Item 14 - Appropriation of Funds for City and RDA FY 92-93 DISTPiBF ITFn i.. \::.;'. ~ ...&...-". .!GENDA REPORT SUMMARY .- 0: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Honorable Chairman and Members of the Redevelopment Agency FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Manager/Executive Dir~ INITIATED BY: Peggy A Stewart, Director of Administrative Servicespj Peter Moote, Senior Management Analys~~ DATE: June 15, 1993 SUBJECT: Appropriation of Funds for the City and Redevelopment A~ency for Fiscal Year 1992-1993 ABSTRACT Adoption of the attached Resolutions will allow the City to expend funds for operations costs, such as payroll, beginning July 1, 1993. Public Hearings for consideration of the final fiscal year 1993-94 Comprehensive Financial Program are scheduled for June 29, July 6, and July 13 with final adoption on July 13. At that time, the attached resolutions adopted this evening will be rescinded and replaced by new budget . resolutions to reflect the final budget as approved by Council, / , ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This action is not subject to CEQA review. FISCAL IMPACT , As stated throughout this report. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE The members of the Budget Review Committee have been notified of this report. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council and Redevelopment Agency authorize the appropriation of funds necessary for fiscal year 1993-1994 City and Redevelopment Agency operating budgets through adoption of the attached resolutions, ACTION ~ ~ 1 of 10 JUN 1 5 1993 ITEM 14,' ._~'~m ----~_._-- AGENDA REPORT CITY OF POW A Y TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Honorable Chairman and Members of the Redevelopment Agency FROM: James L Bowersox, City Manager/Executive Director INITIAlED BY: Peggy A Stewart, Director of Administrative Services Peter Moote, Senior Management Analyst DAlE: June 15, 1993 SUBJEcr: Appropriation of Funds for the City and Redevelopment A~ency for Fiscal Year 1992-1993 BACKGROUND At the May 18, 1993 City Council meeting, staff presented a report regarding preliminary budget projections for FY 1993-94 as well as an extended 5-year forecast for the General Fund, The report delineated any significant changes in revenues and expenditures from the current year, and incorporated cost savings due to staffing level reductions and additional revenues identified through the MSI cost/overhead study. The report also factored in the pending imposition of the State Property Tax shift.. In sum, the report cited a projected General Fund shortfall of $586,507 for FY 1993-94. FINDINGS During preparation of the Proposed Budget, only minor adjustments in General Fund revenue and expenditure budgets were identified, The adjusted General Fund shortfall has been reduced to $549,993. ACTION: J 2 of 10 3 ITEM 14,1 - FY 1993-94 Appropriation Page 2 FINDINGS (Continued) The following summarizes the FV 1993-94 Proposed Budget's impact on the General Fund: EXPENDITURES Department Operations & Maintenance: Leaislative & Administrative 926,448 Administrative Services 1,160,621 Community Services . . 2,640,580 Plannina Services 975,280 Public Services 1,278,294 Safety Services 7,073,780 Enaineerina Services 1,496,570 Total ODerations l Maintenance 15,551,573 Caoital Reolacement Fund Credit (263,620) Fire Bond funds to Capital ReDlacement Fund 1125,000) Total ExDenditures 15,162,953 REVENUE Prooertv Taxes 3,937,632 Prooerty Tax Shift Imoosed by State (742,632) Sales Tax 3,365,000 Franchises 550,000 Licenses & Permits 330,100 Use of Monev & Prooerty 995,720 State Subventions 1,588,300 Fees & Services 4,141,040 PERS Excess EarninQs 173,400 Traffic Sional Administration 240,000 All Other 67,400 Total Revenue 14,645,960 ~ontract with S~~te for Blue Sky Ranch 33,000 (oend i na aoorov a 1 Total Deficit (549,993) 3 of 10 JUN 1 5 1993 ITEM 14,( FY 1993-94 Appropriation Page 3 Proposed Expenditures as shown above include: * Early Retirement/unemployment cost (+$150,000) * Staffing level adjustments due to "right-sizing" (-$340,409) Revenues include: * Sheriff's Contract credit for prior year's service rebate (+$70,000) * Opening of Creekside Plaza (+$15,000) * Shift of Administrative cost of Lighting District (+$240,000) * Future implementation of select fee adjustments as per Cost/Overhead Study (+$167,620) * State imposed Property tax shift (-$742,632) The Budget Review Committee is in the process of an extensive review of the Proposed Budget, including a line-item by line-item review of proposed expenditures. The Committee will report its findings and recommendations at the first Public Hearing for the Proposed Financial Plan on June 29, 1993. A final adoption of the Budget on July 13 leaves a two-week gap in which the City would not have authorization for the expenditure of funds to cover ongoing operations costs. This evening's action will provide an initial appropriation which will be modified with adoption of the final Budget, ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This action is not subject to CEQA review. FISCAL IMPACT As stated throughout this report. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE The members of the Budget Review Committee have been notified of this report. 4 of 10 JUN 1 5 1993 ITEM 14,1 -- FY 1993-94 Appropriation Page 4 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council/Redevelopment Agency: I) Adopt Resolution No. 93- , A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Poway, California, Approving the Appropriation of Operating Budget Funds for Fiscal Year 1993-94 effective July 1, 1993, to be rescinded and replaced by Resolution subsequent to adoption of the City of Poway Proposed Financial Program; 2) Adopt Resolution No. R-93- , A Resolution of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Poway, California, Authorizing Loan Payback to the City of Poway from the Community Redevelopment Agency Debt Service Fund, and authorizing Expenditures Therefrom for Fiscal Year 1993-94 effective July 1, 1993, to be rescinded and replaced by Resolution subsequent to adoption of the City of Poway Proposed Financial Program Attachments: I)Resolution No. 93- 2)Resolution No. R-93- 5 of 10 JUN 1 5 1993 ITEM 14.r RESOLUTION NO. 93- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE APPROPRIATION OF OPERATING BUDGET FUNDS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1992-93 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Poway will hold public hearings on the Proposed Comprehensive Financial Program on June 29, 1993, July 6, 1993, and July 13, 1993, with final adoption on July 13, 1993; and WHEREAS, the appropriation of funds for operations costs is necessary in order that the City of Poway may meet expenditure obligations beginning July 1, 1993; and WHEREAS, the appropriation of funds authorized by this resolution will be rescinded and replaced by the appropriation of funds as authorized by the City Council upon adoption of the final City of Poway Comprehensive Plan for fiscal year 1993-94; NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Poway does hereby FIND, DETERMINE AND DECLARE as follows: Section 1: Appropriation of funds for the fiscal year 1993-94 City of Poway operating budget is authorized as follows: Legislative & Commun ity Administrative Services City Council $178,320 Director $398,610 City Clerk 234,220 Recreation B27,270 City Attorney 216,640 Lake Operations 427,800 City Manager 464.160 Aquatics 366,940 Department Total $1,093,340 Perf. Arts Center 619.960 Department Total $2,640,580 Administrative Services PlanninQ Services Director $244,530 Director $359,330 Personnel 231,290 Current Planning 224,970 Customer Services 433,720 Advance Planning 155,070 Finance 392,610 Buil di ng Inspection 235,900 Data Proces~ing 169,220 Department Total $975,280 Purchasing 150,940 Support Services 197,050 Risk Management 654,710 Capi tal Replacement 184.550 Department Total $2,658,570 JUN 1 5 1993 ITEM 14,1 6 of 10 - Resolution 93- Page 2 Engineering Public Services Services Director $269,920 Director $168,310 Street Maint. 3,793,020 Capital Projects 415,330 Water Supply 5,953,100 Land Development 412,680 Sewer Pumping 4,109,310 Inspection 328,830 Water Trans- Traffic mission 598,730 Engineering 200.890 Sewer Collection 371,020 Department Total $1,626,040 Facilities Maint, 272,030 Drainage 348,110 Housina Trails&Open Space 64,220 Administration $68,880 Park & Landscape Poinsettia Family 332,940 Maintenance 1,198,710 Poinsettia Senior 269,850 Landscape Maint. Poway Royal 954,530 Districts I.4BO.520 Department Total $lB,458,690 Haley Ranch Estates 637.260 Department Total $2,263,380 Safetv Services Director $287,900 Fire Suppression 2,124,620 Fire Prevention 411,530 Paramedics 560,500 Law Enforcement 3,692,230 Department Total $7,073,780 PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED, by the City Council of the City of Poway,California, at a regular meeting thereof this 15th day of June, 1993. Don Higginson, Mayor ATTEST: Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) 7 of 10 JUN 1 5 1993 ITEM 14~ -.~,._--- Resolution 93- Page 3 I, Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk of the City of Poway, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing Resolution No. 93- was duly adopted by the City Council at a meeting of said City Council held on the 15th day of June, 1993, and that it was so adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk City of Poway 8 of 10 14,f JUN 1 5 1993 ITEM RESOLUTION NO. R93- A RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE APPROPRIATION OF OPERATING BUDGET FUNDS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1992-93 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Poway (the "City"), in accordance with the provisions of the California Community Redevelopment Law, has created a Community Redevelopment Agency Administrative Fund for the purpose of accounting for administrative expenses of the Poway Redevelopment Agency (the "Agency") and fund advances therefore; and WHEREAS, the City Council hereby approves a net loan payback to the City in the amount of $2,560,320 to be deposited in the City of Poway General Fund; and WHEREAS, the Agency desires to approve a community redevelopment budget for fiscal year 1993-94 and authorized said payback to the City; and WHEREAS, the Agency will hold public hearings on the Proposed Comprehensive Financial Program on June 29, 1993, July 6, 1993, and July 13, 1993, with final adoption on July 13, 1993; and WHEREAS, the appropriation of funds for Agency administrative costs is necessary in order that the Agency may meet expenditure obligations beginning July 1, 1993; and WHEREAS, the appropriation of funds authorized by this resolution will be rescinded and replaced by the appropriation of funds as authorized by the City Council upon adoption of the final Comprehensive Plan for fiscal year 1993-94; NOW, THEREFORE, the Agency of the City of Poway does hereby FIND, DETERMINE AND DECLARE as follows: Section 1: Appropriation of funds for the fiscal year 1993-94 Agency Administrative budget is authorized as follows: Director of Redevelopment $1,807,560 Housing and Redevelopment 575,860 Economic Development 176.900 Agency Total $2,560,320 9 of 10 JUN 1 5 1993 ITEM 14.{ '--~ _._- Resolution No. R93- Page 2 PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED, by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Poway, California, at a regular meeting thereof this 15th day of June, 1993. Don Higginson, Chairperson ATTEST: Marjorie K. Wahlsten, Secretary STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) I, Marjorie K. Wahlsten, Secretary to the Poway Redevelopment Agency, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing Resolution No. R93- was duly adopted by the Redevelopment Agency at a meeting of said Agency held on the 15th day of June, 1993, and that it was so adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Marjorie K. Wahlsten, Secretary Poway Redevelopment Agency 10 of 10 JUN 1 5 1993 ITEM 14,) -