Item 13 - Ammnd to Agreement Public Improvements South Side Metate Lane AGE~/- EPORT S~'MMARY TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council - FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Man~ , .NITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manage~'~ ~~ Mark S. Weston, Director of Engineerin Service~' Javid Siminou, Senior Civil Engineer ~ Kathy L. Cerini, Assistant Civil Engineer II DATE: December 12, 1995 SUBJECf: Amendment to Agreement Relating to Public Improvements - South Side of Metate Lane; Shea Homes, Inc., Applicant ABSTRACf The developer of the Poway Oaks subdivision, Shea Homes, Inc., entered into an agreement with the City of Poway for the improvement of the southerly half of Metate Lane. Actual field conditions necessitated additional work, thereby requiring an amendment to the Agreement. - ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This action is not subject to CEQA review. FISCAL IMPACf .. The additional monies are within the available budget and no additional funds are required. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Shea Homes, Inc. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council authorize the City Manager to execute the amendment to the "Agreement Relating to Public Improvements" on behalf of the City of Poway. ACfION 1 of 8 DEe 1 2 1995 ITEM 13 - -~- - ~---- . AGENDA REPORT CITY OF POW A Y This report is included on the Consent Calendar There will be no separate discussion of the report prior to llIpprovlll by the City Council unless members of the Council. staff or public request it to be removed f~~ ~e Consent Calendar and discussed separately. If you wish to have this report. pulled for discussion, please fill out a slip indicating the report. number and give it to the City Clerk prior to the beginning of the City Council meetmg. TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council FRO": James L. Bowersox, City Man~ ~ INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manage~\ ~J Mark S. Weston, Director of Engineerin Service~ Javid Siminou, Senior Civil Engineer Kathy L. Cerini, Assistant Civil Engineer II ~ DATE: December 12, 1995 SUBJECT: Amendment to Agreement Relating to Public Improvements - South Side of Metate Lane: Shea Homes. Inc.. Aoolicant BACKGROUND Metate Lane is partially encompassed by and adjacent to the Poway Oaks subdivision. Shea Homes, Inc. is the developer of this subdivision. On June 13, 1995, the City Council authorized the City Manager to execute an "Agreement relating to Public Improvements" with Shea Homes, Inc. on behalf of the City of Poway for the improvement of the southerly half of Metate Lane for an amount of $98,076.00 (Attachment 1). The improvement plans for Poway Oaks, TM 94-02, describe the public improvements which the City requested Shea Homes, Inc. to construct within the southerly half of Metate Lane. Exhibit "A" of Attachment 1 defines the scope of the improvements. FINDINGS Actual site conditions along Metate Lane caused additional work which was not anticipated by the City or Shea Homes at the time the agreement was signed. The actual conditions warranted over excavation of saturated material, placement of additional base, removal of unsuitable material, replacement of a 10-foot Type B-1 inlet, along with extra geotechnical services, supervision, and overhead. In addition, Shea Homes extended a storm drain which was to be extended under a separate CIP project (#1419). Shea Homes, Inc. has agreed to accept the total sum of $29,500.00 as payment in full for the additional work as stated in the addendum letter dated October 25, 1995 (Attachment 2). Total cost of the work performed by Shea Homes ACTION: DEe 1 2 1995 ITEM 13 . , 2 of 8 ^-^ Amendment to A9reement Relating to Public Improvements - South Side of Hetate Lane; Shea Homes, Inc., Applicant December 12, 1995 Page 2 reimbursed by the City is $127,576.00. The City had appropriated $110,000.00 for this work. Shea Homes performed work scheduled for another CIP project. Staff will be transferring funds from project #1419 totaling $17,576.00 to pay for the storm drain extension. No additional funds are needed for this project. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This action is not subject to CEQA review. FISCAL IMPACT The additional monies are within the available budgets and no additional funds are required. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Shea Homes, Inc. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council authorize the City Manager to execute the amendment to the "Agreement Relating to Public Improvements" (Attachment 2) on behalf of the City of Poway. JLB/JDF/MSW/JS/KLC/bw ATTACHMENTS: 1. Agreement Relating to Public Improvements 2. Amendment to Agreement DEe I 2 1995 ITEM 13 1 3 of 8 ~_._---- -.-. AGREEMENT RELATING TO PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS This Agreement, dated Mey 24 , 1995 is entered into by and between the City of Poway, a municipal corporation ("City") and Shea Homes Limited Partnership, a California limited partnership ("Shea") for the construction of certain public improvements. RECITALS A. Shea is the owner and developer of real property I.ocated at the northeast corner of Pomerado Road and Metate Lane, situated in City which is the subject of approved Tentative Tract Map 94-02; approved Development Review 94-07; and approved Variance 94-13 (collectively, "Project"). B. The Project will permit the construction of 62 single family homes and will require the construction of various public facilities. Construction of the Project will also require the payment of various City imposed fees and exactions. including, but not limited to, a drainage impact fee in the total amount of $13,686 ("Drainage Impact Fee"land a traffic impact fee in the total amount of $40,920 ("Traffic Impact Fee"). C. Adjacent to the Project is Metllte Lane, a public road which is owned and maintained by City. The physical condition of the southerly half of Metate Lane requires certain remedial improvements which are not required by Project approvals to be made by Shea. However, the parties recognize that the improvement of the southerly half of MlItllte Lane can only be efficiently completed in conjunction with Shea's other construction activities on the Project. D. Pursuant to the City's request, the parties intend t~ provide for the remedial improvements to the southerly half of Metate Lane, as further deScribed in this Agreement, concurrent with Shea s construction of the Project. Exhibit" A" attached hereto and Improvement Plans No. 94-02descnbe the public improvements ("Metate Lane Improvements") which the City has requested Shea construct within the southerly half of Metate Lane. The City expressly acknowledges that although it is believed the Metate Lane Improvements will improve existing street and drainage conditions in a cost efficient manner, the Metllte Lane Improvements may not resolve all the presently existing drainage and other substandard conditions which have caused the need for remedial improvements. . NOW, THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows: 1. Shea shall construct, concurrent with the other improvements required for the Project, the Metate Lane Improvements. The Metate Lane Improvements shall be constructed pursuant to applicable City standards and shall be subject to City inspection requirements. to the extent City standards ere consistent with the scope of the Meme Lane Improvements as set forth on Improvement Plans No. 94-02 and Exhibit "A". The parties agree that the total cost of the Improvements shall be .152,682 as described on attached Exhibit "B," The Improvements shall be completed and aCcepted by City concurrent with the public Improvements described and bonded for in the subdivision improvement agreement approved by City in conjunction with the final map for the Project. Notwithstanding any provision in this Agreement or in the conditions of ........o.t. -1- 13 1/1 VI! DEe 1 2 1995 ITEM ATTACHMENT 1 - ,. ~+ C' --.. the Project to the contrary. the Metate Lane Improvements will not be secured by any bond or other security. 2. City shall provide 'credits' to Shea equal to $54.606 for the Drainage Impact Fees and TraHic Impact Fees for the Project. These credits shall be provided by City at the time Shea would have otherwise been !equired to pay the applicable fee. In that regard, the credit shall be applied regardless of the status of the Metate Lane Improvements. 3. Thirty days after completion of the Metate Lane Improvements. City shall pay $98.076 to Shea provided only that no stop notice or mechanics' lien claims are outstanding against the Metate Lane Improvements. 4. This Agreement shall constitute the only agreement between the parties relating to the Metate Lane Improvements. All other previous agreements~.~ither oral or written. are hereby incorporated in this Agreement. 5. Shea agrees to construct the Metate Lane Improvements in a good workmanlike manner (construction in a good workmanlike manner refers to both the labor and materials supplied for the construction of the Metate Lane Improvements). However. Shea does not expressly or impliedly warrant that the Metate Lane Improvements will completely mitigate the existing substandard street and drainage conditions and it is expressly agreed that Shea will not have any responsibility to repair or further improve Metate Lane should such repair or further improvement - be required by reason of the extent or design of the Metate Lane Improvements. 6. The parties shall cooperate and assist each other in their performance of this Agreement. No party shall take any action which prevents or hinders the other party in the performance of its obligations. 7. This Agreement shall terminate on December 31. 2001, unless it has been fUlly performed by the parties prior to that date. in which case it will have no further force or eHact. \ 8. The prevailing party in any legal action. claim or lIl'bitration to enforce this Agreement shall be entitled to recover its reasonable legal fees and costs. City of Poway. a municipal corporation By: Shea Homes Umited Partnership, a California limited partnership BY: J.F. Shea Co. Inc., . Nevad. corpor Its ca President A..lstant Secretllry ,....,. OM. -2- 1112111 DEe 1 2 1995 ITEM 13 . - 5 0+ P ---- ----~- -- ----~---- Exhibit "A" SCOPE OF THE IMPROVEMENTS OFFSITE IMPROVEMENTS A T META TE LANE STREET IMPROVEMENTS 0 Remove 27,400 S.F. of existing pavement and base material along the south side of Metate Lane and replace with 4" A.C. on 10" Class II Base. 0 Install stabilization fabric (Supac 8NP) on the existing subgrade prior to installation of base material. 0 Remove up to 200 lineal feet of existing broken or damaged curb and gutter along the south side and replace. These areas to be detennined by Poway representative. 0 Provide engineering and surveying for street design, staking. and subgrade ce"ification. STORM DRAIN 0 Remove 40 lineal feet existing 18" C.M.P. at approximately Sta. 15+75.00 and replace with 18" R.C.P. and tie into existing "c" inlet as necessary. 0 Concrete encase replacement 18" R.C.P. at Sta. 15+75.00 0 Install 102 lineal feet of36" R.C.P. to the south side of the intersection of Rancbo Caballo and Metate Lane. 0 Install 36 lineal feet of 24" R.C.P. across Rancho Caballo between new inlets. 0 Install one (I) 20' type B-1 inlet at the southwest comer of Metate Lane and Rancho Caballo on Metate Lane. . 0 Install two (2) IS' type B-1 inlets on each side of Rancho Cabollo south of the intersection. This includes the replacement of curb &: guner necessary to install these inlets. This includes the removal of the existing C.M.P. in the intersection except where they cross under the cross guner. A two sack sand sluny will be used to abandon any C.M.P. that is left in place at areas of conflict. 0 Provide engineering and surveying to design, stake, and certify the stonn drain installation. 0 Remove and replace 72 lineal reet of existing 30" C.M.P. with 30" R.C.P. that crosses Metale Lane just east of Pomeredo Road. Install one (I) A-4 cleanout in the streel at the direction change and install 24 lineal feet of 24" R.C.P. to property line at Sta.12 + 45.48 on Metate Lane and connect to existing. '19195 Iplwordlnleslpwo_d DEe 1 2 1995 ITEM 13 ~ nf R _. Exhibit "B" TOTAL COST OF IMPROVEMENTS METATE LANE STORM DRAIN AND SURFACE IMPROVEMENTS STREET IMPROVEMENTS DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TOTAL REMOVElREPLACE 4" AC ON 10" CII 27,400 SF 2.912 $ 79.788.80 STABILIZATION FABRIC SUPAC SNP 27,400 SF 0.217 $ 5,945.80 REMOVE! REPLACE CURB & GUTTER 200 LF 14.00 $ 2,800.00 ENGINEERING & SURVEY TOPO & DESIGN CHANGE @ RHO CABALLO 1 LS 2,250 00 $ 2,250.00 REVISE RD. GRADES FOR FULL WIDTH 1 LS 900.00 $ 900.00 STAKING FOR FINISH ST.GRADE SO SIDE 1 LS 700.00 $ 700.00 CERTIFY SUBGRADE SO SIDE 1 LS 350.00 $ 350.00 STREET IMPROVEMENT TOTAL $ 92,734.60 STORM DRAIN IMPROVEMENTS INSTALL 36" RCP 102 LF 90.00 $ 9,180.00 INSTALL 24" RCP ACROSS RHO CABALLO 36 LF 75.00 $ 2,700.00 INSTALL 15' TYPE B-1 INLET 2EA 4,200.00 $ 8,400.00 INSTALL 20' TYPE B-1/NLET 1 EA 4,800.00 $ 4,800.00 REMOVE EXIST. 18" CMP STA 15+ 75.00 40 LF 10.00 $ 400.00 INSTALL 18" RCP STA 15+ 75.00 40 LF 72.00 $ 2, S80. 00 18" ENCASEMENT STA 15+ 75.00 40 LF 28.00 $ 1,120.00 REMOVE, REINSTALL 30" AT WEST END METATE 72 LF 78.00 $ 5,616.00 REMOVE, REINSTALL 24" STA 12+ 45 METATE 24 LF 75.00 $ 1,800.00 INSTALL A. 4 CLEANOUT STA 12+ 45 METATE 1EA 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 ENGINEERING & SURVEY . STAKING @ RHO CABALLO 1 LS 750,00 $ 750.00 , - DRAFTING & STAKING WEST END R & R 1 LS 1,100.00 $ 1,100.00 STORM DRAIN IMPROVEMENT TOTAL $ 41,746.00 . SUBTOTAL $ 134,480.60 ADMINISTRATION & OVERHEAD $ 18,201.40 GRAND TOTAL $ 152,6S2.00 5/5/85 DEe 1 2 1995 ITEM 13 7 r'+ P -,~_.._- -_. SHEA HOMES 10721 Treena Street. SUIte 200 San Diego. California October 25. 1995 92131 (619) 549-3156 Mr. Javid Siminou FAX /61 9} 549.01' 2 Assistant City Engineer City of Po way P.O. Box 789 Poway, CA 92074 RE: Poway Oaks - Agreement Relating to Public Improvements (5/24/95) - South Side of Metate Lane (Station II to 24+90.00) Dear Javid: This letter is written to memorialize our agreement concerning compensation for additional work on the south side of Metate Lane relating to the Agreement Relating to Public Improvements, dated May 24. 1995 ("Agreement"), between the City of Poway and Shea Homes Limited Partnership ("Shea"). As detailed in our October 4 letter, costs beyond the original Scope of Work totaled $53,101.88 which represents additional street undercut, placement of base, movement of excess spoils, a 10' Type B-1 inlet, geotechnical services, supervision and overhead. In order to reach a final settlement, Shea agrees to accept the total sum of $29,500.00 as payment in full for the additional work. Payment shall be made pursuant to the terms of the Agreement. Please acknowledge your acceptance below and forward a copy of this letter to my attention. We appreciate your cooperation and understanding on this issue. Sincerely, SHEA HOMES Agreed and Accepted: 6,,, iJ.y By: Date: Product Development Manager cc: Greg Ponce - Shea Homes Wes Popplewell- Shea Homes land\winword\poway\siminou8.ltr ATTACHMENT 2 DEe 1 2 1995 rrEM 13 D ". 0