Item 16 - Evaluation of Community Contribution Request AGENDA REPORT SUMMARY ,-.. TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Ma~ I~T1A~D BY: Penny Riley, Management AnalYS~ DA~: October 26, 1993 SlTIBJEc:r: Evaluation of a Community Contribution Request ABSTRAc:r On October 4, 1993, the City received a letter from Abraxas High School Counselor Connie Messina requesting financial support for a peer counselor retreat for 20 students from Abraxas High School. Based upon the criteria set forth in the City's Community Contributions Policy for Educational and Non Profit Programs, which is provided in Attachment B, Abraxas High School is eligible to receive a community contribution from the City. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Environmental review is not required for this agenda item according to California Environmental Quality Act guidelines. FISCAL IMPAc:r As part of the budget process for Fiscal Year 1993-94, $5,000 was appropriated from the General Fund for community contributions. This is the first request for funding for the current fiscal year. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE None. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve a $1,000 community contribution for a peer counseling retreat for 20 students from Abraxas High School. Ac:rION = of 6 1 OCT 2 6 1993 ITEM 16-' . AGENDA REPORT CITY OF POW A Y TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Man~ INITIATED BY: Penny Riley, Management AnalYS~ DATE: October 26, 1993 SUBJECT: Evaluation of a Community contribution Request for Abraxas High School BACKGROUND On October 4, 1993, the City received a letter from Abraxas High School Counselor Connie Messina requesting financial support for a peer counselor retreat training for 20 students of Abraxas High School. The request is provided in Attachment A. prNDrNGS Students will receive peer counseling training at the Camp Virginia retreat. The three day session includes meals and lodging for the students. Adults paying their own expenses will accompany the group. The investment of resources to educate 20 peer counselors from Abraxas will provide a core of trained and motivated students to assist the professional counseling staff during the school year. Based upon the criteria set forth in the city's Community Contributions Policy for Educational and Non Profit Programs, which is provided in Attachment B, Abraxas High School is eligible to receive a community contribution from the City. ENVrRONHENTAL rMPACT Environmental review is not required for this agenda item according to California Environmental Quality Act guidelines. ACTION: 2 of 6 )J OCT 2 6 1993 ITEM 16 . Agenda Report Community contribution Request October 26, 1993 Page 2 FJ:SCAL J:MPACT As part of the budget process for Fiscal Year 1993-94, $5,000 was appropriated from the General Fund for community contributions. This is the first request for funding for the current fiscal year. ADDJ:TJ:ONAL PUBLJ:C NOTJ:FJ:CATJ:ON AND CORRESPONDENCE None. RECOMMENDATJ:ON It is recommended that the City Council approve a $1,000 community contribution for a peer counseling retreat for 20 students from Abraxas High School. Attachment: A. Letter from Abraxas High School Counselor, Connie Messina B. community contribution Policy for Educational and Non Profit Programs 3 of 6 OCT 2 61993 ITEM 16.' ' POWAY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT DR. ROBERT l.. REEVES SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS 13626 TWIN PEAKS ROAD' POWAY, CA 92064-3098 (619) 748-0010' (619) 586-7500' Fax (619) 748-1342 " . . . serving the communities of Po way, Rancho Bernardo, Rancho De Los Penasquitos, Sabre Springs, and Carmel Mountain Ranch" ABRAXAS HIGH SCI-<OOL Ancrew Pataoow, Principal 12450 Gien Oak Road. Poway, CA 92064.3299 (619)7':'8-5900 October 6, 1993 Susan Callery Poway City Council Poway, CA 92064 Dear Susan, I am requesting a $1,000.00 donation through the Community Contribution Program to use toward a Peer Counselor Retreat for the students of Abraxas High School. I would like to take the students to Camp Virginia in Julian, California, for three days. The cost is $50.00 per pupil and I have 20 peer counselors who would like to go. Our peer counselors have never had a retreat because we could not afford the expense. I feel that we have made great strides at Abraxas in creating a safe, positive school climate these last three years while we have had peer counselors. Our school is bigger now and we have more students who are gang-involved. Having 20 students who are trained and have enthusiasm to make Abraxas a good learning experience will be an invaluable help this year. Most of the camps are booked a year in advance, so I had to schedule our retreat for the middle of the week. We expect to be able to attend the retreat by the end of this year depending, of course, on whether we can obtain funding. We expected other funds by now but they have not material- ized. It would be greatly appreciated if you could help us. I will be happy to answer any questions you may have. I have several adults who will be attending and they pay their own way. The fee includes all meals and lodging. Sincerely, ~t~ '~L~ Connie Messina Counselor ABRAXAS HIGH SCHOOL ATTACHMENT A 4 of 6 OCT 2 6 1993 ITEM 16 . COMMUNITY CONTRIBUTIONS POLICY FOR EDUCATIONAL AND NON PROFIT PROGRAMS I. PURPOSE The purpose of this policy is to establish a formal procedure for allocating funds to community groups requesting contributions from the city of poway for educational or non profit programs. II. ELIGIBILITY city contributions shall be considered for one-time educational or non profit programs which benefit and involve poway residents. Reoccurring educational or non profit programs shall not be eligible to receive funding. All funding requests must meet one of the following criteria. A. School activity or educational program for school groups. B. Printing of non profit or educational materials to be distributed to Poway residents. C. Non profit community oriented programs or events. III. PROCEDURE A. Annually, the City council shall appropriate community contribution funds for educational and non profit programs in an amount to be determined through the budget process. B. Funding requests for educational or non profit programs shall be presented to the City council in writing. Funding requests may be presented to the city Council throughout each fiscal year. C. within a thirty day (30) period, staff shall prepare an evaluation of each funding request presented to the City council. D. The City council shall review funding requests on a case-by-case basis and determine the amount granted for those requests based upon funds remaining for Community Contributions. Community Contributions shall be available until all Community contribution funds have been allocated. 5 of 6 ATTACHMENT B OCT 2 6 1993 ITEM 16 III. PROCEDURE (Continued) E. Community contributions may be allocated by the City Council in the form of a donation or loan. Loans must be either repaid in full to the City within a specified period of time or repaid through a specified amount of community service hours. F. Payment for approved contributions shall be based upon the timing of the educational or non profit program expenditures. 6 of 6 OCT261993 ITEM 16'