Item 7 - Rebate of FY 1995-96 Sewer Charges ~ AGENDA REPORT SUMMARY TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James l. Bowersox, City Man~ ' r '\ INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager~1 ~ James R. Williams, Director of Public rvices r- Peggy A. Stewart, Director of Administrative S ice~.", DATE: December 19, 1995 SUBJECf: Rebate of FY 1995-96 Sewer Charges ABSTRACf The San Diego Metropolitan Wastewater Department (Metro) has rebated the following amounts to the City of Poway: $694,000 for overbillings in FY 1994-95, $197,000 for inaccurate calculations from multiple meters of San Diego wastewater entering Poway's collector system, and $109,527 for overcharges in FY 1993 for front-funded expenses for capital projects. It is recommended that these rebates be passed along to Poway customers as a one-time credit against their sewer bills. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Environmental review is not required for this agenda item according to CEQA guidelines. FlSCAL IMPACf The City will continue to generate sufficient revenues in FY 1995-96 through the collection of sewer fees to cover expenses. The rebates from Metro Sewer will result in a two-month service credit equivalent to $45.54 for each EDU (equivalent dwelling unit) of service. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE None RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council authorize staff to adjust water and sewer bills for the January-February cycles with a credit for two months of free service and to place additional revenue received into the rate stabilization fund for use in minimizing future years rate increases. ACfION : 1 of 4 DEe 1 9 1995 ITEM 7 --.._~_.._- - ---.---....,..-....--- . ...~-_._.__.,._.__..._-----_..__. AGENDA REPORT CITY OF POW A Y TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Man~ ~ -:\ INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager~ James R. Williams, Director of Public rvices Peggy A. Stewart, Director of Administrative Services DATE: December 19, 1995 SUBJECT: Rebate of FY 1995-96 Sewer Charges BACKGROUND Poway collects sewer (wastewater) from its customers and conveys the sewage to City of San Diego trunk lines and pump station. San Diego measures flow from Poway (as we do for comparison and verification of flows), then transports the wastewater to their Point Loma facility for treatment and ultimate disposal. The primary - component for the expenses charged by the City of San Diego is for the treatment of the wastewater and disposal of the effluent. These expenses are billed to us by San Diego's Metropolitan Wastewater Department (Metro). FINDINGS Public Services and Administrative Services staff of the City of Poway have been working diligently with the City of San Diego and their Metropolitan Wastewater and Utilities Department to monitor budget projections and actual expenditures as well as to monitor anticipated flow vs. actual flow through the Metro system. We have presented historical evidence to them of the actual annual flow of wastewater from Poway, and they have adjusted their projections downward by almost 15% to amounts more consistent with reality. Additionally, legislation passed at the national level and waivers 9ranted by the EPA for the San Diego wastewater system means that the Metropolitan Wastewater Department can more realistically execute their financing and capital improvement plans. San Diego has recently determined that they overbilled the City of Poway by $694,000 in FY 1994-95. With some of these savings, Poway has fully paid all past Metro- funded costs for capital improvements. Full payment of this debt allowed us to avoid over $36,000 of interest charges. Our current fiscal year budget included $333,000.43 to pay this obligation. The balance of last year's savin9s has been ACTION: 2 of 4 DEe 1 9 1995 ITEM 7 ~- Agenda Report Oecember 19, 1995 Page 2 applied as a credit against our first quarter billing from Metro. We have also reconciled with San Diego past charges already paid that we felt included overbilling due to their inaccurate calculations from the multiple meters of San Diego wastewater entering Poway's collector system. Metro has agreed with our findings and committed to giving us an additional credit of S197,OOO against our second year FY 1995-96 bill. Finally, an audit completed in August 1995 by the City of San Diego has also determined that they overcharged for some of the "through FY 1993 front-funded" expenses. We will receive S109,527 as a credit against our FY 1996 second-quarter bill. Altogether we now estimate that at current Poway sewer rates of $45.54 per EDU for each two-month billing cycle, we will have approximately $959,000 more in revenues than will be needed to pay FY 1995-96 bills. At latest count, we are collecting wastewater fees for 16,297 EDU's. Therefore, we recommend that the rebates from San Diego Metro be passed along to the City's sewer customers in the form of a one-time credit equivalent to two months of sewer service, or $45.54 per EDU. Staff wi 11 be able to make these credit adjustments to the January-February billing cycles. Th.;s will return to Poway sewer customers $742,000 of the amount previously budgeted for this fiscal year. It is further recommended that the balance be placed into the sewer rate stabilization fund. This fund is used as a cash reserve to partially offset future rate increases from San Diego's Metropolitan and Utilities Departments. This rebate will not negatively impact the City's ability to minimize future sewer rate increases from San Diego Metro. It is anticipated that at the end of FY 1995-96, the City will have approximately $2.8 million in its rate stabilization fund. Based on information from San Diego Metro about their future operation, maintenance and capital improvement plans over the next eight years, this amount should be adequate to keep Poway rate increases at minimum levels over the same time period. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Environmental review is not required for this agenda item according to CEQA guidelines. FISCAL IMPACT The City will continue to generate sufficient revenues in FY 1995-96 through the collection of sewer fees to cover expenses. The rebates from Metro Sewer will result in a two-month service credit equivalent to $45.54 for each EDU (equivalent dwelling unit) of service. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE None 3 of 4 DEe 1 9 1995 ITEM 7 --------. -,.._--,-~----_...__.~----~------ Agenda Report December 19, 1995 Page 3 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council authorize staff to adjust water and sewer bills for the January-February cycles with a credit for two months of free service and to place additional revenue received into the rate stabilization fund for use in minimizing future years rate increases. JLB:JDF:JRW:PAS:eg - c:'datalwpfllesv.bolugn - 4 of 4 DEe 1 9 1995 ITEM 7