Item 7 - Approval of Minutes .- o\GENDA REPORT SUMMARY - - TO: Honorable Chairman and Members of the Board FROM: James L, Bowersox, Executive Director - INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant Executive Direct01H Marjorie K, Wahlsten, secretary~ DATE: September 12, 1995 SUBJECf: Approval of Minutes ABSTRACf The Minutes of the August 8, 1995 regular meetings have been prepared and are attached for your approval. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW - Environmental review is not required according to CEQA guidelines. FISCAL IMPACf None ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE None RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Board approve the minutes of the Poway Redevelopment Agency for August 8, 1995. ACI'ION - II C::\Clty\le&I...t cl1yc nmnutel..um SEP 1 2 1995 ITEM 7 -------- AGENDA REPORT SUMMARY TO: Honorable Chairman and Members of the Board FROM: James L. Bowersox, Executive Director INITIATED BY: John D, Fitch, Assistant Executive Director Marjorie K, Wahlsten, Secretary DATE: September 12, 1995 SUBJECf: Approval of Minutes ABSTRACf The Minutes of the August 8, 15, and 22, 1995 regular meetings have been prepared and are attached for your approval. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Environmental review is not required according to CEQA guidelines, FISCAL IMPACf None ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE None RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Board approve the minutes of the Poway Redevelopment Agency for August 8, 15, and 22, 1995. ALTION i:\clty\1e2iil:inClt)'clrt\aeenda\munut.ea.sum SEP 1 2 1995 ITEM 7 - - -- CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA "INUTES OF THE POWAY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 8, 1995 The August 8, 1995, regular meeting of the Poway Redevelopment Agency was called to order at 7:00 p.m., by Vice Chairman Callery at the City Council Chambers, 13325 Civic Center Drive, Poway, California. DIRECTORS ANSWERING ROLL CALL Mickey Cafagna, Susan Callery, Bob Emery, Betty Rexford DIRECTORS ABSENT AT ROLL CALL Don Higginson STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT James Bowersox Executive Director John Fitch Assistant Executive Director Warren Shafer Director of Redevelopment Services Marjorie Wahlsten Secretary PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Director Emery led the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Vice Chairman Callery explained the procedure for Public Oral Communications, There was no one present wishing to speak. CONSENT CALENDAR Motion by Director Emery, seconded by Director Cafagna to approve the Consent Calendar as follows: 14, Approval of Minutes - Redevelopment Agency July 11, 1995, Regular Meeting Motion carried 4-0 with Director Higginson absent. ITEM 10 (602-01 #236R) CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT LIBRARY AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS Director Emery stated he had a conflict of interest and left the room, Staff report by Executive Director Bowersox. For major projects the City has 2116 SEP 1 2 1995 ITEM 7 Page 2 - POWAY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY - August 8, 1995 engaged construction management consultants to assist in the coordination of construction activities, The construction of the City library will also include channel improvements for Rattlesnake Creek, and major site improvements for the City owned property. Staff recommends Douglas E, Barnhart as the construction manager. Director Cafagna requested a continuance in order to meet with staff and discuss some issues, Director Rexford asked for information on how the firms invited to submit a proposal were selected. She stated a concern regarding the lack of openness in the process. Motion by Director Cafagna, seconded by Director Rexford to continue consideration of a contract for construction management of the library to August 22, 1995. Motion carried 3-0 with Chairman Higginson absent and Director Emery disqualified. (This was changed to August 15, 1995 in Item 11. ) ITEM 11 (602-01 #237R) DESIGN AND PARTNERING WORKSHOP LIBRARY AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS Staff report by Director of Engineering Services Weston. Partnering is a process to reduce claims and complete projects with fewer disputes by getting parties with major states in the process together at the beginning of the project. Staff recommends the City enter into a contract with RH & Associates to facilitate a partnering workshop for the library to be held on August 17 and 18, and invite one or two Directors to participate, if they wish. Directors Rexford and Cafagna volunteered to attend. City Attorney Eckis noted that with the finding that the Directors are volunteering to attend, not being directed to attend, the meeting will not be subject to the 8rown Act. Larry Cruse, 13734 Utopia, asked about the recommendation that the Construction Manager attend when the Construction Manager issue has not been settled and asked why the Rancho Bernardo Inn had already been reserved when this issue had not been approved yet. Director of Engineering Services Weston stated that the Construction Manger is an important player in the process and suggested the Item be on next week's agenda prior to the Workshop rather than August 22. Council concurred. It was noted that it was necessary to proceed with planning the workshop prior to this meeting, however, the deposit given the Rancho Bernardo Inn is refundable. Motion by Vice Chairman Callery, seconded by Director Cafagna to authorize the City Manger to execute a contract with RH & Associates to facilitate a partnering workshop for the library and site development improvements, Motion carried 4-0 with Mayor Higginson absent, It was noted that Directors Cafagna 2117 SEP 1 2 1995 ITEM 7 - Page 3 - POWAY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY - August 8, 1995 and Rexford had volunteered to attend, Douglas Barnhart, stated his company understands the partnering process and he is quite willing to attend the workshop as a volunteer if the issue of a Construction Manager contract has not been settled by that time, ITEM 12 (1401-10) POMERADO ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SOCCER FIELD Staff report by Executive Director Bowersox. The Poway Unified School District has acquired property to develop a soccer field and parking lot at Pomerado Elementary School. The District has proposed a jOint use with the city and requested a $100,000 contribution. Staff recommends a transfer of $50,000 from tile Twin Peaks Gym Floor Reconstruction Project account and provide $50,000 when the next Redevelopment Agency bonds are sold. Motion by Director Emery, seconded by Vice Chairman Callery to approve staff recommendation. Motion carried 4-0 with Director Higginson absent. ADJOURNMENT - Vice Chairman Callery adjourned the meeting at 9:00 p,m. on motion by Director Emery, seconded by Director Cafagna. Marjorie K, Wahlsten, Secretary Poway Redevelopment Agency 2118 SEP 1 2 1995 ITEM 7