Item 14 - Denial of Claims ~ - AGENDA REPORT SUMMARY - ,'0: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Man~ INITIATED BY: Peggy stewart, Director of Administrative service~~ Douglas A. Milton, General Services Manager DATE: May 4, 1993 SUBJECT: Denial of Claims for Damages ABSTRACT The following claims have been reviewed by staff and the city claims adjuster. It is recommended that these claims be denied. Julie A. Bass - Slipped on floor of a San Diego County Transit bus. Claim amount is $10,000 plus. Diane syrotchen - Backed her vehicle into a post at the Hamburger Factory parking lot. Claim amount $326.04 Charles J. Reminga, Jr. - Clogged drainage pipe caused flooding on his property. Claim amount $5,000. Jon Paul Balli - Vehicle hyrdoplaned in standing water and slid into a steel bar. Claim amount $3,000. ~ ~hris and Mary Vedborg - Slope slide damage. Claim amount is unknown. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Environmental review is not required for the agenda items according to CEQA guidelines. FISCAL IMPACT Unknown ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE None RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that these claims be denied. ACTION - 1 of 18 ~AY 4 1993 ITEM 14- ---- ---- --- --- -- 'AGENDA REPORT CITY OF POW A Y This report is included on the Consent Calendar. There will be no separate discussion of the report prior to approval by the City Council unless members of the Council, staff or public request it to be removed ff?":, ~e ~onsent Calendar and discussed separately. If you wish to have this report pulled for discussion, please fill out a slip mdlcatmg the report number and give it to the City Clerk prior to the beginning of the City Council meeting. TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Ma~ INITIATED BY: Peggy stewart, Director of Administrative Services Douglas A. Milton, General Services Manager DATE: May 4, 1993 SUBJECT: Denial of Claim - Julie A. Bass BACKGROUND: On March 12, 1993 Ms. Bass presented a claim for damages to the City. The amount of the claim is $10,000 plus. FINDINGS: Ms. Bass was riding a San Diego County Transit bus and when she was preparing to disembark she slipped on a very slippery floor. The incident occurred on January 6, 1993 and it was raining. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: Environmental review is not required for the agenda item according to CEQA guidelines. FISCAL IMPACT: Unknown ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE: None RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the city council deny this claim. ATTACHMENTS: A: Claim Form Filed by Ms. Bass JLB:PS:DM:bs ACTION: ~ 2 of 18 nw 4 1993 ITEM 14A ,~. \, - - , . City of poway ,- Karch 8, 1993 paqe -3- e. The name or names of the public employee or employees causing the injury, damage, or loss, if knowna CI'n' "., ~, ~ CI'n' Bus COlIIr.rr "., SAIl DDGO TlWrSI~ -u..- ~ ... . BONBVER, I ImQIm8'1' ~ YOU CIIBCK DB IICImDULaI AIID 1'...... .wI: .. WI'ftI THIS ...........A1'I~ . f. The amount claimed as of the date of presentation of the claim, includinq the estimated amount of any prospective injury, damage, or loss, insofar as it may be known at the time of the presentation of the claim, together with the basis of computation of the amount claimed. If the amount claimed exceeds ten thousand dollars ($10,000), no dollar amount shall be included in the claim. However, it shall indicate whether jurisdiction over the claim would rest in municipal or superior court. TIIJ: PULL ~T_T "., DB IIIJURIIlS AlUI BD!' nIT KIIOIIR. 'rBII JroI----88 III DB Lm COUPLIID WI'!B BIICIt PAIlI -"'rS A P1lOIIABILI'n' "., DISC IllDUlDnCB OR .&Wr.L-UIU5. AcooRDIIIGLr , OUR ............y CLIUII lOR DB PDSOlDIL IIIJURr ASPIICT "., THIS CLIUII IS IlIIIltCBSS "., $10,000, AIID J1JRISDICTI~ ana DB CLlUIl WILL RJ:ST III SUPDIOR CouRT. Please acknowledge this claim in writing, and advise me of the a claim number and the name and address of your representative to whom I should address future correspondence concerning this claim. This letter constitutes an attorney's lien against the proceeds of any settlement resulting from this claim. This letter is submitted and signed in behalf of Julie A. Bass and and intended to satisfy Govt Code S900 et seq. DONALD E. MOSES OEM/lr MAY oj, 1993 iTEM 1 ' A 3 of 18 -. '+ " " City of poway March 8, 1993 Page -2- c. The date, place and other circumstances of the occurrence or transaction which gave rise to the claim asserted: OR J'JuIUARY 6, 1993 M' ABOUT 3:00 P..., .JW.D A. Bass was A P_ CB A PolIAr CI'l'r BuS, WHICH 8BB caumr.r H mil PUSD Oft'ICIIS CB '.l'IIDr PBus AlII) JlmLIUID RaIID III PolIAr. Ib:R DU'rIJlM'ICB was PolIAr HIGH SCBllOL. '1'D BUS 8'!OPPBD CB Bsl'OLA RaIID ncIJIG ..-nI M' mil BOS 8'!OP. I!' IIIID .... IIAIJIDIG , AlII) was 8'1'ILL IIAIJIDIG M' mil !'DIB 01' mil JlCCmD'l'. J'DLD IIIID .... SIft'IE CB !'lIB LJlr.r smB, mil 8BCOIID SBA!' IllICIt ..- mil 1lltIVBR, CB mil AISLB DAT. '1'D BOS IS A 8IQLL ....ur.r..., AlII) RJLDS ABOUT 22 PmPLB. '1'D BUS IS SI!'UA!'JID LID A ...-.nT. BOS, WI'IB 'ZWO 8BA!'8 CB DCII smB , AlII) A ...... ,...... AISLB. Tbaa.. IS CIIB DOOR lOR ImRBS8 AlII) _SS M' mil JI'1lIClIrr OF mil BUS JICROIlS ..- mil 1lltIVBR. '1'D PLOOR OF mil BOS was ~~Y DT AlII) as J'DLD GIO'r UP ..- BBR DAT m DI........."lt, mil BOS IIaY RAW I"""'" JORIIAJID AlII) 8BB SLIPPJID AlII) I'BLL . a.ftIIIG UP ..- BBR SBA!', 8BB DLD 0B'l'0 mil IllICIt OF !'lIB SBA!' III JI'1lIClIrr 01' BBR, AlII) mmr ..... ....... BBR BlUID GJUP AlII) 8DR'.rIm IflIT.JI:IIIG m mil DOOR. Sa 'I'OOlt CIIB 8DP, AlII) I'BLL . I!' XKK.nm LID BOrII I'D'1' IIBIft' 0U'r ..- 1IIIDD BBR, JORIIAJID, AlII) 8BB LaJlDBD DRD OR TO I'LOOR C8 DR DU.L.L~. SBB was III DlllBDIATB PAIlf . Sa IIIID 110 CllAllCII m BlIBlIlt mil PALL M' ALL. '1'D PLOOR 01' !'lIB BOS WAS BIlB UP 01' A PLIISTIC-LID D!'DIJlL 'fIlA!' IIIID -..uvsS III I!', APPARD'.rLY ~....u&D m DISPLaCII mil WA!'BR J'JIIJII !'lIB -T~T1IQ 8'DRPACII. '1'D AIIOtIll'1' 01' WA!'BR OR mil PLOOR WAS 80 GRBAT, &Ior.v...., 'fIIAT IT ClOVBRBD !'lIB 8'DRPACII, AlII) LJlr.r n VDY IILIPPBRY. OR DIP01UIIl!'IOR AlII) BKLDP CLIUIIlI1IT ..uan....us 'fIlA!' mil CI'l'r OF PolIAr AlII) ITS JIKPLOYBBS PAILBD m PROPBRLY IlISPBCT OR IIlUlITAIIl SAID BOS AlII) Dm PAIL m PROPBRLY _ CLl>~ OF mil DIlIfwucuuS COIIDI!'IOR. d. A general description of the indebtedness, obligation, injury, damage or loss incurred so far as it may be known at the time of presentation of the claim: DlJURIBS ARD JlBDICAL EXPENSES: J'DLIB A. Bass auar~.IiIUiII I:RJURIBS 'fO BBR LJlr.r 8BOIlLDBR, IDIrBR IllICIt, DU"J,: :L""-"A8 , LBGS AlII) ltIGB'l' WRIST. .As A ."........... l'J'n"TIO.'rB RBSULT 01' mil IImLIGBIlCII III QUBSTIOR, ZlU',AKIiU IlIJURIBS WHICH RBSULTBD III PAIIIPIlL _..na.......s 'fIIAT COIlTIIlUB m 'IBIS DAY. KIts. BlIss DB CB-GOIIIG IIBDIClIL ~....SBS. WB WILL PlIOVIDB YOU WITH DOC:........TATIOR SUPPORTIIIG AlII) ..........IIbIIlG 0P0Il SAIIB as IT IS RBCIIIVBD. LOST WAGES: .JW.m A. BlIss IS BIIPLOYBD as A WAI'l'RBSS. SBB COIlTIIlUBS m LOSB 1IAGBS DUB m BBR IlIJURIBS. IIBR USUlIL 1K)Itlt lIBBK COIISIS!'S OF 32 IIDURS PBR lIBBK AT APPROXIJlATBLY $300.00 PBR lIBBK. 4 of 18 MAY 4 1993 ITEM 14A � ^ �' �' h4 � ., ������.��.�'��' � � ����� � � ��.a,-b�� y�c. �eY» �e�-:s�o Dateld E.;Maeee 8uite S60 (819) 467-7910 ;�rtg��F. Joh�99 11770,Bcnardo.P1ua;.Crnu�r. - 8an Diego� p �� s�� p�lnrch 8, 1993 , MA�R 'I 2 City of PowaY Risk !lanaqement DePartment �:� ppyypY RISK MANAGElAEN 13325 Civic Center poway, CA 92064 gee 0ur Client • JuTie A.,,Bass __ - City of x�oway, PowaY City 8ue, San Diego County •Transit Date of losa - January 6, 1993 - ' Our file no: - BE551� � Gentlemen: This office h 18onel n injur es as J8liconsequence i of an act �of claim for pe negligence of youz agency. The following, information, ie submitted in compliance with Govt• Code SS910 and 910.4: a, The name and post qffice addrese of the claimant: �LR,Zg 2►. BBSs 1 b. The'post office address to which the'person presenting the claim desires notices to be sent: ppNl►LD S. �OSSS A Paorsssibt�L Law Conroxssia! 1I770 �►�� � �T. �; '�ITS 350 � D�p. CA 9Z128 .A9Y DS!ffiISS AS TO 7�t SQIPICIEBCY :OT' 48I8 CLAIM Bi188D IIPOtl A DSFSCl OR �0![ZSSIOP IF� THIL CI.AIZ1 SS P� �' �' �� 7d0 H8 A l014SR OP Li\fi [GovT,_ Caos 5911�..]' .o�.sss; zoo s�� •�ca op �. �SQCS� IASQFFICIffiiCY. WITS RESPBCP TO SOCB DEYSCR� OR OMISSI�� �TO: DONBI,U S. !�$8$ A PApP8S8I0laL I.Rfl CORPORIITION 11770 � � �~ , $D1TS 350 c,� Dlxop. CA 92128 5 of 1s MAY 4'1993 1'T�flr� 14 A ~AGENDA REPORT CITY OF POW A Y This report is included on the Consent Calendar. There will ~ no separ~te discussion of the report prior to approval by the City Council unless members of the Council, staff or public request It to be removed fr?~ t~e ~onsent Calendar and discussed separately. If you wish to have this report pulled for discus~ion, pl.ease fill out a slip lndtcatmg the report number and give it to the City Clerk prior to the beginning of the City Council meetIng. TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the city Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Mana~ INITIATED BY: Peggy stewart, Director of Administrative services Douglas A. Milton, General Services Manager DATE: May 4, 1993 SUBJECT: Denial of Claim - Diane Syrotchen BACKGROUND: On March 19, 1993 Ms. Diane Syrotchen presented a claim to the city in the amount of $326.04. FINDINGS: Ms. syrotchen backed her automobile into a post in the Hamburger Factory parking lot. The incident occurred on October 21, 1993 at 7:15 p.m. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: Environmental review is not required for the agenda item according to CEQA guidelines. FISCAL IMPACT: Unknown ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE: None RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council deny this claim. ATTACHMENTS: B: Claim Form Filed by Ms. Syrotchen JLB:PS:DM:bs ACTION: I J . 6 of 18 '~M 4 1993 ITEM 14.13 City Of I'oway p CWAAAGAlNSTTHECITYOFPOWAY , � � 9 �' � �. � � Ceiv@d by . ,' "t� yta CM,O POWA1l k15K AIANAGfMER : >:±Mail. er-OHke Mall ' er the Counte� t� - U5 % iaim rtwst be fifed wfth tt�e Cityr CIeAc or Risk.Manaqer ot tne Gly of Poway wiWn 6`rtwnths.atter wh[c!� the ident.ortvent oaurt�eC. Be sure your daim Is apainst th� Ctty ot Poway, not another pubtto enUry. Where tce fs insuftident, plesse usa aCditlonal paper and idernity Informatlon by paragraph nurt�ber. Completed Mna must be mailed o� delivored to The City ot Poway, 13325 ChAe Gnter Drivs,Poway, CA. 82064 ( P.O. c 7B9 ). ACn: FUsk Manaqer � THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CtTY COUNCIL, 7HE CITY OF POWAY CALIFORNIA „ e undersfgned rospectfully submits the followinp daim mnd intormatlon telatfve to damape to persons i/or pe'sonal P►oPeRY� . Name of dalmant � � a Addross of ciaimant b. Phone No. a Date Ot birth ' Social Security Na. .e. Orivefs Lic. No. Name, telephone and post otfice address to which Gaimant desires notices to Oe sent H other �han above: Sc,rn.e_. czS o�c�r� � Occurrence or event from which the claim arises: . a . Date I O-2 - 2 b. Time �- �^ e. Ptace ( exaet and specific locatlon) 11uw. � ��� e� �Fu �u � Qan K� �, l c � d Hew and'underwhaf circumstances did damage or injury occur? Specify the particutar ocaurence, event, act or omission you claim caused the injury or damage (use additiona! paper it necessary ). _ S.� ,�? �r�Rti � ��/ �t � r,o.w , e. What par;icular action by ihe City, or its employees, eaused the alteged damsge or injury? - �{/d E�')7 , �t10 1� CcM * a ����� �Or-c�� — � ,,�.�,� ��,a �,� �,��-,�� ��-1' ,s ��� �,, � � �f iR MAY 4 1993 1T�1im .14B 4. GHe s dasertptlon of the injury. propaRy dama�e or loss, ao far as i� known at the tlmo of this daim. It there w�re no injurtes.'state 'No lnju�ies ' � - 5. G1ve na�e(s) ot Cu Gty �mployee(s) causinp tA� damape or injury: — I� . 6. Name �nd addnaa ot arsy other perso� te�u►ed: u�� 7. Nams and address of the owner of any damaged property: �1 . 8. Damafles daimed: • a Amouni Gaimed as:of thu date S 3'�(e . C�4 ' ' b. EsUmated amoun2 oPfuwre costs: $ n• Totai amount daimed: _ a� d. Basis for computation of'amounts Gaimed ( inGude capies of atl bilis.inwices, estimates, etc) : 9. Names and addresses of a!I wttr�esses; hos itals, docto_rs, etc: a SG._� V� r._lL b. . a d 10. My additional infortnation that might be helptul i� cansidering this claim: WARNING: IT IS A CRIMINAL OFFENSE TO FILE A FAISE CLA1Mt (Penat Code §72; Insurance Code § 556.1 j I fiave r�aC`the'matters and statemerrts made tn the above Gaim and I know the•same to be We of my own krowleCSe except aa lo those maners stated,upon intormation or belief aa to wch matters I believe the same to be We. I certify und penalhr of perfury thai the tore,oing is TRUE and CORAECT. • • s���a tn� � y aay ot Yl'�'u�cLL . te �3 ffi � Claimanrs Signature Offioe of'i2ie Crty Cksit Poway, GaGfomia � DOCUMENT NO. FILED a of ia �:�L4Y 4 t993 IT�iVi ?.4-B - - 1f AGENDA REPORT . r This report is included on the Consent Calendar, There ~I~ ~ ~ se~r:e d~~S~ O~th: report prior to approval by the City Council unless members of the Council. staff or public request it to be removed from the Consent Calendar and discussed separately. If you wish to have this report pulled for discussion, please fill out a slip indicating the report number and give it to the City Clerk prior to the beginning of the City Council meeting. TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Man~ INITIATED BY: Peggy stewart, Director of Administrative Services Douglas A. Milton, General Services Manager DATE: May 4, 1993 SUBJECT: Denial of Claim - Charles J. Reminga, Jr. BACKGROUND: On March 22, 1993 a claim for damages was received from Mr. Reminga. The amount of the claim is $5,000 to date. FINDINGS: Mr. Reminga claims that on January 7, 1993 a clogged drainage pipe caused flooding on his property. Mr. Reminga feels the City is responsible as the City failed to maintain the areas drainage system. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: Environmental review is not required for the agenda item according to CEQA guidelines. FISCAL IMPACT: Unknown ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE: None RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council deny this claim. ATTACHMENTS: C: Claim Form Filed by Mr. Reminga JLB:PS:DM:bs ACTION: ~ 9 of 18 ;~AY 4 1993 ITEM 14C-. ,--._- � R' E` C E I' V E'D � City �f �OWS�t � MAR 2 2,1993 , . • p.AlN1 AGIJN5TT1iE CITY OF POWAY ..: CITY OF°POWAY ` , o ': � . � CRY` � Reafved by "� � . . CI:S.:Maii �— `iri4er-0tt'Ke Mail —�— �-, y�2 � 3 --� � ?i Ovsrthe Couhter �— A daim mustbe filed wMh 1Re Ct Clerk'orFiislc"Mansper of tt►e Gty�ot Powty w�Nn 6 t�tths after which the � tY� Where _, ._ Inadent or event oaur'►ed. Be sure your dsim is?agafnst the;City ot�Poway sn0� h pub�eentl��leted `spaee is MsutfieYen� Plsase use addtlonal�paper'and IdenUy infoimation:bY PuaO�P cfalms mustbe mailed ordelivercd to The'Ctly of Poway� 13325 Cfvtc Center Drive,PowaY• Ca 92064 ( P•�- '9ox789 ). AVn: Risk MariBger . , : . . TC THe dONORA81.c i�AAYOR M►D CITY CC+l7N�IL. TH� CITY OF"POWAY;C.�LiFORNtA , .. The undersfgned`rcspecttuliy tubmits thrtollorving daim and intortnstlon relative to damagrfo persons and/or persona! property: • .- L Name of datmant • ` • g, qddress of ctaimani b, Pho�e No c. Date ot birth d Social security No '. D�ivers llc. No 2. Name, telephone and post oflice addross to wriich claimant desires notices to bp sent H other , �tian above: . . " • � � F OG� Pr �. 3. pceu�rence o� event trom'which 4he claim arises: .9l2Opm " e. . Da2e � b. Tuney���" �O°'°`� �P��ce (,sxaG;and spedfic location) . d 'How-2nd undec w�at circumstances did dama9e or inJury oecur? 5pecify the•particvlar or.cunence, event, act or orteission you ctafm cavsed the Injury or dama9e (use ed'ditionai paper'it necessary'j. . . , _ , , ,� , '. - _- . � ,. .. . _ � � e, Whatpar`�cular acUon by the City, or its employees, caused the aileged dsm�ge or , in ury7 ./ �/ �,� L L,�.!'P� (.0 l? r, A m/1 i'� �i? �, U'I''Q ��l'LD "'f r lo of 18 y 14'C � - R. � a. . Givf a d�saiptlon: or iM k�ur�(, P�P�nY damiqe or bss� go fu �'b kr+own atth. tlms or this �,,._ , M Il�r� �nc state 'No s ' , • � ' • r � � � _ ; • _ , � � { -' S. Give (s) ena b��+or�(s) a� tn� damaps o� ml� Gl�'/Yt , �!'7 /?/> ��/'] .. , . =y 6. Nam� Ur+d ot any otMrp�rson injurod: R �J Y t�l :� 7. N and ss ot 1t►. owner of r ProPe� , . -: 8. Damape§ dalmed: � ' a I�mouM daimed as ot this date 3 � � . ' b. Estimated sirrount ot tuturo wm: '. e• Total amow�t dalmsd: S . � d Basis tor computation of amounts cialmed { indude copies of pll bUis,tnwicOS, eatimates, ete) : � . .: � 9. Nam . addre ot a!I wi doctors e ''� ^ ', a � G d . 10. . An additional infortnatl U�af iqht be he� in considerinp Ls daim: , �... � • _ / . WARNING: IT IS A CRIMINAL OFFENSE TO FiLE A FALSE CLAIMI (Penat Code §72; tnsurance Code § 556.1 ) . •. 1 Aave nsd the:ri+aIIea u+d staterrKrrts made.in tha above Wirn a� 1 Icnow U+e same,to be We ot my own knowted�e. aicept as to tf�ose muters:stated upon btitomntion or betief �a fo wch matten 1 believe the ssme to be We. I certify uru ��;� p�nauy o1 p�ijury that �to�e;oinqiis'TAUEand CORRECL � - S�qned WS ..f �� ot.�_,19�, � ::;t • . i'i'. . "man'rSip re� i 1;;3 OEfioe:of ef�a,lQty C1erk '� (�' , •� . Poway. Califomta . , . � OOCUMENT h0. FlLED 11 of 16 ; gAY 4 1993 RBNJ 14� AGENDA REPORT CITY OF POW A Y This report is included on the Consent Calendar. There will be no separate discussion of the report prior to approval by the City Council unless members of the Council. staff or public request it to be removed from the Consent Calendar and discussed separately. If you wish to have this report pulled for discussion, please fill out a slip indicating the report number and give it to the City Clerk prior to the beginning of the City Council meeting. TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the city council FROM: James L. Bowersox, city Mana~ INITIATED BY: Peggy stewart, Director of Administrative services Douglas A. Milton, General Services Manager DATE: May 4, 1993 SUBJECT: Denial of Claim Jon Paul Balli BACKGROUND: On March 26, 1993 Mr. Jon Paul Balli presented the city with claim for damages. The amount of the claim is $3,000. FINDINGS: Mr. Balli claims that while driving his motor vehicle on High Valley Road, his vehicle hydroplaned in standing water and slid into a steel bar. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: Environmental review is not required for the agenda item according to CEQA guidelines. FISCAL IMPACT: Unknown ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE: None RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council deny this claim. ATTACHMENTS: D: Claim Form Filed by Mr. Balli JLB:PS:DM:bs ACTION: 12 of 18 t:IM 4 D � .. , �. . t < <- -,— �, � . D `' �;` - Cqty Of' Poway �,�.�t 2 6 u cu,,, n�vNSTTMe cmr oF'Pow _ INlfIMltla� vla Recelved bY U.S, Ma1 , i�to�-om� �n � 5 z-�r 3-� 5 3 Wer the Counter within 6 mor►ths:aiter whieh Me rdaim�is agai�st tne CRy:of Poway:�not,another pubpc,endty. Wh�re q claim must be filed with tt►e City ClerSc,or Risk Mana9er ot the C�ty ot owaY h nu�ef �mpleted inddent or event occiirtecl Be= you spar,e is-Insuttieient,;Please use aclditlonal paPer-;and identty intortnation.by P�a9�P daims mu3t be mailed or delNered to Ttie City of'Poway. 13325 Civio'Center Drive.PowaX. CA. 9206a ( P.O. t�x 7B9 }: Aun: Rf;k ' TO TFiE NONORABLE I�YOR AND.C� COUNCIL. TNE C1TY OF PpWAY CAUFORNIA •- The undenigned ro3pectfuly submits'the totlov+fnfl' daim and u+tortnatlon relaUve to damape to persons ^ andlor°personai proPertY� . . �, Name of c�a�m�� Jon Paul Ba111 _ • e, Address ot claimanY w_.� �I:KiMFP � V�{�Q VI Y��M� . . .— b, Phone No. s , privers Uc, No: d, Social Security No. 2, Name, telephone anC post oKce address to which claimant desires�notices to be sentif otner than atiove: . 3, pccurtence or event from which the claim a�ises: �fie loeatlon) 3, . Date i/ 7/ 93 b. Time �•�._. 5 0- m c. Ptace (.exad and spe d pc urrence, eve `nth act m ssion you cfa m caused t�tie 1 jury or damay (use articutar additional paperif necessary ). _ ' _ his �ane_ — r'�nht -H '? - P +'PP hn tf1P - h dr L'ane was fTooded w3th sbandin wat , �hQ���er. but of`control.into a steel bar located on fhe ri h e, What particular actionlby the City, orits employees, caused the aUeg�d"�� �9 _ inlury? in � 13 of ls ,v�cY �' 1993 IT�M �'+p t 4. Give a description of the Injury, property damage or loss, so far as Is known at the time of this .,. claim. If there were no injuries, state "No Injuries." . .- Vehicle totaled; 1971 Datsun 240Z; left w~ist sustained injury - .. ~ ~ 5. Give name(s) of the City employee(s) causing the damage or Injury: ,- Unknown at thi~ ~;mA .... , .. ":i 6. Name and address of any other person Injured: -. NnnCl .. ...... ,- .0:-'''; . Name and address of the owner of any damaged property: .... 7. - . - . ..' B. Damages claimed: . , ;; a Amount claimed as of this date $ 1.000 on " b. Estimated amount of future costs: $ c. Total amount claimed: $ 1 000 00 d. Basis for computation of amounts claimed ( include copies of all billS,invoices. estimates, ete) : ValtlP of vphi~lp ~t timp of ac~idpnt. 9. Names and addresses of all witnesses, hospitals, doctors, etc. a Not aoolicable !:l. c. el. 10. MY additional Information that might be helpful In considering this claim: ::"Hi Land holder of property adiacent to roadway indicated to claimant's .:.YA :":":', father that previous accidents have occured at that same location. 'i.w . WI: - ........ WA~NING: IT IS A CRIMINAL OFFENSE TO FILE A FALSE CLAIMI (Penal Code ~72: 'II Insurance Code ~ 556.1 ) I have !Wad the mallers and statements made In the above claim and I know the same to be tnJe 01 my own knowled;e. except as to thOse mallers stated upon Information or belief as to such mallers I believe the same to be tnJe. I cendy und penany 01 perjury that the lore;oing Is TRUE and CORRECT. . .':': SO"" "'" ~.,J, ",,~_I2- ." 93' '"$.fIII: ;':':'1 CI nt's Signature /;"li Office of t:he Oty C1erlc. ..N fm Poway, California DOCUMENT NO. FILED - 14 of 18 MAY 4 1993 ITEM 14D - AGEI�IDA R.EPO;RT ` �'�°:� w�r CITY OF POWAY _ This report �s mcluded on the Conxrrt Celerdar.�Thne will be no separ#e discusslon o(ifie.reQort pnor to apprwd by�the �. .-- � City Councd �nless members o( tF�e'.Council, stuR or public��request k��.ro.tie rcmoved fram tlx Conseril',Calendar atid ?y� �� ��, �.,�Q � dixusaed separ�ely:� If.you wfih to have this rep«t pulled for discussfon, pkase flll an a slip.indl'catlng tlie ieport numCer�� �'r��,. . rHE «` .. 5nd give.i[ to the �iryClerk prrtx to the beginning�d tM.Ciry Council meetlng: .. TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Mana� , INZTIATED BY-: Pegqy Stewart, Director of Administrative Serv.ice,S,�p� DougTas A. Milton, General Serv-ices Manager • u� DATE: May 4, 1993 SUBJECT: Denial of Claim - Chris and Mary Vedborg BACRGROIIND• On September 6, 1992 a claim for damages was,received from Chris and Mary Vedborg of- °. _ The Vedborgs claim the City is responsible for the:damage caused by a slope sYide .that'occurred on a,City easement behi'nd,their property. The amount of the claim is.not known at this time. FINDINGS• St has been determined by staff and the City claims adjusier _ that the. has,no - 1ega1 liability for the damage caused by this slide. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW• Environmental review is;not required for the agenda item according to CEQA guidelines. FISCAL IMPACT: UnKnown ' ADDITIONAL POBLIC NOTIFICBTION AND CORRESPONDENCE: None RECOMMENDATION• It is recommended that the City Council deny this claim. ATTACHMENTB•: A C1aim Form Ei-1ed by Vedborg JLB.PS:DM•bs _ _.. _ _ _ _ . _ ACTION: �. 15 af 18 V,uY 4!99� 1': �i'.: 1�* �' y �ity Of Poway GIAIM AGAINST THE CITY OF PQN/AY p � �,,,, � �� �1ed�s T mp — �_ :ceived by ��" '� 1� r� . aia y2 S. Maii ' � �m'pF ter-Office;Mail � �er the Counter T M `�GfM �j L �f'° cd nt or evenEOCCUrred�Be sure is a he Ci P. owaWan�wRhin 6 months afferwhich the h/ , 9 h' x ^ y g ty y t another public entity. Nlhere �ace is insutficiertt, please use>additfona!' pape� and identify information by`Paragraph numbee. Completed aims:must be tiiafled or deliJered fo The Ciry�of Poway, 13325 Civic Center`Drive,Poway, CA. `92064 ( P.O. �x Z89 ). Attn:.R M � T.HE HONQRABLE�MAYOR AND.CITY COUNCIL, THE EITY OF POWAY GALIFORNIA „ ie tindersigned respectfully submits the following ctaim and information relative to damage to persor,s id/or pe�sona(;properry: , . • Name ot cfa',mant h' e c � a. Add�ess of`claimant- b. Phone No.� c. Date of6ii;h d. Social Securiry'.No e. Drivers Uc. No. Nane, telephone, and post oftice afldress to which claimant desires notices to be sent if other ,than above; Occurrence,or event from which the�claim arises: a . Date � r 3 b. Time � c. Place ( exact �nd specific location) �a��*t, �!o t%�%td ,� Ti�t /�ro'bliii�.�" � � , �;,, � -�.�C � %S� �n- 1.1q . Gcan[' � y .C,f� � �( 7�1 ° L' d. F�ow and undec what circums;ances Cid,uamage orinjury occur occurrence, event.`actnromission;you Gdm caused the injury or danzge (use 2ddition2J paperit necessary ). a �- /� ry l�t � c��' r f �r 2 �fu�� �.E.4� �n[tY.��n�t. e. What;pacticuiar action by the City, or its empioyees, caused the alieged d�nas_ or inju .ry? � c e,,�n7 �„r o� �,f�.c�s e�Lo an'f on i��as �� � :7" o ca,' 16 of 1s MAY 4 1993 IT�$; J. 4�. _,... _ . . .... . , - 4. �a ma de� eription of the li �roperty damage cr loss, so far �. ,nawn at the time ot this � e were n'o injuriea, state 'NO Injuries.' • � �o .n Iu�r[s <°o -�ar-- �nrlur�rr a�n� �-� S'��sS aao� cc)Or/�/. 5. Give name(s) of,the Efry employee(s)'causing'the damage .!"'�• - , /_ : 6. N2me and address ot any other person Injured: �--- . � . 7. Name and address of�therowner of an�dama ed, ro e .: �!f��r%l1� `t: a.� ' r � _ . � ���4R� tr � . 8. Damage� claimed: . a Amaunt d�imed as of this dafe $ ' b. EsGmated amount of future costs: 5 ..� a � Tatal.amount claimedc S, d. Basis (or computatlon of,ainounts claimed (include copies of ali bilts,invoices, esiim2tes, etc) : 9. Names and addresses ot aliwitnes5es, hospitals, doctors, etc. a b . . _ C: - • d 10. Any additional in(a�matian that might Ce helpful in considering this claim: WARNItJG: IT IS A CRIh11NAL OFFENSE TO FILE A FALSE CLAIDA! (Penal Ccde §72; Insurance Code § 556.1 ) I fiave read the marers;!and s�atements made in the above claim and I know the same to,Ce trve of nyown,krowteCy= except as to'.{hose matters s.ated^uportirtformation or'belief as to'such maCeis I Ceiieve the sane to Ce W°. I cerfify ur,c penally�oGpe`rjury�.tha[ the loresoing is TROE and CORRECT. ' � � Signed this �.�d ,�day ot��, a 9 9� . ai _�— Claim s=S;gnature Offiaz of tt�e City Cleric Pouay, Califomia DOCUMENT NO. FILED 17 of 18 M�Y 4 1993 I�i�� i 4 E i . , . ,- / i , , , I , ! i 1 /k. th~i.~~('W~1 d~ 7L ..s-Io'p~ D'L <<... i~ ;;;Z't ~~ '~-O/~ To : ;~ a;/'.,tpJ- ,/#11 , ~,~ y:: r~/ r 1/1 ~ o f . LV tl cI<' /, iN I'A.. /)."" /!d11t e r 1/5' ldaq f'1d filM t"Y2erN/ltf'P/ ~- ~,~;;r- _ : r it1r /;~.k( ~/~ e!l/IL 7k A, _.w. 11- ~-'-, i s:/~cI /A~L ,*uJ~tJ~r If /1)# ~ -/AT .-.-:. ' hWf: II. I' ..Ii' (f w.~~meA7_~t.!e. ;" i /Jr aJtlJ .,{t-l,/r "",./ 7:1" -oY~d _ . I I /A" .r~i! 'A~~:;-r;'~- /f ~LoJAJ 1:!~!l ~ ~('-r .x ~ ~ ~ aJa.r t?C/~, .'11, :&ur ~m<, ufttJ Au;!+ S'tP/Y1-e 30+ ~~o, ""'I,'.~4,: , ~ JldJ l;?~ a'AUllf ?';;/r/ /L (" 7A'l/ ~; -r _, --~_C:c:';'2 l42culrl /lelNr 1( d//oJ&!.Ld ~~' _ ''''ZZ t"'uo/ ,f /"f"tf;. //trtllle % -(. ~, 'An.1-. "'/ _~" ""- ~ va"'/"fJ..It'(I_~_~,*-, J :g;~~Jf;t,:E ~~~ i 1,fd 4L ,.1 . ~Ny$_ ." . I 60. ' / ~, ., ;. t'j ~-- .Ahhh <:.L ~.r~rl,~_j y, 1!('~4 ~ ",'1 ,~-) '/7h. ~ /.. /. I // 'I 'I . tt. df'J:L,c: it" f{', Q'e ~/.e4... ..,,,.., -- ! c!)///'JJI';-;* ,~~ ;d ~ r:~C[:"~::' ,tJl'.co};j-P/71 , /" ~,/ /1 A' ~ / . ~e C':fJ e4,Sem.,/l/ t"ac.l.rf"d' '7Jt, .r/ye ?;; -;:, ,'1 ~~~0 . 18 of 18 MAY 4 1993 ITEM 14 f.'