Item 11 - Library Advisory Committee's Recommended Funding for Library AGENDA REPORT SUMMARY r'"' -. TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council -FROM: James L. Bowersox, City ~ INITIATED BY: Robert L. Thomas, Director of Community Servi Patrick R. Foley, Principal Management Analyst DATE: June 15, 1993 SUBJECT: Library Advisory Committee's Recommended Funding for the Poway Library in FY 1993-94 ABSTRACT The Library Advisory Committee is recommending a $55,770 budget for the library in FY 1993-94. The proposed budget includes: 1) increased funding for the half-time children's librarian for 30 hours instead of 20 hours per week, 2) increase in the McNaughton Book Collection from 30 books to 40 books per month, 3) UMI work stations, 4) New York and Los Angeles Times on microfilm, and 5) provide contingency funding for equipment maintenance. The Committee also recommended expenditures of $19,500 from the library endowment fund. Staff is recommending that the City Council approve the $55,770 library budget for FY 1993-94, and defer consideration of library expenditures from the endowment fund until the new library is under construction. L~NVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This action is not subject to CEQA review. FISCAL IMPACT The $55,770 will have to be appropriated from the General Fund in FY 1993-94. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Additional notification sent to Library Advisory Committee. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve the $55,770 library budget for FY 1993- 94 as proposed by the Library Advisory Committee and defer consideration of library expenditures from the endowment fund until the new library is under construction. ACTION r- 1 of 5 JUt'! 1 5 1993 , . "';';'ilo~ 11 ~ AGENDA REPORT CITY OF POW A Y This report is included on the Consent Calendar. There will be no separate discussion of the report prior to approval by the City Council unless members of the Council, staff or public request it to be removed from the Consent Calendar and discussed separately. If you wish to have this report pulled for discussion, please fill out a slip indicating the report number and give it to the City Clerk prior to the beginning of the City Council meeting. TO: Honorable Mayor and Member~e City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Ma INITIATED BY: Robert L. Thomas, Director of Community serVic~ Patrick R. Foley, Principal Management Analyst DATE: June 15, 1993 SUBJECT: Library Advisory Committee's Recommended Funding for the Poway Library in FY 1993-94 BACKGROUND On March 24, 1993, the Library Advisory Committee considered a proposed library budget of $55,770 for FY 1993-94, The budget (Exhibit A) proposed by the Committee included the following items: Children' Librarian Increase position from half-time to three-quarter time $30,958 McNaughton Book Collection Increase from 30 to 40 books per month 7,230 UMI Newspaper abstracts on disc and Business Dateline 6,100 General periodicals on disc/periodical abstracts on disc 6,350 Los Angeles Times on microfilm 1,159 New York Times on microfilm 1,821 Contingency Funds These funds would be used for repair, replacement, or upgrade of hardware or software for UMI system 2,152 ACTION: 2 of 5 JUN 1 5 1993 ITEN; 11 - Agenda Report Library Funding FY 1993-94 Page 2 The Library Advisory Committee is also recommending the expenditure of $19,500 from the library endowment fund for a variety of books, video cassettes, compact discs, and audio cassettes, FINDINGS The Library Advisory Committee is recommending a $55,770 budget in FY 1993-94 that includes increased hours for the children's librarian and an increase in the monthly allocation of books from the McNaughton Book Collection, The Committee felt very strongly that additional children's services be provided and the monthly allocation of best sellers be increased in FY 1993-94. The requested funding from the library endowment fund of $19,500 should be deferred until the library is under construction, ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This action is not subject to CEQA review. FISCAL IMPACT The $55,770 will have to be appropriated from the General Fund in FY 1993-94. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Additional public notification sent to the Library Advisory Committee. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve the $55,770 library budget for FY 1993-94 as proposed by the Library Advisory Committee and defer consideration of library expenditures from the endowment fund until the new library is under construction. JLB: RLT: sf Attachments: Exhibit A - Budget Proposal from County of San Diego - ,I UN 1 5 1993 rn;;A: 11 3 of 5 - ~ . QIount~ of ~an ~i.ego SAlLY B. HAZZARD INTERIM UBRARY ADMINISTRATOR (610) 694,24'4 COUNTY LIBRARY 5555 OVERLAND AVENUE, BLDG. 15. SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92123.1296 BUDGET PROPOSAL FOR 1993/94 TO THE CITY OF POWAY Children's Librarian - 30 hours ner week $30,958.00 Ruth Callahan has generated interest and enthusiasm (Includes for our library and for books. Circulation of salary & children's books has risen by 14,559 the first year benefits) Ruth was in this position and by 8,365 her second year here. Ruth has worked 20 hours per week for the past 2 years. Her salary and benefits have been $20,639.00. UMI Proauest Svstem Newspaper Abstracts Ondisc and Business Dateline 6,100.00 General periodicals ondisc/Periodical Abstracts Ondisc 6,350.00 This CD Rom product includes indexes for magazines and newspapers as well as full text of business journals and full text for over 250 periodicals. It is in constant use and the patrons are thrilled with it. It is our biggest "drawing card" since patrons have other libraries nearby to choose from. Patrons don't remember to sign the log, but we do know that approximately 1,300 pages get printed per month. Students from elementary school through doctoral programs find UMI invaluable for reports. Job hunters have found Business Dateline to be very helpful in finding a job and businessmen have found it to be helpful in learning more about their competition. continqencv Funds These funds would be used for repair, replacement or 2,152.00 upgrade of hardware or software for the UMI proquest System. McNauqhton Leased Book Plan (40 books per month) 7,230.46 Adult patrons are very enthusiastic about finding (Includes new best sellers on our shelves every time they come tax and in. It is typical that 85% of this collection is in shipping) constant circulation. We presently have the 30 books per month plan for $5,422.84. New York Times on Microfilm (1994) 1,821.00 La Times on Microfilm (1994) 1,159.05 We keep only two weeks worth of newspapers, so having (Includes newspapers on film is a necessary source for current news. tax and UMI's Newspaper Abstracts Ondisc indexes eight newspapers shipping) including the New York Times and LA Times. The microfilm allows the patrons to read the full text of these articles. $55,770.51 4 of 5 Exhibit A .IUN 15 1993 ITEM 11 - e -. , . - (fl:ounfg of ~a1t (~EH~go ,I -.a.LV B. Ho\ZZNa) j .,.... UBMIIY ~TClII COUNTY UBRARY 11111_" _ 0YERl.AND AVENUE, 1IUlG. 15. lIAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 1212S-1 2M . :1 I Proposal for Long's Endowment' Interest for 1993/94 Poway's new library will be complete by early 1994. We presently have an approximate volume count of 44,B42. . The capacity of the I}ew library is 114,500. We would like to 'acquire 50,000 additional items by opening day. Children's Books (hardback) $ 2,500.00 $ 13.31 per book - 125 books Adult Non-Fiction (hardback) $ 4,000.00 $ 31.86 per book - 126 books ~hildren's Paperback $ 500.00 $ 7.53 per book - 66 books .Reference Books $ 4,000.00 $ 55.00 per book. 72 books Reference Sets (multi-volume) $ 3,000.00 $700.00 per set - 4 sets VA Books (hardback) $ 1,800.00 $ 15.00 per book - 120 books Foreign Language Books $ 1,800.00 $ 25.00 per book - 72 books Books on Tape $ BOO.OD $ 20,00 per tape - 40.tapes Large Print Books $ 800.00 $ 25.00 per book - 40 books Vidr' assetes $ 600.00 $ 30.00 per video. 20 videos Com~~_t Discs $ 350.00 $ 18.00 per disc - 19 discs Audio Cassettes $ 200.00 $ 12,00 per cassette - 17 TOTAL $19,500.00 cassettes Please note that the above total does not include fees for cataloging or processing. Balance of interest should be kept for unexpected expenses. - , .-" ,HlN 15 1993 . lTE.~ 11 /~;~;;.'Oc: '~'~~:;":~I'3;,l~~~'''i'-,,:i~t~iJE',~x~ib_t~~~h~;' :-:~~,;,:~ ',:, .-,;'. 7,:' ~:~~:':: .- +.',~.','_' ,-",,;;;':,:'::;;"~>o;:~"'c'__';'':''_ -,...........!..l.-....."....:._...._'.~.~_. --" . -., "7 'f..~:-'::;:.:-"!:::_. "'.;' .~ ,;" .._,,':S:""-.~-. ....;.~... .'-~ ":;.;...... .. 5 of 5 . . - ::,--~ ~ " '--;"."'\ '--:-~~:,-~ . ::-.-~. : ~"<, ~'. ~,-' .<'-"" , - , .,....~,-~...,f_i.Jo"'1;~.- ... ,... '_ '_--:.~.':~---.-'..,. "'.- .~'. -,",".!(l.;:;<':'-"~"~' .; ,_,' -.~ .. -,--7.~ ~.. "'- .~_., ~""."'--