Item 25 - Pay Raise for Sheriff's
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TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council
FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Ma~
OATE: March 23, 1993
SUBJECT: Pay Raise for Sheriffs
At the March 19, 1993 workshop, Councilmember Emery requested an item be added
to his portion of the March 23, 1993 agenda to discuss the proposed pay
increase for the County Sheriff's deputies. Attached is a news article from
the San Dieao Union of March 17, 1993 regarding this issue.
Attachment: news article - 317-93 - San Oieao Union
~ MAR 2 3 1993 ITEM
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Pay . County
Deputies' raise offer .,~, ;j
offered to -.-. angers co-workers
, Continued from Page 8-1
deputies I
I Janssen refused to comment on
the tentative agreement with depu-
ties, saying that to do so would
irks others violate negotiating terms.
But Randy Dibb, president of the
Deputy Sheriff's Association, de-
nied that the 1,328 deputies are
i County makes proposa~ being treated any better than any-
body else.
"All county departments had to
amid financial crisis , take their lumps," said Dibb. whose
.organization represents all sworn
By VALERIE ALVORD sheriff's personnel. "Maybe some-
Staff Writer one has finally recognized that
Despite its reportedly bleak financial we're losing people left and right
outlook, the county has offered sheriff's because we're the lowest paid cops
deputies a 4.5 percent pay raise in fiscal in the county - and 4.5 percent
1994-95. isn't going to change that:
As deputies prepare to vote on the pro- Dibb said the three-year contract
I posallater this month, many other county offer, which is retroactive to last
! workers are wondering if a double standard year and ends in June 1995, also
exists. calls for $3 million in cuts by elimi-
Why are deputies in line for more money
while other county employees have been I
forced to take $24 million in pay cuts over !
two years and face a strong possibility of
"That's the very question we're asking,"
said Eliseo Medina, who heads the union - nating a uniform allowance and Medina, however, said he did not
the San Diego County Employees' Associa-
tion - that represents a majority of county ! abolishing premium overtime pay . see how the county could operate
workers outside law enforcement. for some holidays. on the money it says it has - while
The county and the Deputy Sheriff's The two issues that have held up making the cuts it says are neces-
Association reached a tentative labor negotiations for 17 months - sary - without laying off some of
agreement March 3. Nine days later, coun- whether deputies should be subject his members next year.
. ty officials held a news conference to an- to random drug testing and wheth- "There's no way I can see that
nounce that they were facing a $50 million er they should be allowed to keep we're going to avoid layoffs," he
to $70 million budget shortfall and the department cars in their own ga- said. "We've got people sacrificing
worst fiscal crisis of the century. rages -were taken off the table, for two years, and some are going
At the same time, Chief Administrative Dibb said. to lose their jobs anyway, and those
Officer David Janssen announced that lay- The county's plan to save money left are going to be doing more
offs of county employees were likely next by eliminating the five commander work for less money.
year. positions under Sheriff Jim Roache "And it's not just the money
is being negotiated, sources said, we're worried about. We are con-
with talks scheduled to continue cerned about the loss of service.
next week. They're talking about cutting out
Both Dibb and the association's libraries and programs for the men-
San Diego Union-March 17, vice president, Mike Cea, said they tally ill."
1993 dld not believe the latest fiscal cri- Medina said county negotiators
.sis would result in deputy layoffs had refused to give him copies of
next year because many positions the tentative agreement with depu-
within the department are not ties, as well as reported tentative
filled. agreements with deputy district at-
The proposed new contract, they torneys and district attorney's in-
said, has a standard clause that vestigators. .
would permit layoffs if they became The bargaining units for the -
necessary. IT layoffs were called prosecutors and investigators wert
for, they added, the unfilled posi- reported to have been offered the
tions would be the ones eliminated .same 4.5 perce!)t pay .raise for the
first. 1994-95 fiscal year, Medina said.
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