Item 25 - Status Update of Rattlesnake Creek Contamination - DISTRIBUTED 1n~~3 Iff? /" -( MEMORANDUM CITY OF POW A Y TO: James L. Bowersox City Manager Mark A. sanchez,~irector of Safety Services FROM: INITIATED BY: Garry L. MacPherson Fire Battalion Chief DATE: March 23, 1993 SUBJECT: STATUS UPDATE OF RATTLESNAKE CREEK CONTAMINATION ------------------------------------------------------------------ On March 17, 1993, the California Regional Water Quality Control Board (San Diego Region) held a regularly scheduled meeting at the Rancho California Water District in Temecula. On the agenda was a discussion as to whether the board would authorize the initiation of remediation activities and to provide staff direction for future phases of the cleanup project. After hearing testimony by Mr. David Barker of the Regional Water Quali ty Control Board (RWQCB) , Mr. Chuck pryatel of San Diego - Hazardou Material Management Division (HMMD) and Garry MacPherson of the C'ty of poway, the Board chose a position contrary to staff recommen ation. This position identified HMMD as the Lead Imple- menting gency (LIA) and the Agency to act as the broker for the first $85,000 to initiate the emergency clean-up. In addition, the Boar recommended that HMMD pursue the long-term site clean-up with an additional $915,000 provided by the State's Emergency, Abandon d and Recalcitrant (EAR) fund. This funding would be transfer ed to HMMD after the site was successfully placed on the state bo rd's list of sites. The attached resolution provides for this tra saction to occur. Since t is meeting, County staff of HMMD has been working on a contrac to have a third party clean-up company initiate the emergenc portion of the site clean-up. We were recently informed by the staff of HMMD that the General Services Department of the County f San Diego would require that a Request for Proposal (RFP) e prepared and at least six bids be submitted. Neverth less, we have been assured that this process will be expedite . Unfortunately, there appears to be a provision in the contract between HMMD and the RWQCB which would allow the County (HMMD) o notify the Regional Board in writing when it wishes to refer the lead status for a case to the Regional Board. Therefor , what could result is that the County and the RWQCB both may be unwilling to assume the lead role. l 1 of 5 1993 ITEM 2511- March 23, 1993 Page 2 Despite these provisions, we have been advised by Mr. pryatel of HMMD that he is proceeding with a staff report which should be docketed on March 30, 1993 to be presented before the County Board of Supervisors. This report allegedly recommends that the County initiate the emergency portion of the clean-up ($85,000). The conditions associated with the long-term site clean-up are yet to be determined. In conclusion, the current situation appears to be an unusual one whereby money, up to one million dollars, is available to address this issue. However, no government agency has been unconditionally willing to assume the lead role. As has been our position all along, if this problem is not resolved prior to the approaching dryer summer months, the condition of the creek will likely become flammable once again. Attachment: A. Resolution 93-42 of the California Regional Water Quality Control Board - 2 of 5 MAR 2 3 1993 ITEU 25".- - - ..- - ..... .... - .. - - - . - CALn'ORNIA REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD SAN DIZ~ Uc;ION RESOLUTION NO. 93-42 \ A USOLOTION NOMINATING THE QUIlt CUlt GAS FACILITY IN POWAY, CA1oUOMIA FOR INCLUSION ON TD STATZ WATZR.QSOURCES CONT~OL BOARD'S ry 1993-94 OR ry 1994-95 ABANDONED AND UCALCI'1'lWfT SITE rUNtlING LIST .>-"!.. ..:.', " Wber..., tbe Petroleum underground Storage Tank (UST) Fund (FUND) Program has been est&bliahed to provide tunding to Regional Water Quality Control Boards and Local UST Aqencie. for takinq corrective action at emerqency petroleum UST 11tes or petroleum -. UST aites where the responsible party ia either unable or unwillinq to implement the required corrective action to protect , pUblic health, lafety and the environment. Wber..., the County of SaniDiego, Hazardous Materials Management Division '(HMMD) is the local agency in San Diego,. County responsible for management and enforcement of the State Underground Storage Tanks Program. _. Wber..., a release of diesel and gasoline tuel. from an underground Itorage tank sy.tem located at the Quik Chek Ga. - facility on 13123 Poway Road in Poway to the ground water is .urfacing and flowinq into Ra~tle.nake Creek. The lurfacing fuel ." plume is cauainq pollution and nuisance conditions in the creek. The County of San Dieqo HMHD i..ued a final Corrective Action Order to the owner of the site Mr. lugene Chandler, the owner of the Quik Chek Ga. facility, on November 25, 1992. Mr. Chandler has reported to the County of San Diego BMMD and Regional Board staff that he does not have sufficient funds to abate the discharge. Wbarea., the City of !Oway and the County of San Diego, HMMD - believe that p\1bl1c health is threatened by .tle"""ahle condition.!,_ which periodical~y e~~st in the creek bed .s a.relult of the fuel discharge. These agencies also believe that tbe health of perlona \1linq a nearby community par~ is threatened becaule;of the potential for contact with the fuel contaminated water in the creek. In addition there are persons working in buildings that are located adjacent to the creek who are complaining of petroleum - hydrocarbon odors. Wba~..., in December, 1992 Regional Boarer staff requested, on behalf of the County BMMD, that the State wat.r Re.ource. Control Board (State Board) allocate $85,000 in emergency monies from the fUND for an interim remedial action at the Quik Chek Gas facility aite. The emergency monies were to be used to fund a three to . six month remediation effort inVOlving intercepting free product fuel floating on the ground water surface, thus terminating the - .-. .--. .-.--- 3 of 5 MAR 2 3 1993 ITEM 251t" . . ........ . Resolution No. 93-42 -.... . 2 discharge to the creek. The interim remedial action project would also involve disposing of some limited amounts of contaminated 10il. -. Kb.~..., on December 23, 1992 the State Board allocated $85,GOO in emergency tunds for the interim remedial action to the Regional -. ...' Board for implementation of an emergency interim remediation project by the County Of San Diego. Whe~e.., it is evident that complete cleanup of the soil and ground water contamination at the aite will involve a long remediation process and that tunds well in excess of the $85,000 in emergency funds will be needed. An initial estimate of the cost of complete cleanup of ground water and soil cont~natlon at the site is $915,000. Additional information on the total and annual amount of funding necessary may be obtained from the interim remedial action project. ". ... Where.., additional informatioa addressing the site specific criteria described in the "Funding Criteria" section of the State Board's administrative procedures tor the FUND is contained in a Regional Board memorandum dated January 13, 1993. A copy of this memorandum will be sent with this resolution to the State Board. . . Wbere.., the County of San Diego HMHC is tent.tively exploring the option Qf contracting with a qualified consultant using monies from the FUND to initiate remediation for the complete cleanup of the .ite. The County of San Diego HHHD may pursue this option in . the event that the interim remediation project fails to permanently abate the e~rfacing discharge of fuel prOduct into Rattlesnake Creek. ROW !BKRIroal .. IT aBSOLVZD that this Regional Board requests the S~ate Board to place the Quik Chek Gas facility site on the FOND list for ,funding inFY 1993-94 (or .FY 19l4-95 if funding .in FY 1993-94 is not possible) in accordance with the following criteria: - Site Owner: Mr. Eugene Chandler Site Name: Quik ~ek Ga. Facility Site Address 13123 poway Road, Poway, California 92064 Fund Mount: $915,000 ( an initial estimate for complete cleanup of the lite) Funds Allocated to: County of San Diego, Hazardous Materials ..- Management Division AKD BI If FDa!KIa IZIOLVKD that the Executive Officer may provide additional information to the State Board to further refine the estimated annual cost for complete cleanup of the site as it becomes available. 4 of 5 MAR 2 3 1993 ITEM 2511- - -- . - . . -, " - -.'. Resolution No. 93-42 3 . . -. I, Artllur L. Coe, SxeeutJ.ve O~~J.e.r, do here~y cert1fy the - ~oregojng 1. a full, true, and correct copy o~ a Resolut1on adopted by tile Ca11fornia Regional Water Quality Control Board, San DJ.ego RegJ.on, on Harell 15, 1993. .. Arthur L. Coe Executive Ofticer .- - - . -0 " -. - -- 5 of 5 MAR 2 3 1993 ITEM 25fT- . -- ----- -