Item 13.1 - Approval of Plan to Complete Weingart Center Expansion - 'i:PORT SUMMARY AGENDA DiSlR'~UTED TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council - Honorable Chairman and Members of the Redevelopment Agency FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Man~ Executive Director (.t INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manageftr Mark S. Weston, Director of Engineering service~~ J. Bradley Kutzner, Senior Civil Engineer~ DATE: November 14, 1995 SUBJECT: Approval of the Plan to Complete the Weingart Center Expansion Project and Award a Contract to Randazzo Construction Co. (#5524) ABSTRACT: This proposal would approve the plan to complete the Weingart Center Expansion project and award a contract to Randazzo Construction Co. FISCAL IMPACT Additional funds totalling $25,000.00 are needed as a result of changes discovered by the bonding company or resulting from extension of the project time. In addition to the $261,155.00 previously appropriated by the Agency for this project, the Poway Valley Senior Citizens Corp. has acquired grants for $44,500.00 from the Weingart Foundation, $11,000.00 from the Rotary Club, and has pledged $49,703.87 from their own Building Fund to support the cost of this project. These funds total $102,871.00. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW No additional environmental review is necessary. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Randazzo Construction Co., Washington International Insurance Company, Ted Equals at Thomas Howell Group (USA) Inc., International Adjustors. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council and Redevelopment Agency approve the plan to complete the Weingart Center Expansion Project and award a contract to Randazzo Construction Co., both subject to approval by the City Attorney. Further, it is recommended that the Redevelopment Agency appropriate $25,000.00 for additional inspection and construction change orders necessary to comDlete the project. ACTION .. NOV 14 1995 ITEM 13. 1 1 of 52 . AGENDA REPORT - CITY OF POW A Y This report is included on the Consent Calendar. There will be no separate discussion of the report prior to approval by the City Council unless members of the Council, staff or public reque~t it to be removed fr~":l t~e ~onsent Calendar and discussed separately. If you wish to have this report pulled for diSCUSSion, please fill out a slip IndIcating the report number _ and give it to the City Clerk prior to the beginning of the City Council meeting. TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Honorable Chairman and Members of the Redevelopment Agency FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Manager/Executive Dir~ INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manage~)~ ~ Mark S. Weston, Director of Engineering Service~ J. Bradley Kutzner, Senior Civil Engineer~ DATE: November 14, 1995 SUBJECT: Approval of the Plan to Complete the Weingart Center Expansion Project and Award a Contract to Randazzo Construction Co. (#5524) BACKGROUND On April 4, 1995 the Redevelopment Agency awarded a contract to G. F. Bledsoe Construction, Inc. for $285,596.00 to construct the Weingart Center Expansion project. (See Attachment 1.) The contract was secured by both payment and performance bonds underwritten by Washington International Insurance Company (WIIC) from Schaumburg, Illinois. During the construction, progress on the project began to fall behind schedule and subcontractors complained about lack of payment. Staff continued to work with the contractor to resolve problems on the job site to assure completion. The contract period of 90 working days was scheduled to expire on October 3, 1995. By September 30, 1995 the contract was 53% complete. Based on the amount of retainage held by the City totalling $15,807.06, and the balance of the contract yet to be earned, staff processed Progress Payment Number 4. With this payment, the contractor had received payments totalling $142,263.53 out of the total contract with approved Change Orders of $297,77B.32. The fourth payment of $41,827.11 was released to the contractor on Friday, September 29, 1995. On Monday October 2, 1995, he did not arrive at the work site. The Superintendent went to his home/office in Ramona, CA and discovered the home/office was abandoned. The City was advised on the same day that the contractor had cleaned out his office and no one could locate him. ACTION: 2 of 52 NOV 14 1995 ITEM 13. 1 - .- Agenda Report -Approval of the Plan to Complete the Weingart Center Expansion Project and Award a Contract to Randazzo Construction Co. (#5524) November 14, 1995 Page 2 The City staff immediately contacted the bonding company, Washington International Insurance company, advising them that the contractor had abandoned the project and was in default of the contract. (See Attachment 2.) The City staff contacted the City's bank (Union Bank) to place a Stop Payment on the check of $41,827.11 released to G. F. Bledsoe Construction, Inc. on the previous Friday. Our bank had not received a claim on the check, so a Stop Payment was issued. A few days later the City's bank received a claim from Great Western Bank to honor the check where G. F. Bledsoe Construction, Inc. cashed the check on Saturday, September 30, 1995. The City, Union Bank, and Great Western Bank are currently discussing the fate of the Stop Payment and the appropriate transfer of funds. The bonding company (WIIC) responded to the defaulted contract quickly by assigning an adjuster to resolve both payment and performance claims under the bond. WIIC representatives first determined the magnitude of all the claims by subcontractors and suppliers. Secondly, they began preparing a bid package to obtain a replacement contractor. The effort by WIIC to pay all claims and find a substitute contractor has been excellent in light of the void of information created by the defaulted contractor who took all associated records of the project. To date, the bonding company (WIIC) has paid all claims to subcontractors and suppliers (except required retention) totalling nearly $146,000.00. A 11 Stop Notices previously received by the City are now released by all subcontractors and suppliers. (See Attachment 3.) With the help of City staff, WIIC has identified the work completed to date and the remaining work to be completed. WIIC has received bids to complete the project and will pay for all cost overruns within the scope of the originally bid project. In addition, WIIC has separated the roof subcontract from the rebid in an attempt to expedite roofing the new structure. At this point, the delay in the roof is a result of the subcontractor and not WIIC. Of course, WIIC is fully aware that they are responsible under the bond for damages to the project resulting from the incomplete roof. To reduce the possibility of damage, WIIC had a temporary cover installed to protect the buil di ng. Roofing was underway Monday, November 13, 1995. WIIC has proposed a plan to complete the project as quickly and efficiently as possible. The elements of the plan are as follows: 1. WIIC will clear all Stop Notices and provide the City the original releases. (This task has been completed.) Any claims yet undiscovered by the City will be honored by WIIC. 2. WIIC will prepare a bid package to complete the project; receive and evaluate the bids; and recommend a contractor to which the City or Redevelopment Agency will award a contract to replace G. F. Bledsoe Construction, Inc. (This task has been completed. See Attachment 4.) NOV 14 1995 ITEM 13. 1 3 of 52 ._-,._--_.._~---_. Agenda Report -Approval of the Plan to Complete the Weingart Center Expansion Project and Award a Contract to Randazzo Construction Co. (#5524) November 14,1995 Page 3 3. The City staff, representatives of WIIC, and the replacement contractor will complete an inspection to determine and agree on all aspects of incomplete work. 4. WIIC will be responsible for all cost overruns due the replacement contractor under the Scope of Work contracted to G. F. Bledsoe Construction, Inc. (See Attachment 5.) 5. The City will be responsible for changes in the Scope of Work as allowed in the contract documents. Changes in the work have been discovered by WIIC which were not requested by Bledsoe but are needed to complete the project. 6. WIIC will waive claim to monies released by the City to Bledsoe which should have been held pending receipt of Stop Notice Releases. If the City's Stop Payment on the check released to Bledsoe results in the City recovering these funds, the first $10,000.00 will be returned to the City. All additional funds recovered will be due and payable to WIIC. 7. The City and Redevelopment Agency will waive liquidated damages under the Bledsoe contract. 8. WIIC will continue to bond all work completed under the Bledsoe contract. 9. The replacement contractor will provide bonds to cover all work completed under the new contract. 10. The replacement contractor will be required to expedite the completion of the Bingo Hall within 20 working days of award or be subject to liquidated damages of $500.00 per day. Further, the replacement contractor will be required to complete all the work in 60 working days or be subject to liquidated damages of $200.00 per day. 11. WIIC will cause to complete the new roof. WIIC will be responsible for water damages resulting from the uncompleted roof. 12. This settlement proposal will be formalized in a form and manner acceptable to the City Attorney. FINDINGS The contractor G. F. Bledsoe Construction, Inc. has defaulted on the contract for the Weingart Senior Center Expansion Project. The Bonding Company, Washington International Insurance Company, has responded by paying all Stop Notice claims by subcontractors and suppliers. In addition, WIIC has prepared a bid package, received bids, and has recommended a replacement contractor to complete the project. Further, WIIC has proposed a plan which will complete the project most expediently. WIIC has submitted a proposal from Randazzo Construction Co. for the replacement contractor. This contractor bid on the project originally, knows the Scope of Work, is positioned to begin immediately, and is prepared to meet all the terms of the contract. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW No additional environmental review is necessary. NOV 14 1995 ITEM 13. 1 4 of 52 - Agenda Report -Approval of the Plan to Complete the Weingart Center Expansion Project and Award a Contract to Randazzo Construction Co. (#5524) November 14,1995 Page 4 FISCAL IMPACT Additional funds totalling $25,000.00 are needed as a result of changes discovered by the bonding company or resulting from extension of the project time. In addition to the $261,155.00 previously appropriated by the Agency for this project, the Poway Valley Senior Citizens Corp. has acquired grants for $44,500.00 from the Weingart Foundation, $11,000.00 from the Rotary Club, and has pledged $49,703.87 from their own Building Fund to support the cost of this project. These funds total $102,871.00. Staff is recommending appropriating $25,000.00 to complete the project. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Randazzo Construction Co., Washington International Insurance Company, Ted Equals at Thomas Howell Group (USA) Inc., International Adjustors. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council and Redevelopment Agency approve the - plan to complete the Weingart Center Expansion Project and award a contract to Randazzo Construction Co., both subject to approval by the City Attorney. Further, it is recommended that the Redevelopment Agency appropriate $25,000.00 for additional inspection and construction change orders necessary to complete the project. ATTACHMENT #1 Council Report Dated April 4, 1995: Award of Bid ATTACHMENT #2 Letter to Bonding Company from J. Bradley Kutzner ATTACHMENT #3 Summary of Releases of Stop Notices ATTACHMENT #4 Randazzo Proposal ATTACHMENT #5 Summary of Costs LIMITED DISTRIBUTION JDF/MSW/JBK:mhl e:\city\agenda\1114wei.cfp NOV 14 1995 ITEM 13. 1 5 of 52 ".---.---. AGENDA D"'PORT SUMMARY TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Honorable Chairman and Members of the Redevelopment Agency FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Mana~ Executive Director INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City ManagergfJt ~ Mark S. Weston, Director of Engineering Services, J. Bradley Kutzner, Senior Civil Engineerc1~~ ' DATE: April 4, 1995 SUBJECT: Award of Bid for The Weingart Center Expansion (#5524) ABSTRACT: This proposal would award the Weingart Center Expansion to G. F. Bledsoe Construction, Inc. in the amount of $285,596.00. The contract time for the project is 90 working days. FISCAL IMPACT There are sufficient funds to complete the project. The Agency is providing $261,155.00 with additional funds acquired by the Poway Valley Senior Citizen Corp. totaling SI02,871.00. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW An environmental review of the project was previously conducted. The review determined that the project was exempt from CEQA and a notice has been filed with the County Cl erk. No additional environmental review is necessary. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Randazzo Construction, Grahovac Construction Co., Famania Construction, Inc., Hernandez Const. Corp., G.F. Bledsoe Construction, Inc., Lippitt Corp., The Augustine Co., J. Carey Const. Co. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Redevelopment Agency award the Weingart Center Expansion contract to G. F. Bledsoe Construction, Inc. in the amount of S285,596.00, which includes all three additive bid alternates. It is further recommended that the Agency appropriate the additional sum of $102,871.00 for the project from outside funding sources. The new total appropriation will be $364,026.00. ACTION Approved staff recommendation, 4-0. Councilmember Emery absent. Including use of subcontractors. VJ1tM1'P ~ /~ Marie Lofton, eputy City Clerk 6 of 52 Attachment'" 1 APR 4 1995 IWHM1 ~311 NOV 14 1995 . , AGENDA REPORT ~ CITY OF POW A Y This report is included on the Consent Calendar. There will be no separete discussion of the report prior to approval by the City Council unless members of the Council. sUlff or public request it to be removed from the Consent Calendar and discussed separately. If you wish to have this report pulled for discussion. please fill out a slip indicZliting the report number and give it to the City Clerk prior to the beginning of the City Council meeting. TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Honorable Chairman and Members of the Redevelopment Agency FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Manager/Executive Director INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager Mark S. Weston, Director of Engineering Services~~ J. Bradley Kutzner, Senior Civil Engineer~ ' DATE: April 4, 1995 SUBJECf: Award of Bid for The Weingart Center Expansion (#5524) BACKGROUND On March 21, 1995 bids were opened for the Weingart Center Expansion project. The Engineer's Estimate was $360,000 to $390,000. The contract time for this project is 90 working days. While reviewing these bids, G.F. Bledsoe Construction was asked if they had listed all their subcontractors. Their response was that while completing the bid form (Attachment #1), they ran out of room on the form and were unable to list the rest of the subcontractors because of a clerical error made with the bid form. They have provided the complete list of subcontractors with a request that they be allowed to use all of them. This request is shown as Attachment #2. When a prime contractor, such as G.F. Bledsoe, fails to name a subcontractor for a portion of the work, then the prime contractor agrees that it is fully qualified to perform that portion of the work, and that it will perform that portion itself. G.F. Bledsoe has agreed that it is qualified to do the omitted portions of the work and will perform those portions itself, if the City Council does not allow it to use the complete list of subcontractors. ACTION: ~ 7 of 52 ITEM 13. 1 NOV 14 1995 ..- Agenda Report - Award of Bid for the Weingart Center Expansion (#5524) April 4, 1995 Page 2 While the Prime Contractor may be able to perform the work himself, it is not the standard normally used by this or any of the other bidders, as shown in their bids. It is staff's opinion that an honest clerical error was made in this situation and that a better quality project will be received if the additional subcontractors are allowed. After discussions with the City Attorney's office, it was decided to provide the written notice normally required to listed subcontractors for the other bidders, prior to awarding the bid. This was done by mailing the notices shown in Attachment #3 on March 28, 1995. This decision was made on March 27, 1995, thereby causing the postponement of the Award of Bid. It is the discretion of the Redevelopment Agency Board to allow the additional subcontractors or not. FINDINGS The following eight (8) bids were received: Company Base Bid Additive Bid Alternates #1-3 1. G.F. Bledsoe Construction, Inc. $266,991. 00 $18,605.00 2. The Augustine Company $303,226.00 $20,833.00 3. Hernandez Construction $328,610.00 $23,783.00 4. Famania Construction Inc. $340,000.00 $30,688.00 5. Randazzo Construction $341,908.00 $23,783.00 6. John Carey Construction Co.,Inc. $344,000.00 $37,793.00 7. Grahovac Construction Co., Inc. $346,000.00 $23,573.00 8. Lippitt Corp. $389,500.00 $32,538.00 If the Agency determines that the list of subcontractors shown in Attachment #2 may be used, it should award the bid with this inclusion for the bid price listed. If the Agency determines that the appropriate award would be to use only the original list of subcontractors, it should award the bid on this basis for the bid price listed. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW An environmental review of the project was previously conducted. The review determined that the project was exempt from CEQA and a notice has been filed with the County Clerk. No additional environmental review is necessary. Nav 14 1995 ITEM 13. 1 8 of 52 .-- Agenda Report - Award of Bid for the Weingart Center Expansion (#5524) April 4, 1995 Page 3 FISCAL IMPACT There are sufficient funds available for the completion of the project. In addition to the S261,155.00 previously appropriated by the Agency for this project, the Poway Valley Senior Citizen Corp. has acquired grants for $44,500.00 from the Weingart Foundation, $11,000.00 from the Rotary Club, and has pledged S47,371.00 from their own Building Fund to support the cost of this project. These funds total SI02,871.00. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Randazzo Construction, Grahovac Construction Co., Famania Construction, Inc., Hernandez Const. Corp., G.F. Bledsoe Const. Inc., Lippitt Corp., The Augustine Co., J. Carey Const. Co. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Redevelopment Agency award the Weingart Center Expansion contract to G. F. Bledsoe Construction, Inc. in the amount of $285,596.00, which includes all three additive bid alternates. It if further recommended that the Agency appropriate the additional sum of $102,871.00 for the project from outside funding sources. The new total appropriation will be $364,026.00. ATTACHMENT #1 Bid Form ATTACHMENT #2 Letter Requesting Use of Additional Subcontractors ATTACHMENT #3 Notice to Low Bidders t10V 14 1995 ITEM 13. 1 9 of 52 j~ : j SECTION 9 i LIST OF SUBCONTRACTORS The Bidder is required to furnish the following information relative to the subcontractors and suppliers he proposes to use. I If all work is to be done without subcontractors, write "none" in the following space: .., i Name under which License No. and Type of WorK subcontractor is Cl assi fi cati on Subcontractor j Licensed Number Wi 11 Do - ..., I ,- ~ . ~ II j ... -5~bl . ~ I .- j SUPPLIERS: '~ Name of Suoolier Address & Teleohone No. Tvoe of Material 11 ~~'- U G(~ . LJ,(,o -(o,,~ G[~ u , -.-. ... . ". J (Use additional copies of this form as needed to show a7l subcontractors and supp 7i ers. ) . 28 I A TT ACHMENT -# 1 10 of 52 NOV 14 1995 ITEM 13. 1 -~-.-. v.1. Bledsoe eOH~.., IHC. Lie. 521010 GENERAL CONTRACTOR March 24, 1995 City of poway P.O. Box 789 Poway, Ca. 92074 Project: Weingart senior Center Attn: Project Manager Dear Sir, Si~ce we were the a?parant low bidder on the above project, we are submitting a total list of sub-contractors for your review. As for an explanation of why we did not include this total list at the time of bid opening, Kathy Bledsoe was given the specification book in its entirety to submit with our bid. She noticed there was only seven spaces to fill out for sub- contractors. We feel this was a clerical error on our part in the field, but we feel we made a good faith effort by completing the seven spaces. Our complete list of sub-contractors is as follows: I.Cement Cutting ....... Dem-o 231-1735 1845 Logan #335661 C-21 San Diego, Ca. 2. RB Industries Signa.ge 448-3930 9919 Prospect #582364 C-61 Santee, Ca. 3. Design Source West v Flooring 455-7228 5264 Eastgate Mall #618502 C-15 San Diego, Ca. 4. Alonso Painting ....... Painting 465-9170 1212 La Mesa Ave. Spring Valley, Ca. #658590 C-33 5.Banlcer Insulation V'" Insulation 738-6980 2337 Vineyard #552601 C-2 Escondido, Ca. 6.Pacific Coast Roofing ~ Roofing 292-7663 5050 Marlcet St. #226543 C-39 San Diego, Ca. ATTACHMENT +2 11 of 52 P.O. BOX 20001 . EL CAJON, CA 92021 . (619) 7~M5~1f1995 ITEM 13. v.1. Bledso( eOJt:,..~ lite. Lic. 521010 GENERAL CONTRACTOR 7. Golden State Tile l/" Tile 463-2869 P.O. Box 151739 #: 612686 C-54 San Diego, ca. 8. Vic Ross's Masonry Masonry 232-0323 3451 Pickwick St. #: 377475 San Diego, Ca. 9. Floyd l.,illis Dry,.all 624-9556 6549 Mission George #619939 San Diego, Ca. 10. Tri City Glass Glazing 460-6680 3661 Costa Bella St. #252033 C-17 11. Ehmcke Sheetmetal Sheetmetal 233-6484 404 14th. St. #605901 San Diego, Ca. 12. Expert Air HVAC 4479901 179 El Camino Pequeno #363643 El Cajon, Ca. 13. United Plumbing Plumbing 441-1991 457 Vernon Way #654767 C-36 14. Ecor? Electrical v Electrical 987-1660 1765 Garnet Ave #668145 C-10 San Diego, ca. 15. A-I Fire Protection Fire Sprinklers 578-8760 9630 Black Mtn. Rd. "DII #388358 C-16 San Diego, ca. 12 of 52 P.O. BOX 20001 . EL CAJON. CA 92021 . (619) 789-6616 13. 1 ~nv 14 1995 ITEM - - March 28, 1995 1- Subject: Award of Bid on March 28, 1995 Dear 2-: The Poway Redevelopment Agency will consider the Award of Bid for the Weingart Center Expansion at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, April 4, 1995. The low bidder, G.F. Bledsoe Construction, has requested a correction to the list of subcontractors he submitted with his bid. He states that due to a clerical error, his submitted list was limited to only one sheet, which could accommodate only seven subcontractors. It was his intention to list 15 subcontractors. He asserts that it will not change his bid regardless of the outcome of this request. As is required by State law, if the addition of the subcontractors he has requested is not allowed, he will proceed with the project for the original price. He will perform the work in the trades not originally listed with his own forces. The proposal being presented to the Redevelopment Agency will be to either: 1. Award the bid to G.F. Bledsoe Construction allowing the additional subcontractors requested in his letter dated March 24, 1995, for the price bid; or 2. Award the bid to G.F. Bledsoe Construction with the original list of subcontractors submitted with the bid, for the price bid. The City Attorney has reviewed this situation and concurs with this procedure. If you have any questions, please call Brad Kutzner at 619-679-4221. Sincerely, ENGINEERING SERVICES DEPARTMENT Mark S. Weston Director, Engineering Services MSW:mhl A LIST OF THOSE RECEIVING THIS LETTER FOLLOWS ATTACHMENT +3 NOV 14 1995 ITEM 13. 1 13 of 52 RANDAZZO CONSTRUCTION ~HOVAC CONSTRUCTION CO. AMANIA CONSTRUCTION, INC. 15530 Blue Crystal Trails 6156 Mission Gorge Rd, Ste 2701 Kausman Street Poway, CA 92064 L San Diego, CA 92139 Roger Randazzo San Diego, CA 92120-3424 Oscar Famania Gina Grahovac Franklin HERNANDEZ CONST. CORP G.F. BLEDSOE CONST. INC. LIPPITT CORP. 9295 Chesapeake Dr., Ste A 24720 Rio Verde Dr. 4863 Drakewood Terrace San Diego, CA 92123 Ramona, CA 92065 San Diego, CA 92130 Arthur Hernandez Gary Bledsoe James Lippitt THE AUGUSTINE CO. J. CAREY CONST. CO. 531 Encinitas Blvd,Ste 118 9484 Chesapeake Dr, Ste 804 Encinitas, CA 92024 San Diego, CA 92123 Robert Augustine Mary Benson Low bidder list receiving letter of March 28, 1995 NOV 14 1995 ITEM 13. 1 14 of 52 DON H:GCllNSOII, Ma,... C"TY OF POWA'T SUSAN CALU:!lY. Dql111Y ~ MICKEY CAFAGNA, f"'_,,,_'_a_"'a' :aoBE:aT EWEJtY. c-.-n--...... BE'ITY REXFOJ.D. ~''''-NrP CORRECTED COpy October 3, 1995 FAX NO. 708-519-4633 Washington International Insurance Co. 1930 Thoreau Drive, Suite 101 Schaumburg, IT. 60173 Subject: Bond No. S400 4517 to Poway Redevelopment Agency for Performance and Labor and Material on the Weingart Center Expansion by G. F. Bledsoe Construction, Ine.: DEFAULT NOTICE Attention: Randy Ney Under the aforementioned bonds, the Washington International Insurance Company is bound as Surety to complete the construction of the Weingart Center Expansion should the primary contractor, G.F. Bledsoe Construction, Ine., fail to do so. Based on the facts known to us at this time, we are declaring G. F. Bledsoe 'Construction in default of its contract. On October 2, 1995, we were notified by the superintendent for G. F. Bledsoe Construction, Ine. that the home/office of Gary F. and Kathy F. Bledsoe was recently vacated. Based on this fact and earlier comments from Mr. Bledsoe, we suspect that he may have abandoned the job with the Poway Redevelopment Agency mentioned above. Calls to his office and pager and transmissions to his fax machine, have gone unanswered. The contract called for completion of this project on October 3, 1995. However, a substantial amount of work remains to be done (approximately 50%) at this time. Several Stop Notices have been filed by subcontractors and suppliers amounting to approximately $40,000 of the nearly S3OO,OOO contract. Payments tot.l1inl7 $100.436.42 have been issued to G.F. Bledsoe Construction, Ine. for progress made to date. The building is ready to receive its roofing and stucco exterior, but this work has not been scheduled yet. We would like to see this done immediately to protect both the new work and the existing building. There is substantial potential for rain damage should we get an early storm. We look to you to indicate how you will follow through with your obligations under the aforementioned bonds. Please call me at your earliest convenience. My phone number is 619-679-4221 and my fax number is 619-679-7438. I look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, ENGINEERING SERVICES DEPARTMENT A.r:,..~K~ J. Bradley Kutzner Senior Civil Engineer ffiK:mhl Enclosures cc: Mark Weston Tamara Smith ... Ted Equals G. F. Bledsoe Construction, Inc. bond.gfb Attachment +2 ITEM 13. 1 NOV 14 1995 City Hall Located at 13325 Ovic Center Drive Mailing Address: P.O. Box 789, Poway, California 92074-0789 . (619) 748-6600, 695-1400 15 of 52 _n_______ ._ NOV-03-95 FRI 09:05 eNS FAX NO. 6H' 10276 P. 02/02 . - RELEASE OF STOP NOTICE To: City of poway Attn: Brad Kutzner POBox 789 Poway, CA 92064 You are hereby notified that the undersigned claimant releases that certain Stop Notice dated September 6, 1995, in the amount of $13,750.00 against City of Poway. POBox 789, Poway, CA 92064 as owner or public body and GF Bledsoe Construction, Inc., P 0 80x 20001, El Cajon, CA 92021 as prime contractor in connection with the work of improvement know as: Weingart Center Expansion, Co#- 012-94-95, Proj# 5524, 13094 Bowrun Rd., Poway, CA in the County of San Diego, State of California. Dated: Ij, 3"'?.5 Name of Claimant: Ecorp Electric 8y ~ /17 J/ JIlt?" J2J '& ~A~:./ 11//17- VERIFICATION I, the undersigned. say: I am the Authorized Agent of the claimant of the foregoing Release of Stop Notice; I have read said Release of Stop Notice and know the contents thereof: the same is true of my own knowledge. I declare under penalty of pedury that the foregoing is true and correct , Executed on /I-:S-~ . at . \Af1 P/:fti , California. 1/;}---- Attachment +3 MOV 14 1995 ITeM 13 . 1 16 of 52 COPYRIGHT 1:11.... CONSTRUCTION Nonc. SERVIC~. INC. (8001366-5660 J , - ~$".&\~\\~~\\\\\r -=quf./IIII&~\\\\\.~/A\~~~\\\\\\W///////a ~ ' ~ ~ =:::; '"'""' _. RELEASE OF STOP NOTICE TO: City of poway (ConslnJctlon lender. publiC bcMly, or party wnn whom Stop Notice was flied) 13325 Civic Center Dr., Poway, CA 92064 (AcIGress) You are hereby not~ied that the undersigned claimant releases that certain Stop Notice dated August 29. 1995 . 9 200 00 * * * * * * * * * * * * * City of poway In the amount of $ , . against as owner or public body and G.F. Bledsoe Construction, Inc. as prime contractor in connection with the work of improvement known as Weingart Senior Center 13094 Bowron Rd., Poway, CA 92064 In the City of poway , County of San Diego ,- State of Califomia. Date October 30, 1995 , Inc. (Au1horlzed capaclly) VERIFICATION I, the undersigned, state: 1 am the President of ('Agerttol'. 'Presid'ntor.'A Par1neror. 'Owneror. etc.) the claimant named in the foregoing Release: 1 have read said Release of Stop Notice and know the contents thereof, and I certify that the same is true of my own knowledge. I certify (or declare) under penalty of pe~ury under the laws of the State of Cal~omla that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on October 30 ,19 95 ,at San Diego State of California -- WOLCons fORM 8ge-RELEASE OF STOP NOTICE-New 4.93 Belore you us. this lann, md it. fill In III blinks, n. make whatmr cllanges artI lWOIlrialI and 7 IIJ~~~lIIIIJ~ll~llI 4 Cl199J WOlConS FORMS, INC. (prIeIc1lSs3A) neen::<: your particular II1nsacliOI'l. Consult a Lawyer if you doubt Iht lorm's fllness for your purpose ind use. Icotts makes no representation or wll'l1l1fy, llX!)ms or implied, wiIIl respect ttllhe merchan- tIOility or fitness of this lorrn lor an intended us. orpurpoSI. 17 of 52 NOV 14 1995 ITEM 13.1 ----~~~--------_._-_..._--- LEASE OF STOP NOTIC OR NOTICE TO WITHHOLD \ FOR GOOD AND VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the undersigned. does hereby release from the ellect of that certain Stop Notice or Notice to Withhold filed in the Office of the City of poway on August 29, 1995 against G.F. Bledsoe Construction, Inc. as General Contractor, on job known as Weingart Center Expansion in the amount of $ 2 , 72 7 . 00 (Two thousand seven hundred twenty-seven and 00/100 DATED: November 2, 1995 FIRM Vic Ross's Maso~ BY ~~ Ardell V. Ross, President BY CONTRACTORS LICENSE NO. 377475 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF ) On . before me, , personally appeared . personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose name(s) Is/are subscribed to the within Instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/ they executed the same In his/herllhelr authorized capaclty(les), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the Instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. ~L//~ (signature) . 1 Form provided WHEATLEY SCOTT OSAKI & JOVANOVICH 2600 E. Nutwood AYe.. Suite 101. Fullerton. CII 92631 ~_.._.__u _': Construction law 1-714-992-8300 or 1-600-422-2090 18 of 52 - ~ Release of Stop Notice TO, CITY OF POLlAV (Qlrl$tnldirm Lrndtr, PuNic Body. (It p"rty IlIilh .m. Slop Netic, _5 fi'ftl) P 0 'ROY 7RQ pnUAV CA q?n'la (Address) You are hereby notified that the undersigned claimant releases thai certain Stop Notice dated ~J;'PTJ;'M'AJ:'O ?O lQQ" in the amount of S 1 ?O" 17 against ("TV 01l' pntJAV as owner or public body and ~ 11' Rt'li'nC!nCi' rnlllC;:'1'Ol1rTTnllT TNt' as pri!ne contractor in connection with the work of improvement known as UtllTJ;'r:>ADT cnolTn'D r'J;'loITll'D ....YP/RnuAvnlo1 DnAn POWA CA. in the City of FOIJAV County of Cl.AU nTIl'~n State or California. Dale NQUEMB IiR 1. 199; NameofClaiman" TR'YFlC r.ON~~ By ;~Mm') {L-- (SiR""IIlT CREDIT MANAGER. CHARLES FLEISCHNER (A..,lroriztd C.pldty) VERIFICATION 1. the under:,;igned. slate: I am .he CREDIT MANAGER OF. (""Rl""' "/". 't'Trsidtll' lIf'. "A l'Ir1IU'T t7{'., 'Vu,moT ",... rtd the claimant named in the foregoing Release; I have read said Release of Stop Notice and know the contents thereof. and I certify thai the same is true of my own knowledge. I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and conect. Executed on NOVEMBER 2 19 9S at ANAHEIM Slate of CALIFORNIA (> A..,/\.,0- (5ip'""' t1fChrirnlf'" Dr A,II'IrDriud ~,,', 19 of 52 NOV 14 1995 ITEM 13. 1 -----. ".':" :' '. , LEASE OF STOP NOTICE .. , , .. . . ,OR NOTICE TO WITHHOLD FOR GOOD AND VALUABLE CONSIDERATION. receipt of which is hereby acknowledged. the undersigned. does hereby release from the effect of that certain Stop Notice or Notice to Withhold filed in the Office of the CITY OF POWAY - ATTN: J BRADLEY KUTZNER on 10-4-95 against G.F. BLEDSOE CONSTRUCTION as General Contractor. on job known as WEINGART CENTER EXPANSION-13094 Bowron ROAD, POWAY, CA in the amount of $ 3.425. RO------ DATED: 10-31-95 FIRM TRI CITY GLASS OF S.D., INC. BY/~~ THOMAS R. BLAKE-PRESIDENT BY CONTRACTORS LICENSE NO. ?r;?n':l, STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) On 10-31-95 , before me, JUDITH ANN HEATH, NOTARY personally appeared I"f'l;.IOMn.c: p ~In.l<lr , personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/ they executed the same in hislher/their authorized capacity(ies) , and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted. executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. (signature) Form provided WHEATLEY SCOTT OSAKI & JOVANOVICH 2600 E. Nutwood Ave., Suite 101, Fullerton, CA 92631 courfesy of: Construction Law 1-714-992-6300 or l-BOO-422-2090 20 of 52 MOV 14 1995 ITEM 13. 1 - CALIFORNIA ALL.PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT No. 5907 State of CALIFORNIA County of SAN DIEGO On 10-31-95 before me, JUDITH ANN HEATH, NOTARY , DATE NAME, TITLE Of OfFICER. E.G., . JANE DOE, NOTARY PUBLIC. personally appeared THOMAS R. BLAKE - PRESIDENT , NAME(S) OF 5'GNER(S) XX] personally known to me - OR - 0 proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person. whose namejg is4llie subscribed to the within instrument and ac- knowledged to me that hel I -..,. executed 1- - - - -." - -" - -" - -i the same in his! . 'l authorized ~~ =."':".=: capacity(W), and that by hisil .. I, I ... NoI=.:oe=- I signature.c on the instrument the persontiI, J . Mreomm.ElIPreISEPI6.'", f or the entity upon behalf of which the - - - - - - - - - - - - - - person. acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. ~A .1JJ2O:t:t. . SIGNATURE OF NOTARY - OPTIONAL Though the data below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent reattachment of this form. CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER DESCRIPTION OF ATTACHED DOCUMENT o INDIVIDUAL !XX CORPORATE OFFICER PRESIDENT RELEASE OF STOP NOTICE TITLE OR TYPE OF DOCUMENT TITLE(S) FOR BLEDSOE-WEINGART CENTER o PARTNER(S) 0 LIMITED o GENERAL 1 o ATTORNEY-IN-FACT NUMBER OF PAGES o TRUSTEE(S) o GUARDIAN/CONSERVATOR o OTHER: 10-31-95 DATE OF DOCUMENT SIGNER IS REPRESENTING: NAME OF PERSON(S) OR ENTITY(IES) N / A TRI CITY GL"SS OF S D , INC SIGNER(S) OTHER THAN NAMED ABOVE 01993 NATIONAL NOTARY ASSOCIATION -8236 Remmet Ave.. P.O. Box 7184. Canoga Park. CA 91309.7184 21 of 52 NOV 14 1995 ITEM 13. 1 --------- RELEASE OF STOP NOTICE TO: City of poway 13325 Civic Center Dr., Poway, CA 92064 You are hereby notified that the undersigned claimant releases that certain Slop Notice dated 10/6/95 in the amount of $ 5,326.04 against _ city of poway as owner or public body and G. F. Bledsoe Const., Inc. P.O. Box 20001, EI Cajon, CA 92021 as prime contractor in connection with the work of improvement known as: Weingart Center Expansion - 13094 Bowron Rd., Poway, CA in the County of San Diego State of California. DATED: 10/30/95 NAME OF CLAIMANT: Nelson & Sloan P.O. Box 488, Chula Vista, CA 91912 By: ~ ~u. ",- Nanc T~so, Credit Manager VERIFICATION I I Nancy Trusso , I I. the undersigned. say: I am of the I claimant of the foregoing Release of Stop Notice; I have read said Release of Stop Notice I and know the contents thereof; the same is true of my own knowledge. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on 10/30/95 at Chula Vista, CA California. I ~~~~~ , Nanc T sso, Credit Manager ...- . 13.1 22 of 52 NOV 14 1995 ITEM .--- -- - ..- --- -- - ---. R E LEA S E OF S TOP NOT ICE TO! CITY OF POWAY. ATTN! BRAD KUTZNER/CONST FUllDS DISBURSEMENT Conatruction Lender (or part, with ~ stop 80tica ... filad} 13325 CIVIC CENTER DRIVE. POWAY 92064 (Addr...) You are hereby notified that the undersigned claimant releases that certain Stop Notice dated OCT 9. 1995 in the amount of 818.329.77 against CITY OF POWAY & WEINGART CENTER as owner or public body and G F BLEDSOE CONST INC. as prime contractor in connection with the work of improvement known as 13094 BOWRON ROAD. APN! 317-471-13. 317-472-13. 760-147-28 TRACT' 17170 in the City of ~, County of SAN DIEGO, State of Californiae Date I Oct 30. 1995 Name of Claimant! PINE TREE LUMBER CO.. INC. By! ~A'';d.d// Credit Kanager V E R I F I CAT ION I, the undersigned, state I I am the ClUfDzr HANAGD oL PZN. f"RBB LUMBER. co., INC., the claimant named in the foregoing Release; I have read said Release of Stop Notice and know the contents thereof, and I certify that the same is true of my own knowledge. I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on Oct 30. 1995, at ESCONDlDO, State of California cr::~vI./V; ~{//7' Rosemarie Crouch -- 3809 02 23 of 52 ... -- -- ____.._..n_.___ --- u.__.__.. ~ NOV 14 1995 M 13. 1 -- - THESE FOAMS AVAll.A8L.E THROUGH THE ASSOCt,-- taENERAL. CONTRACTORS Of AMERICA. SAN DIE.GO CMAPT'EF1 2Z. 'TH HOTEL ClPlC!.E. $AN DIEGO. CA 12'~ 217-<<lD1 Q) RELEASE FORM 2 UNCONDITIONAL WAIVER AND RELEASE UPON PROGRESS PAYMENT (Civil Code ~3262(d)(2)) The undersigned has been paid and has received a progress payment in the sum of $ ~Lj53, r;o for labor, services, equipment or material furnished to G, f". f',1~D;)O~ CaIVt-/, {AJC I , (Your Customer) on the job of _1h r; C'-+V 01 POll )0 ~ ( Owner) located at t5e)~lJK.+ (J;.A.Ji~1L ~AJ6kAJ . (Job ..) and does hereby release pro tanto any mechanic's lien,(Stop notiC"e)>r bond right that the undersigned has on the above referenced job to the following extent. This release covers a progress payment for labor, services, equipment, or materials furnjs~~r to G. F". ~iJ;;:l'l<;'o~ (OD.").+. ,1:J..Jc . . IA;. (Your Customer) I through ~. Od, !.2<b./9t1D te) only and does not cover any retention or items furnished after that date. Dated:~. .,. ,QQ5 F/oll(l !JJJ//S b/l./lOJI./1 , { (Company Name) By ::t-4j)J. h. <d!L~ r?-OL.O~.L- (Title) NOTICE: THIS DOCUMENT WAIVES RIGHTS UNCONDITIONAllY AND STATES THAT YOU HAVE BEEN PAID FOR GIVING UP THOSE RIGHTS. TInS DOCUMENT IS ENFORCEABLE AGAINST YOU IF YOU SIGN IT, EVEN IF YOU HA VE NOT BEEN PAID. IF YOU HAVE NOT BEEN PAlO, USE A CONDITIONAL RELEASE FORM. NOTE: This form of release complies with the requirements of Civil Code Section 3262(d)(2). It is to be used to release claims to the extent that a progress payment has actually been received by the releasing party. NDV 1 4 1995 ITEM 13. 1 24 of 52 A A FIRE PROTECTION, 'Nf - 1 INC. (i) 9630 BLACK MOUNTAIN ROAD. SUITE D. SAN DIEGO. CA 92126 .:' OFFICE: 578-8760. FAX: 578-1725 'C' \ ConI. Lie. No. C16-388358 I, ~ ......,... ;;t1'I\\\~~............. RELEASE OF STOP NOTICE / j; I \ \\\ ~, / / / IT?:\ \\ '" Thomas Howell Group/City of Poway I 16935 west Bernardo Dr. '210 San Diego, CA 92127-1636 FROM: A-1 Fire Protection Inc. 9630-0 Black Mountian Rd. San Diego, CA 92126 The undersigned hereby withdraws and releases the stop notice filed on: 10/3& 10/12/95 with the above-named pubic entity against: City of Poway in the amount of: 30,854.00 amended 10/12/95 to 42,434.00 for labor, services. equipment, or materials performed or funrniahed in connection with the ORIGINAL CONTRACT # 012-94-95 for the performance or construction of the public work of improvement conaisting of: Weingart Center Expansion Automatic Fire Sprinklers The undersigned aiso hereby releases: City of poway and its subdivisions and agents, from any further duty under Section 3186 of the Civil Code of the State of California to withhold money or bonds in response to the stop notice and waives any right of action against them that might accrue thereunder. DATED: 10/30/95 (619)-578-8760 C16-388358 -- NOV 14 1995 ITEM 13. 1 25 of 52 -- 0CT-31-9~ TUE 12:08 CAPr:;;~ENOS P~Ol -J Release of Stop Notice TO !bwllY at7:).:'Y;;U;Q~7Yr AMEY'f; 9zaJ 7': '; 3 ?;: s t!J;;'Z' ''t!e-'.!]:,-eFt'' w""'ZJ;t'ry~'f1I'dl C' A . Add"" - -...--..-- t:...?L --7 v QU are hereby notified that the undc.r~iSned claimant relc:l:l~ that ce-rtain Stop Notice dated 1//I/9Jr _ . in Ih. amount nl ~ _LZ....Z~?? , again,' ___ tblut4f B.7JR--tM/C-N(!::?,..i7!GE1f asownerur public body 3nd ~..J31.fEf2.~~ (}yuS7flt.lc..VO~ ~("'" .. pdm. .ontraclor in co"n,.'ioll with the wnrk orimpro"m.nt known as Wt;:t I.Jb/ItIr (i:;;wi};/L t=V.111f!'?';J . ---. - in the Chy of Ihwf .CQuntyof S;p.; (}I(::-nrl -. ,Stille of Califnrnill. 1(/11),r Oale_. . , Nam.orCln;m..' !/kl!l:fO p1~.<A - U)' ~'"N' I J __jAc-~ I~. (OfficiOI C(Jf'ddt.yJ VF.RIIJCA'fJ( N I, the ~ndersi.ned. state: I 1m the (C~ ("A~t""'''''' "Pr~.fII/t'''r~/''.' A Pan,.~,of'. "OWfft'Df',,,u-J the elaimant named in the foregoing Release; I have read $IlidRcle:lSeofStop Notice and know Ihcconlcnts thereof. and' certify that the samc is trueofmy (1wn knowlcdJc. , certify (or declare) under pt:n:tlty ur rerjury under tht' l~w$ of ,he State ofC:difornia thlt the (oreloins is true and correct, , if&. u Executed on //.---/ - ' 19 .!JJ::'" C:lIifornia. I siN"fllu",,1 C'";'"''''' or Au.horiud A,tlll' " 26 of 52 NOV 14 1995 ITEM 13. 1 - POl ,. _. RELEASE OF STOP NOTICE To: City of poway - Redevelopment Attn: T. Bradley Kutzner POBox 789 Poway, CA 92074-0789 You are hereby notified that the undersigned claimant releases that certain Stop Notice dated October 12. 1995. in the amount of $8,335.00 against City of Poway _ Redevelopment, POBox 789. Poway. CA 92074-0789 as owner or public body and G. 1=. Bledsoe. P o. Box 20001, EI Cajon, CA 92021 as prime contractor in connection with the work of improvement know as: Weingart Center, 13325 Civic Center Or., Poway. CA 92064 in the County of San Diego, State of California. Dated: /1 /J-/9~ Name of Claimant: . . . Mike'S Metal Works By: o/14~//A"L - VERIFICA TlON I, the undersigned. say: 'am the Authorized Agent of the claimant of the - foregoing Release of Stop Notice; 1 have read said Release of Stop Notice and know the contents thereof: the same is tNe of my own knowledge. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. , Executed on /1/;)../<;') at 511-,-.} O'E!-60 ,cali~~~ 27 of 52 <Y$/A ~/ n'EM 13 1 Conditional Waiver and Release Upon Final Payment (CALIFOR..''IA CML CODE SECTION 3262 (d) (3) Upon receipt by the undersigned ofa check from ;;:~5 /,fCUUL ~ inthesumof$ 0jtf.5"'-3 (Maker ofChcck) payable to Zc.trd ~/~t.'.'1/Z5C:o #~r (payee or Payees ofCbcck) and when the check has been properly endorsed and has been paid by the bank upon which it is drawn, this document shall become effective to release any mechanics' lien, stop notice, or bond right the undersigned h~Ob of 67( o? ~.>4 7' located at f{b,.v:;-/I--er ~.A/??~Ovo~. - /.JC9{f z~ 4- />0<0,47; &. (Job Dosaiptioo) This release covers the final payment to the undersigned for all labor, services, equipment or material furnished on the job, except for disputed claims for additional work in the amount of $ ~ \ Before any recipient of this document relies on it, the party should verify evidence of payment to the undersigned. Dated: c:z A/~fl j WESCO Distrib,!tion, . r By Tony UIZ Regional Financial Services pe NOTE: CIVIL CODE 3262 (d) (3) PROVIDES: Where the claimant is required to execute a waiver and release in exchange for, or in order to induce the payment oj. a final pa}7nent and the claimant is not, in fad, paid in exchange for the waiver and release or a single payee check or joint payee check is given in exchange {or the waiver and release, the waiver and release shall folluw substantially the form set forth above. NOV 14 1995 ITEM 13. 1 28 of 52 - -~.._._---. ------.---- - 'i I r- I I Release of Stop Notice ; , I TO: ~IIS ~U(. ~I" /~f:J5 /(/. 'CO~;;!);;)J~jC8~};:4t~L;~~:~Zi)~~. C!A. (A.1M.t~~' . Vou '" her.by nol;r..d 'h,"h. undenign.d c!.;m.nl reI..,.. lh., c.~;n Slop NoUc. d.,.d 30 ~ rs- (O~/~/N"t ol"!tnft,~ 10Ir~Z/f':.rs against tJ/1 tiP' /'1~41 as owner or public body and C;"f'&~ UA.JS T - /kIMf.. eW, / .t'&JAI" ~Ut::7.'.,J..4 ~/N7': " pdm. conlroctor I in connection with the work or improvement known as I(,/UifbA~1" CI!.A..I;'E If!; E~~t>JU 1'5 .. r; -I 1.$61.cJ 4.1U 4 f1t:JWA<I, /1,4. , I in the City of 7..............'1 County of - State of California. Dale ? A.J QI/ , S- Name of Claimant: 1U6~ ~/Snb8<< 171);(,) JM:: FirtJlt By . VERIFICATION I. the undersigned, slale: I am the 11~t. /-AleMt- .t"~""S ~6 ~".r&7C.. ("A..~,,' or. ..P'l....fr'" "''', ~A. """"t' uf", ""OII,..t,..r t":,' the claimant named in the fore-going Rclt:'ase; I have re..d said Rele.3se of SlOp Notice and know the conlents lhNE'of, and I certify Ihat the same is true of my own knowledge. I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct #"1/ ~eNI~ E"CUI~ 7 St.,. 01 it!.'~A "''''''''''-I'''''''~t'''' IItCA'()IItMSSOCO"'-"""'1 NOV 14 1995 ITEM 13. 1 29 of 52 -- ----" wn"UI7/A\"\\~~-~,,~~~~\W),,~'\\\\\\\WII""~\\\\~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ RELEASE OF STOP NOTICE ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ TO' c-.-' .J " F p",~ ~ . 7, (Con . n_.put>l~bocIy.or_wi1hwl1ornSlDpNollcewasfiled) . j/.? /.)o^ ?g<i p~-~,-? CY? 5.207 "1- I ' / (Address) You are hereby notified that the undersigned claimant releases that certain Stop Notice dated o ~ F'/--:/ / /'/-1' .- in the amount of $ -.-r --5/--Y ~ against C..,~ "'~ ~ r".r-4'f ~h<: v,..c:,L",/",...-::~r /fC"-LrC-'7' / , . ,..-0 ~~ /~~d./"'-< as owner or public body and C <> 'V'./ . J?-v ~ as prime contractor in connection with the work of improvement known as W,,< ,or"''' _~ c./<'/V~- ~ ......=:::: ;S/~./''''-'''/ in the City of ~ t:-/ /9-'1 , County of ~/?->v d. ',A<Cti" . / State of Calnomia. Date '-:?"/"V tf / /j/ .- ..~.c,,~~~ <#.r-/N~ /"'7' ~"rk ? Z~nn nanM) By / (sl-.) a-..... -c/ (Aulllortzetlcapaclly) VERIFICATION I, the undersigned, state: I am the t7 ?-/..v-"-<::- rAgBnt or, -President of", "A Partner of". "Owner or. etc.) the claimant named in the foregoing Release; I have read said Release of Stop Notice and know the contents thereof, and I certify that the same is true of my own knowledge. I certify (or declare) under penaity of pe~ury under the laws of the State of Califomia that the foregoing is true and correct ~(JV /'~ ;;...-" ..-f.-,..., ,d,'''''-C... Executed on . 19 .J, at State of C ~..h /"-?V,;' -:P~ O~...,~ / (Signature 01 CI ant or lrtzed Agent) WOlcons FORM 89B-RElEASE OF STOP NonCE-New 4-93 Before you use this form, read It, lill in aU blanks. aIKI.make wt\aIeYer ctlanges are appropriate and 7 11~~~~lIIlIJ~ll~11I4 t1993 WOlCOTTS FORMS,INC. (pritec!ass3A) llK~rparticUlartransactlOn"consullalawyerllYOUdoublthelonTl'SrrtJ1essloryourpurposl and_use. ottsmakesllOrepresentabonorwarranty,txpressorimplied,wi\tlrespectlolhemertllan- Iabllityorfilnessollhisfonnloraninlencleduseorpurposa. 30 of 52 NOV 14 1995 ITEM 13.1 -. Thollllla Howell GnKlp (USA) Intematlonal AdJuat.... 16935 West Bemardo Drive. Suite 210 San Diego, California 92127.1636 Telephone: (619) 485-5989 Facsimile: (619) 485-6809 TRANSMITTAL Date: November 3, 1995 RECEIVED To: Brad Kutzner NOV 3 lY'J:l Senior Civil Engineer ENGINEERING SERVICES DEPT. City of Poway CIP DIVISION From0ill Pflugh Re: Weingart Senior Center Proposal for Completion of Project Attached are the following: 1. Letter dated November 3, 1995 with proposal for contract. 2. Addendum No.3 to bid documents. 3. Lump sum proposal from Randazzo Construction Company dated November 1, 1995. 4. Letter from Randazzo Construction dated November 2, 1995 agreeing to accept a contract from the City of Poway. 5. Letter from Arthur Gallagher & Co. confirming bonding for Randazzo (for work by Randazzo only). Please review this material. We would like to meet with you as soon as possible to proceed with implementing our proposal. Attachment +4 Offices. Associates and Corr.spondents in: Australia Bahamas Belgium eelize Brazil Canada Chile Oenmlril Dominican RepubliC: France Germany Greece Hong Kong Indonesianal)' Jamaica Kuwait Malaysia Matla Mexico The Nelherlands New Zealand Philippines Saudi Arabia Singapore Spain Sw~.n Trinidad United States UK Wesllndies A member ot the Thomas Howell Group ITEM 13.1 31 of 52 NOV 14 1995 Thomos Howell Group (USA) Intomollonol Adjust... 16935 West Bernardo Drive. Suite 210 San Diego, California 92127.1636 Telephone: (619) 485.5989 Facsimile: (619) 485-6809 November 3, 1995 Mr. J. Bradley Kutzner Senior Civil Engineer City of Poway 13325 Civic Center Drive P.O. Box 789 Po way, CA 92074 Re: Principal: G. F. Bledsoe Construction, Inc. Obligee: City of Poway Project: Weingart Center Expansion Bond No.: 8-400-451 7 Our File No.: 06750139-8 Dear Brad: On behalf of our client, Washington International Insurance Company (WIIC). we offer the following proposal concerning this contract: A. The Agency will issue a new lump sum contract and Notice to Proceed to Randazzo Construction in the amount of approximately $328,759.00 for this project. The scope of the work shall be as defined by the documents listed on Attachment A. The Contractor shall provide 100% payment and 100% performance bonds which apply only to work he will complete. B. The Agency will negotiate in good faith with WIIC to establish the final value of the contract with G. F. Bledsoe including all change requests and liquidated damages to the date of the Notice to Proceed. Any dispute will be resolved by binding arbitration under the rules of the A.A.A. C. WIIC will pay the Agency the difference between the new contract and the Bledsoe contract. A payment of $20,000 will be made at the time the new contract is issued. The balance shall be paid within 10 days of the final determination of the final Bledsoe contract amount. Offices. Associates and Correspondents in: Australia Bahamas Belgium Belize Brazit Canada Chile Denmark Dominican Republic France Germany Greece Hong Kong Indonesia Italy Jamaica Kuwait Malaysia Malta M.j(ico The Netherlands New Zealand Philippines Saudi Arabia Singapore Spain Sweden Trinidad United States UK West Indies A member of the Thomas Howell Group ITEM 13. 1 32 of 52 NOV 14 1995 -- - Mr. J. Bradley Kutzner November 3, 1995 Page 2 D. The new contract shall recognize the work accomplished to date and the payments made to date, and will obligate the Agency to pay only the cost of the currently uncomplete work and all retentions in accordance with the contract terms. E. Any additional claims to the Agency for payment related to previously completed work shall be forwarded to WIIC for evaluation and action. WIIC will continue to hold the Agency harmless from these claims up to the extent of its current bond. F. WIIC will request a release of their performance bond when the final balance on the contract price difference is paid. We would appreciate your immediate attention to this proposal. We are ready to meet at your convenience. Very truly yours, ;C::d c!: Ted W. Equals Manager, Sur Claims Bond and Professional Liability Claim Division TWE:kv NOV 14 1995 ITEM 13. 1 33 of 52 - --~~-- ---~---_..._..._--_.._----_.__._-_.- I.J{;IN6~ Sf?V'/1/2. Chv~ ~ v:1'4-v'<'DN /k),oE-p(DV.N1 1Vt> 3 6~J.fA. 51, J'79S ~--....._-- ____._._.n ....... .s,,,,,,,~ ~, DDu..S. ~(. u~~~TS? .f!I1.~~~1. r1 __~<f 7'7'7"'4 -- ..__.__~ ~UI'~77-""-. ~._.c;...,":""_~r'e:9_~ _~yL._~,_.tJ~~_________ --- u. 7n'E. ~T7H( I!IU..J~r /. /""C..,-,-,o"v~ ._.,.,.....!O_.':V~7'!'. ;2u:P~N~.!-6-"'I./'T . .. ' ri>2. 77't E. . /IZE VI bV..s~ y c-.n E n;a_.~t:?.eltt;.. -- --- . -.. __u __ . _ .... b..o.DfA..S ~ &vC#/J'4-6~ ~. .s"~,,. 'r G.-..)_~I.ASD .s/O,s.I u' /Zp-7"7$L 77.LtpJ Nt:>'7"''''''' A, d) ,qr- ~,,'- ,IT ;Tl*&"'...,4..ee. &Ai ((><.?N:r.!:e,..u..e, I '"Ti'h S 'I106t./VVf . $/~~ ,.., v..sr S77 LI.- 4&-4..EL 7z:> J~ut:pr ,ur,,,,J/,4,,,,,..,,. .u ~ n.H-5v77~ j?'Z-A/te cr I~ ~I> IIV d . ~ /~V."''-'-s~.~~",'7eO . hUJt:-Jt:;. I'ft.vp ~y l4""I2~?'..I~ M~~ ~o Co I /1-n5O un ~ /:T: 7h'€. f? If? oS I 77 t:>'\I e1C- ~ /3,DP~ ,tIJIV..o rM'S BevY D ee.....P~ 'I' 001 7'-h.5 ...sll~o/~e r Wi........ .<3L ~ ;'''''' ,. ""''l''?J'-Vr: ~ ~_. /N ~ 'P' 61() &v4-l v /9-7:7~-.I ,PI'?Pc.~s~ . .u ......_ ._n__' -..--. u. ...- --- .-.- .--_. ---- -- . . ..--p'.-' u." .-_. ..---- u' . - - -... -- -..__..--- ...- -. . - _ n_. --. . ___u . -- p'--'.' ...._ n.__ _. . --------- . ...- ...- ......n.u .. ..' . --- -- .-- .......-.. ------ - . ..-. --- ----..-..--- -. --- -.---.- . - __ .__+__.._ .n _ ..- _ _n_ -. - ------ - -..-.-.- .- ---- -.,.- .' -> --> - ...- NOV 141995 nEM 13,1 34 of 52 ~ ATTACHMENT "A" Contract Documents for Contract between Randazzo Construction and the Po way Redevelopment Agency for the: WEINGART CENTER EXPANSION Plans by Carlos Elias and Stephen F. James dated 2/10/95 including sheets 1-15, DEM-l, G-l, EN-l, M-l, P-l,2, E-l,2 Special provisions for Bid 012-94-95 dated February 1995: Addendum No.1 dated 03/13/95 Addendum No. 1 dated 10/24/95 Addendum No.2 dated 10/27/95 Addendum No.3 dated 10/31/95 Change Orders No. 1 A, 1 B, 2 and 3 Bid Alternates 1, 2 and 3 Subcontracts by G. F. Bledsoe Construction, Inc. to 21 subcontractors identified to Randazzo Construction. Finish schedule dated September 6, 1995 Submittals as listed on Submittal Log Contractors proposal dated November 1, 1995. - NOV 14 1995 ITEM 13. 1 35 of 52 -- ~''''/~l~'''''' I.~"'" . , , ,- .. A? !u.. <.J' e 2: n';-f LUMP SUM PROPOSAL WASHINGTON INTERNATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA FOR THE WEINGART CENTER EXPANSION ?w.-"vf. 4U-Z~f. Z p" 4-8...- 3 ~rr.. NAME OF BIDDER: 2, I1d 6. -z--z.:> ~ s-fw~ BUSINESS ADDRESS: I$'S~ (3( vI!. C ""-1 s-kl Tnds. PLACE OF RESIDENCE: Po-w ~ '1 CA- f'JOf2.J The work to be done and referred to herein is in the City of Po way, San Diego County, California, and shall be performed in accordance with these Special Provisions. The undersigned, as Bidder, declares that the only persons or parties interested in this proposal as principals are those named herein; that this proposal is made without collusion with any other person, firm, or corporation; form of contract, and the plans therein referred to; and he proposes, and agrees if this proposal is accepted, that he will contract with the Poway Redevelopment Agency, in the form of the copy of the contract annexed hereto, to provide all necessary machinery, tools, apparatus and other means of construction, and to do all the work not previously fully completed, and furnish all the needed materials specified in the contract in the manner and time therein prescribed, and according to the requirements of the Poway Redevelopment Agency as set forth therein. Bidder understands that a bid is required for the entire work and that final compensation under the Contract will be the sum of the total amounts bid for those items of work actually performed to completion by Bidder or the previous contractor, regardless of estimated or actual quantities and regardless of unit prices. Any and all adjustments in a total amount payable for an item of work shall be agreed upon in a written change order signed by the Bidder and by the Agency prior to performance of the work adjusted. Final compensation for any such adjusted item of work shall be the total amount set forth in the change order for the item as adjusted. It is agreed that the total amount bid for each item of work includes all appurtenant expenses, taxes, royalties, and fees. In the case of a discrepancy between an amount bid stated in numbers and an amount bid stated in words, the words shall govern over the numbers. Bidder understands that if selected for award, Bidder must provide a 100% Performance and 100% Payment Bond, acceptable to and for the benefit of the City of Poway and/or Washington International Insurance Company (Washington International). Washington International has an assignment of all subcontracts by virtue of the General Indemnity Agreement executed by G. F. Bledsoe Construction, Inc. (Bledsoe) dated May 21, 1993. 1 NOV 14 1995 ITEM 13. 1 36 of 52 Lump Sum Proposal - Page 2 Bidder agrees to accept the assignment of all subcontracts on this project from Washington International subject to the following provisions as outlined below: All costs for work performed by the prior contractor will be paid by Washington International, and are to be excluded from the bid proposal, except for retention to subcontractors of the prior contractor. The amount of that retention for each subcontractor will be provided to bidders on an addenda. Bidders shall include an allowance for this retention on their bid and pay these funds to the appropriate contractors. Bidders must also include in their bid amount the cost of termination for any subcontractors of the prior contractor that the bidder elects to terminate. A typical subcontract contains the following paragraph I concerning termination of a subcontractor. I. TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT - In the event the prime contract is terminated prior to its completion through no fault of CONTRACTOR, SUBCONTRACTOR shall be entitled only to payment for the work actually completed by it at the pro-rata of the price herein set forth. Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, CONTRACTOR reserves the absolute right to terminate this Agreement. In the event of termination without cause, SUBCONTRACTOR shall be entitled to payment only as follows: 1. Cost of the work actually completed in conformity with this Agreement (which will be paid by Washington International); plus 2. Other costs actually incurred by SUBCONTRACTOR (which will be paid by Washington International); plus 3. 15 % of costs referred to in Paragraph I above, for overhead and profit. 2 NOV 14 1995 ITEM 13.1 37 of 52 BIDDER'S SOl "" TEMENT OF FINANCIAL RbPONSIBILlTY TECHNICAL ABILITY AND EXPERIENCE (The Bidder is required to state what work of a similar character to that included in the proposed contract he has successfully performed and give reference which will enable the Board to judge his responsibility, experience, skill and business training.) The undersigned submits herewith a statement of his financial responsibility. The undersigned submits below a statement of the work of similar character to that included in the proposed contract which he has successfully performed, including name and phone number of person responsible for supervising the work for the owner. .J:~l~,,- ~ - .>4U. ~ ~:I~ ~-A4--~ /~. .~~ Signed: 3 NOV 14 1995 ITEM 13. 1 38 of 52 : -- MAJOR PROJECTS COMPLETED: 1. Project: Midland School Restroom & Concession Stand Owner: City of poway Architect: Young and Lumsden : : Contract: $44,607.25 Complete: July 1988 Project Manager: Javid Siminou 748-6600 : 2. Project: Rehabilitate Senior Citizen Complex O:mer: Ramona Water District Architect: Aetekton Engineers Inc. Contract: $51,182.00 Complete: August 1988 Project Manager: Dave Bryant 789-1330 3. Project: Demo and Rehabilitate Oasis Building Owner: City of Escondido Architect: Robert A McQuead Contract: $93,706.00 Complete: October 1988 Project Manager: Julie Kolker 741-4691 4. Project: Northern Police Station Property Rm Expand Ol,ne r : City of San Diego Architect: Douglas Whitmore & Associates Contract: $62,606.00 Complete: FeRruary 1989 Project Manager: Robert Ziano 533-3145 5 . Project: Computor Classroom Addition O:mer: San Pascual Union School District Archi tec t: John T. Sigurtson Contract: $146,974.29 Complete: June 1989 Project Manager: Gordon Christensen 745-4931 6. Project: La Mesa Blvd. Pedestrian Walkway Owner: City of La Mesa Archi tec t: City.of La Mesa Contract: $124,011.81 Comnlp.tp.: November 1989 Project Manager: Kathy Feilen 463-6611 39 of 52 NOV 14 1995 ITEM 13. 1 ..' . . MAJOR PROJECTS COMPLETED CONT. 7 . Project: Ramona High School Bldg. Remodel Ol<ner: Ramona School District Architect :' Tri Hipo Contract: $306,064.30 Complete: Anril 1989 Project rlanager: :steve Yoakem 788-5132 . . 8. Project: El Capitan High School Library Removation Ol<ner: Grossmont Union School District Architect: Deems Louis Contract: $357,211.06 Complete: October 1989 Project Manager: Bob La Cross 465-3131 9 . Project: Nel< Relocatabe Classrooms-various sites O\mer: Ramona Unified School District Architect: Trittipo Con trac t: $154,112.80 Complete: Seotember 1990 Project Hanager: Steve Yoakem 10. Project: Animal Laboratory poway High & Transpor tation Bldg. Education Center Ol<ner: POl<ay Unified School District Architect: Hufbauer, Humphrey & Worthington Con trac t: $191.026.16 Complete: August 1991 Project Manager: Douglas Mann 679-2522 11. Project: Modernization of Midland School & Addition to Administration Bldg. O,mer: POl<ay Unified School District Contract: $523,341.80 Architect: Hufbauer, Humphrey & Worthington Complete: October 1991 Project Manager: Douglas 11ann 679-2522 12. Project: Remodel of Industrial Arts Bldgs at Black Mtn and TI<in Peaks Middle Schools O"ner: poway Unified School District Architect: Hufbauer, Humphrey, & Worthington Contract: 190,244.82 Comp~ete: October 1991 40 of 52 NOV 14 1995 ITEM 13. J Project Manager: Douglas Mann 679-2522 Major Projects Completed Cont. 13. Project: Classroom Relocatable BIds at Mesa~ College Owner: San Diego Community.College District Architect: Philip K. Markham AIA Associates Contract: $237,775.38 Complete: December 1991 proj ect l>janager: Bryan .,.dams 584-6546 14. Project: HVAC Additions Bonsall School Owner: Bonsall Union School District Architect: Neptune Thomas Davis Associates Contract: $68,862.70 Project Manager: Kathy Lord 277-5115 15. Project: Memorial Community Park Improvemencs Demolition and Remodel Owner: City of San Diego Architect: Hallenbeck, Chamorro, & Associates Contract: $1,092,606.00 Complete: May 1994 -- Project Manager: Steve Frick 627-3275 1 6 . Project: Remodel of Four Balboa Park Buildings Ol.mer: City of San Diego,Parks & Recreation Architect: Fahey and Watts Contract: $700,000.00 Complete: August 1994 Project Manager: Ali Soheli 236-7361 17. Project: Balboa Park Club, Phase II Owner: City of San Diego, Parks & Recreation Architect: A.T.S. Contract: $1,067,000.00 Complete: 70% Complete Project Manager: Steve Frick 672-3275 18. Project: Rancho Bernardo Recreation Center Owner: City of San Diego, Park and Recreation Architect: Roesling, Nahamura Contract Amount: $1,450,000.00 Complete: November 1995 Project Manager: Cynthia Meinhardt 525-8230 NOV 14 1995 ITEM 13. 1 41 of 52 Randazzo, Inc. d\b\a Randazzo Construction d\b\a R & R Demolition Balance Sheets . June 30, 1995 and 1994 ASSETS, 1995 1994 CURRENT ASSETS Cash $ 55,282 $ 49,042 Contract receivables 360,506 652,728 Advance to stockholders 576 - Costs and estimated earnings in excess of billings on uncompleted contracts - 18,198 Prepaids and other 11,205 4,300 427,569 724,268 EQUIPMENT AND VEHICLES, net 33,425 10,391 $ 460,994 $ 734,659 LIABIllTIES AND STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY CURRENT LIABILITIES Current portion oC capital lease obligation $ 6,729 $ - Accounts payable and accrued expcnscs 315,060 544,619 Billings in excess oC costs and estimated earnings on uncompleted contracts 7,371 44,475 DeCerred income taxes 11,364 42,098 Advances from stockholder - 257 340,524 631,449 LONG-TERM llABlLITIES Obligation under capital lease, less current portion 3,268 - STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY Common stock 1,000 1,000 Paid in capital 42,404 42,404 Retained earnings 73,798 59,806 117,202 103,210 $ 460,994 $ 734,659 See Accountants' Review Report and Notes to Financial Statements Page One 42 of 52 NOV 14 1995 ITEM 13. 1 - -- . RANDAZZO CONSTRUCTION 15530 Blue Cryslal Trails Poway. CA 92064 --Phone (619)486-2952 AX (619) 486-3956 November 1, 1995 To: Poway Redevelopment Agency Re: Weingart Center Expansion Subject: Equal Opportunity Randazzo Construction has performed many contracts for the City of San Diego which require Equal Opportunity to be met in order to qualify. Monthly Utilization Reports are also -- required. If you have any questions regarding the meeting of these Equal Opportunity goals, you may contact Daniel Teague at the City of San Diego Equal Opportunity Department (533-4032). Thank You, 9~?~ Jo Anne Randazzo Randazzo Construction ,- NOV 14 1995 ITEM 13. 1 43 of 52 ~tbv 4- I 'i ~ ""t2 I, N1( ~~#3)- PROPOSAL TO WASHINGTON INTERNATIONAL INSURANCE CO. BID SCHEDULE WEINGART CENTER EXPANSION '. Item N2.. Descriotion Quantitv Unit Price IQ!i! 1. Weingart Center Expansion Lump Sum $ ~2f"J1rr.$-O $ tL. ~ 75'; .d>> Including Alternates 1, 2, / ~ & 3, and Change Orders 1 A, 1 B, 2 & 3 TOTAL AMOUNT OF BID IN FIGURES: $ aCJ.- g-~ 70. f)-O , TOTAL AMOUNT OF BID IN WORDS: ~~~~ ~1 ~ ~ (;A~ DOLLARS AND I 00 !IOO CENTS . BID BREAKDOWN: . Allowance for contract payments previously paid by the Owner. $ /77, '$3 ~.17 . Allowance for retention previously earned but not yet paid by the Owner. - lq, 7~9. 8'0 ~ $ , Bid amount for balance of work to be completed. i 1';7, qtJ-,. 00 Ie:> $ l=<,.<>r-v?pu Cost of 100% Performance and 100% Payment Bonds. t/-1v ~ -1 ~ B/ / ifC/. 00 --6:> i.L ~~/ $ . These figures will be provided by addenda. ~ .:tI ~J''f.3 ~~~ 4 NOV 14 1995 ITEM 13. 1 44 of 52 - SCHEDULE FOR THE WORK * Bidder agrees to complete all work in the Eastern portion of the building, which affects those areas used for Bingo games, except for the installation of the folding partition panels, within 2--0 working days of issuance of Notice to Proceed. '. Liquidated damages of $500/work day may be assessed thereafter until the work is accepted by the Owner. Bidder agrees to complete all other work within hO working days. Liquidated damages of $200/work day may be assessed thereafter until the work is accepted by the Owner. WEINGART CENTER EXPANSION R~7---W ~ <;1TA1~_oI-(;I.- I!r~~ Signature of Bidder ... 65~ !yfJC- Cry-..M 'Fr. Business Address 4~ C;I- f)Ctpif/ Place of Residence - - *~~ ~~~~. I;/z../'.... Srvr=.= .si'ft&-''<:;~ H9-J . G....UIG f...<4O 7]..,i. C4- ~ - CA.J~" rCN ~ T"f"%. ...,...,.... rl""''''' .s~H~U 1,..A> ~/~~t< IIV"", '7z:> ~ ~ 45 of 52 NOV 14 1995 ITEM 13.1 - IIlON-COLLUSION AFFIDA VI. To the Redevelopment Agency Board. City of Poway, California: The undersigned, in submitting a bid for performing the following work by contract, being duly sworn, deposes and says: The he has not, either directly or indirectly, entered into any agreement, participated in any collusion, or otherwise taken any action in restraint of free competitive bidding in connection with such contract, for: WEINGART CENTER EXPANSION ~ ~~~ap Signature of Bidder /~~~lJ /Zk~. (!ro/~-ffI/ 7rtJ/;/s ~w~ 97-t1~s/ Business Address /"!5"5~o ~~ C)'~~r-rl 'O-Ct,;)s ;:bw~ 9zoc;.y Place of Residence Subscribed and sworn before me this / day of /J;..,..,,~ 19-J,r ,.. . ,.,;j:,;;" I r;J~CUJ~ _ T. C. WILKE Notary Public in and for the County of . NOTARY PUB~IC.CA~IFORN1 . COMM. NO. 1047830 oI'~ LI. ~ ~ l . SAN DieGO COUN'IY J ,StateofCalifornia. MY COMM. EXP. cee. 2b, 1998 ( My Commission expires /d . r;) & - 9 P . (This affidavit shall be executed by the successful bidder in accordance with instructions in the Federal Requirements, but bidder may execute the affidavit on this page at the time of submitting bid.) 6 NOV 14 1995 m::M 13. 1 46 of 52 .. Enclosed are the following documents: '. 1. Non-Collusion Affidavit 2. Contractor's Questionnaire 3. Certification with regard to the Performance of Previous Contracts or Subcontracts subject to the Equal Opportunity Clause and the Filing of Required Reports. Respectfully submitted. (2~ AA7--W G.t~ . (Name of Company) JSS'~ t3 Iv e.. C'f)- <Itcv/ 1'r. - Pm.J~ a 'i'?cfLi- (Address) By ~ ~ (Name) ~ tf(lV.. (Title) - NOV 14 1995 ITEM 13. 1 7 47 of 52 -- ~STOFSUBCONTRACTOR_ The Bidder is required to furnish the following information relative to the subcontractors and suppliers he proposes to use. If all work is to be done without subcontractors, write "none" in the following space: - Name under which License No. and Address of Office Type of Work Subcontractor is Classification Mill or Shop and Subcontractor Licensed Number Telephone Number Will Do / WI ,~ (J d.J.. .("",J. 'U)1..I::> ;. 'Z.. C~-.I-- ~.o~ e;.+ ~. A 'd..A ~ ~."... '?/(" 3~;s- C-Io( J.4.-:I'~ !'tr-" r; If- .Ii . :. /I/" .... 7 /L. L~ ~F? ~ ! l(.5..7.' L-" A.... /I.' (A., Z .t.I (J..U.( ~~ -,Yl'L~ e,.-.I'I (dpf( 1'15' C-IO <;;0...... i;).e~';' I CI'< a.u.. <;'\I.-~\ .' (PodJ.; ~ 57/0C,'!> C,y Sc\" ~. Q.?O c,... 'J. ' ~ ::>.\s:>~- '3 ~~::>. ~~ c-~'Y'" ~'i~~ \c~057S ~,...-\E"e.1 c~ ./1t i, 1- ~ '-\"\'" -1<;.1010 (JP- '/V1A ~~ T~ ~.' ~ l.9-;:1'--: ~ ,J\ ~ ./. 't:J 't1 ~'~ ~. .....;.:> ----~. ~ O?~ JJ.,.i ~ U*':i ,t.-C, pr ~- rtp<7lP:'-.... , J.t J,J. ~ reA. <.ol:l "'~b -:;""" ~""JC. "'... rc4 1..\\.'>,- 2.8' 1.><\ !./-M~~~ Sl53G/ e-&./ /.Jr, _ L Cc. ~~ ~ zJ.)''n:!> - c.-(, / ..-: u=t- Mb A'_f ur, I~) 1,1r-)3nl I~ 3 \5531 I6cOI\c.klcl.o ./. 7.. . "'i\'S''''S''2- ~I .J L.# ~"i'P'~ er '5"; 1'\>\. 4. <" t...e~" Grtt.Je '7- ~I.o.(-~S"IO "1' 7'" ~~I /Q'S1..11 ~, C,-?>I.. 6'\ C'<..i~ ". C I"- ~~L' ~~\-l..q~ . (> \,",~"::"e.- c-1.1 s~'1''' "f's-\- 11~~ flelshE'.... rcJ.",-~... lP ~ 200 o-"l2. tf4/<... rJfw/v, 'O'3"1\~ 5:;0..... i:hQ.~c). en-. Hv/fC. 'l.~f - ,lo.Co.o ~ cJ.u. (1 t. c.-ir" .4:-~~(,Yt ~ ,^" ~J'!:JL. II 8 48 of 52 NOV 14 1995 ITEM 13. 1 - - LIST OF SUPPLIERS The Bidder is required to furnish the following information relative to the subcontractors and suppliers he proposes to use. If all work is to be done without subcontractors, write "none" in the following space: Name of Supplier Address & Telephone No. Type of Material -;; AJ.,.o<..- rl". J. I ?i.o H.II ST G\ <':~'" c~ ~ 'f- ~.~ L..- 1ol<l~-'\02.~ ^.;,.,//. /L, d i',O, Bow \:" 3 ~ "7'1 ;><1" l)~ tur-<- .., '2,.\..1- "ll:1.0 (~..,.J ;"..) 9 ITEM 13. 1 49 of 52 NOV 14 1995 -------- 41::1b NOV 02 '95 05:11PM RANDA?ZO P,2 RANDAZZO CONSTRUCTION 15630 Blue CrysllII Trai~ Poway, CA 92064 PIlOn. (61i) 486-2i02 FAX (619) 486-3956 November 2, 1995 Washington International Insurance Company Thomas Howell Group International Adjusters 16935 West Bernardo Drive, Suite 210 San Diego, CA 92127-1636 Re: Weingart Center Expantion Rebid Attn: Will Pflugh Dear Will: Randa7.~o Construction will accept a contract for the remodel of the Weingart Center Expansion with the City of Poway, based on the same scope of work as bid to Washington International Insurance Company on November I, 1995. Existing starting conditions and corrections must be reviewed and 8Kreed to with the City of Po way prior to signing a contract. Thank You, ~ ~~ ~...~~ Roger Randazzo Randa~zo Construction NOV 14 1995 ITEM 13.1 50 of 52 486 -_. P.3 - NOV 02 '95 05:12PM RANDA seNT BY: XEROX Tel,copier 7017;\\- 2-8S i 2:SSPM ; 61eS411800~ 486i' 2 . ARTHUR J. GALLAGHER & CO. 3635 fIlutfin Road. s.n Ol~, Calilomla 92123 . (119) 641-1900. . FlIX: (11 II) 27,..819 : ! ~vember 2, 1995 Mr. will Pfluqh ~a Howell G:01.\P 16936 w..e Bcr~ ~iv. S~ite 210 San DieiC), califomla 92127-1636 i - i Dl!Iar. Will. I A:l:thur J 0 Gallagher -, Co. 11 'pleaa~ to p:ov.1.de lurety for ' bndauo, :tne. iOl'lds, U nlc."a:y, wU1 be pl'ov:l4e4 by Jlxp101'1I% Inwl'anc::e CclIIlpany. The luney 1a 'l'reallU%y Ust:ad, Wi1:l1 .. OI1I'I'ent A.M. a.ae I'&t.ing of nAn. 1W1l5azzo, Inc::. hu oQt:a.inac! aurllty =.<iit fol' si"li'.... ~ect:s in the put. Pla.ae Ic$llp in. mind that dl surety bo:lN!8 ua 1n4iv:l.dually U1\4'nri~tlln and are subject to -tal1da1'd underwriting ! requirell\en~. : ! ll8ll'uds, J (. TYfJO~10lf Attornay-In-:ra.ct Explo:rer Ina~l'llnoe ~y 'ttl/cp - NOV 14 1995 ITEM 13. 1 51 of 52 I WEINGART CENTER EXPANSION PROJECT Balance of Project Costs (As of Progress Payment No.4) Bledsoe Contract Total $297,778.32 Available Balance under Bledsoe Contract, $155,514.79 including retainage after Progress Payment No.4 Paid to Date $142,263.53 Randazzo Contract Total $328,759.00 Allowance for Previous Work $177,838.17 Randazzo Cost to Complete $131,162.00 Retention Allowance from Bledsoe Contract $19,759.80 Citv's Contract Amount with Randazzo $150,921.80 Separate Roofi ng Contract Due to WIIC $15,370.00 Balance of Funds Due from WIIC (to be withdrawn $10,777.01 in Progress Pay No.5) Additional Cost Items Discovered (Estimated; Under Discussion) Roofinq Costs $3,200.00 Caroetinq $6,000.00 Plumbinq Fixture Modification $ 824.00 Sheet Metal Modification $ 530.00 HVAC Modification $2,733.00 Subtota 1 $13,287.00 Additional Inspection $10,000.00 ~ TOTAL ADDITIONAL COSTS I $23,287.00 ~ weincost.cht Attachment +5 NOV 14 1995 ITEM 13.1 52 of 52