Item 10 - Review of Parking Standards for South Poway Bus. Park's Industrial Park - I.Y~ 12,.-/'> - ,75>- AGENDA REPORT SUMMARY -- -:...~-' .- : Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council ~ -?- ~ ~....;.-.;. ~ James L. Bowersox, City Man~ ~ '" no. ~:.~ FROM: INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager~7 r .&. Reba Wright-Quastler, Director of Pla ing Services ~ DATE: December 19, 1995 SUBJECT: Review of Parking Standards for South Poway Business Park's Industrial Park and Light Industrial Areas ABSTRACT At the November 28, 1995 City Council Meeting, the City Council continued Development Review 95-12 to December 19, 1995. It was requested that staff assess the adequacy of the project parking and review the effectiveness of the adopted parking standards throughout the South Poway Business Park. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This item is not subject to CEQA. FISCAL IMPACT None. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE A copy of this report was mailed to Bill Main, California Data Cable. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council receive and file this report. ACTION : \C1TY\P~NIN liS1ZB.SUM - - DEe 1 9 1995 ITEM 10 1 of 7 ! AGENDA REPORT CITY OF POW A Y TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Man~ INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City ManagerCb"\~ "~ Reba Wright-Quastler, Director of Pl~services~ Stephen A. Streeter, Principal Planner Carol M. Rosas, Assistant Planner II DATE: December 19, 1995 SUBJECT: Review of Parking Standards for South Poway Business Park's Industrial Park and Light Industrial Areas BACKGROUND On November 28. 1995, Development Review 95-12, a proposal to construct a 52,475 square foot industrial building on Kirkham Court within the Scenic View Business Park was reviewed by the Council. During the hearing, Bill Main, of California Data Cable located at 12545 Kirkham Court, expressed the following concerns: 1. the appropriateness of such a large building with an unknown tenant in an area of generally smaller multi-tenant buildings; and 2. the amount of truck traffic that may be generated by a future tenant of a building having 14 loading doors. The City Council continued DR 95-12 and requested that staff assess the adequacy of project parking and review the effectiveness of the adopted parking standards throughout the South Poway Business Park. Proiect Site Historv On August 29, 1989, the City Council approved DR 89-07 allowing the construction of eleven buildings on three lots in the Scenic View Business Park. Several of the buildings were constructed. however, two of the buildings totalling 30.180 square feet and which were approved for the subject site were not built. The current appl icant is requesting approval to construct a 52,475 square foot building in the same area. ACTION: ~O ) 2 of 7 .., Agenda Report December 19, 1995 Page 2 FINDINGS To assess potential project parking impacts and the overall effectiveness of parking standards within the South Poway Business Park staff inspected parking areas throughout the South Poway Business Park, contacted a few research/advisory agencies, reviewed a South Poway parking survey prepared by Planning Services in 1992, researched established parking standards for industrial areas in selected San Diego County and Southern California cities and considered City Transportation Demand Management policies. South Powav Field Insoection Some of the observations made during a field trip with Mr. Main on December 5, 1995 were: 1. Parking within the general area of the proposed project is utilized, but not 100 percent. 2. The project parking is what had been approved for parking under DR 89-07 for two industrial buildings on the same site. 3. Illegal parking of trucks in fire lanes occurs periodically and multiple parking spaces are used consistently for parking semi-truck tractors and trailers at certain businesses. Parkino Standards of Other Advisorv/Research Aoencies Staff contacted the Urban land Institute, the National Association of Industrial and Office Properties, and the American Planning Association regarding parking standards in industrial areas. The parking standards reported by these agencies were identical and obtained from information published by the Institute of Transportation Engineers. The reported parking standard for Light Industry is 2.43 spaces per 1,000 square feet of building area and 2.11 spaces per 1,000 square feet of building area within an industrial park. The comparative South Poway Planned Community parking standards are 2 spaces per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area for projects within the Light Industrial designated areas and 4 spaces per 1,000 gross floor area for projects within the Industrial Park areas. 1992 South Powav Parkina Survev The Planning Services Department surveyed South Poway businesses in 1992 concerning parking within the business park. Approximately 35 percent of the survey respondents (28 of the 81 total respondents) thought parking supply was adequate within the business park, while 19 percent of the survey respondents (18 of the 81 total respondents) felt there was not adequate parking provided. Parkina Standards for Industrial Uses in Other Jurisdictions Business park standards from other Southern California cities are shown in Attachment A. The City of Poway parking standards for the business park compare DEe 19 1995 ITEM 10 ., 3 of 7 .---.- Agenda Report December 19, 1995 Page 3 favorably with other cities surveyed. As an example, Poway's standard of one space per 500 square feet is either matched or within 100 square feet of most parking standards. Conclusion The parking requirements for the business park are generally consistent with standards in use elsewhere and parking provided is generally adequate. Some of the businesses that have experienced parking shortages have grown to the point of relocating to larger buildings within the business park or acquiring off-site land for overflow employee and customer parking. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This item is not subject to CEQA. FISCAL IMPACT None. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE A copy of this report was mailed to Bill Main, California Data Cable. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council receive and file this report. JLB:JDF:RWQ:SAS:CMR:kls Attachments: A. Industrial Parking Standards Telephone Survey - 1992 B. Parking Survey of Tech Business Center E:\CITY\PLANNING\REPORT\DR951ZB.AGN DEe 1 9 1995 ITEM 10 i'" 4 of 7 . r - ~ - INDUSTRIAL PARKING STANDARDS TELEPHONE SURVEY RESULTS FEBRUARY 14, 1992 Coronado 1 space for each 1.5 employees on the shift with the greatest number of employees - 1 space per 1,000 sq ft Costa Mesa Corporate headquarters 4 per 1,000 sq ft Buildings 25,000 sq ft or less 3 per 1,000 sq ft Buildings 25,000 sq ft to 50,000 sq ft 2 per 1,000 sq ft Buildings 50,000 sq ft and above 1. 5 per 1,000 sq ft Chula Vista Manufacturing or R&D 1 space for each 1.5 employees or 1 space per 800 sq ft whichever is greater Warehousing 1 space for each 1.5 emploY<ges or 1 per 1,000 sq ft Carlsbad - Manufacturing 1 per 400 sq ft plus 1 space for each vehicle used in conjunction with the business Warehousing 1 per 1,000 plus 1 space for each vehicle R&D 1 per 250 sq ft El Cajon Li ght Industrial 1 per 600 sq ft Warehousing 1 per 1,000 sq ft* *provided there is land available to add more parking should the use change Trade & Service Use 1 per 300 sq ft Manufacturing Zone 1 per 600 sq ft Escondido Light Industrial 1 per 500 sq ft plus 1 space per vehicle used in business Warehousing 1 per 800 sq ft ,- Mini-storage 1 per 5,000 sq ft ATTACHMENT A DEe 1 9 1995 ITEM 10 ,- S of 7 Industrial Parking Survey February 14, 1992 Page 2 National City Light & Medium Industrial 1 per 800 sq ft or 1 per each 2 employees plus 1 for each service plus I visitor space Wholesaling & Distribution 1 per 1,000 sq ft (up to 4,000 sq ft) plus 4 spaces Warehousing & Storage 1 space plus 1 space for each 2 employees San Diego Manufacturing Industrial Park 1 space for each 1.5 employees on the largest shift M-IA Light Industrial Reserve 50 percent lot acreage for parking M-IB Reserve 40 percent of lot acreage for parking Santee Industrial I per 400 sq ft .......' 6 of 7 DEe 1 9 1995 ITEM 10 , x_oP...1In'l!K December 12, 1995 Results of parkinq Survey l1am TUesday December 12, 1995, in stowe Business Park and poway Tech center by Neville BOthwell stowe Bu.iB... 'ark Lot 10 Brookprinter Place ( Great Western coin , RainbOW crane) occupant needs additional space and parkinq baving outgrown existing buildinq. Intends to build on lots recently purcbased in parkway Business center. Lot 11 Brookprinter Place ( wassco) Has outgrown I:>uilding " parking. Proposes to I:>uild nearDY. Lot 12 thru 18 Brookprinter Place. Multi-Tenant buildings with twelve tenants - occupying 58,000 sq. ft. fully lea.ed. There were approximately 100 vehicles parked durinq the survey. There are 116 parking stalls plus another 26 graveled stalls under the sesco C.U.P. Lots 29 " 30 on Stowe Drive ( Norris" Hughes Missile). There were 38 vehicles parked in 98 stalls. (Note: Norris has reduced staff levels). .*..*..***.......*..........*...***...****..........*...........* A drive through of the scenic view development found approximately 90 unoccupied paved parking space.. ' ..****.*.***********.***..*..*...........**.****.**.***.*........ ~owav Tecb Center Lot 14a psicor 8 in 25 stalls Lot 14b psicor Lot 15 Envirobest 4 in 16 stalls Lot 16 production Mechanical 8 in 16 stalls Lot 17a Ickier Electric 7 in 12 st.alls Lot 19 Vacant Lot 20 Sonic Dry: Clean 8 in 21 stalls Lot 21 Montqolll E ator 7 in 21 stalls Lot 51:> orkin 6 in 17 stallS ,- Neville F. Bo 1 NB:mb\parking.mem 7 of 7 DEe 1 9 1995 ITEM 10 ATT.AJlHMENr B ---~~