Item 3 - Pomerado Creek FEMA Study and Proposed Improvements AGENDA ~PORT SUMMARY , TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Ma~ INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manage~\ Mark S. Weston, Director of Engineerin servic~ Javid Siminou, Senior Civil Engineer ~ DATE: December 14, 1995 SUBJECf: Pomerado Creek FEHA Study and Proposed Improvements ABSTRACf In January 1992, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEHA) initiated a flood study for Pomerado Creek. Pomerado Creek provides drainage for approximately four square miles located east and west of Pomerado Road from Poway Creek to Pomerado Hospital. The limits of the study are from Poway Creek to Glen Oak near Abraxas School. On September 18, 1995, City staff submitted an appeal of the preliminary flood study for Pomerado Creek. On September 26, 1995, the City Council directed staff to conduct surveys, technical studies, and determine the cost of the improvements necessary to contain the flood waters within the Pomerado Creek concrete channel should the FEMA study be verified. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This action is not subject to CEQA review. Each project will receive an environmental review at a later date. FISCAL IMPACf Staff recommends appropriating $1,100,000.00 for design and construction of the improvements needed to contain the water within the channel. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Residents located in the affected area and the Residential Ad Hoc Committee. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve staff's recommendation to construct a 20-acre foot detention basin, addition of a 12'x5' RCB to the existing box culvert under Pomerado Road at Robison Blvd. and other transitional structures to improve the flow efficiency at an estimated cost of $1,100,000.00, appropriate funds for this project, and advise FEMA immediately of the City's plan to contain the flood flow in the existing channel. ACfION LQLlA.. DEe 1 4 1995 ITEM 3 · AGENDA REPORT CITY OF POW A Y TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Ma~ ~ INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager~ ~ Mark S. Weston, Director of Engineerin Service Javid Siminou, Senior Civil Engineer i; DATE: December 14, 1995 SUBJECT: Pomerado Creek FEMA Study and Prooosed Imorovements BACKGROUND: In January 1992, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) initiated a flood study for Pomerado Creek. Pomerado Creek provides drainage for approximately four square miles located east and west of Pomerado Road from Poway Creek to Pomerado Hospital. The limits of the study are from Poway Creek to Glen Oak near Abraxas School. In June of 1993, FEMA released preliminary flood profile information; however, no maps identifying the impact to the surrounding properties were released. In November, 1994, preliminary floodplain maps were submitted to the City of Poway. Staff responded to FEMA with concern about the impact to the surrounding neighborhoods. In June of 1995, FEMA completed their study regarding Pomerado Creek and advised the City of Poway of their intent to publish the preliminary maps and conduct a 90-day comment and appeal period. After receiving the preliminary plans in June of 1995, City staff and their engineering consultants reviewed the preliminary maps and found their methodology and analysis to be generally acceptable. The FEMA appeal must be based on technical and scientific data to refute the findings of FEMA. After the September 7, 1995 meeting with FEMA, City staff reviewed the administrative and technical record of the floodplain study and found discrepancies between County records and FEMA analysis. The following is a summary of our findings: In the mid-to-late-1970's, the County had designed and constructed most of the present Pomerado Creek drainage facilities. In a January 21, 1977 ACTION: 2 OF 14 DEe 14 1995 ITEM 3 Pomerado Creek FEHA Stu~i and Proposed Improvements December 14, 1995 Page 2 letter from the County to the Los Angeles District U.S. Army Corps of Engineer, the County formally terminated floodplain mapping of Pomerado Creek because of the imminent construction of channel and culvert improvements designed to carry a peak discharge of 2,900 cubic-feet-per- second. The 1985 FIS for Poway did not identify any flooding potential along Pomerado Creek. However, the present FIS (based on analyses completed in June, 1993) shows 100-year flows breaking out of the channel at all crossings from Pomerado Road upstream to Holland Road. On September 18, 1995, City staff submitted an appeal of the preliminary flood study for Pomerado Creek. In addition, staff sent FEMA the County records and copies of the appeal letters from the residents. The thrust of the appeal was to convince FEHA that the study should never have been conducted and the area in question should not be mapped. On September 26, 1995, the City Council directed staff to conduct surveys, technical studies, and determine the cost of the improvements necessary to contain the flood waters within the Pomerado Creek concrete channel should the FEMA study be verified. FINDINGS: The City engaged Nolte and Associates to evaluate the analysis of the FEMA flood study. A review of the hydrologic and hydraulic analyses and the resulting FIS mapping confirms the reasonableness of the assumptions, methods, and results presented by FEMA. During a 100-year flood, the flow-carrying capacity of the existing channel and culverts would be exceeded in a number of locations. At these points, flood flows would overtop culverts and road and would spill into adjacent roads and yards. Flooding upstream of Glen Oak Road occurs because the existing 72-inch pipe culverts north of Abraxas School cannot handle the 100-year inflows. Flooding at Glen Oak Road is exacerbated by the limited capacity of the pipe-to-box transition structure. Downstream of Glen Oak Road, the channel capacity is adequate for the 100-year flood in most cases. The existing box culverts at Holland, Vaughan, Tassel, McFeron, and Pomerado limit the capacity and these crossings cause flood waters to escape the channel. HYDROLOGIC ANALYSES: The hydrologic analyses (HEC-l) prepared by Ensign and Buckley (E&B) for the FIS was reviewed. Input parameters, such as basin characteristics and rainfall data, were found to be reasonable and were consistent with other studies in the county. The resulting peak discharges also showed good agreement with the "approved" data provided in the County's 1977 Hydrology Report. In their 1977 report, the County estimated flows based on projected land uses for 1990. Based on this, and consistent with reviews by the Corps of Engineers and by a Poway citizen's group, the above discharge rates were used for subsequent floodplain mapping and design. Our consultant has reviewed the land uses proposed in Poway's November, 1991 General Plan and modified the HEC-l program accordingly. The resulting peak discharges are approximately 10 percent higher at Holland Road, and seven percent higher at the confluence with Poway Creek which are not considered to be significant. So the fl ow DEe 1 4 1995 ITEM 3 3 OF 14 u Pomerado Creek FEMA Study and Proposed Improvements December 14, 1995 Page 3 rates used in both the draft FrS and in the City's consultant analyses are judged to be acceptable for the evaluation and implementation of proposed improvements. HYDRAULIC ANALYSES: The hydraulic analyses (HEC-2) for the present FIS was reviewed. Stream data such as roughness and loss coefficients were found to be consistent with field observations. Culvert dimensions and channel cross-section data were independently obtained by the City's consultants, Berryman-Hennigar and Nolte surveys. These data also compared favorably with those used in the FIS. We are in general agreement with the methods and results of the FIS, with one exception. In FEMA's study, the analyses were based on subcritical flow regime. However, since the invert slope of concrete lined channel is significantly steeper than the critical slope, it is believed that the existing channel will sustain supercritical velocities for most portions of the channel between the box culvert crossings. Furthermore, the 1995 FIS guidelines preclude the assumption of supercritical flows only in natural channels. Therefore, the HEC-2, from the FIS, was re-analyzed as a supercritical channel and the results were compared with the subcritical run. The supercritical HEC-2 analyses resulted in a lower water surface profile than the Ensign and Buckley (E&B) subcritical runs. The output suggests that supercritical flow will occur in channel reaches between the road crossings, and that hydraulic jumps will occur at the culverts with flows likely to overtop the road at the Holland, Vaughan, Tassel, and the McFeron Road crossings. In the reaches where supercritical flow is fully developed, water surface elevations may be as much as four feet lower than those reported in the FIS. At the culvert crossings, allowing for hydraulic jumps to occur, the water surface elevations are still up to two feet lower than those in the FIS. Unfortunately, even with these assumptions, the hydraulic jumps and the culvert/transition constraints the Pomerado Road crossing and at Glen Oak still indicate that a significant amount of 100-year flood flows will leave the channel in a supercritical flow regime. MITIGATION NEEDS AND ALTERNATIVES: Classic hydraulic analysis and channel design typically proceed from downstream. However, since a key problem with Pomerado Creek is getting the water into it in the first place, and because supercritical flow is predominant, the evaluation of alternatives to eliminate 100-year flooding starts upstream and works downstream. A number of alternatives that might contain the flood waters within the existing concrete channel were evaluated. These included upstream detention to reduce downstream flood volumes, enlargement of existing pipe and box culverts, raising the height of existing channel walls, and replacement of existing box culverts with bridges that span the entire channel without intermediate piers or walls. Channel improvements downstream of Pomerado Road adjacent to the proposed Brookview Housing project were also evaluated. DEe 14 1995 ITEM 3 4 OF 14 Pomerado Creek FEMA StudY and Proposed Improvements December 14, 1995 Page 4 DETENTION: Where an adequate amount of land is available and where excessive grading is not required, the construction of a detention basin may be cost effective. It had been suggested in the Koebig (1975) report that, if feasible, it would reduce downstream flow rates and perhaps eliminate the need for more costly bridge or channel modifications. A properly designed detention basin could also serve as a park. The most likely site for a detention basin appears to be east of Pomerado Road between Glen Oak Road and Ted Williams Parkway. A 20 acre-foot basin was evaluated. From HEC-l model studies, it was determined that this basin would have the following effects on downstream 100-year flow rates: PEAK DISCHARGE IN CFS WITH NODE LOCATION EXISTING DETENTION 1 Upstream of Abraxas School 1,300 600 2 Glen Oak Road 2,000 1,200 3 Ho 11 and Road 2,300 1,400 4 Vaughan Road 2,600 1,600 5 Tassel Road 2,800 2,000 6 Poway Cree k 2,900 2,150 Construction of the proposed detention basin would require approximately 20,000 yards of earthwork and construction of a 72-inch culvert for low flows. The most cost-effective improvements to contain the flood waters within Pomerado Creek, and thereby removing approximately 115 homes from the proposed floodplain designation are as follows: 1. Construct a 20 acre foot detention basin east of Pomerado Road, north of Abraxas School, between Glen Oak Road and Ted Williams Parkway. The detention basin will also utilize a 72-inch low flow pipe at an estimated cost of $508,000.00. 2. Construct approximately 1,000-feet of two foot high (average) flood wall to the west bank of the channel at specific segments of the channel to contain the flows at an estimated cost of $45,000.00. 3. Extend the existing channel concrete lining about one foot on each side of the channel for approximately 12,000 lineal feet at an estimated cost of $82,000.00. 4. Modify the existing transition structure at Glen Oak Road for a more efficient flow at an estimated cost of $30,000.00. 5. Add a 12-foot X 5-foot RCB to the existing box culvert including a 300-foott channel transition upstream of the RCB at an estimated cost of $333,000.00. This improvement benefits the Brookview site as well as existing homes. DEe 14 1995 ITEM 3 - 5 OF 14 --- --. Pomerado Creek FEHA ~.udy and Proposed Improvements December 14, 1995 Page 5 The total cost of these improvements including engineering and contingency is estimated at $998,000.00. INTERIM GRADING NEAR BROOKVIEW: The existing natural channel, downstream of Pomerado Road at the Brookview site will be graded to accommodate the flood waters. The cost of this interim grading is estimated at $100,000.00. PREFERRED RISK POLICY: Concerns were raised by several property owners in the area regarding the availability of flood insurance at lower premium rates, known as a "Preferred Risk Policy." The following information was obtained from FEMA and other agencies: 1. A Preferred Risk Policy applies to flood insurance coverage for properties that are not located in floodplains and have not been mapped by FEMA. Therefore, to take advantage of the Preferred Risk Policy, the insurance must be purchased before the maps are released. The release of the maps is estimated to take place some time in late spring to early summer of 1996. 2. Most private insurance agencies should provide the flood insurance under the Preferred Risk Policy. There is a minimum of 30 days waiting period for the purchase of the insurance policy. Property owners interested in obtaining additional information should contact the Allstate Flood Agency at 1-800-527-2634. 3. Once the flood insurance under the Preferred Risk Policy is obtained, the premiums generally may not be changed due to a change in map designation. However, much of this depends on the individual mortgage companies. Other exceptions are: a. Sale of the property and new financing and b. Transfer of the mortgage from one mortgage company to another (i.e. "buy-outs"). FEMA has provided additional information and requirements for the "Preferred Risk Policy" (Attachment 2). ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: This action is not subject to CEQA review. Each project will receive an environmental review at a later date. FISCAL IMPACT: Staff recommends appropriating $1,100,000.00 for design and construction of the improvements needed to contain the water within the channel. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION & CORRESPONDENCE: Residents located in the affected area and the Residential Ad Hoc Committee DEe 14 1995 ITEM 3 6 OF 14 .- .- Pomerado Creek FEHA Stuoy and Proposed Improvements December 14, 1995 Page 6 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council take the following actions: 1. Direct staff to submit a letter immediately to FEMA describing the conceptual improvement plan, schedule, and funding plan; requesting FEMA to delete this area from floodplain mapping. 2. Direct staff to initiate the preliminary design needed for submittal of the Conditional Letter of Map Revision (CLOMAR) to FEHA and proceed with the final design and construction of the proposed improvements in Alternative 2. 3. Appropriate $1,100,000.00 for construction of the improvements in Alternative 2 which includes $100,000.00 for interim channel grading across the Brookview housing site. The source of funds will be provided by the City Manager at the Council workshop meeting. JLB:MSW:JS:bw ATTACHMENTS: 1. Results of Study and Proposed Alternatives 2. Preferred Risk Policy DEG 14 1995 ITEM 3 .' 7 OF 14 ---------- - ---- - ---..------------------------------- ---- ---- EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Over the past 20 years many drainage facilities have been constructed along Pomerado Creek from Oak Knoll Road upstream to Abraxas School (Figure 1). These improvements include concrete pipe culverts, concrete box culverts and a concrete flood channel between Pomerado Road at Robison and Glen Oak Road. Until recently it was believed that these structures would prevent flooding of the areas adjacent to the creek. In particular, these improvements were thought to collect and divert runoff from a storm as severe as the I DO-year event. However, mapping from a recently presented Flood Insurance Study (FIS) (Ensign and Buckley, 1993) suggests that much of the property abutting the creek in this area is subject to 1 DO-year flooding. The purpose of this study is to verify the validity of the data and mapping from the FIS and to evaluate and recommend mitigation measures for potential flooding. After selection and design of mitigation measures, a Map Revision will be processed with FEMA to remove the affected areas from the floodplain. A review of the hydrologic (rainfall and runofI) and hydraulic (floodplain) analyses and the resulting FIS mapping confirms the reasonableness of the assumptions, methods and results presented. During a 1 DO-year flood, the flow-carrying capacity of the existing channel and culverts would be exceeded in a number of locations. At these points (Figure 2), flood flows would overtop culverts and roads and would spill into adjacent roads and yards, in some places to depths of 3 feet or more. The City's stated objective is to contain the I DO-year flood flow within the channel. Flooding upstream of Glen Oak Road occurs because the 72-inch pipe culverts north of Abraxas School cannot handle the 100-year inflows. Flooding at Glen Oak is exacerbated by the limited capacity of the pipe-to-box transition structure. Downstream of Glen Oak the channel capacity is adequate for the 1 DO-year flood in most cases. It is primarily the limited capacity of the existing box culverts at Holland, Vaughan, Tassel, McFeron and Pomerado that cause floodwaters to escape the channel. Four alternatives that might contain flooding within the existing concrete channel were evaluated. These included upstream detention to reduce downstream flood volumes, enlargement of existing pipe and box culverts, raising the height of existing channel walls, and replacement of existing box culverts with bridges that span the entire channel without intermediate piers or walls. Estimated costs range from $1 million for the detention alternative to nearly $3 million for the bridge option. Channel improvements downstream of Po mer ado Road adjacent to the proposed Brookview Housing Project were also evaluated with each alternative. Recommended improvements (Figure 4) include the construction of a 20-acre- foot detention basin upstream of Abraxas School, improved transition under Glen Oak Road, a section of low flood wall on the west side of the channel, and an improved transition to a triple 12'x5' concrete box culvert at Pomerado Road. This is the least expensive of the 4 alternatives. It is the least disruptive to the community because it makes maximum use of the existing drainage facilities. And the proposed detention basin will provide open space or the possibility for another community park. DEe 14 1995 ITEM 3 . .1, ATTACHMENT 1 8 OF 14 . lED W1WAM~L PKWY l3X72" RCP B'X5' RCB TRANSITION/ENERGY G~N 0,", DISSIPA TlON STRUCTURE . DOUBLE k RD B'X6' RCB DOUBLE 10'X6' RCB HOLLAND RD DOUBLE 10'X6' RCB VAUGHAN RD FOOTBRIDGE MEADOWBROOK LN DOUBLE 12'X5' RCB ~ ~ ~c .... ROAO I NO SCALE STUDY AREA DEC 14 1995 ITEM 3 ,.14 FIGURE 1 Q OF 14 TED W1WAMJ~ PKWY RD HOLLAND RD VAUGHAN RD MEADO'NElROOK LN SHALLMAN ST 0 UJ 0 I ~ 0( a:: I a:: UJ I u... ::E 0 TASSEL RD c.. ~ ~ ~O .... ROAD I NO SCALE 100- YEAR SPILLS DEe 14 1995 ITEM 3 .. fiGURE 2 10 OF 14 ~-_.- . NEW DETENTION BASIN WITH LOW-FLOW BYPASS TED YALUAMS JI ~~ J 3X72" RCP B'X5' RCB ~ ~, '\ 0 ( NEW TRANSITION STRUCTURE ~....tlV --.~ , 041{ DOUBLE B'X6' RCS DOUSLE c < Q..\J 10'X6' RCS 0 cc ~\)' HOLLAND RD .. ' \-~ I i I -(-.ov EXTEND CONCRETE f' i i I DOUBLE CHANNEL LINING II i I /'0'X6' Res THROUGHOUT I . VAUGHAN RD 'u I FOOTBRIDGE II II; ., I! , , <>1' ,t.DOV8ROOK 'N ; I U , - ~ I' I ~ S A' LIJ '-T II R'-- H. co. ~,N ~ "I i '" _ 1: I ::< ~Ii i u ~ r DOUBLE ~I! !: 0/ 10'X6' Rca j" c::. , rnl TASSEL RD ADD NEW JlyrDOU8LE FLOODWALL ~]f,~::; ReB DOUBLE ; [' .oS!'" 12'X5' RCS i' V.d~~$> ADD 12'X5' RCS~' , NEW CHANNEL ~ NEW OUTLET TRANSITION / (I ~;RANS/TION REGRADE CHANNEL ! II ~~ ... j ROAD I -1<NOLL NO SCALE RECOMMENDED IMPROVEMENTS FIGURE Otl141995 ITEM 3 ,. 11 OF 14 ',I'iO\l 02 '.95 04:15P~..~~~'".~:I::{;,{~,;DI: .";~tf..:;::(r>::"'~i:::;;i'~;:;i~!:~.;~iK~i1~:k;~~;J~~)~\~i~:~t~\~2i~j;~'~~~:~i: '.',' .:,':." '.,;";' PREFERREO'RIS 'POLlCY",,",!"'I':;""7^"'" ";:../.,,.y "':', ",' . ..... . . . ." ,.' Effective OctOber"1, 1995 ',.,:. '.", '.. ..... GENERAL DESCRIPTION COVERAGE LIMITS The Preferred Risk PoliCy (PRP) is available The PRP has the same terms and conditions as only in the B, C, and X Zones. Only one the SFIP with one exception: theSFIP's building J;an be insured per policy, and only one elevated building coverage limitation provisions polley can be written on .each building. It is do not applt; to a poliCy written as a PRP. offered cnly to the owners Of 1-4 family Coverage COmbinations residential buildings. The PRP is not available in the Emergency BuildinglContents Program or in Special Flood Hazard Areas. Without Basement Premium Condominium units, except for townhousel $ 20,000/$ 5,000 $ 80 rowhcuse type buildings, are not eligibie under $ 30,000/$ 8,000 $105 the PRP. $ 50,000/$ 12,000 $ 135 MAP "GRANDFATHER" RUL.ES $ 75.000/$ 18,000 $155 $' 00,000/$ 25,000 $170 To be eligible for a Preferred Risk Policy, the $125,0001$ 30.000 $ 185 building must be in a S, C, or X Zone on the $150,000/$ 38,000 .. $ 200 effective date of the initial term as a PRP. Then, $200,000/$ 50,000 $220 if otherwise eligible (see Eligibility Requirements $250,000/$ 60,000 $ 235 listed below), continuous coverage guarantees PRP eligibility, even if there is a subsequent Building/Conlents zone change, With Basement Premium ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS $ 20,0001$ 5,000 $105 The following conditions should be used to $ 30,000/$ 8,000 $ 130 determine a building's eligibility for a PRP $ 50,000/$ 12,000 $ 160 based on its entire flood loss history, during , $ 75,000/$ 18,000 $ 180 period of ownership. $' 00,000/$ 25,000 $ 195 I If any of these conditions exists, the dwelling is $125.000/$ 30,000 $ 210 $150,0001$ 38,000 $ 225 not eligible: $200,000/$ 50,000 $ 245 2 loss payments, each more than $1,000 $250,000/$ 60,000 $ 260 3 or more loss payments, regardless of Building deductible: $500 Contents deduotibl.. $500 amount The deductible. apply separately to build!n;; and 2 federal Disaster Relief payments, each contents, more than $ t ,000 Only one of the above coverage combinations I may be purchased. The probation surcharge 3 Federai Disaster Relief payments, applies to Preferred Risk Policies whenever regardless of amount applicable. , flood insurance claim payment and 1 REPLACEMENT COST COVERAGE flood disaster relief payment (including Replacement cost coverage applies only /f 1 he loans and grants), each more than $1,000, building is the principal residence of the insured and the building coverage chosen is at RENEWAL least 80 percent of the replacement cost of tfie If, during a policy term, the risk fails to meet building, or the maximum available, I the eligibility requirements, the risk will be FEES/DISCOUNTS ineligible for renewal as a PRP. An eligible There is no Expense Constant, Federal Policy risk renews automatically without Fee, or Community Rating System discount submission of a new applioation. PRP' October'995 DEe 14 1995 ITEM 3 'i 12 OF 14 ATTACHMENT 2 - ,.,'-' ..... . ,..J',' ",,(,,.,~~-,:;:-' "'_,,~, '~'~'. "'~'j"_~>""'~~"'.!_ "NO\! 02 '95 04:16Pt1*FEI1P X MIl DIV .....>..~,..;~:.,:.:,., '~'.,~:-~':~:","": ~ ,~:~">''.'~I\,,.,f''~'''h',)P.3~''l'~:< "~"i."'~ . .. ,',.",' " ", ','"f,'"I,". .~' .',I'.,>^""r/' ,'\... .~.':.::,''''~..',.:.".' ':'\; ~'{:'<\:..:"f~.': . ~~..,:;-:' . :'.: ", ';1,4 '''>'~''', .~. :;<';~:~;f~~7\';:I/<~~,~~~~:t~.~~ti't~';,-~~ ,~%:t~~~~m;~~~1~',:~~~.~~1~(i~~:~f;~.(r. '.,' ." " ..!,. .~'1.,,,"..-"( ~,~....,:\~1,: ....tt~...~~..~':"...,,~,: ".,:t",I, '4j"""~0 ......1..\.1'. .'~l~"':"":t.'l~'i ,.~". .J' ~,... t. ,.. I , , ,. '" , d",. ,,< " .", . . . assoc!ated wit.h a 'Preferred Risk PoiiCY,:' ::'...~, ".',:".'" :':SECTI.oN 4, ,",: ,"", Probation tees will be Charged. ' . . INSURED INF.ORMATION . /" ENDORSEMENTS Enter the .name, ml'lling address, cny, state, lip code, telephone number, and Social Security The Preferred Risk Policy cannot be endorsed Number of the Insured.. . to increase coverage midterm. CANCEL LA TION/NULLIFICA TION .':' If thejnsured'~ mailing address is a post office, box or a rural route number, or if the address An existing Standard Flood Insurance Policy of the property 10 be insured isdlflerent from (SFIP) cannot be canceled in order to convert to the mailing address, Section <V of the a PRP. A PRP should be purchased as a new Application must be completed. policy at SFIP renewal time. COMPLETION OF THE FLOOD INSURANCE SECTION 0 PREFERRED RISK POLICY APPLICATION DISASTER ASSISTANCE SECTION CD Check "YES" if flood insurance is being required lor disaster assistance: otherwise. POLICY STATUS check "NO" Check the appropriate box to indicate if the '" If "YES" is checked, identify the government application is for a "N EW" policy or a (disaster) agency, and enter the complete "RENEWAL" of an existing policy. If the name and mailing address of the disaster application is for a renewal of either a PRP or agency in Section @ of the Application, SFIP, enter the current 1 C-digit NFIP policy number, Enter the insured's case file number, tax 1.0. SECTiON CD Number. or Social Security Number on the line after "Case File Number." BILLING/POLICY PERIOD Check the appropriate box to indicate who should , SECTION @ receive the renewal bill if "BILL FIRdJ COVERAGE COMBINATIONS MORTGAGEE" is checked. complete Section 7 . Check the coverage combination desired. If "BILL SECOND MORTGAGEE: "BILL LOSS PAYEE," or "BILL OTHER" i~hecked, provide mailing instructions in Section 8 . SECTiON (J) Enter the pOlicy effective date and policy FIRST MORTGAGEE expiration date (month-day.year), The Enter the name, mailing address, city, state, lip effective date Of the policy is determined by code, telephone number, and loan number of adding the appropriate waiting per~ to the Ihe first mor1ga~ee. date of application in Seclion 13 . The standard waiting periOd is 30 days, Refer to SECTION @ the General Rule Section, page GR 7, for the SECOND MORTGAGEE OR OTHER applicable wailing periOd. Identify additional mortgagees by checking the SECTION CD appropriate box and entering Ihe loan number, the mortgagee's name, mailing address, and PRODUCER INFORMATION telephone number. Enter the producer's name, agency name, 11 more than one additional mortgagee or address, city, state, Zip code. telephone disaster assistance agency exists, provide the number, and tax I.D. Number or Social Security requested information on the producer's Number. letterhead, SECTION PRP2 October 1995 DEe 14 1995 ITEM 3 1"; 13 OF 14 --------- ----- --~-~ .- ", ," "'SEqTION@',: .",>: :, . . Enter the Flood Insurance Rate Map zone, PROPERrY LOCATION SECTION@ Check ''YES'' if the location of the property BUILDING being insured is the same as the insured's mailing address entered in$ection @ of the Complete all requ ired information in Application. Leave the rest of Section (!) blank Subsections (A) through (F) on the AppliCation. unless there is more than one building at the (A) Identify the building occupancy. Check property location. Single Family or 2-4 Family. If more than one building Is at the location (8) Idenltly building type. If the building type is Of !he Ins.urElP property, use Sectlon(!) to a manufactured (mobile) home, the speolfloally Identify the building to be producer must provide the make, model. Insute~BrieflY describe the building in and serial number of the manufactured Section 9 or submit a sketch showing the home In Subsection (F). location of Insured buildings to assis,t the NFl P in matching lhepolicy number to the specific (C) Identify date of construction. building insured. If "NO," provide the address or location of the (D) Check "YES" If the building is the Insured's principal residence: otherwise, property to be insured. check "NO." If the insured's mailing address is a post office (E) Enter date of purchase. box or rural route number, give the streel address, legal description, or geographic location of the property. SECTION @ SECTION @ , NOTICE COMMUNITY If the answer to either question A or question B Is "YES," this risk Is not eligible Enter the name of the county or parish where forthe Preferred Risk polley. the property is located. Check "YES" if the propeny is located in an SECTION @ unincorporated area of the county; otherwise, check "NO." SIGNATURE AND DATE Enter the community identification number, map The Application cannot be processed without panel number, and revision suffix for the the signature. A cheCk or money order lor the community where the properly is located. totaf premium, payable to the NFIP, must Community number and status may be obtained accompany the Application. by calling the NFIP toll-free number or by consulting a local community otricial, PRP3 October 1995 DEe 14 1995 ITEM 3 ,.lo4 14 OF 14 n)>~m,"'n)>cnr-~n o :: ~ :;j m;:+."'C s::: (1) (1) 0 ~ Q) Q) S. S'< "'C c-::: to c: ." q- -t -0 )>)>CD 3 ~ :r~ Q) a. C Q) -. (') (') ~"'C -::: ..... m = .... (') g: 3 P '0 :tI Q) 0 ::s :::E ~ o -. CD (1) CD -" < (") :;j co :;j 0 Q) tA ..... m :::;. 0 m o.....:;j.....s-ooso~ 3m eL::D::DE"" ~~ ~ "'C (') . CD..... m )> 3 fA )> - ..... ::D ::D tA -. =r- CD CDCD"'COS:ECDO C ~. < fA. 0 :;j )> -. a "'C o -."'C ~ r- ..... Q) :;j CDOtACD-to.::r- ::~CD:::Q(,,)::D C') tA CD -. CD o CD ~)>~ < ~ '"C -. m 3 m'O "'C ~ m '"C tA~cr - .....o:;j ~ CD .:......< ..... Q) CD '. - ........ ~ C') r- -c 0 ~ S ::D < - m ~ ~ooooooo~~~ m l\JoocnCJ1WI\J~~1\J1\J1\J 2 --...--...--...--...--...--...--...--...--...--...--... -I WOOOO~WWI\JI\J~ ~ .~ ~ ~ ~ c.n ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ --...--...--...--...--...--...--...--...--...--...--... tCtCtCtC(.CtCtCtCtCtCtC mmmmmmmmUlUlUl -.-- ~--~.__._---_._--_._.__._._------ ------ ~~ " AGENDA REPORT SUMMARY TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Ma~ INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager Peggy A. Stewart, Director of Administrative servic~~ DATE: December 14, 1995 SUBJECT: Supplemental Information for Pomerado Creek FEMA Study and Proposed Improvements ABSTRACT This report identifies specific funding sources for the $1,100,000 in funding to be appropriated by the Council for the improvements necessary to contain the flood waters within the Pomerado Creek concrete channel. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Environmental review not required for this agenda item according to CEQA guidelines. FISCAL IMPACT The specific funding sources for the $1,100,000 appropriation are identified within the report. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE No additional public notification and correspondence of the supplemental information. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council appropriate $1,100,000 from the specified funding sources for this project. ACfION 1 of 5 DEe 14 1995 ITEM 3 -------------- · AGENDA REPORT CITY OF POW A Y TO: Honorable Mayor and Members~ City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Man INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager Peggy A. Stewart, Director of Administrative Services DATE: December 14, 1995 SUBJECT: Supplemental Information for Pomerado Creek FEMA Study and Proposed Improvements BACKGROUND The preliminary estimates for the Pomerado Creek Flood Control Improvements are approximately $1,000,000 (Attachment A) plus an additional $100,000 for interim channel grading across the Brookview housing site. A project of this magnitude would normally be funded with either bond proceeds or reserve funds designated for capital improvement projects. Since the funding of this project was not originally anticipated as part of the City's capital bond financing, it has been necessary to combine a variety of funding sources and strategies in order to finance this proj ect. FINDINGS The following funds have been identified for appropriation for this project: Amount Description of Source $350,000 Proceeds from the City's sale of the Southwest corner of the lot at Poway and Community Road. $180,900 Parkland Dedication Fees. A portion of the project will include building soccer fields which will be funded from this source. $105,000 1993 Tax Allocation Bond Proceeds, interest earnings. $ 55,000 Redevelopment Agency Capital Improvement Fund reserves. ACTION: 2 of 5 DEe 1 4 1995 ITEM 3 .- - . Agenda report December 14, 1995 Page 2 $180,900 Brookview Village Project will share in $116,205 of the box culvert costs which benefits the Brookview site as well as existing homes. $ 50,000 Brookview Village Project will share in $50,000 of the interim channel grading across the Brookview site. $242.895 Loan from the sewer fund to be repaid from a future bond sale or from future drainage fund revenues. $1,100,000 Total funding sources to be appropriated for the project. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This action is not subject to CEQA review. Each project will receive an environmental review at a later date. FISCAL IMPACT This report identifies specific funding sources for the $1,100,000 appropriation for design and construction of the improvements needed to contain the water within the channel. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE No additional public notification and correspondence for this supplemental information. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council appropriate $1,100,000 in funds from the sources identified in this report. Attachments: A. Preliminary Estimates, Pomerado Creek Flood Control Improvements 3 of 5 DEe 14 1995 ITEM 3 --------------------_._..._._---_.__._-_._---~--- 'n - -.-----. - --_. --- ----- ..--.. -------'--'-'---"-~ --------'-,----. --'---....'.--. ---'~.- ". .. DEC. 00 l' 9f(FR I) 12: 14 NOLTE & ASSOCIATES TEL:619 278 4628 P.002 . PRELIMINARY ESTIMATES, POMERAOO CREEK FLOOD CONTROL IMPROVEMENTS ":':'1~': ~PETFNpp~~SIN.:,"~ ':'.: .. ::.~ ::rY~~"::?] L:: ::.~~"'!i':.: ; DETENTION BASIN GRADING 20,000 C.Y. 3.25 65,000.00 SLOPE PLANTING 49,200 S.F. 0.42 20,664.00 72" R.C.P. 900 L.F. 2D7.00 166,300.00 -.. --..-.- WiNGED HEADWACL.s-' .... " ...-----.. 2 EA. _~!560.oo 9,120.00 . -- -" . "12-' -- -TT OUTFALL RISER/STANDPIPE/54" eMP 126.00 1,512.00 OUTFALL STORM DRAINI36" R.C.P. 130 --Cf'" .. ......-104]0 ....1"3,520.29 P.C.C. SPILLWAY 5,000 S.F. 4.00 20.000.00 RIP.RAP SLOPE PROTECTION 193 C.Y. 120.00 23,160.00 " ...... , n.'. ,_._... '_... ._. '''''__'' SUBTOTAl. 339,276.00 -- --...--"-'--'-- ADD 25% 'CONTINGENCY 84,819.00 .....-.... .... .......... .....p' ... .....-- 84,819.00 25% ENGR., CONTRACTOR, & PERMITTING 0'" - "-'" ...n.....__..._._, ~.~t.-~'...c...ll. -1 ;~ -!l-'~. ,;",-~ 't ~l':.I' l:I ""I' . , '[) l';r1,.,.""'1 I:r.' IH~'" J '~. Iii!: f. aiI'.~ ~tr~" ~ _ 4.~~~~ ~ "'" ~ I. ...... , , 1 ~ h ". ..___.._u. , - , , '" .' . ""'---..".. . ...' .. ',." " ,~j[qf.~m!G~. . ,,,.. "'--"""!'OEMc):'Ex'iST TRAI~is:STRUCTURE'@'G~ENOAK 14 CY 175.00 2.450.00 NEW TRANSITION STRuCTURE @ GLENOAK 47 C.Y. . '--310:00 . . 14.57fOo -..... SUBGRADE PREP. & COMPACTION 520 S.F. 0.40 208.00 .. .u.__." . ..._. LF. 14.75 1,209.50 DEMO. EXIST 4-72" R.C.P. 82 NEW CONNECTION TO NEW TRANS. STRUCT. 4 EA. 400.00 1 800.00 sUBToTAL. _.w. . . .w..... 20,037.50 ADD 25% CONTINGENCY ........ . . "5.009.38 =-~_-::I 25% ENGR.. CONTRACTOR, & PERMITTING 5,009.38 "'.',C '."0'].",,'''. ~ T" '" ;'[".c; '....;.Jlf;itlJ F"~Zf ~ q.~~ ..l.~!~J' 6~;;t;;; ...~~ . 1;:"1 s'~~"'l-H~~.\-'- :='A:. -I ; {,f..Jl'.:;' ..-.---.- ......-...-- !~!W,j~~~t~,,~~g~~,~~~J, EXTEND CONC. CHANNEL LINING 1 FT. EA. SIDE SF 4.20 50.400.00 -...---. 1;Cibooo REMOTE ACCESS TO CHANNEL BY CONTR. L.S. 1,00000 ..-- .... DEMoE'XisTFENCESAi.b'"tii'GCHANNEL L.S. 3,600.00 3,800.00 SUBTOTAL.' .. . .-. w_.___ 55,000.00 ADO 25% CONTINGENCY . ...-- ""'13.750.00 25% ENGR., CONTRACtOR. & PERMITTING 13,750.00 .tlW' ,I ":~T~:Jl ~~ ~ \-~(.'~'~111 '1"'Jf jlll'~ ~ "'1" -"IIJ.~ 1.~~~~ ":,. "..I'l,,~' ':. ~ I.tl~c,~,':'. 1. ." \~'...11 ~~\~:'. ~H'~ .. ,.-. """- . . _ ....,,~I C ,..__w_____ ... , ~ . i..... =J~~~.,.. .w, ~ . .- ~-~ FLOOD WALL, 2 FT. HIGH S.F. 14.00 28.000.00 " . -'." ". O'EMO EXIST FLOOD WALLS & FENCES .', . ~'.. .- LS. 1,000.00 1,000.00 .... REMOTE ACCCESS TO CHA~t:'!I;L B_Y CONTR. LS. 1.000'~OO .."... 1.000.00 SUBTOTAL 3O,COO.C<! -- ...--. ADD 25% CONTINGENCY 7,500.00 25% ENGR., CONTRACTOR, & PERMITTING ... .. -' . -- .- 7.500.00 '; ~!~"'I ""hft'.f' '~11 II - -t, '11~'11" ~"I't '--..~... " ~l', ~~~ ,~,f0G"~ !h'l 1''''J.t'-'I'''l'I,.~~~111~"i\~-'---'''''~'':fi1"I'''1' J ' !~""'! 1"~ _ . d 1_..... ...... ........,., ~ >< W""~" I",", ...'J '.~ ,", _ ~ ;T ~. -... .....-. .... ...- 4 of 5 DEe 1 4 1995 ITEM 3 . --_._~---- -------...... ....--------. ~- -------.-- I\EC.-Ol'95IFRII12:15 NOLTE &. ASSOCIATES TEL:6!9 278 4628' P.003 . . . , PRELIMINARY ESTIMATES, POMERAOO CREEK FLOOD CONTROL IMPROVEMENTS ':: .....S. ~, : :::~:"'80' '",-8""0'0 "C' ""':IrQ' ""1"'~' _I..,. ~o'\... r.. ...,..' 'J"~ ...~............,"'...~"to'...... ",'I'M.~' :.. ":..r: ..,rv,' ,. : 1ft:'.: ': ,.:" ~.~. :::~: ':",": ,.~..~-::. ;':~:",'.~,~' ': :::' .~. ...-.---..ADDIT10NAC 12' X5:-BARREi.:'122~ LONG . . 154 ... C.Y. 310.00 47,74CLOO - . SUBQRADE PREP. FOR RCB 1.600 S.F. 0.40 " . 640.00 REMOVE EXISTlNG PAVEMeNT; RECOMPACT 1,675 S.F. "-'''-. i:20 1,890.00 - REMOVE PCC SIDEWALK 236 S.F."1:iib' . "-"424.80 REMOVE PCC CURB & GUTTER 47 L.F. .. "'i.'3Ci" '-"'20210 REMOVE EXIST 27" RCP 13 L.F. - 14:75'-- 191.75 FORM RCP CONN. TO NEW BOX 1 - EA. .... .. 52CU:i0 520.00 ' CONSTRUCT NEW A.C. PAVT. & BASE 1,575' - . sJ.- . .. "--2.30 3,622.50 AC. BERM .. _... .... . . -. .. ....."15- LF. 4.00 60.00 TYPE"G"CURB&GLJTTeiC" .... .....-. ...-. 47 I LF. 11.00 517.00 i PCC SIDEWALk-'-'--' 236 S.F. 1.90 448.40 - I UNDERGROUND TEL., REMOVE & REPLACE 20 L.F. 15.00 300.00 UNDERGROUND ELECT., REMOVE & REPLACE 20 LF. ........-15:00 300.00 f'GAS LII~E,REMOVE & REPLACE I 20 L.F. 10.00 200.00 , 10" WATER MAIN, REMOVE & REPLACE 0 L.F. 0.00 0.00 , CONC. ENCASE EXIST. 12" SEWER 20 L.F. "'14.40 .. '288.00 EXTEND HEADwALL TWc:i"ENDs" . ... " ,u-i"-' . -t.Y." 700.00 700.00 -. . u. WING WALL, ONE END 2 C.Y. 520.00 1,040.00 TRAFFIC CONTROL, EIGHT DAYS 1 LS. 3840.00 3,840.00 ._u_ ~~~~~~~~N~~~~~~:~~~~W~~'-"- ..... ,-'- 3~5'--r i:.- .... ...;;~:~. -'-2,~~:~ TREE REMOVAL 1 L.S. 1000.00 1,000.00 FENCING 20 L.F. 10.90 218.00 --- 'pcc'APi~oNwic'O'rciFFWALL, '@OUTFALL ....... u-i'2c) u. '-S.F. 7.60 912.00 STReET NAME SIGN 1 EA 195.00 195.00 _u. u.. u. __ u.... u...__.._....__.....u . ....u.. . .._..._..._1 RIP-RAP@OUTFALL 18 i C.Y. 120.00 2,160.0D GRADE TRANS.TO DOWNSTREAM CHANNEL 1 L.S. 1,500.00 1,500.00 300' TRANSITION TO EXIST CHANNEL 473 I C.Y. 310.00 146,630.00 .. GRADING:TRANSITION"-- .. .. ..' ..... 660.... ul-cx 5.00 3,300.00 SUBTOTAL i 221,607.05 ADD 25% CONTINGENCY 55,401.76 25% ENGR. 55,401.76 _. ..... ...... , ..~- . , r;~ ' + lJ~.)...'-"u_- DEe 14 1995 ITEM 3 5 of 5