1993 03-23 Agenda - CITY OF POWAY !BIggg~!U;!;,~!gMBllI~llg~;g1 REGULAR MEETING. MARCH 23,1993.7:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS -13325 CIVIC CENTER DRIVE MEETING CALLED TO ORDER AS CITY COUNCIL/PLANNING COMMISSION/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 1. ROLL CALL - CAFAGNA, CALLERY, EMERY, SNESKO, HIGGINSON 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - DEPUTY MAYOR EMERY 3. PRESENTATION by Supervisor Dianne Jacob regarding the opening of the East Mesa Detention Facility and the closure of the E1 Cajon and Los Co1inas jails. 4. PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS (State law may prohibit the City Council from taking action on items not on the agenda. Your concerns will be referred to staff.) CONSENT CALENDAR - NOTICE TO PUBLIC ITEMS NUMBERED 13 THROUGH Iqii~ MAY BE ENACTED IN ONE MOTION AT THIS POINT IN THE MEETING. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS PRIOR TO THE TIME COUNCIL VOTES ON THE MOTION UNLESS THE MEMBERS OF COUNCIL, STAFF OR THE PUBLIC REQUEST SPECIFIC ITEMS TO BE REMOVED AND DISCUSSED SEPARATELY. THOSE ITEMS WHICH ARE REMOVED WILL BE CONSIDERED IN THE ORDER THEY APPEAR ON THE AGENDA. IF YOU WISH TO PULL AN ITEM, PLEASE FILL OUT A SLIP AND GIVE IT TO THE CITY CLERK. NEW PUBLIC HEARINGS 5.* Environmental Assessment and Tentative Tract Map 89-12TE and Variance 93- 02, Mi1ivoj and Eva Marinkovic, applicants: a request for a one-year time extension for a previously approved tentative tract map subdividing 2.23 acres into si x lots and a request to rei nstate a previ ous1y approved vari ance for lot depth; located on the east side of Pomerado Road approximately 350 feet south of the Pomerado Road and Stone Canyon Road intersection. (203-01) CITY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION: Take public input; close public hearing; adopt Planning Resolution approving with conditions. 6.* Minor Conditional Use Permit 93-01, Paul Zimmer, applicant: a request to construct a lighted tennis court at 15648 E1 Camino Entrada. (203-24) CITY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION: Take public input; close public hearing; adopt Planning Resolution approving with conditions. * Exhibit Enclosed # Exhibit in Preparation . ---_._._--~ --_.~.~-_.-._..--~- CITY OF POWAY - Cl COUNCIL AGENDA - MARCH ~ 1993 - PAGE TWO 7.* Rei mbursement Agreement for a sewer ma into be construct i on in Stone Canyon Road and Fallen Leaf Road; LaSalle Talman Bank, applicant. (602-01 #970) CITY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION: Take public input; close public hearing; approve agreement. 8.* Poway Transit Services for Fiscal Year 1993-94; and Resolution No. 93- approvi ng an increase in fares for the Poway Ai rport Transportat lOri Service. (1207-01 ) CITY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION: Take public input; close public hearing; adopt Resolution increasing airporter fares to $18 (single), $23 (2 persons), $26 (3 persons), S32.25 (4 or more persons); increase level of service on route S44; maintain current level for commuter express and ca11-a-ride; terminate Saturday only dia1-a-ride; appropriate TDA funds for these levels of service. 9.* A) Ordinance No. - "An Ordinance of the City of Poway, Ca1 ifornia, Amending Chapters 15.02, 15.04, IS.08, lS.12 and 15.16 of the Poway Municipal Code adopting the 1991 Uniform Building Code and Associated Technical & Administrative Codes" (701-04) B) Resolution No. 93- - Revising Fees for Building Permits, Electrical Permits, Plumbing ~mits, Mechanical Permits and Plan Check Fees. (701-04) CITY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION: Take public input; read title and waive further reading (unanimous vote); continue public hearing to April 6, 1993 for second reading of the ordinance and adoption of the resolution. STAFF REPORTS 10.* Status report on the library exterior redesign (referred from February 23, 1993, Item 6). (1402-02) CITY MANAGER/EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S RECOMMENDATION: BI1~J~g~p~!i~1~!;j~P9P~ 11.* Report regarding traffic situation at Garden Road School (referred from March 9, 1993, Item 7). (1160-01) 1111~~~~ir{~_~i~l~~~ii~~~~~~~~~~~I~r'IIi~IIIJrl~"'~1111~1111'lrl~I~I~1 12.* Evaluation of a Community Contribution Request for $S,OOO from High Five America. (1180-0S) CITY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION: Approve Sl,OOO donation. * Exhibit Enclosed # Exhibit in Preparation - - CITY OF POWAV - CITY COUNCIL AGENDA - MARCH 23,1993 - PAGE THREE - CONSENT CALENDAR ~gBI~;IIIIIIIIIIIII{~I~~n~IS~I~B~en;!~~gi!~n[;~9E;;~e!!!i~iW!~H@,J!i~gs.ni~iq;:w!~~@ iI11~1_III~i~i;Bg~~I!~~R!\!I!I~ii,t(~w~qgw~::~~iti~m~i~fi;\i'i;jl!!~"~1!!~~t~r~i1~nf!~ 13.* Approval of Minutes - City Council February 23, 1993, Regular Meeting March 2, 1993, Regular Meeting 14.* Approval of Minutes - Redevelopment Agency February 23, 1993, Regular Meeting March 2, 1993, Regular Meeting 15.* Ratification of Warrant Register - March 4, 1993 (401-10) 16.* Approval of 12-month extension of existing loan guarantee of $25,000 to the ARTS ALIVE! Foundation, allowing the Foundation to draw down as needed on a line of credit with San Diego Trust and Savings. (704-19) 17* Confirmation of Dennis Masur as Chairman of the Performing Arts Advisory Committee for a second one-year term. (701-09) 18.* Receive and file semi-annual review of Conditional Use Permit 90-11: the 0.35 acre Future Farmers of America (FFA) animal facility located southwest of Lake Poway Park in the Rexrode Wilderness Area. (203-08) 19.* Acceptance of public improvements and release of securities for Tentative Parce 1 Map 90-04, Wa 1-Mart Stores, Inc. applicant; located south of Hilleary Place between Community Road and Midland Road. (602-01 #888) 20.* Acceptance of Poway Library projects: A) asbestos removal from Environmental Control Systems (602-01 #181R); and B) Phase I, Demolition from Randazzo Construction (602-01 #184R) ~~i~~:lillllll~I~II~illll~II~IIIIIIII~~i~IIIII~I'III.lIltlllll~II~I;111111111111 CITY MANAGER ITEMS 21. CITY ATTORNEY ITEMS * Exhibit Enclosed # Exhibit in Preparation CITY OF POWAY - cr. COUNCIL AGENDA. MARCH 2~. 1993 - PAGE FOUR MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL-INITIATED ITEMS 23. MICKEY CAFAGNA 1~~II~il~~il~II~~I~II~;;~II~~~II~~IIII~~~~~{~91~11~~}~~1fljWP~)~:~q~ ~?;~~9~;Ri;M~~~rt~;~~~~~~Fgpp~~p~H!~~T~9q~W~~~g!-!~~~nl~~~f~g~!lB~p """" ""'~BBgr~~~lil~!~~g!WI~MRp~~i'..""""""""'" """"""""."""" ""'" "'" .""""",."""""" """""",""""""""""""""','" ~ftj",Q1~P9~~1P!1P~~P~nqp~~MP~ry~~p~$i:p~.Y1"fr~~~g~pr~~~!,!~,y~fig~l~~~; lla 26. DON HIGGINSON - A) Discussion of SANDAG agenda for March za, 1993; B) confirming Chairman of the Business Advisory Committee. ~Z;iIB~li~~llr;r~~~II~f~rlrlllil_'''~lllil~I~JP~I~i~r~~~ifjglgM~n9fi~~i ....I~~llfQ~~'~I~ri~I(~~lil~~~~II~~il~~!~lllilll~II~~1~~ll~ifP!l!1~~~;~~[q~!!R~~g ADJOURNMENT * Exhibit Enclosed # Exhibit in Preparation