Item 7 - Presentation of Preliminary Library Site Design AGENDA IlF.PORT SUMMARY -. 11:~~q!3- TO: Honorable Mayor and Members ofOJ~I~ch" lED . Honorable Chairman and Members of the . - Redevelopment Agency James L. Bowersox, City Manager/Executive Di;if}> FROM: ^ INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager~'\ T Robert L. Thomas, Director of Commumty Se~~ Patrick R. Foley, Senior Management Analyst DATE: December 5, 1995 SUBJECf: Presentation or Preliminary Library Site Design ABSTRACT The Library Design Steering Committee has met regularly with the architects and engineers since early October. At the City Council meeting, the architects will present the Steering Committee's preferred site design showing access, parking, and entrance to the library; the design approach to drainage along Poway Road; and the interior layout for the library building. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This item is not subject to CEQA review at this time. FISCAL IMPACT The City/Agency have budgeted sufficient funds for the design and construction of the library project. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Additional notification sent to Library Design Steering Committee and Library Advisory Committee. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council/Agency provide direction to the architects on the site design and interior layout for the library. ACTION 1 of 5 DEe 5 1995 ITEM 7 ."~-.----- - AGENDA REPOR'i CITY OF POW A Y TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Honorable Chairman and Members of the Redevelopment Agency FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Manager/Executive Di~ INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager~)1r Robert L. Thomas, Director of Communit ser~ Patrick R. Foley, Senior Management Analyst DATE: December 5, 1995 SUBJECT: Presentation of Preliminary Library Site Design BACKGROUND The Library Design Steering Committee, consists of representatives from the City Council/Agency, Engineering, Planning, and Community Services departments, Assistant City Manager, County Library staff, and members of the Library Advisory Committee, and Friends of the Library. The committee first met in October and has met five times with the architects and engineers to review various site design alternatives. The alternatives show library access, parking and entrance, and various design approaches for drainage along Poway Road. Also, reviewed were different program layouts for the library building interior. FINDINGS The Library Design Steering Committee and the Library Advisory Committee have selected the attached preliminary site plan and program layout for the building interior (Attachment 1). The Steering Committee's preferred site plan is consistent with the design goals of the Poway Road Specific Plan to create a strong and inviting presence on Poway Road. The architect will provide the City Council/Agency with a brief presentation on the various site designs considered by the Steering Committee. The architects will review and display renderings showing greater detail and design features of the preferred site plan and the interior building program 1 ayout. Staff is requesting that the Council/Agency provide direction to the architects on the site design and layout for the library interior. ACTION: 2 of 5 DEe 5 1995 ITEM 7 - . .- Agenda Report Preliminary Library Site Design December 5, 1995 Page 2 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This item is not subject to CEQA review at this time. FISCAL IMPACT The City/Agency has budgeted sufficient funds for the design and construction of the library project. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Additional notification sent to Library Design Steering Committee and Library Advisory Committee. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council/Agency provide direction to the architects on the site design and interior layout for the library. - JLB:JDF:RLT:PRF Attachment: Preliminary Library Site Design (C,\DAT.I.\_"\Iao!\.lMlY,COIII) - DEe 5 1995 ITEM 7 3 of 5 .----- . l ) .+. _, ~JI01Lli\M .,... .. ~ I = _. ... l" _. c: . . l- e h -' _ _n__, < i'.. - I ~.:;;r:, ~ i c .. - J ~\J7 '-l - .h ...~.. -,., - It;. '~\ -- - <j " - - - I OJ s - - - z: I - - _ I -< ! . - - - ~ , "\,\ I _ _ _ I .. :: i ll" - - - I .. III )~i '':'',\~~ = =: I ~ .. '" I "'" Ai l\~: ~ - - - I "" , , " ., . ~ - - - I Q:; 11 "IU. ; ~ '"' - - - ~ I . -0( - 'I:; 'in..! ~ - -!a - ! I . Q:; ~ - m l~\~'.L. i~ i ::J ~ ~ I;~ ~ ii i ~I ~ i ~ f":' "., ~i - - ..1= - ~- t j ~ }i~t. \\ ,,_ .' - - - .. 1 U .. . 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Consulting Librarian, with revisions approved at the August 31 st meeting of the Library Advisory Committee, Schematic Site Plan Site Conditions: Flood control engineering requires that the library structure be set back approximately 60' from Poway Road to allow for drainage of high storm waters flowing over Poway Road, The library floor level is level with Poway Road, The setback area is a gently sloped swale and provides a park-like landscape setting for the library, with the potential to develop a creek habitat which leads to the main channeL This creates a strong, continuous visual and pedestrian path connection from Poway Road to the Park and Community Center beyond. Site Access: The site plan provides for vehicular access from Bowron Road, In the future, library access will be improved by the extension of Tarascan Road from the signalized intersection on Poway Road, This will allow left turns and safer access. Transit service is maintained at the current location in front of the site, and is improved with a pull-off area and transit shelter integrated with the library design, Building Access: The library is accessible along sidewalks both from Poway Road and the parking area, 4 accessible parking spaces are provided nearest the building entrance. Parking is provided for approximately 115 cars, (80 to 100 parking spaces are required in the building program,) The parking areas are planted with shade trees and are crossed with raised sidewalks which function as speed bumps. The area in front of the library courtyard is paved to indicate a pedestrian zone, Urban Design: The Schematic Site Plan implements several of the Poway Road Specific Plan guidelines, The library is developed as a cluster of activities around an entrance courtyard, The courtyard arcade serves as a focal point for entry. addressing both Poway Road and the parking area. Parking is located at the center of the block, allowing the building to have a strong presence on Poway Road. The Library structure and arcades will be constructed of masonry, stucco and timber elements. 1~-S-"I5 :tl-1 - --"- -----~_._~ ......-___ou._._________..__ Courtyard: The courtyard is conceived of as an outdoor reading area for the Library, and an area for public meetings and receptions to spill out from the adjacent Meeting Room. The courtyard is a large open area, approximately 50' by 90', surrounded by an arcade approximately 15' deep. The courtyard is planted with shade trees and has a fountain to create a cool and quiet ambience, Plumbing and wiring for a food/coffee service cart are provided. Both permanent and occasional seating and tables are available. The courtyard features a large bedrock milling stone excavated in the construction of the South Poway Expressway, Schematic Floor Plan Main Hall: The plan is divided into three distinct volumes or structural bays. The central bay is the Main Hall of the library, The Main Hall is approximately 36' wide by 126' long by 30' high, with a wood ceiling and trusses, The library is entered from the courtyard through a vestibule at the east end of the Main HalL Moving further into the hall one finds the Circulation Desk, the Reference Area, New Books, Videos, Large Print Books, Current Periodicals and the entrance to the Children's Library. Small, recessed openings high on the south wall and larger openings high on the north wall introduce natural daylight while controlling glare. Children's Library: The northern bay houses the Children's Library, This area has generous windows along the north side, facing the landscape area toward Poway Road, The Children's Library is entered from the Main Hall near to the Library entrance to create a strong identity, On the south side the ceiling height is lower, and acoustical surfaces create a sound buffer between the Children's Library and the Main Hall. The Children's Library is separated with partial height walls, shelving and glass, to allow supervision while preventing the transmission of noise to other parts of the library. Collections: The southern bay houses most of the general collections, including Fiction, Nonfiction, Paperbacks, and Young Adults, The bay has recessed window openings above the shelving on the south side, and generous windows along the north side where study tables are located in alcoves, The Quiet Reading Room is located at the west end of this wing, farthest from the noise generating activities of the Children's Library and Reference Center, Study rooms and a larger Young Adults group study room are centrally located so that keys can be obtained and use can be observed from the Reference Desk nearby. This area of the Library can be expanded to the west if required in the future, Work Areas: The southern bay also contains the Friends Sales Area, Offices, Receiving, Sorting and Work areas, The staff areas receive natural daylight from clerestory windows along the south wall under the roof overhang, and from clerestories in the roof overhead. Meeting Room: The Meeting Room seats 80, and has a chair/table storage room and a small kitchen/coffee service area. The Meeting Room is an autonomous facility which can operate independently of the Library. Restrooms and a foyer are provided with access from the Meeting Room, The Meeting Room opens onto the courtyard, The Meeting Room is laid out so that it can be expanded and an additional Meeting Room added at a later date. - -_.--~- -------------- .- ~ ) +. lI'l'O.NO&lUlIl -+ - ..- .- ~ iEfJ ~ ~ 'pJ - - ~J - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ ~k: ~e ~i~ ~ I~ 5 ~. 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