1993 05-04 Agenda POWAY PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY REGULAR MEETING - MAY 4,1993 FOLLOWING ADJOURNMENT OF THE REGULAR 7:00 P.M. MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OR AS SOON AS POSSIBLE THEREAFTER CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS - 13325 CIVIC CENTER DRIVE HEETING CALLED TO ORDER AS THE POWAY PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY l. ROLL CALL - CAFAGNA. CALLERY, EMERY, SNESKO, HIGGINSON 2. PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS (State law may prohibit the Authority from taking action on items not on the agenda. Your concerns will be referred to staff.) 3.* Resolution No. F-93- - Approving the Form of and Authorizing the Execution of an Indenture of Trust, a Purchase Contract and an Official Statement Relating to the Issuance of the Agency's Series 1993 Subordinated Tax Allocation Refunding Bonds and Approving Certain Actions in Connection Therewith. (40S-00R) EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution. ADJOURNMENT " CITY OF POWAY ~'~~~~~.~'~I~B~6~,!,fi,~I~~~~1 REGULAR MEETING - MAY 4,1993 - 7:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS -13325 CIVIC CENTER II)RIVE MEETING CALLED TO ORDER AS CITY COUNCIL/PLANNING COMMISSION/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 1. ROLL CALL - CAFAGNA, CALLERY, EMERY, SNESKO, HIGGINSON 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - DEPUTY MAYOR EMERY 3. PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS (State law may prohibit the City Council from taking action on items not on the agenda. Your concerns will be referred to staff.) CONSENT CALENDAR - NOTICE TO PUBLIC ITEMS NUMBERED 11 THROUGH 18 MAY BE ENACTED IN ONE MOTION AT THIS POINT IN THE MEETING. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS PRIOR TO THE TIME COUNCIL VOTES ON THE MOTION UNLESS THE MEMBERS OF COUNCIL, STAFF OR THE PUBLIC REQUEST SPECIFIC ITEMS TO BE REMOVED AND DISCUSSED SEPARATELY. THOSE ITEMS WHICH ARE REMOVED WILL BE CONSIDERED IN THE ORDER THEY APPEAR ON THE AGENDA. IF YOU WISH TO PULL AN ITEM, PLEASE FILL OUT A SLIP AND GIVE IT TO THE CITY CLERK. NEW PUBLIC HEARINGS 4.* Environmental Assessment and Tentative Parcel Map 93-02, ERB Engineering, applicant: a request to split a 1.25 acre property into two lots; located at 15050 Espola Road. (203-02) CITY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION: Take public input; close public hearing; issue Negat i ve Decl arat i on with Mi t i gat i on Measures; adopt Plann i ng Resolution approving with conditions. 5.* Tentative Parcel Map 89-12 Time Extension, First Fidelity Thrift and Loan, owners, ERB Engineering, appl icant: a request for a one year time extension of a previously approved subdivision of 12.6 acres into four (4) lots; located at the easterly terminus of Orchard View Lane. (203-02) CITY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION: Take public input; close public hearing; adopt Planning Resolution approving with conditions. * Exhibit Enclosed # Exhibit in Preparation -- -----. CITY OF POWAY - CITY COUNCIL AGENDA. MAY 4, 1993 - PAGE TWO 6.* Variance 93-06 and Minor Development Review 93-15 Hillside/Ridgeline, Robert and Carolyn Sue Mohler, applicants: a request for approval of a five foot side yard setback variance where a 20 foot setback is required for the construction of a 4,000 square foot single-family home on a 3.97 acre hillside lot located at 15486 Markar Road. (203-04) CITY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION: Take public input; close public hearing; adopt Planning Resolution approving with conditions. STAFF REPORTS 7.* Disposition of former Longs Drug Store building at 13536 Poway Road. (1002-03) CITY MANAGER/EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S RECOMMENDATION: Declare as surplus and authorize its disposal; instruct staff to locate a suitable user and/or purchaser. 8.* Clean Water Program's Project Report regarding siting alternatives for the Pomerado Water Reclamation Plant. (602-01, #909) CITY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION: Concur with City of San Diego Environmental Impact Report Certification which recommends incorporating Poway's wastewater flows into the North City Water Reclamation Plant. 9.* Response to citizen's complaint regarding lack of landscaping on wall on east side of Pomerado Road, south of Metate Lane. (Referred from April 20, 1993, Item 4) (1180-03 ) CITY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION: B!i!;~~V~~il~f11g; 10.* Report regard i ng program at 81 ue Sky Ranch. (Referred from April 20, 1993, Item 28.) 1401-14) CITY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION: Rggg1yg~n~......l'il1.g.; ~- * Exhibit Enclosed # Exhibit in Preparation CITY OF POWAY. CIl"\' ..;OUNCIL AGENDA - MAY 4,1993- PAGE THREE -- ~ !i~~~~~I~~~~~s~QMM~QA~~q~!~9itiiin~~~]mgQ~~ign~~lp~~~in~~1Prr; CONSENT CALENDAR 11.* Approval of Minutes - City Council April 13, 1993, Regular Meeting April 15, 1993, Adjourned Regular Meeting 12.* Approval of Minutes - Redevelopment Agency April 13, 1993, Regular Meeting April 15, 1993, Adjourned Regular Meeting 13.* Ratification of Warrant Register - April 15, 1993 (401-10) 14.* Denial of claim for damages: A) Julie A. Bass; B) Diane Syrotchen; C) Charles J. Reminga, Jr.; D) Jon Paul Balli; and E) Chris and Mary Vedborg. (704-13) 15.* Acceptance of Cobbl estone Creek Road Bri dge from H. E. Lobaugh (5413); approval of lien agreements indicating the property owners' share of the project cost of $7,130.48 each. (602-01 #178R) 16.* Approval of Neighborhood Loan Program for paving of Budwin Lane north of Twin Peaks Road. (401-22) 17.* Resolution No. P-93- - Comprehensive Sign Program Modification CSP 87- 03 (2M), F. 1. Yon Der Ahe Company, app 1 i cants: a request to amend the program to permit flexibility in sign color and letter style for major tenants of the Poway Plaza; located on the southwest corner of Poway and Community Roads. (203-15) 18.* Approval to waive the irregularity of the contractor neglecting to sign the Non-Collusion Affidavit with the bid, and award the bi d for the construct i on of Community Road soundwa 11 improvements at Poway Royal Mobil ehome Estates to Basile Construction, Inc. in the amount of $118,364.20. (Community Facilities District 88-1) (602-01 #977) CITY MANAGER ITEMS 19. CITY ATTORNEY ITEMS 20. Request for closed session pursuant to Government Code ~54957.6 to instruct the City Manager regarding meet and confer. * Exhibit Enclosed # Exhibit in Preparation CITY OF POWAY - CITY COUNCIL AGENDA - MAY 4, 1993 - PAGE FOUR MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL-INITIATED ITEMS 2l. MICKEY CAFAGNA 22. SUSAN CALLERY 23. ROBERT EMERY 24. ;~:[~~;.:li~~~~y~i:;~~;fDai~~~~:~R~~~;~~~~I;I~I~rlllrlf1~1~11.~;111 25. TONY SNESKO ADJOURNMENT * Exhibit Enclosed # Exhibit in Preparation