Item 8 - DR 95-14 Schwan's Sales Enterprises AGENDA REPORT SUMMARY - TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council ?;, - - ::,,:;:...~ ~ ~05';"'._." ~ FROll: .JIlDeS l. Bowersox, City Ilana A "TWI. ,"'. INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager~\\ ~0l Reba Wright-Quastler, Director of Plan ng Services DATE: December 12, 1995 SUBJECT: Development Review 95-14, Schwan's Sales Enterprises, Applicant ABSTRACT A request to construct a 8,960 square-foot industrial building on Lot 25 of the Pomerado Business Park. The property is located at the northwesterly end of Danielson Court in the South Poway Planned Community. The land use designation of the property is light industrial. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The previously certified Final EIR and Final Subsequent EIR for the South Poway SpeCific Plan adequately addresses the potential environmental impacts of the proposed development. -, FISCAL IMPACT None. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE A Notice of Hearing was mailed to 6 adjacent property owners. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve Development Review 95-14 subject to the conditions in the attached resolution. ACTION ',. ..~ 1 of 13 DEe 1 2 1995 ITEM 8 ---.-.- AGENDA REPORT CITY OF POW A Y TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Ma~~ . INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manage~"I & Reba Wright-Quastler, Director of Planning Services ~ Carol M. Rosas, Assistant Planner II DATE: December 12, 1995 MANDATORY ACTION DATE: January 8, 1996 SUBJECT: DeveloDMent Review 95-14. Schwan's Sales EnterDrises. ADDll cant: A request to construct a 8,960 square-foot industrial building on Lot 25 of the Pomerado Business Park. The property is located at the northwesterly end of Danielson Court in the South Poway Planned Community. The land use designation of the property is light industrial. APN 317-273-20 FINDINGS The applicant is requesting approval to construct an 8,960 square-foot industrial building on Lot 25 of the Pamer ado Business Park. The site is 2.46 acres. The exterior of the proposed 18 foot high, single story building will consist primarily of concrete masonry blocks with scores of splitface block accents. Blue reflective glass windows will be installed. Approximately 2,375 square feet of the building will be used for office area. Schwan's Sales Enterprises plans to use the facility as a regional distribution center for various frozen food items. The applicant proposes to install a propane gas tank which will provide fuel for Schwan's delivery trucks. The Fire Department is requiring as a project condition of approval that the propane tank be protected by bollards and be limited in size to 2,000 gallons. The project complies with the development standards for the South Poway Planned Community. It is therefore recommended that DR 95-14 be approved subject to conditions. ACTION: of d DEe 1 2 1995 ITEM 8 Agenda Report December 12, 1995 Page 2 Develooment Facilities Development of the site will require that two on-site fire hydrants be installed and that the building be constructed to include a cOlllllercial fire sprinkler system. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The previously certified Final EIR and Final Subsequent EIR for the South Poway Specific Plan adequately addresses the potential environmental impacts of the proposed development. FISCAL IMPACT None. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE A Notice of Hearing was mailed to 6 adjacent property owners. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve Development Review 95-14 subject to the conditions in the attached resolution. JLB:JDF:RWQ:CMR:kls Attachments: A. Proposed Resolution B. Land Use and Location Map C. Site Pl an D. Floor Plan E. Building Elevations E:\CITT\PLANNING\REPORT\DR9514.AG2 3 of 13 DEe 1 2 1995 ITEM 8 ----.--.. ----.--- RESOLUTION NO. P- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA APPROVING DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 95-14 ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER 317-273-20 WHEREAS, Development Review 95-14 was submitted by Schwan's Sales Enterprises, Applicant, to request approval to construct an 8,960 square-foot industrial building on Lot 25 of the Pomerado Business Park. The property is located at the northwesterly end of Danielson Court. The property has a Light Industrial land use designation and is within the South Poway Planned Community; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Poway has read and considered the staff report and has considered other evidence presented at the public hearing. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council does hereby resolve as follows: Section 1: Environmental Findinas: The previously certified Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR) and Final Subsequent EIR for the South Poway Specific Plan adequately addresses the potential environmental impacts of the proposed development. Section 2: Findinas: 1. The approved project is consistent with the South Poway Specific Plan and the general plan in that a warehousing and distribution facility is a permitted use within the Light Industrial land use designation. 2. That the approved project wi 11 not have an adverse aesthetic, health, safety, or architecturally related impact upon adjoining properties in that the design of the building for the intended purpose conforms to the criteria of the South Poway Development Standards and will be compatible with existing and future buildings in the vicinity. 3. That the approved project encourages the orderly and harmoni ous appearance of structures and property within the City in that the architecture is compatible with other industrial buildings in the area and is consistent with the general design standards of the South Poway Specific Plan. Section 3: Citv Council Decision: The City Council hereby approves Development Review 95-14 subject to the following conditions: Within 30 days of approval the applicant shall submit in writing that all conditions of approval have been read and understood. A TT ACHMENT A DEe 1 2 1995 ITEM 8 ... of 13 - Resolution No. P- Page 2 COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS IS REQUIRED. COMPLIANCE SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING SERVICES. SITE DEVELOPMENT 1. Site shall be developed in accordance with the approved site plans on file in the Planning Services Department and the conditions contained herein. 2. Revised site plans and building elevations incorporating all conditions of approval shall be submitted to the Planning Services Department prior to issuance of building permits. 3. Approval of this request shall not waive compliance with all sections of the Zoning Ordinance and all other applicable City Ordinances in effect at the time of building permit issuance. 4. Trash receptacle shall be enclosed by a six-foot high masonry wall with view-obstructing gates pursuant to City standards. Location shall be subject to approval by the Planning Services Department. 5. All roof appurtenances, including air cond it i oners , sha 11 be architecturally integrated, screened from view and sound buffered from adjacent properties and streets as required by the Planning Services Department. 6. Prior to any use of the project site or business activity being commenced thereof, all conditions of approval contained herein shall be completed to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning Services. 7. The applicant shall comply with the latest adopted Uniform Building Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, National Electric Code, Uniform Fire Code, and all other applicable codes and ordinances in effect at the time of building permit issuance. 8. This approval shall become null and void if building permits are not issued for thi s project within two years from the date of project approval. PARKING AND VEHICULAR ACCESS 1. All parking lot landscaping shall include a minimum of one 15 gallon size tree for every three spaces. For parking lot islands, a minimum 12-inch wide walk adjacent to parking stalls shall be provided and be separated from vehicular areas by a six-inch high, six-inch wide portland concrete cement curb. 2. All two-way traffic aisles shall be a minimum of 25 feet wide. A minimum of 25 feet wide emergency access shall be provided, maintained free and clear at all times during construction in accordance with Safety Services Department requirements. DEe 1 2 1995 ITEM e 5 of 13 -~--_.._- Resolution No. P- Page 3 3. All parking spaces shall be double striped. LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS 1. Complete landscape construct i on documents shall be submitted to and approved by the Planning Services Department prior to the issuance of buil di ng permits. Plans shall be prepared in accordance with City of Poway Guide to Landscape Require.ents (latest edition). 2. Existing on-site trees shall be retained wherever possible and shall be maintained in a horticulturally acceptable manner. Dead, decaying, or potentially dangerous trees shall be approved for removal at the discretion of the Planning Services Department during the review of the Master Plan of existing on-site trees. Living trees which are approved for removal shall be replaced on a tree-for-tree basis as required by the Planning Services Department. 3. Street trees, a minimum of 15 gallon size or larger, shall be installed in accordance with the City of Poway Guide to Landscape Require.ents and shall be planted at an average of 30 feet on center spacing along all streets. 4. Landscaped areas within the adjacent public right-of-way shall be permanently and fully maintained by the owner. 5. All landscaped areas shall be maintained in a healthy and thriving condition, free from weeds, trash, and debri s. The trees shall be encouraged and allowed to retain a natural form. Pruning should be restricted to maintain the health of the trees and to protect the public safety. Unnatural or excessive pruning, including topping, is not permitted. 6. Trees and shrubs of the evergreen variety, or other similar year-round leaf-bearing type shall be spaced in front of any open-style fencing so as to allow only minimal gaps between foilage of mature trees and shrubs within one year. 7. All gates, except vehicular gates shall be constructed of sol id view- obscuring material. llm Any signs proposed for this development shall be designed and approved in conformance with the Sign Ordinance. COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS IS REQUIRED. COMPLIANCE SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING SERVICES. 1. A grading plan for the development of the property shall be submitted to the City's Engineering Services Department for review and approval prior to issuance of a grading permit and start of grading operation. Rough grading of the site must be completed and shall meet the City's Engineering Services inspector's approval prior to issuance of a building permit. DEe 1 2 1995 ITEM 8 6 or 13 Resolution No. P- Page 4 2. A r1 ght-of-way penni t sha 11 be obtained from the City's Engineering Services Department for any work to be done within the publ ic street right-of-way or any City-held easement. Said work'shall include, but is not to be limited to, construction of driveway approach, sewer lateral 1nstallation, water service line installat10n, street construction (including concrete curb, gutter and sidewalk). Permit shall be obtained prior to start of work. 6. The following development fees shall be paid to the Engineering Services Department prior to building permit issuance. These fees are currently in effect and are subject to change. Sewer Cleanout S 50 Sewer Inspection ZS Water Meter - 1 I/Z" * Z7S County Water Author1ty * 4383 Expansion Fee * 1500 * Fees given are for a 1 I/Z" meter. If the meter size changes, the appropriate fees will be charged. 7. Traffic Mitigation fees shall be paid to the Engineering Services Department prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. The amount of the fee will be based on the type of use occupying the site. COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS IS REQUIRED. COMPLIANCE SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF SAFETY SERVICES. 1. Roof covering shall be fire retardant as per UBC Section 3Z03(e) and City of Poway Ordinance 64. Z. The buildings shall display their numeric address in a manner visible from the access street. Minimum size of building numbers is 18 inches on facade of building. Building address shall also be displayed on the roof in a manner satisfactory to the Di rector of Safety Services, and meet i ng Sheriff's Department ASTREA criteria. 3. Every building hereafter constructed shall be accessible to Fire Department apparatus by way of access roadways with all-weather driving surface of not less than ZO feet of unobstructed width, with adequate roadway turning radius capable of supporting the imposed loads of fire apparatus having a minimum of 13'6" of vertical clearance. The road surface type shall be approved by the City Engineer, pursuant to the City of Poway Municipal Code. 4. The building will be required to install an approved fire sprinkler system lIeeting Poway Municipal Code requirements. The building sprinkler system shall be designed to meet a minimum .33/3000 design density at the roof. The entire system is to be monitored by a central monitoring company. Systel post indicator valves with tamper switches, also monitored, are to be located by the City Fire Marshall prior to installation. 5. The addition of on-site fire hydrants is required. The location of the hydrants shall be determined by the City Fire Marshal. i of 13 DEe 1 2 1995 ITEM 8 _._--- ------- -------------- ----~---- Resolution No. P- Page 5 6. Material Safety Data Sheets shall be required for all hazardous and/or toxic substances used in each building. 7. An Emergency Contingency Plan and Hazardous Materials Disclosure shall be fil ed wi th the County of San Diego Department of Health and copi es provided to the Fire Department. S. A 'Knox' Security Key Box shall be required for the building at a location determined by the City Fire Marshal. A 'Knox' padlock shall be required for the fire sprinkler Post Indicator Valve. 9. Permanent access roadways for fire apparatus shall be designated as 'Fire Lanes' with appropriate signs and curb markings. 10. If an elevator is installed, it shall be sized to accommodate a normal hospital gurney. Minimum dimensions for the inside car platform shall be 6'S" wide by 4'3" deep. 11. Fire Department access for use of fi re fighting equipment shall be provided to the immediate job construction site at the start of construction and maintained at all times until construction is completed. 12. Fire Department access for use of fi re fighting equipment shall be provided to the immediate job construction site at the start of construction and maintained at all times until construction is completed. 13. Prior to delivery of combustible building material on site, water and sewer systems shall satisfactorily pass all required tests and be connected to public water and sewer systems. In addition, the first lift of asphalt paving shall be in place to provide adequate, permanent access for emergency vehicles. The final lift of asphalt shall not be installed until all other construction activity has been substantially completed to the satisfaction of the City. 14. N.F.P.A. Standard 704, Hazardous Materials Labeling, shall be provided as necessary throughout the building. 15. The building shall be provided with approved automatic smoke and heat vents, if high piled stock is to be utilized. 16. A water systems analysis will be performed to establish available fire flow. 17. Minimum 4A:60BC fire extinguisher required for every 3000 square feet and 75' travel distance. IS. The applicant shall provide a detailed plan for all storage areas and a complete racking plan. 19. L.P.G. storage tank capacity shall be limited to 2,000 gallons and shall meet all property lines and building setback requirements. 20. The project plans shall be revised to reflect the correct water meter size. DEe 1 2 1995 ITEM 8 , of 13 - Resolution No. P- Page 6 APPROVED and ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Poway, State of California, this 12th day of December, 1995. Don Higginson, Mayor ATTEST: Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) SS. COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) I, Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk of the City of Poway, do hereby cert i fy, under the penalty of perjury, that the foregoing Resolution, No. , was duly adopted by the City Council at a meeting of said City Council held on the day of , 1995, and that it was so adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk City of Poway E:\CITY\PLANNING\REPOIT\DR9514.RES DEe 1 2 1995 ITEM e 9 of 13 -"---,-"-_._----"--_..~ ------...----..---- ---. -,._~~--- . ~-_..__._'- -_._._-,----~ --..----.-.-----.------- - ." r =0 0 ! '- ;""~"\)\"'''''r''''''''....... 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JiI'" 'I I ....... o.e.- f"" NI :i;i~ s::.. a~,,--..... u.:a 12 of 13 '"-'. CaIlaIM .... =:';-~1 ~ 1995 ITEM 8 -- .-- -----_._._--~------ . -. , , I ;; '" !I ill III I!' j; 0 II ,Ij ,II iil .1 '" c " " '1 ~ ~ , III ~ :I: I P j' il ~ :< >= > ~ ~ < (5 > ~ z (5 z ~ '" ~ >= ~ < > .... 11'= is z l!l II I .~~ 0 II' III l.j iil'il jl 0 1,1 i,l 0 r 0 ~ ill ill! ~. '1 iI, 0 1 III " 0 .?, II iI' Il' III III I!' ,I 1111.1 ill j. r 1,1111 . '11,11 hi .. , I' '! 1/ . " (" - " !II . z !I 0 I .. ~ :I: . >= " ~ , < i i Ii I > , . ~ i5 z m 'j i -.~ ... . !, " ., II -, m WillI!' ,:1 II! Iii ill 'I P j' III ill Il' III ill' . 111111111 hll P 111111 .1 -, -I--..... ATTACHMENT E I . r"IW I I' 1:1 i i ..--- i I 'n~ ' ElEVATIONS Schwan', SUes fnterpr;se.s. Inc. , I~I. , iC.:1.2.1S95 I EM I i~!1 ..... o.e.- f-, '. I : 3 of 13 '!h~ I a~___,. lollS 8 iaf" I "'-Y. c.IIaIoIo now, ------- ----,-----------_.. .-------...--.. .---~--- - -~----~_.~