Item 10 - Contribution Towards the Construction of Bocci Ball Court AGENDA ~PORT SUMMARY DiSTRI BUTED r- J ~ /ff3 TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council and Honorable Chairman and Members of the - Redevelopment Agency FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Manager/Executive Dir~ DATE: June 15, 1993 SUBJECf: Contribution Towards the Construction of a Bocci Ball Court at the Community Park ABSTRACf A group of Poway residents of Italian heritage are requesting $4,000 towards the construction of bocci ball courts at the Community Park. This funding would be used to match $6,000 that they are raising for materials. Labor will be donated. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This action is not subject to CEQA review. FISCAL IMPACT The request of the Poway Bocci Ball Club is for $4,000. Funding for improvements to the Community Park is available through the Redevelopment Agency. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Generosa Russo. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the $4,000 funding request of the Poway Bocci Ball Club be approved for the construction of two bocci ball courts in accordance with the plan shown as Attachment A and subject to their raising the matching $6,000 before the funding is released by the City. ACTION 1 of 5 JUN 1 5 1993 ITEM 10."'- ~._--- ---~...,_._.,."-""._._-,.,-'" ! AGENDA REPOR1 CITY OF POW A Y TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council and Honorable Chairman and Members of the Redevelopment Agency FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Manager/Executive Dir~ DATE: June 15, 1993 SUBJ ECT: Contribution Towards the Construction of a Bocci Ball Court at the Community Park BACKGROUND In July 1992, Community Services staff received a request from Mr. Generosa Russo that the City construct a Bocci Course at the Community Park. Bocci is a sport generally associated with the Italian culture and enjoyed by players of all ages. Since last July, Mr. Russo and other members of the Poway Bocci Ball Club have worked with staff for the design of two bocci ball courts (Attachment A) which could be constructed in the northwest corner of Community Park. With volunteer labor, it is estimated that the two courts, walkways, and benches could be constructed for $10,000. FINDINGS Attached for City Council consideration is a letter (Attachment B) from Mr. Generosa Russo on behalf of the Poway Bocci Ball Club requesting a $4,000 contribution for the two bocci ball courts. It is their intention to not only raise an additional $6,000, but also provide all the labor for the project. These courts would be available for both the Poway Bocci Ball Club and the general public as an amenity of the Community Park. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This action is not subject to CEQA review. ACTION: 2 of 5 JUN 1 5 1993 ITEM 10 .~ -- - Agenda Report June 15, 1993 Page 2 FISCAL IMPACT The request of the Poway Bocci Ball Club is for $4,000. Fund i ng for improvements to the Community Park is available through the Redevelopment Agency. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Generosa Russo. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the $4,000 funding request of the Poway Bocci Ball Club be approved for the construction of the two bocci ball courts in accordance with the plan shown as Attachment A and subject to their raising the matching $6,000 before the funding is released by the City. Attachments: Attachment A - Design of Bocci Ball Courts Attachment B - Letter from Generosa Russo - 3 of 5 JUN 1 5 1993 III::M 1 C..:l- -_.~._--,--~- ~. .~ . j -,: --- '! I . .. , . . 1~ . ~. M B . . Ml.,.:i~ ,'..... ~ ' ~';: ~"",: U r- '..".. U 1 o ->Ul :i ~ I . ~I- :!t.~ .J f I- I .. " <l 7 uJ . ,/.. III .J ". - III ~, ,. wl"" oJ> ~ '~ :l: / ~r. .J uI 2 " t,!" ,.. ~ ~ ! ~ e 1 ~ ~~ '~,.i. . ,I\-.. '? <;C",,& if! ~ dl ,,, ,. r' Ii ill ~' 2" cL , I':.~< '1 ". :l . 2 \. " 1 Q j ~ ~ i &.. v ? .'C (~~ ,';;;"" ~ ( j , ,... x 0 ~ ... 0.1 t- I O~5 ':' ,I~ \;--L /,ft.~ c! '-' '. i.f Cl..,'; ." ~ C. L ~ " ~ ,~ ~! III au.. :Jlll ~.". \'f:, (J~.tl/ ":'r--, ..loL '-'''2, "'~'~ -/ u '2 '2 " ::J t= -.:j -'.. '\' ft\ I.! , _ a OJ::. 3:< ---:z\ J / L \; ::r <> "" & "~ ,.~, ~ ~ I{\ 0 '! J "'_" / ~ lL-;-;W= ~. '<l: t l .~ t'\~ I ~r 3;:, \l)~~ crF 0 .J ~ ill ':2 III ~ ~ ~ OJ :tl 0 '2 <l Q.. .!!I :r :l-' o~ .J ... cL ~ ~ ~ 0 i2- I I \c\"t- - " :i '.':J \'::', f ,:'J.i:: ., II / ~'1:: ;-'> I ~ "I / .ll. J eJ tL. ". r-;- -- I I ,I. .1='-' ~; ( I <i _J .J ~) ~ - / - " cL"-;i= / \ ~~2Ji- , \ \ '- , '-. <?() . ... "- .... ." -......... -..., -- -" "- '0 , ". , . \/ , \ ..~, "'-,. \ ~ ... \ , , "- , "",^, \ ~ _.- '-'-, ... 4 of 5 ATTACHMENT A "--, ITEM 10.; I. - --- ~dA.~ LRECE~VED - MAY 4 1993 May 3, 1993 CITY OF POI.''JAY CITY MANAGERS OFFICE Jim Bowersox City Manager P.O. Box 789 Poway, CA 92064 Dear Mr. Bowersox, It is my great pleasure & pride to propose a cOllIrnJIli.ty Bocci Course plan. The course will hopefully be set up in the carmuni.ty park at the Carmunity Center location. After much research with residents and the Italian ccmnunity in poway I have cane to the conclusion that the courses will becane an asset illInediately to both the city and residents. The proposed courts will consist of the finest materials and workmanship possible. I have cane up with a volunteer group of people wanting to contribute time and small donations to see this project concluded. However , the funds that we have put together are nowhere near the proposed approximate price of $10,000.00 for the courts. It would be a great asset in receiving a small contribution by the city in the amount of $4,000.00. The remaining portion would be provided by volunteers and residents of Poway. I hope to see the bocci courts as soon as possible so that everyone may enjoy them. Again, the workmanship would be of superior quality only to enhance the cormnmity park. Finally, I would like to thank you for the time and effort in helping with this project. I think, as you will see, these courts will become a great pastime and source of en joyrnent for the corrmuni ty . Sincerely yours, </9~ #J,. f - f.Q. ~O'J. \34-Lf ?ow,^~ Qd---U74- 5 of 5 - '/tt<=&- S~(PO - A TT r,CHMENT B { JUN 1 5 1993 ITEM lC.:;)- --