Item 5 - Adoption of Resoluction Amending Fee Schedule for Grading & Subdivision Activities - - AGENDA REPORT SUMMARY - TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Man~ ^ INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch. Ass i stant C ity ManageyL'~) t Mark S, Weston, Director of Engineering ServicesfirH'r: 1<'(/':'1 / Javid Siminou, Senior Civil Engineer ' ,- Ninoy Basuil, Associate Civil Engineer~ DATE: September 12, 1995 SUBJECT: Adoption of a Resolution Amending the Fee Schedule for Grading and Subdivision Activities of the Enclneerlnc Servlces Deoartment ABSTRACT Staff recommends that the City Council close the public hearing and adopt the attached resolution amending the fee schedule for grading and subdivision activities. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This action is not subject to CEQA review, - FISCAL IMPACT The amendment will allow for cost recovery plus City overhead for engineering, plan check, and inspection costs associated with land development in Poway. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Notice was published in the Poway News Chieftain and notice was also mailed to The Paladin Group; Building Industry Assoc.; Standard Pacific; and Worley. Schwartz, Garfield & Rice. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council close the public hearing and adopt the resolution amending the fee schedule for grading and subdivision activities. ACTION - SEP 1 2 1995 ITEM 5 1 f"l~ , c - AGENDA REPOR~' CITY OF POW A Y TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L, Bowersox, City Mana~ ~ INITIATED BY: John D, Fitch, Assistant City Managefbi\' 1 Mark S, Weston, Director of Engineering Service}7n~' Javid Siminou, Senior Civil Engineer Ninoy Basuil, Associate Civil Engineer S[3 DATE: September 12, 1995 SUBJECT: Adoption of a Resolution Amending the Fee Schedule for Grading and Subdivision Activities of the Engineering Services Deoartment BACKGROUND: On February 7, 1995, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 95-006 implementing an amended fee schedule for plan check, inspection, and other engineering services. Since the last amendment, staff has analyzed the City's costs for checking grading and improvement plans, and construction improvement inspection with those costs charged by neighboring cities of Escondido, Encinitas, Oceanside, and San Marcos, Our previous fee tables were based on and influenced by consultant assistance which has now been replaced by staff reviews and inspection. In order to make the City's fees in line with these cities, we are proposing a change in the basis we use to calculate our fees (Attachment 1), As a result of the Management Services Institute (MSI) study conducted in mid-1993 of the City's fee-supported services, we also propose to increase the fees for review of easement dedications, soils compaction reports, processing temporary water and/or sewer connections, and checking construction changes of approved grading and improvement plans (Attachment 1), We have also added fees to the proposed amended fee schedule (Attachment 1) to cover the processing of Standard Agreement (for the construction of public improvements) time extensions, the processing of easement vacations through a public hearing, and the review of final/parcel map certificates of correction. The listing of unit prices for improvement and bonding estimate (Attachment 2) has been revised for better clarity, FINDINGS: Staff has reviewed administrative and inspection time expended on a variety of projects and determined that the proposed fees approximate the City's minimum ACTION: J SEll 1 2 1995 ITEM 5 " ? nF 1~ - Adoption of a Resolution Amending the Fee Schedule September 12, 1995 Page 2 costs. These fees are reasonable for the service provided and are a small fraction of total development costs, Removal of the reference to standard drawings in the unit prices does not preclude its use. Because changes to drawings occur more frequently than unit prices, it is preferred that City staff use the latest adopted City standards. FISCAL IMPACT: The amendment will allow for cost recovery plus City overhead for engineering, plan check and inspection costs associated with land development in Poway. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: This action is not subject to C.E,Q,A. review, PUBLIC NOTIFICATION & CORRESPONDENCE: Notice was published in the Poway News Chieftain and notice was also mailed to The Paladin Group; Building Industry Assoc.; Standard Pacific; and Worley, Schwartz, Garfield & Rice. RECOMMENDATION: - It is recommended that the City Council close the public hearing and adopt the attached resolution (Attachment 3) modifying the fixed fee system for grading and subdivision activities, JLB:JDF:MSW:JS:NB:bw ATTACHMENTS: 1. Schedule of Fees for Grading and Subdivision Activities 2, Unit Prices for Improvement and Bonding Cost Estimate 3, Resolution Amending the Fee Schedule - SEP 1 2 1995 ITEM 5 I 3 OF Hi ~.".- Resolution No, 95 Page EXHIBIT 1 CITY OF POWAY SCHEDULE OF FEES FOR GRADING AND SUBDIVISION ACTIVITIES SEPTEMBER, 1995 I. :.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.:.::.:., ii~~ cy , ' "...."..,'.'.>;."""'" '~~:';~'~~[~il'~9~~~;t~r~~).",. SEP 1 2 1995 ITEM 5 ,I -I- II 11C' '':: aTTnr~MI'NT , -- Resolution No, 95 Page I. PLAN CHECK AND INSPECTION FEES I. &RADIN& AND I"PR9~E"ENT PL~NS T9T,~L rEE ^ Cra8iA~ Permit ree $ 199 Pel' Pel'fIlit '.. (IAel~~iA~ ~aviA~. steek~iliA~. aR~ a~miAistrative eleariR~ ~ermits) 8, PlaA C~eel( aAcl PrseessiRg .. Im~re~emeAt ~ests 9 $ 19,999 ($699 fIliA.) 19,991 $ 199,999 5.9% ef IfIl~. Casts 199,991 $ 599,999 1.9% af IfIl~, Casts 599,991 $2,999,999 3.5% af Im~. ~ests 2,599,991 $5,999,999 3.9% af Im~. Casts ever 5,999,999 Time aRe Materials Co IAspeetieA Im~FevemeRt Casts+. 9 $ 19,999 ($599 fIliA.) 19,991 $ 199,999 5.9% af IfIl~. Casts 199,991 $ 599,999 1.9% af IfIl~. Casts 599,991 $2,999,999 3,5% af IfIl~. Casts 2,599,991 $5,999,999 3.9% af IfIl~. Casts ever 5,999,999 Time aRe Materials 8, Im~re~emeRt PlaR AamiAistratite Fee S 199/Sheet h FINAL MAP $I,OOO/Sheet 3-,. GEOTECHNICAL REVIEWS A, Soils Report Reviews Small Project (1-3 houses) $;;~6o $ 259 .................. Medium Projects (3-30 houses OR .................. 1-3 commercial/industrial lots) $651) $ 159 Large Projects (impr. costs up to c....,.'__..'.,'.... $5,000,000) $2 Ii:500 $1,899 '-;:'-:-:':'~':-:':':::':-:"'" Special Projects (impr, costs over $5,000,000) Time and Materials** 8, Soils Compaction Reports and Grading Inspection Small Project (1-3 houses) $; ~.~O $ 259 Medium Projects (3-30 houses OR $ ij$b 1-3 commerCial/industrial lots) $ 159 Large Projects (impr, costs up to ....-.. ..-...... $5,000,000) $231)0 $I,8QQ Spec i a 1 Projects (impr, costs over ,:;.-.:I-:-::,: $5,000,000) Time and Materials** 5. +.- CONSTRUCTION CHANGES $$P/hh))$ 299 ~' -,:' :'\:< "':'::'::::':',:}';" '-:,:;::,:-:,:,:-:",':'-' ',' ::+:;.;.:-'\'< : 6; ;..,. INSPECTION OVERTIME (.lo!lth.'It1.'19ft911l'\,\t!Ini). - Week-days $ 75/Hour Approved Overtime (With Two Hour Min,) -2- SEP 1 2 1995 ITEM 5 " nF 16 Resolution No. 95 Page Week-ends $ 75/Hour Approved Overtime (With Four Hour Min,) ~ SEWER VIDEO INSPECTION $ I/L, F" or $400 Minimum at :;..... MINOR DEVELOPMENT REVIEW $ 500/Lot II. MISCELLANEOUS FEES 1. BOUNDARY ADJUSTMENT $1,000 Per Application 2, CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE $1,000 Per Application 3, MERGER (Without Parcel Map) $ 800 Per Application 4. EASE"ENT DEDICATIONS ~I!;:qpP $ 699 Per Application 5. REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT $1,000 + 1% Total Reim- (includes reimbursement processing) bursement Amount 6, RIGHT-OF-WAY PERMIT FEE $ 50 7. RIGHT-OF-WAY PERMIT INSPECTION. SFR Driveway or sewer lateral $ 100 Minimum, 5% of Est. Cost of Work Utility Companies (Construction Costs >$5,000,00) Time and Materials A 11 Others $ 250 minimum, 5% of Est. Cost of Work 8, TEMPORARY WATER AND SEWER APPLICATIONS If$ons 399 Per Application ................... 9. SEWER ANNEXATION $ 475 + $ 400/Acre (Does not include State of CA fees) 10. APN FEE WORKUPS $ SO/Parcel 11. EASEMENT VACATIONS $1,599 Per ~~~lieat;eA il.IIIII~I~~I~IIII~1s!f~~n1IT9 ~l~$~~P~n~l!l!~'S!~~gi1 ~?~~9g~~r..'A!!!!lj9~%19!l 12. WATER SYSTEM ANALYSIS A, Residential Sma 11 Projects (1-4 Lots) $1,250 Medium Projects (5-30 Lots) $2,325 Large Projects (31-100 Lots) $3,100 Greater than 200 Lots Based on Proposal B, CommerCial/Industrial One Fire Service $1,250 -3- SEP 1 2 1995 ITEM 5 F. n~ 1 F. - Resolution No. 95 Page Two Fire Services $1,850 More than Two Fire Services or $2,800 Looped Onsite System 13, BLUEPRINTS 18" X 26" $ 5/Sheet 24" X 36" $ 6/Sheet Oversize $ 10/Sheet 14, BLASTING PERMITS $ 50 Per Permit 15, ENCROACH"ENT PER"ITS $ 100 16, SPECIAL STUDIES Based on proposal from consultant plus admin. overhead. lZI~.~Rg~~~~"II!'Jl~Mgll~m!~!tD1'ITITI1!11;j!jl!ti'j:;!!~iin!~9P !~iP~R'!i.~.~!P~Tg:,~~~9RR~~~~.t)~~tlPZ~m~~~~~i~'q~ *These fees are calculated incrementally as the project improvement costs increase, ~~i1m~)~n~i!\~~~t1J~J~1!.1ji;1,!!,~i~~l~rM'i~!!!'i~1~~;~!n~~J~~'~~.~~I:l;?!~;j~~~i - SEP 1 2 1995 ITEM 5 , -4- 7 n, 1 f; _..~.- -_. Resolution No, 95 Page EXHIBIT 2 CITY OF POWAY UNIT PRICES FOR IMPROVEMENT AND BONDING COST ESTI"ATE SETEMBER, 1995 ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE A. Erosion Control & Landscaping Plastic Sheets Visquene SF $ ,15 Sand Bags (including maintenance & replacement) EA $ 2.00 Hydroseeding SF $ .27 Trees Removal EA $ 495.00 Planting EA $ 85.00 Landscaping & Irrigation (Erosion Control) SF $ 1. 21 B. Grading Clearing and Grubbing Acre $ 3,600,00 Cri bwa 11 SF $ 19.00 Embankment Ii ......,.,'1000 g 1,999 CY $ 8.20 ...-.. .. .'.-,-- ...".. .'.."., "'.,,. "' ',-,-:';-;':-:-;'-';';-'-:'---",.';-.';',,-;-,-,-; 1,001 - "'10;000 CY $ 4.10 10,001 - 30,000 CY $ 2.85 30,001 - 60,000 CY $ 2.50 60,001 - 500,000 CY $ 2.20 over 500,000 CY $ 1.50 Import or Export CY $ 7,60 Rock Excavation Blasting CY $ 37,00 (Removal or No Blasting CY $ 12,50 Relocation) Structure Excavation CY $ 20,85 Subdrains 4" (w/rock & fabric) LF $ 18,00 6" (w/rock & fabric) LF $ 21. 00 C, Paving A.C, Asphalt Concrete SF /IN $ .38 A,B. Aggregate Base SF /IN $ ,14 C.T,B, Cement Treated Base SF /IN $ ,19 D,G. Decomposed Granite Ton $ 23.20 P,C.C. Portland Cement Concrete SF /IN $ ,41 -1- SEP 1 2 1995 ITEM 5 o nc- , ~ ATTACHMENT 2 Resolution No, 95 Page ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE Pavement Crack Sealing LF $ 1.10 Pavement Reinforcing Fabric SY $ 1.10 Pavement Removal Existing AC SF $ ,70 Existing PCC SF $ 1. 90 Existing AC Berm LF $ 3,10 Saw Cut Existing Paving LF $ 2,65 Grinding Existing Paving SF $ 2.35 Subgrade Preparation SF $ .26 D. Streets (HR~'$ Bet'ffl AC 6" Type "A"!P:~;~~tt, RSB ~ 5 LF $ 8.00 '-:"::'::':";"';';';"'.':' , 8" Type "B"!gll;RSB ~ 5 LF $ 9,00 Concrete Pattern Stamped SF $ 4.75 Cross Gutter z:! 61L PCC, RSB ~ 12, C 13 SF $ 4.20 Curbs Curb 6" PCC, RSB ~ 1 LF $ 10.50 8" PCC, REB C 1 LF $ 11,00 Curb & Gutter 6" PCC, REB ~ 2 LF $ 11. 50 8" PCC, RSB ~ 2 ", LF, ""$ , 13.50 $ut'ti:ii'i........".,.,..., '," '.. ..iiiI~~!!~~~l1ii~~PM(ii.ii;;;,:, .;.C~{{$;~~i$~ Driveway 1: PEE, REB C 19, C 18 SF $ 3,15 ~~,j 61L PCC, REB ~ 19, ~ 11, SF $ 3.85 C 15, ~ 16 Fence Chain Link 4' High, RSB M 5, M 6, M 29 LF $ 10,10 5' High, REB M 5, H 6, H 29 LF $ 12,00 6' High, RSB H 5, H 6, M 29 LF $ 15,80 Wood 6' High LF $ 17,00 Guard Post & Barricade RSB H 9 20 LF $ 630,00 Guardra il LF $ 19.00 Header 2" X 6" Redwood LF $ 3,70 Lights, Street 90 Watt - L.P,S,V. RSB [ I, [ 2, [ 33 EA $ 3,160,00 180 Watt - L.P.S.V, RSB E 1, [ 2, E 33 EA $ 3,450,00 Loop Detector Replacement EA $ 400.00 Metal Beam Barricade LF $ 37.90 -2- SEP 1 2 1995 ITEM 5 9 OF 16 --, ~--_.._----- Resolution No, 95 Page ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE Monuments RS8 M 19, MIl, M 12, M 13 EA $ 315,00 Pavement Legends EA $ 200.00 Pavement Markers EA $ 5.50 Pedestrian Ramp RS8 ~ 27, ~ 28, ~ 29, ~ 39, EA $ 740.00 C 31, C 32, CalTraAs N8 B Regulatory Signs Stop, No Parking Speed EA $ 185,00 Limit, Etc, Removal of Existing Curb LF $ 3.80 Existing Curb & Gutter LF $ 4.75 Sidewalk SF $ 1.35 Retaining Walls Masonry RE8 CIte C 8 SF $ 16.00 Sidewalk 1" PCC, RS8 C 7, C 9, C 11 SF $ 3,20 Street Name Sign RS8 8$ 13 EA $ 185.00 Striping 4" White LF $ .30 8" White LF $ .30 4" Double Yellow LF $ .45 4" White Skip LF $ .20 Traffic Control Per Lane Closure Per Day LN/DAY $ 300,00 Traffic Signal EA $ 84,200.00 Trail Equestrian/Pedestrian LF $ 9.50 Trench Asphalt Restoration RS8 C 21, C 25 LF $ 13,15 Wall Cut-off Pavement RE8 C 22, C 23 EA $ 685.00 E. Sewer Cleanout Jl.S.4 EA $ 800,00 Cleanout (Sewer Force Main) RS8 E 16 EA $ 1,050.00 Cradle (Concrete) REg S 6 LF $ 32.50 Dead End q~p EA $ 315.00 Encasement (Concrete) RS8 S 7 LF $ 37.00 -3- SEP 1 2 1995 ITEM 5 10 OF 16 - Resolution No. 95 Page ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE Latera 1 4" - 30' Long EA $ 950.00 6" - 30' Long EA $ 1,050.00 Main 8" VCP/PVC LF $ 29.50 10" VCP/PVC LF $ 31. 50 12" VCP/PVC LF $ 38,00 16" VCP/PVC LF $ 47.50 18" VCP/PVC LF $ 51. 50 21" VCP/PVC LF $ 57,00 Manhole REg S 2, S 17 EA $ 2,200,00 Manhole (Adjust Rim to Grade) EA $ 420.00 Pressure Sewer Pipe 4" LF $ 23,00 6" LF $ 25.00 8" LF $ 29,50 Concrete Protective Slab REB E 11 LF $ 11,15 Shoring Over 5 Feet Deep LF $ 11. 50 Stub & Plug 6" or 8" EA $ 132.00 Tie-in to Existing Manhole EA $ 1,350.00 Wall Concrete Anchor REg S 9 CY $ 660,00 Cut-Off PS--l-9 EA $ 140,00 F, Water Adjust Valve, B,O" or MAR to Grade EA $ 125,00 Air & Vacuum Valve Assembly PW-4 EA $ 1,265,00 Anchor Block P';! 19. 1, 19. 2, REB 1 2Q EA $ 660.00 Blow-off Assembly 2", P\I 6 EA $ 1,000,00 4", PII 6 EA $ 1,580.00 Cut-off Wall EA $ 140.00 Fire Hydrant Assembly P'.: 1Q, RS9 M 19 EA $ 3 , 150 . 00 Fire Hydrant Relocation EA $ 1,750,00 Fittings - (22'/.0, 450 8" EA $ 185,00 900, Tee 10" EA $ 215,00 Fl ange, etc,) 12" EA $ 250,00 -4- SEP 1 2 1995 ITEM 5 11 OF 16 Resolution No. 95 Page ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE Main (All Materials 4" LF $ 21. 00 including normal 6" LF $ 25.00 excavation) 8" LF $ 29.50 10" LF $ 34.00 12" LF $ 42.00 14" LF $ 44.00 16" LF $ 51. 50 Manual Air Release Assembly flW--3. EA $ 1,420.00 Pipe, Steel 6" LF $ 25,00 8" LF $ 27.00 Post Indicator Valve EA $ 1,050,00 Protection Post 4" X 85" Steel EA $ 140.00 Reducer EA $ 215.00 Relocate Water Meter EA $ 525.00 Service ~~a6~l~ flW--l EA $ 615.00 1)4;! "" "" PII 2,1 EA $ 765.00 ~Ws Pi..' 2.1 EA $ 1,050.00 Tie-In to Main Daytime 4" - 8" $ 650,00 10" - Up $ 900.00 Nighttime 4" - 8" $ 1,200,00 10" - Up $ 2,000.00 (Additional inspection fees will be charged for nighttime tie-ins) Thrust Block P\H-1 EA $ 250,00 Valve Assembly, Gate 4.~~ ~ EA $ 725.00 9!! ~ EA $ 950.00 ""'~!! ~ EA $ 1 315.00 ....... ..........................,... ........L.,....,......____,.. ,tZ! ~AI;~ .....!fg~Rfg~ Valve Assembly, Butterfly 4'! PU 19.1 EA $ 1,285.00 6W PIli 19,2 EA $ 1,475.00 e~ pin' 19.2 EA $ 1,580,00 121 PI.J 19. 2 EA $ 1,680,00 G, Storm Drain Channel Lining PCC, RSD 8 79, 8 71 SF $ 5.25 Clean Outs Type "A", RS8 D 9 EA $ 3,150,00 Type "B", RSD 8 19 EA $ 4,200,00 -5- SEP 1 2 1995 ITEM 5 12 OF 16 .- Resolution No, 95 Page ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE Culverts 3" (Private Only) LF $ 10,50 Pipe 4" (Private Only) LF $ 12,75 (All Materials) 6" (Private Only) LF $ 18.00 SDRSD 9 6lJ,D 61 8" (Private Only) LF $ 22,00 10" (Private Only) LF $ 25,00 12" (Private Only) LF $ 31. 50 15" (Private Only) LF $ 38.00 18" LF $ 63.00 21" LF $ 67,50 24" LF $ 71.50 27" LF $ 79.00 30" LF $ 81,00 33" LF $ 86,50 36" LF $ 93.00 39" LF $ 101. 00 42" LF $ 111. 50 48" LF $ 120,00 54" LF $ 139.00 60" LF $ 158,00 66" LF $ 168.50 72" LF $ 195,00 Cast in Place PCC Structures o - 20 CY $ 525.00 20 + CY $ 420,00 - Ditch Brow Ditch RS9 fJ 76 LF $ 12.00 Earthen Ditch LF $ 4.20 Energy Dissipator RS9 fJ 11, 9 12, 9 43 EA $ 6,575.00 Headwalls Gravity Type Rsg~}~,fJ311~}2, 9 33 EA $ 1,900.00 Wing Type F8\1?!!t~@6iilftp~ RSfJ fJ 34 EA $ 3,150.00 !t~!T.Yp~ fpr'".4?!!....~g...~4n.....,P]R~.......n~~...,.~.......f~".,.,.i.., EA.. ..........i...i..............,..........$. ........ ~...~...~.!i.9.t9.0 ,',' .'.' "."""."""'.'..'.'..""".".'.,.",EA, ",'.'. ,,'...'.. .'.'.'..'.,$ ..,.355099 :--:,., :-::':::',::::;::::::::\:::;::::::\::=::::::,;:::::;:::::::::':::<:;:;::::::::::,:, :;-/ \\::::::::::;::::,:::::::::,):;'::::::':: -: ::::::\. ,::;;::,:,,;': ,-,. .:::0::, .... ........ ...... . "'-----""-,"'" --..,.........,-..,...-.. In' ets ' " ........ .... ...--.--......---..... Private Catch Basin Less than 12" EA $ 105,00 12" X 12" EA $ 265.00 18" x 18" EA $ 475,00 Catch Basin Type "F", RSfJ 9 7 EA $ 2,650,00 Type "G", RS9 9 8 EA $ 3,150,00 Type "I", RSB 9 29 EA $ 3,150.00 CSP Inlet EA $ 2,100.00 Curb Inlet (Types A, B, C, L = 4' to 10' EA $ 3,050,00 RSB fJ 1, B 2, fJ 3, L=II't020' EA $ 3,700.00 911,912) L = 21' to 28' EA $ 4,200.00 Inlet Apron RSfJ 9 39 EA $ 1,375.00 - Lug A 11 Types EA $ 780,00 -6- SEP 1 2 1995 ITEM 5 13 OF 16 Resolution No, 95 Page ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE Outlets C~l"B Q~tlet Type "A", RSD 0 25 fA $ 129.99 Sidewalk Underdrain Pipe RS8 8 27 EA $ 420.00 Sidewalk Underdrain Type "A", RSIl Il 25 EA $ 2,100,00 Pipe Collar RS8 8 62 EA $ 660,00 Riprap Dumped RS[) 8 19 CY $ 105.00 Placed RSQ [) 19 CY $ 125,00 Channe 1 Protect ion RSQ Il 71 CY $ 95.00 Engineering Fabric SF $ .08 Sand CY $ 25.00 Velocity Reducing Ring Up to 36" EA $ 160.00 Over 36" EA $ 370.00 Wall Curtain RS8 [) 38 EA $ 485,00 Cut-off Drain RS[) [) 72 EA $ 550,00 NOTE: Cost Estimates for bonding and securities for improvements shall include a 10% contingency amount added to the construction estimate. Total amount (construction plus contingency) should be rounded to the next highest $100 for the bond amount, SEP 1 2 1995 ITEM 5 -7- 14 OF 16 - ~ -" Resolution No, A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY AMENDING THE FEE SCHEDULE FOR GRADING AND SUBDIVISION ACTIVITIES OF THE ENGINEERING SERVICES DEPARTMENT AND RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO, 95-006 WHEREAS, on June 4, 1991, the City Council implemented an amended flat fee schedule for engineering, plan check, and inspection services; and WHEREAS, Sections 16.46.010 through 16.46,080 of the Poway Municipal Code authorizes the City Council to establish certain fees and deposits for the processing, checking, and inspection of grading plans and permits by resolution; and WHEREAS, Section 16,12,020, 16,12.060, 16,12,070, 16.14.020, 16.18.050, and 16.20,010 of the Poway Municipal Code authorizes the City Council to establish certain fees and deposits for the processing, checking, and inspection of subdivision maps, parcel maps, boundary adjustments, improvement plans, and public and private improvements by resolution, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Poway that: Sect ion 1. Resolution No. 95-006 is hereby rescinded. --" Section 2, The attached "Schedule of Fees for Grading and Subdivision Activities" is hereby amended and adopted as shown in Exhibit 1, Section 3. The fees adopted herein are to cover the expenses of the City of Poway, its officers, employees, agents, contractors, and assigns incurred for all engineering, administrative, professional, and technical services including, but not limited to, all those necessary to accept, process, check, examine, revise, administer, prepare, and approve grading plans, erosion control plans, grading permits, improvement plans, subdivision maps, parcel maps, boundary adjustments, reversions, mergers, certificates of compliance, plats, dedications, covenants, agreements, and related reports, studies, calculations, exhibits, and permits, and to inspect and administer the construction of same, and to ascertain or determine their compliance with the Grading Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance, State Subdivision Map Act, and any other applicable local, county, state, or federal code, statute policy, or regulation, Section 4, The attached "Unit Prices for Improvement and Bonding Cost Estimates" is hereby adopted and established as shown in Exhibit 2, Section 5. A developer deposit fee system for plan check and inspection services may be used for planned community developments or projects which are financially supported by both private and public interests with the approval of the Director of Engineering Services, Section 6, This revised fee schedule will take effect sixty (60) days - from the date of approval of this resolution, SEP 1 2 1995 ITEM 5 'c; n!' 11; --.-- Resolution No. 95- Page PASSED, ADOPTED, AND APPROVED, by the City Council of the City of Poway, California, at a regular meeting this 12th day of September, 1995. Don Higginson, Mayor ATTEST: Marjorie K, Wahlsten, City Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) I, Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk of the City of Poway, do hereby certify under the penalty of perjury, that the foregoing Resolution No. 95- was duly adopted by the City Council at a meeting of said City Council held on 12th day of September, 1995 and tllat it was so adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Marjorie K, Wahlsten, City Clerk City of Poway SEP 1 2 1995 ITEM 5 ]Ii nF 1/;