Item 14 - Local Appointment List _. AGENDA REPORT SUMMARY -- - TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James l. Bowersox, City Man~ . cr;t INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assi stant City Manager , Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk~ DATE: December 19, 1995 SUBJECT: Local Appointments List ABSTRACT Staff has prepared the annual Local Appointments List required by Government Code ~54972 of all appointive terms that will expire during the next calendar year. There will be several terms expiring next November that run concurrently with the Mayor or Councilmember terms. - ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Environmental review is not required according to CEQA guidelines. FISCAL IMPACT NGne ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE None RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Council authorize the City Clerk to post a copy of the attached notices at City Hall and the Library, in compliance with Government Code ~54972. ACTION e:\city\legislat\ctyclk\agenda\maddy95.sum 1 of 5 DEe 1 9 1995 ITEM 14 ------- -.------ ----.------.- CITY OF Po WAY AGENDA REPORT Thi. report i. included on the Consent Calendar. There will b. no seper.. discu.,ion of the report prior to approval by the Citv Council unl.. member. of the Council, .taH OJ' public requnt it to b. removed from the Con.ent C.end..,d discua.ed 'aper.ely. If you wi.h to heve thi8 report pulled for di.cu..ion. ple._ fill out . .Iip indicllting the report number ~ give it to the City Clerk Pf'ior to the beginning of the City Council meeting. TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Man~ ' INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager4)lf DATE: Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk/'lt\.~ December 19, 1995 - SUBJECT: Local Appointments List BACKGROUND Government Code ~54972 requires the City Council to prepare an appointment list before December 31st of each year of all appointive terms that will expire during the next calendar year. This information allows any citizen to participate by serving on a committee. - FINDINGS The groups that fall under the provisions of this section are: 1) Budget Review Committee; 2) Housing Commission; 3) Parks & Recreation Committee; 4) Performing Arts Advisory Committee; and 5) Redevelopment & Housing Advisory Commit tee. There will be five scheduled vacancies on the Budget Review Committee; two on the Housing Commission; two on the Parks & Recreation Committee; two on the Performing Arts Advisory Committee; and six on the Redevelopment & Housing Advisory Committee; in the calendar year 1996 due to Council elections. Any other vacancies that would occur would be unscheduled and notice would be posted as they occur. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW None required. 2 of 5 DEe 1 9 1995 ITEM 14 local Appointments list December 19. 1995 Page Two FISCAL IMPACT None ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE None. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council authorize the City Clerk to post a notice at City Hall and the Library, in compliance with Government Code s54972, reciting the above findings. Attachment: Appointments List e:\c1ty\leg1tl.t\c1tyclrk\AGEHOA\MAOOY.95 - . DEe 1 9 1995 ITEM 14 3 of 5 _.__._~----_._- _._.._-~--" ~-,-----.....--------~---"---'~----'~'~"-""~-'-----'-'------ CITY COMMITTEE~ The following committees are appointed by, and serve at the pleasure of, the City Counci I. NUMBER OF TERM OF QUALIFICATIONS COMMITTEE MEMBERS APPOINTMENT FOR APPOINTMENT Budget Review 5 Annually from April Resident of Poway until budget adoption in June. Housing Commission 7 Concurrent with Resident of Poway. appointer's term. No more than 3 members Reaffirmed annually. to be residents of city- owned housing. Library Advisory 9 To groundbreaking Resident of Poway for new library. Parks & Recreation 5 Runs concurrent with Resident of Poway appointer's term Performing Arts 13 Runs concurrent with Have an interest in the Advi sory appointer's term facility and programs Poway Road Specific 7 Unt i 1 Pl an is adopted Resident or business Plan owner; or expert in commercial development Redevelopment & Housing 15 Runs concurrent with Resident or in business Advisory appointer's term. or employed in Poway; or Reconfirmed annually. own property in RDA - Senior Issues 6 At Council's discretion 2 at least 60 years old; 2 Councilmembers; 2 PVSC Directors This notice is posted in compliance with Government Code Section 54972. The City of Poway complies with the American Disabilities Act in making Committee appointments ."end"lmllddy2.95 DEe 1 9 1995 11 eM 14 4 of 5 1996 APPOINTMENTS LIST COMMITTEE: Budget Review Committee QUALIFICATION: Resident of the City of Poway There are five (5) scheduled vacancies on the Budget Review Committee during 1996. The appointments will be made in March 1996 and terminate in June, 1996 when the 1996-97 budget is adopted. COMMITTEE: Housing Commission QUALIFICATION: Resident of the City of Poway. No more than three members may be residents of city-owned housing developments. APPOINTEE APPOINTED BY DATE OF APPOINTMENT TERM EXPIRES Victoria Hahn Susan Callery 5-2-95 11-5-96 Bi 11 Cross Bob Emery 4-25-95 11-5-96 COMMITTEE: Parks & Recreation Committee QUALIFICATION: Resident of the City of Poway. - APPOINTEE APPOINTED BY DATE OF APPOINTMENT TERM EXPIRES Linda Bl ackwe 11 Susan Callery 1-5-93 11-5-96 Deanne Erickson Bob Emery 1-12-93 11-5-96 COMMITTEE: Performing Arts Advisory Committee - QUALIFICATION: Have an interest in the facility and programming. APPOINTEE APPOINTED BY DATE OF APPOINTMENT TERM EXPIRES Lynette Perkes Bob Emery 1-12-93 11-5-96 Joyce Nolte Susan Callery 1-5-93 11-5-96 COMMITTEE: Redevelopment & Housing Advisory Committee QUALIFICATION: Resident of the City; businessowner or employee in Poway; own property in Redevelopment Project Area. APPOINTEE APPOINTED BY DATE OF APPOINTMENT TERM EXPIRES Tom Tremble Susan Callery 1-5-93 11-5-96 Darwin Drake Susan Callery 1-5-93 11-5-96 Peggy Lester Susan Callery 1-5-93 11-5-96 David Churchill Bob Emery 1-5-93 11-5-96 Mary Mitchell Bob Emery 12-13-94 11-5-96 Bob Wolinski Bob Emery 1-12-93 11-5-96 e:\e1ty\leg1s1It\ctyclk\lgandl\maddyl.95 DEe 1 9 1995 ITEM 14 5 of 5 ._--~.--_.-_."-~-~--~---'- ._._,~--