Item 12 - TUP 95-83 Holiday Street Fair --_. - AGENDA REPORT SUMMARY - TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: JUleS L. Bowersox, City Ma~ " INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City lIanager~'H ~ Reba Wright-Quastler, Director of Plan ng Services DATE: November 28, 1995 SUBJECT: Temporary Use Pe~lt 95-83, Holiday Street Fair, Poway Chamber of Commerce, Applicant ABSTRACT A request for approval to conduct a street fair on Sunday, December 3, 1995 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. ENVIRONPIENTAL REVIEW This project is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act under Classes 4(e) and 11(c). The event will be a temporary use of land having a negligible or no permanent effects on the environment. -- FISCAL IMPACT None. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE A courtesy notice was sent to 226 residents and businesses within the project area by the applicant. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve Temporary Use Permit 95-83 subject to the conditions contained in the attached resolution. ACTION - .: \CITY\PLANNINli\ PORT\TUP95ij3.SUM 1 of 9 NOV 2 8 1995 ITEM 12 ----- _.~"--- --- - AGENDA REPOR'l CITY OF POW A Y This report is included on the Consent Calendar. There will be no separate discussion of the report prior to approvi!ll by the City Council unless members of the Council, staff or public request it to be removed from the Consent Calendar and discussed separ~. If you wish to have this report pulled for discussion, please fill out a slip indicating the report number and give it to the City Clerk prior to the beginning of the City Council meeting. TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Ma~ INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manage~~ ~SL Reba Wright-Quastler, Director of Plan ~ Services Stephen A. Streeter, Principal Planner PROJECT PLANNER: David S. Brooks, Planning Intern DATE: November 28, 1995 SUBJECT: Temoorarv Use Permit 95-83. Holidav Street Fair. Powav Chamber of Commerce. AODlicant: A request for approval to conduct a street fair on Sunday, December 3, 1995 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. BACKGROUND The Poway Chamber of Commerce is requesting approval of a temporary use permit application to hold its annual holiday street fair. Section 17.26.030A of the Poway Municipal Code provides regulations for temporary uses within the City. The code requires a temporary use permit approval by the City Council for major outdoor events or enterprises. FINDINGS This event is to be located along Midland Road between Adrian and Edgemoor Streets and on Temple Street just west of Midland Road. This segment of Midland Road will be closed off on December 3, 1995 from 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. Through- traffic on Midland Road will be detoured to Eastern Street vi a Adri an and Edgemoor Streets. Wri tten notification will be mailed to residents and businesses affected by the road closure. Booths will be set up in the street and by the curb for Poway merchants to sell their goods and services. Approximately 200 merchants are expected to participate, with an estimated 15,000 people in attendance. A petting zoo, pony rides and entertainment will be located in the area north of the Pacific Bell building. Santa and his sleigh will be located in the Old Poway Shopping Center parking lot. The applicant proposes to use a number of business parking lots, vacant lots and public streets for parking. Shuttle service will be provided from the Target, Wal Mart and Creekside Plaza parking lots. ACTION: 2 of 9 J Nav 28 1995 ITEU 12 - -- Agenda Report November 28, 1995 Page 2 Additionally, the applicant is proposing to recognize the City of Poway's fifteenth birthday with a cake cutting ceremony at 4:00 p.m., which will be open to the general public. The Renegade band will provide music from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. at the gazebo. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This project is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act under Classes 4(e) and lI(c). The event will be a temporary use of land having a negligible or no permanent effect on the environment. FISCAL IMPACT None. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE A courtesy notice was sent to 226 residents and businesses within the project area by the applicant. The notice included the hours that the band would be playing. RECOMMENDATION It is reclllllllended that the Ci ty Council approve Temporary Use Permi t 95-83 subject to the conditions contained in the attached resolution. JLB:JDF:RWQ:DSB:ks Attachlllents: A. Proposed Resolution B. Site Plan C. Memorandum from Vicki Lazowski-Gowey E:\CITY\PLANNINl,REPOAT\TUP95a3.A8N - NaV 28 1995 ITEM 12 3 of 9 RESOLUTION NO. P- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA APPROVING TEMPORARY USE PERMIT 95-83 WHEREAS, Temporary Use Permit 95-83, Poway Chamber of Commerce, applicant, requests approval to hold a street fair on Midland Road on December 3, 1995; and WHEREAS, on November 28, 1995 the City Council considered the above- referenced item. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council does hereby resolve as follows: Section 1: Environmental Findinas: Pursuant to the procedures of the City of Poway, implementing the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970, the above-referenced project is categorically exempt, Classes 4(e) and II(c). Section 2: Findinas: That the proposed use is in accordance with the purposes and standards of Section 17.26.030 of the Poway Municipal Code. Section 3: Citv Council Decision: The City Council hereby approves Temporary Use Permit 95-83 subject to the following conditions: APPLICANT SHALL CONTACT THE DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING SERVICES REGARDING COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. Site shall be developed in accordance with the approved site plans on file in the Planning Services Department and the conditions contained herein. 2. Fire and County Sheriff's Departments shall be contacted for appropriate permits and inspections prior to the commencement of the activity. 3. Temporary signs shall be reviewed by the Planning Services Department for compliance with the Sign Ordinance prior to installation. 4. Approval of this activity shall not excuse compliance with all other sections of the Zoning Ordinance and all other applicable City ordinances presently in effect. 5. This approval shall become null and void on December 4, 1995 at which time the site shall be restored to its original condition. 6. The barricades can be placed at 6:00 a.m. and must be removed by 6:00 p.m. on December 3, 1995. ATTACHMENT A NOV 2 B 1995 ITEM 12 4 of 9 - - Resolution No. Page 2 7. The Poway Chamber of Commerce is required to provide to the City, prior to the event, an insurance policy naming the City as ADDITIONALLY INSURED for a minimum of $1,000,000. 8. The Poway Chamber of Commerce is required to si9n a City of Poway waiver of liability form covering the event and City equipment used during the event. 9. The Poway Chamber of Commerce must require each separate booth or presenting participant to sign a waiver of liability form. 10. A refundable $500 security/cleaning deposit is to be paid to the City to ensure proper cleanup after the event and to cover possible equipment damage. 11. A detailed site plan for Midland Road booths must be provided. 12. Signs on Midland Road, giving particulars of dates and times of closure, must be posted one week prior to the event. Other signage shall be in confonlance with temporary signage provisions of the Poway Municipal Code. 13. The applicant shall notify in writing the Midland Road businesses and residents affected by the road closure (Adrian, Eastern, Edgemoor, Sycamore, Temple Streets, and Brighton Avenue). The notice shall detail the dates and times of the event and the road closure. 14. Portable rest rooms are required at the ratio of I to every 500 people. 15. A sign showing location of the restrooms must be posted. 16. A dumpster must be placed next to the Hamburger Factory and must be removed by December 4, 1995. 17. The event sites shall be left free of debris, litter, or any other evidence of the temporary use upon completion of the use. 18. All food and drink concessions operated for profit shall secure the necessary Health Department permit and State seller's permit. Non- profit food booths shall be required to comply with same requirements as commercial booths. 19. The vehicles of all vendors using mobile units must comply with California Administrative Code, Title 17. Specifically, all doors must be self-closing, services windows must be 216 square inches or less, and shatterproof guards are required for all light bulbs. 20. Vendors preparing food in temporary booths must provide floors, walls, "- and ceiling for the entire stand. 5 of 9 NOV 2 8 '995 ITEM 12 --...-~ Resolution No. Page 3 21. Waste-water disposal from food units shall be acceptable sewer or holding tanks. 22. Provision for temporary electrical power will require an electrical permit and an inspection approval by the Building Safety Inspection Division. 23. The surfaces of the streets and public right-of-ways shall not be marked with paint, tape nor any other type of marking materials. APPLICANT SHALL CONTACT THE DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING SERVICES REGARDING COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITION: A traffic control plan showin9 all advance and detour signs shall be provided and approved by Engineering Services prior to the event. APPLICANT SHALL CONTACT THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SERVICES REGARDING COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: Public Services Department will provide the necessary barricades and signs for the detour, stockpiled at the various locations for placement by others during the street closure time. Public Services will pick up the barricades. APPLICANT SHALL CONTACT THE DEPARTMENT OF SAFETY SERVICES REGARDING COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. Any barricades used are to have attendants at all times. 2. Midland Road is to remain accessible to emergency vehicle traffic. 3. All booths, canopies and tents are to be tagged with State Fire Marshal approval. 4. All booths or tents having electrical power, using any kind of flammable fuel, or doing any cooking will have a fire extinguisher rated not less than 2AIOBC. 5. Maintain Fire Department access to all building and streets affected by the holiday street fair. APPLICANT SHALL CONTACT THE SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT REGARDING COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. Through-traffic on Midland Road will be detoured to Eastern Street via Adrian and Edgemoor Streets. 2. Barricades shall be located on Edgemoor Street to the west of Midland Road to prevent traffic other than residents. The barricade shall be manned by persons capable of removing the barricades. NOV 2 8 1995 ITEM 12 6 of 9 - - Resolution No. Page 4 3. Barricades shall be placed on Midland Road at the north side of Edgemoor Street, on Midland Road at the south side of Adrian Street, and on Temple Street at east side of Midland Road. 4. One or more identifiable members of the event committee shall be on-site at all times when the parking areas are in use to assist with security of parked vehicles, to aid in the movement of vehicles in and out of the lot, to provide information to motorists, and to minimize traffic congestion on surface streets. 5. Reinforce the no parking area on Aubrey Street, approximately one hundred feet West of Midland road, with A-frame barricades designating "No Parking\Tow Away Zone." This street narrows at this approximate location and is problematic for traffic flow. 6. The event committee shall have personnel designated at all times and at specific locations to provide liaison with representatives of the City's Fire and Sheriff's Departments. APPROVED and ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Poway, State of California, this 28th day of November, 1995. Don Higginson, Mayor ATTEST: Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) SS. COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) I, Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk of the City of Poway, do hereby certify, under the penalty of perjury, that the foregoing Resolution, No. _____ , was duly adopted by the City Council at a meeting of said City Council held on the _____ day of , 1995, and that it was so adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: - ABSENT: Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk City of Poway [: \CITY\PLAHNIH&\RtPOlT\TUPl5IJ. RES NOV 28 1995 ITEM 12 7 of 9 "-- . T T rn Shultle Slop ADRIAN . B~ SU-a-d'Sclcluiry J4J t 1 ....,uilinn.l Veudar I'ukiD& p=bo lJ() T H P T M D~-:':'" . , i ..0 . t d . c - . t J , 0 . -- ~ I , DO D r y T d .....~. :9 '. . . . . ". o' T T ...... 86 9lKkb +II -.. Zoo m;214 200 Temple 1 213 201 84 89 IR R I ....."'... T ..-'" ..... ....... . T_ t ~ . V P e a ~ 1 r n k d o It i iJ 0 T , T . r n , ~ . g 54 2 7 11 ;.., 51 I T . -- I'ooc1 Olurt ... ... j2 T 33 SHUTILIl SI'OPS FiDII<ri T..... Koepcn Wa1mart 29 Clocbide PIua t~ 00""'" ~.- ZJ MiD T . Trull CooIaillcn I Tnub I Kizry's I Trull I . Bil Trull Bill5 Joa""'''' 21 Add1 ""'" Boll 1.5 I .SJ>o= Ii;> 6 T 2 ) 4 , T ..... 9 . 7 6 2w' W ~.FOUIId J) .... .. ROGistratiOlJ " u 12 f ...........,.... ... : 0 ........... """'" J IR N R loI'tUll'" Edgemore ATTACHMENT B NOV 2 8 1995 ITEM 12 8 of 9 - To: Honorable Mayor, Members of the City Council and City Staff From: Vicki Lazowski-Gowey, Poway Chamber of Commerce The Chamber of Commerce is still very interested in including a City of Poway Birthday Bash & Street Dance in our December 2nd street fair. The following plans have been made to date with the approval of the City Council this evening. We would like to have the City Birthday Bash/street dance at the gazebo in Old Poway Park. The event timing would be as follows. All day display of pictures (or whatever the city can come up with) showing . the additions to our city and accomplishments since inc~rporation. At4:00 we will begin with some ceremonial comments from the Mayor and any council member who can attend. We would also like to invite city Manager Jim Bowersox to participate. We will then serve cake and drinks. I will work to find sponsors for these items. The Renegade band has agreed to a lower fee which will allow us to have a free concert and some funds for advertismg or other needs. . They will play from 4:30 through 6:30 p.m. at the gazebo. I have already spoken with Suzanne Stevens, Jim Bentz and Ledonna regarding the perfonnance. They do not have any concerns due to the early time schedule. We will not have a beer garden as originally discussed. We are requesting that the city contribute $ 2000.00 to'the festivities fund. I have volunteered to act as the birthday bash coordinator to work with the city staff, Chamber of Commerce, street fair committee, band and sponsors to bring this birthday celebration event together. .. I am present tonight to answer any questions you may have. ... ATrACIIMEIlT C NaV 2 8 1995 ITEM 12 1\-1-15 9 of 9 ~1.1