM 13 CA AB 182 AUTHOR: Granlund TITLE: Local agencies: shopping cart retrieval INTRODUCED: 01/20/95 VETOED: 08/03/95 LOCATION: Vetoed SUMMARY: Authorizes a city, county. or city and county to adopt an ordinance to provide shopping cart retrieval and storage services, as specified, and declares the intent of the Legislature that this regulation constitutes a matter of Statewide concern which shall be governed solely by these provisions; enacts related provisions. STATUS: 08/03/95 Vetoed by GOVERNOR. POSmON: Oppose 07/11/95 CA AB 208 AUTHOR: Cannella TITLE: Income/corporation taxes: qualified property INTRODUCED: 01/30/95 LAST AMEND: 07/23/95 LOCATION: Assembly Third Reading File SUMMARY: Authorizes, for each taxable and income year beginning on or after January 1, 1995, a tax credit to a qualified person engaged in certain agricultural activities in an amount equal to 6" of the amount paid or incurred for the purchase of tangible personal property used for the production of food, fiber, and other agricultural commodities, as provided. STATUS: 07/24/95 In ASSEMBLY. Read second time. To third reading. POSmON: Oppose 04/05/95 CA AB 282 AUTHOR: Hauser TITLE: Property taxation: assessment reduction hearings: INTRODUCED: 02/06/95 LAST AMEND: 03/29/95 LOCATION: Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee 10 of 41 NOV 1 4 1995 ITEM 13 .. -- -- SUMMARY: Requires the clerk for a county board of equalization to provide specified notices of hearings to any affected redevelopment agency. STATUS: 04/03/95 In ASSEMBLY Committee on REVENUE AND TAXATION: Failed passage. Reconsideration granted. POsmON: Support 04/19/95 CA AS 307 AUTHOR: Thompson TITLE: State mandates INTRODUCED: 02/08195 VETOED: 10/16195 LOCATION: Vetoed SUMMARY: Requires the Department of Finance to prepare a report within 21 days after introduction of the bill, within 5 days of amendment of the bill, and in other specified circumstances; requires the Legislative Counsel to make known in the digest of the bill a determination whether or not the mandate is being disclaimed; requires the bill that contains a mandate that is not being disclaimed and does not contain an appropriation to contain a statement indicating the bill is an unfunded mandate. STATUS: 10116195 Vetoed by GOVERNOR. POSmON: Support 04/05/95 CA AS 309 AUTHOR: Alpert TITLE: Public Library Learning and Literacy Expansion Act INTRODUCED: 02/08/95 LAST AMEND: 04/06195 LOCATION: Assembly Appropriations Committee SUMMARY: Enacts the Public Library Learning and Literacy Expansion Act of 1996, which authorizes the issuance of bonds in a specified amount for the purpose of financing a library construction and renovation program. Authorizes the use of proceeds from those bonds to fund certain projects that were submitted under a 1988 Library Bond Act, but did not receive funding under that Act. 11 of 41 NOV 14 1995 ITEM 13 ,.. --.. STATUS: 5/31/95 In ASSEMBLY Committee on APPROPRIATIONS: Failed passage. Reconsideration granted. POSmON: Support 04/19/95 CA AS 318 AUTHOR: Katz TITLE: Cities: water and power: rates INTRODUCED: 02/08/95 LAST AMEND: 06129/95 LOCATION: Senate Loca1 Govemment Committee SUMMARY: limits the rates that may be charged a municipal water power agency, as defined, to an amount that generates sufficient revenue to pay the direct and indirect costs of acquiring, transporting, treating, storing, and delivering water, or water and power, including the cost of administration, and the cost of capitol outlay programs, and the repayment of debt and the maintenance of appropriate operating reserves, capital sinking funds, and other similar reserve funds. STATUS: f11/05/95 In SENATE Committee on LOCAL GOVERNMENT: Not heard. POSmON: Oppose 05/CB/95 CA AS 331 AUTHOR: Alpert TITLE: Bonds: school facilities and technology funding INTRODUCED: 02/CB/95 URGENCY LAST AMEND: 03/27/95 LOCATION: Assembly Appropriations Committee SUMMARY: Requires a school district that maintains a school facility upon which is operated an extended day care program or a child supervision program, as specified, to permit the operating agency to use the facility's restrooms and playgrounds. STATUS: 05/31/95 In ASSEMBLY Committee on APPROPRIATIONS: Failed passage. Reconsideration granted. POSmON: Support 06113/95 NOV 14 1995 ITEM 13 12 of 41 CA AD 349 AUTHOR: Escutia TITLE: Hazardous liquid pipelines: centralized data base INTRODUCED: 02/10/95 LAST AMEND: 08/24/95 LOCATION: Senate Appropriations Committee SUMMARY: Requires an operator of a pipeline used for the transportation of hazardous liquid substances to conform the pipeline with specified federal regulations adopted pursuant to the federal Hazardous Liquid Pipeline Safety Act with regard to installing cathodic protection; makes a statement of legislative intent concerning the report by the State Fire Marsbal on hazardous liquid pipeline risk assessment; makes other related provisions. STATUS: 00/06195 In SENATE Committee on APPROPRIATIONS: Held under submission. POSmON: Support 05/00/95 CA AD 563 AUTHOR: Harvey TITLE: Water Quality: Waste Discharge INTRODUCED: 02/17/95 LAST AMEND: 05/04/95 LOCATION: Assembly Appropriations Committee SUMMARY: Provides that a local public entity is excluded from liability for costs or damages as a result of a release, or threatened release, of hazardous materials on or in a right-of-way, as defined, unless the release or threatened release was caused by actions or omissions of that local public entity; or the local public entity exacerbates the contamination as a result of the release or threatened release or impedes ongoing cleanup or abatement activities. STATUS: 05/31/95 In ASSEMBLY Committee on APPROPRIATIONS: Faild passage. Reconsideration granted. POSmON: Support 04/19/95 NOV 14 1995 ITEM 13 13 of 41 -... ---~ CA AS 686 AUTHOR: Tucker TITLE: Tobacco: vending machines INTRODUCED: 02121/95 ENACTED: 10112/95 CHAPTER: 823 SUMMARY: Prohibits the sale or distribution of tobacco products from vending machines or other similar device except when located at least 15 feet away from the entrance, as defined, of premises issued an on-sale public premises license, as defined, to sell alcoholic beverages, commencing 1/1/96. Authorizes the Department of Health Services to assess civil penalties against any penon, firm, or corporation that sells or distributes tobacco products from a vending machine. STATUS: 10/12/95 Signed by GOVERNOR. POSmON: Support 06106195 CA AS 700 AUTHOR: Cunneen TITLE: Liability: public agencies and employees INTRODUCED: 02/21/95 ENACTED: 10/04/95 CHAPTER: 597 SUMMARY: Includes paragliding and mountain bicycling among activities exempted from liability of owners of real property. STATUS: 10104/95 Signed by GOVERNOR. POsmON: Support rB/05/95 CA AS 771 AUTHOR: Aguiar TITLE: Subdivisions: tentative maps: time extensions INTRODUCED: 02/22/95 LAST AMEND: 04/17/95 LOCATION: Senate Housing and Land Use Committee 14 of 41 NOV 1 4 1995 ITEM 13 -- SUMMARY: Revises the provisions of the Subdivision May Act relating to the duration and expiration of tentative maps; provides that a tentative map shall expire 60 months, instead of 24 months, after its approval or conditional approval, and that the filing of a final map would extend the expiration date an additional 36 for the filing of the first phased final map, and 24 months for the filing of the second phased final map, as specified; makes related provisions. STATUS: (17/03/95 In SENATE Committee on HOUSING AND LAND USE: Not heard. POSmON: Oppose 05/f:8/95 CA AB 915 AUTHOR: Cunneen TITLE: Taxation INTRODUCED: CJ2/22/95 LAST AMEND: 05/08/95 LOCATION: Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee SUMMARY: Provides that, for purposes of the California Constitution limitation of ad valorem taxes on real property, the term "new construction" does not include property that is used, constructed, acquired, or installed to meet or exceed environmental regulations, as provided. STATUS: 05/17/95 In ASSEMBLY Committee on REVENUE AND TAXATION: Held without recommendation. POSmON: Oppose 05/09/95 CA AB 1392 AUTHOR: Conroy TITLE: Public works INTRODUCED: CJ2/24/95 LAST AMEND: 04/06195 LOCATION: Assembly Loca1 Government Committee SUMMARY: Specifies that where plans and specifications have been prepared for a public project to be put out for fonnal or infonnal bid, and the appropriate department subsequently elects to perform 15 of 41 HaV 14 1995 ITEM 13 - the work by day's labor, the department shall perform the work in strict accordance with the plans and specifications. STATUS: 04/06195 From ASSEMBLY Committee on LOCAL GOVERNMENT with author's amendments. Read second time and amended. Re-referred to Committee. POSmON: Oppose 05/02/95 CA AS 1436 AUTHOR: Burton TITLE: Health coverage: emergency services INTRODUCED: 02/24/95 LAST AMEND: 07/26/95 LOCATION: Senate Appropriations Committee SUMMARY: Requires every health care service plan issued, amended, or renewed OIl or after January 1, 1996, to contain a provision for first initial stabilizing medical services, as defined, pursuant to a fee schedule; requires every policy of disability insurance issued, amended, or renewed on or after January 1, 1996, that covers hospital, medical, or surgical benefits to contain a provision requiring reimbursement to be provided for initial stabilizing medical services. STATUS: W/06I95 In SENATE Committee on APPROPRIATIONS: Held under submission. POSmON: Support 04/19/95 CA AS 1544 AUTHOR: Hannigan TITLE: Property taxation INTRODUCED: 02/24/95 LOCATION: Assembly Inactive File SUMMARY: Defines penalties, for purposes of that distribution, to include penalties OIl all ad valorem taxes, special taxes, special assessments, and benefit assessments originally charged on the current secured roll, and penalties on any other ad valorem or specia1 taxes, special or benefit assessments, and other charges of any kind added to the current secured property tax roll by 16 of 41 NOV 14 1995 ITEM 13 . - - any agency, county, city, city and county, special district, school district. STATUS: 06108/95 In ASSEMBLY. To Inactive File. POSmON: Oppose 06113/95 CA AB 1715 AUTHOR: Goldsmith TITLE: Housing elements: self-certification INTRODUCED: 02/24/95 ENACTED: 10/04/95 CHAPTER: 589 SUMMARY: Authorizes local governments within the jurisdiction of the San Diego Association of Governments to submit a self-certification of compliance to the Department of Housing and Community Development after the legislative body holds a public hearing, as specified; makes these provisions inOperative on June 30, 2009, and would repea1 these provisions as of January 1, 2010. STATUS: 10104/95 Signed by GOVERNOR. POSmON: Support 04/19/95 CA AB 1731 AUTHOR: Goldsmith TITLE: Fire protection: emergency procedures INTRODUCED: 00/24/95 URGENCY ENACTED: 10108195 CHAPI'ER: 662 SUMMARY: Requires that, in the case of privately owned highrise structures, as defined, and office buildings 2 stories or more in height, the emergency procedure information sha1l be made available in a conspicuous aml of the structure, that is easily accessible to all persons entering the structure, rather than provide this information to persons entering the building, as specified. Sets forth specific criteria for the posting of emergency procedure information. - 17 of 41 tlOV 1 4 1995 ITEM 13 STATUS: 10108195 Signed by GOVERNOR. POSmON: Support 04/19/95 CA AB 1865 AUTHOR: Baldwin TITLE: Expenditure of public moneys: revisions INTRODUCED: 00./24/95 LOCATION: Assembly Loca1 Government Committee SUMMARY: Enacts procedures, as specified, to permit registered voters within the jurisdiction of a public agency to require the agency to scck voter approval at an election before expending public funds to bring legal action to challenge constitutional amendments or revisions previously approved at a statewide election, or attempt to prevent, by litigation, constitutional amendments or revisions from appearing on the statewide ballot. STATUS: 04/19/95 In ASSEMBLY Committee on LOCAL GOVERNMENT: Not heard. POSmON: Oppose 05/00./95 CA AB 1907 AUTHOR: Sher TITLE: Environmental quality INTRODUCED: 00./24/95 LOCATION: Assembly Natural Resources Committee SUMMARY: Deletes the requirement requiring that a contract by a public agency for the preparation of an environmental impact report or negative declaration be executed within 45 days from the date that the agency determines that the report or declaration is required, except under specified circumstances. STATUS: 05/08/95 In ASSEMBLY. 10int Rule 62(a) suspended. POSmON: Support 05/09/95 ... NOV 14 1995 ITEM 13 I 18 of 41 -- CA AS 1947 AUTHOR: Battin Tm.E: Hazardous materials: local regulation INTRODUCED: 02/24/95 LAST AMEND: 06101/95 LOCATION: Senate Toxics and Public Safety Management Committee SUMMARY: Requires every regulation relating to hazardous materials, as defined, that is adopted, amended, or repealed by a local liIency, to meet specified standards concerning necessity, authority, clarity, consistency, reference, and nonduplication, and requires a local agency proposing to adopt or amend such a rqulation to identify specified statutes or regulations which overlap or duplicate the proposed regulation; makes related provisions. STATUS: 06105/95 To SENATE Committee on TOXICS AND PUBLIC SAFETY MANAGEMENT. POSmON: Oppose 06106195 CA AS 1949 AUTHOR: Conroy TITLE: Works of improvement: retention proceeds INTRODUCED: 02124/95 LAST AMEND: 08121/95 LOCATION: Senate Judiciary Committee SUMMARY: Revises the limits on and the amounts of progress payments to be made on the amount of retention proceeds that may be withheld, in respect to contracts entered into on or after 1/1/96, that related to the construction of public works of improvement. STATUS: 08121/95 From SENATE Committee on JUDICIARY with author's amendments. Read second time and amended. Re-referred to Committee. POSmON: Oppose 08/01/95 - 19 of 41 NOV 1 4 1995 ITEM 13 CA AS 1952 AlITHOR: Baldwin TITLE: Crimes: minors INTRODUCED: 00/24/95 LAST AMEND: 04/06195 LOCATION: Assembly Public Safety Committee SUMMARY: Provides that a person who violates the prohibition against the possession of marijuana at school is subject to a fine of not more than $250, or commitment to a juvenile hall, ranch, camp, forestry camp, or secure juvenile home for a period of not more than 90 days, or both; makes the offense of unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor who is more than 3 years younger than the perpetrator a felony; makes other related provisions. STATUS: 04/18/95 In ASSEMBLY Committee on PUBLIC SAFETY: Failed passage. Reconsideration granted. POSmON: Support 10/17195 CA ACA 7 AlITHOR: Pringle TITLE: State-mandated local programs INTRODUCED: (J2/06195 LAST AMEND: 05/04/95 LOCATION: Assembly Local Government Committee SUMMARY: Provides that whenever the Legislature or any State agency mandates any new program, level of service, or increased cost on any local government, the State would be required to provide a subvention of funds to pay the local government for the cost. Modifies and adds to the existing constitutional exemptions. Adds to the Constitution the provisions that prescribe the membership of the Commission on State Mandates. STATUS: 05/17/95 In ASSEMBLY Committee on LOCAL GOVERNMENT: Not heard. POSmON: Support 04/05/95 CA ACA 8 AlITHOR: Goldsmith TITLE: Funding of Local Governments INTRODUCED: (J2/08/95 LAST AMEND: 08129/95 20 of 41 NOV 14 1995 ITEM 13 ,--- LOCATION: Assembly Elections, Reapportionment and Constitutional Amendments Committee SUMMARY: Requires the Legislature to fully fund for each fiscal year, solely from state or federal revenues, every mandate imposed directly or indirectly on any local government by any act of government, as defined. Provides that any unfunded mandate shall not be enforceable by any act of government. Permits the state to fully or partially fund the costs of a local government for specified mandates. STATUS: 08129/95 In ASSEMBLY. Read second time and amended. Re-referred to Committee on ELECTIONS, REAPPORTIONMENT & CONSITUTlONAL AMENDMENTS. POSmON: Support 04/05/95 CA ACA 13 AUTHOR: Johnson TITLE: Taxes and assessments: taxpayers' consent INTItODUCED: CY2123/95 LAST AMEND: 07/26/95 LOCATION: Assembly Local Government Committee SUMMARY: Would, among other things, classify taxes levied by a local government of special district as general or special taxes, and establish, in addition to the 2/3 voter approval requirement for special taxes, a majority voter approval requirement for new and certain existing general taxes. Specifies the permissible types of taxes, assessments, and fees that may be levied upon real I"uperty or upon a person incident to the ownership of real 1"U}dty . STATUS: 08123/95 In ASSEMBLY Committee on LOCAL GOVERNMENT: Not heard. POSmON: Oppose 05/('I}/95 ... 21 of 41 NOV 1 4 1995 ITEM 13 -. CA ACA 24 AUTIlOR: Baldwin TITLE: Actions to prevent constitutional amendments INTRODUCED: 00124/95 LOCATION: Assembly Local Government Committee SUMMARY: Amends the California Constitution to require the Legislature to enact procedures, as specified, to permit registered voters within the jurisdiction of a public agency to require the agency to seek: voter approval at an election before expending public funds to bring legal action to challenge constitutional amendments or revisions previously approved at a statewide eJection, or attempt to prevent, by litigation, amendments or revisions. STATUS: 04/19/95 In ASSEMBLY Committee on LOCAL GOVERNMENT: Not heard. POSmON: Oppose 05/02/95 CA SB 11 AUTIlOR: Ayala TITLE: State-mandated local programs INTRODUCED: 12/05/94 ENACTED: 10/16195 CHAPI'ER: 945 SUMMARY: Provides that all Commission on State Mandated meetings are open to the public and specifies that the Commission shall meet at least once a month and the time and place of meeting shall be set by resolution. Requires that the procedures for receiving claims ensure that a Statewide cost estimate be adopted within 18 months after receipt of a test claim or 6 months after an undisputed test claim. Requires a public hearing be set within 75 days for a test claim. STATUS: 10/16195 Signed by GOVERNOR. POSmON: Support 03/10/95 ... . 22 of 41 NaV 14 1995 ITEM 13 ... -- CA SB 27 AUIlIOR: Kopp TITLE: Loca1 government finances INTRODUCED: 12/08194 LAST AMEND: 04/06195 LOCATION: Senate Appropriations Committee SUMMARY: Deletes n:purchase agreements and reverse repurchase agreements from the list of investments in which the legislative body of a local agency may invest; requires local agencies to conform their investments to the changes, but permits them to hold prohibited instruments until their maturity dates; makes other rdated provisions. STATIJS: 04/17/95 In SENATE. Re-referred to Committee on APPROPRIATIONS. 04117/95 In SENATE Committee on APPROPRIATIONS: Held without recommendation. POSmON: Oppose 05/00./95 -- CA SB 28 AUIlIOR: Leslie TITLE: Wildlife: mountain lions INTRODUCED: 12108/94 ENACTED: 10112/95 CHAPTER: 779 SUMMARY: Authorizes the Legislature to amend or repeal provisions of the California Wildlife Protection Act of 1990 that regulate the taking, injury, possession, transporting, importing, or sale of the mountain lion by a majority vote of the membership of both houses of the Legislature. Authorizes the Department to remove or take any mountain lion that is perceived to be an imminent threat to public health orsafety. STATIJS: 10/12/95 Signed by GOVERNOR. POSmON: Oppose 07/18/95 23 of 41 NaV 14 1995 ITEM 13 CA SB 31 AUTHOR: Leslie TITLE: Civil1iability INTRODUCED: 12/09/94 LAST AMEND: 09/14/95 LOCATION: Senate Unfinished Business SUMMARY: Provides that in any action for damages based on negligence, the rules of contributory negligence in effect in California immediately prior to the adoption of comparative negligence sba1l apply in the event the plaintiff contributed to his or her injury by the commission of a felony or by driving under the influence of alcohol or a drug in the event that the injury would not have been suffered but for the plaintiffs commission thereof, or immediate flight therefrom, as specified. STATUS: 09/15/95 In ASSEMBLY. Read third time. Passed ASSEMBLY. ..*** To SENATE. POSmON: Support 08/15/95 CA SB 44 AUTHOR: Kopp TITLE: Local agencies: financial affairs INTRODUCED: 12/19/94 LAST AMEND: 04/06195 LOCATION: Senate Appropriations Committee SUMMARY: Limits the authorization to delegate authority to a one year period, renewable annually subject to review, in relation to exi~g law which authorizes the legislative body of a local agency to delegate its authority to invest or reinvest local agency funds, as specified; requires that any contract by a local agency with any party or parties for the performance of financial services, duties, or consultation, as specified, shall be awarded by competitive bidding. STATUS: 04/17/95 In SENATE Committee on APPROPRIATIONS: Held without recommendation. POSmON: Oppose 05/02/95 24 of 41 NOV 14 1995 ITEM 13 - - CA SB 51 AUTHOR: Haynes TITLE: Inverse condemnation INTRODUCED: 12/20/94 ENACI'ED: fJ7/22/95 CHAPI'ER: 181 SUMMARY: Revises the inverse condemnation proceeding provision to apply in any inverse condemnation proceeding and specify its applicability in any appellate proceeding in which the plaintiff prevails on any issue in that proceeding. STATUS: fJ7/22195 Signed by GOVERNOR. POSmON: Oppose 03/10/95 CA SB 96 AUTHOR: Greene TITLE: Bonds: public education facilities funding INTRODUCED: 01111195 URGENCY LAST AMEND: 09/13/95 LOCATION: Assembly Inactive File SUMMARY: Enacts the School Facilities Bond Act of 1996, which provides for the issuance of bonds in a specified amount, and the expenditure of revenues therefrom to provide aid to school districts in accordance with the Greene Act and related school facilities programs. Requires that any funds remaining from designated school construction bond measures enacted in prior years be transferred to the State School Building Lease-Purchase Fund. Makes related provisions. STATUS: 09/15/95 In ASSEMBLY. To Inactive File. POSmON: Support 06113/95 CA SB 117 AUTHOR: Lewis TITLE: Local agencies: treasurers' reports INTRODUCED: 01/18/95 LAST AMEND: 04/06195 LOCATION: Senate Appropriations Committee SUMMARY: Requires the treasurer of a local agency or chief fiscal officer 25 of 41 NOY 1 4 1995 ITEM 13 to render to the legislative body of the local agency a statement of investment policy. Requires the report to be made annually or upon introduction of a consequential alteration. Also requires the treasurer or chief fiscal officer to render a quarterly report containing detailed information on all securities, investments, and moneys of the local agency. STATUS: 04/17/95 In SENATE Committee on APPROPRIATIONS: Not heard. POSmON: Support 05/02/95 CA SB 149 AUTHOR: Iohannessen TITLE: Vehicle license fees: revenue allocation INTRODUCED: 01125/95 VETOED: 10114/95 LOCATION: Vetoed SUMMARY: Relates to the determination of the population of certain cities for purposes of distributing vehicle license fee revenues collected by the state; extends 3-year and 5-year limitations to 1o-year and 7-year limitations, respectively. but applies extended limitations only to the distribution of vehicle license fee revenues. STATUS: 10114/95 Vetoed by GOVERNOR. POSmON: Oppose OS/(1}/95 CA SB 150 AUTHOR: Iohannessen TITLE: Vehicle license fees: revenue allocation INTRODUCED: 01125/95 LOCATION: SENATE SUMMARY: Provides, for purposes of allocating revenues derived from taxes imposed under the Vehicle License Fee Law and Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax Law, that a "city and county" sha1l include a county that does not contain any incorporated city. 26 of 41 NaV 14 1995 ITEM 13 - - STATUS: 04/25/95 Returned to Secretary of Senate pursuant to Joint Rule 62(a). POSmON: Oppose 04/05/95 CA SB 176 AlITHOR: Alquist TITLE: Household hazardous waste: information INTRODUCED: 01/31/95 LAST AMEND: 05/00/95 LOCATION: Senate Toxies and Public Safety Management Committee SUMMARY: Specifies that the information on safer substitutes under a household hazardous substance information program be competent and reliable information, and prohibits any State or local agency from providing information on household hazardous substances or safer substitutes for products that contain hazardous substances, unless the information is competent and reliable. STATUS: 05/15/95 In SENATE Committee on TOXICS AND PUBLIC SAFEI'Y MANAGEMENT: Failed passage. Reconsideration granted. POSmON: Oppose 06106195 CA SB 178 AlITHOR: Beverly TITLE: IndUstrial development INTRODUCED: 01/31/95 URGENCY ENACTED: 05/10/95 CHAPTER: 4 SUMMARY: Changes the authorization termination date from January 1, 1995 to January 1, 1999 in provisions that specify that industrial development authorities may not undertake industrial development projects through the issuance of bonds on or after January 1, 1995, thereby reviving their authority to do so. STATUS: 05/10/95 Signed by GOVERNOR. POSmON: Support 03/10/95 27 of 41 tlOV 14 1995 ITEM 13 -_. CA SB 238 AUTIiOR: Haynes TITLE: Deferred compensation plans: notices to employees INTRODUCED: 00./07/95 LAST AMEND: 05/01/95 LOCATION: Assembly Labor and Employment Committee SUMMARY: Requires any public or private employer that offers its employees a deferred compensation plan to provide, prior to an employees enrollment in the plan, written notice of the reasonably foreseeable financial risks accompanying participation in the plan and historical information as to the performance of the investments or funds available under the plan. STATUS: 07/12/95 In ASSEMBLY Committee on LABOR AND EMPLOYMENT: Not heard. POSmON: OppOse 05/00/95 CA SB 561 AUTIiOR: Mountjoy TITLE: Prisoners: notice of release INTRODUCED: 02/21/95 ENACTED: 10/15/95 CHAPTER: 936 SUMMARY: Authorizes the sheriff or chief of police to notify any person designated by the sheriff or chief of police as an appropriate recipient of notice of the release of an inmate serving a term for the conviction of a violent felony. Provides that a law enforcement official 'authorized to provide notice, and the public agency or entity employing the law enforcement official, shall not be liable for providing or failing to provide notice. STATUS: 10115/95 Signed by GOVERNOR. POSmON: Support 08/01/95 CA SB 564 AUTIiOR: Johnston TITLE: Loca1 agency treasurers INTRODUCED: 02/21/95 ENACTED: 10/12/95 CHAPTER: 783 28 of 41 NOV 14 1995 ITEM 13 SUMMARY: Requires the Treasurer to make a monthly report on investments in the Pooled Money Investment Account, as specified; requires the Tmasurer to annually prepare and submit to the Pooled Money Investment Board a written statement of investment policy and a quarterly report on investments in the Pooled Money Investment Account, as specified. STATUS: 10112l9S Signed by GOVERNOR. POsmON: Support 05/02/95 CA SB 602 AUTIlOR: Wright TITLE: Local use tax: leased vehicles INTRODUCED: 02/22/95 ENACTED: 10/08/95 CHAPI'ER.: 676 SUMMARY: Provides that, with respect to the lease of a motor vehicle, if the lessor is a new motor vehicle dealer, as defined, the place of UJC for reporting and transmitting any use tax shall be deemed to be the city, city and county. or county in which the lessor's place of business is located, and if the lessor is not one of thole specified persons, but purchases the vehicle from a dealer, the place of use shall be deemed as specified. STATUS: 10108195 Signed by GOVERNOR. POSmON: Support 04/05/95 CA SB 610 AUTIlOR: Leonard TITLE: Consumer contracts: cable television INTRODUCED: 02/22/95 LAST AMEND: 05/CYJ/95 LOCATION: Senate Energy, Utilities and Communications Committee SUMMARY: Prohibits fees for de1iDquent payments pursuant to contracts for the sale or lease of cable television services entered into on or after January 1, 1996, unless specified requirements are met. NOV 1 4 1995 ITEM 13 . 29 of 41 STATUS: 05/15/95 In SENATE. Re-referred to Committee on ENERGY, UTILITIES AND COMMUNICATIONS. 05/15/95 In SENATE. Joint Rule 62(a) suspended. POSmON: Oppose 05/W/95 CA SB 621 AUTHOR: Peace TITLE: Public utilities: telegraph and telephone lines INTRODUCED: 02/22/95 ENACTED: 10/16/95 CHAPTER: 968 SUMMARY: Express the intent of the legislature that municipalities shall have the right to services reasonable control as to the time, place, and manner in which roads, highways, and waterways are accessed . STATUS: 10/16/95 Signed by GOVERNOR. POSmON: Oppose 05/15/95 CA SB 623 AUTHOR: Peace TITLE: Crimes: Theft of Cable TV Signals INTRODUCED: 02/22/95 LAST AMEND: 08130/95 LOCATION: Senate Unfinished Business SUMMARY: Repeals and recasts provisions relating to theft of cable TV signals, to eliminate wilfulness as an element of the offenses and to prescribe different penalties for certain offenses. Requires punishment by imprisonment in a county jail not to exceed one year, or in a state prison for 2; 3, or 5 years, and by a fine not to exceed $250,000, if the violation involves the manufacture, assembly, modification or possession of an unspecified number of items. 30 of 41 NOV 14 1995 ITEM 13 -- - STATUS: CYJ/(Y7/95 In ASSEMBLY. Read third time. Passed ASSEMBLY ***** To SENATE. POSmON: Support 04/19/95 CA SB 646 AUTHOR: Kelley TITLE: Alcoholic beverages: licenses INTRODUCED: fJ2/22/95 ENACTED: 10/12/95 CHAPTER: 834 SUMMARY: Provides that a retail off-sale beer and wine replacement license shall be issued for a specified fee when (1) the replacement license is only for use at a premises licensed within the past 12 months and (2) the prior licensee abandoned the premises or the original license is subject to a bankruptcy ~;"I, as specified; places certain limitations on a replacement license. STATUS: 10/12195 Signed by GOVERNOR. POSmON: Oppose 08/01195 CA SB 647 AUTHOR: Kelley TITLE: Local agency fees INTRODUCED: fJ2/22/95 ENACTED: 10/05/95 CHAPTER: 657 SUMMARY: Provides that the legislative body of a local agency sha1l not delegate the authority to adopt a new fee or service charge or to increase a fee or service charge. STATUS: 10/05/95 Signed by GOVERNOR. POSmON: Oppose 07/11195 31 of 41 NOV 14 1995 ITEM 13 CA SB 652 AUTHOR: O'Connell 1TI'LE: Property tax revenue allocation INTRODUCED: OOJ22/95 URGENCY LAST AMEND: 05/30/95 LOCATION: Assembly Appropriations Committee SUMMARY: Modifies specified property tax revenue reduction and transfer provisions by requiring the auditor for the County of San Luis Obispo, <:ommencing with the 1995-1996 fiscal year, to (1) allocate to the county a specified amount of property tax revenue, otherwise to be allocated to that county's ERAF, and (2) allocate a corresponding amount to that county's ERAF from those revenues, derived from the taxation of state assessed property . STATUS: rEJ/06I95 In ASSEMBLY Committee on APPROPRIATIONS: Held under submission. POSmON: Oppose 05/16/95 CA SB 657 AUTHOR: Maddy 1TI'LE: Property taxation INTRODUCED: CY2/22/95 ENACTED: 10/CY2/95 CHAPTER: 498 SUMMARY: Requires specified notice to assessee of property to also notify the assestee of his or her right to an informal review of the supplemental assessment, as specified; makes related provisions regarding property taxation. STATUS: 10/CY2/95 Signed by GOVERNOR. Position: Oppose 05/rEJ/95 CA SB 805 AUTHOR: Monteith 1TI'LE: State-Mandated Loca1 Programs INTRODUCED: CY2/23/95 LAST AMEND: 06115/95 LOCATION: Assembly Loca1 Government Committee 32 of 41 ITEM 13 . )lOV 14 1995 - SUMMARY: Provides that an affected local agency would not be required to comply with a state-llWldated local program enacted on or after January 1, 1975 if an appropriation to fully fund a test claim for that program is not enacted within 16 months after both approval of the claim and adoption of a statewide cost estimate of the approved claim by the commission on State Mandates. STATUS: 06115/95 From ASSEMBLY Committee on LOCAL GOVERNMENT with author's amendments. Read second time and amended. Re-referred to Committee. POSmON: Support 04/05/95 CA SB 850 AUTHOR: Hayden TITLE: Land Use: Development Permits: Hazardous Areas INTRODUCED: 00./23/95 LOCATION: Senate Judiciary Committee SUMMARY: - Provides, notwithstanding a specified provision of the Tort Claims Act, that a city, county or city and county that knowingly issues a development permit within a hazardous area, defined to include a special flood hazard area, a very high fire hazard IeVcrity zone; an earthquake fault zone, and other areas as specified, is liable for hazard-related injuries, as defined. STATUS: 05/~/95 In SENATE Committee on JUDICIARY: Heard, remains in Committee. POSmON: Oppose 04/05/95 CA SB 861 AUTHOR: Craven TITLE: Local agency formation commissions INTRODUCED: 02/23/95 ENACTED: 10104/95 CHAPTER: 562 SUMMARY: Permits a loca1 agency commission to destroy a dup1icate record if an electronic copy is retained in the files of the commission, as specified. 33 of 41 HOV 14 1995 ITEM 13 STATIJS: 10104/95 Signed by GOVERNOR. POSmON: Support 05/02/95 CA SB 864 AUI'HOR: Craven TITLE: County government: treasury oversight INTRODUCED: 02/23/95 LAST AMEND: 04/27/95 LOCATION: Assembly Local Government Committee SUMMARY: Requires the board of supervisors in each county to establish in each couaty or city and county that is investing surplus funds to establish a county treasury oversight committee with specified membership who meet certain qualifications; requires the county treasurer, in any county that establishes the committee, to annually prepare an investment policy with prescribed contents that would be reviewed and monitored by the committee; makes related provisions. STATIJS: 07/06195 To ASSEMBLY Committee on LOCAL GOVERNMENT. POSmON: Support 05/02/95 CA SB 866 AUI'HOR: Craven TITLE: Local government INTRODUCED: 02123/95 ENACTED: 10112/95 CHAPTER: 784 SUMMARY: Requirea that the board of supervisors in each county or city and county that is investing surplus funds to establish a county treasury oversight committee with specified membership who meet certain qualifications; makes other related provisions; specifies that the proceeds of sales or funds set aside for the repayment of any notes issued in specified circumstances shall not be invested for a term of the notes. STATIJS: 10112/95 Signed by GOVERNOR. POSmON: Support 05/02/95 34 of 41 NOV 1 4 1995 ITEM 13 -- CA SB 867 AUTHOR: Craven TITLE: Local Agency Investments INTRODUCED: W23/95 LAST AMEND: 04/06195 LOCATION: Senate Appropriations Committee SUMMARY: Revises terms under which a local agency may invest its funds in repurchase agreements or reverse repurchase agreements including a condition that the term of the agreement not exceed one year, and the market value of securities purchased under a repurchase agreement would be required to be at 102 percent or greater of the dollars invested to be adjusted quarterly. STATUS: 04/17/95 In SENATE Committee on APPROPRIATIONS: Held without recommendation. POSmON: Support 05/02/95 CA SB 868 AUTHOR: Craven TITLE: Local Agency Investments INTRODUCED: W23/95 LAST AMEND: 03127/95 LOCATION: Senate Appropriations Committee SUMMARY: Provides, with respect to local agency investments and deposits, that 110 money shall be invested in any security that could result in zero intecest accrual periods. STATUS: 04/17/95 In SENATE Committee on APPROPRIATIONS: Held without recommendation. POSmON: Support 05/02/95 CA SB 903 AUTHOR: Leslie TITLE: Adult entertainment: WIling regulation: El Dorado INTRODUCED: 02123/95 URGENCY ENACTED: 08110/95 CHAPrER: 436 SUMMARY: Ddetrs provisions relating to the specific authorization in 35 of 41 NOV 14 1995 ITEM 13 existing law to regulate the operation of sexually oriented busine$ses, as defined. Makes other related provisions. STATUS: 08110195 Signed by GOVERNOR. POSmON: Support 07/11195 CA SB 936 AUTHOR: Campbell TITLE: Housing: regional housing needs INTRODUCED: CY2/23/95 VETOED: 10/14/95 LOCATION: Vetoed SUMMARY: AutbOOzes a locality to identify up to 50% of its site identification requirements from sites converted from nonaffordable to affordable housing due to committed assistance from the local government, sites in need of substantial rehabilitation, as specified, and sites providing housing for certain households; recasts and revises the law relating to the allocation of regional housing needs. Makes other related provisions. STATUS: 10/14195 Vetoed by GOVERNOR. POSmON: Support OS/fY}/95 CA SB 1066 AUTHOR: Campbell TITLE: Development: fees: school facilities INTRODUCED: 02/24/95 LAST AMEND: fY}/14/95 LOCATION: ASSEMBLY SUMMARY: Makes legislative findings and declarations related to the Legislature's intent to promote growth of low-income residential development, as defined, to statutorily reverse specified decisional law , and to limit the amount of fees and other charges imposed in connection with the construction or roconstruction of school facilities with respect to low-income raidential development; makes related provisions. NOV 14 1995 ITEM 13 36 of 41 - ... STATUS: 09/15/95 In ASSEMBLY. Reconsideration granted. Read third time. Failed to pass ASSEMBLY. POSmON: Oppose 06113/95 CA SB 1073 AUI'HOR: Costa 1TILE: Housing elements: preparation and review INTRODUCED: 00/24/95 LAST AMEND: OS/26195 LOCATION: Assembly Loca1 Government Committee SUMMARY: ~~~" and revises the law 1dated to housing elements, by amending or repealing specified provisions of housing element law; adds a procedure by which local government may submit to the Depanment of Housing and Community Development a self -<ertification of compliance, along with its adopted housing element, under specified circumstances; makes related provisions. STATUS: 06115/95 To ASSEMBLY Committees on LOCAL GOVERNMENT and HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT. POSmON: Oppose 05/02/95 CA SB 1122 AUI'HOR: Mountjoy 1TILE: Small businesses: environmental regulations INTRODUCED: 02/24/95 LAST AMEND: 03/30195 LOCATION: Senate Natural Resources and Wildlife Committee SUMMARY: Provides that no requirement may be adopted by any public entity unless it complies with specified requirements; applies to regulations, ordinances, and rules adopted or enforced by a public entity for the purpose of alleviating, mitigating, limiting, or eliminating any environmental or hazardous substance impact of a small business. STATUS: 04/20/95 In SENATE. Joint Rule 61 (a)(2) mspended. - POSmON: Oppose 04/19/95 37 of 41 NQV 14 1995 ITEM 13 CA SB 1167 AUTHOR: Craven TITLE: Local Government finance: Property tax revenue INTRODUCED: W22/95 URGENCY LAST AMEND: 04/17/9S L<X:ATION: Senate Appropriations Committee SUMMARY: Modifies specified property tax revenue reduction and transfer provisions by requiring each county auditor, commencing with pcoperty tax revenue allocations for the 1995-96 fiscal year, to a1Joca~ the "shift growth amount," as defined, of the county, and each city and special district, to that 10caI acency, rather than to the county's ERAF; makes re1ated provisions. STAroS: OS/25/95 In SENATE Committee on APPROPRIATIONS: Held under submission. POSmON: Support 05/fYJ/9S CA SB 1225 AUTHOR: JoIwmessen TITLE: Infrastructure financing INTRODUCED: W24/9S LAST AMEND: 04/17/9S L<X:ATION: Senate GOvernmental Organization Committee SUMMARY: Authorizes state and 10caI governmental acencies to enter into 1UI agreement with a private entity for the design, construction, or reconstruction by, and lease to, that entity of a revenue generating infrastructure project. STAroS: 04/18/9S In SENATE Committee on GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATION: Not heard. POSmON: Support 05/00/9S CA SB 1266 AUTHOR: Kopp TITLE: Redevelopment: eminent domain INTRODUCED: 02/24/9S LAST AMEND: OS/3119S L<X:ATION: Senate Judiciary Committee SUMMARY: Requires that if, 3 years from the date of a redeYelopment 38 of 41 NOV 14 1995 ITEM 13 lIency's acquisition of real plope..1y under threat of eminent domain ~ings, the lIency has not put the property to use, as defined, to implement the redevelopment plan and the purpose for which the property was taken, the prior owner from whom the agency purchased the property shal1 have 60 days to exercise a conditional right to repurchase the p.upe..1y for the price paid, as specified; makes re1ated provisions. STATIJS: 0610619S In SENATE Committee on JUDICIARY: Heard, remains in Committee. POSmON: Oppose 04/05/95 CA AB 31 b AUTHOR: Sweeney TITLE: Income taxes: loca1 fiscal restoration INTRODUCED: 05/04/95 URGENCY LOcATION: Assembly Third Reading File SUMMARY: Extends the application of the highest marginal income tax rates to tuable years commencing on or after January 1, 1996. Requites the additional revenue collected for the immediate p'~il1& tuable year, as a result of this bill's extension of the 2 hi&"- personal income tax marginal rates, to be depo-ited ill the Local ~y Fiscal Restoration Account, which is cn:IIled by this bill in the General Fund. STATIJS: 06128/95 In ASSEMBLY. Rules suspended. Read second time. To third reading. To third reading. POSmON: Support 06106195 CA AB 49 b AUTHOR: Granlund TITLE: Local government: local agency commissions INTRODUCED: fJ7/26195 LOCATION: ASSEMBLY SUMMARY: Requites a local agency formation commission to also report to the county board of supervisors the actual expenditures made and revenues received for the prior fiscal year and an estimate of the es.penditures made and the revenues received for the current tucal year. 39 of 41 1l0V 14 1995 ITEII 13 . . ______n______.._ - ---- ------- STATUS: rJ7/26195 INTRODUCED. POSmON: Oppose 09/05/95 CA SB 14 b AUTHOR: Kopp TITLE: Local government: finances INTRODUCED: 03/21/95 LAST AMEND: 04/27/95 LOCATION: ASSEMBLY SUMMARY: Provides that repurchase agreements and reverse repurchase agreements shall not constitute more than 1O'JIi each, resp<<uvdy, of a funds portfolio, and specifies conditions on the purchase of these types of investments, and deletes the legislative approval exception to the prohibition against investments that mature in over 5 years; makes related provisions. STATUS: 05/01/95 In SENATE. Read second time. To third reading. Read third time. Passed SENATE. ....*To ASSEMBLY. POSmON: Oppose 05/(12/95 CA SB 13 b AUTHOR: Kopp TITLE: Local agencies: financial affairs INTRODUCED: 03/21/95 LAST AMEND: 04/19/95 LOCATION: ASSEMBLY SUMMARY: limits the authority of the legislative body of a local agency to delqate its authority to invest or reinvest local agency funds or to sell or exchange securities purchased to the treasurer of the local agency. Requires that any contract by a locallliency with any party or parties for the pecformance of financial services, duties, or consultation, including, but not limited to, the services of bond counsel and investment bond underwriters shall be awarded by bidding. 40 of 41 NDV 14 1995 ITEM 13 STATUS: 05/01195 In SENATE. Read third time. Passed SENATE. ....*To ASSEMBLY. POSmON: Oppose 05/02/95 CASB1a AUTHOR: O'Connell TITLE: Disaster relief INTRODUCED: 01123/95 URGENCY ENACTED: 06115/95 CHAPTER: 2 SUMMARY: Adds to those occurrences for which the State share may be 100% of the total State eligibility costs for disaster relief, the . storms that occurred in California commencing with dates IpCCified federal-state agreements for disaster relief when the Federal Emergency Management Administration has approved the federal share of costs; makes related provisions. STATUS: 06115/95 Signed by GOVERNOR. POSmON: Support 05/fYJ/95 - 41 of 41 NOV 14 1995 ITEM 13 . 11: --,...