Item 8 - Siting of Pomerado Water Reclamation Plant & Concurrence of City of S.D. Certi of Associated EIR AGENDAAEPORT SUMMARY
TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council �p
FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Mana+ las
INITIATED BY: Mark S. Weston, Director of Engineering Services
DATE: May 4, 1993
SUBJECT: Siting of the Pomerado Water Reclamation Plant and
Concurrence of the City of San Diego Certification of the
Associated Environmental Impact Report (EIR)
On February 24, 1992, San Diego City Council authorized an agreement with the City of
Poway to commission the Clean Water Program to prepare a Project Report and EIR for the
• Pomerado Water Reclamation Plant (PWRP) . The siting alternatives for the PWRP have
been thoroughly evaluated by the Clean Water Program. A Project Report has been
prepared and an EIR has been completed in compliance with CEQA guidelines analyzing
five alternative sites for their environmental impacts. The City of San Diego
certified the EIR which incorporated the flows from the Pomerado area into the North
City Water Reclamation Plant (NCWRP) as the most environmentally-preferred and
cost-effective alternative.
The City of Poway concurs with the EIR prepared and certified by the City of San Diego.
Poway's action is not a project and is not subject to CEQA review.
There is no fiscal impact for Council to concur with the certification of the EIR.
Wastewater treatment costs and water reclamation purchases will be incorporated into
annual sewer charges in future actions.
Tom Behr, City of San Diego, and Dave Schlesinger, Clean Water Program Director.
It is recommended that City Council concur with the City of San Diego EIR certification
as presented in Resolution R-281512 which recommends incorporating Pomerado area
wastewater flows into the North City Water Reclamation� Plant.
ACTION Approved staff recommendation. Y2ct[�2
Marie Lofton, D"epu y City Clerk
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MAY 4 1993 ITEM 8
TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council
FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Ma~
INITIATED BY: Mark S. Weston, Director of Engineering Servic~J ,..
DATE: May 4, 1993
SUBJECT: Siting of the Pomerado Water Reclamation Plant and
Concurrence of the City of San Diego Certification of the
Associated Environmental Impact Report (EIR)
On June 10, 1991, the San Diego City Council authorized their City Manager to
enter into negotiations with the City of Poway to assume, on behalf of the
Clean Water Program, the responsibility of predesign, design, and permitting
required for the construction of the Pomerado Water Reclamation Plant (PWRP)
and associated conveyance pipelines. Both the City of Poway and the City of
San Diego have taken action to transfer the lead agency responsibility from
Poway to the City of San Diego for the purpose of completing a Facilities
Project Report (Project Report) and preparation of an Environmental Impact
Report (EIR) for the PWRP.
On February 24, 1992, the San Diego City Council authorized an agreement with
the City of Poway to commission the Clean Water Program to prepare the Project
Report and EIR for the PWRP. The City of Poway took a similar action on
February 6, 1992. The Project Report and the EIR considered five different
sites as possible locations for the plant: (a) the decommissioned Pomerado
Wastewater Treatment Plant site; (b) the Curry Industrial Park property; (c)
the northwest corner of South Poway Expressway and Pomerado Road (Expressway
site); (d) the South Poway Business Park property; and, (e) not constructing a
regional Pomerado facility and incorporating the flows at the North City Water
Reclamation Plant (NCWRP).
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:"1AY 4 1993 i j l::l
Agenda Report
May 4, 1993
Page 2
The Clean Water Program prepared the Project Report, completed on September I,
1992. The Project Report evaluated planning issues, engineering
considerations, project costs, and the recommended alternative for the
project. The report concluded that treating the Pomerado area flows at NCWRP
would be the least costly alternative to implement. Incorporation of the
Pomerado area flows at North City is expected to save at least $67 million in
present worth project costs and approximately $2.9 million per year in
operation and maintenance costs.
The PWRP Program EIR analyzed potential environmental impacts for the five
above-mentioned alternative plant sites as well as a "No Project" alternative.
The environmentally preferred alternative was to incorporate the Pomerado area
flows at NCWRP. The South Poway Business Park site appeared to have the
fewest (and most mitigable) environmental impacts out of the remaining four
sites. Selection of the NCWRP alternative would not result in any additional
impacts at the NCWRP site other than the construction of a reclaimed water
pipeline from the NCWRP to serve the Pomerado area. All impacts at NCWRP have
been analyzed in the site-specific EIR for that project, which was reviewed
and certified by the City of San Diego. The corridor for the pipeline has
been identified in the Reclaimed Water Master Plan as traversing existing
right-of-way and access roads and will be analyzed in an EIR for the Reclaimed
Water Distribution System.
The Draft PWRP EIR was distributed on August 31, 1992 for a 45-day public and
agency review period. At the public's request, the review period was extended
an additional two weeks. A public meeting was held September 30, 1992.
Residents from the Pomerado area were mailed notices announcing the
availability of the document and the date and location of the public meeting.
All comments received have been included in the Final EIR.
The siting alternatives for the PWRP have been thoroughly evaluated by the
Clean Water Program. A Project Report has been prepared and an EIR has been
completed in compliance with CEQA guidelines analyzing five alternative sites
for their environmental impacts. The City of San Diego certified the EIR
which incorporated the flows from the Pomerado area into the NCWRP as the most
environmentally-preferred and cost-effective alternative. Two attachments are
included with this report: Attachment A is the City of San Diego Manager's
Report; and, Attachment B is Resolution No. R-281512 and Resolution No.
R-281513 certifying the recommended action.
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MA.Y ~ 1993 ITEM 8
_~___~_~___________ - __ _______u______ - _________n___ ----....-----
Agenda Report
May 4, 1993
Page 3
The City of San Diego took the following actions:
a. Certification of the Environmental Impact Report DEP No. 92-0391 in
compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970; that
the report reflects the independent judgement of the City of San Diego
as lead agency; and, that the information contained in the report,
together with any comments received during the public review process,
has been reviewed and considered by the San Diego City Council in
connection with the siting of the Pomerado Water Reclamation Plant;
b. That the environmentally and technically preferred alternative of
incorporating Pomerado area flows at the North City Water Reclamation
Plant is hereby recommended; and
c. That the references to the location of the influent pump station are
hereby revised in that no location for any such pump station has been
finalized and such a siting requires further action of the San Diego
City Council; and
d. That the City Manager of San Diego, in consultation with the San Diego
City Attorney, is hereby directed to explore and propose options for
the preservation of the Pomerado Wastewater Treatment Plant site for
public use and enjoyment as open space and to review said options with
the City of Poway, the owner of the site.
The City of Poway staff is aware of San Diego's desire to remove all
structures from the existing Pomerado Wastewater Treatment Plant site and
return the area to a natural open space area. Staff intends to remove some of
the structures in the near future; however, there are no plans to remove the
large concrete structures and return the site to a natural state. Staff will
continue discussions with the City of San Diego regarding Item "d."
The City of Poway concurs with the EIR certification prepared by the City of
San Diego. This action is not a project and is not subject to CEQA review.
There is no fiscal impact to concur with the certification of the EIR.
Wastewater treatment costs and reclaimed water purchases will be incorporated
into annual sewer charges and will be considered in other Council actions in
the future.
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r~AY <1 1993 ITEM 8
Agenda Report
May 4, 1993
Page 4
Tom Behr, City of San Diego, and Dave Schlesinger, Clean Water Program
It is recommended that City Council concur with the City of San Diego EIR
certification as presented in Resolution R-281S12 which recommends
incorporating Pomerado area wastewater flows into the North City Water
Reclamation Plant.
Attachments: .
Attachment A - City of San Diego City Manager's Report
Attachment B - Resolution R-281S12 and Resolution R-281S13
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MAY 4 1993 ITEM
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DATE ISSUED: February 3, 1993 REPORT NO. 93-25
ATTENTION: Honorable Mayor and City Council
Docket of February 8, 1993
SUBJECT: Siting of the Pomerado Water Reclamation Plant and Certification of the
Associated Environmental Impact Report (EIR)
REFERENCE: Manager's Report 92-216, dated June 24, 1992
Issues: 1) Where should the Pomerado Water Reclamation Plant (PWRP) be located?
2) Should the City Council certify the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) prepared for
Manager's Recommendations: 1) Select the environmentally and technically preferred
alternative of incorporating Pomerado area flows at the North City Water Reclamation
Plant (NCWRP) instead of selecting an independent site in the Pomerado area.
2) Certify that the information contained in the EIR, DEP File No. 92-0391, has been
completed in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970 and
State CEQA Guidelines.
Fiscal Imnact: None with this action.
City Council Resolution Number R-278 101 , adopted by the City on June 10, 1991, authorized
the City Manager to enter into negotiations with the City of Poway to assume, on behalf of the
Clean Water Program, the responsibility for the predesign, design, and permitting required for
the construction of a Pomerado Water Reclamation Plant (pWRP) and associated conveyance
pipelines. Both the City of Poway and the City of San Diego have taken action to transfer the
lead agency responsibility from Poway to the City 6f San Diego for the purpose of completing
a Facilities Project Report (project Report) and preparation of an Environmental Impact Report
(EIR) for the PWRP.
6 of 13 A
MAY<\, 1993 ITEM 8
254. 10S.,'U8
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On February 24, 1992, the City Council authorized an agreement with the City of Poway to
~mmission the Clean Water Program to prepare the Project Report and EIR for the PWRP
-279460). Both documents considered five different sites as possible locations for the plant:
(a) the decommissioned Pomerado Sewage Treatment Plant site, (b) the Curry Industrial Park
property, (c) the northwest corner of South Poway Expressway and Pomerado Road
(Expressway site), (d) the South Poway Business Park property, and (e) not constructing a
regional Pomerado facility and incorporating the flows at the North City Water Reclamation
Plant (NCWRP). .
The Clean Water Program prepared the Project Report, completed on September 1, 1992. Tne
Project Report evaluated planning issues, engineering considerations, project costs, and the
recommended alternative for the project. The report concluded that treating the Pomerado area
flows at NCWRP would be the least costly alternative to implement. Incorporation of the
Pomerado area flows at North City is expected to save at least $67 million in present wonh.
project costs and approximately $2.9 million per year in operation and maintenance costs.
The P\YRP Program EIR analyzed potential environmental impacts for thefiye above mentioned
alternative plant sites as well as a "No Project" alternative. The environmentally preferred
alternative was to incorporate the Pomerado area flows at NCWRP. The South Poway Business
"""1l'k site appeared to have the fewest (and most mitigable) environmental impacts out of the
,emaining four sites. Selection of the NCWRP alternative would not result in any additional
impacts at the NCWRP site other than the construction of a reclaimed water pipeline from
NCWRP to serve the Pomerado area. All impacts at NCWRP have been analyzed in the site-
specific EIR for that project, which is scheduled for review by the Planning Commission on
January 7, 1993 and is scheduled for certification on January 25, 1993. The corridor for the
pipeline has been identified in the Reclaimed Water Master Plan as traversing existing right-of-
way and access roads, and will be analyzed in an EIR for the Reclaimed Water Distribution
The draft PWRP EIR was distributed on August 31, 1992, for a 45-day public and agency
review period. .At the public's request, the review period was extended an additional m'o weeks.
A public meeting was held September 30, 1992. Residents from the Pomerado area were mailed
notices announcing the availability of the document and the date and location of the public
meeting. All comments received have been included in the Final EIR.
The siting alternatives for the PWRP have been thoroughly evaluated by the CWP. A Project
yeport has been prepared and an EIR has been completed in compliance with CEQA, analyzing
alternative sites for their environmental impacts. The Manager recommends the incorporation
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MAY 4 1993 rn:M R
25.5 1Wj',I08
of the flows from the Pomerado area into NCWRP as the most environmentally preferred and
cost effective alternative.
1. Do not certify the ErR or approve the recommended project. Tnis is not
recommended as it does not confonn to the City's agreement with the City of
2. Certify the ErR but select an alternative other than that recommended by the City
Manager, Le., siting the PWRP at one of the four regional locations (De-
commissioned. site, Curry Business Park site, Expressway site, South Poway
Business Park site).
Respectfully Submitted,
City Manager
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(R-93-1165 Rev.)
WHEREAS, the Council of The City of San Diego by Resolution
No. R-278101 adopted on June 10, 1991 authorized construction of
the Pomerado Water'Reclamation Plant and 'consideration of sites
for the plant; and
WHEREAS, the Clean Water Program has considered five (5)
possible sites as well as a "no-site" alternative for the plant
all as set forth in City Manager's Report No. CMR-93-25; NOW,
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of The city of San Diego,
that the site selected for the pomerado Water Reclamation Plant
is: Incorporating pomerado area flows at the North city Water
Reclamation Plant (NCWRP).
03/02/93 Rev.
11 of 13 B
-PAGE 1 OF 1-
'!iAY 4- 1993 ITEM 8
--.-.-------- --~"',._._~._--~--
, 108'1108
(R-93-1166 Rev. 1)
WHEREAS, The city of San Diego as Lead Agency in the project
to site and construct the pomerado Water Reclamation Plant has
considered five (5) possible locations ,as well as a "no-site"_, n
alternative; and
WHEREAS, the city Planning Department conducted an initial
study DEP No. 91-0833 on the project; and
WHEREAS, draft Environmental Impact Report DEP No. 92-0391
for the sitings was circulated for public review from the period
September 2 through October 31, 1992 and a public meeting held
on September 30, 1992; and
WHEREAS, the Council of The city of San Diego considered
the issues discussed in EIR DEP No. 92-0391; NOW, THEREFORE,
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of The city of San Diego,
that it is hereby certified that Environmental Impact Report
DEP No. 92-0391, on file in the office of the City Clerk, has
been completed in compliance with the California Environmental
Quality Act of 1970 (California Public Resources Code section
21000 et seq.), as amended, and the State guidelines thereto
(California Code of Regulations section 15000 et seq.); that
the report reflects the independent judgment of The City of
San Diego as Lead Agency; and that the information contained
in the report, together with any comments received during the
public review process, has been reviewed and considered by the
Council in connection with the siting of the pomerado Water
Reclamation Plant.
12 of 13 -PAGE 1 OF 2- ;v",A.Y <1 1993 ITEM 8
. 1838fi~
. 108'iO~
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the environmentally and techni-
- cally preferred alternative of incorporating Pomerado area flows
at the North city Water Reclamation Plant is hereby recommended.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the references to the location
of the influent pump station (referenced generally at Executive
Summary E-2 and specifically in subsequent chapters) are hereby
revised in that no location for any such pump station has been .-
finalized and such a siting requires further action of this
Council. In accordance with Public Resources Code section
21092.1, the Council finds that this revision does not constitute
"significant new information" and hence does not require
recirculation or renotification. A copy of this resolution shall
be filed with Environmental Impact Report DEP No. 92-0391 and
shall be made available to any member of the public upon request.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the city Manager, in consulta-
tion with the City Attorney, is hereby directed to explore and
propose options for the preservation of the pomerado Wastewater
Treatment Plant site for public use and enjoyment as open space
and to review said options with the City of Poway, the owner of
the site.
APPROVED: JOHN W. WITT, city Attorney
Ted Bromf1 d
Chief Deputy Cit
- 01/22/93
03/10/93 Rev.
'C',..__""",_ """irl
13 of 13 ~AY 4 1993 ITEM 3
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