Item 25 - Award of Bid Tree Pruning Program AGEND ~EPORT SUMMARY TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council - FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Man~. INITIATED BY: John Fitch, Assistant City Managef.1/1 ~ James R. Williams, Director of Public Services Patricia S. Nelson, Management Aide ~ DATE: December 19, 1995 SUBJECT: Award of Bid for the City of Pow~y Tree Prunin~ ProWam. Fiscal Year 1995/96. Bid No. 006-95-96 ABSTRACT Contract bids were opened by the City Clerk on November 29, 1995 for awarding a new, one-year contract for the trimming and removal of specific trees within the City of Poway. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This item is not subject to CEQA review. - FISCAL IMPACT Sufficient funding has been identified in the Public Services Budgets. Of the $47,891.00 bid by Atlas Environmental, $12,728.00 is for Street Maintenance Division work, $14,518.00 is for Parks and Landscape Division work, and $20,645.00 is for Landscape Maintenance District work. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE A copy of this report has been mailed to Brian L. Coy, Atlas Environmental. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council award the contract, Bid No. 006-95-96, to Atlas Environmental based on their bid proposal of $47,891.00 (see Attachment). ACTION - 1 of 16 ITEM 2.5 DEe 19 1995 ..."-_.._--._-~ _.__.~._-- ~ AGENDA REPOR CITY OF POW A Y This report is included on the Consent Calendar. There will bl! no separate discussion of the report prior to approval by the City Council unless members of the Council. staff or public request it to be removed from the Consent Calendar and di$Cussed separately..lf you wish to have this report pulled for discussion, please fill out a slip indicating the report number and give it to the City Clerk prior to the beginning of the City Council m~ng. TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City M~ INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager James R. Williams, Director of Public Services cJ Patricia S. Nelson, Management Aide r DATE: December 19, 1995 SUBJECT: Award of Bid for the Citv of Poway Tree Pruninl1 Proeram. Fiscal Year 1995/96. Bid No. 006-95-96 BACKGROUND Notices inviting bids were published in the Powav News Chieftain on two consecutive Thursdays - November 9 and 16, 1995. Seven contractors were also notified by mail. Five contractors attended the pre-bid meeting held on November 15, 1995. FINDINGS Three contracts responded by submitting bids - Davey Tree, Golden Bear Arborists, and Atlas Environmental. Bid amounts are as follows: Davey Tree $120,845.00 Golden Bear Arborists 82,003.00 Atlas Environmental 47,891.00 The low bidder, Atlas Environmental, has submitted all the required information within their bid package. References have been checked and have been found more than satisfactory for the type of work the City has requested. Since the writing of this report, Atlas Environmental has prepared and submitted all the required contract documents, including bonding, licenses, and insurances. Once the contract has been awarded, they will commence with the necessary traffic control and begin work. ACTION: 2 of 16 )) DEe 1 9 1995 ITEM 21 Agenda Report - Award of Contract for Tree Pruning December 19, 1995 Page 2 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This item is not subject to CEQA review. FISCAL IMPACT Sufficient funding has been identified in the Public Services Budgets. Of the $47,891.00 bid by Atlas Environmental, $12,728.00 is for Street Maintenance Division work, $14,518.00 is for Parks and Landscape Division work, and $20,645.00 is for Landscape Maintenance District work. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE A copy of this report has been mailed to Brian L. Coy, Atlas Environmental. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council award the contract, Bid No. 006-95-96, to Atlas Environmental based on their bid proposal of $47,891.00 (see Attachment). JLB:JDF:JRW:PSN Attachment: Atlas Environmental's Proposal for City of Poway Tree Pruning 3 of 16 DEe 1 9 1995 ITEM 21 ____._..__w.________...._~__._.____ -- 1.08 ProntK:aJ to the ( CoundJ CITY OF POW A Y TREE PRUNING PROGRAM NAME OF BIDDER: Atlas Environmental Services, Inc. BUSINESS ADDRESS: 9032 Olive Drive PLACE OF RESIDENCE: Spring Valley, CalifOrnia 91977 The work to be done and referred to herein is in the Cicy of Poway. San Diego Councy, California, and shall be performed in accordance with these Special Provisions. The undersigned, as Bidder, declares that the only persons or parries interested in this proposal as principals are those named herein; that this proposal is made without collusion with any ocher person, firm, or corporation; that he has carefully examined the location of the proposed work, the annexed proposed form of contract, and the plans therein referred to; and he proposes, and agrees if this proposal is accepted. thac he will contract with the Cicy of Poway, in the form of the copy of the Contract annexed hereto, to provide all necessary machinery, tools, appararus and other means of construction, and to do all the work and furnish all the materials specified in the Conrract, in the manner and cime therein prescribed, and according co the requirements of the Cicy of Poway as set forth therein. Bidder understands that a bid is required for the entire work, that the estimated quantities set forth in the Bid Schedule are solely for the purpose of comparing bids, and that final compensation under the Contract will be the sum of the totals for each item of work. Bidder shall be compensated only for items of work satisfactorily completed, It is agreed that the unit prices bid include all appurrenant expenses, taxes, royalties. and fees. In the case of discrepancies in the numbers of a bid amount, and the words stating that amount, the words shall govern over numbers. In the case of a discrepancy between unit prices and extended amounts, the unit prices shall govern over the extended amounts. NOW: In compliance with the Notice to Contractors and all the Special Provisions hereinbefore stipulated, the undersigned, with full cognizance thereof, hereby proposes to perform the entire work for the prices set forth in the included Bid Sheet upon which award of Contract is made. Dated November 28, .1995 Bidder: Atlas Environmental Services, Inc. By:'6rlon L. (ty t Title: V((O ,'?rC:"5icle-nt--> Bidder's Post Office: Casa De Oro (CC!rporate Seal) 10 4 of 16 DEe 191995 ITEM 21 Corporation organized under ...e laws of the State of ~1 (. t)JY ( ) I Q ) Names and Addresses of all members of the firm or names of all officers of the Corporation: ~ ui~ l::ue.8U.~nc5 ~ GJpct'e ~ (Q . g /qo ( ::r a.ro rru nn O;J.i S:rn 'Ferrurcl.o S. 6on'Olcgo> CO . lc q;;)IO r. '"br iQ(') L . UJU .Ilq~z:) I ha 7r:tp1::Jn) fl (ajtrn, G . q.;lOICj . 11 5 of 16 DEe 1 9 1995 ITEM 21 --~----,---"_.. ------,-~- --.-..-- ---- ;;---- 1.09 Bid Schedule PROJE,CT: City or Poway Tree Pruning Progralll Citv Ril!hts-or-wav/F:asement Proiect Area. [Class IV] UNIT TOTAL LOCATION ACTION r:m. TYPE/SIZE mSI mSI Valle Verde Median- Trim (7) Eucalyptus 12-24" ?B 266 S/O Calle Colina Remove' (2) Eucalyptus 12&18" 157;) 3co 16658 Valle Verde Rd Trim (I) Eucalyptus 24" > 8s- Remove (I) Eucalyptus 24" > 2= Valle Verde Rd Trim (21) Eucalyptus 12-24" ~B /,00 e Both sides Espola to Calle Colina Martincoit Rd Trim (12) Eucalyptus 12-24" '15 5"7D 'Both sides Espola [0 Trim (40) Eucalyptus 24" > s-B "Z:$ ZO 16672 Martincoit Trail Easement Behind Trim (7) Eucalyptus 24-36" 110 770 12811 Cedar Tree Way N/S Soule St Trim (38) Eucalyptus 12-24" 3'g Ilf<f'7 , Blanco Ct. to Carriage Rd Trim (2) Eucalyptus 36" > /70 ~'tO N/S Stone Cyn Rd Trim (15) Eucalyptus 12'24" LtD ,,~O Del Norte to Ladiera Piedra \VIS Midland Rd Trim (6) Eucalyptus 24-36" 135 glD Twin Peaks Rd to Remove (I) Eucalyptus 36" 17S 1'75 500' south E/S Midland Rd Trim (3) Eucalyptus 12-24" /00 ~t)o north of Somerset Rd Trim (5) Eucalyptus 24" > IBo 9t!Jo Trail Easement Trim (4) Eucalyptus 6-12" 1i0 ~~D E/O 14661 Twin Peaks Rd Trim (9) Eucalyptus 12-24" //0 9qo N/S Lake Poway Rd Trim (3) Eucalyptus 6-12" '2.s- 7S Espola To 800" east Trim (II) Eucalyptus 12-24" ~.s- ~1~ N/S Lake POIYay Rd Trim (6) Eucalyptus 6-12" 'ZS-- ISO east & west of Archery Trim (<!:) ,. JJ 9:s- ~"7Cl Eucalyptus 12-"2'1 Range (. "7) ,7-':' 'Z4i II SO ~SV '-:mA""j>S - SUBTOTAL .if 1<'1/"2~ , , Removals under this section are to include stump grinding 12 DEe 1 9 1995 ITEM 21 6 of 16 Parks and LandoScane/Ea5elllel ,'oiect Areas [Class 11] .~ UNIT TOTAL LOCATION ACTION r:m. TVPIVSIZF: ~ i:Q.SI Poway Rd Medians 14225 Poway Rd Rmve Fronds (2) Calif. Fan Palm sO bD Trim (2) Sycamore 6.S" oozB 56 Trim (1) Alder 7" IS" 14034 Poway Rd Rmve Fronds (6) Calif, Fan Palm 30 I ~O Tri.m (2) Sycamore 9" -ze 56 Trim (I) Alder 9" 70 ~o Deadwood) (2) Oak 6-9" /'2 -z..'7 13939 Poway Rd Deadwood (I) Oak 12" "ZD Trim (3) Sycamore 6-S" "ZS 6'7 13830 Po way Rd Trim (3) Sycamore 6-7" '2.B 8'7 Rmve Fronds (4) Calif. Fan Palm ~o IZO 13715 Poway Rd Trim (I) Sycamore 7" "Z~ Z8 13272 Poway Rd Trim (2) Sycamore 5-6" IS $0 13202 Poway Rd Trim (1) Alder II" $'0 13137 Poway Rd Deadwood (1) Oak 8" )"Z... 13057 Poway Rd Deadwood (1) Oak 9" IZ- 12957 Poway Rd Deadwood (I) Oak 6" 1"2... EIO 12845 Poway Rd Trim (6) Sycamore 5-8" :II 90 Deadwood (2) Oak S" ozo WIO 12845 Poway Rd Deadwood (1) Oak 8" "2.0 Rmve Fronds (3) Calif. Fan Palms 30 '90 Trim (1) Sycamore IS- 12719 poway Rd Trim (1) Sycamore 7" IS 12657 Poway Rd Deadwood (I) Oak6" /0 Trim (2) Sycamore 5-6" IS- ::0 12538 Poway Rd Trim (2) Sycamore 6" IS SO Trim (1) Alder II" lfD Deadwood (1) Oak 7" 10 12439 Poway Rd Trim (3) Sycamore 6-S" I-z.. '3'b 'Deadwood under this section requires removal of dead wood material only 13 7 of 16 DEe 1 9 1995 ITEM 21 -~._--_.- Park.q nlul Landscane/Ea.c;:el. It Proiect Areas (eulIl}r!1 UNIT TOTAL LOCATION ACTION lliL. TYPE/SI7:E ~ QlSI 12218 Poway Rd Deadwood (I) Oak 9" 10 Trim (2) Sycamore 6" ~o ~ Pomerado Road Soulldwall 13100 block Trim (1) Camphor 6" /2- 13200-13240 Trim (2) Sycamore 7" '2- "Z""I- Trim (2) Camphor 5-6" 1(:_ 2.'1 13240-13500 Trim (3) Sycamore 6-8" }"Z. 3,b Trim (4) Camphor 6-8" /2 '1(1 13500-13800 Trim (8) Sycamore 5-9" }z "fob (4) Camphor 6-9" I"Z 4f3 13800-13900 Trim (4) Sycamore 5-7" )7 <;9 13900-14000 Trim (9) Sycamore 5-7" Iz log Trim (I) Camphor 6" I?.. 14000-14300 Trim (6) Sycamore 5-6" I ""L 7;? Trim (3) Camphor 6" I"Z 31:. Twin Peaks Road Landscaped Ri.hts-of-Way S/S 13100-13400 Trim (27) Eucalyptus 6-12" ?s-' ~7S S/S 13400-13600 Trim (29) Eucalyptus 5-11" ?O ~o N/S 13400-13600 Trim (12) Eucalyptus 7-13" 7..> 50D S/S 13667-13700 Trim (10) Eucalyptus 6-9" "ZD "'Z&>o SIS 14000-14050 Trim (I) Elm 16" 5b S-o Trim (II) Eucalyptus 6-12" "25 :7?S Lake Powav Park 14644 Lake Poway Rd Trim (22) Elm 10" 25:"' ~s-o Trim (35) Sycamore 6-12" -z>" 675 Old Powav Park 14126 Sycamore Ave Trim (5) Eucalyptus 13-16" 75" ~/5 (head back/top heavy) 14156 Sycamore Ave Trim (I) Eucalyptus 50" SOo (head back/top heavy) Trim (1) Eucalyptus 44" sc::o 14 DEe 1 9 1995 ITEM 21 8 of 16 - Park.~ nod l.andscapelEa.4Ieme,---'roiect Areas (cont'd) . UNIT TOTAL '. LOCATION ACTION I::l.Q.. TYPE/S[~F: Q2SI Q2SI Garden Road Park 14820 Garden Rd Trim (I) Pine 26" 100 Trim (I) Pine 25" 1190 Trim (1) Pine 19" 100 .community Park Bowron Rd Trim (9) Cottonwood 'IS- ~os- qettv Bendixon Park REm..",. f ,.> ~7'r~ "'000 130 ~"'P Old Pomerado Rd Deadwood (18) Oak $0 K40 Citv Hall Qpen SpacelTrail 13325 Civic Center Drive Trim (32) Cottonwood ~5" 11"20 . Trim (10) Willow <tD '400 The Pond Open SDace Old Pomerado Rd Trim (30) Eucalyptus '$9 /I'1D , Trim (5) Sycamore , "Z.5" I"Z!;> 'Tk.',.., c:.u:> e"'L. O~ 6 ">, 1,10 oV Titan Wav Parkin~ Lot ,,<,o$/OC" li.ok I<- FbJ<.1; 11t,~,...., (FlU..) ~~S 1>"> Zoo ....., '10..- 8A<-1<..~ Titan Way Trim (1) Eucalyprus 40" 75"0 Trim (4) Eucalyptus 25-30" , "2 s;- 5'"CO Trim (5) Eucalyptus 14-21" '5;;- /-,S- Trim (22) Eucalyprus 6-12" -ZO 'l-LfO Budwin Lane Parkin2 Lot 13711 1/2 Budwin Ln Trim (8) Eucalyprus 13-17" "IS- 5'60 Trim (2) Eucalyptus 12" 'IS;- <fa SUBTOTAL JI, ILf, s-d3 DEe 1 9 1995 ITEM 21 9 of 16 15 -~ "-_.__.__._._._-~--~._- Lnndscnne M:lint~nance .trkt/F.asement Proiect Arens [Class IlJ " UNIT TOTAL LOCATION ACTION till. TVPE/SI7:E CQSI CQSI ?,dohe R id~e I SIS Camino del Norte Trim All Over 6" caliper or wlo Pomerado Rd 20' in height 6~eo Remove .' (4) As marked /(90 ""<!lO Adobe Rid~e II Twin Peaks Rd to Trim All Eucalyptus within Pomerado Rd [drainage 5' of adjacent fencing I 7. "tV - , channel] La Manda Dr Remove (I) Willow ISO I Pomerado Rd @ Trim All Over 6" caliper or Camino del Norte 20' in height '5.)00 [parallel slopes] / Ted Williams Parkway SIS top Jf slope Remove All Within 5' of soundwall l'1?O ... Trim All Branches within 5' of sound wall ~O ,COUntrv Creek Trim All Over 6" caliper or 1\7.0 . [Twin Peaks Rd @ 20' in height Tierra Bonita Rd] Rio COUrl Trim (30) Eucalyprus 6 - 9" caliper GO hoo Stone Canvon Ranch Trim All Over 6" caliper or Espola Rd & Titan Way 20' in height Ib 4-V , The Groves Remove Eucalyprus within five feet of soundwall ;;~ Trim E:ucalyprus, Dalance oT , Bridlewood Remove & (10) Eucalyptus 12" caliper Lake Poway Rd Stump grind as marked /10 1.100 north side, west of , Summersage Rd to Prairie Vista .svcamnre Creek Remove & (4) Poplars as marked "2 IX> IS16lO behind Birch Lane stump grind South Poway Trim (4) Coral as marked '5' "2J:o Community Rd @ Stowe Dr NW comer ..J/ ;<0, b4s SUBTOTAL . , DEe 1 9 1995 ITEM 16 21 10 of 16 - , ADDENDUM NO.1 TO: ALL PROSPECTIVE BIDDERS SUBJECT: CITY OF POWAY PUBLIC SERVICES DEPARTMENT ASCAL YEAR 1995/96 TREE PRUNING PROGRAM BID NO.: 006-95-96, Opening - November 29, 1995 DATE: November 21, 1995 ----------------------------------- ---- ----- ------------- The existing bid is to be amended as follows: Page 12 Last Item: N/S Lake Poway Rd. east & west of Archery Range Chanie: Trim (13) Eucalyptus 12-4. 12: Trim (6) Eucalyptus 12-24" and .Ml;l: Stump Grind (7) Eucalyptus 12-24" Page 15 Second Item: Community Park, Bowron Road .Ml;l: Remove/Stump Grind (1) Cottonwood Middle of Page: The Pond Open Space .Ml;l: (30) Eucalyptus and (5) Sycamore - Inside fencing .Ml;l: Trim (all) Eucalyptus and Cottonwood over 6" in caliper and 20 feet in height - Outside back fencing All bidders shall acknowledge receipt of this Addendum No.1 to Bid No. 006-95-96 by signing in the space provided below. This affidavit must be signed and included with bid for bid opening November 29, 1995. ADDENDUM RECEIPT ACKNOWLEDGED BY: d:,~~7 ;Z.~ 1\ / '2 7 J &15: (Authorized Signature) (Date) I DEC 1 9 1995 ITeM 21 11 of 16 ----- Calculate aU subtotals to arrive at a total cost [in figures] in the boxed spaces provided below. Ilu. quantity of work may be increased or decreased deDendent upon the funding available from fiscal year budgets. AREA SUBTOTAL City Rights-of-Way/Easement Project Areas I ;;) } '7';;;'3. CD Parks & Landscape/Easement Project Areas J I . '5" J<-fjSI5.CJ... . . I , ~ I Landscape Maintenance District/Easement ~D)&L/5,CD Project Areas TOTAL BID AMOUNT 4'7/ I. Total Amount of Bid in words:Fcrh./ -xvc:n --I::l---ri J"SarQ ~ht hu..rOn:;d nL'rek.f - doUDJS Any additional work that may be added to the contract at a later da:: Wi~~ be negotiated between the City Q,f Powav and the Contractor awarded e b' . If available [not required]: Cenified Arborist NT8:JI Execution within five (5) days following notification of the proposal, the below signed agrees to enter into a Contract with the City of Poway on the form of Contract provided to stan the above noted services. Cl:fbs t:r1"trDnn-=-m:U &'5. :Jnc. qc= Oil lie 'Dr. X' ~LIaf ' Contractor Address and Phone . q' 77 (1oIctX4&3- /707 ) 17 DEe 1 9 1995 ITEM 21 12 of 16 1.10 Bidder'~ Statement or FinanciAl R~DOmibilitv T~hniral A~ilitv 2nd Exnerience (The Bidder is required to state what work of a similar character to that included in the proposed Contract he has successfully performed and give reference which will enable the City Council to judge his responsibility, experience, skill, and business training.) The undersigned submits herewith a statement of his financial responsibility. The undersigned submits below a statement of the work of similar character to that included in the proposed Contract which he has successfully performed. At a minimum, this document should include: . The names of the company and/or individual(s) and all subcontractors, with qualification summaries of all individuals who will be assigned to this site. Similar work performed by the proposing (bidding) finn/individual in the past should also be included. Ernp/cyee:s of- OJ loS . A proposed work program. including descriptions of the tasks and methodologies [0 be used: I.5. A. -=forcJQ rrls ~~ ZK Signed . 18 DEe 1 9 1995 ITEM 21 13 of 16 ---_..~- - -~._.- 1.11 Inronnation Reouir@d or Bidder The Bidder is required to supply me following information. Additional sheets may be attached if necessary. 1. AddressqO~ a. l OC 7;)('. ~I'9 \fa j JFJ 1: (Q . q I q 77 2. Telephone: (L,\Cl) 4~3-1701 3. Type of Firm (circle one): Individual < > Partnership ~orpora~ 4. Corporation organized under me laws of me State of en l (~rn i 0..., 5. Arborist Certification No. [not reqUired]~<Xn'" 6. List the names and addresses of all members of the firm or names and titles of all officers of the corporation: ~ J;C)<, m. {DC{: in 'PrE'SICJcrL uhn 'S:-c . / T n::'C1c:v. r e r , 1?Jr inn L. C rLj ( hce., Presided., 7. Number of years experience as a contractor tree Pruning:;;;;() s. List at least three projects completed as of recent date: Contract Amount Class of Work Date Completed Owner's Name/AddresslPhone sq),rro-cv ~,~m~ ICJc1Lf ('~+y r:* Irvin--, =..w-VLre...' rn. Tree ~n~~~~~) sJOJ;lXJJ'OD t'emcw:;U' IO-JQ.CiS ICD ooo.co ~ee . 7-/If{qS {J.S. nnv,O s I L(nrn~ ~nDi~1 ro. 9. List the name of the person who inspected the sites of the proposed work for your firm: 'BriCln I . rN 1 Date of Inspection: I I I;;B I W:::) 19 DEe 1 9 1995 ITEM 21 14 of 16 ,'_' 10. If requested by the City, the Bidder shall furnish a notarized financial statement. financial, data, or other information and reference sufficiently comprehensive to permit an appraisal of his current fmancial position. 1.12 List of Subcontractors The Bidder is required to furnish the following information relative to the sub-contractors and suppliers he proposes to use. If all work is to be done without subcontractors, write "none" in the following space: rnnF Name under which Class.! Address of Type of Work Subcontractor is License Office, Mill Subcontractor Licensed Number or Shop and Will Do Telephone No. ================================================ .-. SUPPLIERS Name of Supplier Address & Telephone No T'1Ie of Material - 20 DEe 1 9 1995 IiEM 21 15 of 16 - _..____e._____. .__._~~__. 1.13 Non",Collu~ion Amd.:nit To the City Council, City of Poway. California: The undersigned in submitting a bid for performing the following work by Contract, being duly sworn. deposes and says: That he/she has not, either directly or indirectly, entered into any agreement, panicipated in any collusion, or otherwise taken any action in restraint of free competitive bidding in cOMection with such Contract, for: CITY OF POWAY TREEPRUMNGPROGRAM s6~der 2 5- - 9032 Olive Drive Business Address Spring Valley, Calif. 91977 Place of Residence Subscribed and sworn before me this ~ day ofT'Jc:N"e~ , 19~ Notary Publi . and for the County of . @ CIOfIlMNl ^ 9Jn /'y'P(]T'l , State of California I CClM.I. tII '- f NaIay~ - CaI,- WI DlEl:o COUMv - My commission expires '--f"flJ fJ .;) I: /qq::J J. ~~-.~V2~.I~J (This affidavit shall be executed by the successful Bidder in accordance with instructions in the Federal Requirements. but Bidder may execute the affidavit on this page at the time of submicting bid.) 21 DEe 1 9 1995 ITEM 21 16 of 16 . '. -. .. . . .1.1" . . .,.. , Bob Emery Councilman, Oty of Poway - . 14360 Mountain Road Paway, CA 9206& (619) 748-3968 To: Mayor and members of the Qty Council From: Bob Emery Subject: Suggested Council actions regarding the implementation of handgun controls at the local, state and nationa1levels. It is apparent from previous opinions by the Poway City Attorney that the City of Poway is preempted from the adoption of legislation that directly prohibits the sale, distribution or possession of handguns. However, I believe that there are a number of actions which can be taken by this Council that can aid in the curtailment of handguns in our community and add support to movements limiting availability. Ten Point Plan of Action: 1. Direct the City Attorney to review all pending and future County, State and Federal legislation that places limits on the possession of handguns and bring them to Council for regular review and potential action. 2- Support all pending legislation that advocates the further restriction of the availability of handguns, and transmit notice of Council support to the appropriate legislative representatives. 3. Continue to pursue Mayor Higginson's call for the League of California Cities to support all handgun controllf!8itlation. 4. Explore procedures for implementing and funding an exchange program offering "goods for guns" in an attempt the remove guns from circulation. (gifts at Christmas, tickets for local events, food coupons, swimming pool coupons, sporting events, etc. are examples.) S. Encourage any action that will make the sale and use of any handgun, socially unacceptable, and unattractive, especially to the young. DEe 1 9 1995 ITEM 3~A · I-'-t - "i. '1 ~31B - -------- ---~---~._---~-,--~"----_." ._-~-- , . . -. .. 6. Use city publications to call attention to home safety procedures and how to aeate a secure, handgun free environment. 7. Support all legislation that mandates prison sentences for any aime involving firearms. .. 8. Support Governor Wilson's "Three Strikes and You're Out" initiative. 9. Subscribe to the fundamental right of safe, sane and gun-free homes, schools and businesses. 10. Adopt policies that fadlitate the voluntary collection and destruction of as many handguns as possible. Handt" control 4Jan f DEe 1 9 1995 nEM 30A; - . Page 7 - CITY OF POWAY - January 4, 1994 facts known to the City Attorney that are not required to be e public that lead to the conclusion that litigation may be necessa . Motion by uncilmember Cafagna, seconded by Councilmember Sn o to make the fin' s that a closed session is necessary based on e representation of the Ci ttorney. Motion carried unanimously. 28C. City Attorney requested a closed ses n pursuant to Government Code 154956.8 to instr the City Ma er and City Attorney who are negotiating with Stanle ase the former Longs Drug Store to Boney's. 280. ssion pursuant to Government Code ures bankruptcy. 31A. Emery asked why State Fish & Game intends an bicycles orses from the Green Valley Truck Trail through Blue S reserve en limited auto traffic is on the road. Councilmember Callery ted this is on the next agenda of the Friends of Blue Sky. John Anderso ), Regional Director of Fish & Game, is now on their Board, and they will .... discuss this. .~ 31B. Councilmember Emery stated he turned in a hand gun to the Sheriff earlier today that he has had at home. He felt if he was going to support any gun control measures he was being hypocritical if he owned a gun. Mayor Higginson noted there were many slips turned in to speak on this issue. In response to query from Councilmember Snesko, Council member Emery stated he preferred to hear the speakers before he made a presentation. Speaking in opposition to handgun control: Marion Ponsford, 14112 Durhullen Drive. Henry Ponsford, 14112 Durhullen Drive Thomas Ponsford, 14112 Durhullen Drive. Kenneth Notter, 1471 Calle Redonda Lane, Escondido, representing the Escondido Fish & Game Association. Sam Wil son, 13524 Hilleary Place, 'lOS, presented a copy of the Federalist Papers to Mayor Higginson Rod Van Orden, 4475 35th Street, San Diego Bruce Skane, 3033 Conner Way, San Diego Howard Stacklin, 13149 Tobiasson Road Ed Carboneau, 14703 Pomegranate Ray Yankowski, 13032 Gate Drive Craig Busby, 13329 Casa Vista Leticia Leon, 13449 Standish Drive 5088 -----.--.-- n~r. 1 !l 1001: lTe... 7." 6. . Page 8 - CITY OF POWAY - January 4, 1994 Speakers cited the Second Amendment to the Constitution as prohibiting any restriction on citizens having guns; suggested we should be targeting the criminal not the gun in same way Mothers Against Drunk Drivers target the drunk driver, not the car; and suggested the city provide classes on gun safety. Councilmember Emery read a portion of a letter from Frank Jordan, San Francisco Mayor, to the National Rifle Association regarding the July 1 killings in his city and presented a 10 Point Plan of Action. He acknowledged that the City is preempted from the adoption of legislation that directly prohibits the sale, distribution or possession of handguns, however he proposed actions that he feels can aid in the curtailment of handguns in Poway. Councilmember Snesko stated gun control is ineffective because the system fails to punish criminals. There are 1700 persons on the street in California that have been convicted of first degree murder and released for various reasons. He feels citizens are afraid and should be allowed to purchase and possess guns. Mayor Higginson stated that a majority of cities supported the League of California Cities' Resolution Number 30 at their last annual meeting regarding handgun control, but he agreed we need to address all the problems and support a stronger criminal justice system. He noted that through the Redevelopment Agency's Tax Increment Agreement with the County, we are giving the County $5 million for a new jail. Council member Cafagna stated he feels that people have the right to have guns but are in danger of 1 os i ng that right. He agreed we need to be enforci ng the existing laws. Councilmember Callery stated the community needs to rally around the kids who need help. Personally she will not own a gun. Motion by Mayor Higginson, seconded by Councilmember Emery, to support pOints 1, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10. Motion carried 4-1 with Councilmember Snesko voting "no." These points are as follows: 1. Direct the City Attorney to review all pending and future County, State and Federal legislation that places limits on the possession of handguns and bring them to Council for regular review and potential action. 4. Explore procedure for implementing and funding an exchange program offering "goods for guns" in an attempt to remove guns from circulation. (gifts at Christmas, tickets for local events, food coupons, swimming pool coupons, sporting events, etc. are examples.) 6. Use City publications to call attention to home safety procedures and how to create a secure, handgun free environment. 5089 . DEe 19 1995 ITEM 30A I .- Page 9 - CITY OF POWAY - January 4, 1994 7. Support all legislation that mandates prison sentences for any crime involving firearms. 8. Support Governor Wilson's "Three Strikes and You're Out" initiative. 9. Subscribe to the fundamental right of safe, sane and gun-free homes, schools and businesses. (Councilmember Snesko left the room.) Motion by Mayor Higginson, seconded by Councilmember Emery to request staff report back on points 2, 3, and 5. Motion carried 3-1 with Councilmember Snesko out of the room and Council member Cafagna voting "no." Those po i nts are as foll ows: 2. Support all pending legislation that advocates the further restriction of the availability of handguns, and transmit notice of Council support to the appropriate legislative representatives. 3. Continue to pursue Mayor Higginson's call for the League of California Cities to support all handgun control legislation. 5. Encourage any action that will make the sale and use of any handgun, socially unacceptable, and unattractive, especially to the young. - 32. Mayor Higginson stated the Interim Solid Waste Commission met on December 16, 1993 and they discussed several items: A) Facility (host) fee a mitigation fee. Presently only the city of San Marcos is receivin he host fee. Chul a Vi sta, San Di ego, and the County have i nc ed the ticipated revenue in their budget. In order to fully fu hese fees app imately $5 million is needed. Two possible source re refinancing the de for North County Resource Recovery Associ (NCRRA) facility and an in ase in the tipping fees. It h een referred to the Budget/Audit ittee. B) The North County had a plan developed for disposal of their sh which provide for uling trash out of the County which is not practic at this tim The City of Carl sbad requested further analysis and a su mmitt as formed. Councilmember Cafagna is working with that subcommitte C) The Interim Agreement is proposed to be amended to eliminate t surc ge and fines and the manner in which the commi tment of w is return to a city if a final form of governance is not proved by May 31, 4. This i tern will be on the January 11, 19 agenda. .- ~ 5090 '. DEe 1 9 1995 ITEM 3DP<. I --- -- - - - -1' +" \ , i '1.s o~ \ , \ , SOC\P.~\: , \ INSTITUTE FOR LEGISLATIVE ACTiON RESEARCH & INFORMATION semi_Automatic Firearms .........""'" ._"" g" .....-'. """..."....... T"". """,_.,.. -~ "lmOll ""'I...om..'..... ....1........... - _I ".. of... u.~ ._.. .................. bY "'....., ",,,In "",I."om"" .... ,,, ........... "",1.., .." ..'" .. .,..- ..... ....'" ..-' "', _, ...... ... ,m."'" .. · - ,..., of -...... ........ ... ...... - ......... ... ... - .... willi little In common beyond \lie goal of anti-gunners to ball them. _I....... ,.,,,,,, ........ ._, .."....... 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" _ of la IIr7ns ri ties fo 1r /0 ed ___~ "'"..;..... no, allJst Prom "'ho viole oUlIe lit crin. I It. ~ I ! ~ ~~ >7 l>-IyOI.l.. .,j ~. . . --.......... '..-- . ..',..----. ~ -- .~ 'aUl" 7,j,IJ. .1...-. (..J..l.1 VI" I"Vtf".1 - - "....... - - -- .;- ~ - - AQIiJJ::~MENT Of: UNDERSTANDINQ City C""" fo,the City ., Poway. h"."." ,./e,,.d '" as 'City" .... I8U.r~,... ~~ ,~, hereInafter referred to as 'ProPonent' enter Into this Agreement f'Jf Understanding based UPon the fOl/owing facts: "'''''on'nt 0'", '" hIS '" ._~ ;"~"st;" .nd d._.d by... As'es,,,,., P"CoJ Number/s) ~ ~ .7-.,3 .. d. "} 0 _ 15- I -' Proponent desires to develop thIs o'oo,,~ in "'0.,_ wi", th. .. 0' the City 'nd without th. "'..n", 0' a o"'''~d development. CI'; i, cO''''''d that ",ooonen, WIll "eal. d"",oo_, oons """fisfat"", t, CI~ and ""'urn. Om. "" .ffo~., City 'moIOye" n"".SSly on U"'''sf"",,,. d'''''loDm." plans unle::; rify assists in directing Proponent. e''''rl 'oon ~. 'bo-"'Oon" Ie,t!. CI~ will '''n' p,,,,,,,, z ''''''''g ",,0'" filing "'y .,oll"'on fo. d",.loom.,,",on th. '-'n. und"'~Od;"g, a. City ,,,, "nd" no decision "'th "."', '" "'y d'''''loom." 0'000"1 '" oa~ thereof. b. City "" ",ce"" no '''''ence. '0_ ;" no",,,. ;" """"~ of . "HicW" development plan. c. Ci~ WIll make no reoresen~Oo", that w"' obliga" th, Ci~ '" re_ a deei'.n in """ of 0' -., any d''''',me" 0'''''.... '" oa~ th"eo' ........nt ma, SUbsequenl1y submit d. · any d'"",-, O"""sall, "'b..,u.ntIy _d, ",o'on.nt "" O"'''d a, ns SO" .... '''''"''''' risk with the Und'''';ond., that Ci~ has mad, no representations UPon which PrOPonent may rely, red; /,;l Ii 19.s- PrOPonent: ~.~R~~ ~:u~ ~ ' . ~~ ~M-(A1.--"'~- DEe I 9 1995 ITEM 32A, ~ -"., 1 .- - . ......,.... '"I ""l.., --- ~.~- - < ~" ~-":::'" .', ~.,~,. ;." ....A, , / ' ,,' ,,,., ' ".""" ' \ /..- -_..- l'riJ.'lle l'o",aY Location . For sale 1..7 ^cre5 . .. zoning 1\'1.5. Co~erclal Industrial . /1t.~ #323_270-51- - ~ 32.0 f'f. _ GARO-6- "ov"p..'{ BO;..D . OJ. ~. . , . . \\\ ~" ~, ~..~ . . .. . .' ......... ,. . .'" . ." ..~. . . . E~ECU1\'J~s ~~...\. ~SCo~t)\oO 9\.\10. \16'\ so~t)\OO. C'" g'}.fi2.5 e.SC ~,<" 9 00 t::> /Plq _ jjJ UEe 19 ~s (tEN - -