1993 05-04 Financing Authority Agenda POWAY PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY REGULAR MEETING - MAY 4,1993 FOLLOWING ADJOURNMENT OF THE REGULAR 7:00 P.M. MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OR AS SOON AS POSSIBLE THEREAFTER CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS - 13325 CIVIC CENTER DRIVE HEETING CALLED TO ORDER AS THE POWAY PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY l. ROLL CALL - CAFAGNA. CALLERY, EMERY, SNESKO, HIGGINSON 2. PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS (State law may prohibit the Authority from taking action on items not on the agenda. Your concerns will be referred to staff.) 3.* Resolution No. F-93- - Approving the Form of and Authorizing the Execution of an Indenture of Trust, a Purchase Contract and an Official Statement Relating to the Issuance of the Agency's Series 1993 Subordinated Tax Allocation Refunding Bonds and Approving Certain Actions in Connection Therewith. (40S-00R) EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution. ADJOURNMENT "