Item 6 - Resolution Establishing Parkland Dedication In-Lieu Fees for Calendar Year 1996 AGEND -"1E;PORT SUMMARY - TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council -' FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Man~ ~ INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Managero/ t$ Robert L. Thomas, Director of CommuDlty Servic~ Patrick R. Foley, Principal Management Analyst DATE: December 12, 1995 SUBJECI': Resolution Establishing Parkland Dedication In-Lieu Fees for Calendar Year 1996 ABSTRACI' The City Council annually determines fees collected for the development of park and recreation facilities in-lieu of dedication of parkland. It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution establishing parkland dedication in-lieu fees for calendar year 1996. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW - The proposed resolution qualifies for a statutory exemption from CEQA review pursuant to Section 15273 (Rates, Tolls, Fees, and Charges). FISCAL IMPACT Parkland dedication in-lieu fees will be based on the number of units constructed during the calendar year 1996, which is unknown at this time. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Additional notification sent to Building Industry Association. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council close the public hearing and adopt the attached Resolution Establishing Parkland Dedication In-lieu Fees for Calendar Year 1996. ACTION - ~ 1 of 5 DEe 12 1995 ITEM 6 -.......--- AGENDA REPORT CITY OF POW A Y TO: Honorable Mayor and Members~ City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Man ~ -\ INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager ~ Robert L. Thomas, Director of Community service~ Patrick R. Foley, Principal Management Analyst~ DATE: December 12, 1995 SUBJECT: Resolution Establishing Parkland Dedication In-Lieu Fees for Calendar Year 1996 BACKGROUND Chapter 16.38 of the Poway Municipal Code provides for the dedication of parkland and calculation of in-lieu fees. A resolution is adopted annually setting fees based on the total estimated cost of parkland improvements, current estimated population, and the average population per dwelling unit. FINDINGS For the current year, the estimated park development costs and the current demographic variables used to calculate the in-lieu fees are as follow: C - Current estimated population 46,689 P - Ultimate population 55,000 N - Average population per dwelling unit single family (detached) 3.11 multiple family (2 units and greater) 2.45 mobile homes (within mobile home park) 2.21 (Population figures supplied by the State Department of Finance) D - Total park development costs $7,150,624 5 acres parkland per 1,000 population at $171,890 development cost per acre x number of new residents (P-C) ACTION: )) 2 of 5 ITEMf> DEe 1 2 1995 '1 - Agenda Report Parkland Dedication In-Lieu Fees December 12, 1995 Page 2 "- The parkland dedication fees based on the formula as stated in the Poway Municipal Code Section 16.38.040, and usin9 current demographic variables and parkland development cost estimates are computed as follows: Park in-lieu fee formula D + ~ = Total fee in dollars N (rounded to nearest $10) ProDosed Fee Current Fee Single family dwelling unit (detached) $2,680 $2,560 Multiple family dwelling unit (2 units 2,110 2,010 or 9reater) Mobile homes (located within mobile home 1,900 1,820 park) Since 1990, parkland dedication fees have increased as follows: Proposed 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 $2,250 $2,500 $2,550 $2,550 $2,560 $2,560 $2,680 $1,700 $1,720 $2,000 $2,000 $2,010 $2,010 $2,110 $1,450 $1,600 $1,820 $1,810 $1,810 $1 ,820 $1,900 The higher fees result from an estimated 5% increase in costs for park development. The park development cost per acre has increased from $163,704 to $171,890. The other variables used to calculate the in-lieu fees have not changed. Government Code Section 65962 requires any action increasing a fee upon a development project, which applies to the filing, accepting, reviewing, approving, or issuing of an application, permit or entitlement, shall be effective no sooner than sixty (60) days following the final action of the adoption of the resolution. The attached resolution, if adopted by the City Council, would become effective February 14, 1996. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The proposed resolution qualifies for a statutory exemption from CEQA review pursuant to Section 15273 (Rates, Tolls, Fees, and Charges). FISCAL IMPACT Parkland dedication in-lieu fees will be based on the number of units construction during the calendar year 1996, which is unknown at this time. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Additional notification sent to Building Industry Association. RECOMMENDATION "- It is recommended that the City Council close the public hearing and adopt the attached Resolution Establishing Parkland Dedication In-lieu Fees for Calendar Year 1996. JLB:JDF:RLT:PRF Attachments: DEe 1 2 1995 ITEM 6 - Resolution 2 - Notice of Exemption 3 of 5 --- ~--- ---_..,-,--~--~~-~- RESOLUTION NO. 95- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING IN-LIEU FEES FOR PARKLAND DEDICATION CALENDAR YEAR 1996 WHEREAS, Chapter 16.38 of the Poway Municipal Code requires the payment of park fees in-lieu of dedication of park land; and WHEREAS, that Chapter requires the annual establishment by the City Council of current population, total estimated costs of park land development, and average population per dwelling unit; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the proposed resolution qualifies for a statutory exemption from CEQA review pursuant to Section 15273 (Rates, Tolls, Fees, and Charges) of the CEQA State Guidelines. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the following values and fees are hereby established: 1. Current estimated population 46,689 2. Total estimated costs for development of park land $7,150,624 3. Average population per dwelling unit: a. 3.11 . average population per single family dwelling unit b. 2.45 . average population per multiple family dwelling unit c. 2.21 . average population per mobile home within mobile home park 4. The parkland in-lieu fees based upon demographic and parkland development cost estimates described hereinabove shall be: $2,680 per unit for single family dwelling unit (detached) $2,110 per unit for multiple family dwelling unit (2 units and greater) $1,900 per unit for mobile homes (located within mobile home parks) 5. This resolution, establishing the Parkland Dedication Fees for Calendar Year 1996, becomes effective on February 14, 1996. APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Poway, California, at a regularly scheduled meeting thereof, on this 12th day of December, 1995. Don Higginson, Mayor ATTEST: Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk ATTACHMENT 1 DEe 1 2 1995 ITEM 6 4 of 5 ...., Pow AY L,;ITY OF DON HIGGINSON. Mayor SUSAN CALLERY. Deputy Mayor BOB EMERY, Councilmember MICKEY CAFAGNA. Councilmem~r BEITY REXFORD. Counc:ilmcmber NOTICE OF EXEMPTION TO: County Clerk FROM: City of Poway P.O. Box 128 P.O. Box 789 San Diego, CA 92112 Poway, CA 92064 Project Title: A Resolution of the Citv of Powav Establishina a Parkland Dedication Inlieu Fee for Calendar Year 1996 Project Location/Address: City-wide Project Description: Adoption of a schedule for Parkland Dedication Inlieu fees for 1996 The fee is based on the ratio of remaininQ recreational facilities reauired to meet the standards set in the General Plan existinQ recreational facilities and current oopulation. Pursuant to the procedures of the City of Paway, implementing the California _. Environmental Quality Act of 1970, the above-referenced project is exempt from the requirements for the submittal of an environmental impact report or the preparation of a negative declaration. Determination of Exemption is as follows: X Statutory Exemption (Section 15273) _ Ministerial (Section 15268) _ Declared Emergency (Section 15269(a) _ Emergency Project (Section 15269 (b)(c) _ Categorical Exemption, Class Reason Why Project is Exempt: Establishment of Rates Tolls and Fares Parkland Dedication Inlieu Fees are reviewed and modified each year This action reflects an annual revision and not a new fee Contact Person: Phone: (619) 748-6600 Approved By: Date: Reba Wright- astler, AICP \ Director of Planning Services City Hall Located at 13325 Civic Center Drive 5 of 5 lress: P.O. Box 789, Poway, California 92074,0789 . (619) 748'6600, 695,1400 I ATTACHMENT 2 DEe 1 2 1995 Ilt:M b - -- ------- - ___no_on ---- --llfC:-L1-''.l5 rUE 1121:19 jr-'jFl OF SD COUNTY TEL NO:619/5~-1445 11;;(,2 PI2I1 -- I ~~ iJ..u::.,/;J. /~.s- ( BUILDING INDUSTRY . '- -, ASSOCIATION OF Poat-h" F.. Note 7871 U.N DIlDO COUN'V -..- "- '.J~~ GrHnwlch Orl..... Sui.. A Pt....", . ::>.sn 0..00. CA 92122-5994 December 12, 1995 - ,~ (619).50.1221 Fo. . fAX No, (8'8)552".'5 --_.- Mayor Don Higginson PRESIDENT Councilmcmbc:r Robert Emery Daren A. Groth Councilmember Susan Callery The PacilicHaritaga CounciJmember Mickey Cafagna Company Councilmember Betty Rexford VICE PRESIDENT Ian M. Gilt RE: Opposition to Resolution Establishing Pnkland Dedication In- l'chland P3.rtnership. Inc. Lieu Fees for Calendar Year 1996 TREASURER ChrIs J. Chambers Dear Mayor Higginson and Members of the Council, Conhnental Homes SECRETARY The purpose of this letter is to register our strong oPPosition to the proposed Mark D. M~Mlllln increase in Poway' s Park In-lieu fees. McMillin Communiti". lXEClJTlVE The reason for our opposition is simple -- development costs have decreased VICE PAESIDENl over the last 3 years The staff report claims that parle development costs have Paul A. Tryon increased 5 per cent. How can this be? The cost ofland is less; the average home price has decreased; construction costs are less. Construction lnd:J~lry Federalion We question why park development fees are increasing in Powa)' when other California BUIlding north county cities are finding ways to defer fees or reduce them for the Indu6try Al!liOCIQtlon reasons sighted above. N3tlor\al AlCoclation of Home Builders The bottom line is: How can anyone who has walched County r(a! estale values plummet for the last few years, believe that it costs mon' today to develop a park? On the contrary, it would seem that park fees should be going down, not up. We urge you 10 carefully consider this request and the logic behind it before you grant another fee increase. Sincerely, Ckk~~ Jack Monger Legislati...e Consult,,"t 1M. kill (wordllencrslpoway) DEe 1 2 1995 ITEM .6 . , ------~--