Item 24 - Adopt Plan to Provide Alternative Emergency Access for Old Pomerado Rd. AGENT'-'- ~ORT SUMMARY TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Honorable Chairman and Members of the -- Redevelopment Agency FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Manager/Executi;: D~or INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assi stant City Manage~1 r ~. \SW Mark S. Weston, Director of Engineerin Services 6 ~ Javid Siminou, Senior Civil Engineer~o. DATE: December 19, 1995 SUBJECT: Adopt a Plan to Provide Alternative Emergency/Secondary Access for Old Pomerado Road ABSTRACT On May 23, 1995, the City Council and the Redevelopment Agency directed staff to conduct neighborhood meetings to discuss limitations of Stowe Drive extension and search for other alternatives. A total of three meetings were held and a variety of alternatives for emergency access/secondary access to Old Pomerado Road were discussed. The majority of the property owners in attendance were concerned with the need for a second access during an emergency; the need for a pedestrian crossing at the existing bridge; inspection and evaluation of the structural integrity of the existing bridge; and the installation of a traffic signal at the intersection of Pomerado Road and Old Pomerado Road. - ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The action is not subject to C.E.Q.A. review and a separate environmental review will be prepared for each project. FISCAL IMPACT $400,000 has been budgeted from the Redevelopment Agency and is sufficient to address the emergency and pedestrian access and the installation of the traffic signal. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Bill Rickles, President, Southwest Poway Homeowners Association and Neville Bothwell. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council and the Redevelopment Agency approve staff's recommendation. ACTION - 1 OF 15 DEe 1 9 1995 ITEM 24 ---------- -- _._---- ___m_"________ ~ AGENDA REPOR'... CITY OF POW A Y This report is included on the Consent Calendar. There will be no separate discussion of the report prior to approval by the City Council unless members of the Council. staff or public request it to be removed from the Consent Calendar and discussed separately. If you wish to have thiS report pulled fOf diSCUSSion. please fill out a slip Indicating the report number and give it to the City Clerk prior to the beginning of the City Council meeting. TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Honorable Chairman and Members of the Redevelopment Agency FRO": James L. Bowersox, City Manager/Executive Dire~ -!' INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City ManageA,t 7 Mark S. Weston, Director of Engineering Service~ Javid Siminou, Senior Civil Engineer ~ DATE: December 19, 1995 SUBJECT: Adopt a Plan to Provide Alternative Emergency/Secondary Access for Old Pomerado Road BACKGROUND: On June 11, 1992, the City Council and the Redevelopment Agency held a workshop to discuss several issues relative to the Old Pomerado Road neighborhood. At that meeting, the Council and the Agency approved the project to extend Stowe Drive from Pomerado Road to Old Pomerado Road. The approval was based on a preliminary design which included a preliminary alignment and a description of the roadway. $400,000 was budgeted from the Redevelopment Agency for the project. At that workshop, staff also presented the traffic signal analYSis at the intersection of Old Pomerado Road and Pomerado Road. Should Stowe Drive not be extended, a traffic signal would be warranted in the future at the intersection of Old Pomerado Road and Pomerado Road. As a result of more detailed survey and design analysis, several significant issues were identified by staff relative to the design of Stowe Drive extension. These issues include steep slopes, severe horizontal and vertical curves, substandard width, and impact on adjoining properties. On May 23, 1995, the City Council and the Redevelopment Agency directed staff to conduct neighborhood meetings to discuss the limitations of Stowe Drive extension and propose other alternatives to the access. ACTION: 2 OF 15 DEe 1 9 1995 ITEM 24 . - Adopt a Plan to Provioe Alternative Emergency/Secondary Access for Old Pomerado Road December 19, 1995 - Page 2 FINDINGS: Three neighborhood meetings were held over six months and a variety of alternatives for emergency access/second access to Old Pomerado Road were analyzed and discussed. On November 15, 1995, staff met with homeowners for the third time to discuss the six alternatives that had been proposed by the residents of Old Pomerado Road. Attachment 1 contains the tabulation of the six alternatives for an emergency/second access to Old Pomerado Road with the associated costs which were presented at this meeting. The following concerns were expressed by the majority of property owner in attendance: 1. Need for a second access especially during an emergency. 2. Need for a pedestrian crossing at the existing bridge located immediately to the south of the Big Stone Lodge. 3. Inspection and evaluation of the structural integrity of the existing bridge located immediately south of the Big Stone Lodge and proposed repairs as may be needed (Attachment 2). 4. Installation of a traffic signal at the intersection of Pomerado Road and Old Pomerado Road once the warrant(s) is/are met. Although there was support for Alternatives 1 and 3, the majority of the attendees agreed that Alternative 6 would be the most conducive to creating the emergency access as well as provide sufficient funds to address the pedestrian crossing, evaluation of the existing bridge, and the installation of a traffic signal concerns. FISCAL IMPACT: $400,000 has been budgeted from the Redevelopment Agency and is sufficient to address the emergency and pedestrian access and the installation of the traffic signal. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: This action is not subject to C.E.Q.A. review and a separate environmental review will be prepared for each project. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION l CORRESPONDENCE: Bill Rickles, President, Southwest Poway Homeowners Association and Neville Bothwell. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council and the Redevelopment Agency: 1. Approve Alternate 6 which provides an emergency access road located at the south end of Old Pomerado Road and connects to the Scripps Poway Parkway. DEe 1 9 1995 ITEM 24 3 OF 15 --_...^._._..~--_.~--~-_._- -----~" Adopt a Pl an to Pro. ,de A lternat i ve Emergency /SecondillY Access for Old Pomerado Road December 19, 1995 Page 3 2. Approve a pedestrian bridge to be constructed next to the existing bridge over Beeler Creek. 3. Direct staff to evaluate the warrants for installation of a traffic signal at the intersection of Pomerado and Old Pomerado Roads and install a traffic signal if the warrants are met. 4. Direct staff to perform an analysis of the structural integrity of the bridge over Beeler Creek and report back to Council in six months with the findings. JLB:JDF:MSW:KLC:bw ATTACHMENTS: 1. Tabulation of Six Alternatives 2. Letters from Old Pomerado Residents DEe 1 9 1995 ITEM 24 4 OF 15 CITY OF POWAY DON HJGGINSON. Mayor SUSAN CALLERY, Deputy Mayor B08 EMERY. Councilmember MICKEY CAFAGNA. Councilmembet I BETIY REXFORD, Councilmember I November - 1, 1995 I Subject: Stowe Drive Extension/Second Access to Old Pomerado Road Dear Property Owner: As you may be aware, the City Council approved a capital improvement project to extend Stowe Drive from Pomerado Road to Old Pomerado Road. City staff began final design of this project and determined that the approved location north of the Big Stone Lodge would result in an unsafe roadway design. City staff brought this information to City Council and requested that this issue be discussed within the neighborhood to look at alternative solutions to accessing Old Pomerado Road. City staff held a neighborhood meeting on September 13, 1995 to discuss alternatives to the proposed alignment of Stowe Drive extension. Following that meeting, staff developed six alternatives which provide either secondary or emergency access to Old Pomerado Road. Enclosed is a description of each of the six alternatives for your review. We have scheduled another neighborhood meeting for Wednesday, November 15, 1995 at 7:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers located at 13325 Civic Center Drive. Staff will present each alternative and then receive input from the neighborhood in order to develop a recommendation to City Council. We look forward to seeing you at the next neighborhood meeting. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at 679-4262. Sincerely, EN?'NEEQ::ES DEPARTMENT a id Siminou nior Civil Engineer JS:mh xc: Mark Weston Roger Free c:\wp51 \Ietter95\acc_pom.;. C"t HilL t d 13325 C" . CD. DEe 19 1995 ITE~ I Y a oca e at IVIC enter rive 5 OF 15 ing Address: PO. Box 789. Poway. California 92074-0789 . (619) 748-6600. 695-1400 ATTACHMENT 1 ~---- -_.._---_._.~---_._-_. 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'" '" -" '" u"" kJEC 1 9 1995 ..." c"" " ITEM 24 ll!:i' - ~v> . . . 13 OF 15 ----------,--..__...~-- ..- -----..-----.----- .._._--~-- R-:;:::IVED NOV t .) 1995 ENGINEERING SfRVICES DEPARTMENT SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA NEUROPSYCHIATRIC INSTITUTE November 13, 1995 Mr. Javid Siminou Senior Civil Engineer, City of Poway City Hall 13325 Civic Center Drive P.O. Box 789 Poway, CA 92074-0789 Dear Mr. Siminou, Thank you for your letter on November 1, regarding the Stowe Drive Extension/Secondary Access to Old Pomrado Road. I unfortu- nately will not be able to make the meeting on Wednesday, Novem- ber 15, however I would respectfully like to draw your attention to another significant fact. Five of the six options which you have presented show the access from Old Pomrado to the new Pomra- do, north of the bridge on Old Pomrado. This bridge was con- structed in the thirties and is vulnerable to floods, earth- quakes, and any other natural disasters, and indeed if it were to be taken out for any reason would strand apprOXimately 45 fami- lies south of the bridge. There is only one appropriate option which you have described in your communication. That is option #6, which allows for the exit from Old Pomrado to the existing Scripps Poway Parkway, south of the bridge, thereby allowing the 45 families south of the bridge to have an emergency exit if needed. In conclusion then, I believe your considering any opinions other than thoee in favor of option #6 would be irrelevant, since the city is morally obligated to anticipate and avoid residents being stranded in a natural disaster situation such as the loss of the bridge. Thank you in advance for your invitation to comment on your proposal. I trust that you will act accordingly. Sinc rely, d/~~I4]) a ker II I, M.D. 'W/.t ~ co. Mr. Mark Weston DEe 191995 rri::M 4 6794 LA JOLLA BOULEVARD. LA JOLLA, CALIFORNIA 92037. (619) 454.2102 14 OF 15 ATTACHMENT 2 November 17, 1995.- ,. _ Honorable Mayor ar.~ city council h !:: \... t: I V E 0 City of poway . . . P.O. Box 789 i~U'! 20 1995 Poway, CA 92074-0789 """cc-,,r<:c''''''C''D''PT E1'\i\,J.:',;...(..l."..--, '".~""VC:,", ... OP D:VIS!ON SUBJECT: stowe Drive Extension/Access to Old Pomerado Road Dear Mayor and Council, I live at 12568 Golden Eye Lane, which branches off of Old Pomerado Road at Paseo Colina. I was therefore sent the information from city staff concerning the alternatives being proposed to provide a secondary or emergency access to Old Pomerado Road. I also attended the November 15 evening meeting at which the alternatives were presented by staff and then discussed, in order to recommend one of the alternatives to the council. I am a civil engineer with the City of San Diego and am involved with determining the feasibility and cost of proposed street improvement projects, and identifying possible funding sources. Since the construction of "new" Pomerado Road and Scripps poway Parkway have eliminated most of the original Pomerado Road, what remains is essentially a local, residential cul-de-sac (cds) street. It is not unlike many local cds streets throughout poway and the San Diego region, including my own street, which ends in a cds. Granted, it is longer than most residential cds streets at approximately 4000'. I don't believe that length is a relevant factor, not when street blockage is the issue. The chances of some emergency occuring on Old Pomerado Road and blocking ingress and egress do not appear to be greater than on any other cds street. I do not believe that the city is responsible for providing secondary accesses to dead end streets unless there is some unusual circumstance. Why should city funds be expended to provide this luxury to satiSfy a small group of residents who have this fear of entrappment? The costs of the various alternatives being proposed range from $0.23 to $1.04 million, which would come from the city's general fund. An awful lot of pothole repair that would benefit the entire city could be completed with that money, not to mention many other worthwhile uses. My opinion is that if these residents want this additional access, thev should pay for it. I realize that you have already approved this project, but I hope that you will reconsider. If on. alternative must be chosen, I favor alternative 6, primarily because it is the least expensive, at $230,000. Staff stated that $400,000 has been programmed for this project. At the meeting, concerns were also expressed by some residents about the safety of the Beeler Creek bridge for pedestrians, turning movements at the "new" and "old" pomerado Road intersection, and drainage deficiencies on portions of "old" Pomerado Road. Perhaps these items could be rectified using the balance of the $400,000 if alternative 6 is selected. This was the suggestion of your Engineering Services Department staff, and I favor that recommendation. Sincerely, ~ 01iL- S ~ DEe 191995 ITeM 24 15 OF 15 ---~-"-,._~-~- -~---_.-. 1J~ 1.2-/J/t ,.... r'( ~.... ~. ,...-~ ..., (: - - D;:-~ I t,/ JERRY LONG 'v 0 . '- ~232~ OLD STONE ROAD ~..:,_..', I /9" _. POWAY, CALIFORNIA 92064 ".~.,. _.. .;is '-. '. ..~,.... " ,'; ')'~'-"" 6~9/486-9046 -. - '-<.;: November 29, ~995 Mark Weston Director of Engineering Services City of poway P.O. Box 789 poway, CA 92074 Dear Mr. Weston: Thank you for the informative meetings regarding the secondary access to Old Pomerado Road, As I did in the meeting, I must stress my opposition to the suggestion of placing the emergency road at the end of Old Pomerado Road. While it does satisfy certain criteria, i.e., an emergency access, it does not address the larger and equally critical concerns of traffic and the coexistence of commercial and residential uses. Since the Council's approval of the extension of Stowe drive in 1992, my company, Big Stone Lodge, has spent considerable amounts of money renovating and improving our business property,in large part because of Stowe Drive being extended at some time in the near future. With the apparent absence of that happening we will not be able to alleviate the concerns of the residents about traffic nor will we be able to realize the return on our investment expected as a result of the Council's action (6/~8/92). Creating the environment for a strong business is an aid to successful management of public funds and a revenue source resulting of increased sales taxes and property values I strongly believe that the better long-range solution to the problem will be to extend Stowe Drive '{your option One, November 1, ~995) and create a right-turn-only at the intersection of Old and new Pomerado Road. DEe 1 9 1995 ITEM 24..... ._----~._- . '- , M. weston, page Two I will be happy to meet with you to discuss this option and the benefits to be gained by proceeding. I got the strong impression at the November 15th meeting that although there was support for Option 6, most people could be equally pleased with Option One. Sincerel , Jerry Long CC: James Bowersox DEe 1 9 1995 ITEM 24 '.