Item 7 - City of Poway Negative Declaration CITY OF POWAY DON HIGGL"<SON. Mayor BOB EMERY, Deputy ;...1ayor B. TONY S~'ESKO. Councilmember SUSAN CALLERY, Councilmember MICKEY CAFAGNA, Councilmember CITY OF POWAY NEGATIVE DECLARATION 1. Name and Address of Applicant: Anthonv Aviano/Neville Bothwell 12729 Stone Canvon Rd. Powav. CA 92064 2. Brief Description of Project: Establishment of density and develooment standards for the ultimate develooment of the 9.1 acres under the Residential Condominium zone. 3. In accordance with Resolution 83-084 of the city of Poway, implementing the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970, the City of poway has determined that the above project will not have a significant effect upon the environment. An Environmental Impact Report will not be required. 4. Minutes of such decision and the Initial Study prepared by the City of Poway are on file in the Department of Planning Services of the City of Poway. 5. This decision of the City Council of the City of poway is final. Contact Person: James H. Lyon Phone: (619) 748-6600 Approved by: Date: Reba Wright-Quastler, Ph.D., AICP l OCT 2 6 1993 ITEM 7 31 OF 32 City Hall Located at 13325 Civic Center Drive 19 Address: P.O. Box 789, Poway, California 92074-0789 . (619) 748-6600, 695-1400 - icea?acef RESOLUTI ON NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA APPROVING SPECIFIC PLAN 93-01 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Poway on October 12, 1993 adopted Resolution No. 93-148 initiating Specific Plan 93-01; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the Specific Plan 93-01 is necessary to ensure the long-term public health and safety, preservation and enhancement of existing community character, land use viabil ity and consistent implementation of General Plan goals, policies and strategies for the area addressed by the specific plan; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that Specific Plan 93-01 has been prepared pursuant to Section 65450, et. seq., of the California Government Code, and is consistent with the City of Poway General Plan in compliance with Section 65454 of the Code; and WHEREAS, a properly noticed public hearing was conducted in accordance with Section 65853, et. seq., of the California Government Code and the California Environmental Quality Act to consider Specific Plan 93-01; and WHEREAS, the City Council considered the Environmental Initial Study prepared for Specific Plan 93-01 and determined that the proposed specific plan will not cause any significant adverse impacts on the environment and hereby issues a Negative Declaration. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Poway does hereby adopt Spec i fi c Pl an 93--01 on fi 1 e with the Pl anni ng Servi ces Department and incorporated herein by reference as if set forth in full. APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Poway, State of California, this 26th day of October, 1993. ATTEST: Don Higginson, Mayor Marjorie K. Wahlsten 32 OF 32 OCT 2 6 1993 ITEM 7