Item 3 - Poway Royal Residents 1'1 :111.1(' OI~,\I, TI':STIMONY .-J O~5-95 - :\ list.;!" Chair. Commissioners and SIOllf: Mv ,"""0 is Fr." C"IIi"g, (reside.1 13340 Alpine Dlive, Poway Royal Estates, I :111\ here tonight to respond to s(.,ICOIenls made by acting Chair, Linda Oravec, in her closing .,;omments at the Seplembcr 71h Housing Commission meeting. Ms. Oravec refers to a leller dated August I st, authored by the Poway Homeowners Associotion officers and directors, and distributed 10 the poway Royal homeowners. She daims the letter states that the rculs arc 'mim~: to be raised by $150.00. lbi~ is not correct! The tetler clearly slates that "we are now faced with a ~ S 150.00 fent increase;," There certainly is OJ. great difference between a oossiblc: and i!. illilin.i!.!t rent int.:reasc, as implied by Ms. Oravec's st.1lement. :\lsa. according to the September 7th minutes, !'vIs. Oravec states that this letter included false infontli.ltion and stated it '''3S a malicious act. ( lakc e,tremo exception to this and submit that Ms, Or.vec is uninfonned and was not prcsc:n\ at the:: various occasions when the possible rent increase was mentioned by various Cityslan-. The first mention of 3 possible rent incrc:1Sc, in response to a bond shortfall, was made by Ml'. D"id Narewky in a sworn deposition taken and recorded on 3-6-95. (Here is a copy of said deposition,) Ms, Oravec was not present nor to my knowledge has reviewed this deposition. Again on 6-5-95, at a meeting held by City staff at the Phase II clubhouse, regarding refinancing of the bonds, Mr. Shafer stated that in lieu of refinancing the bonds a rent increase would be nccessaI)' to meet the bond shortfall. Ms. Oravec was not present at this meeting. Also, at a meeting held on Monday 6-19-95 between PRMOA president Sylvia Nicpon, attorney Richard Wutz, City staff: 10hn Fitch, Warren Shafer, Peggy Stewart and City attorney Steve Boehmer, it was again slated by Mr, Shafer that "unless we refinance the bonds to meet the shortfall it would be nocessaI)' to increase the rent S150,00 per monlb per unit" This slalement was repeated at the 6-20-95 City Council meeting, in response: to a question asked by council member Susan Callery, where the vote was taken to refinance the bonds. Ms. Oravec was not present at either of these meetings. I would liKe to challenge Ms. Oravec to read the lune 22nd edition of the Chieftain wherein Deputy Mayor Susan Callery is quoted as saying after Ibe Council meeting, "Rents would h.,.. gone: up S130.oo a month if we had nollaken this action", referring to the refinancing of the bonds. B.sed on alllhesc statements made by City staff and the D<:puty Mayor on different ocoasions and the fact that as of August 1st the bonds were not yet reftrulnced, we as the Poway Royal Homeowners Association were very concerned about 3 possible rent increase. What Ms, Oravec refers to as a malicious act I and the olher members of the Poway Royal Homeo\VTlcrs Association consider to be our fiduciary responsibility to inform the homeowners of such a possible rent increase. I must also statc, at tills time, in response to the statement made by Ms. Oravec in the'. September 7th meeting minutes that "she does not want to see anymore letters like this... . lh.l I do not have a responsibility to answer to you, Ms, Oravec, for my actions, However, I do have a fiducial)' responsibility to the homeowners who elected me and when necessary I will infonn them of anything that effects them. Although I would like this statement to be read inlO the minutes as Ms. Oravec's were at , last month's meeting. fm sure they won't be. I do, however, demand that an apology from l'vI.s, Oravec, accusing the Homeowners Association of printing falsehoods and acting tiJalW..... M..-.r- Illaliciously I be read into this meeting's minutes. Finally, as a side note, In reading the Po\Vay Housing Commission Procedures for C(': (,u~ )1J.h4- Meeting>, there are clear instNctions and guidelines regarding the conduct of speakers k,;iJ... 1l~ towards commissioners and sl3ff yet nothing 10 mandale the same from Ihe commissioners ~~(.~~ u.l: toward, the public. It is my fec:ling the Housing Conunission meeting.' should not be the forum for commissioners 10 voice their personal feelings, especially when unlnfonned, nor to malign any person or group publicly. .jtll,l.?at~...LZ- f..i:U~ Th.nk you, ~H.,1.-4\,5 a~,-,-JM'n..L. ~4tt~ ....!l .A e I.d:;..... --- .lA~ 11/~4/7..J.t--. - - . ..... ,. i HOUSING COMMISSION MINUTES MEETING SEPTEMBER 7, 1995 Page 7 Fran Colling asked if the oleanders could be removed from inside the mini-park area. Mr. Narevsky responded yes. commissioner Tremble commended staff and stated that the park looks 99% better than the last time he visited the area. Commissioner Tremble moved and Commissioner Cross seconded to receive and file the report and directed staff to proceed to purchase and install the additional equipment. The motion was approved on by a vote of 5 to O. 12. PROPOSED MOBILEHOME TOUR -SCHEDULED FOR OCTOBER 14, 1995 (REVISED DATE) Mr. Narevsky stated that at the last Housing commission Meeting it was voted to conduct a mobilehome tour on October 7, 1995. Due to a conflicting city of poway Employee function, the tour must be delayed. The date of October 14, 1995, was agreed as a date. Mr. Narevsky indicated that this tour was a public meeting and all were welcome to attend. Vice Chair Oravec asked the guests present if the pUblic had any comments at this time. There were no comments. 13. HALEY RANCH ESTATES - REVISED RESIDENT SELECTION PROCESS - STATUS REPORT -. Mr. Narevsky gave a.brief overview to guest present. He stated that at the July meeting of the Housing Commission that he was directed to work with the City Attorney on this. report. He indicated that he is still working with the City Attorney's Office and will bring back a report at the October meeting. 14. COMMENTS FROM COMMISSION MEMBERS Commissioner Cross - none. . Commissioner Hahn - none. Commissioner Kinyon - none. Vice-Chair Oravec - She prefaced her. comments by directing Staff to include her comments verbatim in the minutes. The Vice Chair said that she is one of the original members of the Commission and she resents the letter she was holding being signed by members of the Homeowners Association and sent to all residents of poway Royal Estates stating that the rents are going to be raised by $150.00. She said that the rents have been discussed at the Housing Commission Meetings. She said that this is a malicious act and false information has been provided. She said that .city had to ---..-----.. - ~ . - '-~ -,- , _. HOUSING COMMISSION MINUTES MEETING SEPTEMBER 7, 1995 Page 8 waste their time to send out a correction letter. She does not want to see anymore letters like this. The Vice Chair additionally requested that Staff place an item on the Agenda concerning adding additional greenbelt in the common areas. Commissioner Tremble - He enjoyed the walk of the Park. The streets are bad. Lots of improvements have been made. The residents and staff are doing a great job on landscaping. 15. COMMENTS FROM STAFF Mr. Narevsky announced that Wayne Gilbert will be married on September 22, 1995. Wayne R. Gilbert - none. 16. ADJOURNMENT At 7:35 p.m., it was moved, seconded and approved that the September 7, 1995 meeting of the poway Housing Commission be adjourned to 5 n.m. on October 5, 1995, at the Poinsettia Senior Mobilehome Park Clubhouse, 13648 Edgemoor Street, Poway. The motion carried unanimously. -. . ------. -_._---~-~~~._---- -- ------- . August 1, 1995 Homeowners: To date we have been very successful in our litigation. Despite the City's efforts to sabotage us by their legal maneuvering and overall dividing of residents, we have continued to be successful. Judge Anthony Joseph has ruled in our favor and against the City more often than not. Our case is as strong, if not stronger, than it was in the begirming. We are now faced with a possible $150.00 rent increase per unit, per month to offset the City's shoI1fall, according to City officials. We are at a crossroad.... Based on the SUlVeys filled out by the residents in early 1994 regarding legal action and a unanimous vote in June 1994 by the residents to file a lawsuit against the City, your Board of Directors was legally responsible to proceed with your request However, your Board of Directors and a few dedicated residents cannot continue to fund litigation. You voted for litigation, you are financial1y responsible too! In order to continue with this litigation we must pay the out-of-pocket expenses as well as all costs incurred by the Association for services related to our litigation, i.e. printing, faxing, postage, etc.. It is unreasonable to expect our lawyers to pay these bills. You can't get something for nothing. The success of your lawsuit against the City hinges on its funding. Many homeowners associations have monthly dues to support such expenses. At present Poway Royal homeowners do not pay association dues. Therefore, it is imperative that we receive $20.00 per month to cover expenses. Is your home worth saWtg? We all have hardships but you must sacrifice and dig deep to contribute to the legal fund to keep the pressure on the City. Without your further contributions the aforementioned SI50.00 rent increase will only be the first of many. United we will win, . PRMOA Board, Officers and Directors. Yjhw7/}' ~~ oI~ t. ':- r tJ.~~ ",_~, ~ ~i"" 1Iu,&..) /" .~~ 'Z'-e-U ~ ~~~ ~" 77: . ,->i!.[VT0 If ' P.S.: Discussion regarding litigation to be held at the August 1 Your attendance is inlperative. -~._~_..._---~~" - . --- . PCJ\V A ,{ REDEVELOPrv'lENT AGENCY ---- : i I I August 9, 1995 i i I I ; , Dear Residents of poway Royal Estates Mobilehome Park: i , ! , It has come to our attention that Residents of poway Royal Estates i i , have received information that alleged rents were expected to be I i raised up to $150.00 in January 1996. i , i i i This is not accurate. The poway Housing Commission will hold their I I next meeting on september 7, 1995, at 5:00 p.m. at the Phase I ! i Clubhouse in poway Royal Estates. On the agenda is the proposed i i rent increase to be effective in January 1996. The proposal that I I will be made to the Housing Commission is for those residents who 1 have signed the Resale Agreement will have their rent increased by 2.6%, which represents the increase in the Consumer Price Index. I Those who have not signed the Resale Agreement will have their rent increased by 5%. I I I I Therefore, rent increases will range from $11. 50 per month for those on the Resale Agreement to a maximum increase of $25.00 per I month for those at the 5% level. Should you have a question on the proposed rent increase you may I I i want to plan on attending the next meeting of the poway Housing i Commission. I ! , Sincerely, ! /V~/Jtbdg~ ! i I I . , W e R. Gilbert , i , Housing Program Coordinator I I I i I I I I I ] I I I l 13325 C,"k C"t" Dd" ) Mailing Address: P.O. Box 789. Poway. California 92074-0789 . (619) 748-6600. 695-1400 -----~_._-^ . The Alert P R m .O.A Publication Vo1.9 no.a AUGUST 1995 --------------------------------------------------------------- m:br. ~rr.sibr.rrt's ;ll1lI'Juyr.: Dear Residents: I was delighted to receive the letter from Wayne Gilbert, stating the upcoming rent increase would be that of the CPI or 5% rather than the threatened $150 per month per unit stated on three (3) different occasions. David Narevsky during his deposition alluded to the increase necessary to satisfy the shortfall. Our attorney, Richard Wirtz and I had a meeting with John Fitch. Peggy Stewart. Warren Shafer and the attorney representing the city, prior to the Council approving the r.efinancing of the bond. At this meeting Mr. Shafer said. .. unless we refinance the bond to meet the shortfall it would be necessary to increase the rent $150 per month per unit." Mr. Shafer made that statement again at the city council meeting where the vote was taken to approve the refinancing of the bond. After receiving Mr. Gilberts letter yesterday, I called Ms. Stewart. Director of Finance and asked if the city had refinanced the bond. She replied that they had not and they were waiting for the right time to do so. I then asked her. if they were not able to refinance the bond for some time and they were not going to increase the rent. how were they going to take care of the shortfall. Ms. Stewart didn't have a definite answer and agreed that it would be a serious problem. Ms, Stewart is looking into other que~tions I had regarding the bond and has promised to get back to me on Monday with the answers. I will keep you informed. Those of you who pay taxes on your home rather than a fee to the DMV should consider filing an appeal. This must be done by September 15, 1995. You can obtain an application for' filing by contacting the fOllowing: Clerk of the Assessment Appeals Board 1600 Pacific Highway, Room 402 San Diego, CA 92101-2471 Phone: (619) 531-5777 If you have any questions regarding this matter call me at 748-2285. p.ll.K.a.A ~ 1994. 1Uq 1ID81ltllo:rized 12se or cl:apJicaticm of lUQ" materie.l. :in tlris pnhHCQ.tiou is stricUy prolri.llit.ed. -----_._- ~~--_....- . , .- - IY NEWS CHIEFTAIN June 22. 1995 City refinances mobile home park bonds Action taken as alternative to rent hikes v By Mary Anne Paulet missed several claims by the deficits. We need to take a major Poway Royal Estates Homeowners step" to offset the loss. Staff Wrrter Association against the city, as part Peggy Stewart. city administra- In action designed to prevent a of a I!,wsuit ~hicb still is due to be tive services director, said that major rent increase in the city- tned w Supe,"!or .Court. under the refinancing, it would owned Poway Royal Mobile Home Jo~e~h saId :n effect th~t the take the city five years longer, until Parle, City Council members voted assocIation c:w. t sue Ihe. CIty" on 2023, to payoff the bonds: Tuesday to refinance the park ~ou~ of nus~presentanon. . He Sylvia Nicpon, president of the. bonds to save the city $32 million. dis~ the bIg causes of acnon, Poway Royal Estates Homeowners "Rents would have gone up the c!alms that we cos~ tbem Association, warned the council, $130 a month if we bad not taken (mobIle home park reslden~s) "You are being asked by (city) this action," Deputy Mayor Susan I?oney by the a.mount ($21 ml~- staJIto approve another bond issue Callery commented after the City lion) ~at ~e p'.'-'d for tbe park 1D on blind faith. This sounds like Council meeting. 1991, ~ ~d. . . history repeating itself. I urge the _ The council also voted to appro- . The CIty ~ui1t 1D a pote.ntial 5 council to make ,certain you have priate $2.1 million from Poway per cent re~ll mcrease per year, bot all the faas." Redevelopment Agency bousing lDcre~, d:v~ been less ~.r 5 In otber action, the council funds, to provide for at least 50 per ce~t, ~ty attorney S31 reviewed a plan to amend tbe affordable bousing (low-income) City Manager James Bowersox South Poway Specific Plan for the spaces in the parl< for the next 30 recommended the bond refinanc- business park, to allow sever,al , years. ing to the council. Wairen Shafer, ' changes including temporuy sand i,. The council vote was the 1atest city redevelopment services direc- and gravel aggregate processing " F'; in. a series of actioos involving the tor, said the change was necessary facilities, and an inaease in build- " .: parl< within the past few weeks. . or tbe city would "keep losing ing maximum height from 35 feet ': Superior Court Judge Anthony money. We ~ $600,000 short this to 45 feet in an area where ridges ' I Josepb earlier tbis montb dis- year in anticipated ongoing block any view of the constrUction. tin i-------~-------------------~-----------' : I want to be a paper-backer! I ions ver- :'1 e\. 0 5ign m... ,... l.,.~ ;'Iun_ ""'_<ion .., : .! are ruly I _CorridorNews _PowayNewsChitftain _RBNewsJoumal I ~ for I Enclosed is my $24 contribution to help defray delivery costs. I and I [oj. I IIpt. I I lote I ~ o Bill my VISA/MasterCard account I to I I ~ y to I Cad Number Idle I GROUP I Cad Holder's Name ExpIration Date Ima lack IlCw Please assig.n $5 of my subscription contribution to: (check one) I for o RB Community Foundation o Poway Center for the Performing Arts Ibts o Rancho Family YMCA o Friends of the Carmel Mountain Ranch Library our. 'ere Name: ~al, ~ss Delivery Address: 110 I r.itv. Zio: Scnd to: Pomerado Newspapers -, . . - . . . Hous i ns Commi ss; on Proc.dures Apri 1 13, 1995 Page 2 4) Agenda Items and Pu:..lic Input Staff provides copies o~ the Agenda for the pub~;c at ea. ii:2C~iij9 ;f the Housin<; Commission. The publ ic ~Jil1 havc an op~ortunity add:,,~s:.: "he Hou$ ~ ng Commission on each item of the Agcnda. The ChJ..i:~ \\Iiil ;' .:o;.S~ii:(: ;;j(: :Jcrz of the publ ic for comment en each item prior to any action ~~en by t~, Housing Commission. S) Conduct of Speakers Speake:'s must be recognzed by the Chai}" and must come f. ;'..Ial"d to t e podiu:1, unless directed otherwLe by the Chair. Speakers must f "st stat.::: ".;iei r nt:::;IE and address. There is :0 time limit for speakers, hO\'le\'.:", Pft:S2i,t'.~iGr.s r;;;~st address the specific it,:n on the Agenda. Speakers are t ;:.;.ddres~ ':' .::!1 r" comments to the Chair, ..nd may only ask questions of stz. : wit~ ~2;' .ission from the Chair. Speakers may state the i,- pos iti on on the issue, hOl'lcver is ir;.'Je: ..~s$ible to use prcfanity or to be ;,busive to the Chair, Housing Com- 'ssion or.taff. While it is understood ::hat some issues may raise emotio,:;, speake:-., are encouraged to raise their issue in a logical fashion, p~ _ide direc:ion on ~Ihat specific action th~t they wish addressed, and sugge. : alternat.ves, 6) Conduct of Commissioners Commissioners must be recognized by the Chair prior to d.s:ussioc. 7) Conduct of Staff The fur.ction of staff i:~ to provide technical assistance to the !lcLj~,g Co~nission as required. Staff will prepare staff report. on i-;::~i.1S .~. direc':'.ed by the Housing Commissi~n. Staff will provide a verbal ~port O~ L"cl1 ite~ as requested by the Chair. Staff will not engage in the di. :~ssio~ ot :he Hous i ng Commi ss i on item., except as requested by the Hou:, ,'9 Commi ~ 'on 0:" .~s requirc:d by la\'/ (i .e. 0 note a potential Browr. Act vicl ~;,on, et.c.. '. . Staff will not respond .0 questions from the audience ex ~~t ~~ di~ .:~ed by the Chair, All communi:ations by Staff will be by permi . ~ on \) ~ t: "'1 . I..la 1 ~~ . 8) Ad~ournment of Me~t ~gs At the conclusion of a1 b" '" 'te the C'1"'.' \,/'" . "."r"'" ' .""'"~'O \,Sln~ss 1 ms, 1(,..1 j I. . ...... l,.U..1 ;. .......l..\v.. adjourc. Such motion s: ould state a date, time and 10c: ~~ 0'; t~.( :~c^t meetin9. It may occur ..hat the 1 ocat i on needs to be mc\ _ due eJ " SCilZGI.1.: ng conflict. In that even:, the final posted Agen~a wjll & :2 ~hc ch~ J~ of location in boldface pr nt, " ---... . ~. '~~ IIj,;J.SU,$"- . fJu.-6~(}~..:J~ __________.__________________- . --.--_.... -0_._.__- .. ;r,c~ '~U~I ~ JJ~ if #jf } , .- }1l! ~ ~ r:I-~ Cbai;- .J ~~. 133YO A/p~ ~ ~ t:'-'7~fd .JMu-~:J~ ~ ~d~ f _ ~-hV>II) Ct7JJ.II- ~ ~ ~ ~~ .' ~'fl.-/~ ~~;,4J~ ~1.~ LO~ I -'-I fuL ...J ~ ~ ~ '.~ ~ -t; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. 'liUW~. IT>\- 7:A- ~ 'IlL It)~ ~ ~~5ge., 7.3mnL~ ~, "';."' 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V~L ft~ ~.l~%<.~~'~ (l.I Yh N:/.L~ iJJ{~"i ~ ~ / ~ ~~r- ~ elf'oLo.jj- ~ tZ/1l- ~. ~ JL .~ .i;C (MJA Pff'cu~ ~ ~ /Io{.L(J.J ('.un~ ~c<Jc,(. , ~ /t;k ~ .~ ~ ~ j~~~", <f tl'X- C:-YO~d- .A '#..L. .k~cr-J cg .);(~. 8/~, ~ c~a'~' J ~ .., ,...6 ~~ff ~ ~ rlf/lJIJ!l C3~(;kd ~ /~~ .r .I..v.... ~~'-i~~~ -/~ , . ~ -t:o~. . ~L 'F ~;C;~c;' . tJ .R..hs/..lIUJ ~ dJ:s C1U.:f ifJ)U ,. dt 5 c r..u:;t; f ~. O::f ~~/ ~ 'I~~ ~ li ~C~UyL) ~~~ ~ J ~ .~ "7',.()Yt m.t..cJ- f t/~dL ~ .fYI ~ /lJ'~4...- 6. A./M+ , Jr, j~ 10 rri- _ ' ~ --W~~ - II t, ~-...J ~ ~.,:;C ~ _._'-~ - - III - . , ' "\,'.~u~.;.';,+;. ',', ' . -- - - ~~~ , . -.. -- 1~ Ja.b~ ~ "-7 - /l!.IJ!J~ .~ _ .. ~ ~~ /vtf"-"- k, ~r ~ . .. ~ o#.iv; ~(f Y4 .,.tr ~ ~ --~ ~ ~-~ '-~~ __ ~~~h~. ~--~~~- ~~~/ ~7 ~~ ~ ~~~~ - . ~~ ~~~-~ ?/ ~ ~~~ cf)~/ ~ ~ ~ ~ }Jf..a Cka~ k ~~~r~f/()~ th1- %- ~ ~ . - 'k'~V~ <;1:. b "PI ",~l (!,..n E 'l!> II-.;J.~ -4'5 Resolution No. P- Page 2 7. That there are no other relevant negative impacts of the proposed use that cannot be mitigated. . Section 3: Citv Council Decision: The City Council hereby approves Minor Conditional Use Permit 95-05 subject to the following conditions: Within 30 days of approval (1) the applicant shall submit in writing that all conditions of approval have been read and understood; and (2) the property owner shall execute a Covenant on Real Property. The use conditionally granted by this permit shall not be conducted in such a manner as to interfere with the reasonable use and enjoyment of surrounding residential and commercial uses. Thi s conditional use permit shall be subject to annual review by the Director of Planning Services for compl iance with the conditions of approval and to address concerns that may have occurred during the past year. If the permit is not in compliance with the conditions of approval, or the Planning Services Department has received complaints, the required annual review shall be set for a public hearing before the City Council to consider modification or revocation of the use permit. COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS IS REQUIRED. COMPLIANCE SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING SERVICES. SITE DEVELOPMENT l. Site shall be developed in accordance with the approved site plans on file in the Planning Services Department and the conditions contained herein. 2. Approval of this request ~hall not waive compliance with all sections of the Zoning Ordinance and all other applicable City Ordinances in effect at the time of building permit issuance. 3. The reverse vending machines which are currently located at the grocery store entrance shall be removed upon installation of the recycling center. . 4. The operators of the recycling center shall be responsible for maintaining the area around the center in a clean and orderly condition. S. TIll. CSUltar *11 ba 11.1tad to OM .ax Ua pa111ltld IIIbl1 CCIIlbliMr as i11l4Stretcd ill Attec:talftt D IlDIllll e stonp b1atldilll/cfflctl for Ul ettOllldUlt. 5. This approval shall become null and void if building permits are not issued for this project within two years from the date of project approval. SIGNS '.' NOV 2 8 1995 ITEM .5