Item 23 - Time Extension of Standard Agreement for TM 88-12 Green Valley Oaks AGENI).A-. REPORT SUMMARY - TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council -.-- FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Mana~ INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager~l\ Hark S. Weston, Director of Engineeri~ service~ Javid Siminou, Senior Civil Engineer Ninoy Basuil, Associate Civil EngineerC;lf DATE: December 19, 1995 SUBJECI': Time Extension of Standard Agreement for TM 88-12, Green Valley Oaks; Richard Lareau, Applicant ABSTRACI' The applicant is requesting a time extension of the Standard Agreement for Construction of Public Improvements for TM 88-12 to July 5, 1997. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This action is not subject to C.E.Q.A. review. FISCAL IMPACI' - None. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE None. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve the time extension of the Standard Agreement for Construction of Public Improvements until July 5, 1997. ACI'lON - DEe 1 9 1995 ITEM 23 1 OF 7 -. ~--------_."-,---_._-~..~- ~ AGENDA REPOR... CITY OF POW A Y This report is included on the Consent Calendar. There will be no separate discussion of the report prior to approval by the City Council unless members of the Council. staff or public request it to be removed from the Consent Calendar and discussed separately. If you wish to have this report pulled for discussion, please fill out a slip indicating the report number and give it to the City Clerk prior to the beginning of the City Council meeting. TO: Honorable Mayor and Member~ City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Man , INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager~\\ ~ Mark S. Weston, Director of Engineeri~ervice Javid Siminou, Senior Civil Engineer Ninoy Basuil, Associate Civil Engineer DATE: December 19, 1995 SUBJECT: Time Extension of Standard Agreement for TM 88-12, Green Vallev Oaks: Richard Lareau. Aoolicant BACKGROUND: The area described in the subject tentative map is located on the west side of Sagewood Lane, a private road, south of Sagewood Drive and north of Rostrata Road (Attachments 1 and 2). Tentative Map 8B-12, a 5-lot subdivision, was approved by City Council Resolution No P-88-122 on November 29, 19B8. It was recorded in the office of the Recorder of San Diego County on October 30, 1991, as Map No. 128B5. The Standard Agreement for the Construction of Public Improvements for this project has had its original expiration date of July 5, 1992. It was extended to January 5, 1994 and January 5, 1996 by the City Council at its meeting on January 29, 1992 and January 17, 1994 respectively. These extensions were granted due to the necessity of acquiring of public utility easements and to obtain financing as well as to solicit bids from contractors to perform the work. Over the past few years, property values have declined yet construction costs remained relatively stable with little noticeable reductions. During the same period, the applicant has had health problems affecting his ability to respond to development conditions. Timing has become a major factor in the decision to begin construction to avoid possible loss of investment, thus the request for another extension (Attachment 3). The applicant has indicated that bids to construct the improvements and a commitment for financing have been obtained. The request for a time extension to complete the job is July 5, 1997. ACTION: DEe 1 9 1995 ITEM 23 '. 2 OF 7 ._. Time Extension of Sta.....ard Agreement - TM 88-12 December 19, 1995 Page 2 FINDINGS: The public improvements required of the subdivision are not necessary for any development in the area at this time. All improvements to be done are directly connected for the benefit of the subdivision. FISCAL IMPACT: None. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: This action is not subject to C.E.Q.A. review. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION . CORRESPONDENCE: None RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council approve the time extension of the Standard Agreement for Construction of Public Improvements until July 5, 1997. - JLB:MSW:JS:NB:bw ATTACHMENTS: 1. Vicinity Map 2. Site Map 3. Letter requesting extension .- DEe 1 9 1995 ITEM 23 3 OF 7 _._.~~...._._._-~~- \ /i'Che) . 8eA'-;,,; '9-i> g, ""0 "'0 €SPOI:.A A'o~o , .-- WIL-L-ON RUN RD O;f'CHIlIf'O~NO ,t)GEJ1/00L> RD. ROSTIi'IIT,(J L,t)NE VICINITY M.lJP PI?O.recr NO SC/lLE SIre ,- CITY OF POWAY kEJExkH~~ ITEM: T~~~ ~ft! f- @ TITLE: Vicinity "Map SCALE: None ATTACHMENT: 1 4 OF 7 3 - ) \. ) - \ \ ' 69::>, \~ (I) -""l lo l'1 - ..... .... ~~h !" ~ ~:t\ 6~~ .~~ G! \i o~. ~~, I <:) l\.l /'" I ~. ~ ~.,.~ I ....~~ ":-1. ! 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""4..::tI~ . - \ ~ C' ~~.... .... \J\'" j .....~ ()'"'~ti ''"- 1;)' -............ Il:l~ :: ~ ~ ...~ '" _ I~" ~~ _:..: ~~ "'~tC "i \ ~ .. ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~~,.~. \~ '" ~ ........ "" '::i ...:::. ........... 'to U'I .....l\a:t)... \ ~a_~ ' .I"~ P ~ .l:. ......1 ~lI\~ ::t: ~ (r:. , '1. ~.. \ "'''' ~ . --1"- ~ "'" /.--\ ~,%' ll:" to, / "\!~"i\ ~~ G.$,~I.'(til.I~:J ,,-::-,r ~-. ~~ I<:..J.~"CM.C,D ~_4U. "'I'U) I.! t \ \ r::: I j....d4..$!S./"rw ~.lOr,..J.H..(i4:J ~ ' eJA5l$ OF tJeQPIM:!JS :t ~ .y ~ ,.... . D ~,,~~, I'~ :~~~ I " ---~ ,,~-'" .~" II - ~ ~-:~ -"'~ ~ '" 1-- ~~~ ",,-'0 ~ ......~ b '\S" . I "" '" .....-y( ~~'::i ~ ~i ....' ~ /' I CO ~:t ~,'., ~ 1 ?' . . \.. CITY r 7iJ:n~ ~~Cvt of OF POW A Y ITEM: ~2.~~fr' @ TITLE . Site Map II . SCALE : None ATTACHMENT: 5 OF 7 - -------_.__._--~--_.~--_._..- _. _.~_...m_~_. _.._____~.. - - --~.-"- .._-~ - ._--~._~~--- -- --------- - -- ---~.~_._--------- ----- ~~- RICHARD jOH,'J LAREAU & Associates, Inc I Architects AlA: Architecture, Planning, Engineering ~-C=iVEc. OCT 2 0 1995 17, 1995 '., .;~~P.::.!y:C;=~ October ~~r . Mark Weston Di~ector of Engineering Services Ci ty of pmvay 13325 Civic Center Drive Poway, CA 92064 !<EF: Green Valley Oaks Subdivisio~ poway TM 88-12, County Map Nc. 1288-5 Dear Mr. Weston: ",\'ith regard to my recent conversation with ~r. Ninoy Basuil, I hereby request an extension of time of 18 I:1onths to complete C:e work contemplated under the "Star.dard Agreement for Con- str~ction of Public Improvements" dated July 5, 1990. I am requesting the extension for the fOllo.....iing reasons: l. Although the City Council approved the final r.lap for Tr1 88-12 and directed its recorda tion at their regular meeting held on July 31, 1990, the maI=' did not actually record until October 30, 1991, 15 months la ter. The principal reason for the delay was that the city staff required existing off site easements to be specifically dedicated to the city from each property owner and lien holder or holders for each parcel of land that was affected. I was not aware that the maF had not recorded or that there was a requirement for these easements. Their acquisition required lengthy negotiations and considerable time, necessitating my first request for a time extension. In addition, the city required more time to review, modify, approve, and record the documen ts when they were available. (I have also been incurring the bond or letter of credit expense since June of 1990.) . 2845 Nimltz Boulevard I Cenlre West, Suite F I San Diego, California 92106-2388. (619) 222-0341 6 OF 7 ATTACHMENT 3 DEe 1 9 1995 ITEM 23 n October 17. 1995 - Mr. Mark Weston -2~ 2-. At the time of my last request for an extension of time until January 5. 1996. I had expressed my experience with financing, construction costs, and or the availability of interested investors to provide the support to proceed with the improvements on the property. As you know, poway, as well as all of southern California, has been witnessing a drastically declining real estate market. Both lenders and investors have been reluctant to consider this or any project unless there was some consensus among knowledgeable people that the market was close to the bottom. 3. As you know, since that period the market not only did not "bottom out", but continued in a downward spiral which is reflected in an additional decrease in property values. Construction costs during this period have remained re- latively stable with only a few noticeable reductions. During that sa~e period, I also experienced some health problems which affected my ability to respond to development conditions. 4. There now appears to be agreement among the local real estate industry that some optimism can be justified. Potential buyers have recently approached me and I feel that it is time to proceed with the improvements. I have obtained new bids for the water, sewer, grading, and related work and have a commitment for the financing. I have received my Preliminary Public (pink) Report for a standard subdivision and, as you read this, the final (white) report is being processed with the State Department of Real Estate. I have recently paid the fees to SDG&E for the electric and gas engineering design and work is in process for the telephone arrangements. Inasmuch as the outlook is now more favorable, I hereby respectfully request that an extension of time of 18 months be granted or until July 5. 1997. Thank you. Sincerely, ~~.tf~ Richard J. Lareau RJL/dl c: Mr. S. T. "Ninoy" Basuil, Engineering Dept. /VII<:. .:rAvID ~J""",\lJou\~fl. C-l\JIL..~. DEe 1 9 1995 ITEM 23 7 OF 7 ----- --..----."....--..-