Item 9 - Ordinance Amending PMC Revising Fees for Bldg. Permits
TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council
FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Man~
INITIATED BY: Reba Wright-Quastler, Director of Planning Services
DATE: March 23, 1993
SUBJECT: An Ordinance of the City of Poway, Amendin9 Chapters 15.02,
15.04, 15.08, 15.12 and 15.16 of the Poway Municipal Code
adopting the 1991 Uniform Building Code and Associated
Technical & Administrative Codes and a Resolution Revising
Fees for Building Permits, Electrical Permits, Plumbing
Permits, Mechanical Permits and Plan Check Fees.
The attached ordi nance and reso 1 ut i on propose the adopt i on of 1991 uni form
construction codes and revision of building permit, electrical permit, plumbing
permit, mechanical permit and plan check fees.
On December 12, 1989 the City Council adopted the 1988 version of the Uniform
Buildin9 Code and associated technical codes. These codes have been replaced by
the 1991 codes which are currently being enforced based on state law. It is
necessary for the City Council to specifically adopt amendments to the codes,
however, to incorporate special fire proof roofi ng requirements which are
necessary because of the fire hazards associated with Poway's location.
The fee schedule for building permits, electrical permits, p 1 umbi ng permits,
mechanical permits, and plan check fees was last amended in August 1987. In
March 1992 the Council considered a proposed revision to the fees but declined
to approve the changes pending outcome of the City management and fee studies and
further justification by the City's Building Safety contractor. On February 16,
1993 the Council received the Phase I report of the Hughes Heiss study which
recommended, among other things, that the building safety fees be increased.
At the February 16 meeting Council directed staff to begin implementation of the
Phase I recommendations.
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~~-~- ~
-- ---- ---------
Agenda Report
March 23, 1993
Page 2
In February 1992 the Construction Industry Federation (CIF) reviewed the proposed
fee increases and indicated that they would not oppose the increases according
to the following time schedule: existing fees to increase 10 percent effective
on July 1, 1992 and 10 percent effective on January 1, 1993; disabled access plan
check and field inspection fee effective April 15, 1992; and energy conservation
plan check and inspection fee effective July 1, 1992 (see Attachment 2). All of
the currently proposed fees are identical to those proposed in March 1992 and all
of the above deadlines have now passed. In February 1993, the CIF was once again
asked to comment on the proposed increase and they indicated that they support
the increase with the disabled access, energy conservat i on, and 1/2 of the
existing fee increase being effective 60-days after adoption with the remaining
1/2 of the existing fee increase being effective 6 months later (see Attachment
3) . Given that a year has passed since the fee increase was originally
considered and that the CIF did not oppose having all of the new fees in place
by January 1, 1993 in their 1992 response, staff suggests that a 11 of the
proposed fees should become effective 60 days after adoption.
In a memo dated January 19, 1993 (see Attachment 4) Richard Esgate, of Esgil
Corporation, details costs associated with providing building division services
to Poway, projected revenues to cover those costs and explains all of the things
that Esgil has done to reduce their cost of providing services to Poway. This
attachment also includes information comparing Poway's building permit costs with
those of other cities in San Diego County.
In the past, the building safety division has operated on a full cost recovery
basis, Because of the nature of the contract with.Esgil, the City was buffered
from the impacts of reduced revenues in this area; however, because of fixed
overhead costs and the level of revenues currently being experienced, the City
will no longer recover all of its costs unless the fees are increased. It is
therefore recommended that the City Counc i 1 adopt the attached resolution
adopting a revised fee schedule for building inspection services,
In addition, two new requirements went into effect during 1992 that require
add it i ona 1 plan check and inspect ion servi ces. These are the state mandated
disabled access requirements which went into effect on April 15, 1992 and the
energy code requirements which went into effect on July 1, 1992. The proposed
fee schedul e includes fees to cover the cost of pl an check and inspection
services related to these new requirements,
The proposed actions are categorically exempt from CEQA under Class 21,
Enforcement Actions by Regulatory Agencies.
Pub 1 i c not ice was pub 1 i shed in the Poway News Chieftain, The Construction
Industry Federation has also been informed of the proposed increases.
2 of 45 MAR 2 3 1993 ITEM 9
~ -
-,- Agenda Report
March 23, 1993
Page 3
Action will result in an increase in revenues to the City from building permit
activities. The total amount depends on the volume of activity.
It is recommended that the City Counc il close the publ i c heari ng, hol d fi rst
reading of the attached ordinance, set second reading for April 6, 1993 and adopt
the attached resolution amendin9 the fee schedule for building inspection
services effective May 23, 1993.
l. Proposed Changes
2. Letter from Construction Industry Federation Oated February 24, 1992
3. Letter from Construction Industry Federation Oated March 1, 1993
4. Memorandum Dated January 19, 1993
5. Proposed Ordinance
6. Proposed Resolution
3 of 45 M.AR 2 3 1993 ITEM 9
.--- --
(Note: Ex' ',ing fees are shaded in; propor 1 fees are
the figures that follow the shaded lIgures)
$1. 00 to $500.00 ,~1B!P:~ $20.00
$501.00 to $2,000.00 $20.00 for the first $500.00
plus ~~WQg $2.50 for each
additionar=$100.00 or fraction
thereof, to and including
$2,001.00 to $25,000.00 j~;!al1~r!g $57.50 for the first $2,000.00
plus f$;~it1q:q $11.00 for each
addi tfo"fi'iiT $1,000.00 or
fraction thereof, to and
including $25,000.00
$25,001.00 to $50,000.00 :&31~"~lt:gg $310.50 for the first
$25,000.00 plus ~M5b $7.50 for
.. :;~;;:;:;:;:"':~::;:m
each add~t10nal $1,000.00 or
fraction thereof, to and
including $50,000.00 ,-
$50,001.00 to $100,000.00 ,~~15'11\&g $498.00 for the first
$50,000. O? ~lus ~,1;~;~9 $5.50 fr
each add~t10nal $1,000.00 <-_
fraction thereof, to and
including $100,000.00
$lOO,OOl.00 to $500,000.00 ~,~~"I;riag $773.00 for the first
$100,000.00 plus $3.45.0 $4.25
for each additional $1',000.00
or fraction thereof
$500,001.00 to $1,000,000.00 $~wrP';r~g~$g $2,473.00 for the first
*,",W*'_"*"'", $500,000.00 plus $i:r:'cfa $3.50
for each additional""$'i', 000.00
or fraction thereof, to and
including $1,000,000.00
$1,000,000.00 and up R,g;Jj~g:~riJ~g ~1: ~~~: ~~O. oto;IUS ~\];Ol1 ~;~~~
for each additionaf"'$r:'ooo. 00
or fraction thereof
4 of 45 ATTACHMENT 1
M.l\R 2 3 1993 ITEM 9
- -
Other Inspections and Fees:
. Inspections outside of normal business ~X2jglt $50.00 per hour
hours (minimum charge one hour)
2. Reinspection fees assessed under ?~~q2;2;q $50.00 each
provisions of section 305(g)
3. Inspection for which no fee is ~'~g;~1?g $50.00 per hour
specifically indicated
(minimum charge one hour)
4 . Additional plan review required ~~B'iJ!:g $50.00 per hour
5. Permit History Survey $50.00
6. Demolition Permit Fee E~2;igg $60.00
7. Investigation Fee. The fee shall be equal to, and in addition to, the
permit fee for the work, whether or not, a permit is issued.
8. Plan Review Fee. When a plan or other data is required to be submitted
for plan review, a plan review fee shall be paid at the time of
submitting plans and specifications for review. Said plan review fee
shall be 65% of the building permit fee as established after"disabled
access inspection fees and energy code inspection fees have been added
to the building permit fee.
9. Permit Issuance Fee (Non-refundable) j:~2ktJi~2 $30.00
10. Disabled Access Inspection Fee (applies 10% of building
to all projects required by state law permit fee
to be accessible to the physically
1I. Energy Code Inspection Fee (applies to 15% of building
all projects required by state law to permit fee
comply with the energy conservation
standards of the California Energy
5 of 45 MAR 23 1993 ITEM <1
-- ---- - -
For Issuance of each Permit (Non-Refundable) . . . . .'$15;(1'6. . $30.00
j:';'~N'-::~;;<:-'~~::;';;:;: :-;.
In Addition--either one of the following:
(a) New permanent service, including fixtures and outlets. Fees are
based on carrying capacity of each set of service entrance
o to 40 amperes......................~io1~~..$24.00
41 to 60 amperes..................... .$?:~m9q. . $26.00
61 to 70 amperes......................$:2'sdOO..$30.00
~" .:"<...:....<<{,.,..........:~
71 to 100 amperes.....................~~~ffQ~..$36.00
10l to 150 amperes......,..............$i:l$;~OQ..$42.00
. .,.,..;::...>..:.:..~.y.{.....:.,>.,.
151 to 200 amperes.................... .$.A:~t!'itQ. . $54.00
201 to 300 amperes.....................~~~mQq..$60.00
301 to 400 amperes.....................'$609o:d..$72.00
~" .;,::,.','.-,. .::..,..:~..,.::..,...
over 400 amperes...................... .$,60;]:0:6. .$72.00
...,~..~_...w.w.w:.._.~ .",l,:',..:..... ...;,;:.'~H-.....>
Plus 'l2@Q(l $15.00 for each 100 amperes or 'fraction thereof over 400
(b) Temporary service, including fixtures and outlets:
construction (expires 180 days from issuance) ..~fQm09..$20.00
Testing (expires 30 days from issuance)........~[~;AQ..$20.00
Carnivals (expires 30 days from issuance)......~~P@QQ..$20.00
T.O.P. (expires when building permit expires) ..~~~q%q..$20.00
(c) Miscellaneous additional wiring, outlets, fixtures, or similar work
with no change in service
entrance - conductors......................... .$?Q#O'Q. .$25.00
Neon sign..................................... .$.:i~~iQg. .$10.00
Sign - other than neon.........................$@?>9~..$10.00
Overhead service to underground service....... .'$\(0;06. .$20.00
--no change in capacity ,.,,,,..,.,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,*
Other Fee: When the 'project requires a plan check of the electrical plan,
a plan check {ee, equal to twenty-five percent of the
calculated electrical permit fee, shall be paid.
6 of 45 MAR 2 3 1993 !TEN. 9
.... Plumbing Issuance Fee............................... .!~~;~lt;&g.. $30. 00 ea.
2. Bathtub. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :$f;2~!f5::0. . $ 3.50 ea.
3 t 1 U . tic . d '''""''2.'"*'5....0'" $ 3 50
. Den a n~ usp~ or................................. ;t;I-",i&",,,,' . . ea.
4 . Floor Drain. . 10 . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '$t,W2f1}~[q. . $ 3.50 ea.
5. Gas Piping System of 1 to 5 outlets..................~%~&?R..$10.00 ea.
6. Gas Outlets Ea (over 5).. .'......................... ..$tMfFiS'd..$ 1.00 ea.
7. Building Sewer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \$!t~St~q:g. . $12.00 ea.
8 . Interceptors I Pump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $Y7,;W$:Q.:. . $ 3.00 ea.
9. Lavatory............................................ .$:).2iii:5'v...$ 6.00 ea.
9a. Lavatory (m~re than one).....................................$ 3.50 ea.
10. Laundry Tubs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $K%X$.'d. . $ 3.50 ea.
11. Backflow Preventer...................................$*3~~O..$ 4.00 ea.
;~~::~,;;;,:.;'Z*;.;::.:-;;;: _...
. .....:~t::..t:W1~
12. Receptor & Floor S~nk.... . .. . .. . . . .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ~g;;~\Rq.. $ 3.50 ea.
. :.....~"'.,,~~--.:..~
13. Shower Dral.n. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $:1%:2::-;::5_:0.. . $ 3.50 ea.
14. Sink - Kitchen.......................................$lW2}t~q..$ 3.50 ea.
15. Sink - Other.........................................$!;:iW.~tq..$ 3.50 ea.
16. Urinal.............................................. .$~r21W~~fo...$ 3.50 ea.
. . . ,..:x;:~....~#'::'-."':
17. Dral.n................................&&e2zR..$ 3.50 ea.
18. Water closet..........................................$TI2~"!rrS1i..$ 6.00 ea.
18a. Water Closet (more than one).........................~.......$ 3.50 ea.
19. Water Heater........................................ .x:t~2:::t:o,:O..$ 6.00 ea.
19a. Water Beater (more than one)...........................~..~..$ 3.50 ea.
20. Water Pipe Repair IRepl. .. .. .... .. . .... . ... .. . .. .. . .. . ~l:;~r~~g.. $ 6.00 ea.
21. Water 5oftener.......................................$:F2ri~5:0..$ 3.50 ea.
22. Drain-Vent Repair/Alter............................. .g;j;~Jita;g..$ 6.00 ea.
23. Hose Bibb.......................................... ...2nf:~9-~-g.. $ 3.50 ea.
i . . ,..'"".W%'.,....
24. Dr nk1ng Founta1n....................................~tf~:t~;g..$ 3.50 ea.
--- ' .
7 of 45 "'I.\R 2 3 1993 ITENJ 9
When the project requires a plan check of the plumbing plan, a plan check
fee, equal to twenty-five percent of the calculated plumbing permit fee,
shall be paid.
Inspection outside of normal business
hours (minimum charge one hour)...................$~QX~q..$50.00 per hour
Reinspection Fee..................................~qQXQq..$50.00 each
Inspections for which no fee is specifically
indicated (minimum charge one hour) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $~Q>99. . $50.00 per hOUl:
1. For the issuance of each permit...............$~~?Qg..$30.00
2. For issuing each supplemental permit......... .$;1;~'P$g. . $10.00
unit Fee Schedule
1. For the installation or relocation of each forced air or gravity type
furnace or burner, including ducts and vents attached to such appliance,
up to and including,.."m,..""we,..,
100,000 Btu/h............................... ..i!ifu'2tR}Z' .$12.00
2. For the installation or relocation of each forced-air or gravity-type
furnace or burner, including ducts and vents attached to such appliance
100,000 Btu/h................................ .$l'iW:OQ. . $15.00
3 . For the installation or relocation of each floor furnace, including
.... ,..",..._.....{.,....._........~.
vent. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. $)I9/f.O:a. .. $1.2.. 00
4. For the installation or relocation of each suspended heater, recessed
wall heater or floor-mounted unit
heater.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .j~If~fr231. .. $12.. 00
5. For the installation, relocation or replacement of each appliance vent
installed and not included in an
appliance permit............................... .$miiWW'$Ji.'.. $ 6.50
6. For the repair of, alteration of, or addition to each heating appliance,
refrigeration unit, cooling unit, absorption unit, or each heating,
cooling, absorption, or evaporative cooling system, including
installation of, controls regulated by this code..91S3~JP~..$12.00
7. For the installation or relocation of each boiler or compressor to and
including three horsepower, or each absorption system to an includ~~g
100,000 Btu/h............................................................[ -1~:~~9. . $12.00
<*~, ~: - ,"
S of 45 MAR 2 3 1993 ITEM 9
-'. For the installation or relocation of each boiler or compressor over
three horsepower to and including 15 horsepower, or each absorption
system over 100,000 Btu/h and including 500,000 Btu/h
.. .. .. .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .:~;~f.;~~lf~:B.g.. .. $25.. 00
9. For the installation or relocation of each boiler or compressor over 15
horsepower to and including 30 horsepower, or each absorption system
over 500,000 Btu/h and including 1,000,000 Btu/h
.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .,$2':2f:~;:'5_0.. .. $32.. 00
10. For the installation or relocation of each boiler or compressor over 30
horsepower to and including 50 horsepower, or for each absorption system
over 1,000,000 Btu/h to and including 1,750,000 Btu/h
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '~?l?'i~g. . $47.00
11. For the installation or relocation of each boiler or refrigeration
compressor over 50 horsepower, or each absorption system over 1,750,000
Btu/h.......................................................................................... .~a4~i~T2~9. .$78.00
12. For each a'ir-handling unit to and including 10,000 cubic feet per
minute, inclUding ducts attached thereto...........~dlg;k~~..$ 9.00
Note: This fee shall not apply to an air-handling unit which is a
portion of a factory-assembled appliance, cooling unit, evaporative
cooler or absorption unit for which a permit is required elsewhere in
this code.
13. For each air-handling unit over 10,000 cfm..........$Iiittd..$15.00
14. For each evaporative cooler other than portable type
.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. :~;t::_6:;~:;,5:0.. .. $ 9.. 00
15. For each ventilation fan connected to a single duct.~%t4@$q..$ 6.00
16. For each ventilation system which is not a portion of any heating or
air-conditioning system authorized by a permit.......~*~iM3g..$ 9.00
17. For the installation of each hood which is served by mechanical exhaust,
including the ducts for such hood.....................~Wg*ga..$20.00
18. For the installation or relocation of each domestic-type incinerator
.................................. ~............................................... .2$~4ga-q. .$15.00
19. For the installation or relocation of each commercial or industrial-type
incinerator............................................ .$W~'17O:q. .$60.00
*x,~,.-...-.- -.~<<v>>>>
20. For each appliance or piece of equipment regulated by this code but not
classed in other appliance categories, or for which no other fee is
listed in this code. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .$,1i~@,~9. . $10.00
9 of 45 MAR 2 3 1993 ITEM 9
21- When Chapter 12 is applicable (see section 103), permit fees for fuel-
gas piping shall be as follows:
For each gas-piping system of on~ to four
outlets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8;~~I3;;ia~g. . $10.00
For each gas-piping system of five or more outlets
per outlet................................... :$:?Mg~t6:a. . $ 1.00
other Inspections and Fees:
1- In~P7ctions outside of normal business hours......9912ilQg..$50.00jhr
(m~n~mum charge one hour) .
2. Reinspection fee assessed under provisions of ,
section 305(f).................................... .$:t9;~;Q'q. .$50.00jhr
~';';';~~'N;';:';';V;~~~~ :~....
3. Inspections for which no fee is specifically
indicated (minimum charge one hour)................~~2.M&g..$50.00jhr
4. Additional plan review required by changes, additions or revisions to
approved plans (minimum charge one hour)............~~QUfQq..$50.00jhr
5. When the project requires a plan check of the mechanical plan, a plan
check fee, equal to twenty-five percent of the calculated mechanical
permit fee, shall be paid.
10 of 45 MAR 2 3 1993 ITEM 9
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~ ." - . . '. '.. - .... :'---"-.. -' -.'. . -' '. -
..:_~.._~'--.-:-" ...>-.....:.;:."::.':.'..-. ".-' . "ASSOQATED 8uIUllf.IGINOUSTR.,: 'E~INWINC;~NO
6336 GREENWICH DRIVE. SUITE F. SAN OIEGO, CAUFORNIA 92,22 1519\ 557-0292 FAll 16'91455-,"3
February 24, 19'n
Mr. Richard hmes EsgalC
ESGlL Corpor:llion
9320 Chesapeake Drive. SuiLe 2(lK
San Dicgo, CA 92123
RE: Es~i1 Corporation's Request for Revised Fees
Dear Mr. Esgate:
11'.3.llk you ~gaill for your leller dat~d January 29. 1992 providin:.: tile dal~ conceminl;: l:s~iI'S
justification to increase building d~,parunent .ervice inspection J""s, I hOlVC abo revie",eU your
I February 21, 19921encr to elF concerning me fee increases.
I have shared me data in your letters with ~ppropriate members of Ille FederaLion, elf wiU liOl
- oppose tile following dTeclive Ltale.~ of me proposed increases in Lhe chies "i P(lway. cncinitas.
Solana Beach, and Lemon Grove as follows:
Cal~Clorv I A lOtal20% increase in the existing fees to ofiscl me 1u% inttllioll sill"" llle 19~7
fce incrc3.Sc, with 10% being effective July I, 1992 coincident .....ith t/'IC m;U1Uated
adoption oithe 1991 Uniform Building Code, The rcmall1in~ 10% WIU becume
elTective January 1, 1993.
Calel!orv II The 10% disablcd access plan clleek and fieJd ins~CtiOlllce to be arJJeu10 lhe
building pennit fee cffcctive April 15, 1992. whiCh is 1I1e dale lor cllOlmelr;ing
enforcement of new stale mandalCd rcgulauons,
C~r~~Clrv III The 15% enerllY conservation p1:m check and inspection fee 10 be .uded to lhe
building pennil ft:c effective July I, lIX/2 whicll j" the daLc for (;ommellcillg
enforc<:menl of new .late mllndaled energy cOnS<:tvalion rc~ulOlllUIlS,
ClF would apprcci~tc knowill~ wilen you intcnd !() brinll ihe above prop(hal., 1>1 the CLll1lrael cllje~
for public hearing, Plea.o;e provide us with any ciry staff rcpons, yOllr fe;: pll1pO,;d r"pOll, alld lll<:
appropriaLe r.solutioll or urdin;uu;e for Council adoption,
We thank you and your company fur your emms in ihese tryi,.,~ tim~" I look I'ul w'1I110 ::dkin~
with you soon,
,..,<< ~
11 of 45 ATTACHMENT 2
----- - -
-. ~ ':/ E -
, .~ ..' il ~9a3
. .1I~ . I .J
March I, 1993 '.
Mr. Richard Esgate
ESGIL Corporation
9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208
San Diego, CA 92123
RE: Poway Revioled Plan Check and Building Fee Increase
Dear Richard:
Thank you foc appearing before CIF North County Legislalive Policy Committee last week to
discuss proposed fee increases for Poway for plan check, building inspection services, energy
REPRESENTINO conservation and disabled access plan checks.
. Associated (ieQeral. Cantmctors. ,
San Diego CbopIor, IDe, Aftec review and consideration, the Federation supports your proposal to increase fees as follows:
'BWIdin _~
"'San I5;...,Couwy I) 20% across the board increase applied to the basic fee schedule. Our support of this increase
. Engineering & General is contingent upon a phase-in of the fees. We feel a phase-in is responsible and justifted
ContractorsAslociation given the uncertain and continuing economic challenges which face the business community
. As9r;riaIIld Buildm & 0xllnK:Us and the consnuction industry. We propose that 10% of the increase take effect6O-days after
Inc., San Diego Chapler finaI adoption of the ordinance. The remaining 10% should become effective 6 months later.
. NalimaI Beclrnl O:IJaa:tmAssn
San Diego 01aplcr 2) A new fee equal to 10% of the building pennit fee. This new fee would apply to all projects
'Son~ComIy__ required by state law to be accessible to the physically disabled. The pruposed disabled
Association access fee should become effective 6O-days after ftnal adoption of the ordinance.
3) A new fee equal to 15% of the building pennit fee. This new fee would apply to all projects
required by state law to comply with energy conservation standards of the California Energy
Commission. The proposed energy conservation fee should become effective 6O-days after
fmal adoption of the ordinance.
It is vital to realize the impact new fees have on the private sector given the poor economic
conditions. However, in this case, CIF believes the above proposaI is workable and fair.
MAR 2. 3 1993 'TEllo 9
12 of 45 ATrACHMENT 3
" - --
Page 2
March 1, 1993
You also mentioned a much higher fee increase proposal known as the lCBO fees, CIF strongly
opposes the ICBO fees. No otha city within the San Diego region has fees of this magnitude.
The lCBO would be debimental to the business community and construction industry,
Single Family HOmi! -ICBO fees wood cause a 47% increase over existing levels adding over
$1,300 to the cost of a new home!
Tenant Improvemi!nJ of $55.000 -ICBO would cause an increase of 52% over existing levels,
Warehouse Shell Building -lCBO would cause an increase of 49% over existing levels.
Commercial Building -ICBO would cause an increase of 44%% over existing levels,
ClF suppons a 20% phased-in across the board increase to the basic fee schedule; 10% new fee for
disabled access; and 15% new fee for energy conservalion based upon the above schedule,
. Legislative Analyst
cc: Reba Wrlght-Quasda
Director of Planning Services
City of Poway
13 of 45
MAR 2 3 1993 ITE~ 9
-- -- --- ----
BOB EMERY, Deputy Mayor
DON HIGGINSON, Council member
B. TONY SNESKO, Councilmember
KATHY MCINTYRE, Councilmember
January 19, 1993
TO: Reba Wright-Quastler
Director of Planning services
FROM: Richard Esgate ,0-
Building Official
SUBJECT: Adoption of latest editions of the technical building
code related model codes and fee adjustments for
Building Permit, Electrical Permit, Mechanical Permit
and Plan Check Services
In late 1991 Esgil Corporation proposed to the City that the fees
charged for building permits, electrical permits, plumbing
permits and mechanical permits be adjusted to cover the increased
costs of providing building division services to the City of
Poway. The fees currently in effect have not been adjusted since
they were originally published in the 1985 edition of the Uniform
Building Code. These fees were adopted by the City of poway in
August of 1987 at the time that the 1985 editions of the State
mandated building code related model codes were adopted. No fee
revisions were proposed at the time of adoption of the 1988
editions of the model codes in December of 1989.
Every three years the Uniform Building Code and related codes
promulgated by the International Conference of Building Officials
( lCBO) are updated and these codes become the basis for the State
of California Building Standards Code (Title 24 of the State of
California Code of Regulations). The State of California
mandates that each local jurisdiction enforce the latest state
adopted versions of these codes. The 1991 editions of the
Uniform Building Code (UBC) , Uniform Mechanical Code (UMC) and
Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC) are currently mandated by the State
to be enforced. Similarly the 1990 edition of the National
Electrical Code (NEC) promulgated by the National Fire Protection
Association (NFPA) is currently mandated to be enforced at the
local level. The attached ordinance adopts the above referenced
codes along with the 1991 edition of the Uniform Administrative
Code (UAC) which provides the administrative provisions for all
of the technical model codes.
City Hall L . ~ ............. - .-.. . ~ ""' D,'" ~
14 of 45 ailing Address: P,O, Box 789. Pc ATrACHMENr 4 ;9 . (619)748-6600.695-1400
MAR 2 3 1993 ITElJ: 9
Reba Wright-Quastler
January 19, 1993
Page 2
In March of 1992 the City Council considered a fee increase
proposal relating to building division fees but decided to
postpone approval of the recommended fees until the fee analysis
being conducted by Management Services Institute (MSI) was
completed and the fees could be re-evaluated in accordance with
the MSI study. The MSI study does not specifically evaluate the
fees charged by the Building Division because it is a contract
service. However, it does raise some basic factors among which
is the following statement, "the current fee structure may allow
for excess revenues to be collected by the City, but may not
allow equitable recovery of costs for the private contractor."
As far as Esgil Corporation is concerned the speculation by MSI
that there may not be equitable recovery of costs for the
contractor is correct. Although we have always maintained our
service levels consistent with or better than the levels
stipulated in our contract with the City we have been forced to
take drastic measures to reduce corporate expenses to stay in
business. We feel that we have reached a point of cost reduction
beyond which we cannot go.
Since October of 1990 the following actions have been taken and
remain in effect due to a downturn in construction activity and
an obsolete fee structure.
1. Effective 10/1/90 all management salaries were reduced
by 20%.
2. Effective 10/1/90 a freeze was put on hiring new 'staff.
3. Effective 10/1/90 a freeze was put on all non-
management salaries.
4. Effective 10/1/90 plan check staff, other than those
assigned specifically to those cities where we perform
full building department services (i.e.: poway), were
placed on a 32 hour work week which remains in effect.
5. Employee terminations started in November, 1990 and to
date we have reduced the excellent staff, that we had
recruited over the past twelve years, by 47% i.e. from
43 in September, 1990 to 23 today; considering the 32
hour week and 20% management salary reductions, the 47%
becomes approximately 55%.
6. Discretionary spending has been drastically reduced.
7. Shareholders have added an additional $250,000 of paid
in capital to the Corporation.
8. We have sold six vehicles that previously were used by
terminated field inspectors.
9. Managers are planchecking and providing backup and
_ relief for counter technicians and field inspectors.
15 of 45 MAR 2 3 1993 ITEM q
Reba Wright-Quastler
January 19, 1993
Page 3
We believe the cost reduction actions we commenced approximately
27 months ago would, without question, far exceed any actions
taken by any City or County operated building department, both in
the timeliness of our actions and the severity of those cost
reduction actions.
Unlike many City operated building departments, we have not been
able to supplement the fees collected with funding from the
general fund. We also have no discretion regarding the
disposition of the 25% of the fees collected which is retained by
the City for its overhead costs.
The only appropriate remaining viable option to maintain
necessary service levels is to revise the fee structure to be
more reflective of costs.
The fee proposal consists of three main elements. The first of
these elements is approximately a 20% increase applied to the
basic fee schedule. This 20% increase is based on an approximate
annual inflation rate during the past five years of 4% per year
for providing the service. It should be noted that during the
four years from August of 1987 through September of 1991 the
consumer price index, a national recognized indicator published
by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, increased at a rate of 20.8%
for the urban consumers indicator (CPI-U) and 19.9% for the urban
wage earners and clerical workers indicator (CPI-W). In fact,
certain costs associated with providing the service have
escalated at a far greater rate than the 4% mentioned. Costs of
providing health insurance for employees, errors and omissions
insurance and workers compensation for the Building Division
regulatory functions have been increasing at a much steeper rate
as have many of the materials and supplies we use.
The second main element of the fee proposal is to charge a
disabled access inspection fee which would apply to all projects
required by State law to be accessible to the physically
disabled. Disabled accessibility has become an important part of
the building code related regulatory process. Recent federal
legislation has resulted in a tightening-up of State laws
relative to accessibility. Disabled access laws have become a
key part of the plan review and field inspection process. A
survey of 17 jurisdictions county-wide shows that 10 of them have
a disabled access related fee in place and that such a fee is
currently being proposed in 2 additional jurisdictions including
the City of Poway. The proposed disabled access inspection fee
is 10% of the building permit fee.
16 of 45
MAR 2 3 1993 ITElv. 9
- -
Reba Wright-Quastler
January 19, 1993
Page 4
The third main element of the fee proposal is to charge an energy
code inspection fee which would apply to all projects required by
State law to comply with the energy conservation standards of the
California Energy Commission. Energy regulations have become
increasingly complex and in many cases sophisticated calculations
and design approaches are necessary to bring even a residential
room addition into compliance with State energy regulations.
This added complexity adds significantly to the regulatory
process. We conducted a county-wide survey of 17 jurisdictions
and found that 12 jurisdictions were already charging an energy
related fee and an additional 2 jurisdictions are proposing to
charge such a fee. This fee is proposed to be 15% of the
building permit fee.
The Building Division in the City of Poway is a self supporting
component of City Government. The cost of providing the service
is covered by the fees collected through the building permit
process. No change in the 1981 contractual arrangement with
Esgi1 Corporation, the provider of Building Division services,
will be required under this proposal. The 25% of building
- division revenues that are retained by the City will be augmented
by the proposed fee schedule.
The amount of revenue that will be realized by the City is
dependent upon the level of construction activity that will occur
subsequent to the approval of the fee resolution.
Current and proposed fees have been compared with other
jurisdictions in San Diego County. These comparisons are shown
on the attached bar graph (Attachment titled County Wide Building
Permit Fees) . It should be noted that the International
Conference of Building Officials Administrative Conuni t tee has
been working on a proposal to be considered for inclusion in the
1994 editions of the Uniform Administrative Code and Uniform
Building Code. Their current proposal (see attached
International Conference of Building Officials Administrative
Code Development Committee Fee Proposals) which has been
receiving favorable support from the Building Official conununity
is substantially higher in all areas than the fees currently
being proposed for adoption in the City of Poway. We have
prepared a comparison of current and proposed fees with the
Administrative Code Development Committee proposal for your
review (see attached).
The same fees proposed for poway have been adopted with Building
Industry support in three other local cities where Esgil provides
building department services: Lemon Grove, Encinitas and Solana
Beach. The attached resolution sets forth a complete listing of
all proposed fees.
17 of 45 MAR 2 3 1993 ITEM 9
Reba Wright-Quastler
January 19, 1993
Page 5
In addition to the Ordinance, Resolution, County wide bar graph,
comparison of fees to the Administrative Code Development
Committee proposal and the actual Code Development Committee
proposal mentioned above we have also attached a comparison of
existing and proposed fees. This comparison is titled "PROPOSED
CHANGES" and shows current fees shaded followed by the proposed fees.
18 of 45
MAR 2 3 1993 ITEM 9
.... .~"""".f"" 'r L.::I\..:r,.L.~ :::a \".V.:)J.: \..UJ.J..L.J.'t\.:r n\..J...I..VJ.'\l.:)
, - -
Since October of 19: the following actions ha' been taken and
" remain in effect due to a downturn in construction activity and
an obsolete fee structure.
1- Effective 10/1/90 all management salaries were reduced
by 20%.
2. Effective 10/1/90 a freeze was put on hiring new staff.
3. Effective 10/1/90 a freeze was put on all non-
management salaries.
4. Effective 10/1/90 plan check staff, other than those
assigned specifically to those cities where we perform
full building department services (i.e. : Poway) , were
placed on a 32 hour work week which remains in effect.
5. Employee terminations started in Nove~ber, 1990 and to
date we have reduced the excellent staff, that we had
recruited over the past twelve years, by 47% i.e. from
43 in Sept.enber, 1990 to 23 today; considering the 32
hour week and 20% management salary reducticns, the 47%
becomes approximately 55%.
6. Discretionary spending has been drastically reduced.
7. Shareholders have added an additional $250,000 of paid
in capital to the Corporation.
B. We have sold six vehicles that previously were used by
terminated field inspectors.
9. Managers are planchecking and providing backup and
relief for counter technicians and field inspectors.
We believe the cost reduction actions we commenced approximately
27 months ago would, without question, far exceed any actions
taken by any City or County operated building department, both in
the timeliness of our actions and the severity of those cost
reduction actions.
Unlike many City operated building departments, we have not been
able to supplement the fees collected with funding from the
general fund. We also have no discretion regarding the
disposition of the 25% of the fees collected which is retained by
the City for its overhead costs.
The only appropriate remaining viable opticn to ~.aintai:1.
necessary service levels is to revise the fee structure to be
19 of 45 re reflective of costs. MAR 2 3 1993 ITEM 9,
- 5 -
~- ----
Esgi1's average revenue per month at
75% of the fees co11ected: $22,442
Esgil's average cost per month after
taking nine drastic steps to reduce
overhead: $36,537
Percent fees need to be increased to
break even: 63%
20 of 45 MAR 2 3 1993 ITEM 9
Month Bldg Activ Actual Esgil's Esgil's
#Permits/pc Esgil Rev Average, Annual
@75% Rev/Mo Revenue
Jan 143 $ 10,707
Dec 166 $ 14,900
Nov 253 S 26,223
Oct 254 $ 22,888
Sept 240 $ 25,861
Aug 241 $ 23,146
July 318 S 33,371
S157,096ST S22,442/Mo S269,304
(projected) (projected)
FYE 92/93 FYE 92/93
June 365 S 55,802
May 310 $ 29,847
April 296 S 47,781
March 237 S 32,077
Feb 254 $ 18,385
Jan 164 $ 13,021
Dec 210 $ 42,027
Nov 201 $ 19,586
Oct 412 $ 54,031
Sept 270 $ 28,652
Aug 341 $ 38,225'
July 263 $ 18.761
$398,195 T S33,183/Mo $398,196
(actual) ( actual)
FYE 91/92 FYE 91/92
- 3 -
21 of 45 MAR 2 3 1993 iTEM 9
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22 of 45 MAR 2 3 1993 ITEM <:),
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23 of 45 MAR 2 3 1993 ITEfJ: q
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24 of 45 MAR 2 3 1993 ITElt. q
AMENDING CHAPTERS 15.02, 15.04, 15.08, 15.12 15.16 OF TITLE FIFTEEN
WHEREAS, the Uniform Building Code and associated technical codes are
amended every three years to reflect advances in knowledge and building
practices; and
WHEREAS, these codes automat i ca lly become effective as wri tten unless
amended by local ordinance; and
WHEREAS, Section 17958.5 of the California Health and Safety Code and
Section 50022.3, et seq. of the Cali forn i a Government Code allow a local
jurisdiction to amend the Codes as necessary because of local climatic,
geological, or topographical conditions; and
WHEREAS, the City Counc il fi nds that modi fi cat ions and changes to the
Un i form Codes are reasonably necessary because of the fo 11 owi ng climatic,
geological, and top09raphical conditions;
1. The City is situated in hilly, inland terrain. Approximately 50 percent is
"wildland" for fire purposes, covered by native vegetation on steep and
frequently inaccessible hill sides. The nat i ve ground cover is highly
combustible grasses, dense brush and chaparral. Natural fi re breaks in
these areas are significant,
2. The Poway cl imate is warm and dry. The wi nds prevai 1 from the west;
however, seasonal strong dry east winds are variable in duration and
i ntens ity. These winds can significantly enlarge a wildland fire as well
as cause abrupt and unpredictable changes in fire direction. Temperatures
ranging between 75' and 100. F are common throu9hout the year.
3. The potential for fire damage is great in the wildland area; a fire can
spread rapidly and response time can be slowed by difficult terrain and
explosive vegetation,
4. Poway's rural road system includes narrow, winding roadways, often with
grades in excess of that necessary for optimal response time for large fire
apparatus. An additional factor affecting response time is the distance
between the two fire stations and the fire location.
5. The rural water supply is limited, making it necessary for fire apparatus
to travel time-consuming distances to obtain additional water once the
initial water has been utilized.
WHEREAS, a properly noticed hearing was conducted in accordance wi th
- Section 65853, et seq., of the California Government Code to consider adoption
of the Codes including necessary modifications.
25 of ,15
Ordinance No,
Page 2
NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council does hereby ordain as follows:
SECTION I: Environmental Findinqs
The City Council finds that the proposed ordinance is categorically exempt
from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act, Class
SECTION 2: Citv Council Action
Chapters 15.02, 15.04, 15.08, 15.12 and 15.16 are hereby amended as shown
in the attached Exhibit A.
EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty
(30) days after the date of its passage; and the City Clerk of the City of Poway
is hereby authorized to use summary publication procedures pursuant to Government
Code Section 36933 utilizing the Poway News Chieftain, a newspaper of general
circulation published in the City of Poway.
INTRODUCED and FIRST READ at a regular meeting of the City Council of the
City of Poway held the 23rd day of March, 1993, and thereafter PASSED AND ADOPTED
at a regular meeting of said City Council held the day of ,
1993, by the following roll call vote:
Don Higginson, Mayor
MarJorie K, Wahlsten, City Clerk
26 of 45 MAR 2 3 1993 ITErt. 9
DIST~'Rl'''~n 2!l~ - -;,..........,...,.
~UL; ." ,,~ __ _
Ordinance No. -
. Page 3
Exhibit A
- Page 1 REVISE D
Chapter 15.02
15.02.010 Adoption.
15.02.030 Deletions, revisions and additions.
15.02.040 Sections 1041b) amended.
15.02.050 Section 204 amended.
15.02.060 Section 206 added.
15.02.070 Section 3011a) amended.
15.02.080 section 304 amended.
15.02.090 Section 305(b) amended.
15.02.100 Section 3051i) added.
15.02.110 Section 3091c) amended.
15.02.120 Tables Nos. 3-A thru 3-H deleted.
15.02.010 Adoption of Uniform Administrative Code. There is
adopted as the City administrative code for the purpose of pre-
scribing administrative and enforcement provisions for certain
technical codes the Uniform Administrative Code, 1991 Edition,
promulgated and published by the International Conference of
Building Officials, 5360 South Workman Mill Road, Whittier,
California 90601, including such provisions as are hereinafter
added, deleted or amended.
15.02.030 Deletions. Revisions and Additions to Uniform
Administrative Code. Deletions, revisions and additions to the
Uniform Administrative Code, 1991 Edition, shall be as set forth in
Sections 15.02.040 through 15.02.150.
15.02.040 Section 1041b) Amended. Section 1041b) of the
Uniform Administrative Code is amended by adding the following:
EXCEPTION: 1. The installation of wood shingle or shake
roofing material for reroofing or repair which exceeds 25
percent of the project roof area within any 12 month period
shall be as required for new installations or a Class B rating.
15.02.050 Section 204 Amended. Section 204 of the Uniform
Administrative Code is amended to read as follows:
shall serve as the Appeals Board to hear appeals of any Code
interpretation by the City Building Official in accordance with
the Administrative Appeal Procedure, Chapter 2.20 of the poway
Municipal Code.
lIAR 2 3 1993 ITEM ~ lll)
Ordinance No.
Page 3 ----
- Exhibit A
Page 1
Chapter 15.02
15.02.010 A~option.
15.02.030 Deletions, revisions and additions.
15.02.040 Sections 104(b) and 104(e) amended.
15.02.050 Section 204 amended.
15.02.060 Section 206 amended.
15.02.070 Section 301(a) amended.
15.02.080 Section 303(f) amended.
15.02.090 Section 303(g) added.
15.02.100 Section 304 amended.
15.02.110 Section 305(b) amended.
15.02.120 Section 305(i) added.
15.02.130 Section 308(c) amended.
15.02.140 Tables Nos. 3-A thru 3-H deleted.
15.02.010 Adoption of Uniform Administrative Code. There is
adopted as the City administrative code for the purpose of pre-
scribing administrative and enforcement provisions for certain
technical codes the Uniform Administrative Code, 1991 Edition,
promulgated and published by the International Conference of
Building Officials, 5360 South Workman Mill Road, whittier,
California 90601, including such provisions as are hereinafter
added, deleted or amended.
15.02.030 Deletions. Revisions and Additions to Uniform
Administrative Code. Deletions, revisions and additions to the
Uniform Administrative Code, 1991 Edition, shall be as set forth in
Sections 15.02.040 through 15.02.150.
15.02.040 Section 104(b) Amended. section 104(b) of the
Uniform Administrative Code is amended by adding the following:
EXCEPTION: 1. The installation of wood shingle or shake
roofing material for reroofing or repair which exceeds 25
percent of the project roof area within any 12 month period
shall be as required for new installations or a Class Crating.
15.02.050 Section 204 Amended. Section 204 of the Uniform
Administrative Code is amended to read as follows:
shall serve as the Appeals Board to hear appeals of any Code
interpretation by the City Building Official in accordance with
the Administrative Appeal Procedure, Chapter 2.20 of the poway
Municipal Code.
27 of 45 EXHIBIT A 'M~R Z. 3 1993 lTE~ -::::
Ordinance No. -
Page 4
Exhibit A
Page 2
15.02.060 Section 206 Added. Section 206 of the Uniform
Administrative Code is added to read as follows:
Sec. 206. Any building or structure erected, constructed,
enlarged, altered, repaired, moved, improved, removed,
converted, or demolished, equipped, used, occupied, or
maintained contrary to the provisions of this chapter shall be
and the same is hereby declared to be unlawful and a public
nuisance. The City Attorney shall, upon order of the City
Council commence necessary proceedings for the abatement,
removal and/or enjoinment of any such public nuisance in the
manner provided by law. Any failure, refusal or neglect to
obtain a permit as required by this chapter shall be prima facie
evidence of the fact that a public nuisance has been committed
in connection with the erection, construction, enlargement,
alteration, repair, movement, improvement, removal, conversion
or demolition, equipment, use, occupation, or maintenance of a
building or structure erected, constructed, enlarged, altered,
repaired, moved, improved, removed, converted or demolished,
used, occupied, or maintained contrary to the provisions of this
15.02.070 Section 301(a) Amended. Section 301(a) of the Uniform
Administrative Code is amended by adding the following:
Permits shall not be issued for construction on a site where the
City Engineer determines that a grading permit or public
improvements are required until the City Engineer notifies the
Building Official in writing that the grading or pUblic
improvement work has been satisfactorily completed to allow
building permits to be issued.
Permits shall not be issued if the City Engineer determines that
flooding or geologic conditions at the site may endanger the
public safety or welfare.
15.02.080 Section 304 Amended. Section 304(b) of the Uniform
Administrative Code is amended to read as follows:
Sec. 304(b) PERMIT FEES. The fee for each permit shall be as
set forth in a resolution duly adopted by the City Council.
The determination of value or valuation under any of the
provisions of this Code shall be made by the Building Official.
The value to be used in computing the building permit and
building plan review fees shall be the total value of all
construction work for which the permit is issued as well as all
finish work, painting, roofing, electrical, plumbing, heating,
air conditioning, elevators, fire-extinguishing systems and any
other permanent equipment.
B. Section 304(c) of the Uniform Administrative Code is amended
to read as follows:
28 of 45 MAR 2 3 1993 ITEf(. g
Ordinance No. -
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- Exhibit A
Page 3
(c) PLAN REVIEW FEES. When a plan or other data is required to
be submitted by Section 302(c) a plan review fee shall be paid
at the time of submitting plans and specifications for review.
Said plan review fee shall be 65 percent of the building permit
fee set forth in a resolution duly adopted by the City Council.
The plan review fees for electrical, mechanical and plumbing
work shall be equal to 25 percent of the total permit fee set
forth in a resolution duly adopted by the City Council.
The plan review fees specified in this subsection are
separate fees from the permit fees specified in Section 304(b)
and are in addition to the permit fees.
Where plans are incomplete or changed so as to require
additional plan review, an additional plan review fee shall be
charged at the rate set forth in a resolution duly adopted by
the City Council.
C. Section 304(d) of the Uniform Administrative Code is amended
to read as follows:
(d) EXPIRATION OF PLAN REVIEW. Applications for which no
permit is issued within one year following the date of
application shall expire by limitation, and plans and other data
submitted for review may thereafter be returned to the applicant
or destroyed by the Building Official. In order to renew action
on an application after expiration, the applicant shall resubmit
plans and pay a new plan review fee.
D. Section 304(e) of the Uniform Administrative Code is amended
to read as follows:
1. INVESTIGATION. Whenever any work for which a permit is
required by this code has been commenced without first obtaining
said permit, a special investigation shall be made before a
permit may be issued for such work.
2. FEE. An investigation fee, in addition to the permit fee,
shall be collected whether or not a permit is then or
subsequently issued. The investigation fee shall be equal to
the amount of the permit fee required by this code. The payment
of such investigation fee shall not exempt any person from
compliance with all other provisions of either this code or the
technical codes nor from any penalty prescribed by law.
E. Section 304 of the Uniform Administrative Code is amended by
adding subsection (g) to read as follows:
(g) PERMIT HISTORY SURVEY FEE. The fee for conducting a permit
hi~tory survey for an exi~ting structure or facility ~hall be a~
set forth in a re~olution duly adopted by the City Council.
MAR 2 3 1993 ITEN. 9
29 of 45
Ordinance No.
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Exhibit A
Page 4
F. Section 304 of the Uniform Admini~trative Code is amended by
adding subsection (h) to read as follows:
(h) DEMOLITION PERMIT FEE. The fee for a permit to demoli~h a
building shall be as set forth in a resolution duly adopted by
the City Council.
G. Section 304 of the Uniform Administrative Code is amended by
adding subsection (i) to read as follows:
(i). EXCEPTIONS: The United States, the State of California,
school districts, the County of San Diego, or the City shall not
be required to pay any fees for filing an application for a
building permit pursuant to this code unless City building
inspection services are requested. If so requested, the regular
fee schedules in this code shall apply.
15.02.090 Section 305(b) Amended. Section 305(b) of the Uniform
Administrative Code is added to read as follows:
1. INSPECTION RECORD CARD. Work requiring a building permit
shall not be commenced until the permit holder or the agent of
the permit holder shall have posted or otherwise made available
an inspection record card such as to allow the building official
conveniently to make the required entries thereon regarding
inspection of the work. This card shall be maintained available
by the permit holder until final approval has been issued by the
building official.
2. CIRCUIT CARDS. A complete schedule of circuits, showing the
number and arrangement of outlets on each circuit, shall be
posted at the service equipment location prior to requesting
inspection of rough electrical wiring. Circuit cards furnished
by the building official shall be used for this purpose. In
lieu of a circuit card, an approved wiring plan may be used.
15.02.100 Section 305(i) Added. Section 305 of the Uniform
Administrative Code is amended by adding subsection (i) to read as
(i) PERMIT HISTORY SURVEY. Upon receipt of a written request
for a permit history survey from the owner and payment of. the
fee specified in Section 304(a), the building official may
review City records and provide a report listing those building,
plumbing, electrical and mechanical permits that have been
issued for that property.
15.02.110 Section 309(c) Amended. Section 309(c) of the
Uniform Administrative Code is amended to read as follows:
30 of 45 MAR 2 3 1993 rn::u. q
Ordinance No.
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- Exhibit A
Page 5
(cl CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY. After final inspection where it
is found that the building or structure substantially complies
with the provisions of the technical codes, the building
official shall indicate approval on the Inspection Record Card,
and the signed Inspection Record Card shall serve as a
Certificate of Occupancy.
15.02.120 Tables Nos. 3-A thru 3-H Deleted. Table Nos. 3-A, 3-B,
3-C, 3-D, 3-E, 3-F, 3-G, 3-H of the Uniform Administrative Code are
31 of 45 MAR 2 3 1993 ITE~ 9
Ordinance No. -
Page 8
Exhibit A
Page 6
Chapter 15.04
15.04.010 Adoption
15.04.020 Deletions, Revisions and Adoptions.
15.04.030 section 104 Deleted
15.04.040 Section 105 Deleted.
15.04.050 Section 106 Deleted.
15.04.060 Section 107 Deleted.
15.04.070 Chapter 2 Deleted.
15.04.080 Chapter 3 Deleted.
15.04.090 section 3203 Amended.
15.04.100 Appendices 1,7,12,23,24,25,26,29,31,35,38,53 and 70
15.04.010 Adoption of Uniform Buildinq Code. There is adopted
as the City building code for the purpose of prescribing regulations
in the City for the erection, construction, enlargement, alteration,
repair, moving, removal, conversion, demolition, occupancy,
equipment, use, height, area, and maintenance of buildings and
structures, the Uniform Building Code, 1991 Edition, excluding
appendices 1,7,12,23,24,25,26,29,31,35,38, 53 and 70 thereto, and
including the Uniform Building Code Standards, 1991 Edition,
promulgated and published by the International Conference of Building
Officials, 5360 South Workman Mill Road, Whittier, California 90601,
including such provisions as are hereinafter added, deleted or
15.04.020 Deletions, Revisions and Additions to Uniform
Buildinq Code. Deletions, revisions and additions to the Uniform
Building Code, 1991 Edition, shall be as set forth in Sections
15.04.030 through 15.04.100.
15.04.030 section 104 Deleted. Section 104 of the Uniform
Building Code is deleted.
15.04.040 section 105 Deleted. section 105 of the Uniform
Building Code is deleted.
15.04.050 Section 106 Deleted. Section 106 of the Uniform
Building Code is deleted.
15.04.060 section 107 Deleted. Section 107 of the Uniform
Building Code is deleted.
15.04.070 Chapter 2 Deleted. Chapter 2 of the Uniform Building
Code is deleted in its entirety.
32 of 45 MAR 2 3 1993 ITEA': 9
Ordinance No. -
Page 9
- Exhibit A
Page 7
15.04.080 Chapter 3 Deleted. Chapter 3 of the Uniform Building
Code is deleted in its entirety.
15.04.090 Section 3203 Amended. Section 3203 of the Uniform
Building Code is amended to read as follows:
Section 3203 Roof Covering Requirements. The roof covering on
any structure regulated by this code shall be as specified in
Table No. 32-A and as classified in Section 3204.
All wood shingles and wood shakes shall have a minimum Class B
The roof-covering assembly includes the roofdeck, under1ayment,
interlayment, insulation and covering which is assigned a roof-
covering classification.
EXCEPTION: 1- New roof coverings shall meet Class A fire
retardant testing, as specified in the Uniform Building Code
Standard No. 32-7 for fire retardant roof covering materials, in
areas designated by the Director of Safety Services to be
potentially hazardous wildland fire areas.
15.04.100 Appendices 1,7,12,23,24,25,26,29,31,35,38.53 and 70
Deleted. Appendices 1,7,12,23,24,25,26,29,31,35,38,53 and 70 of the
Uniform Building Code are deleted.
33 of 45 MAR 2 3 1993 ITElJ: 9
Ordinance No. -
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Exhibit A
Page 8
Chapter 15.08
15.08.010 Adoption.
15.08.020 Deletions, Revisions and Additions.
15.08.030 Section 384-3(f) amended.
15.08.040 Chapter 8 Deleted.
15.08.010 Adoption of National Electrical Code. There is
adopted as the City electrical code, for the purpose of prescribing
regulations in the City for the installation, alteration or repair
of electrical systems and permit requirements and inspection
thereof, the National Electrical Code, 1990 Edition, promulgated and
published by the National Fire Protection Association, Batterymarch
Park, Quincy, Massachusetts 02269, including such provisions as are
hereinafter added, deleted or amended.
15.08.020 Deletions, Revisions and Additions to National
Electrical Code. Deletions, revisions and additions to the National
Electrical Code, 1990 Edition, shall be as set forth in Sections
15.08.030 and 15.08.040.
15.08.030 384-3(f) of the National Electrical Code is hereby
revised to read as follows:
(f) PHASE ARRANGEMENT. The phase arrangement of three-phase
buses shall be A, B, C from front to back, top to bottom, or
left to right, as viewed from the front of the switchboard or
panelboard. The C phase shall be that phase having the higher
voltage to ground on 3 phase, 4-wire delta connected systems.
Other bus bar arrangements shall be permitted for additions to
existing installations and shall be marked.
15.08.040 Chapter 8 Deleted. Chapter 8 (Articles 800, 810 and
820) of the National Electrical Code is deleted.
34 of 45 MAR 2 3 1993 ITEM 9
Ordinance No.
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- Exhibit A
Page 9
Chapter 15.12
15.12.010 Adoption.
15.12.020 Deletions, Revisions and Additions.
15.12.030 Sections 10.1 through 30.7 Deleted.
15.12.040 Table No. 3-A Deleted.
15.12.050 Appendices A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H and I Deleted.
15.12.010 Adoption of Uniform Plumbinq Code. There is adopted as
the City plumbing code, for the purpose of prescribing regulations in
the City for the installation, alteration or repair of plumbing and
drainage systems and permit requirements and inspection thereof, the
Uniform Plumbing Code, 1991 Edition, promulgated and published by the
International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials, 20001
Walnut Drive South, Walnut, California 91789-2825, including such
provisions as are hereinafter added, deleted or amended.
15.12.020 Deletions, Revisions and Additions to Uniform Plumbinq
Code. Deletions, revisions and additions to the Uniform PLumbing
Code, 1991 Edition, shall be as set forth in Sections 15.12.030
through 15.12.040.
15.12.030 Sections 10.1 throuqh 30.7 Deleted.
Sections 10.1 through 30.7 of the Uniform Plumbing Code (Part I,
Administration) are deleted.
15.12.040 Table No. 3-A Deleted.
Table No. 3-A of the Uniform Plumbing Code (Part I, Administration)
is deleted.
15.12.050 Appendices A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H and I Deleted.
Appendices A, B, C, D, E, F, G and I of the Uniform plumbing Code
are deleted.
35 of 45 ~AR 2 3 1993 'TEi't. 9
-- - ---.- -
Ordinance No. -
Page 12
Exhibit A
Page 10
Chapter 15.16
15.16.010 Adoption.
15.16.020 Deletions, Revisions and Additions.
15.16.030 Section 104 Deleted.
15.16.040 Section 105 Deleted.
15.16.050 Section 106 Deleted.
15.16.060 Section 107 Deleted.
15.16.070 Chapter 2 Deleted.
15.16.080 Chapter 3 Deleted.
15.16.090 Appendices Band C Deleted.
15.16.010 Adoption of Uniform Mechanical Code. There is adopted
as the City mechanical code, for the purpose of prescribing
regulations in the City for the installation, alteration or repair of
mechanical systems and permit requirements and inspection thereof,
the Uniform Mechanical Code, 1991 Edition, including the appendix A
thereto, promulgated and published by the International Conference
of Building Officials, 5360 South Workman Mill Road, Whittier,
California 90601, including such provisions as are hereinafter
added, deleted or amended.
15.16.020 Deletions, Revisions and Additions to Uniform
Mechanical Code. Deletions, revisions and additions to the Uniform
Mechanical Code, 1991 Edition, shall be as set forth in Sections
15.16.030 through 15.16.090.
15.16.030 Section 104 Deleted. Section 104 of the Uniform
Mechanical Code is deleted.
15.16.040 Section 105 Deleted. Section 105 of the Uniform
Mechanical Code is deleted.
15.16.050 Section 106 Deleted. Section 106 of the Uniform
Mechanical Code is deleted.
15.16.060 Section 107 Deleted. Section 107 of the Uniform
Mechanical Code is deleted.
15.16.070 Chapter 2 Deleted. Chapter 2 of the Uniform
Mechanical Code is Deleted.
15.16.080 Chapter 3 Deleted. Chapter 3 of the Uniform
Mechanical Code is Deleted.
15.16.090 Appendices Band C Deleted. Appendices Band
C of the Uniform Mechanical Code are deleted.
36 of <15 MAR 2 3 1993 IlEft. 9
- -
WHEREAS, Section 15,02,080 et. seq. of the Poway Municipal Code authorizes
the City Council to establish fees for various building, electrical, plumbing,
and mechanical permit applications by resolution.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Poway
as follows:
Section 1: Resolution Nos. 83-061 and 87-095 are hereby rescinded.
Section 2: The fees schedule as set forth in the attached Exhibit A for
building inspection services is hereby adopted and shall become effective on May
23, 1993.
PASSED and ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Poway, California,
this 23rd day of March, 1993.
Don Higginson, Mayor
Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk
ATTArnMENT 6 MAR 2 3 1993 ITEf/. q
37 of 45
Resolution No.
Page 2
) ss,
I, Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk of the City of Poway, do hereby certify,
under the penalty of perjury, that the foregoing Resolution, No. , was
duly adopted by the City Council at a meeting of said City Council held on the
day of , 1993, and that it was so adopted by the following
Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk
City of Poway
MAR 2 3 1993 ITE~ 9
38 of 45
$1.00 to $500.00 $20.00
$501.00 to $2,000.00 $20.00 for the first $500.00 plus
$2.50 for each additional $100.00
or fraction thereof, to and
including $2,000.00
$2,001.00 to $25,000.00 $57.50 for the first $2,000.00 plus
$11.00 for each additional
$1,000.00 or fraction thereof, to
and including $25,000.00
$25,001.00 to $50,000.00 $310.50 for the first $25,000.00
plus $7.50 for each additional
$1,000.00 or fraction thereof, to
and including $50,000.00
$50,001.00 to $100,000.00 $498.00 for the first $50,009.00
plus $5.50 for each additional
$1,000.00 or fraction thereof, to
and including $100,000.00
$100,001.00 to $500,000.00 $773.00 for the first $100,000.00
plus $4.25 for each additional
$1,000.00 or fraction thereof
$500,001.00 to $1,000,000.00 $2,473.00 for the first $500,000.00
plus $3.50 for each additional
$1,000.00 or fraction thereof, to
and including $1,000,000.00
$1,000,000.00 and up $4,223.00 for the first
$1,000,000.00 plus $2.25 for each
additional $1,000.00 or fraction
39 of 45 EXHIBIT A MAR 2 3 1993 I'TEN: 9
Other Inspections and Fees:
1- Inspections outside of normal business $50.00 per hour
hours (minimum charge one hour)
2. Reinspection fees assessed under $50.00 each
provisions of Section 305(g)
3. Inspection for which no fee is $50.00 per hour
specifically indicated
(minimum charge one hour)
4. Additional plan review required by $50.00 per hour
changes, additions or revisions to
approved plans (minimum Charge one hour)
5. Permit History Survey $50.00
6. Demolition Permit Fee $60.00
7. Investigation Fee. The fee shall be equal to, and in
addition to, the permit fee for the work, whether or not, a
permit is issued. ,.'
8. Plan Review Fee. When a plan or other data is required to
be submitted for plan review, a plan review fee shall be
paid at the time of submitting plans and specifications for
review. Said plan review fee shall be 65% of the building
permit fee as established after disabled access inspection
fees and energy code inspection fees have been added to the
building permit fee.
9. Permit Issuance Fee (Non-refundable) $30.00
10. Disabled Access Inspection Fee (applies 10% of building
to all projects required by State law permit fee
to be accessible to the physically disabled)
11- Energy Code Inspection Fee (applies to all 15% of building
projects required by State law to comply permit fee
with the energy conservation standards of
the California Energy Commission)
40 of 45 M"R 2 3 1993 ITEM 9
For Issuance of each Permit (Non Refundable)...........$30.00
In Addition--either one of the following:
(a) New permanent service, including fixtures and outlets.
Fees are based on carrying capacity of each set of
service entrance conductors.
o to 40 amperes............................$24.00
41 to 60 amperes............................ 26.00
61 to 70 amperes....................................................... 30.00
71 to 100 amperes........................... 36.00
101 to 150 amperes...,....................... 42.00
151 to 200 amperes........................... 54.00
201 to 300 amperes........................... 60.00
301 to 400 amperes........................... 72.00
over 400 amperes........................................................ 72.00
Plus $15.00 for each 100 amperes or fraction thereof
over 400 amperes.
(b) Temporary service, including fixtures and outlets:
Construction (expires 180 days from issuance)..$20.00
Testing (expires 30 days from issuance)........ 20.00
Carnivals (expires 30 days from issuance)...... 20.00
T.O.P. (expires when building permit expires).. 20.00
(c) Miscellaneous additional wiring, outlets, fixtures, or
similar work with no change in service
entrance - conductors..........................$25.00
Neon sign........................................................................... 10.00
Sign - other than neon......................... 10.00
Overhead service to underground service........ 20.00
--no change in capacity
Other Fee: When the project requires a plan check of the
electrical plan, a plan check fee, equal to
twenty-five percent of the calculated electrical
permit fee, shall be paid.
MAR 2 3 1993 ITEM 9
41 of 45
1. Plumbing Issuance Fee............................. $30.00 ea.
2. Bathtub. ...... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .. .. 3.50 ea.
3. Dental Unit/Cuspidor.............................. 3.50 ea.
4. Floor Drain............................................................................. 3.50 ea.
5. Gas Piping System of 1 to 5 outlets............... 10.00 ea.
6. Gas Outlets Ea (-over 5)........................... 1. 00 ea.
7. Building Sewer.................................... 12.00 ea.
8. Interceptors/Pump. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.00 ea.
9. Lavatory................................................................................. .. 6.00 ea.
9a. Lavatory (more than one)........................... 3.50 ea.
10. Laundry Tubs............................................................................ 3.50 ea.
11. Backflow Preventer................................ 4.00 e~.
12. Receptor & Floor Sink............................. 3.50 ea.
13. Shower Drain........................................................................... 3.50 ea.
14. Sink - Kitchen....................................................................... 3.50 ea.
15. Sink - Other............................................................................ 3.50 ea.
16. Urinal. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3.50 ea.
17. Washing Machine Drain............................. 3.50 ea.
18. Water Closet....... '._........... .0................................................... 6.00 ea.
18a. Water Closet (more than one)....,................. 3.50 ea.
19. Water Heater........................................................ 6.00 ea.
19a. Water Heater (more than one)..;................... 3.50 ea.
20. Water Pipe Repair /Repl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.00 ea.
21- Water Softener.................................... 3.50 ea.
22. Drain-Vent Repair/Alter........................... 6.00 ea.
23. Hose Bibb......................................... 3.50 ea.
24. Drinking Fountain................................. 3.50 ea.
42 of 45 MAR 2 3 1993 ITEM 9
When the project requires a plan check of the plumbing plan, a
plan check fee, equal to twenty-five percent of the calculated
plumbing permit fee, shall be paid.
Inspections outside of normal business
hours (minimum charge one hour)...................$50.00 per hour
Reinspection Fee.................................. $50.00 each
Inspections for which no fee is specifically
indicated (minimum charge one hour)...............$50.00 per hour
1- For the issuance of each permit..............$30.00
2. For issuing each supplemental permit......... 10.00
Unit Fee Schedule
1- For the installation or relocation of each forced air or
gravity type furnace or burner, including ducts and vents
attached to such appliance, up to and including
100,000 Btu/h.................... '" '".. '"................ 12.00
2. For the installation or relocation of each forced-air or
gravity-type furnace or burner, including ducts and vents
attached to such appliance over
100,000 Btu/h...... ~......... ............ ."........... 15.00
3. For the installation or relocation of each floor furnace,
including vent.............................................................................. 12.00
4. For the installation or relocation of each suspended heater,
recessed wall heater or floor-mounted unit
heater......................... '"............................................................... 12.00
5. For the installation, relocation or replacement of each
appliance vent installed and not included in an
appliance permit..................................... 6.50
6. For the repair of, alteration of, or addition to each
heating appliance, refrigeration unit, cooling unit,
absorbtion unit, or each heating, cooling, absorption, or
evaporative cooling system, including installation of
controls regulated by this code....................... 12.00
7. For the installation or relocation of each boiler or
compressor 'to and including three horsepower, or each
'absorption system to an including 100,000 Btu/h....... 12.00
MAR 2 3 1993 ITEM 9
43 of 45
8. For the installation or relocation of each boiler or
compressor over three horsepower to and including 15
horsepower, or each absorption system over 100,000 Btu/h
and including 500,000 Btu/h....................,...... 25.00
9. For the installation or relocation of each boiler or
compressor over 15 horsepower to and including 30
horsepower, or each absorption system over 500,000 Btu/h and
including 1,000,000 Btu/h............................. 32.00
10. For the installation or relocation of each boiler or
compressor over 30 horsepower to and including 50
horsepower, or for each absorption system over 1,000,000
Btu/h to and including 1,750,000 Btu/h................ 47.00
11. For the installation or relocation of each boiler or
refrigeration compressor over 50 horsepower, or each
absorption system over 1,750,000 Btu/h................ 78.00
12. For each air-handling unit to and including 10,000 cubic
feet per minute, including ducts attached thereto..... 9.00
Note: This fee shall not apply to an air-handling unit
which is a portion of a factory-assembled appliance, coo~ing
unit, evaporative cooler or absorption unit for which a
permit is required elsewhere in this code.
13. For each air-handling unit over 10,000 cfm............ 15.00
14. For each evaporative cooler other than portable type.. 9.00
15. For each ventilation fan connected to a single duct... 6.00
16. For each ventilation system which is not a portion of any
heating or air-conditioning system authorized by a
permi t.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 9.00
17. For the installation of each hood which is served by
mechanical exhaust, including the ducts for such
hood................................................................................................. .. 20.00
18. For the installation or relocation of each domestic-
type incinerator...........,.......................... 15.00
19. For the installation or relocation of each commercial or
industrial-type incinerator........................... 60.00
20. For each appliance or piece of equipment regulated by this
code but not classed in other appliance categories, or for
which no other fee is listed in this code............. 10.00
MAR 2 3 1993 ITEM 9
44 of 45
.r:..-^nJ...o.:L.J. J"\
- -
21. When Chapter 12 is applicable (see section 103), permit fees
for fuel-gas piping shall be as follows:
For each gas-piping system of one to four
outlets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.00
For each gas-piping system of five or more outlets
per outlet....................................... 1. 00
Other Inspections and Fees:
1. Inspections outside of normal business hours.......$50.00/hr
(minimum charge one hour)
2. Reinspection fee assessed under provisions of
Section 305(f)...................................$50.00/each
3. Inspections for which no fee is specifically
indicated (minimum charge one hour)..............$50.00/hr.
4. Additional plan review required by changes, additions or
revisions to approved plans (minimum charge
one hour)........................................ $50. OO/hr.
5. When the project requires a plan check of the mechanical
plan, a plan check fee, equal to twenty-five percent of the
calculated mechanical permit fee, shall be paid.
MAR 2 3 1993 ITEN: 9
45 of 45
-- D1STRIBUT~D 7!J~~3,/9fl=S
CONSTRUCTION RE: PUBLIC HEAlUNG - Plan Cbeck lIDd BuiIdiDg Fee Increases
Honorable Mayor
13325 Civic Center Drive
Poway, CA 92064
Dear Honorable Mayor and Council:
The elF applCCialeS this opportunity 10 express ill concerns on the proposed increa.-;cs for plan
check, building, eDCIgy conservation and disabled access. The economy is still frdgile and
somewhat anemic, Therefore, we respectfully request your Council 10 phase-in the increases as
1) 20% across the board increase applied to the basic fee schedule, A phase'in is rcspoosibk:
and justified given the uncenain and continuing economic challenges which face the business
community and the construction industry, We propose that 10% of the iner"""" LIke effect
".- 6O-<lays after final adnnlion of the ordinance. TIle remaining 10% should become effective 6
months laIer.
2) A new fee cquallO 10% of the building permit fee. nus new fee would apply to all proje<;t.s
REYIlJC'~l!Tl!'a rcquiJed by stale law 10 be accessible to the physically disabled The proposed disabled
. ~iaII:d (jqwaI. CfJlltlm::ilJn;., access fee should become effective 6(klays afler fInal adnntion of the ordinance.
s..p;.,..owa-'"", "
......'... 3) A new fee cquallO 15% of the building pennit fee, This new fee would apply 10 all projecll
of Bon ,e"""l" ',' , requiJed by SUlle law 10 comply with energy conserva1ion standards of the Califomia Energy
'~4","". Commission. The proposed energy conserva1ion fee should become eerective 6()-days afler
,~.~ fInal adnntion otthe ordinance,
":"~~~ '
~:~,,:. .'..J~.i :~.' .'~~ Effective Date In ReDOrt -
.........~ -1',<' Page 3 of the staff report under the recommcnda1ion and the resolution needs revision, The
'~~;f~ proposed effective dale of May 23, 1993 is erroneous. TIle 6O-day effective dale should be
changed to June 23,1993, The June 23rd dale is consistent with Government Code i66017 which
swes that increased fees shall be effective no sooner than 60 days foUowing nN A 1. A CTION on
tb~ adQntion of tb~ ;JI('J'....... The Council will hold a second reading on April 6th. 6O-days afrer
April 6 is JWIC 7th, not May 23ni
-- lUllICbment
cc: Reba Wright-QuasUer
MAR 2 3 1993 ITEM 9