Item 11 - Relocation of Crosswalk at Garden Rd Elementary School DlSl! m3UT;~~ ~7~ f( -, AGENDA REPORT CITY OF POW A Y TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the C~ Council '\' FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Manager ~ ~ INITIATED BY: Mark S. Weston, Director of Engineering servic~6N Michael H. Robinson, Traffic Engineer ~H;.? DATE: March 23,1993 SUBJECT: Relocation of Crosswalk at Garden Road Elementary School BACKGROUND On February 9, 1993, the Traffic Safety Committee recommended installation of a loading zone on the north side of Garden Road adjacent to the elementary school. An earlier meeting between City staff, school staff, and parents of children who attend the school concluded that the loading zone would help offset some of the impacts created by school overcrowding and lack of parking facil ities. At the March 9, 1993 Council meeting, residents from the Garden Road area asked that the existing school crosswalk and flashing beacons be relocated closer to the school grounds. Council requested staff to prepare a report reviewing relocation of the crosswalk, costs of alternative improvements, and consideration of an adult crossing guard. ExistinQ Conditions (see Attachment D) The elementary school property is located on the north side of Garden Road approximately 160 feet easterly of Floral Avenue. The school frontage along Garden Road extends approximately 645 feet east from that point, and is improved with concrete curb, gutter, and sidewalk. The road is approximately 45-feet wide along the school frontage. The property on the south side of the road is undeveloped. An aspha 1t walkway on the south side of Garden Road west of the school was constructed in 1986 and connects the existing permanent improvements near Acton Avenue to the Floral Avenue intersection and the existing school crosswalk. The crosswalk is patrolled by a school safety patrol for approximately 20 minutes just before and after school. Traffic\Site Conditions Accidents: (Floral Avenue to Sycamore Canyon Road) 1989 - 0 1991 - 0 1990 - 0 1992 - 1* * Accident not related to school r ACTION: II 1 OF 12 1993 ITEM 11 --,--,~-'- Relocation of Crosswalk at l.iarden Road Elementary School Agenda 3/23/93 Pege 2 Traffic volumes: 4700 AWD (1992) 3700 AWD (1989) Posted Speed limit: 35 MPH (25 MPH Prima Facie during school) 85th Percentile Speed: 39.5 MPH Pedestrian Volumes: A.M. 67 Children using crosswalk Counts taken 3\17\93 " 64 Children crossing midblock P.M. 98 Children using crosswalk " 52 Children crossing midblock FINDINGS Construction Alternatives Three alternatives to relocate the crosswalk are provided: -ALTERNATIVE A: (Attachment A) This alternative involves: 1) relocation of the school crosswalk to the front of the school; 2) relocation of the westbound flashing beacon to the east school property line; and, 3) installation of ,asphalt curb, sidewalk, and extension of bike lane to connect existing facilities with the new crosswalk location. Alternative A would be an interim design and can be constructed using existing right-of-way. Alternative A would cost approximately $22,000. Cars which are presently using the south side of the road for student dropoff and pickup will continue to do so, but access to the dirt lot will be limited to east of the new crosswalk location. This will help minimize pedestrian\vehicle conflicts. -ALTERNATIVE B: (Attachment B) Alternative B involves: 1) relocation of the school crosswalk to the front of the school, (same as alternative A); 2) relocation of the westbound flashing beacon to the east school property line, same as alternative A); and, 3) construction of full street improvements on the south side including concrete curb, gutter, sidewalk, utility relocation, storm drain extension, and widening the road to its ultimate 50-foot configuration. The construction would require acquisition of additional right-of-way. The south side improvements would begin easterly of Acton Avenue and end near the relocated crosswalk across from the school (approximately 850 linear feet.) Vehicle access to the dirt lot would be limited to east of the new crosswalk as in Alternative A. Alternative B would cost approximately $112,000 to build. -ALTERNATIVE C: (Attachment C) Alternative C involves: 1) relocation of the school crosswalk, (same as A and B); 2) relocation of the flashing beacon, (same as A and B); 3} construction of full width improvements along the south side of Garden Road from east of Acton to the east school property line, (approximately 1240 linear feet,); and, 4}construction of a 70 space parking facility on the south side of the road. Full improvements on the south side and construction of the parking lot will also require additional right-of-way and utility relocation. Alternative C would cost approximately $260,000. SCHOOL CROSSING PROTECTION - At the March 9 Council meeting, citizens from the Garden Road area requested an adult guard for the school crossing. Warrants for Adult Crossing Guards for this location were last reviewed in March 1990. At that time the crossing did not warrant adult guards. The Sycamore Canyon 2 OF 12 MAR 2 3 1993 ITEM 11 - - RelocaHon of CrosswaLk. at to.... den Road Elementary School Agenda 3/23/93 Page 3 - subdivision has been completed, and traffic volumes have increased approximately 27% since 1989. Using updated traffic counts, the warrants for adult crossing guards are met. The State of California Traffic Manual states that the children in school safety patrols are intended to control only the children at a school crossing. Recently, they have been controlling traffic as well. Adult crossing guards are needed when control of both pedestrians and vehicles is necessary. Adult guards cost approximately $3750 per year. FISCAL IMPACT Fiscal impact will be approximately $22,000-$260,000 depending on the alternative chosen. Staff recommends Alternative A at a cost of $22,000. An adult crossing guard would have an annual cost of $3750. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This is a preliminary report and environmental review is not required under CEQA gUidelines. An environmental review will be completed in the future based on the chosen alternative. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Mr. and Mrs. Frank Spitzer; Kathy Cleveland, Principal Garden Road Elementary; Tim Purvis, Director of Transportation PUSD; Garden Road Homeowners Association; Standard Distribution. Related Correspondence - Letter from Connie Spitzer dated February 22, 1993 (Attachment E.) Letter from C. Spitzer - dated March 12, 1993 (Attachment F.) RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that City Council approve Alternative A and appropriate $22,000 from Street Maintenance Funds (1-403-355) for design and construction. It is further recommended that an adult crossing guard be funded and assigned to the existing school crosswalk as soon as possible. JLB:MSW:MHR:pc Attachments: A - Alternative A B - Alternative B C - Alternative C o - Existing Conditions E - Letter from Spitzer dated 2/22/93 F - Letter from Spitzer dated 3/12/93 - MAR 23 1993 aTEM 11 3 OF 12 -- ~--, ~ , ~ I I u--n------ ~ I. ~ ACTON AVE I EXISTING '~ . I. "'"" '" , r I LOT ,: 11 16 _...t'~,,_ I, ",- , I i tf'- ~~>' - I I J -, , GARDEN ROAD II SCHOOL ., I , 11 m x <0 - Ul I I I --i ;:0 , ::E:' I ! I I 0 ." , ,." >< 1:> I in, '" I 7'l I .... ;:;" ;:;, I 'E I I 'E ~ I :<J , '" " .m U i<: I - 'S I' 5! 0 I' I I I 7 ~ "~1"~' ~ 7 EXISTING I ~ tit ~ AC BERM & SIDEWALK ' , FlORAL AVE L I ' ! I ~....- r;ecOCA" FLAS" I C CONS11WCTION OF aiO. N; WAU(;. ftEU)CAnON Of= . ~NQ.~ONTO~~ .. I ...,PERTY UNE. .--" :1. "I BEACON W/SCHOOL ,?/ SPEED LIMIT $IGN : :)- . ,,, tlGff ~ ..-.- PARKING RESTRICTION I r__.. LOADING ZONE Al1l'ltU.lN! " ATTACHMENT A lIAR 2 3 1993 ITEM 11 4 OF 12 - - ~ I - --- --------- , ~ , - 0 I , ACTON AVE , EXISTING -. ~. PARKING LOT , ~,,="'- . - , -:- -".1 "' - ' "v' I GARDEN ROAD I SCHOOL NEW CONCRETE CURB, GUTTER, I I & SIDEWALK I I , , n "' I ,"' X ~ I en .,... -< ~ '" I '" I I I ~ ~ :;:, I '" I~ ie5 ] I 0 I I I I .' . , .., ! e 5 ItT1t I ~ J I t I FLORAL AVE I I IMI'>~ I CON&n'WCnoN OF .SO' il CONCMI'E cu.. CIUITIIl. RELOCATE .8IDaWAIJC. " aMP WIDENING. I UTlUTY MLOCAnoN. a I FLASHING BEACON ~AnoN Of FLAIHIING MACON I WI SCHOOL TO J.UTsw MO,..,-y UNE. I SPEED LIMIT ,n ! SIGNS I -- -- ! ,-,-- PARKING RESTRICTION I I ...-..-... LOADING ZONE ... . Al~'1"rft .. TOP RIGHT ATTACHMENT B 5 OF 12 MAR 2 3 1993 ITEM 11 -- -_..._--~~_._~-_. ~ \ ACTON AVE EXISTING .. ~. PARKING LOT " , ~ ~t'n"" . - .. ..' .:. _0,1:. , ',,-/ I GARDEN ROAD ;1 SCHOOL I I -RJ I , I n '" I '" >< <s l;; '" " I -1 '" NEW CONCRETE I CURB, GUTTER ~ & SIDEWALK ';;' g I - j<:: I Ie I 0 I I I I I .., e' s' 1Z.~lt' S I ~ f: t 'U )> ;0 7' FLORAL AVE I I ""''''K-.o . rrnELOCA" I :/ : FLASHING BEACO CONalWUCTJON OF 1250' CONCRn'E CJ.Ma. OU'TTII\. I . WI SCHOOL I .8IDEWAlK. I' aTN, WIDENING. I NlW 'AI!UCINQ LOT, unuTY J' i SPEED LIMIT . I /- RnOcAnoN.aNBOcAnoN I SIGN OF FLUNNG HACON TO ,71 EAlTSW PROPBn'Y UNE. END PARKING ~ I ......,PARKING RESTRICTION RESTRICTIONS .-.-- LOADING ZONE RIGHT .t~1"NI ~ 6 OF 12 ATTACHMENT C 11 MAR 2 3 1993 ITEU - - ~ I I - n_U_______ . . - 0 I I . ACTON AVE I ~ ; I ., EXISTING . .. - I PARKING .. Vl -I I . LOT ~ I I . I I . ""'....N;,.,~ . I ;: .. .....1 ,. I "",/ I I I I I I ! I I GARDEN ROAD I SCHOOL 601 ' I : I I < I , h: 1 , 0 I I I I , ", I ,,,, I X ~ c.;; 1 - ,.. I -i i :0 :0 I, ::;;:. ::;;: I ~ I I (g I ~ I , (g . I EXISTING , I ' , I 0 AC BERM . , . , EXISTING ~ & SIDEWALK , I , , , FLASHING BEACONS I I , , I , I EXISTING I L SCHOOL CROSSWALK I I'NLJJIft I I I .- ----- I I I_I. PARKING RESTRICTION ...-..-... LOADING ZONE - I I I EXISTING CONDITIONS 7 OF 12 ATTACHMENT D MAR 2 3 1993 ITEM 11 . > .-. ..-. ._, l' 1.." :-::.'v' t. ~ ri C .J l.-' '" =: ~ 3 ~ = _ _ _ _ _ _ I,i!\:: 2 \993 _.:-r .Gai.., 1-.. ,':-' " ',-.' ~J\'''''\..''''; .~, 2=: _ .__.. _ ,-'c-, F_'_ _E~:":8:-t. E--~........ .~:.:. 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C?f "lhe sc:hoo:-:'. We t12vS request8d a cross~alK ~ front o~ the s=~~c~ W~~~._ sic"sl w!'~c~ d~rects traffic ~~e~e This W~~l~ ~s~c to orO:'8:::::. :';-;E ~:." ;;::-ac.e cress:'!~ ~i..;a:-'ds 1 ~ tr:E ;J3:-e-':.s _. ~ :::':-::. ~=rE: 'i.'~S)"'2.:g .......... ::::055 "'-c dis::L!Sse:: :~E D~t..:.C"'" c:: .....,2 7""'1;- :1i:-1::--'[;""':5 g::::.. :..c -:~'E :J'C2SS~l:_ crCSS,--,;2':"~, ~'- C:-:JSS1 c...,'.... [.'r';:-~' ~:."n;; 2- " ~, . . ~_.~'- c.,c:.;. ~~C:.'=~,a~ :-c:~ ;JE~~sS::: __::.~.S ........., t.'""::; s=.....::-~- S_CE _.. ...:5:-....C.- """',__.,r-- .' , .. - . ...;:;.. C::'=:-C~_:S5CCi :':if: -2=: :.-'~-::_ ..'-='~~~=: L"_ ""C:' :..--:~-: _ :-.:. _ r.'_ _5 ~E;2: :'~G :a=~ :'=~=:~~ -a~ ~E==_S a~~ ~a=- _ ::~2:~ .- - ,-' S5.~~ L~D~C;:'S=:'R~ i~ -~'~'.'- ~; ~~E s~~c=_ 8 OF 12 A-rrAg~~NT E MAR 23 1993 ITEM 11 - - ~G t:S=~~SE~ _ cj'S=:_2'- __ t~E - ~=_==. =:'~S5:~; _.__ ;:;'::~';:-E=- t.hE: i .-:_S::-S2=:'~~' :::L=~':,: ~ ::-'~'Y~ :- C S~ ':::::~ ~c: ;::'2:-'e~-S t."-S ::::-CSS~2_;~ i.- :-:-:::.-:: c::=- :::--,C SC:-::::":_ .""'::J....,~ :.~-2:. .____. i~_a-'~ ~_~~~~~5r_. ~~~ ?S~~::S:. ..__. :_C~E~_~:'. _ _ a ::::-'C55 '2~L :.~~:.h:J:';':. 2- .:-::2:-se:::ic,.... l'lre, :le',:8'::"a:-;= !..L'::::;~_2 n:"sfer t.o heve t~e 5:.~, g::-a6e crcssi~g guar~s tir~:::t._~ ~r fr~~t. ~f t~e s=~~c_ ~~e::-e it. is bEtter to s~~e::-visE ~p~-~'a~5 midblcc; cross~rgs i~ ge~E:-al are no:: a gcct idea .~..... :lle ~ES':" t:-:a:. dr~'/e:-s :.l..~::~lc e:>'.pe::::. a :::!"":JSSL:;2._~' 2_:'S'Ct_::;;: -'- ::-U~- c~ an e~8~g~:.a:-~ ss~c~l. Ir fae:. treS ~a~ ~= ..__r 2r: 2~ ::. ~EinG sc far 2~a~ as:- is new. ~'-", ,----':-.,c~. :-E:::::_'es:' ....... :';-E; =:.: F-, .....c... i f::::-=:::t ::::... -::.....:_'::- __..'- __.- '-~ 'E.=-S2-':'~::-'- c~......_ ....-.E _c~_:: Z::-l2 -\~ ...::c~: - - ._._ _ _ -,::::-,c :':E:'~-~:'-E 2"'-~~ 2::"2:- ~::'--;=:.: _ ~... _ _ _::; _. ~ G:! ~~~EE: =2~ _ as ~~~~-~ v=_~r:EE~S ~___ '~a' E ~ =_2=S ~= - - _ _ ~ _ - C~-~C-- - S~~~ C~_ 2- -- __ _: , _ E ~ _ :_"CS::C~5 ~eg~~~~~; ...~;S _S::S: c: "ec:' 8 " =, ~ [/IlL 4'#' ~,c;".., c:;' S;::.. -_Z_._ -,~-::;.>- r.-.....-;,...o"'-, . - -"- --. ~-- -- ~_. --_. - ~ ...~.~- ~2~=2- ~~~- ~=~==_ .'~' .~~ ...., "';";:=~:'C'- 1:-:=::::'::-:::- ,_. :..."';'-::S::-_~= ....~-- ___. '.'_ -~ _.~ E_2'~~ ~~~:~__'-2_ ~2:'Ce- ?~3~ ~C~==_ '___ ~-.'- ~=a~ ~ ~ ::= ....i.3!'!'"SS E::;:..:E~S:::' '-_ __::;: o'-:3.;E:- ~__. :-.::::"-;-:'-2_ _. _ _ ,_ 'iC:"'28:-~,; .-~ _ =__. ___ 9 OF 12 AT~Ag~NT E MAR 23 1993 ITEaa 11 --------------~- - RECEIVED 16028 PARAGON MESA ROAD MAR 1 5 1993 POWAY, CA 9206'1 CITY Of POWAY CITY MANAGERS OFFICE MA~CH 12, 1993 ,1ft MAYOR AND COUNCILMEMBERS ~-- . ','-.~ . ",..~ 11325 CIVIC CENTER DRIVE ,.. ~ .\-; POWAY, CA 9206'1 -:,.. .~ DEAR MAYOR HIGGINSON AND COUNCILMEMBERS, THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME AND CONCERN REGARDING THE TRAFFIC PROBLEM IN FRONT OF GARDEN ROAD SCHOOL. I HAVE ENCLOSED A COPY OF WHAT I STATED AT THE SCHOOL BOARD MEETING ON MONDAY, MARCH 9. THE SUPERINTENDANT HAS ASKED THAT I WORK WITH ROMEO CAMOZZI, I CALLED MR. CAMOZZI, AND FROM WHAT I UNDERSTAND, HE WILL BE WORKING WITH OUR PRINCIPAL, KATHY CLEVELAND. I ASKED THAT HE NOTIFY THE APPROPRIATE SCHOOL BOARD MEMBERS TO LET THEM KNOW THAT MAYOR HIGGINSON HAS REQUESTED THAT THIS PROBLEM BE ADDRESSED AT THE NEXT JOINT MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND SCHOOL BOARD. HE AGREED TO DO SO, AT THIS TIME I HAVE NOT YET PRESENTED THE VIDEO TO THE SCHOOL BOARD, BUT WILL GIVE A COpy TO MR. CAMOZZI, THE SCHOOL BOARD MEMBERS HAVE A COpy OF WHAT I READ TO YOU ON MARCH 9, AND A CO?Y OF OUR PROPOSED MAP. THE OTHER PARENTS AND MYSELF ARE RELIEVED THAT STEPS ARE BEING TAKEN TO CORRECT THIS SERIOUS PROBLEM, THANK YOU FOR ALL OF YOUR EFFORTS. S~ CONN I E SP IT CC. KATHY CLEVELAND ce. MARK WESTON CC. JAMES BOWERSOX CC, ROMEO CAMOZZI ATTACI-fo1ENT F MAR 2 3 1993 ITEM 11 10 OF 12 1 OF 3 / - - .I . - SCHOOL BOARD, MAR, 8, 19S3 GOOD EVENING, ~Y NAME IS CONNIE SPITZZR, I LlVE AT 16028 PARAGON MESA ROAD IN POWAY. I HAVE A FIRST GRADE STUDENT AT GARDEN ROAD SCHOOL, I AM HERE BECAUSE OF MY CONCERN REGARDING THE DANGEROUS TRAFFIC PROBLEM IN FRONT OF THE SCHOOL AS PARENTS DROP OFF AND PZCK UP STUDENTS. WE WOULD LIKE TO ASK YOU TO JOIN US IN SUPPORTING CHANGES THAT NEED TO BE MADE, I HAVE BEEN WOR~ING CLOSELY WITH OUR PRINCIPAL, KATHY CLEVELAND, WITH MIKE ROBINSON, A CITY ENGINEER, WITH STEVE ROGERS AND TIM PERVIS OF puse's TRANSPORTATION, LAURA POLl S , ANOTHER CONCERNED PARENT, AND THE GARDEN ROAD PTA. I HAVE INTERVIEWED OVER ~o PARENTS GATHERING NEW IDEAS FROM ALMOST EVERYONE, TO DATE WE HAVE SUGGESTED PARENTS ARRANGE TO MEET THEIR CHILDREN BEHIND THE SCHOOL, ORGANIZED CAR POOLS, AND EDUCATED PARENTS, WE ARE WAITING FOR FLYERS FROM AAA THAT GO INTO SAFETY IN DETAIL, ALL OF THESE THINGS HELP, BUT THEY DO NOT ELIMINATE THE PROBLEMS I AM ABOUT TO ADDRESS, THE SITUATIONS I HAVE SEEN ON A REGUALR BASIS ARE: l. CHILDREN AND PARENTS CROSSING WITHOUT THE PROTECTION OF A CROSSWALK IN FRONT OF THE SCHOOL, 2. CHILDREN WALKING ALONG THE SOUTH SIJE OF TEE S7REET ~!THOUl A SIDE WALK. 3, PEOPLE DO~ELE PARKING TO DROP OF~ AND PICK U? CHILDREN. L.i. U IUR~5 BEING MADE AT RANDOM IN FRONT O~ TEE SCHOOL. S, PEO?LE hAVING TO PARK ILLEGALLY, AS lHERE !S NO OFF STREET PARKING AVAILAELE, WE AS A LARGE GROUP OF CONCERNED PARENTS HAVE COME UP WITH A LIST OF SUGGESTIONS, .... 1. WE WOULD LIKE TO HAVE THE CROSSWALK DIRECTLY IN FRONT OF .... THE SCHOOL. PEOPLE CHOOSE TO CROSS IN FRONT OF THE :i SCHOOL, RATHER THAN WALK ON THE STREET TO A CROSS WALK ~ THAT IS INCONVENiENTLY LOCATED A BLOCK FROM THE SCHOOL, 2, WE NEED OFr STREET PARKING, THERE ARE 77 EMPLOYEES, AND .... ONLY ~~ PARKING SPACES, PARENTS ARE FORCED TO PARK ON m - THE STREET OR ILLEGALLY ON A VACANT LOT. SUGGESTIONS M INCLUDE PURCHASING OR LEASING THE LAND ACROSS THE STREET, "" OR PERHAPS PROVIDING OFF STREET PARKING FOR GARDEN ROAD 0:: PARK, ADJACENT TO THE SCHOOL, WHICH COULD ALSO BE USED BY ~ PARENTS. FROM MY UNDERSTANDING, THE OFF STREET PARKING PROBLEM IS WHERE WE WILL NEED THE SUGGESTiONS AND COOPERATION OF THE SCHOOL BOARD. ATTACHMENT F 11 OF 12 WE HAVE REQUESTED A SIDEWALK ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF THE 2 OF 3 -- ---- - "--- ~... ~.:.,:. ~ . "' ON THE AGEN FOR THE POwAY CITY COUNC MEETING TOMORROW NIGHT IS A LOADING ZONE, RUNNING IN FRONT OF THE SCHOOL, TO HELP ELIMINATE THE DOUBLE PARKING WHERE CHILDREN ARE RUNNING IN AND OUT OF PARKED AND MOVING CARS, S, WE ARE SUGGESTING A DOUBLE YELLOW LINE DIRECTLY IN FRONT OF THE SCHOOL TO ELIMINATE THE U TURNS THERE. 6, ~E WOULD LIKE TO SEE AN ADULT DIRECTING TRAFFIC IN FRONT OF THE SCHOOL. ?LEASE ~NDERSTAND THE URGENCY OF THIS REQUEST. I A~l NOT THE ONLY ONE WHD SEES THAT THIS SITUATION IS SIMPLY AN ACCIDENT ~A:TING TO HA?~EN. YOUR HELP, SUPPO:;:T, AND ATTENDANCE AT rO~O~ROW NIGHT'S ?OWAY CITY COU~:IL MEETING WOULD BE MOST APPRECIATED, LET'S ALL WORK TOGETHER TO MAKE THIS ~IUCH NEEDED :HA~GE A REALI~Y. TO~CRROW NIGHT A LARGE GROUP Of PARENTS ~IL~ BE ADDRESS:NG THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING. Et:LC]t,U IS WHA: I ?LA!\J TO SAY 1 IN ADDRESS!NG TH~ TRAfFIC RE?CRT THAT HAS BEEN DONE BY MIKE ROBINSON, ATTACHED IS A MAP OF THE PRESENT SITUATION, AND OUR PROPOSED CHANGES, -~ 12 OF 12 ATTACHMENT F lIAR 2 3 1993 ITEM 11 3 OF 3 u.u_._ -..--,------.. .--~----- .-..