Item 24 - Discussion of Assembly Bill 764 - ff' - AGENDA REPORT CITY OF POW A Y TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Councilmember Susan Callery DATE: March 23, 1993 SUBJECT: Discussion of Assembly Bill 764 (Goldsmith) Adding Flexibility to state Housing Laws BACKGROUND On February 24, 1993, Assemblyman Jan Goldsmith introduced AB 764 which relates to land use and general plans. Under existing law, if adequate housing sites are not identified by a city or county to accommodate the needs of all household income levels, the housing program of the affected local government is required to provide adequate affordable housing sites to meet housing needs. FINDINGS The provisions of AB 764 would authorize cities that have not identified adequate housing sites to meet affordable housing requirements by 1) identifying sites within the city's jurisdiction that would provide adequate levels of affordable housing as a result of committed assistance from the local governments or 2) by identifying affordable housing sites outside the city's jurisdiction. Since existing fair share housing responsibilities have restricted local governments' ability to comply with housing requirements, AB 764 would offer cities greater flexibility in meeting affordable housing requirements. The provisions of AB 764 establish that the conversion and rehabilitation of affordable housing would contribute to the total number of fair share housing. Consequently, cities would gain flexibility in terms of the construction, conversion, and rehabilitation of affordable housing, while meeting fair share housing requirements. In addition, the measure would enable a city to expend funds outside of its jurisdiction to meet affordable housing requirements. ACTION: 1 of 13 244- - Agenda Report Assembly Bill 764 March 23, 1993 page 2 On March 4, 1993, AB 764 was sent to the Assembly Local Government Committee. According to the Assembly Local Government Committee, the measure may be heard as early as wednesday, March 24, 1993. Since the bill has not yet been heard, the City is not aware of any proponents or opponents to the measure. In an effort to bring AB 764 to the attention of other cities and to encourage support of the measure, Deputy Mayor Bob Emery sent the letter provided in Attachment A to San Diego County cities and seven northern California cities. A copy of the bill text has also been provided in Attachment B. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Environmental review is not required for this item under California Environmental Quality Act guidelines. FISCAL IMPACT There is no fiscal impact. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Assemblyman Jan Goldsmith was notified about this agenda item. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council support AB 764 and direct staff to notify Assemblyman Goldsmith about the City's support of the measure. Attachment: A. AB 764 Letter from Deputy Mayor Emery B. AB 764 Bill Text 2 of 13 MAR 2 3 1993 ITEM 24A- ~ OF POW A - --,ITY DON HIGGINSON. Mayor BOB EMERY, Deputy Mayor B. TONY SNESKO, Council member SUSAJ.'f CALLERY, Councilmember MICKEY CAFAGNA, Councilmember March 15, 1993 Wayne Rassussen Planning Department City of Pleasanton P.O. Box 520 Pleasanton, CA 94566-0802 Re: Assembly Bill 764 (Goldsmith) Dear Mr. Rassussen: - Attached is a summary and complete copy of AB 764 (Goldsmith). I direct your attention to this bill as it is designed to add flexibility to present a housing law that severely limits city options with regard to affordable housing. As a former Councilmember and Mayor of the City of Poway, Assemblyman Goldsmith is uniquely aware of the limitations placed upon cities in meeting their low and moderate housing responsibilities. AB 764 is an attempt to give individual cities more latitude in the construction, conversion and rehabilitation of affordable housing yet still meet their fair share housing responsibilities under 5B 2274, better known as the Bergeson BilL Many cities throughout California have run up against the Bergeson requirements and . found it next to impossible to meet its narrow guidelines. Cities that are at buildout or whose zoning or terrain confine growth have great difficulty meeting the 5 year "fair share" plans adopted by their regional planning councils. Provisions of AB 764 would allow for the expenditure of funds outside of cities and conversion and rehabilitation would count towards the total fair share number. I would urge you to study AB 764 and if you find that you can support its principles, please contact the Assembly Local Government Committee as soon as possible. A list of members of this Committee is attached for your use. ~ City Hall Located at 13325 Civic Center Drive Mailing Address: P.O. Box 789, Poway, California 92074-0789 . (619) 748-6600, 695-1400 ~ ""'''"''"''y,..d"'''' ATTACHMENT A 3 of 13 MAR231993 ITEM 244 ---_.~------ ----,,--_. Assembly Bill 764 March 15, 1993. Page 2 If you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact any of the following individuals: Deputy Mayor Bob Emery City of Poway 619/679-4202 City Manager Jim Bowersox City of Poway 619/679-4200 Assemblyman Ian Goldsmith 75th Assembly District 619/486-5191 Your personal support as well as your city's is crucial at this juncture. Sincerely, Bob Emery Deputy Mayor Attachments LW\ 2 a 199'3 n~tA 241J- 4 of 13 - - Letter regarding AB764 mailed to following individuals on 3/16/93: Wayne Rassussen Claude "Bud" Lewis Planning Department Mayor City of Pleasanton City of Carlsbad P.O. Box 520 1200 Carls bad Village Drive Pleasanton, CA 94566-0802 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Gary Fazzino Tim Nader Mayor Mayor City of Palo Alto City of Chula Vista P.O. box 10250 P.O. Box 1087 Palo Alto, CA 94303 Chula Vista, CA 91912 Pamela Means Mary Herron City Clerk Mayor City of Napa City of Coronado P.O. Box 660 1825 Strand Way Napa, CA 94559 Coronado, CA 92118 Wayne Schwammel Rod Franklin City Administrator Mayor - City of Santa Monica City of Del Mar 110 East Cook Street, Room 1 1050 Camino Del Mar Santa Monica, CA 93454 Del Mar, CA 92014 Harry Peacock Joan Shoemaker City Manager Mayor City of Saratoga City of EI Cajon 13777 Fruitvale 200 E. Main Street Saratoga, CA 95070 EI Cajon, CA 92020 Barbara Waldman John Davis Vice Mayor Mayor City of Sunnyvale City of Encinitas P.O. Box 3707 527 Encinitas Blvd. Sunnyvale, CA 94088 Encinitas, CA 92024 Barbara Triland Jerry Harmon Mayor Mayor City f Los Altos City of Escondido P.O. Box 733 201 N. Broadway Los Altos, CA 94023 Escondido, CA 92025 .- S of 13 MAR 2 3 1993 ITEU 244- .... -......--.-.------ Jack Dale Mike Bixler Mayor Mayor City of Santee City of Imperial Beach 10765 Woodside Ave. 825 Imperial Beach Blvd. Santee, CA 92071 Imperial Beach, CA 92032 Celine Olson Art Madrid Mayor Mayor City of Solana Beach City of La Mesa 380 Stevens Avenue, #120 8130 Allison Avenue Solana Beach, CA 92075 La Mesa, CA 91941 Gloria McClellan Brian Cochran Mayor Mayor City of Vista City of Lemon Grove 600 Eucalyptus Ave. 3232 Main Street Vista, CA 92084 Lemon Grove, CA 92045 George Waters Mayor City of National City 1243 National City Blvd. National City, CA 91950 Dick Lyon Mayor City of Oceanside 300 N. Hill Oceanside, CA 92054 Susan Golding Mayor City of San Diego 202 "C' Street San Diego, CA 92101 Lee Thibadeau Mayor City of San Marcos 105 W. Richmar Ave. San Marcos, CA 92069 - 6 of 13 MAR 2 3 1993 ITEM 244 - - ~ ~ tl al I-l OIqo OIqo OIqo OIqo OIqo OIqo III OIqo 11oo C:o-l C:o-l C:o-l C:o-l C:o-l C:o-l 0 C:o-l 11oo .,-i co .,-i co .,-i co .,-i co .,-i co .,-i co .-l .,-i co 0 'tlLl'l qo 'tlLl'l qo 'tlLl'l ClI 'tlLl'l LI'l 'tlLl'l r- 'tlLl'l 0 'tlLl'l ClI .-lCll o-l .-lCll r- .-lCll qo .-lCll ClI .-lCll \D .-lCll III .-lCll r- 0 .,-i ClI -,-i \D .,-i CO .,-i CO .,-i \D .,-i .,-i .,-i 0 ~ ~ LI'l ~ 0 ~ CO ~ r- ~ ClI ~ 0 ~ M ~<\DI ~<NI ~<Ol ~<Ol ~<COI ~<N ~<\DI ~ tJClIr- tJClIN tJr-LI'l tJo-lqo tJ\Dr- tJLI'l'" tJCOr- ~ .-l qoN .-l qoN .-l LI'lqo .-l NN .-l MN .-l COO .-l qoqo 0 'co M 0 'co M 0 'COqo 0 ,r- M 0 'co M 0 ,r- c: 0 ,r-qo ... 0 1 ... 0 1 ... 0 1 ... 0 1 ... 0 1 ... 0 1 ... 0 1 t.l .r-f-l-'Il')_ .r-t~I.t'l_ ".-4 +J Il')_ .r-f+JLt"l_ .rot +J Lt')_ -,-i", LI'l.-l .....+JLn- JIli c.C:qo\D C.C:qolO C.C:qolO C.C:qolO C.C:qolO c.C:qo.-l C.C:qolO III ltlGlqoo-l ltlGlqoo-l ltlGlqoo-l ltlGlqoo-l ltlGlqo.-l ltl Gl qo.,-i ltlalqoo-l tJ~ ClI tJ~ ClI tJ~ ClI tJ~ ClI tJ~ Cl\ tJ~ ~ tJ~ ClI ltl~~ Ill~~ ltl~~ Ill~~ Ill~~ Ill~~ Ill~~ 010-110 010-110 LI'llo-l1O 1010-110 qolo-l1O CO 10-110 o-llo-l1O NOo-lX MOo-lX LI'lOo-lX qoOo-lX OOo-lX LI'lOo-lX Cl\Oo-lX o-llllCl\< .-l1llCl\< o-lltlCll< o-lltlCl\< o-lltlCl\< o-lltlCl\< OltlCl\< Mtf.)-17:.t Ntr.I-~ Lt')CI)-rz,. .qoCf.l-~ MtI')-r... .qotr.l-17l.t MtI)-~ r.l r.l o-l E-< 0 0 <E-< N 0 HH 1 o-l iBl :I: - M - 00 0 , r...tJ ~ N qo , N 0 H tl - 0 oM M 0 'tlM ...::IE-< I-l 0 qo alO M No-l >N <:2: 11oo ,qo r- LI'l o-l 0 LI'l >o-l CO <LI'l N _0 0 .-lr- o-l tJr.l 11oo oCl\ 10 .-ICl\ M CO 0 <N qo -qo 0 CO r- ~O M :E: 0 'tlM CO 0 0 NM o-l ClI M ClI LI'l 'o-l qo Cl\ N ~~ P:Cl\ N M ClI _LI'l \l) >, N , o-l 'tlCl\ CO 'tl 0 ..:l 01 _<01 Cl\o-ll ... 01 0 MI ..... o-ll c: qol r.l JIli o COCl\ tJOIO , o-110 .,-i < 0 qo al<COCl\ Gl NO ~<qoO r.l:> tl "'<ClIqo , LI'lqo Gl Nr- lIltJlOClI >tJMN -,-i < o-l r- OtJo-lM E-<O :3 -,-i tJ o-l 10 ... ,qo LI'l ><IOLI'l 10-1 r-N < Nqo .....()IOLI'l e qo\l) <Cl '1""\ 1 alltll .,-i tJ 1 al , 1 , 1 10-1 I ltl , 1 E-< ltl '10 ~ Q)tt)\O_ .-l \l) ~ >Oqo~ c: 'tl Cl\ ~ ltl 'O~ 10-1... 10 ~ tIl...::l g,>,qoCO Io-IOqor- o ...f' 0'\ .,-i OIClI ClI O.-lNr- Clltlr-co ltlc:o-lO < allOO "'P:LI'lO ~LI'lO C:alNo-l .,-iGlqoO Io-ILI'lo-l i:l.::lLl'lo-l tJ <10-1 qo tIl r- o 0 N ::>-,-i 10 c:.,-i r- 0..0 CO 0 M :3 al~~ ltl~~ r:aO_- O~~ Oq..,-- tr.Il5i-- .qoEi-- 0'" CO O...r- .-lCll 0 Cl\ Io-Ir- ltlco qoltlO OC:OX C:OX qolo-lOX COC:o-lX qo-,-iOX O.c:o-lX qolo-lo-lX NOqo< Oltlr-< CO~N< OltllO< qoltlr-< N.-l CO < IOltlM< o-l:E:~r... Il')CI)-~ ME-<~r... t""'!CI)-r:.. CO r... ~r.. M<~r... o-li:l.~r... ~ 0 ~ ... ... ... ... .... 0 ... 0 0 ... 0 10-10 -,-i 0 .,-i .,-i 0 .,-i IJ.,-i 10-1 .,-i 10-1 10-1 ~.,-i 10-1 10-1 ... , 10-1 ... ... 010-1 ~... '... III ~ ... III III ~... Olll >,Ul .,-i 0 Ul ~.,-i ..-f Ul ~.,-i ltl.,-i ~ 0 ~ -,-i 00 0 C:-,-i 0 10-10 ~ 0 ~ ~ III 0 '" 10-1 , >, c: >, 0>, 01 Gl>, ~>, ~ .-l ~ >, ltl.-l ~.-l -,-i >, C:.-l :E:.-l 0 ~ 0 .-l ~~ .c:~ C:.-l :;:J~ o~ ~ Io-IIo-I~ c:..o Gl ~.,-i Gl al o Gl ltl e 10-1 Gl =:Gl 10-1 Ul ltl Gl C:Ul ...Ul =: Gl ltl Ul Ul 10-1 Ul Gl.c: Ul c: Ul o Ul III :E:lIl 'tlUl III < .,-i () Ul 111< Cl< Ullll Gl< 10-1< r...Io-I 10-1 < tJ III < III -,-i.c: alGl .c: al.c: e c:.c: .....'tl ~ltl... .-l0.c: .-l'" ~... O.c: Ill... .-lC: Ill.c:r- ltl.,-i", 11110 .,-i 10 .c:... ..-fCl\ .,-iN tIltJN :>>r- tIlN :E:r- E-<co Oqo ~LI'l 7 of 13 MAR 23 1993 ITEM 2411- --. ----_."- I'l . U !jl~ !jl~ !jl~ !jl~ I-l I::.-l I::.-l I::.-l I::.-l r:r.. '''; co '''; co '''; co '''; co r:r.. 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I-<O\.-ll <I: It'll I-< It'll .j.J ~~ lOCO +' -00\ >'<1: <I: Ul r-CO 1-<<l:IOM UlQ)IOM Q)U U <l:r-O\ IllUIt'l~ >r-It'l """ S r:r..UI !il I 1::01 '''; - ~~ 0 -CO ~ -,..j J..f 0\_ III 0 .j.J - CO 0\ """'OMO\ Ill~M~ 0""" tIlOO\O Illlll~.-l :l1: It'l.-l """ Q)...; 0\ "'.0 10 I:: r- ....; ~~-- tIl~~ Lt'lo)_- I'll-< III 0\ .-l"""O\ IO'O~ III ~.j.JOX NI-<.-lX COI-<.-lX .-l !il 01::0\<1: .-l1ll1O<I: NIllr-<I: N III MO-tz.. N tJ-r... ~~-r... NU .j.J .j.J .j.J +' t) t) t) t) ...; '''; '''; '''; I-< I-< I-< I-< .j.J +' .j.J .j.J tIl ~tIl tIl tIl I'l '''; 0:;...; ~-..; ~-..; ~ ~O ~O 0:;0 0:;0 0:; ~ ~ :z; ~>. Q)>' >. >. """ Q)""" Q)""" .....""" ~il ~il 'ti.il 8'il '''; Q) I-<Q) I:: Q) tIlQ) ::l tIl r:r..tIl -..; tIl Illtll !jltll tIl I-<tIl '>::tIl <1:<1: +'<1: J:l.<I: III <I: I-< 8 'O+' Q)'<:: +'.<:: .<:: Q) tIl .o.j.J 1-<.j.J 0.j.J I-<.-l O~ ::lco Illr- r:r..1O O:;r- UIO :Z;M 8 of 13 MAR 2 3 1993 ilEac 24.4- - - 112>, 19.1993 02:30PM F, TC ,81455 P.01 PAGE 1 LEGISLATIVE COUNS~L'S DIGEST """d NUMBER: AB 764 AB 764, as introduced, Goldsmith. Land use: general plans. Exist~ng law requires each city, county, or city and county to prepare and c.d,_.pt a general plan for its jurisdiction that includes certain mandatory elements, including a housing element. Existing law requires the housing ('l"llent to include, among other things, II program setting forth as-year ~chedule of actions the local government is undertaking to implement the po~.icies of, and achieve the goals and objectives of, the housing element, in'luding the provision of adequate sites to meet the housing needs of all e,-:.",orric segments of the cOll\l1\unity. In the event that adequate sites to ~crommodate the needs of all household income levels are not identified by the rj\y, county, or city and county, existing law requires the housing program of tb,o. "ffected local government to provide for adequate sites to meet these t"~,, ;;;ing needs pursuant to specified zoning procedures. ~his bill would authorize an affected local government to provide for ade.:!u&te sites to meet the housing needs of all economic segments of the conullunity by identifying sites within its jurisdiction that will provide - ,quate levels of affordable housing due to committed assistance from the ."eal governments, as specified, or by identifying sites outside its jurisdiction that shall be used for affordable housing pursuant to an dg! .~ement entered into between or among the affected local government entities. Vote: majority. Appropriation: no. Fiscal committee: no. Sc~te-mandated local program: no. ATTACHMENT B MAR 231993 ITEM 24A 9 of 13 f~i.1. - 19.1993 02:31PM FROM TO 7481455 P.C2 PAGE 2 Display 1993-1994 Bill Text - INFORMATION BILL NUMBER: AB 764 BILL TEXT THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA DO ENACT AS FOLLOWS: "ECTION 1. section 65583 at the Government Cod~ is amended to read: 6~583. The housing element shall consist of an identificatior, and analysis of ~~isting and pr.ojected housing needs and a statement of goals, policies, q~aLtLfied objectives, financial resources, and scheduled programs for the preservation, improvement, and development of housing. The housing elemen~ ~~311 identify adequate sites for housing, including rental hou~ing, tactory-built housing, and mobilehomes, and shall make adequate provlsion for thE existing and projected needs of all economic segments of the community. The element shall contain all of the following: (a) An assessment of housing needs and an inventory of resources and COft:', traints relevant to the meeting of these ne..ds. The assessment and irl\ 'c,.,t,'ry shall include the following: (1) An analysis of population and employment trends and documentation of p~nJections and a quantification ot ~he locality's existing and project~d hou,c.Lllg needs for all income levels. These existing and projectec needs sha: incl~de the locality's share of the regional housing need in accordance with Section 65584. (2) An analysis and documentation of household characteristics, including level of payment compared to ability to pay, housing characteristic~, inCluding overcrowding, and housing stock condition. (3 ) An inventory of land suitable for residential development, including vacant sites and sites having potential for redevelopment, and an analysis of the relationship of zoning and public facilities and services to these sites. (4) An analysis of potential and actual governmental constraints upon the "'a~"tpnance, improvement, or development of housing for all income levels, incluaing land use controls, building codes and thelr enforcement, site .;.m:->rovements, fees and other exactions required of developers, and local pi r,,~essing and permit procedures. Tho analysis shall also demonstrate local effr.rts to remove governmental constraints that hinder the localj.ty from meeting its share of the regional housing need in accordance with Section 65584. (5) An analysis of potential and actual nongovernmental constraints upon tre meintenance, improvement, or development of housing for all income levels, including the availability of financing, the price of land, and the cost of cOLstruction. (6) An analysis of any special housing needs, such as those of the handicapped, elderly, large families, !armworkers, families with female heads of household.., and families and persons in nped of emergency shelter. (7) An analysis of opportunities for energy conservation with respect to 10 of 13 MAR 2 3 1993 ITEM 24fT- . MQr"' l'~.l~S:' 02:32PM F~ TO ~81455 P.",' PAGE 3 _Display 1993-1994 Bill Text - INFORMATION L NUMBER: AB 764 BILL TEXT r~~~dentlal development. (~) An analysis of existing assisted housing developments that are eligible to change from low-income housing uses during the next 10 years due to termination of subsidy contracts, mortgage prepayment, or expiratlon of J:e::tJ:ictions on use. "Assisted housing developments," for the purpose of this Eec1.:.ioo, shtill mean multifamily rental housing that receives governmental assistance under federal programs listed in subdivision (a) of Section 6'>863.10, state and local multitamily revenue bond programs, local redevelopment programs, the federal community Development Block Grant Program, or local in-lieu fees. "Assisted housing developments" shall also include Inu:!. tifarnily rental unl ts that were developed pursuant to a local inclusionary housing program or used to qualify for a density bonus pursuant to Section f.SQI6. \I,) The analysis shall include a listIng at each development by ptcojec:t !,i:,,~e and address, the type of governmental assistance received, the earliest p~ ,~~b~e date of change from low-income use and the total number of elderly <<I:d nonelderly units that could be lost from the locality's low-income housing st,)ck in eacr. year during the lo-year period. For purposes of state and federally funded projects, the analysis required by this subparagraph need only contain information available on a statewide basis. (E) The analysis shall estimate the.total cost of producing new rental housing that is comparable in size and rent levels, to replace tne unlts that CQuld chanqe from low-income use, and an estimated cost of preserving the - s;sted housing developments. This cost analysis for replacement housing may U'; done aggregately for each five-year period and does not have to contain a project by project cost estimate. (C) The analysis shall identify public and private nonprofit corporations I:~~wn to the local government which have legal and managerial capacity to ac~ui~c and manage these housing developments. (D) The analysis shall identify and consider the use of all federal, state, ar,j local financing and subsidy programs which can be used to preserve, for lOwer income households, the assisted housing developments, identified in this paragraph, including, but not limited to, federal community Development Block Grant Program funds, tax increment funds received by a redevelopment agency of the community, and administrative fees received by a housing authority op~rating within the community. In considering the use of these financing and subsidy programs, the analysis shall identify the amounts of funds under ebch aVoilable program which have not been legally obligated for other purposes and which could be available for use in preserving assisted housing developments. (b) (1) A statement of the community's goals, quantified objectives, and policies relative to the maintenance, preservation, improvement, and development of housing. (2) It is recognized that the total housing needs identified pursuant to subdivision (a) may exceed available resources and the community's ability to sd.t.isfy this need within the content of the general plan requirements outlined in A;ticle 5 (commencing with Section 65300). Under ~hese circumstances, the quantitied objectives need not be identical to the total housing needs. The 9uantified objectives shall establish the maximum number of housing units by 'lcome category that can be constructed, rehabilitated, and conserved over a 11 of 13 MAR 2 3 1993 ITEIt: 241]- ~jQf~ l'j.19S: ~:J2: JJPM FROM TO 7-1'='lAi:;:C" - ....0 ....-'~ P. i:::l4 PJI.GE 4 Di.solay 1993-1994 Bill Text - INFORMATION BILL NUMBER: AB 764 BILL TEXT five-year time period. (:;) A program which sets fo!:"th a five-year schedule of acti.cms the local governmellt is Ulldert<:lking or intend" to undertake to implernent the policies end achieve the goals and objectives of the housing element through the ad,r:nistration of lane use and development controls, provision of regulatory concessions and incentives, and the utilization of ~~propri~te federal and st~te financing and subsidy programs when available and the utilization of moneys in a Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund of an agency if the locality ha~ established a redevelopment project area pursuant to the Community Redevelopment Law (Division 24 (commencing with Section 33000) of the Health and Safety Code). In order to make adequote p!:"ovision for the hou:;ing need" of a,l economic segments of the community, the program shall do all of the following: (I) Identify adequate sites which will be made available through appropriate zoning and development standards and with public services and f<,,'illc:ies neE:ded to focilitate and encourage the development of a variety of types of housing for all income levels, including multifamily rental housing, facotory-built housinq, mobilehomes, emergency shelters, and transitional hou~ing in order to meet the community's housing goals as identlIied in su~di',ision (b). Where the inventory of sites, pursuant to paragraph (3) of subdivisiou (a), does not identify adequate sites to accommodate the need for gr0ups of all household income levels pursuant to Section 65584, the program shall p!:"ovide for sufficient sites with ~e~~~~ either or both of the foe lowi~ actions: - - - - .. (A) zoning that permits owner-occupied and rental multifamily residentlal use by right, including density and development standards that could acco~~odate and facilitate the feasibility of housing for very low and low-income households. For purposes of this paragraph, ehe phra~e "use by right" shall mean the use does not require a conditional use permic, except when the proposed project is a mixed-use project involving both commercial and r~~~dential uses. Use by right for all rental multifamily residential housing shall be provided in accordance with subdivision (f) of Sectior 65589.5. ~ Identifyin~ ~ site ~ sites within ~ ~ more of the f()~lOw~ng co. teqOl'les: (J.) Sltes located within the juriSdiction of the local g~~ernrnent, wlthout current appropriate zoning, but that shall prGvide ~ level of affordable housln~ adequate to meer-Ehe goals of rh~s sectlon aue to comm1tted ass1stance from t~ocal gc,venunent. --- -- ---- ~ (11) s~tes located within the juriSdiction of the local ~,vernment that shall be converted from nonaffordaEIe to affo~dable h0isln9 due-ro-comm1ttec asslstance-riOm the local government. - (lll)-sItes located outslde the ~urlsd1ction of the local guv;;rnment tha.t shall be used. for-a fordable hOllS1nq pursuant t.o an agreementf ente!:"ed 1nto-between-Qr among the affected local ---- qovernmen ent1t1es-anQ conslstent wlth applicable law. ill For purposes DrthlS paragraph, "committed a'S"SIStanc"," lI1eans th~t the-rocal~overrument has entered into a valld contract, or---- otherWISe eneu ered funds:-tor the purpose-of provldlnq the -- iequ~red affordable houslnq.--- --- -- --- 12 of 13 MAR 23 1993 ITEM 24,4-- Mar" 19, 1993 02: 33PM FROM TO 7481-455 P. l~r5 - - PAGE 5 Display 1993-1994 Bill Text - INFORMATION "--,L NUMBER: 1'.B 764 BILL TEXT (2) Assist in the development of adequate housing to meet the needs ot low- and moderate-income households. (3) hcdre~s end, where appropriate and legally possible, remov~ governrn~nta1 constraints to the maintenance, improvement, and development of housing. (4) Conserve and improve the condicion of Che exiscing affordable housing stock, which may include addressing ways to mitigate the loss of dwelling units demolished by public or private action. (5) Promote housing opportunities for all persons regardless of race, religion, sex, marital status, ancestry, national origin, or color. (6) (A) Preserve tor lower income huuseholds the assisted housing developments identified pursuant to paragraph (8) of subdivision (a). The prcqram for presp-rvation of the assisted housing developments shall utilize, to the extent necessary, all available federal, state, and local financing and subsidy programs identified in paragraph (8) of subdivision (a), except where a community ha" uLlkL urgent need" !o~' which 0.1 ternati ve funding ~ource:: are not available. The program may include strategies that involve local regulation and technical assistance. (B) The program shall include an identification of the agencies and officials responsible for the implementation of the various actions and the me_ns by which consistency will be achieved with other general plan elements and community goals. The local government shall make a diligent effort to achieve public participation of all economic segments of the co~~~~ity in the '~'ve10pment of the hous~ng element, and the program shall describe this .fort. (d) The analysis and program for pres~rving assisted housing developments required by the amendments to this section enacted by the statutes of 1989 shall be adopted as an amendment to the housing element by July 1, 1992. (e) Failure of the department co review and report its findings pursuant to Section 65585 to the local government between July I, 1992, and the next periodic review and revision required by Section 65588, concerning the housing element amendment reqllired by the amendments to this section by the Statutes of 1989, shall not be used as a basis for allocation or denial of any housing asslstance administered pursuanL to part 2 (commencing with Section 50400) of Division 31 of the Health and Safety Code. 13 of 13 MAR 231993 ITEM 24,4- - - --